<< 18-06-2015 >>

00:01:23apensei mean there *should* be no need. i don't think the windows sections use gtk2 or glib anywhere in there
00:03:34apensebut that would make it a windows-only module if you don't pull external code, which wouldn't make sense
00:06:24Xefilwit: IIRC it prefers using GCC by default
00:07:05jackvapense, yeah, but on non-windows stuff dialogs is broken without installing gtk2 from nimble
00:07:33apenseyeah i understand. i think your idea to remove it is good
00:07:35Xeif it has been good enough for ubuntu, gentoo, freebsd (until version 10), openbsd (until ~5.4), netbsd and nearly every other linux distribution, there's probably not a reason to worry :)
00:08:40filwitXe: i know i has been, but I just compiled with --parallelBuild:1 on and saw that my code is compiling with clang unless I explicitly set it to gcc.. wonder if I have some .cfg in a root folder that I'm not aware of..
00:08:56Xefilwit: which gcc
00:08:59Xeas in
00:09:01Xe$ which gcc
00:09:12Xewhat platform are you on?
00:09:18filwitarch linux
00:09:21filwitso gcc 5+
00:09:27Xeyou can just say linux
00:09:30Xebut hmm
00:09:34Xeis gcc aliased to clang?
00:09:40filwitdebian uses gcc 4.6 still...
00:09:42jackvapense, actually, since tools/nimrepl.nim requires it, I think that maybe gtk2 should be re-added to the stdlib, at least on non-windows systems
00:09:55filwitno, gcc is not aliased to clang
00:10:04filwitit's probably just some config file
00:10:06apensejackv, ohhh gotcha. sounds good
00:10:31Xelook in your nim root/config/nim.cfg
00:10:42filwiti'm compiling code in a test folder of a larger project of mine, one I know has some compiler setting configs.. i just didn't realize they where actually being taken into account
00:10:54Xemine is ~/prefix/nim/config/nim.cfg
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03:30:50xenagilist comprehensions don't seem to be working with generic procedures
03:31:05xenagiis this known? or am i probably doing it wrong?
03:32:00reactormonkxenagi, b)
03:32:21dtscodethats a weird smiley reactormonk
03:32:48reactormonkdtscode, it's b), as opposed to a)
03:33:43reactormonkxenagi, oh, this is nim. probably a)
03:36:01xenagifor example, something like this http://pastebin.com/nYCgis2b
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11:08:50avsejapense, Araq: https://github.com/nim-lang/nim/pull/2954
11:09:18avsej``foo``bar - is not valid in reST
11:09:57avsej``proc``-s is okay, but I think just ``proc``, ``template`` etc. will be okay too there
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12:41:16AraqOnO: the new compiler output breaks tests/macros/ttryparseexpr.nim
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12:45:31OnOokay, I'll have a look in couple of minutes
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13:08:40Araqthough actually it might have been an earlier refactoring ...
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13:14:03Araqono: er what? gNotesFromConst is broken, but using NotesVerbosityConst[0] directly works? o.O
13:19:58onoAraq: yeah, kind of funny, isn't it?
13:20:30Araq i = 0
13:20:31Araq gNotesFromConst: TNoteKinds = NotesVerbosityConst[i] # works
13:20:47Araq gNotesFromConst: TNoteKinds = NotesVerbosityConst[0] # fails
13:21:55ono2nd is compile time [ ]
13:21:59ono1st is runtime [ ]
13:25:14onoAraq: "the new compiler output breaks tests/macros/ttryparseexpr.nim" <- you mean code in current devel or in verbosity-map PR ?
13:30:59onojust tried on vanilla Nim devel: got PASS: ttryparseexpr.nim
13:31:16onoshall I try on Windows ?
13:37:07onobrw. since we renamed build.sh to bootstrap.sh the readme.md is completely outdated
13:38:08onoor not
13:38:20onosorry, it was build.sh in csources
13:38:37onostill would be nice then to have bootstrap.bar too :
13:39:57onooh well... it asks for gcc compiler, the fun begins
13:43:04onookay, so how do I compile Nim using MSVC?
