<< 17-07-2015 >>

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07:00:25r-kupython folk heard of our efforts and they race to beat us to it http://www.infoq.com/news/2015/07/Python-35
07:01:23r-kuAccording to Selivanov, "native coroutines and the associated new syntax features make it possible to define context manager and iteration protocols in asynchronous terms." Making it possible for Python programs to perform asynchronous calls when entering and exiting a runtime context, to perform asynchronous calls in iterators.
07:26:24*bjz quit (Quit: My MacBook Pro has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…)
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08:53:10Araqr-ku: meh, do we need mCurrentmoduleDir?
08:54:23r-kuargument to {.compile.} is also relative to where compiler is invoked. got better ideas how to point it to file in stdlib?
08:54:55Araqit should be relative to the file that has the .compile pragma
08:55:24Araqbut also subject to --path if it cannot be found relatively to that file
08:55:43r-kuthat would make more sense yes
08:56:10Araqmake it happen :-)
08:56:35Araqarguably every bug marked as "path handling" is a showstopper for version 1.
08:56:54Araqpath handling must be correct.
08:57:20r-kuyou are totally not helping me be lazy
09:05:15*Jehan_ joined #nim
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12:35:05federico3Araq: is your talk on Monday going to be recorded?
12:39:29bogenwell, I've been using nim at work the past week (JS back end), currently to write GreaseMonkey userscripts to augment company pages for our team's specific use cases. Sure beats doing them in straight JS.
12:50:16fowlGood old js
12:50:43fowlWhere [] != [] and 1+1=11 if one of the ones is a string
13:06:37wuehlmausfederico3: i think, that a video on youtube about nim would really help making nim more popular
13:08:34federico3Yes! And a mailing list :)
13:09:28federico3fowl: or maybe the number are in gray code
13:12:22*doxavore joined #nim
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13:26:51def-federico3: there is a mailing list, it's just not widely used
13:27:41federico3def-: yep - maybe mirroring the forum will help
13:32:51*Sembei joined #nim
13:46:19wuehlmausi like news.gmane.org to read about a language. it mirrors mailinglists as newsgroups
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14:20:36federico3NNTP is the most underrated protocol
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15:36:44Demosnobody uses NNTP because we have web forums now
15:37:02Demosand ISPs stopped offering newservers
15:47:10*UberLambda quit (Remote host closed the connection)
15:48:29federico3nntp is not dead, there are survivors; however it was very unpopular years before forums :)
15:54:18wuehlmausi was deeply saddened when spammers came to overtake newsgroups i loved reading
15:55:26wuehlmausand i always hated the quoting of many users that quoted much too much.
15:56:09wuehlmausbut that's where a news reader can really help at least.
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16:16:06Araqfederico3: I don't know if it will be recorded. if not, I'll produce a youtube video on my own, if my contract allows this. (I have no idea ...)
16:29:18federico3put it on kickstarter and we'll provide funding
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18:13:12bogen-workhow does one prevent a procedure from being eliminated (when dead code elimination is enabled). I have a proc that is `reffered` to to within JS asm, but nim does not know I'm using it, so it eliminates it.
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18:15:15sparrkWhat is the recommended way to chomp a string in Nim? In Ruby I would do "chairs".chomp("s") # => "chair"
18:25:23Araqbogen-work: use .exportc: "export_as_this_name" for that
18:25:39Araqsparrk: not sure, system.setlen?
18:34:58bogen-workAraq: hmmm... ok, these are local procedures (closures), so my "export_as_this_name" will need to come from a macro to add a unique id. I liked the names nim was giving them, because they were unique.
18:35:07bogen-workbut that does work
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18:51:21Araqhrm? you access closures from JS?
