<< 16-05-2016 >>

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00:06:09cheatfateand how your propose to run async proces?
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03:44:44IcyFoxydom96: Happen to have a link? Searching without luck in finding this. Not currently listed in nimble's packages.json either.
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03:55:05IcyFoxyNvm. Github's own search sufficed
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07:56:48gokrdom96: gitter is quite fine compared to slack IMHO. We already have gitter.
07:58:34gokrdom96: Also, startssl offers one cert for free IIRC.
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09:58:07dom96gokr1: once again. The idea is to make this channel more accessible to users who already have Slack installed and are accustomed to it.
10:00:48gokr1Sure, sorry :)
10:01:11gokr1I configed Slack for Evothings, but... it was a bit of a pain to setup the invitation app that you need etc.
10:01:29gokr1(people can't just join a Slack channel willy nilly)
10:11:49endragorafaik Gitter recently added auth via Twitter which helps people access it without having GitHub account
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11:00:40cheatfatelooks like i can't use literals as arguments for templates?
11:13:28*_stowa quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
11:15:10gokr1dom96: It was also this article that got me moving from slack to gitter for Evothings: https://medium.freecodecamp.com/so-yeah-we-tried-slack-and-we-deeply-regretted-it-391bcc714c81#.x5g74dtj3
11:15:32gokr1dom96: Apart from the annoying invitation app thingy.
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11:47:37elroodany ideas why Xe considered slack harmful?
11:48:02dom96gokr1: that indeed looks worrying, but I in no way want to make Slack the default form of communication for us.
11:48:36dom96I just want to make a Slack front-end for this IRC channel
11:48:42gokr1dom96: Sure!
11:48:47dom96we can create the same thing for Gitter and anything else
11:57:44dom96Some HN people seem to really dislike compilation to C https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=11701200
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12:04:35elroodwho cares, as long as their worries remain largely theoretical and don't have any severe practical consequences
12:04:44gokr1dom96: Hehe, yeah. Well, as usual people miss all the "real world" aspects of this and almost exclusively talk about technical details.
12:07:24gokr1I already made Nim work on a Linkit ONE dev board, without the C/C++ backend that would have been a complete no go.
12:07:47gokr1And without the C++ backend of Nim it would have been an insane task to create Urhonimo.
12:11:45tautologicoC is a bad choice for a target compilation language for many source languages
12:13:27tautologicobecause despite what people say, C is not "high-level assembly", it imposes abstractions and a semantic model
12:14:20tautologicomany functional language implementations were started by compiling to C and it didn't work, one of the main issues is tail call optimization
12:14:38tautologicobut the case with Nim is different
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12:15:10tautologicoNim was/is designed to compile to C, so it takes the C semantic model as a starting point
12:15:48elroodto be fair, eg. clojure on the jvm does work quite well, while the jvm doesn't support tail call optimizations
12:16:15tautologicothe JVM is a good example
12:16:32tautologicobasically all languages that compile to the JVM have to acquire some of the semantics of Java
12:17:10tautologicothe design of Scala has oddities that were imposed by the JVM
12:17:22gokr1tautologico: IIRC Chicken has a fun take on that, right?
12:17:30gokr1Chicken Scheme that is.
12:18:15tautologicogokr1: how's that? I don't know Chicken very well
12:18:56gokr1IIRC it does some cool trick with the C stack.
12:19:44tautologicoI may have heard about it sometime ago
12:20:02tautologicothere are ways to get tail calls in C
12:20:25tautologicoe.g. use continuation passing style
12:21:33tautologicocool, it's CPS alright
12:23:11elroodon the other hand nim's strong bonds with c do sometimes make me worried how modular its design is and how feasible it would be to separate front- and backend and, say, have an alternative llvm-based nim implementation. the js backend does mitigate those worries only partially
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12:27:10tautologicoI guess a llvm backend wouldn't be too difficult, but I don't know the nim compiler well yet
12:27:12gokr1elrood: There is already an LLVM backend brewing.
