<< 17-02-2020 >>

00:04:43dom96ahh, `getCurrentDir() / filename`, this was prepending a `/` on Android
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00:08:27dom96and now your font library doesn't know how to read the font files :)
00:18:13leorizedisruptek: o/
00:19:52dom96Seems the best way about this is to allow passing a FileStream into readFontTtf
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00:31:52dom96yay, it runs
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00:55:20nisstyreso twitter has this wacky timestamp format
00:56:10nisstyreI have no idea what to put in there for the timezone offset (I assume that's what the +0000 bit is?)
00:56:58nisstyreexcept https://nim-lang.org/docs/times.html#parsing-and-formatting-dates doesn't seem to have a format specifier for 4 digits
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00:57:14nisstyreyou can do zz but that's two
00:57:31nisstyrewhat can I do to parse it properly?
00:57:51nisstyreI guess that might work
00:58:07nisstyreno clue why they need 4 digits
00:58:16disruptekbecause it's hrs.
01:00:34leorizedisruptek: pong
01:00:38nisstyreapparently it's not standard https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2917810/what-date-rfc-does-twitter-use
01:01:06disruptekleorize: hey, i forget what i wanted to ask you, sorry. 😁
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01:18:59zedeuswait, someone here trying to parse twitter stuff?
01:19:51zedeusnisstyre: https://github.com/zedeus/nitter
01:21:05zedeushis has an (almost) feature complete twitter parser, including profiles, search, lists, etc (missing "moments" and a couple other less important things)
01:22:48FromGitter<ejstembler_gitlab> What should I use for unit testing in Nim? I found `unittest` but it recommends using `testament` instead, which I couldn't find. The Curated Packages list only shows Einheit. What are most people using?
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01:34:49FromGitter<kaushalmodi> Another +1 for unittest
01:36:32FromGitter<xflywind> unittest or isMainModule(block+assert)
01:39:41nisstyrezedeus: that's cool, I already wrote an implementation of what I need without a library though
01:39:52nisstyreI just want to do some timestamp parsing at this point
01:40:06zedeusI didn't use a library either, nitter is a full twitter client based on web scraping
01:40:20nisstyreyeah, it looks well done anyway
01:40:53nisstyrezedeus: what did you use to parse twitter's "created_at" fields?
01:41:17nisstyrethe +0000 is the offset from UTC in seconds, right?
01:41:17zedeuspost creation date?
01:41:36nisstyreyeah, when you pull a tweet from the API, it has "created_at" as a field, with a timestamp
01:41:44nisstyree.g. "created_at":"Thu Feb 06 23:23:52 +0000 2020"
01:42:09nisstyreah that's unix time
01:42:18nisstyreoh I see you're parsing markup?
01:42:24zedeushm can't help you with what the API returns as I don't use it
01:42:31nisstyreyeah, this is all from the API
01:42:33nisstyrethanks though
01:42:40nisstyreI don't understand why they do it differently
01:42:46nisstyretheir whole API is awful tbh
01:42:57nisstyreI had to do a hacky workaround to reconstruct a thread
01:43:11zedeushah, I could write a loooong blog post about oddities in their html too
01:43:13nisstyrethis is the project I'm working on https://github.com/weskerfoot/TweetLog
01:43:22nisstyreit's similar to that thread reader app thing, but runs locally
01:43:30nisstyreand you use a js bookmarklet to save tweets
01:44:06nisstyreso the only place I'm touching markup is here https://github.com/weskerfoot/TweetLog/blob/master/bookmarklet.js
01:44:25zedeusnice, but unfortunately this requites a developer account, so I'm not sure many will get to use it
01:44:33nisstyreyeah, it is a bit of a hassle
01:44:41nisstyrebut they usually let you create one fairly quickly
01:45:01nisstyreI don't know of a workaround that doesn't require me to run the app on a server with accounts
01:45:24nisstyreI could make the bookmarklet do the scraping maybe
01:46:03zedeuswell consider this https://nitter.net/OldhamMade/status/1180631388250353665
01:46:25zedeusnitter already has a way to perfectly parse twitter threads, storing them in easy to use data types
01:46:46nisstyrezedeus: what's the likelihood that it'll be broken by some future update to the frontend?
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01:47:27zedeustiny, they switched to serving the new javascript-based layout, but I rewrote my user agent generator to only make agents that trigger the old layout
01:47:44nisstyreah ok, yeah that seems like a good workaround
01:47:49zedeusso to break, they would have to make big changes to their old (or legacy rather) layout
01:47:56nisstyreor remove it entirely
01:48:15zedeuswell, they still have their old mobile layout for when you don't have javascript enabled, and that thing is probably 10 years old if not more
01:48:18nisstyreI have another project I work on that does stuff with Facebook's frontend, and they're apparently going to update it soon
01:48:23nisstyrebut I use the mobile site for some of it
01:48:24FromGitter<ejstembler_gitlab> Okay, thanks disruptek, @kaushalmodi and @xflywind. I'm using `unittest` now. So far, so good...
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01:48:49zedeus_if_ it does completely break, I'll rewrite it to use the new public api with guest tokens
01:48:58zedeusI already do this to fetch video info
01:50:25nisstyrezedeus: I noticed you're using a specific fork of jester
01:50:29nisstyreany particular reason?
01:51:08zedeusto prevent asynchttpserver from crashing when run behind nitter, but I made a pr which has now been merged, so no not anymore
01:51:19nisstyreah ok awesome
01:51:36zedeusalthough this will still require "jester#head"
01:54:47zedeusadding a proper API to nitter is planned but it'll take a while, so you could fork nitter and add whatever you need then use it in the /status/ router where you have access to the Conversation (thread) object, which includes the main tweet, before and after chains, and the replies
01:55:17zedeuslet me know if you need help, I can guide you through the code if needed, but it should be fairly straight forward
01:57:01nisstyrezedeus: I might do that, thanks for linking the project
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04:38:47FromGitter<ejstembler_gitlab> I there something similar to Ruby's `Enumerable.each_slice` in nim? ref: https://ruby-doc.org/core-2.7.0/Enumerable.html#method-i-each_slice
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05:00:47FromDiscord<Elegant Beef> Could a macro be used to increment a int and assign it for each file it's used in?
