<< 18-08-2019 >>

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02:05:44leorize[m]zedeus: getAst() is your friend
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03:22:48FromDiscord_<Adam Kowalski> How do you get an equivalent of this in nim? I want to mimic variadic generics from languages like D and C++.
03:22:48FromDiscord_<Adam Kowalski>
03:22:48FromDiscord_<Adam Kowalski> Here is the example in D
03:22:48FromDiscord_<Adam Kowalski>
03:22:49FromDiscord_<Adam Kowalski> ```
03:22:49FromDiscord_<Adam Kowalski> struct Tensor(T, Dims...) {
03:22:49FromDiscord_<Adam Kowalski> }
03:22:51FromDiscord_<Adam Kowalski>
03:22:52FromDiscord_<Adam Kowalski> void main() {
03:22:54FromDiscord_<Adam Kowalski> const x = Tensor!(int, 3, 5, 7)();
03:22:55FromDiscord_<Adam Kowalski> }
03:22:56FromDiscord_<Adam Kowalski> ```
03:23:35FromDiscord_<Adam Kowalski> Here is the the example in C++
03:23:35FromDiscord_<Adam Kowalski>
03:23:35FromDiscord_<Adam Kowalski> ```
03:23:35FromDiscord_<Adam Kowalski> template <class T, size_t... Dims>
03:23:36FromDiscord_<Adam Kowalski> struct Tensor {};
03:23:36FromDiscord_<Adam Kowalski>
03:23:36FromDiscord_<Adam Kowalski> int main() {
03:23:38FromDiscord_<Adam Kowalski> auto x = Tensor<int, 3, 5, 7>{};
03:23:39FromDiscord_<Adam Kowalski> }
03:23:41FromDiscord_<Adam Kowalski> ```
03:23:48FromGitter<awr1> please do not post markdown in here
03:23:51FromGitter<awr1> use a pastebin
03:26:27FromGitter<awr1> @Adam Kowalski https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=1SnU
03:28:12FromDiscord_<Adam Kowalski> Thanks!
03:28:33FromDiscord_<Adam Kowalski> How about reflection? Can I do things like grab all the fields from a struct
03:29:26FromGitter<awr1> yes, use `fields()` or `fieldPairs()` iterator
03:36:21FromDiscord_<Adam Kowalski> Is that documented anywhere? What other things can we reflect on?
03:40:27FromDiscord_<Adam Kowalski> Also with your tensor example can you overload methods on the size of the dimensions?
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03:59:03*Calinou quit (Quit: No Ping reply in 180 seconds.)
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04:04:29FromGitter<Riderfighter> Hello everyone, does anyone know how to change the hashpart of the current page using karax? I can't seem to find a good example of how to do this with a proc when I searched in karax.
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04:24:29FromDiscord_<Adam Kowalski> @awr1 How would I mimic something like this? https://pastebin.com/wskJtSYJ
04:24:47FromDiscord_<Adam Kowalski> That prints
04:24:47FromDiscord_<Adam Kowalski>
04:24:47FromDiscord_<Adam Kowalski> I match vectors
04:24:47FromDiscord_<Adam Kowalski> I match matrices
04:24:50FromDiscord_<Adam Kowalski> I match cubes
04:27:54leorizeRiderfighter: I believe you just use JS functions for that
04:31:06*seni quit (Remote host closed the connection)
04:32:53leorize@Adam variadic generics is not supported by Nim
04:33:05leorizethere's a RFC for it, but doesn't gain much traction: https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/issues/1019
04:33:54leorizefor matrix stuff, you can try @mratsim's arraymancer: https://mratsim.github.io/Arraymancer/index.html
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05:52:09FromGitter<zacharycarter> @awr1: https://magnum.graphics/
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05:59:10FromDiscord_<me2beats> could not load: SDL2.dll - how to solve it?
