<< 18-09-2019 >>

00:43:00*disruptek quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
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03:56:52*dddddd quit (Remote host closed the connection)
04:03:37FromGitter<gogolxdong> Do we have a opencv works with latest 4.1.1 version?
04:35:24*Perkol joined #nim
04:41:17*nsf joined #nim
04:48:51*Perkol quit (Remote host closed the connection)
05:08:26*narimiran joined #nim
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06:08:01*absolutejam joined #nim
06:12:45*Skaruts joined #nim
06:13:49Skarutshey guys, I'm having trouble installing choosenim 0.4
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06:15:00Skaruts0.3 installed fine, 0.4 hangs when extracting the latest nim archive
06:15:58Skarutsalso the .exe on the downloads for 0.4 isn't an installer or self extracting archive, like the one from 0.3
06:16:33Skarutswhen I run it I get a list of commands in the console
06:16:37Skarutsnothing else
06:17:40*PMunch joined #nim
06:18:17SkarutsSo for now I'm using choosenim 0.3, but should I worry that it might cause problems?
06:19:42SkarutsAlso I'm having this issue compiling with nim 0.20.2: https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/issues/11349
06:19:58Skaruts(error: size of array ‘Nim_and_C_compiler_disagree_on_target_architecture’ is negative)
06:20:11Skarutson a hello world file
06:24:07shashlickHello @Skaruts
06:24:12shashlickAre you on windows
06:25:06shashlickProbably running into https://github.com/dom96/choosenim/issues/124
06:26:27Skarutsyup that's the issue, and yes I'm on windows
06:27:42Skarutswindows 7
06:29:39shashlickYa I aim to fix that - https://github.com/dom96/choosenim/issues/129#issuecomment-530992405
06:29:47shashlickBut it is taking time
06:29:57shashlickUsing 0.3 should not cause any issues
06:30:09*absolutejam quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
06:30:38Skarutsseems like there's a problem with my nimble though
06:30:52Skarutscould not load: (libcrypto-1_1-x64|libeay64).dll
06:31:34shashlickYou need to download the dlls zip
06:31:34SkarutsI'm gonna try an reinstall everything clean from scratch.
06:31:38SkarutsWhat's the procedure to uninstall everything?
06:31:43shashlickAnd put it in your path
06:31:48Skarutsto make sure nothing is left
06:32:12shashlickNo need to uninstall
06:32:39shashlickhttps://nim-lang.org/install_windows.html for the dll zip
06:32:57shashlickPut the contents on your nimble bin
06:35:09Skarutsisn't that for nim, rather than nimble?
06:35:24Skarutsor it affects nimble too?
06:35:34shashlickSame thing
06:36:22shashlickNimble needs ssl to download
06:36:34Skarutsah now it works
06:37:05Skarutsstill getting that compile error with nim though :\
06:37:53shashlickMight be fixed in devel
06:39:17Skarutshmm, why didn't I think of that.. gonna try the latest
06:39:46Skarutsthanks a lot btw
06:40:49*fjellfras quit (Quit: Leaving)
06:41:58*owl_000 joined #nim
06:47:42Skarutsgetting an error using choosenim now: "couldn't find entry point for procedure __printf__ in DLL libintl-8.dll"
06:47:52Skaruts(I'm translating that to english from my language)
06:48:41Skarutsit still tries to install. I'm now trying to install the latest (#head) but it failed installing 0.19.4
06:49:12Skarutsspecificall, failed building iirc
06:50:55*solitudesf joined #nim
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06:56:50Skarutslatest failed too...
06:59:57nc-x[m]error: size of array ‘Nim_and_C_compiler_disagree_on_target_architecture’ is negative
07:00:00*gmpreussner quit (Quit: kthxbye)
07:00:17nc-x[m]this error means u are using 64 bit nim with 32 bit c compiler or vice versa
07:01:09nc-x[m]apart from that never tried using choosenim so no idea
07:01:51nc-x[m]installing nim from github or from the downloads page on nim website is pretty easy though
07:01:59nc-x[m]esp. on windows
07:02:36nc-x[m]for updating u can simply download latest zip, delete previously extracted files, and use the newer ones instead
07:04:08SkarutsI've no idea where my C compiler even is at this point lol
07:04:23*gmpreussner joined #nim
07:04:59Skarutsthat could be the case though
07:08:42*absolutejam joined #nim
07:25:39FromGitter<danielecook> @Vindaar wow that worked! Thanks so much!
07:25:42*actuallybatman quit (Quit: leaving)
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07:27:48*chemist69 quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
07:28:01ZevvGoooood morning #nim
07:28:40PMunchHaha, good morning Zevv, nice reference
07:29:19ZevvHow is PMunch today?
