<< 16-01-2024 >>

01:44:06FromDiscord<nasuray> In reply to @chronos.vitaqua "This one just seems": When I made nimpkgs I check all the links to mark the dead/broken ones https://nimpkgs.dayl.in/#/pkg/gitapi
01:45:26FromDiscord<nasuray> There are 125 packages in `packages.json ` that are officially deleted or plain unreachable
02:24:53*krux02 quit (Remote host closed the connection)
02:57:39*xet7 quit (Remote host closed the connection)
03:48:53NimEventerNew thread by brucek: Newbie - What does this error mean and how to correct it? ld.exe: cannot find -lz, see https://forum.nim-lang.org/t/10876
05:11:13*baalajimaestro quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)
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06:06:43NimEventerNew thread by aiac: Seq vs ref seq, see https://forum.nim-lang.org/t/10877
06:22:55FromDiscord<Robyn [She/Her]> In reply to @nasuray "When I made nimpkgs": Fair
06:34:07*azimut quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
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07:01:32FromDiscord<khazakar> In reply to @NimEventer "New thread by aiac:": 404
07:09:47*PMunch joined #nim
07:29:02*advesperacit joined #nim
07:46:14NimEventerNew Nimble package! icecream - nim port of the icecream python library, see https://github.com/hmbemba/icecream
09:06:35*Onionhammer quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
09:12:10*jjido joined #nim
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09:25:02FromDiscord<4zv4l> if I call a C function that allocate memory and return a `cstring` do I need to free it manually or Nim will take care of it ?
09:25:27FromDiscord<4zv4l> since that is obvious that if a function return a `cstring` it must have been allocated on the heap
09:25:41PMunchYou need to free it manually
09:26:03FromDiscord<4zv4l> cool ok xD↵with the standard free function from the Nim lib or a specific way ?
09:26:15PMunchDepends on the library
09:26:41PMunchSome libraries have their own memory management functions (although many just wrap malloc/free)
09:28:15FromDiscord<4zv4l> if it just uses malloc and free ? do I use `dealloc` from the nim library ?
09:30:25*jjido quit (Quit: My laptop has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…)
09:31:37PMunchNo, don't use dealloc
09:31:48PMunchI think there is a c_free somewhere
09:33:33PMunchThere used to be an ansi_c module
09:33:45PMunchBut c_free seems to live in segfaults now for some reason
09:34:48Amun-Ra4zv4l: proc c_free(p: pointer) {.header: "<stdlib.h>", importc: "free", nodecl.}
09:34:55FromDiscord<Robyn [She/Her]> Is there a way to track an object returned from a C function using Nim's GC? Our of curiosity
09:35:09FromDiscord<4zv4l> In reply to @Amun-Ra "<@329196212282458112>: proc c_free(p: pointer)": thanks !
09:35:17Amun-RaRobyn: store it in a ref object?
09:35:18FromDiscord<Robyn [She/Her]> And would that even be a useful thing to do?
09:35:30FromDiscord<Robyn [She/Her]> In reply to @Amun-Ra "Robyn: store it in": That's smart, ignore my stupidity :p
09:35:59Amun-RaRobyn: remember to add drestroy hook ;)
09:41:28PMunchRobyn: Here's an example :) https://github.com/PMunch/libcoap/blob/master/src/coap.nim
09:41:51*krux02 joined #nim
09:58:49*marcus quit (Remote host closed the connection)
09:59:29FromDiscord<Robyn [She/Her]> Ah neat! Thanks Amun and PMunch!
10:00:40*marcus joined #nim
10:06:19*PMunch quit (Quit: Leaving)
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11:43:17*jmdaemon quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
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16:04:29NimEventerNew thread by TokenChingy: Hexagonal Architecture, Domain Driven Design, and Event Sourcing in Nim, see https://forum.nim-lang.org/t/10879
16:08:16FromDiscord<@@prestosilver> Is there a reason nim dosent seem to be crashing when i deref a nil ref, is it opt:speed or something?