05:59:24FromGitter<zacharycarter> put sdl2.dll in the same directory as your executable
06:00:47FromDiscord_<me2beats> do I have to download it first? I'm on Windows 7
06:01:37FromDiscord_<me2beats> just trying to run nimx hello world
06:02:02FromGitter<zacharycarter> well nimx depends on sdl2 I imagine
06:02:07FromGitter<zacharycarter> so yes you'd need to download it first
06:10:55leorize@me2beats: https://libsdl.org/download-2.0.php
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06:13:32FromDiscord_<Shield> yeah you need to copy any dll dependency to the binary folder
06:19:54FromDiscord_<me2beats> well I put sdl2.dll in the same directory as my executable and that worked - the app runs. But I can see sdl2.dll in nim bin folder ass well
06:20:09FromDiscord_<me2beats> well I put sdl2.dll in the same directory as my executable and that worked - the app runs. But I can see sdl2.dll in nim bin folder as well
06:21:50FromDiscord_<me2beats> can my executable file (main.nim) take sld2.dll from that (nim bin) folder?
06:32:37FromGitter<awr1> that's very strange that sdl2.dll is in the nim bin folder. i wonder what it's for
06:33:44FromGitter<awr1> in general on win32 you should bundle the dlls in the same folder as the exe
06:34:18FromDiscord_<me2beats> I mean that folder where bin, compiler, config, dist are
06:34:35FromDiscord_<me2beats> I'm on win 7 64
06:34:47FromGitter<awr1> yeah i know what you're talking about
06:35:03FromGitter<awr1> and by win32 i just mean the windows API in general, not 32-bit specifically
06:36:09FromGitter<awr1> i don't really know why you would want to link directly to the copy in nim's folder
06:36:33FromGitter<awr1> for the record this is how DLLs are loaded on win32
06:36:34FromGitter<awr1> https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/dlls/dynamic-link-library-search-order
06:37:27FromGitter<awr1> so if you really wanted to, you can use a manifest
06:37:44FromGitter<awr1> but i don't really see why that's necessary
06:43:07FromGitter<awr1> @Adam Kowalski https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=1St4 (for the record, yes, that case should be a compile-time branch)
06:46:39FromDiscord_<me2beats> do I understand right that when executing every nim file that requires sdl2.dll I have to have this dll file next to the nim file? Is it normal practice?
06:47:29leorizethat's a normal thing for all windows programs
06:47:31FromGitter<awr1> that's extremely normal for windows apps.
06:47:45FromGitter<awr1> if you really really want to just put SDL2.dll in your PATH somewhere
06:48:10FromGitter<awr1> and pray that it doesn't break anything
06:49:27FromGitter<awr1> (in spite of this, i still think DLL searching on win32 is implemented in a reasonable way)
06:50:25FromDiscord_<Shield> that's dynamic linking for you, always ship the DLL with the exe, maybe the user would have an older version, or an uncompatible one, althought the later is rare for mature libraries
06:51:28FromGitter<awr1> if you're shipping a game on steam valve has a special version of SDL2 that launched apps automatically link to (somehow)
06:51:39FromGitter<awr1> maybe some rpath magic
06:51:44FromGitter<awr1> (for linux)
06:51:56FromGitter<awr1> i think it is the same on windows though too
06:53:47FromDiscord_<me2beats> well ok then)
06:54:07FromDiscord_<me2beats> it seems I need some kind of guide on the structure of projects using Nim
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06:55:00FromGitter<awr1> are you not familiar with developing for windows?
06:55:27FromGitter<awr1> if you have a unix background, windows dev has its own quirks
06:56:47FromGitter<awr1> find the location of any installed exe on windows and you'll typically see a bunch of DLLs in the same folder
07:00:00*gmpreussner quit (Quit: kthxbye)
07:01:33FromGitter<awr1> also @Adam Kowalski https://nim-lang.org/docs/iterators.html#fields.i%2CT
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07:54:14Zevvstrutils.normalize notes that i shohuld NOT use that for normalizing Nim identifier names. What should I use then?
07:59:08ZevvI don't want to compare, I want to normalize so that I can use it as in index in a Table[]
07:59:17Zevvbut not a str<->str table
08:01:51Zevvoh araq btw, I have files that are imported but dont export any symbols. Is there a way to suppress the "imported but not used" warnings *by the imported module*?
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08:04:36nc-xdoes anybody know how to debug stack corruption on windows?
08:05:34Zevvcompile for linux, run valgrind :(
08:09:17FromGitter<awr1> which compiler?