05:01:25FromDiscord<Elegant Beef> basically as a method of giving specific nim files an UID
05:01:49FromDiscord<Elegant Beef> See im always dubious of your claims 😄
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05:02:28disruptekuse the oids module for unique ids.
05:02:50FromDiscord<Elegant Beef> nah i just want basic ints
05:03:00FromDiscord<Elegant Beef> starting at 0 and working up
05:03:07disruptekadmittedly, i'm almost always full of shit.
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05:31:14FromGitter<Varriount> Elegant Beef: A compile-time variable and procedure
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05:33:14FromGitter<Varriount> https://nim-lang.org/docs/manual.html#pragmas-compiletime-pragma
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05:37:06FromDiscord<Elegant Beef> i see
05:37:33FromGitter<Varriount> There's also the `static` statement, which does something similar
05:40:04FromGitter<Varriount> Really, I wonder if compileTime should be renamed as `static` as well, since that's the term most used for compile time stuff
05:40:33FromDiscord<Elegant Beef> static to me means there's only a single instance of said thing so im not they guy to comment on it 😄
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06:37:12FromGitter<Varriount> Elegant Beef: True. But "compileTime" is a bit long
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08:08:17FromDiscord<Elegant Beef> so the compiletime says it can be used for setting up LUTs but how does one do that, my table doesnt exist at compiletime apparently
08:13:38Araqthere is some new v1 bug regarding this
08:14:00Araqit doesn't yet work as the spec claims it does
08:14:26Araqfor now, to use a .compileTime var at runtime use this workaround:
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08:14:43Araqconst asConst = compileTimeVar
08:14:59Araqand then use 'asConst' for the code running at runtime
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08:18:10FromDiscord<Elegant Beef> ok thanks
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08:39:46FromGitter<alehander92> krux02 <3 yeah no need for raising
08:39:49FromGitter<alehander92> in $ !
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09:01:24FromDiscord<Elegant Beef> Well now im using automatically generated ints instead of passing the type around for get component and has component
09:01:27FromDiscord<Elegant Beef> So there's that
09:01:34FromDiscord<Elegant Beef> Kinda using ints now
09:02:12FromDiscord<Elegant Beef> enums i mean
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09:17:09krux02@alehander92: what exactly are you referring to with that comment. I don't have the context right now
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09:22:43FromGitter<alehander92> you commented
09:22:44FromGitter<alehander92> 4 days ago
09:22:46FromGitter<alehander92> on something
09:22:53FromGitter<alehander92> but i was probably missing
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09:28:38FromGitter<alehander92> i married guys
09:29:03FromGitter<alehander92> so we can say we are +1 nimmers now
09:29:17FromGitter<alehander92> hopefully more in the future
09:29:30Zevvwoo when did that happen?
09:29:40FromGitter<alehander92> saturday
09:29:45FromGitter<alehander92> @zah was there
09:29:45Zevvcongrats dude!
09:29:53FromGitter<alehander92> i have to find a photo with him
09:30:51FromGitter<alehander92> thanks, otherwise how are things going, i really want to try the :arc stuff when i have free time this week
09:30:55FromGitter<alehander92> is the os:any finished
09:31:07Zevvwhat is "finished"
09:31:11Zevvit Works For Me
09:31:16Zevvtell me what you'd need
09:31:45FromGitter<alehander92> ok
09:31:57FromGitter<alehander92> i would just use it for the toy kernel
09:31:58FromGitter<alehander92> i guess
09:32:13FromGitter<alehander92> so for now i need to provide only libc stubs right?
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09:36:42FromGitter<alehander92> https://drive.google.com/open?id=1Y7ZEG2dL4AlqZYbu1vg8SW7mMBoDuZiV
09:37:04FromGitter<alehander92> i think this photo is enough for now
09:37:52ZevvLook at that present!
09:38:13Zevvoh right, you just provide malloc/free/realloc and some other standard libc stuff.
09:38:38FromGitter<alehander92> yeah i cant still figure out what did zah give us
09:38:42FromGitter<alehander92> like its for cooking
09:39:02Zevvsend a pic :)
09:39:29FromGitter<alehander92> but its like a modern cooking machine i almost feel i can wash my clothes there or something, its that multifunctional
09:39:44FromGitter<alehander92> i can only send you wedding pics sorry
09:39:52FromGitter<alehander92> ok, so malloc/free/realloc is enough
09:40:01FromGitter<alehander92> and no need to pass any other flags?
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09:40:08Zevvfwrite and stdout are used for echo
09:41:12FromGitter<alehander92> of course
09:41:31FromGitter<alehander92> and exceptions/panics? by default what happens, do i need to define panicoverride
09:41:41Zevv--os:any --gc:arc --exceptions:goto --noMain -d:noSignalHandler -d:danger -d:useMalloc
09:41:54Zevvno panicoverride
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09:43:32Araq-d:danger shouldn't be required
09:43:41Araqand --gc:arc implies --exceptions:goto
09:43:46FromGitter<alehander92> ah ok
09:43:53FromGitter<alehander92> doesnt it require useMalloc?