07:29:49*chemist69 joined #nim
07:30:17FromGitter<Vindaar> Good morning :) ⏎ @danielecook Glad to help! I feel like I'm becoming the "help people with the json module" guy :D
07:30:28PMunchGood good, bit tired after having gone to a quiz yesterday
07:30:46ZevvI'm severely procrastinating. I have the choice between politics or async networking in C++ today. If my third choice was taking a stapler to my forehead, I knew which one to choose.
07:30:51ZevvAh what kind of quiz was that?
07:31:20PMunchJust a general quiz at the local students house
07:31:45PMunchWe're a group that goes every week, but it's mostly as an excuse to get together and drink beer :P
07:31:48Zevvah, the late-night-acohol-infused kind of quiz
07:31:55Zevvthose are the best
07:31:56PMunchThat's the one
07:32:14PMunchStarted at 7PM, think I was home at around 12
07:32:21PMunchOr maybe it got closer to 1AM
07:33:13Zevvstudent, getting home at 1AM and then complaining about being tired. When *I* was young...!
07:33:39PMunchHaha, I do this every week though, can't be completely broken every wednesday
07:34:01PMunchWell I'm not actually a student any longer either, haven't been for close to two years now :P
07:35:04ZevvSame with me with band practice and playing until pretty late; I play under a different name so my customers don't find any news of my gigs and then complain about me sitting behind my screen dazed next morning :)
07:37:44*chemist69 quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
07:38:21owl_000i am doing some image processing work, in my laptop it has 4 core, how to use all core usin nim. what should i read now.
07:38:49Zevvowl_000: nim doesn't have a good threading story at this time. There is threadpools and channels, start with that
07:39:14narimiranZevv: what instrument do you play?
07:39:32Zevvnarimiran: bass guitar/synth
07:39:37narimirani knew it!!!
07:39:50narimiran(about bass guitar, not about synth)
07:39:58Zevvthat's also bass synth :)
07:40:07Zevvso, do I fit your bass profile?
07:40:47narimirani used to play bass when i was in highschool or so, but i stopped after i realized that buying expensive equipment will not solve my tone-deafness :)
07:41:26narimiranand yes, bass-playing fits my "weirdos use nim" profile
07:42:12Zevvhaha :)
07:42:35FromGitter<Vindaar> @owl_000 since you're around. You asked me on that nimpy issue about a library for PIL interaction from nim with nimpy. I don't quite understand what you think such a library should do in the first place?
07:42:49ZevvYeah, when you realize you're suffering GAS it's better to do some introspection and change your path
07:43:40narimiranhaha, i haven't heard about GAS for a veeery long time :) thanks for reminding me about it, i'll re-start to use it even for some non-music stuff
07:44:23narimiranbut now the obvious - let us hear about your equipment!
07:46:55Zevvhttp://zevv.nl/div/bass.jpg :)
07:47:33owl_000vindaar < pil support lot of file type. but accessing pixel is too slow. so your library can act as easy way to transfer data to nim. rich filetype handling of PIL and fastest pixel handling in nim.
07:48:05owl_000zevv cool
07:51:02*chemist69 joined #nim
07:51:57narimiranPJB, noice! are both cabinets the same? what amp do you use? and is that some ibanez or yamaha? (sorry, my eye for bass equipment details is long gone)
07:52:37PMunchZevv, haha that is brilliant :P
07:53:13PMunchowl_000, I'm actually writing an article series on multitasking in Nim as we speak
07:53:47Zevvnarimiran: top is a combo, bottom is a cab. bass is yamaha indeed
07:53:49PMunchCurrently got the introduction article, and I'd say 70-80% of the asynchronous article done. Threading article is next
07:53:52ZevvPMunch: any drafts on that yet?
07:53:58owl_000brilliant guru Pmunch
07:54:36narimirani still have my trusty old yamaha trb-4 :)
07:55:27narimiranit looks like this: https://images.reverb.com/image/upload/s--nNzJtaZi--/f_auto,t_large/v1556503029/vltt7yfekhgnyq2p9ci6.jpg , but it has EMG pickups and electronics
07:55:39*alexander92 joined #nim
07:55:55PMunchZevv, I can share with you what I got currently if you want to give it a read :) But so far it hasn't gone through any revisions, just been written from top to bottom
07:56:27ZevvPMunch: sure
07:56:35FromGitter<Vindaar> owl_000: the thing is: if you want fast access to the data with PIL in Python you get the image data in form of a numpy array, do the work on that (which will be fast, if you can express it in a few numpy functions on the array as a whole) and hand the result back to PIL. Basically what I did in the example except calling numpy functinos
07:58:50FromGitter<Vindaar> it's always fun to write wrappers (and do everything in Nim) etc. but since you have to work on the numpy data in the first place, I'm not sure what the advantage really is here.