08:09:44FromGitter<awr1> if it's MSVC you can do /GZ
08:09:54nc-xZevv: (⊙_⊙;)
08:10:09nc-xawr1: gcc/clang/msvc on windows
08:10:15FromGitter<awr1> sry /RTC
08:10:17nc-xor i might install linux vm now
08:10:19*terps quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
08:10:26Zevvhaha :)
08:10:38Zevvvalgrind saved my behind *so* many times
08:10:51FromGitter<awr1> try `when vcc: {.passC: "/RTC".}`
08:11:30FromGitter<awr1> or actually `when vcc: {.passC: "/RTCs".}`
08:12:33FromGitter<awr1> supposedly Asan works on windows, i haven't tried it.
08:15:11nc-xOkay thanks. let me try.
08:18:22nc-xWell, msvc fails to even compile the code - stdlib_system.nim.c(1492): error C2371: 'genericResetAux__9bFXTAJ8caOL4Ioy2o3B3aw_actual': redefinition; different basic types
08:19:13nc-xnope. sorry. wrong code i think.
08:21:59FromGitter<awr1> https://clang.llvm.org/docs/AddressSanitizer.html
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08:36:19krux02not sure how much the addresssanitizer of clang will be useful in Nim since Nim has its own memory allocator
08:40:21FromGitter<awr1> hmmmmmm you could force malloc
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15:11:15shashlickWhy isn't parallelBuild 0 by default
15:12:50shashlickLooks like it is in nim.cfg but doesn't seem to take effect by default
15:13:10shashlick--parallel_build: "0"
15:25:31FromGitter<awr1> 0 is autodetect
15:25:43FromGitter<awr1> not "false"
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18:23:25FromDiscord_<Adam Kowalski> @Araq is there any way to encode the dimensions of a tensor in the type system? There are no variadic generics, but I've seen people propose using tuples. However, can I then use that to statically at compile time overload a function based on the amount of dimensions or the size of those dimensions?
18:24:08FromDiscord_<Adam Kowalski> https://pastebin.com/wskJtSYJ
18:24:19FromDiscord_<Adam Kowalski> The nim example I've seen is https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=1St4
18:24:28FromDiscord_<Adam Kowalski> The problem here is that all the logic is inside of the one function
18:24:54FromDiscord_<Adam Kowalski> So i cannot extend the overload set to add on new behavior without modifying the function body
18:25:26FromDiscord_<Adam Kowalski> If that function is provided by a library (or any code that you cannot modify as the source is not yours) then you are stuck and cannot extend it.
18:30:22FromDiscord_<Adam Kowalski> I want something like this https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=1SCN
18:35:32Araqseems to complex for today's compiler.
18:36:32FromDiscord_<Adam Kowalski> Are there any plans to enable something like this? This is my main use case for variadic generics
18:37:04FromDiscord_<Adam Kowalski> I want to be able to for example take in a list of dimensions at compile time, and then if I say transpose the tensor, produce a new variadic list of dimensions and instantiate a tensor of that type
18:37:18FromDiscord_<Adam Kowalski> Or if you reshape a tensor, or add two tensors
18:37:34FromDiscord_<Adam Kowalski> Only allow addition of tensors of the same shape and that share a element type that can be added
18:40:44AraqI would have them shapeless, all the generic instantiations would kill me. But sure, we want to support Tensor properly in the type system
18:41:47FromDiscord_<Adam Kowalski> Having a compile time knowable shape is huge in my opinion. It can eliminate a whole class of bugs in the world of machine learning
18:42:18Araqnot sure how @mratsim does it
18:42:23FromDiscord_<Adam Kowalski> If there is only a runtime shape, that is our equivalent of a dynamically typed language
18:42:26Araqhopefully he is around
18:42:36FromDiscord_<Adam Kowalski> I've chatted with him in the past
18:43:27*stefanos82 quit (Quit: Quitting for now...)