16:08:56FromDiscord<@@prestosilver> or actually its when I pass a nil ref i think, not sure, its when i do something with it, whole thing freezes, no error
16:25:25*rockcavera joined #nim
16:33:24FromDiscord<Phil> Could you show a code example of what you mean?
16:34:02FromDiscord<Phil> sent a code paste, see https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=html>
16:34:16FromDiscord<Phil> And based on what you wrote it isn't doing that, which confuses me
16:46:45*lucasta quit (Remote host closed the connection)
16:50:31FromDiscord<Phil> Multithreading sanity check in case anyone with the knowledge is around
16:50:44FromDiscord<Phil> (edit) "Multithreading sanity check ... in" added "question"
16:51:51FromDiscord<Phil> sent a long message, see <!doctype html>
17:02:40FromDiscord<khazakar> In reply to @isofruit "In my the setup": Technically you're right
17:02:58FromDiscord<Phil> That's the best kind of right, but why only technically?
17:05:23*Guest4 joined #nim
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17:11:26FromDiscord<mratsim> In reply to @isofruit "In my the setup": yes, or use a lock-free MPSC queue
17:13:07*jmdaemon joined #nim
17:18:06FromDiscord<@@prestosilver> sent a code paste, see https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=html>
17:18:29FromDiscord<@@prestosilver> not sure of RootObj inheratance is required
17:19:13FromDiscord<@@prestosilver> like its an easy issue to find, just annoying to debug
17:19:20FromDiscord<@@prestosilver> (edit) "like its" => "ts"
17:19:25FromDiscord<@@prestosilver> (edit) "ts" => "its"
17:19:26FromDiscord<Phil> In reply to @mratsim "yes, or use a": I recalled why I didn't do blocking calls with a single consumer - If I do the thread won't be potentially doing async-work in the meantime if there is any (like maybe 3 HTTP calls were made in the prior iteration and will be finished after 300ms but the next thread will only send a message to this one after 5s or sth)
17:19:31*jmdaemon quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
17:19:47FromDiscord<khazakar> In reply to @isofruit "That's the best kind": Because life always can bite you unexpectedly. If C generated from Nim would also hold this assumption then most likely it's valid
17:19:48FromDiscord<Phil> (edit) "In reply to @mratsim "yes, or use a": I recalled why I didn't do blocking calls with a single consumer - If I do the thread won't be potentially doing async-work in the meantime if there is any (like maybe 3 HTTP calls were made in the prior ... iteration" added "loop"
17:20:55FromDiscord<Phil> In reply to @prestosilver "Sry was afk, the": One sec, what is supposed to happen here for you?
17:21:33FromDiscord<@@prestosilver> my understanding is it should segfault when it attempts to store 0 into result.x as result would be nil
17:21:45FromDiscord<@@prestosilver> unless thats not how it works
17:22:00FromDiscord<Phil> sent a code paste, see https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=html>
17:22:11FromDiscord<@@prestosilver> that is not segfaulting for me
17:22:24FromDiscord<@@prestosilver> unless i run my prog in gdb
17:22:28FromDiscord<Phil> One sec, just triple checking and making a quick video
17:22:41FromDiscord<@@prestosilver> Ill make a vid aswell
17:22:42FromDiscord<Phil> To make sure I have fully gotten it right on my end
17:23:39FromDiscord<Phil> https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/371759389889003532/1196867374620606585/Screencast_from_2024-01-16_18-23-09.webm?ex=65b9309a&is=65a6bb9a&hm=633dbd2f7a651138a28533b08056225a3b73e61efce2d34bf055fd791b11d0fb&
17:24:11FromDiscord<@@prestosilver> intresting, lemme just try this code too to make sure its not a lib thing
17:24:16FromDiscord<Phil> I'm on Arch Linux and some rather new AMD processor
17:24:21FromDiscord<Phil> Laptop
17:25:38FromDiscord<@@prestosilver> hmm seems to be something with my library i guess, if i run this outside of hangover its fine, ill have to look more into it
