<< 18-09-2018 >>

00:10:14*stefanos82 quit (Quit: Quitting for now...)
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00:40:43AlexMaxwow, turns out the problem was mine
00:40:51AlexMaxI had forgotten to set up the vertex program offsets
00:41:58AlexMaxGot em!
00:42:05AlexMaxRendered with Nim
00:42:18AlexMax(it also crashes, need to figure out why...)
00:43:20FromGitter<zetashift> @AlexMax nicely done!
00:43:44AlexMax(also need to convert over all the optional widgets)
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00:59:43AlexMaxhrm, what the fuck happened to steam
00:59:58AlexMaxused to be you could copy some gcf files from windows to linux and save on the download
01:00:08AlexMaxnow I can't find those files anywhere
01:01:04FromGitter<zetashift> Didn't they get replaced with vpk's?
01:01:14AlexMaxoh wow I'm in the wrong channel
01:01:21AlexMaxsorry about that
01:02:09FromGitter<zetashift> haha p
01:02:10FromGitter<zetashift> np
01:02:22AlexMaxanyway, booted into linux because running the demo app under gdb in windows causes....something...to go nuts
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03:07:40shashlick@AlexMax: looks like you are making good progress
03:11:25shashlickany reason why you couldn't use a single generic regex to do the `struct nk_*` replacement?
03:11:38AlexMaxI didn't want to do one too many
03:11:47AlexMaxAnyway, the demo app now works perfectly
03:12:28AlexMaxwell, there's more demo stuff to port
03:12:57AlexMaxshashlick: How wbout adding arbitrary code to the nim file?
03:13:18AlexMaxcan i put some stuff into a file and then have it combined or included in the resulting nim file?
03:13:31AlexMaxI have an iterator replacement for nk_draw_foreach
03:13:36shashlickya you can do a prepend/append
03:13:57shashlickor use execute perhaps
03:15:30shashlickwe need to reduce the number of search/replace eventually since it gets more delicate, that's why I was asking about the struct
03:15:44shashlickanyway, create a PR when you are satisfied and i'll merge
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06:16:12FromGitter<alehander42> @Araq is it impossible to write
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06:16:23FromGitter<alehander42> ```macro: ⏎ "ewre" ⏎ .. ⏎ ``` [https://gitter.im/nim-lang/Nim?at=5ba098361ee2ca650231b4ff]
06:16:32FromGitter<alehander42> it seems nim always complains about discarding
06:17:49FromGitter<alehander42> ugh
06:18:07FromGitter<alehander42> it's because of name clashing, nvm
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06:19:54FromGitter<alehander42> so the issue is that i wanted to have a write macro
06:20:00FromGitter<alehander42> but it clashes with system
06:20:24FromGitter<alehander42> probably with the one with varargs, because all others have 2 args
06:24:00FromGitter<alehander42> i'll just rename it
06:31:16FromGitter<alehander42> how do you pass args to https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/blob/master/lib/core/macros.nim#L396
06:31:34FromGitter<alehander42> i mean `quote do: .. ` I can't possibly add an argument after the `do`
06:31:48FromGitter<alehander42> so I guess I should add it like `quote("@@") do: `
06:31:52FromGitter<alehander42> but it doesn't seem to work
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09:28:04FromGitter<codenoid> morning ✨
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11:33:29stefanos82hey dom96. Last night I tried to play a bit with jester and had a problem with httpbeast; it was version 0.4.0 and realized it was problematic due to "string not supporting null" changes. I then checked for updates and indeed version 0.4.1 was available. I installed it and my example worked as expected. My question is: how can I uninstall 0.4.0 without breaking jester? It would not let me and had to remove jester first, then the two
11:33:29stefanos82httpbeast versions
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12:13:23Araqstefanos82: just remove $nimbleDir/pkgs/whatever
12:13:40stefanos82Araq: from where, nimble file?
12:13:49Araqvia 'rm' or del, depending on your OS
12:13:51stefanos82oh you mean the directory
12:14:25stefanos82does nimble follows the stack concept?
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12:26:50FromGitter<alehander42> ah this macro vs defined proc thing is killing me
12:27:00FromGitter<alehander42> new rename :D
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12:45:17Araqstefanos82: what's a stack concept?