13:47:05Araqbut i don't think this works for build.bat
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14:12:53federico3koch pdf on a freshly built Nim stops and ask for fonts
14:18:15Araqfederico3: that's just LaTeX at work?
14:19:17federico3yep, sigh. I'm creating a list of required packages to make tex build
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14:29:18federico3Araq: the build worked. How about publishing the PDFs on the website on every new release?
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14:35:29Araqsure, everything that makes releases more work is fine with me ... :P
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14:59:57flaviuWhy isn't there a one-click make release script?
15:00:25yglukhov_______Araq, I'm not sure if I explained the problem clearly. Just feel free to ask more questions ;)
15:01:38onoAraq: so how do I build with MSVC, is it even possible?
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15:02:00onoI don't want to skip this opportunity using amazing M$ compiler ;)
15:04:44Araqflaviu: mostly because on windows I have no exec bits, and on linux I have no NSIS installer support
15:05:03Araqso ... how do you run a single script on 2 different OSes?
15:05:11flaviuWrite it in Nim :P
15:06:39onoAraq: msys bash emulates exec bits depending on Shebang, so it is okay to ./bootstrap.sh
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15:12:38onoWTF on Windows tester fails to start because of missing sqlite3.dll
15:12:44onoshouldn't it be optional somehow?
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15:19:09*yglukhov_______ quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)
15:19:28onojust put sqlite3.dll next to tester.exe and it still complains about no sqlite3.dll
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15:25:46Araqono: you need a 64bit dll then
15:26:36Araqflaviu: that doesn't solve the problem, I like to run 1 thing on 1 OS and then upload the generated stuff
15:26:49Araqand not switch between OSes
15:27:08flaviuAraq: http://gwyddion.net/documentation/user-guide-en/installation-cross-mingw32.html
15:27:20onoWindows is amazing, no way to display whether the dll is 32-bit or 64-bit
15:27:41flaviuSpecifically, the part under "Wine".
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15:32:24Araqono: dumpbin?
15:33:00Araqflaviu: I know about Wine, thanks.
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15:34:10onohmm... now complains on missing pcre.dll
15:41:06Araqono: btw you don't need to run the tester anyway
15:41:40Araqnim c -r tests\macros\ttryparseexpr.nim
15:41:51Araqand see that the output is not what is required
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15:44:55onoseems like it is adding some unnecessary space at the end
15:44:59onoon Windows
15:45:07onoor new line in fact
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15:45:37Araqnah oh
15:45:56Araqvery weird, I wasn't on up to date when I tested this
15:46:06Araqand with your most recent changes it does work again
15:46:11Araqsorry for the noise
15:50:32onoaha.... ok, at least had opportunity to play a little with Windows hehe
15:51:33onookay, going home, bbl
15:51:57Araqozra: oh btw it's weird that the tester now requires both pegs and re ...
15:57:00*Ven quit (Quit: My MacBook has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…)
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16:10:38apenseavsej, thanks. i always forget to set up sublime to remove the trailing spaces. i think there's actually an unclosed parentheses in there somewhere, but I forget where. I'll look now
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16:20:37apenseavsej, ``nnkIdent``s should go to ``nnkIdent`` right?
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16:26:54apenseFound it finally. Submitting a PR. also finally got my trailing whitespace fixed :D
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18:04:52rgv151`how to find index of a Rune in an unicode string?
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18:18:13apensergv151`, you could use the runes iterator. not sure there's a built-in proc
18:19:50Araqdon't use runes, use strings ;-)
18:20:27apenseyeah that's more sensible. Nim's strings are unicode by default, right?
18:20:51rgv151`i'm messing w/ runes
18:21:28rgv151`runes iterator is working fine, but runeAt proc isn't
18:23:43rgv151`i have a string w/ ascii and unicode chars mix'ed
18:24:40apenseshouldn't `find` in strings be part of the stdlib?
18:24:54Araqapense: well ... yeah. it's a bit more complex, but if you use --taintMode:on the compiler makes you perform input validation which subsumes utf-8 validation
18:25:39apenseAraq, ohh
18:26:06rgv151`unicode chars' len is 2 bytes, is this right?