17:26:13FromDiscord<@@prestosilver> shouldve checked before i complained
17:26:13FromDiscord<@@prestosilver> lol
17:26:22FromDiscord<Phil> In reply to @prestosilver "hmm seems to be": Fingers crossed bud, those tend to suck to isolate from what my experience has been so far, particularly when your project is already larger ^^
17:26:50FromDiscord<@@prestosilver> it started when i switched from c pointers to ref pointers
17:29:16FromDiscord<@@prestosilver> completly unrelated, but does nim have something like zigs random sane code generator, idk if thats the name of it, it just generates sets of random symbols that make sense syntactically, then runs it to find compiler issues
17:29:54FromDiscord<Phil> Not familiar with compiler internals myself and not a lot of folks that frequent this channel are, you'd need to ask in #internals
17:30:06FromDiscord<@@prestosilver> o shoot yea forgot i was in main lmao
17:42:56FromDiscord<luteva> sent a long message, see <!doctype html>
17:43:20FromDiscord<luteva> (edit) "long message," => "code paste," | "<!doctype html> <html lang=en> <head> <meta charset=utf-8> <title>&nbsp;</title> </head> <style> body { font-family: monospace; margin: 2em; } </style> <body> <p>ix.io is taking a break &#127867;</p> <img src="/underconstruction.gif" width="200px"> </body> </html>" => "https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=html>"
17:44:17FromDiscord<luteva> (edit)
17:48:12FromDiscord<Phil> In reply to @luteva "Hi! In nim you": Some very classic examples of storing procs in a field would be callbacks to trigger if a specific event happens, but it depends highly on the circumstances.↵I store e.g. 2 seqs of procs in a server object. I execute the "startup" seq before running the actual server, and when that server shuts down right before it dies I execute the second "shutdown" seq of procs
17:48:34FromDiscord<Phil> (edit) "In reply to @luteva "Hi! In nim you": Some very classic examples of storing procs in" => "sent" | "field would be callbacks to trigger if" => "long message, see <!doctype html> <html lang=en> <head> <meta charset=utf-8> <title>&nbsp;</title> </head> <style> body { font-family: monospace; margin: 2em; } </style> <body> <p>ix.io is taking" | "specific event happens, but it depends highly on the circumst
17:48:51FromDiscord<Phil> (edit)
17:54:19FromDiscord<Phil> sent a long message, see <!doctype html>
17:55:00FromDiscord<Phil> I think it is also used for stuff like Entity Component Systems in gamedev, but I'm really not too familiar with those
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17:55:17FromDiscord<luteva> ok, but there's no way to set a default implementation, right? And there's no way to make sure that the proc is really set, right?↵I just deleted the line 'obj.myProc = myProcedure' and i didn't get a compile error. So the compiler seems not to chack that.
17:56:11FromDiscord<luteva> so it is just a "hint", right? something like please keep in mind to set that proc 🙂
17:56:41FromDiscord<luteva> (edit) "chack" => "check"
17:57:00FromDiscord<Phil> sent a code paste, see https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=html>
17:57:26FromDiscord<Phil> sent a code paste, see https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=html>
17:57:26FromDiscord<luteva> ahhhh ok! Then it starts to make sence to me! 😄
17:57:38FromDiscord<luteva> thanks!
17:57:41FromDiscord<Phil> Generally though you may want to be very careful in that territory if you're looking for the best pattern
17:57:51FromDiscord<Phil> Because depending on what you're doing you might be better served with OOP and methods
17:58:31FromDiscord<Phil> Besides the above you can of course also make a type whose fields are all private and that you have to create via a constructor that provides a default proc that you can override btw.