07:59:38*actuallybatman joined #nim
08:00:38*Vladar joined #nim
08:00:42FromGitter<Vindaar> If what you want really is a convenient way to do numpy like stuff in Nim on the PIL data, I'd wrap the numpy data buffer in an arraymancer tensor and use that instead of implementing everything again
08:00:56owl_000yeah i know, actually whatever i did in python i am doing in nim, in the process i am learning nim. i used nimPng (awsome package) to do all of the stuff. but it is limited to png file.
08:01:08FromGitter<mratsim> You can't at the moment you have to copy the buffer
08:01:27FromGitter<Vindaar> ah, ok. I thought there was a way and I simply forgot how to do that :)
08:01:32FromGitter<mratsim> Use OpenCV, iirc there is a Nim wrapper
08:01:48*lkw quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
08:01:49FromGitter<Vindaar> What stops us from adding that to arraymancer?
08:01:54FromGitter<mratsim> Maybe ask @SolitudeSF if image man is ready
08:02:03*lkw joined #nim
08:02:13FromGitter<mratsim> It's planned but for the laser refactoring
08:02:34FromGitter<mratsim> I didn't want to break people's buffer assumption and library use twice
08:03:09FromGitter<Vindaar> ok, I see
08:04:53FromGitter<mratsim> https://github.com/SolitudeSF/imageman
08:05:13FromGitter<mratsim> Using 4 cores on a single image is tricky, it depends on the algorithm
08:07:42owl_000extract certain pixel pattern from image. four loop in four core, four region of the image
08:08:23PMunchWhat if the pixel pattern overlaps the regions?
08:09:20PMunchI guess you could scale the regions so that there is some overlap, would lead to a bit more total work, but might still run faster since it's multithreaded
08:11:04owl_000let say region is known 20x20, then it can be identified
08:12:07PMunchdom96, you around? Tried to turn on "futureLogging" from asyncdispatch and it shows a lot of "empty" things in the list, what's up with that?
08:12:09FromGitter<zacharycarter> PMunch: what do you plan to talk about in your article about threading?
08:13:55FromGitter<mratsim> I can help analyze the algo complexity @owl_000 but if you want to check if an image contains a pattern you might want to use convolutional neural networks
08:14:01PMunchBasically what threading is, how it compares to async, how it works in Nim with the GC
08:14:03PMunchPretty much
08:14:43PMunchThen I have one planned for "Communication" as well, which is more about how to communicate between the threads. But I might join those two, depends on how long they become
08:21:53FromGitter<zacharycarter> excited to read this
08:22:15FromGitter<Vindaar> @owl_000 do you have some code of what you want to do? I mean the old code that is simply too slow. Maybe we can help you make that fast for a start
08:33:21owl_000it is not that important. my problem is, lot of questions appear in my mind, like bubble appear from a cola. i found nimPNG two days ago and find out i can access pixel by pixel. lot of things can be done, then i make a program to redscale or given rgbvalue scale (not grayscale).
08:34:48owl_000then i figure out i can extract all the image pixel by group, one file will contain only (0,179,67) pixel, another one other value.
08:34:54owl_000unnecessary work.
08:35:26owl_000i don't do any work, i have plenty of time for wasting lol
08:40:18*absolutejam quit (Ping timeout: 268 seconds)
08:42:12owl_000and i am sorry for bothering you guys for silly matter.
08:42:40FromGitter<Vindaar> don't be sorry. It's just not easy to help you if you are vague :)
08:42:46*actuallybatman quit (Ping timeout: 268 seconds)
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09:21:10okcyI'm downloading nim for windows :-)
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09:29:06Araq"lib$1.so" is this correct for iOS?
09:29:12Araqshouldn't it be dylib?
09:33:08FromGitter<gogolxdong> I'm afraind opencv dll names have been changed in latest version, don't have a clue of their corresponding relationship.
09:34:10FromGitter<zacharycarter> Araq: yes I believe so - dylib is osx / iOS so is linux
09:41:18FromGitter<mratsim> .so is also macOSX
09:41:32FromGitter<mratsim> you need to check both
09:44:19Araqwhat iOS is Linux based?
09:44:38FromGitter<mratsim> nop. .so is unix
09:45:26Araqyeah but so is osx and osx uses dylib
09:45:39FromGitter<mratsim> OSX also uses .so
09:46:37FromGitter<mratsim> it’s just convention
09:46:42FromGitter<mratsim> and some don’t respect it
09:49:06Araqbut what does iOS use?
09:49:14Araq"officially", I mean
09:50:57*laaron quit (Remote host closed the connection)
09:51:06CalinouiOS doesn't have dynamic linking
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10:04:58Araqnice :-)
10:06:01FromGitter<gogolxdong> Which is better to build a live streaming system, opencv or ffmpeg?