18:43:33Araqwell I know the argument and it doesn't convince me. Firstly, every type is always an approximation of the real runtime constraint (think about strings of the pattern [A-B]*)
18:45:59AraqSecondly, pre- and post-conditions could be proved by some proof-engine and the result could be much more useful than encoding the same in a traditional type system
18:46:08FromDiscord_<Adam Kowalski> I think me and mratsim agreed when we spoke last time and we both wished this was supported by the language
18:46:25FromDiscord_<Adam Kowalski> There is a huge advantage to being able to dispatch and do different logic depending on the amount of dimensions
18:46:54FromDiscord_<Adam Kowalski> For example in reinforcement learning you need to build a completely different perception system depending on if your input is coming as a vector, matrix, or a cube
18:46:55FromGitter<awr1> @Adam Kowalski did you see my example from last night
18:47:06FromGitter<awr1> i.e. https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=1St4
18:47:24FromDiscord_<Adam Kowalski> if you have a cube or a matrix coming in you need to build a convolutional neural network and extract information out of your image/video
18:47:49FromDiscord_<Adam Kowalski> But if you have a vector, then you can get away with just using a dense layer
18:49:17FromDiscord_<Adam Kowalski> You can also ensure that you will not get any runtime shape errors at compile time which is huge for the self driving industry or medical domains
18:49:39FromDiscord_<Adam Kowalski> Python is notorious for this problem where you cannot validate behavior up front and must check everything at runtime and through unit tests
18:49:57FromDiscord_<Adam Kowalski> I want a much higher level of correctness proof
18:51:11FromGitter<awr1> is there anything not satisfactory about the example i showed
18:51:30FromDiscord_<Adam Kowalski> Yes I discuess this earlier up above
18:51:30FromGitter<awr1> the case is a compile time branch (or it should be, either that or you can use when)
18:51:59FromDiscord_<Adam Kowalski> The main issue is I cannot extend it
18:52:25FromDiscord_<Adam Kowalski> if I want to add new branches to that I have to modify that funciton
18:52:36FromDiscord_<Adam Kowalski> with overloading I can add addiitonal behavior by adding to the overload set
18:52:51FromDiscord_<Adam Kowalski> Meaning people who have special logic they want to add on don't need to submit a pull request to my library
18:53:01FromDiscord_<Adam Kowalski> they can just add an overload and run with it
18:53:26FromDiscord_<Adam Kowalski> If we could turn your example into something like this https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=1SCN I would be really happy
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18:56:27Araqhttps://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=1SD4 it should be done like this IMO
18:56:53Araqthe compiler doesn't like it, but that seems to me the one bug I'm currently hunting
18:57:30FromGitter<awr1> i was going to suggest something like that, but yeah i ran into issues too.
18:57:40FromGitter<awr1> i have a linear algebra library that does something like this
18:58:07FromGitter<awr1> but it's less complicated because only one generic param and it was `static[int]`
18:58:13FromDiscord_<Adam Kowalski> Okay cool! I will try to build out the library in nim too once that bug gets fixed and see how the experience goes between D/C++/nim
18:58:30FromDiscord_<Adam Kowalski> Araq so with that setup can we have an additional requirement
18:58:55FromDiscord_<Adam Kowalski> Can I now also overload and say that I want a 3D tensor (cube) but only match that overload if the middle dimension is of length 10
18:59:10FromDiscord_<Adam Kowalski> so if I have a Tensor[int, [M, 10, N]]
18:59:16FromDiscord_<Adam Kowalski> take one branch
18:59:28FromDiscord_<Adam Kowalski> and Tensor[int, [M, N, O]] in another branch
18:59:51FromDiscord_<Adam Kowalski> Not an if branch within one function, but as two overloads
18:59:59Araqis that wise?