12:45:28stefanos82LIFO packaging?
12:45:45stefanos82it would not allow uninstall 0.4.0 unless I uninstall 0.4.1 first
12:46:23Araqno idea, I dislike all package managers
12:46:46stefanos82typical Araq as usual :D hahahaha that's why I love you brother! ^_^
12:46:55FromGitter<alehander42> why is `{.base.}` required everywhere
12:47:16FromGitter<alehander42> haha
12:53:47Araqbase methods have to be annotated with .base
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13:15:33FromGitter<alehander42> yeah, but I wondered why
13:15:51FromGitter<alehander42> it seems to me nim can recognize that a method is base one
13:16:01FromGitter<alehander42> (given it can give me a warning about it)
13:16:15FromGitter<alehander42> are methods without base not overriden ?
13:25:11FromGitter<mratsim> no
13:25:17FromGitter<mratsim> it just raises a warning
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13:39:12FromGitter<Bennyelg> @narimiran
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13:43:31Araqthanks for reminding me, we need yet another RFC
13:43:39Araq"turn multi methods into single methods"
13:45:59TheLemonManng0, have you seen http://zbar.sourceforge.net/api/zbar_8h.html ?
13:51:16FromGitter<Bennyelg> How to get last key from the OrderedTable
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13:58:46TheLemonManAraq, the type checker doesn't catch the error node because tyProxy has this comment near its definition "as an errornous node should match everything"
13:59:03TheLemonManand git blame tells me you wrote that (back in 2012)
13:59:06Araqyeah I know
13:59:44Araqthe question is now: what code path uses errorNode() without also emitting an error
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14:02:20TheLemonManthe ones that hope(d) an error was already emitted by the time they're executed
14:03:07TheLemonManwhether that's right or wrong is up for debate
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14:06:10Araqwell put writeStackTrace() in there, run 'koch temp' and looks for where these come from?
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14:12:14FromGitter<narimiran> yes @Bennyelg ?
14:12:33FromGitter<narimiran> oh, now i see pm :)
14:14:08TheLemonManAraq, semExprWithType -> semExpr, as I told you in the ticket thats where the error type is produced
14:15:27FromGitter<Quelklef> Do macros work with UFCS? ala `value.macro(argument)`
14:15:33TheLemonManwhat do you think about raising an error when efWantValue is required?
14:15:34FromGitter<Quelklef> Seems to be no, but I'd expect it to work
14:16:20FromGitter<arnetheduck> periodical reminder that nim ranges make little sense, being closed: https://www.cs.utexas.edu/users/EWD/transcriptions/EWD08xx/EWD831.html - half-open ranges pre-1.0, ftw - (@tersec reminded me of this dijkstra gem)
14:16:48FromGitter<Quelklef> @arnetheduck I've read that post, I come from Python, and I prefer Nim ranges
14:16:53FromGitter<Quelklef> /shrug
14:18:46Araqarnetheduck, has been "debunked" by me, summary of it: half open ranges only work when you have a sentinel that is not part of the range
14:19:01Araqand that's not true for enums, 'char', bool, integers, ...
14:19:35AraqDijkstra was completely wrong here.
14:20:20FromGitter<arnetheduck> doesn't alter the fact that they're easier to work with, from a mathematical point of view - ie on a continuum, you can't readily express two ranges that meet with closed ranges
14:20:39Araqthey are only "easier" to work with when you
14:20:44Araqa) start from 0, not from 1.
14:20:48Araqb) never count backwards.
14:20:52FromGitter<Quelklef> Funny that Nim ranges are discrete rather than continuous @arnetheduck
14:25:08PMunchQuelklef, macros works with UFCS
14:25:59AraqTheLemonMan: ok, so why does semExpr return nil/empty without producing an error message?
14:26:28FromGitter<Quelklef> @PMunch hmmmm, something's fishy then. Lemme make a minimal example
14:26:37FromGitter<arnetheduck> @Quelklef imagine for a second draw two ranges that meet, even discreet ones - what's the "natural" way of drawing that? do the ends meet on the intersection line or not?