10:07:09*Skaruts quit (Remote host closed the connection)
10:07:35FromGitter<gogolxdong> Do we have ffmpeg wrapper?
10:23:07FromGitter<danielecook> How do you clear out a sequence?
10:23:18FromGitter<danielecook> `myseq.filterIt(false)`?
10:23:40Araqmyseq.setLen 0
10:23:45FromGitter<danielecook> ah ok thanks!
10:47:29lqdev[m]how hard would it be to build a static analysis tool for Nim, similar to what IntelliJ idea has for Java?
10:48:27lqdev[m]I'm not talking about all the advanced analysis levels IntelliJ has, just how hard would it be to get started
10:49:25Araqlqdev[m], not very, I can guide you
10:52:04Araqof course, "static analysis" can mean many things
10:52:21lqdev[m]I don't plan on picking up on such a project yet, but it's a good idea nonetheless. this would drastically improve Nim's tooling quality though
10:53:17Araqlol, how so?
10:56:06FromGitter<zacharycarter> couldn't you just use an existing static analysis tool for C / C++ ?
10:56:40lqdev[m]it's annoying to optimize things myself, it would be nice to get tips like "unused variable" but more advanced
10:56:44federico3Nim-generated C code is not too friendly
10:57:21Araqzacharycarter: but what for?
10:59:04lqdev[m]also, does a linting tool exist for Nim? I know there's nimpretty, what does it *prettify* though? I can't see any changes in my own code when I run it
10:59:21Araqlqdev[m], then your code is perfect already ;-)
10:59:31lqdev[m]I guess it makes the code NEP-1 compliant?
10:59:43Araqnah, it layouts your code
10:59:58lqdev[m]ah, OK
11:00:20lqdev[m]guess I'll have to write some terrible code for once to see it in action ;)
11:00:51federico3lqdev[m]: I'm trying to update my nimfmt tool to do that
11:01:25lqdev[m]federico3: right, I'll check it out
11:01:36Araqfederico3, your nimfmt tool cannot deal with "a\10b"
11:01:47federico3I haven't published the changes
11:01:57federico3Araq: I'm rebuilding it on top of nimpretty
11:02:03Araqyay :D
11:02:05FromGitter<zacharycarter> Araq: I don't know haha, I just think it's possible ;P
11:02:24federico3but the internals of the compiler are quite tricky...
11:03:16lqdev[m]"sort imports" huh? how would it sort them? alphabetically?
11:03:45lqdev[m]I sort my imports into 3 sections: stdlib, nimble, and own
11:03:58federico3regarding static analysis, being able to generate code that passes coverity and other tools like https://www.absint.com/astree/index.htm could boost the language credibility
11:04:05lqdev[m]and, alphabetically according to ASCII
11:04:43federico3lqdev[m]: that's pretty common. In 3 chunks separated by newlines perhaps?
11:05:14federico3(it's the recommended layout in python)
11:05:17lqdev[m]iirc that's what python's style guidelines suggest
11:05:27lqdev[m]that makes sense
11:06:17lqdev[m]I'm not much of a Python fan, but that rule works pretty well
11:06:59lqdev[m]anyway, bbl
11:14:06*okccyy joined #nim
11:16:29alexander92lqdev[m] i had some ideas for a nim-linter lib which does stuff like this (similar to rupocop or the pep8 linters)
11:17:10alexander92but not really sure how important it is: and i also saw it should be possible to generalize such tech to work on many langs
11:17:58*okcy quit (Ping timeout: 258 seconds)
11:18:06alexander92many of those checks don't really have to do with certain lang specifics if they can just access a (typed?) ast of many langs with unified api
11:18:16alexander92but maybe that's what those IDE-s do
11:26:41FromGitter<mratsim> @gogolxdong it's ffmpeg or OpenCV compiled with ffmpeg support
11:27:00FromGitter<mratsim> Just be aware of licensing (GPL)
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11:44:23Calinouwhat's the differnce between nimpretty and nimfmt?
11:50:11lqdev[m]nimpretty is the official tool
11:50:29lqdev[m]nimfmt is made by federico3 and seems to have a few more features
11:52:21federico3it's going to turn into an extension to nimpretty
11:54:08*endragor quit (Remote host closed the connection)
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13:15:04FromGitter<gogolxdong> What's the reason of being aware of GPL?
13:16:54PMunchHmm, I've got some weird behaviour with asyncdispatch: http://ix.io/1VJT
13:19:31PMunchWhen delayedEcho runs after it's sleep and then sleeps for 500ms it seems like the sleep is actually 1050ms long, or the same amount of time as the sleepAsync 550 and the sleep 500
13:22:09PMunchSo it appears only when the sleep is over 50ms which should be the remaining time before the next tick should be executed
13:22:32PMunchSo somehow sleeping past the tick makes it perform the sleepAsync(550) again? That seems strange..