09:43:58FromGitter<alehander92> what does it use if i dont provide it
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09:44:29Zevvit uses the Nim allocator
09:44:40Zevvwhich gets huge blobs from the OS and does allocations from there
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09:45:29Zevvalso it does not perform too wel with arc in all cases, as realloc() is implemented by a fixed alloc()/copy()/free(), and that bites back when growing seqs, for example
09:45:40FromGitter<alehander92> ahh
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09:58:34Araqwell you cannot count on realloc not doing the copying so IMHO it hardly matters all that much
09:59:14Araqthe primary exception is micro benchmarks when you only grow a single seq and can misuse the MMU to do it for you
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10:08:47ZevvI think it is a real life issue. It's pretty common to do a ton of things and store the results in a seq
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10:08:52Zevvslurping a file by line
10:08:55Zevvcalculating stuff
10:09:50Zevvit is likely that your seq will move to the end of the heap while doing that, allowing it to grow without getting moved with each realloc.
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10:18:47Araqmaybe. in my world I usually have multiple seqs that grow
10:19:25Zevvgood thing disruptek is asleep I guess
10:20:25FromDiscord<Elegant Beef> Do have to ask, is it more acceptable that im storing my components in a table[int,component] and on system creation getting a compiletime made typedesc > int for required types?
10:21:02FromDiscord<Elegant Beef> my ECS does work, just a matter of needing a valid method of testing
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10:22:26FromDiscord<Elegant Beef> With placeholder code removed my components are just data buckets
10:22:26FromDiscord<Elegant Beef> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/371759389889003532/678909108845412372/unknown.png
10:26:40Araqterrible ;-)
10:27:46Araqfor me the only reason for an ECS is speed, putting 3 floats into a 'ref' is not about speed, it's writing C# code in Nim
10:30:05FromDiscord<Elegant Beef> Well i mean until i figure out a place to put the required data i dont know whereelse to put it
10:30:15FromDiscord<Elegant Beef> Well i mean until i figure out a place to put the required data i dont know where else to put it
10:30:57Araqbut I already said it yesterday. you use separate arrays, you can parallelize the operations working on the arrays because ideally they have no dependencies between each other, you can serialize it because it's all just blobs of data without pointers. Ever tried to store a closure to disk? it's not fun
10:31:31Araqyes, it's anti-OO, it's as anti-OO as it can get. That's the point.
10:31:42FromDiscord<Elegant Beef> i mean i dont know what you mean
10:31:50FromDiscord<Elegant Beef> It's not that im trying to stick to OO
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10:33:37FromDiscord<Elegant Beef> Also the other benefit of ECS is composition over inheritance
10:33:54FromDiscord<mratsim> Btw, thoughts on turning this into an article? https://github.com/mratsim/Arraymancer/pull/413#issuecomment-586924873
10:33:54FromDiscord<mratsim> I think designing API that avoids the expression problem/dynamic dispatch is perhaps not well known
10:33:58disbotWIP: Add dbscan clustering method ; snippet at 12https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=2bWh
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10:34:57FromDiscord<mratsim> ooohh congrats @alehander42
10:35:32Araqoh yeah, same, congrats alehander42!
10:35:53FromDiscord<clyybber> congrats @alehander42
10:36:51Araqmratsim: sure, name it "Solving the Expression Problem in Nim"
10:37:57Araqmratsim: Indeed, I don't know it. I solve the expression problem by adding enum values and patching my code :-)
10:38:22FromDiscord<mratsim> if that was all that was needed I wouldn't need those experiments that generated case statement from a compileTime Table (https://github.com/mratsim/compute-graph-optim see e07 / experiment 7)
10:39:02FromDiscord<mratsim> i.e. that doesn't work in the VM because typedesc + VM = sad face
10:40:03Araqyour needs are not my needs. I never think "Ohh, if only I could have the same code distributed over a different set of files", but yeah, it's a valid problem for library development
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10:40:30Araqlibraries are harder to write than application code :-)
10:40:36FromDiscord<mratsim> Often it could even be between multiple repos
10:40:55FromDiscord<mratsim> I suppose that's why we still don't have interfaces 😉
10:41:01FromDiscord<mratsim> or concepts 😉
10:41:15Araqnot really
10:41:46Araq1. we do have concepts. it's just that they have little purpose as Nim's generics are unchecked for maximum flexibility already.
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10:42:18Araq2. interfaces introduce another form of subtyping. that's not something you add over a long weekend
10:42:22AraqI mean
10:42:40Araqyou can do it over a long weekend. and then fix the bugs for additional 10 years.
10:42:54FromDiscord<mratsim> I know those weekends
10:43:24FromDiscord<mratsim> and when you finished you realize to you need another weekend to fight against Appveyor, Azure Pipelines or Travis
10:43:32FromDiscord<mratsim> that you need*
10:44:10FromDiscord<mratsim> well anyway, concepts work OK nowadays, I use them in both Arraymancer and Weave
10:44:39Araqfwiw I see C++'s multiple inheritance as better as C#'s class/interface split
10:45:03FromDiscord<mratsim> in the type system, I think what is in the worse shape are distinct types
10:45:22Araqin C# you often have to decide between interface and class and slowly the interfaces grow all the features that classes already have
10:45:28FromDiscord<mratsim> static distinct type in particular tend to give me not son == nil ICE
10:46:20Araqit's fashion driven language design, so uhhh MI is bad because ... well who knows. so let's inherit from multiple interfaces instead
10:47:00Araqwhat's a static distinct type?