12:29:09elroodinteresting. really curious how well that works out and whether the early ties to a c backend impose any problems or limitations
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12:51:06arnetheducktautologico, https://github.com/arnetheduck/nlvm .. can now create executables and covers maybe 90% of test suite
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12:51:33arnetheduckit can even compile itself
12:52:38tautologicoarnetheduck: cool, will take a look
12:59:52arnetheduckelrood, by far the biggest problem is the reliance on c headers in the standard library, accounts for maybe 90% of the test failures
13:07:05elroodyup, assumed as much. really nice project though
13:10:10tautologicohow does the JS backend solve this?
13:21:35arnetheduckit doesn't, mostly.. for a few specific cases there are js-specific hacks in the std lib
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13:29:41dom96arnetheduck: I think we will need to check for the LLVM backend and fix those cases that way
13:29:56dom96Impressive that it works so well already
13:30:36arnetheduckdom96, I think that's a bad idea - it'll litter the std lib with even more of those ugly ifdef equivalents
13:30:53dom96arnetheduck: what do you suggest we do instead?
13:31:08arnetheduckc2nim the whole bunch
13:32:25arnetheduckremove all includes, remove posix.nim and the like (which is broken anyway).. then create a libc in wrappers that wraps the c library like any other, providing nim-compatible definitions of all functions present in the local c library
13:34:12arnetheduckthat way, all of the local c library will be available and ABI-compatible with nim code
13:34:59cheatfatearnetheduck, but windows dont have standart c library...
13:35:08arnetheduckof course it does
13:35:20arnetheduckwhat do you think is in all those msvcrt dlls?
13:35:49arnetheducksimilarily, create a windows library that wraps windows functions in an abi-compatible way
13:35:58cheatfatearnetheduck, you need to check compatibility of c stdlib and msvcrt... you will be disappointed
13:36:55arnetheduckcheatfate, sure, but that is orthogonal to what I'm proposing
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13:38:33arnetheduckthe point is to have a wrapper library that offers up a c library based on what is available on each platform.. then, other nim code can use these wrappers to provide a nim-level api that abstracts the differences (ie CreateFile vs open)
13:38:36dom96cheatfate: Regarding https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/issues/4160, I think it will require a call to poll()
13:38:47dom96so we should continue with the callSoon changes
13:39:25dom96Wanna create a PR for that?
13:39:28Araq_I propose const C_Stuff {.importc.} instead which uses staticExec under the hood to determine the values
13:40:14Parashuramadom96: could you look at https://github.com/nim-lang/packages/pull/354? The problem should be corrected.
13:40:27cheatfatedom96, how do you want to insert poll() in #4160?
13:40:59dom96cheatfate: replacing 'asyncCheck' with 'waitFor' would work
13:41:13dom96Parashurama: could you rebase it?
13:41:31dom96(we really need a bot that does it for us :\)
13:43:21arnetheduckto take a silly example, in posix, there's an equivalent for struct stat (of sys/stat.h fame) for file stuff.. except the order, quantity and type of fields doesn't match the native c libraries.. this works in nim because it casts everything to int eventually and looks up fields by name, but for something like nlvm, it's a source of horrible hacks in the compiler
13:44:24Parashuramadom96: OK, didn't know if it was needed.
13:45:00arnetheduckactually, the names don't match either, they're from some old, obsolete posix standard, and the c headers contain a macro to provide a backwards compatibility workaround ;)
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13:57:16cheatfatedom96, so you want me to update async tests too?
13:57:30dom96cheatfate: which ones?
13:57:48cheatfatetasyncdiscard.nim is what i remember
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14:00:03cheatfateand how it must to be made to avoid bugs with automatic test run of PR?
14:03:27dom96not sure I understand
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14:08:39cheatfatedom96, simple replacing `asyncCheck` to `waitFor` not working because there no sockets/timers registered... so i got `Error: unhandled exception: No handles or timers registered in dispatcher. [ValueError]`
14:09:34dom96cheatfate: fix that error so that it checks whether there are any queued callbacks
14:10:05cheatfatedom96, to avoid this error i need to create at least one asyncSocket
14:10:15Parashuramadom96: Should be good now.
14:10:23cheatfatedom96, ahh i understand
14:11:00dom96Parashurama: oh sorry, could you pull master into your branch?