13:23:33PMunchBecause the ticker should be the only thing running in the dispatcher after delayedEcho is done with the sleep operation
13:23:50alexander92this ticker thing is a cool idea
13:24:18disruptekPMunch: are you on devel?
13:24:49PMunchalexander92, yeah I thought that was a good way to visualise it
13:25:21PMunchdisruptek, same behaviour on 0.20.2
13:25:49disrupteki was just reminded of a bug with +500ms delay that was fixed in async pre-0.20.
13:26:16alexander92PMunch, i can imagine it with echoing progress bars
13:27:27PMunchWell then you need to know what the progress is..
13:28:37PMunchI wonder if this is only when you actually do a sleep..
13:30:17PMunchHmm, yeah it seems like it gets a 500ms delay
13:30:27PMunchDo you have an issue for that disruptek`
13:30:29disruptekwhy do you have a sync sleep in there?
13:31:07disruptekit was something i suffered with for a long time, never realizing that it wasn't a known defect. then i brought it up on irc and it got fixed immediately. oops.
13:31:23PMunchIt was meant to illustrate that this is co-operative multitasking which means that if that was a long execution you would starve the other tasks and it would sleep longer than expected
13:31:41disruptekas simple as your example is, i can't figure it out running it in my head. :-(
13:33:27disruptekwell, your example works to demonstrate that in a single-threaded app, a sync sleep really sleeps...?
13:34:29disruptekasync is just a macro that changes your proc into an iterator; if you keep that in mind, it's much easier to reason about.
13:35:14PMunchThe sleep sleeps the entire thread of execution, meaning that the dispatcher can't switch task to fulfil the asyncSleep in the ticker when maybe expected
13:35:31disruptekthe +500ms delay was due to an i/o select, so it wouldn't come into play here.
13:35:52PMunchYeah I know, I mention that in the article as well :)
13:35:59disruptekright; change it to an asyncSleep and it's fine.
13:36:00PMunchThat it gets turned into an iterator
13:36:11PMunchOf course, but that isn't really the issue here
13:36:33PMunchIf that was 60ms of actual code executing you would have the same result
13:37:04disruptekright, but if you want your timer to execute on every 100ms stroke, you're going to have to check the clock.
13:37:05PMunch(I just tried that by having a busy loop with epochTime)
13:37:45disruptekwhat color is your function...
13:38:21PMunchYes, and that is what I want to show. That since asyncdispatch relies on the tasks explicitly yielding the execution you can end up waiting longer than you might have expected if another task is doing heavy calculations.
13:38:35*laaron quit (Remote host closed the connection)
13:40:26PMunchBut a task doing 60ms of execution is now leading to a 500ms delay, which isn't optimal..
13:40:34*laaron joined #nim
13:40:41alexander92this is cooperative multitasking
13:40:43disruptekthe only mysterious behavior that i've seen is when you have an async iteration that runs some code after the yield, or something. ie. it's not obvious, or it's even surprising, when code before/after the yield runs.
13:41:03PMunchalexander92, yes, as I said that's what I'm trying to demonstrate here
13:41:04alexander92oh yes, this is something i argued about with some people
13:41:19alexander92the ability to detect "blocking" + "heavy" functions
13:41:23alexander92on compile time
13:41:28alexander92and auto-move them to a thread
13:41:29alexander92if needed
13:41:35alexander92(or manually)
13:41:48PMunchHow would you detect that?
13:41:51alexander92but for the second part the await a flow var + fixed threadpool should be ready iirc
13:42:29alexander92well, the blocking thing , i imagined similar to effects: you annotate some primitives (syscalls etc) as "blocking"
13:42:45alexander92and blocking-ness of callee-s is inferred
13:42:51disrupteki don't see anything taking an extra 500ms; what am i missing?
13:42:53alexander92but not sure how practical this would be
13:43:16alexander92for heavy code, not sure: i found out go seems to do some preemptive stuff for those
13:43:22alexander92e.g. inserting yields in tight loops
13:44:26disruptekisn't that issue suggesting that go isn't yielding in tight loops but only at function call boundaries?
13:44:46PMunchdisruptek: http://ix.io/1VK5 this is what yould normally see
13:45:22PMunchAnd this is what happens when you sleep 60ms http://ix.io/1VK6
13:45:23alexander92so it seems its not implemented
13:46:16disruptekah, so adding the sync sleep for 500ms causes the app to take +1000ms to run.