10:48:31FromDiscord<mratsim> I define a "Ct[T: SomeUnsignedInt or byte] = distinct T", a type that only has constant-time operations available: https://github.com/mratsim/constantine/blob/master/constantine/primitives/constant_time.nim#L16-L18
10:49:22FromDiscord<mratsim> I need to do some precomputation in the VM, for example computing the negative modular inverse modulo a prime: https://github.com/mratsim/constantine/blob/master/constantine/math/precomputed.nim#L92-L95
10:49:37FromDiscord<mratsim> I can't return the distinct type, because semchecking
10:50:12FromDiscord<mratsim> I can't enforce compile-time input because static object don't work (but assigning to a const is a sufficient workaround)
10:50:24FromDiscord<mratsim> I can't use {.compileTime.} either because ICE
10:51:26FromDiscord<mratsim> also, if this function is tagged static or compile-time, the result is never updated: https://github.com/mratsim/constantine/blob/master/constantine/math/precomputed.nim#L32-L34
10:51:45FromDiscord<mratsim> with WOrd input*
10:51:54FromDiscord<mratsim> (that was a long weekend)
10:52:26Araqreport a bug. or multiple
10:53:00FromDiscord<mratsim> anyway, I do think Nim has a huge potential for Elliptic Curve crypto and constant time math
10:53:00Araqwe should have our own codegen for constant time and .push constantTime: on
10:53:21FromDiscord<mratsim> you can use distinct type to properly identify and restrict operations
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10:53:29Araqrelying on "huh, the optimizer won't patch this" is terrible
10:53:36FromDiscord<mratsim> you can use them also to distinguish secret and publc data
10:54:02Araqwhat you're really doing is that you use an *un*specified subset of the language and pray for the best
10:54:18FromDiscord<mratsim> see https://briansmith.org/GFp-0 on some ideas that would be nice for a generic library
10:55:00FromDiscord<mratsim> also current libraries are using code generation in perl (NTL iirc) or Python (Apache Milagro Crypto) to create the BigInt/elliptic curve instance
10:55:21FromDiscord<mratsim> Constant-time is not a fight against Nim, it's a fight against the C compiler
10:56:01Araqbut assuming Nim compiled to native code directly, it would likewise be a fight against the Nim compiler
10:56:31Araqcompilers optimize
10:56:38FromDiscord<mratsim> I think this is the most insightful papers of compiler "optimization": https://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~rja14/Papers/whatyouc.pdf
10:58:04Araqgotta go, bbl
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10:59:31FromDiscord<clyybber> why would optimization be a problem for constant time math?
11:02:05FromDiscord<mratsim> it's in the paper, if the optimizations reveal "bits" of data, you can narrow down the value of the secret that is supposed to be protected
11:02:13FromDiscord<mratsim> and breach the key
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11:02:25FromDiscord<mratsim> See: https://github.com/mratsim/constantine/wiki/Constant-time-arithmetics
11:03:13FromDiscord<mratsim> this is a good write-up on that: https://research.kudelskisecurity.com/2017/01/16/when-constant-time-source-may-not-save-you/
11:03:13FromDiscord<clyybber> hmm
11:03:15FromDiscord<clyybber> interesting
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11:05:24FromDiscord<clyybber> @mratsim Would it make sense to add "padding" ?
11:05:50FromDiscord<clyybber> to equalize the time
11:07:15FromDiscord<mratsim> it's all padded to the maximum modulus
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11:45:29livcdwhat's that game in Nim
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11:45:32livcda racing game
11:45:35livcdforgot its name :/
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11:47:31livcdah got it
11:53:37Zevvgood manners require that you now *share* the name
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12:09:15FromDiscord<mratsim> relevant xkcd: https://xkcd.com/979/
12:10:27FromDiscord<mratsim> I guess FOSDEM forgot about sending a mail for the videos and I will have to install IRC
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12:23:24ZevvWould be a good idea anyway! :)
12:23:45FromDiscord<Rika> is db_mysql or so safe against most sql injections?
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12:47:31dadadaunder linux it has become unseemly for programs to install their configuration/data/stuff directly in hidden folders that are in $HOME
12:48:10dadadaalthough it's still widely done, many projects either have moved their stuff to $HOME/.config/some_sub_dir_of_that
12:48:29dadadaor $HOME/.local/(share)/some_sub_dir_of_that
12:49:24dadadanimble and choosenim by default choose $HOME/.nimble/ $HOME/.choosenimble/
12:49:39dadadaas I can see on the choosenim github page
12:50:06dadadaaraq, dom96: please take this under consideration
12:51:05dadadathe reason is that with the old way of stuffing everything into $HOME over time it gets messy
12:52:57dadadathough until now only a small fraction of projects seem to have gotten the memo :D
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12:57:09FromDiscord<Rika> i agree with this
12:57:14dadadanot so small actually, I'd say it's at least 50:50 at this point
12:57:20FromDiscord<Rika> except for choosenim, as binaries are also stored in .choosenim
12:57:31FromDiscord<Rika> well, actually both do
12:57:36FromDiscord<Rika> now that i think about it
12:57:48FromDiscord<Rika> so maybe to .local is okay, but deffo not .config
12:57:50dadadathere's no rule that binaries can't be in .local or .config
12:58:19FromDiscord<Rika> it's unconventional for binaries to be in .config is it not
12:58:34dadadayeah, local may be more appropriate, but both would be better than the current status
12:58:59dadada.local is filled with configurations, too, I'm actually not sure why there're two conventions
12:59:36dadadaI found themes for kde plasma containing python files inside .local/share/plasma/desktoptheme/breeze-alphablack/
12:59:46dadadawhile not a binary, it's still something that can be executed
13:01:10dadadachrome is under .config/chromium .config/google-chrome and contains all kinds of data like caches and extensions (which can be executable)
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13:01:30dadadaboth folders are being used rather loosely, I'd think they'd both be okay
13:01:47dadadaeven for the original unix structure /usr used to mean user stuff
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13:02:09dadadatoday it's used for system libraries, their data and so on
13:04:41FromDiscord<Rika> i know local having binaries is 100% okay
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13:05:44FromDiscord<vi> .config is the XDG config directory, and .local is the base for the XDG data directory
13:05:45FromDiscord<vi> https://specifications.freedesktop.org/basedir-spec/basedir-spec-latest.html
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13:10:54lqdev[m]dadada: /usr is 'unix system resources', not 'user stuff'
13:11:31dadadalqdev[m]: are you sure that isn't an acronym they came up later to fit the use case? because I heard something like that
13:11:49dadadabut thanks for correcting me
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13:12:32dadadalqdev[m]: "In the original Unix implementations, /usr was where the home directories of the users were placed"
13:12:36dadadalooks like I was right
13:12:44dadadamaybe I shouldn't have apologized
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13:14:26dadadalqdev[m]: https://www.bell-labs.com/usr/dmr/www/notes.html
13:16:30dadadabelieving a stranger on the internet is difficult, I guess
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13:50:24federico3there was a pure-Nim SVM... is it gone?