17:58:36FromDiscord<luteva> well if i can make sure that the proc is set, then it make sense to me 🙂
17:59:24FromDiscord<luteva> (edit) "make" => "makes"
18:17:13*rockcavera quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)
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18:21:19FromDiscord<maker_of_mischief> is it possible to use a for loop on a tuple?
18:22:03FromDiscord<Phil> To iterate over tuple fields you mean?
18:22:35FromDiscord<Phil> Not inherently.↵If you specify an `items` iterator for your tuple you could though
18:33:39FromDiscord<auxym> In reply to @maker_of_mischief "is it possible to": possibly with `fields`? https://nim-lang.org/docs/iterators.html#fields.i%2CS%2CT
18:34:06FromDiscord<Phil> sent a code paste, see https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=html>
18:34:46FromDiscord<Phil> sent a code paste, see https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=html>
19:03:17*rockcavera quit (Remote host closed the connection)
19:04:22FromDiscord<maker_of_mischief> can you use find() on a tuple?
19:08:24FromDiscord<Phil> Write the code and find out 😛
19:08:47FromDiscord<maker_of_mischief> no :(
19:09:15FromDiscord<Phil> Then no reply from me 😛
19:09:51FromDiscord<maker_of_mischief> thats kind of weird, shouldnt it be possible?
19:36:56*Guest55 joined #nim
19:37:31Guest55I have a question about the Nim toolchain
19:38:10Guest55I found nothing about Privacy Policy or Privacy Notice in any Nim tool
19:38:15FromDiscord<nnsee> In reply to @maker_of_mischief "can you use find()": fuck around and find() out
19:38:49FromDiscord<maker_of_mischief> In reply to @nnsee "fuck around and find()": i got it working anyhow, its just that my code is longer now :( https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/371759389889003532/1196901386785411272/1705433927601.png?ex=65b95047&is=65a6db47&hm=e9e594f00c57d6471987d1b30045a36b3137a1a54ceb7813ea8733780cb29635&
19:39:20FromDiscord<nnsee> In reply to @Guest55 "I found nothing about": well the nim toolchain (apart from nimble) doesn't really collect any data so there's really no need for one
19:39:39FromDiscord<maker_of_mischief> i mean like
19:39:51FromDiscord<maker_of_mischief> maybe the compiler is building in telemetry into your code but i dont think so
19:41:00FromDiscord<nnsee> I know choosenim has telemetry but it specifically prompts you whether you'd like to enable it
19:41:16FromDiscord<nnsee> Nim itself doesn't connect to the internet at all
19:41:25FromDiscord<nnsee> I have opensnitch and would've noticed
19:42:02Guest55Guest55 Thank you for the reply. Anyway I think Nim deserves a privacy policy that specifies that. I mean, it would be great to have it on hand and I think it would even clear up the developer's doubts.
19:43:14FromDiscord<leorize> usually you can trust that no privacy policy means nothing is collected
19:43:24FromDiscord<leorize> since EU is pretty strict about it
19:46:41Guest55That's right. And I think that can be a good opportunity to say (or show) to the world that Nim and Nimble doesn't collect user data
19:46:43Guest55I mean
19:47:16Guest55Even npm and pypi do this stuff
19:47:28Guest55I don't see it as a bad idea (?
19:51:55FromDiscord<leorize> if you want to push it then open an issue or forum thread
19:52:08FromDiscord<leorize> because stuff in chat will fly away in no time
19:52:42Guest55You're right. I'll do this just now
19:53:01Guest55*right now
20:02:11*dza quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
20:11:17FromDiscord<maker_of_mischief> sent a code paste, see https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=html>
20:12:14FromDiscord<maker_of_mischief> (edit)
20:12:34FromDiscord<leorize> nope
20:12:48FromDiscord<maker_of_mischief> oh that sucks
20:13:24Guest55Issue opened: https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/issues/23220
20:13:37FromDiscord<Phil> Well you can use varargs
20:13:59FromDiscord<maker_of_mischief> nvm https://github.com/technicallyagd/unpack
20:14:15FromDiscord<Phil> sent a code paste, see https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=html>
20:14:22FromDiscord<Phil> But it's single type only
20:15:10FromDiscord<leorize> that stuff won't work for parameters btw
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21:14:00FromDiscord<auxym> a tuple is meant to be a structurally typed alternative to objects (nominally typed), not an alternative seq/array. Therefore `find` doesn't really make sense, any more than it does for an `object` type.