13:46:44PMunchAs you can see instead of immediately resolving the future of the tick once the sleep is over (since delayedEcho fires at 550ms the 60ms sleep should put it over the 600ms tick) it waits for almost 500ms before it triggers it
13:47:20disruptekthis could well be the async-is-an-iterator-with-weird-semantics thing.
13:47:29PMunchAdding a 60ms sleep (so that it sleeps over the next tick by 10ms) adds almost 500ms to when the tick actually triggers
13:47:48PMunchI'm just trying to imagine what the dispatcher is actually doing here..
13:49:10disruptekok, i finally understand what you're on about.
13:49:59PMunchHuh, interesting: http://ix.io/1VKb
13:50:59PMunchAdding another future that should trigger right after the sleep (550 + 60 = 610, it triggers at 620) somehow makes the dispatcher trigger both the tick and the other sleep at the 620 mark..
13:53:59PMunchI think this might have to do with how sleeping is done..
13:54:07PMunchLike the async sleep
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14:01:17disruptekthis is clearly a bug.
14:02:22disruptektake your original example and change the async sleep in delayedEcho to sleep for wait*2; the runtime is actually less.
14:03:32PMunchYes, because 550*2 = 1100 and the 60ms hard sleep no longer drops it over the next tick
14:03:46PMunchWell, there aren't any more ticks, but if there were it would still be faster
14:04:23PMunchBut I'm not sure if this is due to timers, or if it would happen if actually awaiting something more productive
14:05:20disrupteki wonder if the echo is also confusing the issue, because it's i/o.
14:05:38disruptekneed a smaller repro.
14:06:53PMunchHmm, I don't think so..
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14:09:23disrupteki guess the echo isn't relevant, or needed. best to leave it out.
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14:12:18PMunchSmaller example showing all the different scenarios: http://ix.io/1VKo
14:13:01PMunchOr if you want to play with it live: https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=1VKq
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14:16:00PMunchOr maybe even more interesting: https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=1VKt
14:16:06PMunchIt has an extra scenario
14:16:52disruptekright, that's a little better.
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14:18:28disruptekit's that damned 500ms again, and nothing else.
14:19:23treeformhmm so discord got disconnected like a week ago form IRC. I guess it's time to connect to IRC directly. Hi everyone, long time no see.
14:19:38disrupteksup boss
14:19:56disruptekPMunch: good work finding that.
14:20:43PMunchCommented on what happens in each example: https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=1VKv
14:21:05PMunchtreeform, yeah it's a bit unfortunate that no-one has done anything to fix that..
14:21:09PMunchOh well, I'm off
14:22:02PMunchdisruptek, the strange this is that the second one fires at 550 and not 660 like the first, there is definitely something weird going on here..
14:22:04disruptekthe problem is that we spin an extra time.
14:22:23disruptekwe aren't checking to see if anything is ready, though it is. so 160 + 500ms == 660ms.
14:22:52disruptekexactly the same as the i/o issue.
14:23:03PMunchRight, so when it is done sleeping it doesn't check that the timer has expired. So it awaits 500ms before it checks again
14:23:17disrupteki'm just surprised the previous solution wasn't curative.
14:23:25PMunchBut why is that last example 550ms then..
14:23:50PMunchTimers and IO are handled separately in the asyncdispatch module, that's probably why
14:23:57PMunchBut yeah, as I said I have to go now
14:23:58*PMunch quit (Remote host closed the connection)
14:25:49disrupteki think in the last case, it's actually the 2nd sleep that finishes first and causes the spin, because doubleSleep hasn't completed (and won't for another 10ms).
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14:36:25disruptekproof that it's not the extra futures of and/or.
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15:04:01Araqdisruptek: but why do you use sleep(hard)
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16:58:37disruptekAraq: to simulate Real Work™.
16:59:32treeformHmm making an iOS app. Running stuff with --noMain:on ... I call NimMain from ios land directly. But for some reason it does not call systemDatInit000 like it should.
16:59:50treeformIs there more docs on the --noMain:on option?
17:00:28treeformIt looks like I need systemDatInit000 to setup the types.
17:17:26Zevvtreeform: why not just call NimMain() from your own startup code?
17:20:54treeform@Zevv that is what I do. I call NimMain() after the iOS stuff. after importing it `proc NimMain() {.importc.}`
17:22:16Zevvdid you check the generated c code then? I see heer that NimMain() calls PreMain, which calls systemDatInit000() in turn
17:23:59treeformYeah I am putting printfs in there
17:24:02*solitudesf- quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
17:24:02treeform``` printf("calling systemDatInit000\n"); systemDatInit000(); printf("done with systemDatInit000\n");```
17:24:21treeformAnd then I have a printf inside systemDatInit000()
17:24:27treeformbut... it never gets there
17:24:30treeformit just skips it
17:27:27treeformits like some one overrides systemDatInit000 and does not let it run
17:28:52treeformprintf debugging is cool, but you know what is better segfault debugging "*(int*)0=0;" here I come.