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14:01:16FromDiscord<clyybber> I only know of shashlicks libsvm wrapper
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14:22:19FromDiscord<ejstembler> Anyone know if there something similar to Ruby's `Enumerable.each_slice` in nim? ref: https://ruby-doc.org/core-2.7.0/Enumerable.html#method-i-each_slice
14:26:12leorizenot in the stdlib
14:27:46FromDiscord<mratsim> @federico3 it was under nim-lang umbrella iirc so probably in the graveyard
14:27:47leorize!repo itertools
14:27:48disbothttps://github.com/narimiran/itertools -- 9itertools: 11Nim rewrite of a very popular Python module of the same name. 15 55⭐ 5🍴
14:27:54leorize@ejstembler: ^
14:28:05FromDiscord<mratsim> and it was not pure Nim it was a wrapper around libsvm
14:28:10leorizeit contains the chunked iterator that seems to do what you want
14:28:43FromDiscord<mratsim> also I don't see any reason to use SVM nowadays
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14:30:06FromDiscord<mratsim> in almost all cases, using either a random forest or gradient boosted trees is better, unless your stakeholders prefer the explainability of SVM (but even in that case there is Gaussian Mixture Models-based library by Microsoft that cater to that need)
14:30:21federico3mratsim: I'm looking for a simple algorithm to classify text by measuring similarity
14:31:05FromDiscord<mratsim> Use TF-IDF + PCA
14:31:45FromDiscord<mratsim> that's called latent semantic indexing it's to classify documents into topics
14:32:04federico3I tried 3-word trigrams and it's heavy
14:32:09FromDiscord<mratsim> TF-IDF is term frequency and inverse document frequency (i.e. counting the number of words and their inverse frequency)
14:32:13Zevvfederico3: concatenate, gzip and see how big the result is
14:32:24FromDiscord<mratsim> and PCA is just simple principal component analysis
14:32:40FromDiscord<mratsim> that's my go-to for text analysis
14:33:28FromDiscord<mratsim> example on a 2 hour competition, that's basically the only unique thing I did: https://github.com/mratsim/meilleur-data-scientist-france-2018/blob/1fd721e5668188261842781ce9b6e16b46b5b298/m110_feat_eng.py#L30-L33
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14:33:37FromDiscord<mratsim> and I got rank 44 out of 350
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14:34:28FromDiscord<mratsim> for trigrams and such, AFAIK someone packaged gensim
14:35:15FromDiscord<mratsim> Make sure to look into the "starting kits" in this competition as well: https://www.kaggle.com/c/quora-question-pairs
14:35:28FromDiscord<clyybber> Zevv: lol
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14:46:41Zevvclyybber: you laugh: https://homepages.cwi.nl/~paulv/papers/ccp11.pdf
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14:56:15ZevvI saw a presentation from this guy a few years back. His demo was taking DNA of a number of species and checking similarity between pairs, and automatically generating his "tree of life" from that. Was pretty funny
14:57:10federico3Zevv: brilliant. The only drawback is that you have to compare all the texts combinations
14:58:14FromDiscord<clyybber> yeah, dna sounds like a thing it should work pretty great for
15:00:05FromDiscord<mratsim> THere are a couple papers from this year that used generic natural language processing techniques successfully on DNA
15:00:42FromDiscord<mratsim> generic as in, you don't assume that the separator is the "space" or don't tell the algorithm how to deal with unicode
15:01:38FromDiscord<mratsim> AFAIk the only thing you configure is that text is read from left to right and then it uses statistic techniques to build "words" and then deep learning to associate a meaning to those, understand context and such
15:01:51FromDiscord<clyybber> you mean letting it operate on literal A T C G?
15:01:54FromDiscord<mratsim> yes
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15:02:17FromDiscord<mratsim> and understand the role of the construct, and generate alternate sequences
15:02:48FromDiscord<mratsim> well it "understands" as much as it understands natural language bu it's still useful, for example for google translate
15:03:17FromDiscord<mratsim> https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-030-29726-8_19
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15:04:11FromDiscord<mratsim> keyword: proteomics/genomics/metabolimic + deep learning
15:04:46FromDiscord<mratsim> transcriptomics work as well for DNA/RNA
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15:26:23FromDiscord<ejstembler> @leorize Yes, `chunked` would work. Thanks! https://github.com/narimiran/itertools/blob/master/src/itertools.nim#L645
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15:33:19disruptekhearts and minds, people; hearts and minds!
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15:39:21Zevvbards and rhymes
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15:41:38sekaois there anything like `when defined(test)`? i want to write code in my library that only runs during tests
15:43:34FromGitter<kaushalmodi> sequtils has a `zip`. What's the "unzip" equivalent?
15:44:05disruptekset a -d:test when you invoke tests.
15:44:21disruptekbut, that's kinda against the philsophy of tests.
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15:52:41FromDiscord<Rika> is there a seq-flattening function in the stdlib or itertools somewhere
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15:58:01FromGitter<Vindaar> @kaushalmodi @Rika there's neither of those two in the stdlib. You can use `seqmath` if you want: https://github.com/Vindaar/seqmath/blob/master/src/seqmath/sutil.nim
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16:05:05FromDiscord<Rika> vindaar, i mean in either stdlib or itertools lib
16:07:18FromGitter<Vindaar> then consider my answer an answer to 50% of your question :)
16:08:51FromDiscord<Rika> thanks though
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16:11:42disruptekhalf-answers, half-price.
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16:47:19disrupteki don't understand slices.