14:26:38TheLemonManAraq, because it gets a nkEmpty node
14:27:12FromGitter<Quelklef> @arnetheduck Your argument is grounded in abstraction and while I agree with it I have found that actually, really, pragmatically, closed ranges are nicer to use simply because they tend to require less conginition to work with
14:27:22FromGitter<Quelklef> They're more intuitive, if perhaps abstractly less elegant
14:29:59FromGitter<Quelklef> @PMuch, what's up with this: https://pastebin.com/raw/LG2U2Eif
14:30:08FromGitter<Quelklef> Intended behavior
14:30:27AraqTheLemonMan: it "gets" it from?
14:30:52FromGitter<Quelklef> "Intended behavior?"*
14:30:53TheLemonManAraq, the lovely macro
14:31:34Araqwhat happens when we patch semExprWithType to produce an error?
14:32:33PMunch@Quelklef, ah yes. That is a strange case
14:33:01FromGitter<Quelklef> I realized this isn't an actual problem for my use case, but seems odd. Bug? Should I open an issue?
14:33:11FromGitter<arnetheduck> @Quelklef granted - I guess that also depends a little on what kind of code you typically end up working with.
14:33:18Araqthey are also utterly broken since you cannot iterate over every integer with them
14:33:44PMunchAsk Araq, I've seen it before and I think someone explained why it does that once, but I've forgotten if it's indented or not
14:33:55FromGitter<Quelklef> @arnetheduck Correct, it depends on the use case, as is the case with all language design
14:34:35FromGitter<Quelklef> Araq, https://pastebin.com/raw/LG2U2Eif: intended behavior? Or should I open a GitHub bug?
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14:35:39Araqdocumented behaviour, to resolve a dot-call, the compiler cannot with undeclared identifiers
14:36:35FromGitter<Quelklef> Because it can be function call or attribute lookup? Either way, got it; thanks.
14:39:19FromGitter<arnetheduck> @Quelklef and it's not so much abstraction, but rather visualization - ie how would two ranges that meet be drawn? if I count from 0, how do I get 1 element exactly (ie if I were to cover 1 element on a number line, would that be a line from 0 to 1 or a dot on 0?) it's this visualization that I want to capture in my code most often
14:41:19AraqI don't draw lines when programming, I know I can do countup(a, b) and reverse it with countdown(b, a) (symmetry!) and the number elements is b - a + 1
14:41:34FromGitter<Quelklef> With discrete values, "covering one element" is indistinguishable from a dot. I think your visualization applies well to continuous concepts and poorly to discrete concepts, and most of the time ranges are going to be used in a discrete context.
14:42:41FromGitter<Quelklef> Araq's countdown example is what solidified, to me, that closed ranges are better; using open ranges, counting down from N to 0, inclusive, looks like: `[N, -1)` (in Python, `range(N, -1, -1)`, which is super ugly IMO.
14:42:48Araqbut "intuitive" behaviour aside, half open ranges are strictly less expressive than inclusive ones and that seals the deal.
14:47:18TheLemonManAraq, the only test that "breaks" is texplain due to the new error being emitted
14:49:10Araqand don't let me get started on how these "intuitive" half open ranges produce a clusterfuck of the C spec. so a[N] is an address distinguishable from any other address (and must exist) derived from a but it cannot be dereferenced. That's not elegant, that's patching a broken design.
14:49:11copygirlWhat the..? Why do Options don't have a `or` or `else` proc?
14:49:39FromGitter<Quelklef> copygirl, IIRC they're currently under development but there's some discussion surrounding them.
14:50:04copygirlOh..? Is it on the issue tracker? I'll take a look.
14:51:54FromGitter<mratsim> @copygirl, it’s a can of worms
14:53:18FromGitter<mratsim> see here: https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/pull/8358
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15:13:51AraqTheLemonMan: that's fine then
15:14:04copygirlMhh I really did enjoy Maybe types (was it?) in Rust, so.. I'm looking forward to this being resolved. It's a powerful and neat little thing you can use..
15:14:26pigmejHey, do we have any decimal / decimal like lib that is working? (I've found two, none is finished, added to nimble)
15:15:57FromGitter<kaushalmodi> Just curious, what does a "decimal / decimal like" lib do?
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15:19:37pigmejIt can safely do math operations like "12.43 * 3453.124"
15:19:43pigmejwithout problem with float rounding
15:20:04Araqpigmej: I wrote one but can't find the code...