17:30:48treeformI can't get it to print or segfault
17:30:50treeform```N_LIB_PRIVATE N_NIMCALL(void, systemDatInit000)(void) { *(int*)0=0; printf("inside systemDatInit000\n");```
17:34:04lqdev[m]anyone has/knows a single-line text box implementation I could perhaps ~~steal~~ borrow some code from?
17:36:07lqdev[m]I'm struggling with proper ctrl + delete support
17:38:49lqdev[m]the code doesn't have to be Nim, just something I can look at as a reference implementation.
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17:48:26treeform@lqdev[m] I do.
17:48:58treeformIts part of my typography library: https://github.com/treeform/typography#text-boxes
17:48:59lqdev[m]treeform: could you perhaps show me the code, please?
17:49:09lqdev[m]oh, nice. I'll check it out
17:49:15treeformIts multiline by default, but it has an option to set it to be single line.
17:49:32lqdev[m]wow that's super cool
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17:50:56treeformHere is some front end code that uses the backend text box: https://github.com/treeform/fidget/blob/master/src/fidget/openglbackend/base.nim#L203
17:51:18treeformwhat is "ctrl + delete" though?
17:51:24treeformI might have missed that keyboard combination?
17:52:02treeformit looks like that deletes everything to the end of line?
17:52:21lqdev[m]it's the same as ctrl + backspace, but it works with delete's behavior (deleting the word to the right of the cursor)
17:53:02treeformhmm ctrl + delete works in Chrome but does not work in MacOS's TextEdit
17:53:17treeformso its not a super common shortcut
17:53:24lqdev[m]I'll use your library to save myself a bit of hassle, thanks for that
17:53:45lqdev[m]well, I don't use ctrl + delete very often but I wanted to have it for completeness sake
17:54:55lqdev[m]had I known about your library I probably wouldn't even use freetype. there's still time to port!
17:55:01treeformI would implement that by calling `endOfLine(shift=true)` with `delete()`
17:55:32treeformWell you can't just use freetype, you also need to use pango and harfbazz.
17:55:56treeformmy library tires to do what the 3 libraries do
17:56:44lqdev[m]I don't use pango and harfbuzz, I have my own simple text renderer using Nim's unicode and OpenGL
17:57:16lqdev[m]and it works like a charm, maybe apart from a few features like ligatures (which aren't that common in games anyway)
17:57:19treeformhow do you do word wrapping? do you have subpixel rendering?
17:57:42lqdev[m]I don't do word wrapping yet, I didn't need it so far
17:58:16lqdev[m]and I don't have subpixel rendering, it would only add more code I don't really need
17:58:36treeformOk cool. My lib does all that.
17:58:48lqdev[m]also I don't have a single clue about how to render the glyphs produced by FT when using subpixel rendering
17:59:17treeformI render 10 shifted glyphs per character
17:59:24treeformthen pick the right one when typesetting
17:59:34lqdev[m]oh that kind of subpixel rendering
17:59:37lqdev[m]I thought you mean the three color stuff
17:59:50treeformwell that too, although that is going away
18:00:00treeformyou got to do this one first, then do the 3 color stuff
18:00:19treeformthe 3 color stuff is "Subpixel Antialising"
18:00:38treeformI don't think it's useful and is on the way out.
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18:09:08lqdev[m]grayscale rendering isn't that bad anyways, I don't really need much more than that
18:09:19lqdev[m]I haven't seen a single game use RGB rendering for text
18:09:39lqdev[m]s/RGB rendering/subpixel antialiasing
18:12:01treeformyeah "Subpixel Antialising" is not needed.
18:12:24treeformBut subpixel stuff is needed for letters < 24px.
18:12:37treeformOther wise it looks bad
18:13:42treeformOk so I removed "systemDatInit000" from the code base and it still compiles
18:13:51treeformIf I rename it it works as a regular function
18:14:00treeformbut some thing about systemDatInit000 name is special?
18:14:03*lqdev[m] uploaded an image: image.png (3KB) < https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/xHTXmDfGyERbtyvqOXPPCfdI >
18:14:13lqdev[m]that's my current implementation
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18:16:53lqdev[m]treeform: I don't see ctrl + backspace here? https://github.com/treeform/fidget/blob/master/src/fidget/openglbackend/base.nim#L241
18:19:02treeformI don't have ctrl + backspace implemented.
18:19:22treeformI should add that. That is some thing I don't have. I did not know it was a thing. Looks like its not a thing everywhere.
18:19:38lqdev[m]well I use it all the time
18:19:39treeformctrl + delete as well
18:20:06treeformYou can use `endOfLine(shift=true)` with `delete()` to simulate it.