18:26:33Araqrgv151`: that sounds like utf-16
18:27:04rgv151`that's my problem
18:30:38Araqyou can use newWideCString(x) to get it into utf-16 and WideCString's $ to turn it into a Nim string
18:30:58Araqrunes are utf-32 ...
18:31:30Araqapense: find works for strings just fine?
18:33:16apenseAraq, it sort of does. I'm running into this: https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/issues/2956
18:33:37apenseI made an issue because Unicode pasting is nasty in my HexChat
18:34:49Araq"It works fine if you import strutils, but it feels like something strange is happening."
18:35:05Araqno. it works as expected.
18:35:18ozrargv151`: unicode chars are 1-x bytes...
18:35:36apenseAraq, why does it think I'm passing a char?
18:35:42ozraeh, I mean utf8
18:36:30ozraAraq: Yeah, I added re for the output-matching. You want it out?
18:38:10Araqapense: cause it tries to use system.find and in there ==
18:38:16ozraHaven't used pegs, but could look into it later to ditch that dep...
18:38:27Araqbut it doesn't report "instantiation from here" for some reason ...
18:39:02Araqbut maybe that's printed in a color that I cannot see?
18:39:24Araqor it got refactored away because colors are more important than content :P
18:39:58apenseah. thanks Araq . didn't think through what `items` was doing
18:40:08reactormonkAraq, I'd kick you for trolling if I could
18:40:44Araqreactormonk: and yet I'm right
18:40:49Araqit does report the line
18:41:07Araqbut the warning message disappeared. yay
18:41:23reactormonkAraq, that's the beauty of good trolling. ;-)
18:42:11rgv151`Araq: my Nim don't have newWideCString proc :-?
18:42:20reactormonkSo is there a way to diff test result outputs in a meaningful way?
18:42:31Araqreactormonk: yes
18:42:42reactormonkAraq, then how do you do it?
18:42:42rgv151`i'm using 0.11.2
18:43:52Araqtester html [commit] generate testresults.html from the database; uses
18:43:54Araqthe latest
18:43:55Araq commit or a specific one (use -1 for the commit
18:43:57Araq before latest etc)
18:44:37reactormonkdo you need to pass it the commit ID or do branches work too?
18:45:42apensergv151`, it's part of systems. is it giving you an error?
18:45:55apensevar m = newWideCString("hello") should just work
18:46:22Araqreactormonk: it needs to find it in its database
18:46:36reactormonkAraq, so no branches I Assume
18:46:48rgv151`yes apense, test.nim(7, 14) Error: undeclared identifier: 'newWideCString'
18:46:49Araqit doesn't care about branches
18:47:32Araqreactormonk: the tester runs the tests, asks for git's commit and stores stuff under that commit
18:47:40Araqlater you commit things, rerun the tester
18:47:50Araqthe tester uses git's commit again etc
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18:52:20reactormonkAraq, https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/commit/0d40fd7552e826aa6ce860d101a5bd49548ed785 ?
18:54:23Araqreactormonk: --print opens the HTML for you iirc
18:54:40reactormonk./koch html --print $DEVEL_COMMIT
18:55:41Araqtester --print html $Commit
18:55:50Araqor: tester --print html -1
18:55:52Araqor: tester --print html -2
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18:57:46Araqrgv151`: wide string support is only active on windows
18:58:04Araqbecause unix generally uses utf-8 anyway
18:58:16Araqwhere do you get the utf-16 from?
18:59:42Araqaha, when I redirect the output to a file I can read the "template/generic instantiation from here"
19:00:04reactormonkAraq, I'll probably just hit merge in a week or two on that PR
19:00:06rgv151`hmm, windows only..
19:00:32Araqreactormonk: which one?
19:00:56reactormonkAraq, https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/pull/2930
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19:01:32rgv151`Araq: my string is "àáảãạaằắẳẵặăầấẩẫậâèéẻẽẹeềếểễệêìíỉĩịiòóỏõọoồốổỗộôờớởỡợơùúủũụuừứửữựưỳýỷỹỵy"
19:01:38Araqrgv151`: well if you just use string literals, you don't have utf-16
19:01:52Araqjust use a normal string and runeLen
19:02:37Araqreactormonk: well it needs to be added to the website.