21:14:22FromDiscord<auxym> In reply to @maker_of_mischief "thats kind of weird,": Replying to this
21:26:48*arkanoid joined #nim
21:28:08arkanoidhello! how can I use "when" conditionals on nim version when the two branches wants different syntax? https://play.nim-lang.org/#pasty=JpfvQkUSddTi
21:29:28arkanoidI'm getting "indentation error" on nim 2.0.2 when it should print "bar", but it runs on nim 1.6.18
21:30:59FromDiscord<leorize> I think the tuple compare works only when all components met the requirement
21:31:33FromDiscord<leorize> sorry, when any component met the requirement
21:31:39FromDiscord<leorize> so 2 \> 1 but 0 \< 9
21:35:43arkanoidleorize, apparently no, otherwire it would not print the correct string here https://play.nim-lang.org/#pasty=vtqfcVAThIGe
21:36:15FromDiscord<leorize> oh right, my bad
21:36:26FromDiscord<leorize> `when` still requires that whatever you put under it parses
21:37:05FromDiscord<leorize> for your case then that syntax was removed in 2.0
21:37:12arkanoidthen to fix nimqt issue I need to know since when type Foo = object {.inheritable.} is no more valid
21:38:26FromDiscord<leorize> pretty sure the current syntax has been supported since 0.9.0 but I might be wrong
21:41:39arkanoidmmm ok
21:42:09advesperacitI use Foo {.inheritable.} = ref object
21:43:04arkanoidcompletely different question. When I do "nimble install https://github.com/jerous86/nimqt" it downloads and installs package version 0.1, and file contents are not the ones of the last commit
21:43:29arkanoidwhich logic does nimble use to download github repo when no branches/commit/tag is requested?
21:44:13FromDiscord<leorize> it should just pick the latest tag
21:44:48FromDiscord<jviega> If you want latest I think `#latest` works
21:45:26arkanoidapparently, not, it does not pick the first nor the last, but somewhere in the middle
21:45:40arkanoidtry yourself, do nimble install https://github.com/jerous86/nimqt
21:45:51FromDiscord<leorize> I think I see the problem
21:46:10FromDiscord<jviega> Certainly I don't recommend that anyway, a known tag or better yet a specific commit hash is better
21:46:10FromDiscord<leorize> it tried to solve for `X.Y.Z` before `vX.Y.Z`
21:46:23FromDiscord<leorize> and found `0.1.0` because that's the only bare tag in that repo
21:46:27arkanoidoooh now I see
21:48:10arkanoidno, that's not the answer
21:48:22arkanoidif it would download 0.1.0, it would basically download an empty repo
21:48:28arkanoidbut it doesn't
21:49:33arkanoidthe downloaded folder is .nimble/pkgs2/nimqt-0.1-fad00729be543f3dceac291586d853b3c0a765ac
21:50:01arkanoidI don't know what that hash is, but seems not any tag hash https://github.com/jerous86/nimqt/tags
21:50:59FromDiscord<leorize> that's not even a valid commit hash
21:52:30arkanoidfunny how it seems hard to understand how nimble works
21:53:50arkanoidnimble readme says "Nimble always fetches and installs the latest version of a package. Note that the latest version is defined as the latest tagged version in the Git (or Mercurial) repository, if the package has no tagged versions then the latest commit in the remote repository will be installed. If you already have that version installed, Nimble will ask you whether you wish to overwrite your local
21:54:24arkanoidthere's no mention to tag version syntax
21:54:43FromDiscord<jviega> Nimble is hot garbage, unfortunately. It only gets worse from here.