14:11:07dom96and resolve the conflicts
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14:16:42cheatfatedom96, one more problem from tasynctry.nim
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14:28:11Parashuramadom96: Done. This shows I'm not quite as comfortable with git I want to be :)
14:29:30dom96Parashurama: Thank you. Good opportunity to get more comfortable with it :)
14:29:54cheatfatedom96, tasynctry.nim: [Error: unhandled exception: Future still in progress. [ValueError]]
14:32:39Parashuramadom96: I mean i have used git for ~2 years on a regular basis but its when you merge conflicts on several branches that you realize how *much* you know about version control (and git especially).
14:33:52elroodParashurama, for the sake of diversity, you could alternatively get comfortable with mercurial and hg-git instead ;)
14:38:29Parashuramadom96: How often http://irclogs.nim-lang.org/packages.json is updated?
14:39:10dom96Every 6 hours https://github.com/nim-lang/nimbot/blob/master/src/nimbot.nim#L62
14:41:47Parashuramaelrood: I have used hg in the past, but once i re-discovered git, I actually never tried it again. Not because i disliked it, but it *is* easier to only use a single VCS at the same time.
14:42:04Parashuramadom96: Ok thanks.
14:45:19cheatfatedom96, i have problems with this tests https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/blob/devel/tests/async/tasynctry.nim#L94
14:45:59dom96cheatfate: can you show me the stack trace?
14:46:36ParashuramaQuestion: Are methods intended to be used with concepts? because i have some UseBase warnings if i don't use the pragma, and an error if I do.
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14:46:57cheatfatedom96: https://gist.github.com/cheatfate/1c3eca89e534ea5c029cc20598fe83d6
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14:49:02dom96cheatfate: argh, that's annoying
14:49:39cheatfatedom96, yep, a little, but this is last test
14:50:02dom96cheatfate: replace 'read' with 'waitFor'
15:00:07Parashuramadom96: Are methods intended to be used with concepts? because i have some UseBase warnings if i don't use the pragma, and an error if I do.
15:00:55dom96Parashurama: I think they are, but concepts are still buggy.
15:00:58dom96Araq_: ^
15:02:07Araq_sure, why use one type of polymorphism when you can use all at the same time.
15:03:48Araq_Parashurama: generic methods don't work well and concepts always introduce generics
15:07:26ParashuramaAraq_: I understand the idea: concepts generate a proc per object type matching the concept and with inheritance... I can see where its bugs.
15:08:24ParashuramaI suppose I can use a template makeWhateverInterface() and generate the procs for the types passed as arguments
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15:22:52arnetheduckAraq_, home come a+1 generate a nkChckRange node but inc(a) doesn't?
15:23:59Araq_not sure but it has to generate an overflow check at least
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15:26:35arnetheduckwell, for +, the overflow check is in nkchckrange, for inc it's part of the inc impl...
15:32:07arnetheduckso effectively, in the code gen, one needs to generate overflow checks in two places, one of which should be redundant if the ast made up its mind
15:37:44Araq_*shrug* you can always transform the AST before codegen
15:38:16Araq_and you need to introduce AST transformations soon enough once you add support for the GC
15:40:50arnetheducksounds like such a transformation would be useful for all code gens.. or maybe even desugaring inc->add..
15:41:00arnetheduckwhy do I need ast trasforms for gc?
15:41:12arnetheduckt seen any in c gen
15:42:23arnetheduckfunny, you can inc a uint and uint64 but not a uint32 if I read it correctly.. also, succ/pred are not defined for unsigned types it seems
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15:43:53cheatfatedom96, something wrong happens with Travis CI https://travis-ci.org/nim-lang/Nim/builds/130593926
15:47:46Araq_cheatfate: humm? where does it fail?
15:48:11cheatfateAraq_, i dont know...
15:48:18cheatfateAraq_, it just stopped
15:48:23Araq_arnetheduck: the type traversion procs that are generated for the GC are painful to generate in C
15:48:35Araq_and I suspect they are *horrible* for LLVM
15:49:01cheatfateAraq_, looks like it stopped here twrong_setconstr.nim
15:49:13cheatfatemy windows tests also stopped on this test
15:50:51arnetheduckthe nimtype stuff?
15:51:10Araq_arnetheduck: yes
15:51:37Araq_cheatfate: I'll be on Windows soon to test my GC fixes extensively
15:51:49Araq_I'll look into this issue as well then
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15:52:34cheatfateso do i need to close my pr?
15:52:49arnetheduckis high(uint) meant to work?