19:02:59Araqso ... pull it, but that's not enough :P
19:03:07reactormonkAraq, nah, it'll poke in your eye at the top whenever you create an issue / pull request
19:03:17Araqyou need me to get online
19:03:21Araq*to get it
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19:05:40rgv151`Araq: `runes` iterator works for me, but if I use `for i in 0..s.runeLen-1: echo s.runeAt(i)` it prints some wierd chars
19:06:25Araqyeah well that's expected
19:06:48*vendethiel- quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
19:07:02Araqjust because the rune length is N that doesn't mean 0..N-1 are the valid rune starting positions
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19:07:38rgv151`i see
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19:08:44rgv151`i still dont know why i'm getting utf-16 instead of utf-8
19:08:58Araqyou don't get utf-16
19:09:25Araqyou get a something that takes 2 bytes to encode in utf-8
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19:16:50Araqozra: just use a peg instead of 're' for this feature
19:18:23ozraSure. I'll do that after the deep-earth-digging :)
19:19:41rgv151`ozra: pegs is very cool :)
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19:21:45reactormonkAraq, should I just be done with it and pull or wait for some comments?
19:22:07Araqalready told you that I'll rewrite it in ReST
19:22:25AraqI'm still hoping you might do it
19:23:17Araqa ReST file I could integrate easily with the rest of the website ...
19:23:45Araqplus I don't have to worry about my editor removing trailing whitespace -- breaking the markdown file
19:24:10Araq(that's my favorite argument against markdown now :D )
19:27:29*gour left #nim ("Using Circe, the loveliest of all IRC clients")
19:27:39reactormonkthat you have a shitty editor? I though you said editors should solve all tooling problems.
19:28:35reactormonkrst is http://docutils.sourceforge.net/rst.html ?
19:28:58Araqno i said, nobody should ever have to care about "trailing whitespace"
19:29:20Araqbut git is a dick about it, so my editor adapted and now removes it
19:29:44Araqnice try though.
19:31:45reactormonkThanks, I'm learning from the best ;-)
19:36:31rgv151`bed time, i will get this thing out of my head tmr
19:36:37rgv151`thanks guys
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19:49:43migloHello! Has anyone integrated nim support into his vi/vim? I've tried this one "https://github.com/zah/nim.vim" but I've got an error message like: unknown function nim#init in .vim/ftplugin/nim.vim
19:52:47Araqmiglo: with a bit of luck zahary will awake
19:53:59miglothanks, I've notice that I've forgot to integrate more files into my .vim folder
19:56:02miglook, it's working now
19:56:34migloNow, it's time to learn nim :-)
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20:11:13migloI'm wondering about the output the nim compiler provides when I'm compiling a simple example with few lines of code: 9094 lines compiled; 0.225 sec total; 14.143MB; Debug Build
20:12:15miglowhere are these 9094 lines are coming from and the size of 14MB?
20:13:29fowlMaybe add --deadcodeelim:on -d:release --opt:size
20:13:41Araqmiglo: the stdlib, in particular system.nim
20:18:29reactormonkAraq, https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/commit/69ceede3fb363312b0a39042b4887ae2c52d3846
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20:35:47reactormonkAraq, https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/blob/contributing-guide/contributing.rst doesn't eat the links as it should according to the rst manual
20:42:56fowlooo the compiler has pretty colors
20:43:59reactormonkAraq, see?
20:44:06reactormonkfancy colors => happy users
20:46:46Araqreactormonk: doesn't apply to our website though :P
20:46:52reactormonkAraq, ah fuck
20:49:00reactormonkstop poking holes into my theories.
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20:59:48flaviureactormonk: nah, your theory is good, just not phrased properly: http://i.imgur.com/6yOK0hC.png
21:01:58miglois it not allowed to have a property name starting with an underscore? I've tried to use this for properties that should not be public as I know it from C++
21:03:41Araqmiglo: no, nim doesn't like underscore based ascii art
21:03:47miglothe tutorial mentions the prefix 'F', but for what does 'F' stand for?