16:48:05disruptekconst foo = 200.HttpCode .. 300.HttpCode ... case code: of foo: echo "type mismatch" ...
16:48:23disruptekcase code: of 200.HttpCode .. 300.HttpCode: echo "okay"
16:48:34disruptekcase code: of 200.HttpCode ..< 300.HttpCode: echo "type mismatch"
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16:49:02disruptektypeof(200.HttpCode .. 300.HttpCode) == typeof(200.HttpCode ..< 300.HttpCode)
16:49:40FromDiscord<Rika> whats the issue here?
16:49:48FromDiscord<Rika> i dont understand what you dont understand
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16:50:26FromDiscord<Rika> oh i see
16:50:28disruptek..< isn't working for me in a case statement. moreover, a const slice doesn't work in a case statement, either.
16:50:40FromDiscord<Rika> the first feels like a bug
16:50:50FromDiscord<Rika> actually both feel like bugs
16:51:02disruptekyes, it makes me think that maybe i'm missing something.
16:51:39disrupteki feel like i've done this before but i can't find where.
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16:54:02disruptekworks fine for const foo = {x .. y}
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16:54:47disruptekconst foo = {x ..< y} --> "ordinal type expected"
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16:56:16disrupteki think i'm getting the benefit of an auto-cast or something for the range operator.
16:57:58dwdvHi, everyone! Quick one, why isn't this exploding (at runtime)? `type Foo = range[1..10]; var f: Foo = Foo.high.succ; echo f #=> 11`
16:58:54disruptekfair question.
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17:02:35FromDiscord<Rika> ranges are weird right now afaik?
17:02:51disruptekgah i wonder if i should test 1.0
17:03:18disrupteki guess i answered my own question.
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17:04:55disruptekwell, Foo.high is just an int. int.succ should yield 11.
17:05:07disruptekthe question is, why is that a valid value for the range?
17:09:09disruptekwhat's weird is, if i de-sugar ..< it works fine.
17:10:31dwdvYeah, other constellations (e.g. assigning to a var beforehand) result in range or conversion errors.
17:12:16disruptekyou could try making your integers distinct, i guess, if it won't break other code.
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17:17:11dwdvAlright, will try that, thanks. Btw., Ada's fixed point types as in `delta 0.1 range 0.0..1.0` aren't supported in nim, correct?
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17:18:39dwdvNah, can't find anything in the docs. Alright.
17:19:08FromDiscord<clyybber> can be accomplished using a distinct int
17:21:43FromGitter<alehander92> but if high returns an int
17:21:52FromGitter<alehander92> Foo stops to matter
17:22:07FromGitter<alehander92> but high should return a Foo , right?
17:22:49disruptekno, high should return an int.
17:22:51FromGitter<alehander92> the question is, should succ/prev raise , I think it does
17:23:04FromGitter<alehander92> but why
17:23:07disruptekit's a range of ints.
17:23:10FromGitter<alehander92> enum high returns an enum
17:23:12disruptekwhat do you think it should return?
17:23:22FromGitter<alehander92> a "range of ints" value
17:23:39disruptekno, a range type is a limitation on ordinal values that may be assigned to the type.
17:25:00Araqdwdv, you can use a custom type with overloaded operators
17:25:03FromGitter<alehander92> i still think it should keep the range-ness, as its valuable
17:25:17disruptekwell, it does. as the type.
17:25:32disruptekif you want a range-aware type, you are free to make one.
17:26:29disruptekthe whole point of this animal is that T is range[T..T]
17:27:25disruptekbut again, why doesn't ..< work for me?
17:29:57dwdvYeah, seems like I'll go with the overloaded operators approach to support the rounding behaviour. Let's see whether the end result is as verbose as the original ada code. :)
17:30:39Araqspoiler: it never is.
17:30:44disrupteki mean, shit.
17:30:46disruptekhow could it be?
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17:32:48disruptekbut again, i don't even understand how my bug is possible.
17:33:32Araqwhat bug?
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17:35:11disrupteki cannot make ..< work to generate a constant i can use as a case of clause.
17:35:41disruptekbut it's fine un-sugared as x .. pred(y)
17:36:28Araqwell '..' is magical in 'of' branches and arrays, ..< isn't
17:36:57disrupteki cannot assign the constant, though; forget about the case -- it's just a use-case, so to speak.
17:37:08AraqI once tried to change the language to also allow ..< but the compiler's internals told me not to do this
17:37:14disrupteksystem.`..` != ..
17:37:28disruptekthis is blowing my fucking mind right now.
17:37:48disruptekwell, it helps that i was planning on doing some work today.
17:37:55disruptekso.. edibles.
17:38:09disrupteksystem.`..` != .. but whatfer?
17:38:59Araqwell for a start array[I, T] predates system.`..` by years
17:39:20AraqNim started with `..` being a special case
17:39:24Araqand then we extended it
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17:39:39disruptekokay, that makes more sense.
17:39:40FromDiscord<clyybber> I think nowadays, the compiler could be adapted to take arbitrary static slices for case of,
17:40:05Araqindeed, but it's quite some work
17:40:21FromDiscord<clyybber> and it makes case object analysis a bit more nasty
17:40:25disruptekthanks again, jasper.
17:40:39disrupteki don't think it changes it that much.
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17:44:24disruptek{200.HttpCode .. 299.HttpCode} 😁
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18:00:43disruptekclyybber: what are you using for term? alacritty?
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18:05:01FromDiscord<clyybber> ye
18:05:21shashlickhow do you avoid github api limits when testing from travis
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18:05:56disruptekwhich limits?
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18:07:05disruptekwhat is matrix and why is it such a hard technology to make work?
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18:07:18disruptekdoes it run on moon dust or something?