15:20:09FromGitter<kaushalmodi> that sounds something like in @mratsim's domain
15:20:35pigmejYeah the minimal thingy is not super hard, the problem is that all that I've found are full blown beasts with tons of not implemented stuff and work in progress "everywhere"
15:24:44AraqI found mine, interested?
15:25:33pigmejAraq: sure
15:25:51pigmejI was trying to find it on your github but didn't succeed
15:26:06Araqit's pretty old but the tests are still green
15:26:17pigmejMath is also pretty old ;d
15:27:54pigmejThank you very much
15:27:55Araqwell it's also full of "not implemented" stuff :-)
15:28:22pigmejbasic math is there that's all that I need
15:29:40Araqit assumes that 'Decimal' is effectively in a currency
15:29:50pigmejincluding C libs with low level wrappers ;-)
15:30:03Araqso Decimal * Decimal is not possible, you can only multiple with a scalar
15:30:06pigmejincluding C libs with low lever wrappers would be less complete anyway
15:30:56Araqno need to wrap C for this, it's simple enough
15:31:25pigmejhttps://github.com/status-im/nim-decimal :P this one have c libs included
15:31:41pigmej(not blaming what so ever)
15:33:28Araqpigmej: feel free to create a nimble package out of this
15:33:47pigmejyeah maybe "simple decimal" makes sense or something like that
15:37:37FromGitter<mratsim> @kaushalmodi a decimal library allows proper rounding of decimal floating point operations
15:38:12FromGitter<mratsim> default floating point uses binary rounding, hence why 0.1 + 0.2 != 0.2 in old Python
15:38:12FromGitter<kaushalmodi> Thanks. This was new lingo for me (not into software development)
15:38:24FromGitter<mratsim> != 0.3* sorry
15:38:42FromGitter<mratsim> because 0.3 cannot be represented exactly in binary
15:38:42FromGitter<kaushalmodi> ah yes, I have faced that issue
15:38:53FromGitter<mratsim> just like we have 0.333333333 issues in decimal rounding
15:38:55FromGitter<kaushalmodi> I resorted to checking the value of the float sums within limits
15:39:26FromGitter<mratsim> decimal libraries are key for currencies because obviously in accounting/finance we use decimal rounding.
15:39:49FromGitter<mratsim> aka, everyone using Excel or database floating point for accounting is wrong.
15:40:43pigmejI've seen sooooooo many "financial like" systems with floats for values....
15:41:41AraqI think some "standards" now require IEEE floating point maths for currency calculations
15:41:54Araqbecause this error is everywhere
15:42:24pigmejyeah sure let's fix user errors with standards...
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15:43:38FromGitter<mratsim> As long as people are using Excel to verify stuff, it will be broken.
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15:51:33FromGitter<arnetheduck> IEEE floating point spec also contains decimal floating points - not one but two variants!
15:52:13TheLemonManAraq, wrt #8955 do you have a better idea about how to declare the "standard" js exceptions? I see PJSError is defined in jssys and that's the same as `Error` (that I've wrapped as JsError)
15:53:37TheLemonManand if you're done with the docgen stuff I can rebase #8886
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16:43:25AlexMaxI've seen nim complain at me about ambiguous definitions of true before, and suggest bool.true to disambiguate it
16:43:44AlexMaxBut when I do that, I get another error - undeclared field true
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17:15:03pigmejOk, in nim-mode original company backend was much faster and had much better functionality (including flx match)
17:15:25pigmejif I'll have a while I'll find a way how to bring it back as optional configuration
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18:23:13FromGitter<zetashift> How is nim-mode currently? I just reinstalled spacemacs
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18:27:19monofuel[m]One fun decimal problem I've had before- taking a number and dividing it into many parts, such that all the parts still sum up to the original number.
18:27:48monofuel[m]to some number of desired precision (eg: 2 or 3 decimal places)
18:31:59FromGitter<brentp> can anyone point me to a simple example of using channels and threads or spawn? the last stuff I can find from the forum is from 2015 and it recommends using a global TChannel.