21:58:11arkanoidwe need a package manager that doesn't suck?
21:59:40FromDiscord<jviega> Well, that doesn't cover a lot of use cases around nimble, but for your own dep management it's definitely better for the job (nimble's not good at any job)
22:01:43arkanoidI though nimble was still part of the nim project, in an official way I mean
22:02:10arkanoidfinding it downloading wrong packages from the Internet is quite scary
22:02:23FromDiscord<jviega> It is, but it's not well maintained and it feels like the intent is to junk it eventually
22:04:00arkanoidsure but sabotage by making it work badly (pretty sure it was downloading the right thing in nim 1.6) is not quite the way
22:04:47FromDiscord<jviega> I doubt it's been explicitly sabotaged. Just poorly written.
22:04:55FromDiscord<leorize> may i interest you in https://github.com/disruptek/nimph
22:07:34advesperacitI'll have to try that one tomorrow
22:08:00arkanoidlol, first two atlas commands I've run, already faced a bug
22:08:56arkanoidbasically running atlas init --deps="foo", creates foo folder, but doesn't update atlas.workspace file if that exists
22:10:17arkanoidI've already tried nimph. It's cool, but I prefer to stick to "official" tools
22:12:59advesperacitUnfortunately that'll make you stuck with nimble and/or atlas for a long time
22:14:42arkanoidlol, another atlas error on third command: https://play.nim-lang.org/#pasty=mTDhzXnpORrq
22:15:59arkanoidit creates a nimble file, then says it is invalid
22:23:58arkanoid"atlas search astpatternmatching" No PackageInfo found.
22:24:08arkanoidI'm in rant mode
22:26:34FromDiscord<leorize> why use official tools if they don't even work \:p
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22:27:44arkanoidI'm finding right now that when I did "nimble install xxx" it would remove underscores from the name and download and install that
22:28:24arkanoidcheck yourself: https://github.com/nim-lang/packages/blob/ed0dc5216d21e5cdebad7b996947a0fadd7ab4e5/packages.json#L11091 vs https://nimble.directory/pkg/astpatternmatching
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22:30:17arkanoid"atlas search ast_pattern_matching" results in https://termbin.com/zamc
22:31:01arkanoidwhich shows packages not even in packages.json
22:33:20FromDiscord<luteva> what is the common way of reading files encoded as big endian bytes in nim using/having a cursor?
22:34:39FromDiscord<luteva> something like this in python (for reading two bytes):↵int.from_bytes(f.read(2), 'big')
22:35:36arkanoidluteva I've been working with binary protocols using binarylang package from sealmove https://github.com/sealmove/binarylang
22:35:57arkanoidit supports endianess and lots of stuff
22:36:35FromDiscord<luteva> thx, i'll have a look at that.
22:36:49arkanoidinside the dep https://github.com/sealmove/bitstreams you can find your answer
23:03:06*advesperacit quit ()
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23:34:25FromDiscord<jerrythegenius> Is there any way to transpile nim to c/c++/obj-c without compiling the generated code?
23:34:56FromDiscord<leorize> `--compileOnly`
23:35:07FromDiscord<leorize> it sounds weird but what that meant is that only the nim portion is compiled and C compiler is not invoked
23:35:56FromDiscord<jerrythegenius> Where is the generated code put?
23:36:15FromDiscord<leorize> in the nimcache folder
23:36:35FromDiscord<jerrythegenius> ~/.nimcache?
23:36:42FromDiscord<leorize> you can set your own using `--nimcache:/path/to/cache`, which is recommended when you are interested in C code only
23:37:00FromDiscord<jerrythegenius> Thanks
23:58:37*flouer joined #nim
23:59:31flouerso, I'm playing with functions, and I got some compiler crashes (I'm probably doing something wrong and/or weird)
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