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18:07:37shashlicklimits you to 100 calls per hour or something, works fine as an individual user but when testing on travis, the same IP is making calls there and looks like one person
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18:07:45shashlickyou'd think github gave CIs a free pass
18:08:07*GitterIntegratio quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
18:08:24Araqwhy would they though? it's a request either way and costs money
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18:08:52disruptekcan't you just register and get a raised limit? i forget how i do it.
18:09:36disruptekthe safety weasel no longer exists. bad news for some.
18:09:46FromDiscord<mratsim> Matrix is decentralized @disruptek, meaning you don't have a centralized IRC, Discord or SLack server that stores messages and relay stuff
18:09:51disruptekwe are running without training wheels now, boys.
18:10:14disrupteki guess decentralized means dysfunctional in english.
18:11:56FromDiscord<mratsim> is it? decentralized is how things worked, see: fish markets, craftsmen, gossips. There was no Amazon/Walmart/Newspapers
18:12:10FromDiscord<mratsim> It's coming back to your roots :p
18:12:12FromGitter<davideps> I noticed https://nim-lang.org/0.13.0/actors.html and was wondering--are there more examples of working with the actor model in nim?
18:12:17disruptekso why doesn't it work?
18:12:25disruptekirc doesn't have these problems.
18:12:40disruptekcome back to your roots. come back to irc.
18:12:54leorizematrix does work :P
18:13:23disruptekoh wb leorize
18:13:33disrupteki thought you were offline because you vanished from irc.
18:13:43leorizeonly the matrix one
18:13:55disruptekoh, so the matrix one was the correct one?
18:13:57FromDiscord<mratsim> @davideps, I'm pretty sure there are no tutorial-level examples. I do use some kind of actor model in my multithreading framework
18:14:03disruptekirc is the one that doesn't work?
18:14:06FromDiscord<mratsim> all work is distributed via message passing
18:14:33leorizeI keep both because matrix.org freenode bridge is terrible
18:14:35FromGitter<davideps> I'm working in Python right now and was hoping to find something similar but faster.
18:15:09FromGitter<davideps> @mratsim is your multithreading framework a library?
18:15:15disruptekwell, you came to the right place.
18:15:16disruptek!repo weave
18:15:18disbothttps://github.com/mratsim/weave -- 9weave: 11A state-of-the-art multithreading runtime: message-passing based, fast, scalable, ultra-low overhead 15 115⭐ 8🍴
18:15:57leorizedisruptek: no, the matrix one doesn't work
18:16:01FromDiscord<mratsim> it's very low-level Nim so I wouldn't advise using it as a starting point (i.e. I reimplement my own channels and plenty of other stuff)
18:16:07FromGitter<deech> Nimble question: I'd like to have a project specific `packages.json`and `nimbleDir` for *some* packages but have it fall back to the default `~/.nimble` and `~/.nimble/packages_official.json` for packages not specified and installed in the project local `nimbleDir`. Is that possible?
18:16:23FromGitter<davideps> My previous link is the actor model that is built into Nim's standard library?
18:16:36disruptekdeech: i dunno why you resist nimph.
18:16:48FromDiscord<mratsim> it's probably in the graveyard because I never heard of it
18:16:56FromDiscord<mratsim> there is a library called:
18:16:58FromGitter<deech> Only because `nimble` comes standard.
18:16:59FromDiscord<mratsim> !repo nimoy
18:17:00disbothttps://github.com/evacchi/nimoy -- 9nimoy: 11A minimal experimental actor library for Nim (wip) 15 23⭐ 2🍴
18:17:43FromGitter<deech> Ok, fine. I'll try `nimph`.
18:17:57disruptekdude. i make packages for nimble users, too.
18:18:02sigmapie8Hi, I was reading the manual and found an example under Raise statement: raise newEOS("operating system failed"). The compiler says newEOS is an undeclared identifier.
18:18:10disruptekshashlick says you can just nimble install nimph, now.
18:18:18disrupteker, pass it the url.
18:18:21Araqsigmapie8, it's only an example
18:18:37FromDiscord<mratsim> asume that people copy-paste example at Araq
18:18:47FromDiscord<mratsim> hence why you should never put rm -rf
18:18:52Araqnot every code snippet in the manual has to be complete, compilable example
18:19:20sigmapie8Araq, I disagree. Examples should always be working.
18:19:55Araqit's a race to the bottom, next step: Always assume that every sentence is read outside of its context.
18:19:55disrupteqpr away
18:20:20Araqnext: assume that only 2 out 4 words in a sentence were read
18:20:24FromDiscord<mratsim> I prefer pastable example as well. In the paste there were some examples that worked but were missing imports
18:20:53FromDiscord<mratsim> "Always assume that every sentence is read outside of its context." --> you would love the "reporters" we get on our Discord channel
18:21:00disrupteqwe should just link them to the playground.
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18:21:13sigmapie8yes some examples do have missing imports.
18:21:24FromDiscord<mratsim> they take things you say and picture that it's a death match between your project and the others projects. My quotes were several times taken out of context
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18:30:34shashlickchoosenim will be able to install and update nightlies real soon
18:30:45shashlickwe need more reliable nightlies though
18:30:53FromGitter<Varriount> mratsim: I quite liked the your comment in that issue you posted
18:31:29FromGitter<Varriount> I'll admit, it's never occurred to me to use type values that way
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18:37:16FromDiscord<mratsim> 🙂
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18:45:00FromDiscord<clyybber> 🙂
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19:22:35Araqhas anybody an idea how to get an alternative wasm proposed?
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19:30:12FromGitter<Varriount> Araq: Own a company with a major influence on the internet?
19:30:25FromGitter<Varriount> What's wrong work wasm?
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19:32:08Araqhttps://github.com/WebAssembly/reference-types/blob/master/proposals/reference-types/Overview.md so "reference types" are coming
19:32:47Araqand it's not hard to imagine where it ends: when it supports everything .NET does
19:34:14Araqexcept that .NET is much better at everything, it's not a "MVP" for over a decade, it got a real type system, real language interop, more than 4 basic types
19:36:02*marmotini_ quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
19:37:12AraqJVM lacks value based datatypes which is an important missing feature, but .NET doesn't lack that. Of course, we cannot use it because evil M$ is behind it, but still.