18:35:54Araqbrentp: that's still true, except that TChannel is now Channel and really soon now (TM) we'll get a better system based on destructors
18:37:19FromGitter<brentp> ok. should I wait for that? or is there a simple parallelization pattern I can use?
18:39:57Araqdepends on what you need to do
18:42:03Araqhttps://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/blob/devel/tests/parallel/tpi.nim shows how to use 'spawn'
18:42:40Araqhttps://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/blob/devel/tests/parallel/tparfind.nim parallel find operation
18:44:04FromGitter<brentp> I have some code using spawn, but that splits the work into $n mostly even pieces and uses awaitAny on a seq of FlowVarBase . but now I have heterogeneous chunks of work. where some will be slow and some fast. so I want many small chunks sent to a few workers.
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19:45:59FromGitter<arnetheduck> btw @Araq, on the topic of channels, any idea what the test fail in https://travis-ci.org/nim-lang/Nim/jobs/429291231 might be? smells of memory corruption in the channel usage..
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20:27:50Araqthr.add Thread[void]() # suspicious
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20:34:56FromGitter<arnetheduck> oh, why?.. I'm not passing anything to the thread function, just using a global `channel[T]`
20:37:38Araqyou cannot move/copy threads, but I'm not saying that's the real issue here
20:37:53Araqwould be nice to extract a test program from this to take a closer look
20:37:58Araqalso your logic is wrong, I think
20:38:11Araqlet (ok, item) = jobs.tryRecv()
20:38:11Araqif not ok:
20:38:11Araq break
20:38:44Araq^ just because the thread currently got nothing in the 'jobs' channel doesn't mean it can stop
20:39:09*Lord_Nightmare quit (Quit: ZNC - http://znc.in)
20:39:27TheLemonManAraq, I've updated #9000, the error messages are shit because nkEmpty is rendered as "" but one cannot have everything
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21:00:03FromGitter<Epictek> Still having issue with sockets :/
21:00:40stefanos82Araq: you mean it's not possible to move or copy a thread to another?
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21:04:23FromGitter<arnetheduck> @Araq ⏎ ⏎ > you cannot move/copy threads, but I'm not saying that's the real issue here ⏎ that's pure copy-pasting from some example I found - besides, if it's not allowed, shouldn't the compiler prevent it? ⏎ > let (ok, item) = jobs.tryRecv() ... [https://gitter.im/nim-lang/Nim?at=5ba16856be4f300626b358d1]
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21:06:03FromGitter<Epictek> When compiling on arm64 sun_path ends up as `@"termux-input\0\0"`
21:06:27TheLemonManEpictek, because sizeof(cint) - sizeof(cushort) = 2
21:09:30FromGitter<Epictek> is it an easy fix?
21:11:35TheLemonManyes, it just requires a lot of boring type changes
21:11:41dom96huh, problems on arm64 only?
21:11:49dom96Are you doing some unsafe things with sockets?
21:13:15FromGitter<Epictek> nope, just connecting to a socket on arm64
21:14:18TheLemonManas a temporary workaround patch the connectUnix function in the stdlib
21:18:17dom96Please make sure you report this if you haven't already
21:21:00*TheLemonMan quit (Quit: "It's now safe to turn off your computer.")
21:25:12Araqarnetheduck: yes, the compiler should prevent this, overloaded assignment and moves are in development and will allow us to prevent this
21:25:52Araqand yeah, it's an interesting bug, I would like to see a trimmed down example that reproduces the problem
21:26:12FromGitter<Epictek> @dom96 reported it as an issue on github
21:28:12FromGitter<arnetheduck> moves, is that going to be an under-the-hood optimization or something users are expected to know about? I remember the confusion and years I spent explaining the concept to myself then colleagues when it made its way to c++ - perhaps it's easier now though that it's a little bit more familiar, at least for c++/rust folk
21:41:06dom96Epictek: Please include a code sample
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22:08:24FromDiscord<exelotl> I'm getting this issue where names are mangled when I try to add to a stmtlist using `quote` or `getAst`
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22:08:36FromDiscord<exelotl> seems to be the same problem as here: https://forum.nim-lang.org/t/3253
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22:52:15AlexMaxkind of a shame the vscode-nim extension has been untouched since feb
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23:11:46c15ade4Is the full list of nim grants in the github issues?
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