19:00:15Araqlooks to me 'when N == 10' is superior
19:00:31Araqotherwise some implementation detail is leaked into the proc definitions
19:01:22FromGitter<awr1> https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=1SD9 using typeclasses doesn't work either
19:04:05*terps quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
19:05:58FromDiscord_<Adam Kowalski> Well the real use case is this
19:06:10FromDiscord_<Adam Kowalski> You may not always know the dimension in advance, but you sure know the rank
19:06:26FromDiscord_<Adam Kowalski> for example with images you load them in, you know it's a cube (width x height x color)
19:06:42FromDiscord_<Adam Kowalski> But you don't know the width and height dimension so you need the shape to have two dynamic entries and 1 static
19:07:01FromDiscord_<Adam Kowalski> I typically use -1 in c++/d to mean dynamic and positive integers to mean static
19:07:34FromDiscord_<Adam Kowalski> Now if you reshape the image so they are all a known size like lets say 1920 x 1080 x 3. Then you want to get back a statically known tensor dimension
19:08:01*FromGitter quit (Remote host closed the connection)
19:08:15FromDiscord_<Adam Kowalski> But now if you have a batch of images lets say 30 at a time
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19:08:32FromDiscord_<Adam Kowalski> so your tensor is Tensor[float32, [1920, 1080, 3, 30]]
19:08:51FromDiscord_<Adam Kowalski> But really the last dimension should be -1 because you can't garuantee you have a multiple of 30 images
19:09:12FromDiscord_<Adam Kowalski> The point is I need to do arbitrary compile time dimension analysis and do dispatch on all sort of different weird situations
19:09:34FromDiscord_<Adam Kowalski> I need either variadic non type generics or tuples that I can dispatch with
19:12:02FromGitter<awr1> actually this works, but it's verbose
19:12:03FromGitter<awr1> https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=1SD9
19:12:45FromGitter<awr1> oh lol
19:12:45FromGitter<awr1> https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=1SD9
19:12:48FromGitter<awr1> wait whoops
19:12:51FromDiscord_<Adam Kowalski> I'm getting
19:12:51FromDiscord_<Adam Kowalski>
19:12:51FromDiscord_<Adam Kowalski> Hint: used config file '/nim/config/nim.cfg' [Conf]
19:12:51FromDiscord_<Adam Kowalski> Hint: system [Processing]
19:12:51FromDiscord_<Adam Kowalski> Hint: widestrs [Processing]
19:12:52FromDiscord_<Adam Kowalski> Hint: io [Processing]
19:12:53FromDiscord_<Adam Kowalski> Hint: in [Processing]
19:12:55FromDiscord_<Adam Kowalski> /usercode/in.nim(15, 4) Error: type mismatch: got <Tensor[system.int, array[0..0, int]]>
19:12:55FromDiscord_<Adam Kowalski> but expected one of:
19:12:57FromDiscord_<Adam Kowalski> proc foo[T; M: static array[1, int]](tensor: Tensor[T, M])
19:12:58FromGitter<awr1> https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=1SDg
19:12:59FromDiscord_<Adam Kowalski> proc foo[T; M: static array[2, int]](tensor: Tensor[T, M])
19:13:01FromDiscord_<Adam Kowalski> proc foo[T; M: static array[3, int]](tensor: Tensor[T, M])
19:13:03FromDiscord_<Adam Kowalski>
19:13:04FromDiscord_<Adam Kowalski> expression: foo(Tensor[int, [3]]())
19:13:36FromGitter<awr1> it works if you make the Dims thing its own type
19:14:51FromDiscord_<Adam Kowalski> It wokrs even if I inline the openarray[int] into the type
19:14:54FromDiscord_<Adam Kowalski> We are getting there!
19:17:13FromDiscord_<Adam Kowalski> Can you put constraints on types? Like beyond concepts can I do something like SFINAE in C++
19:17:54FromDiscord_<Adam Kowalski> Can I say, this method only participates in the overload set when compile time condition is met
19:18:15FromDiscord_<Adam Kowalski> Like if I define transpose
19:18:25FromDiscord_<Adam Kowalski> The product of the input dimensions and the product of the output dimensions must match
19:18:45FromGitter<awr1> static assert
19:20:19FromDiscord_<Adam Kowalski> Right but thats part of the body of the function
19:20:31FromDiscord_<Adam Kowalski> which means I then cannot add another function to the overload set which relaxes that constraint?
19:21:38FromGitter<awr1> then a compile-time branch?
19:21:56FromDiscord_<Adam Kowalski> what do you mean by that
19:22:12FromDiscord_<Adam Kowalski> like
19:22:12FromDiscord_<Adam Kowalski>
19:22:12FromDiscord_<Adam Kowalski> when somethign:
19:22:12FromDiscord_<Adam Kowalski> do one thing
19:22:12FromDiscord_<Adam Kowalski> else:
19:22:13FromDiscord_<Adam Kowalski> do something else?
19:22:14FromGitter<awr1> `when notSatisfies(): a() else: b()`
19:22:28FromDiscord_<Adam Kowalski> Yeah I guess
19:22:28FromDiscord_<Adam Kowalski> I don't like that
19:22:44FromDiscord_<Adam Kowalski> I prefer things that are open to extension as much as possible
19:22:57*terps joined #nim
19:23:42FromDiscord_<Adam Kowalski> I will try things out like this and see if I run into any concrete problesm
19:24:04FromGitter<awr1> do you know of another langauge that allows for that sort of thing that isn't like...Agda or some weird functional language
19:24:14FromDiscord_<Adam Kowalski> C++/D?