19:37:40Araqisn't .NET covered by an ISO standard?
19:37:58disrupteklike that helps.
19:38:12disruptekthe problem is that .net won't be ported to jvm.
19:38:36Araqoh, only C# is covered by a standard and .NET isn't
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19:41:21Araq4 basic types, no 'goto', and already they have to hack function pointers into the design. A hell of a start
19:42:42disruptekis this part of your ir research? 😉
19:44:53Araqno, I don't "research" IRs in the sense that I read about what others did. I know. My research would be about building a prototype of what I have in mind
19:45:29disruptekyou make it sound like you haven't learned anything by the mistakes they've made.
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19:47:28FromDiscord<clyybber> I actually rather like injectdestructors, I don't think another IR would make it any better or simpler
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19:52:13FromDiscord<Generic> wasm has no goto?
19:52:23FromDiscord<Generic> how can it even be called "assembly"?
19:53:06disruptekit has comefrom.
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19:55:35FromGitter<matrixbot> `reversem3` !repo blog
19:55:52Yardanico@reversem3 you can use matrix-irc bridge, no need for matrix->gitter->irc
19:56:21Araqclyybber: waiting for your fixes for my arc-optimizations branch
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20:04:25nixfreak!repo blog
20:04:27disbothttps://github.com/dom96/ipsumgenera -- 9ipsumgenera: 11Static blog generator written in Nim 15 47⭐ 7🍴 7& 14 more...
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20:07:15Araqthere is more than that
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20:20:32leorize@reversem3: join #freenode_#nim:matrix.org
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20:39:04FromDiscord<clyybber> Araq: Have to study atm. One week to go
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20:39:19Araqah ok
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21:04:36FromGitter<waghanza> hi, ⏎ I have compiled https://github.com/the-benchmarker/web-frameworks/blob/master/nim/httpbeast/server.nim with ⏎ ⏎ ```code paste, see link``` ⏎ ... [https://gitter.im/nim-lang/Nim?at=5e4affe4292ff243d3d2aae6]
21:04:55FromGitter<waghanza> could anyone check the above code and compilation option ?
21:05:38FromGitter<Yardanico> Well, one reason might be that "march=native" picks a wrong CPU model for your CPU
21:05:51FromGitter<Yardanico> try without march=native and mtune=native
21:08:30FromGitter<waghanza> Ok. I'll try, I do not know what are this option
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21:08:37Yardanico where did you take that from?
21:08:40Yardanicoand why do you really need it? :P
21:17:09FromGitter<waghanza> It was made by a `nim` contributor => https://github.com/the-benchmarker/web-frameworks/pull/1743/files ⏎ but, to be honest, it was not compiled on *alpine* at this time
21:17:09disbot[Nim] Improve code, Code Style, More Nim way
21:17:42Yardanicoidk why juan added all those flags
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21:18:45FromGitter<waghanza> probably because it was accurate at this time
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21:37:15solitudesfthis is just wrong. you cant allow wacking arbitrary compiler flags. even your c benches dont use march=native or lto
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21:47:23FromGitter<Varriount> The elixir and rust benchmarks *appear* to be using similar flags
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21:47:48FromGitter<Varriount> Though the C and C++ benchmarks do not
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21:49:13FromGitter<Obround> Hello, I am trying to use the `compileTime` pragma, but it doesn't work. This is the code: ⏎ ⏎ ```code paste, see link``` [https://gitter.im/nim-lang/Nim?at=5e4b0a5818ac9b0fb5c72f5c]
21:49:55FromGitter<Obround> Seems like the `compileTime` pragma didn't work...
21:50:13def-compile time variables are only available at compile time
21:50:17def-echo pi is run at runtime
21:50:32FromGitter<Obround> Ok...
21:50:33def-you might want `const pi = 3.14159`
21:50:55FromGitter<Obround> I'm not sure I understand... Whats the difference?
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21:51:15def-const calculates the value at compile time and stores it so that it's available at runtime
21:51:26def-{.compileTime.} calculates it at compile time and only provides it at compile time
21:51:33FromGitter<Obround> And compileTime var?
21:52:22def-`static: echo pi` if you want to print a compileTime variable at compile time
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21:53:28def-but I would consider the error you got a compiler error anyway, the Nim compiler should already notice that pi is undeclared at runtime and not just pass it to the C compiler
21:54:06FromGitter<Obround> Yeah... Thanks a lot!
21:54:31*awe00 quit (Client Quit)
21:58:42FromGitter<Obround> Another question: Is there some way to demote a const to a var?
22:00:25def-make a copy of it?
22:00:28def-var x = pi
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22:01:22FromGitter<Obround> Yeah, but while still retaining the name.
22:02:53lqdev[m]you can only do that if you introduce a new scope and shadow the old symbol
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22:26:39FromGitter<Varriount> def-: "compileTime variables are available at runtime too"
22:26:47FromGitter<Varriount> https://nim-lang.org/docs/manual.html#pragmas-compiletime-pragma
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23:13:10dom96argh, the effect system is annoying when you cannot tell Nim to ignore it
23:14:56leorizeuse a `{.noSideEffects.}:` block for that
23:16:31dom96ahh, {.tags: []}: should also be a thing
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23:20:44dom96".raise effects differ"
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23:29:08FromGitter<Varriount> dom96: Perhaps there should be a "yesIReallyKnowWhatIAmDoing" block
23:36:58dom96I don't even know if there is a way to do this
23:37:12dom96I have to modify sdl2 to make it compatible
23:39:22FromDiscord<Recruit_main_70007> It’s not a good project until you have to edit a module’s source code
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