21:08:21Araqoh yeah we should remove that, nobody uses it
21:08:27Araqit stands for 'Field'
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21:14:10migloI found the following sentence from the second tutorial a little bit confusing: "Adding a method to a class the programmer has no control over is impossible or needs ugly workarounds."
21:15:44migloso, what is the preferred naming for properties that are not public?
21:16:14flaviumiglo: Same as properties that are public -- just don't export them.
21:17:13miglobut if I provide getter and setter methods the property must have then for my understanding a different name
21:17:55reactormonkmiglo, not sure why people are obsessed with getters/setters - I've never used one in a serious project
21:18:56migloa range check could be part of a setter method
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21:19:35reactormonkYou can have a range check in your type system
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21:20:13reactormonkCan't remember the syntax for nim though :-/
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21:20:47Araqreactormonk: range[a..b]
21:21:24Araqmiglo: your getters and setters can have the same name as the field
21:24:27reactormonkmiglo, might just be me, but I've usually found data structure with internal mutable state ugly to debug
21:24:48miglothen, the tutorial should also mention this and the example changed
21:25:28reactormonkmiglo, https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/blob/devel/doc/tut1.txt hit the little pen saying "edit this file"
21:27:34migloreactormonk: do maybe know how to properly correct this sentence: Adding a method to a class the programmer has no control over is impossible or needs ugly workarounds
21:28:03miglo...over, or its ...
21:28:25reactormonkmiglo, "It is not possible to add methods to a class the programmer has no control over."
21:28:43reactormonkAraq, how exactly is "no control over" defined?
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21:29:47miglomaybe: the programmer cannot add additional methods to a class
21:29:59*milosn quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
21:30:29reactormonk... defined in an external file?
21:34:35Araqreactormonk: interesting that this has never been touched. Just remove it, I don't care.
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21:34:52reactormonkAraq, "this"?
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21:45:35migloit would be nice for newbeis like me to read about some advantages of multi-methods or what makes them superior compared to what most people know about class methods
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21:47:12miglothe reader should get more appetite for nim
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21:55:59federico3miglo: that you can write a.foo(b) or foo(a, b)
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22:08:34Araqmiglo: functional programming is the hype these days ;-) the tutorial should perhaps show how to do that instead
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22:28:10dom96ozra: any news on the syntax highlighting on github?
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22:38:47ozraAccording to varriount the NimLime highlighting and GitHub does _not_ have a connection, so I've no clue unfortunately.
22:38:52ozradom96: ^
22:39:29reactormonkdom96, does ./koch tests c <folder name> work?
22:39:55Araqreactormonk: not really, after the 'c' a category follows
22:40:42dom96ozra: well shit. Could you contact github and ask them for me what is going on with their syntax highlighting? :)
22:41:50ozradom96: I don't know anymore about that than you I'm afraid. So just holler them. I'm deep in debugging atm.
22:42:44dom96ozra: ok, i'll do it.
22:43:54reactormonkDoes args|"all" mean "args, or if args empty, "all""?
22:45:07Araqit's declared in koch.nim btw
22:45:23reactormonk ./koch tests all --failing
22:45:27reactormonk^ correct usage?
22:45:35Araq./koch tests --failing all
22:45:44reactormonkAnd what's pedantic exactly?
22:45:54reactormonkworks both btw
22:48:06reactormonkdom96, ok, it's in
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22:53:06Araqreactormonk: it does stuff with the precious exit code
22:53:16reactormonklike what?
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22:54:18Araqexits with 1 if a test failed
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22:55:00reactormonkwhy doesn't it do that by default?
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22:59:52Araqcause tests always fail
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23:33:12miglois it possible to create from an existing sequence a new one but only with a subset of the values?
23:36:01miglook, got it
23:40:25reactormonkmiglo, slicing?
23:42:46migloI did the following: var x = @[1, 2, 3, 4] ; var y = @x[1..x.high]
23:43:50migloyou are right, it's called slicing
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23:56:33miglois there anything like "myseq.empty" to prevent an "if myseq.len <= 0:"?