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18:52:24bogen-workYes, I do all the time. They have been working well. in the dom js dom you have ro reference timeout callbacks with "`callbackproc`();" which is why I'm having to do a workaround. (all the other event handlers you pass in a proper nim proc, but not for the timeout handler)
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18:52:57bogen-works/dom js dom/nim js dom/
18:53:17sparrkAraq that would be fine for the chomp! equiv (in place alteration vs copy) I'm happy to make a pull request for chomp for the strutils module if there is interest. I'd model it directly after Ruby's chomp (see here: http://ruby-doc.org/core-2.2.0/String.html#method-i-chomp)
18:54:25def-sparrk: see also strutils.strip, but would be nice if it worked with non-whitespace like chomp
18:55:03sparrkYeah def- exactly
18:55:13bogen-workAraq: well, I use nested nim procs that access parent's scope to js event handlers, then exit the parent procs.
18:55:31def-sparrk: and writing "foobar".strip(leading = false) is a bit awkward as well
18:55:54Araqhey, I think it's nice
18:56:18def-Araq: I'd rather write which part to strip than the one not to strip
18:56:48Araqso the default should be to strip nothing?
18:57:04bogen-workAraq: so, am I not supposed to be able to do that? (pass local procs as callbacks, then return from the parent)
18:57:04def-no, that would be even worse
18:57:44Araqbogen-work: add a testcase for it so we can ensure it keeps working. I certainly didn't have that in mind when writing the JS codegen
18:58:31bogen-workAraq: Thanks. Ok, since I do that extensively in my code, I'll want to make sure that does not break.
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19:47:14sparrkOk, so I have code that matches Ruby's chomp behavior, should I put it in a pull request to String utils, or do should I paste it into a code window first?
19:48:00sparrkI have doAsserts to make sure it mirrors Ruby behavoir (although, that might not even be what the Nim language wants, I can always just update it to what the intended behavior is)
19:51:41sparrklet me just post it somewhere first I'm sure I'm missing some pragmas or something
19:55:11EXetoCPRs can of course be changed if necessary
19:59:24EXetoCstrip can mimic that behavior I think
20:01:14*anthgur quit (Quit: My Mac has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…)
20:05:10sparrkYeah, but it is kinda akward if you just want to remove an "s" or just one new line because you took in standard input. Ok so question, what is with the rsu____ pragmas?
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20:05:42sparrkbecause I can get everything to work until I try rebuilding my executable with those pragmas following the pattern.
20:05:56sparrk(I'm trying to set rsuChomp pragmas)
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20:19:14sparrkWhat is the difference between assert and doAssert?
20:21:08def-sparrk: so assert isn't run with -d:release, doAssert is
20:22:25sparrkah, gotcha
20:28:07EXetoCsparrk: that'd be the argument rather than the pragma. it's for giving the proc a specific name
20:28:28EXetoCit's a way to circumvent name-mangling
20:30:32sparrklet me know what you guys think! It's miller time here on the east coast so I'll be back later :)
20:31:00Araqwhat is miller time?
20:31:43sparrkBeer time :)
20:31:48sparrk(because work is over)
20:32:01Araqsparrk: btw stdin.readline doesn't produce a newline to chomp
20:32:08sparrk(but I own my own company, so I can afford to take a week off to start learning the next big thing)
20:32:12baabelfishsparrk: beer time because just beer time
20:32:42baabelfishsparrk: doesn't friday mean anything? :)
20:32:53sparrkI'm very excited for Nim
20:33:18sparrkAraq: that is good to know! I still like having chomp around for dealing with other types of input and from other sources
20:33:21sparrkbut I really have to go now
20:33:47sparrkif you don't feel like chomp should be in the language then no worries! And please let me know if I'm screwing up how I am writing the language
20:34:21AraqI don't mind chomp but I think everything is getting too bloated :P
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20:37:35bogen-workAraq: alright, here is a test case. https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/issues/3132
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20:39:33Araqbogen-work: that's a start but not a test case ;-) read this please https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/blob/devel/contributing.rst#compiler
20:42:33bogen-workOk, I'll look into that when I get home. At least I partially documented what needs to be included in the test case.
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21:19:17Varriount|LaptopAraq: I wish I had enough money to go to OSCon. >_<
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