19:24:45FromGitter<awr1> i mean i guess you have SFINAE but i don't know how that applies to your case
19:24:49FromDiscord_<Adam Kowalski> Let me write an example if that helps
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19:43:02FromGitter<arnetheduck> is there a difference between `typedesc` and `type` in `f(x: typedesc)` vs `f(x: type)`?
19:47:32dom96there isn't
19:47:55dom96and yes, removing `type` has been discussed
19:49:21Araq'x: type' needs to die, it's terrible
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19:53:21FromGitter<arnetheduck> uh ok. I kind of remember @zah recommending it at some point.. can it be.. deprecated then so there's a warning?
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20:06:46krux02arnetheduck: There is no warning yet, though there will be in the future.
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20:07:03FromDiscord_<Shield> I remember doing something dumb like having a macro that you can call from anywhere and it will feed the body into a body of a proc, with an optional priority argument
20:07:49FromDiscord_<Shield> maybe you can use that so people get to define their own specific cases in their code but under the hood you use when X : do Y?
20:10:09krux02Shield: What were you trying to solve with that?
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20:19:14FromDiscord_<Shield> it was more of an exercice than anything, I wanted to see if I macro can sort a bunch of statements and outputs a correct function without me having to put things in order manually in a gigantic function
20:19:56FromDiscord_<Shield> it was also silly
20:24:17krux02Shield: in my experience, if there is a solution where you just need to put things in the right order, go for that one.
20:25:08krux02Keep things simple, sorting things might take some effort, but it also flatens the problem and after the things have been sorted you don't have to deal with the automagical sorting thing anymore.
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20:33:13shashlickmy libarchive wrapper works fine on windows but segfaults in linux - any suggestions? http://ix.io/1SDh
20:42:19Araqwe have a suppression file for Nim somewhere
20:42:50Araqin tools/nimgrind.supp
20:45:35*shomodj joined #nim
20:47:09shashlickguess i have to learn valgrind again
20:52:28shashlickSame on osx - https://pastebin.com/FvaQutx9
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20:56:09Araqshashlick, you use 'free' on a pointer that wasn't malloc'ed
20:58:49shashlickwell, i open an archive, read its files and then attempt to close it with libarchive's free routine
20:59:00shashlickit is calling free internally
20:59:33shashlickthe wrapper is super simple so i'm probably not setting a #define or compiling in the wrong file
21:00:03FromGitter<erhlee-bird> is it possible for a generic variant type to have a property of the generic type in fewer than all possible variants?
21:14:15FromDiscord_<Adam Kowalski> @Araq Can you help me reproduce this example with Nim https://run.dlang.io/is/ftOBbX
21:14:34FromDiscord_<Adam Kowalski> I really want to switch over if I can I just want to make sure that I can build what I need
21:16:28Araqno, sorry, I need to sleep. But as I said, what keeps it from working is a bug that I'm working on
21:17:00FromDiscord_<Adam Kowalski> Yeah no rush, this is an ongoing effort to evaluate several options and decide which one our company should move towards
21:17:14FromDiscord_<Adam Kowalski> I need to build a proof of concept in each language we are considering
21:17:58AraqI've outlined how I think it should work, right?
21:18:31FromDiscord_<Adam Kowalski> Just have the type contain an openarray?
21:18:43FromDiscord_<Adam Kowalski> Then I can operate on that using compile time function evaluation?
21:18:55Araqthe static array[2, int] overloads
21:19:15FromDiscord_<Adam Kowalski> I'll scroll up and reread
21:19:34FromDiscord_<Adam Kowalski> I thought people were just mentioning to use a when instead of overloads
21:20:03AraqI said to use 'when' for your N == 10 specialization
21:20:27Araqmakes more sense to me but I can be wrong
21:20:44Araqgood night
21:20:55FromDiscord_<Adam Kowalski> good night!
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23:29:33skrylar[m]i see people recommending arraymancer again. is it out of mothball?
23:29:52skrylar[m]i tried to do some neural tts with it around a year ago and kept getting told everything was shelved
23:31:25disrupteki don't think it was mothballed; it's just that mratsim is more focused on getting laser built up to empower arraymancer.
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