15:53:47Araq_arnetheduck: for the 100th time. no.
15:53:51Araq_cheatfate: nah
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15:54:04arnetheduckdocumented somewhere?
15:54:06Araq_cheatfate: try the stack overflow issue on the prim-gc branch please
15:54:12Araq_should be gone.
15:54:29Araq_I think so
16:08:51cheatfateAraq_, looks like you successfuly resolved #4160 but we still have a problem with #3190
16:09:03cheatfateAraq_, https://gist.github.com/cheatfate/7a9b0cd45957dc928d3792fb17fa3684
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16:16:43cheatfatebut looks like this is another problem
16:17:10cheatfatei think something wrong with closure environment
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16:50:56Araq_cheatfate: how to reproduce?
16:51:37cheatfateAraq_, compile asynchttpserver.nim with "nim c asynchttpserver.nim"
16:52:03cheatfateand then you need to run "wrk http://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:5555"
16:52:13cheatfateasynchttpserver must be run on windows
16:52:26cheatfatewrk you can compile only on bsd/linux
16:55:08cheatfateor you can use another tool which can stress test http protocol
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19:30:29federico3what's the best way to allocate a string of a given size?
19:31:31federico3newString(n) I guess
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19:56:55federico3actually newString is returning zeroed contents even with d:release
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20:58:23fowlfederico3, newStringOfCap
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21:13:18dyce_i wrote a little webserver with jester + nim. https://glot.io/snippets/eeqrvf60o2 i noticed that ram increased from 900kb to around a peak of 5MB. (after running curl with a for loop). given the app's simplicity, are there any tweaks to improve ram usage?
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21:39:42dom96dyce_: try compiling with --gc:markandsweep, there is still one or two bugs left with the compiler which causes small leaks like that when using async.
21:39:56cheatfatedom96, asynchttpserver not leaking...
21:40:07cheatfateasyncdispatch too
21:44:02cheatfatedyce_, what os you are using?
21:47:04dom96cheatfate: What makes you so sure?
21:47:15cheatfatedom96, so many tests...
21:47:38cheatfatedom96, i will run one more test in a minute
21:47:41dom96cheatfate: the forum and NimBot both leak unless compiled with --gc:markandsweep
21:48:35cheatfatedom96, i'm using ./wrk so it burst to maximum memory usage in a seconds and there no continuous memory leaking any more
21:49:00dom96cheatfate: it happens over multiple days
21:49:18dyce_with markandsweep it peaks around 4mb
21:52:22cheatfatedom96, 5 runs of wrk 170k requests
21:52:27dyce_ah but it uses the gc faster?
21:52:37cheatfateno leaks on freebsd
21:52:59dyce_but still the memory allocated goes from 700KB to 2.4MB for a simple resp "hi" app
21:53:02cheatfate5*170-220k requests = near 1 million requests
21:53:21dyce_peaks at 3.9MB
21:53:23cheatfateand no leaks
21:53:39cheatfatemaybe jester? :)\
21:54:58cheatfateAraq_, how is progress on your really great prim-gc?
22:00:29dom96cheatfate: that's easy to work out, try jester then asynchttpserver on its own :)
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22:03:58dom96Must. Not. Reply.
22:04:16Xedom96: what can I do to help out with https://github.com/dom96/jester/pull/67?
22:05:35dom96Xe: See if there is a way to make it work without creating a global 'jester' var
22:06:40Xedom96: it looks like that is referring to the jester module itself
22:07:23dom96Xe: I'm referring to this https://github.com/dom96/jester/pull/67/files#diff-03ee768e621c7de115a1c9956eb8f201R85
22:08:06Xei don't know how you'd do it without breaking api
22:09:14Xedom96: you already do make a global jester var
22:10:08dom96Xe: Do I? I think that's under the 'serve' proc?
22:10:40Xedom96: it looks like it's being lifted to a package level mutable state so that other instances of `routes` can add to it
22:11:00Xeunless you extend `routes` to allow you to pass your own jester instance that you build up by hand
22:14:32dom96yeah :\
22:14:48Xei mean
22:14:54Xeunless you have a better idea :/
22:14:54dom96Araq_: We still can't have compile-time vars can we?
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23:14:04Araq_dom96: what makes you say that?
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