18:20:25treeformdoes it copy the end of line? I don't think so.
18:20:49treeformYour text image does not look bad.
18:21:01treeformAnd for a game that is probably fine.
18:21:20treeformThe kerning has some errors in there though.
18:21:33*Yardanico quit (Quit: https://quassel-irc.org - Chat comfortably. Anywhere.)
18:21:39lqdev[m]I'll switch to your library, FT takes up a big chunk of space in my executables
18:22:33treeformThe spaces here are a bit too wide:
18:23:01lqdev[m]I see that now
18:23:02treeformIf you bump the font above 24px it becomes hardly noticeable.
18:23:58lqdev[m]except, I don't bump the font above 24px. it's always 14px
18:24:26treeformI also don't think a casual player would know.
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18:24:53treeformThe text is fine. You can read it. It looks great.
18:26:05lqdev[m]I don't think it will work well if I mix this with your text editing
18:26:28lqdev[m]the offsets will probably be all over the place
18:29:26treeformyeah I round them to nearest 10th
18:29:36treeformto not make 1000s of glyphs
18:30:30treeformMy layout function provides all the offsets. So if you use that to position the glyphs that would work.
18:30:56treeformMain I can't solve this issue. I have a function "systemDatInit000" who's body is not called ever.
18:31:08treeformI can delete systemDatInit000 and I don't get a link error!
18:31:23treeformBut I I rename it to say "systemDatInit0002"
18:31:29treeformthen it all works like a normal function
18:31:39treeformsome thing about systemDatInit000 makes it a ghost/zombie function...
18:32:40treeformI don't even know what to ask google about this issue...
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18:57:51treeformI found my issue. XCode build-clean does not work. It does not fully clean. If you rm files yourself or with a script it works how it should.
18:57:59treeformTell your friends to stay a way from XCode.
19:04:07Araqalways good to know :-)
19:06:26Calinoutell me about it, I'll have to create an iOS app for university this semester :(
19:06:29Calinouwhich also means buying a Mac
19:08:11alexander92can't you borrow one
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19:19:36FromGitter<moigagoo> Is there a way to get a fully-qualified type name, i.e. with the module it's imported from? `$` gets me only the type name, so `$a.MyType` and `$b.MyType` both give me "MyType".
19:22:30treeform@Calinou do you want to use nim to make the iOS app?
19:23:35Calinouno, we have to use Swift anyway
19:23:46Calinoualexander92: my university has Macs but you can't borrow them
19:24:07Calinouthe Mac room isn't freely usable outside of classes, so you can't use it for your project
19:24:34treeformSwift is not that bad though.
19:24:49treeformI bet XCode works well if you stay where Apple wants you to stay.
19:25:27treeform@moigagoo I don't think there is a way. In the generated C code I been staring at there is only names and no module info.
19:27:47FromGitter<moigagoo> @treeform Thanks! <sigh>, gotta think of ways to work around that :-)
19:31:52lqdev[m]treeform: no typeset iterator? that sucks
19:32:22lqdev[m]this means I'll have to allocate a new seq[GlyphPosition] every time I want to draw text :(
19:33:29Zevvtreeform: found your main problem?
19:36:05lqdev[m]treeform: mind if I submit a pull request that adds a `typeset` iterator?
19:36:24treeformsure, but typesetting could be slow, you should cache it.
19:36:31treeformthat is what I do.
19:37:12lqdev[m]that's not a bad idea
19:37:17treeformUnless you cache the mesh of the text instead
19:37:30treeformthat you generate
19:37:33lqdev[m]especially because your typesetting is way more complex than the simple stuff I have
19:37:42treeformYou need the layout for textbox and clicking on text.
19:37:47treeformSo I cache the layout.
19:38:06lqdev[m]I don't generate a mesh, my engine has an immediate mode-style API
19:38:12lqdev[m]what about scrolling in textboxes?
19:38:40treeformZevv yes I did. XCode was not doing "clean" correctly which caused all sort of confusion.
19:38:49lqdev[m]guess I need to do it myself?
19:39:06treeformyes the scrolling is outside the scope of the textbox library
19:39:15treeformas you need to do openGL masking
19:39:29treeformYou can see me doing that in the fidget library i linked as an example.
19:39:44lqdev[m]ikr, and some cursor position transformations before passing it to typography
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20:56:00lqdev[m]treeform: does typography render tabs correctly, and if so, is there a configuration option to change the tab width?
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21:01:13lqdev[m]also, is there a fast and easy way of checking the width of some typeset text?
21:01:36lqdev[m]my only guess is that I have to compute that myself, which isn't a problem really
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21:24:37treeformlqdev, I don't do anything about tabs sorry. Could you add that as an issue. It feels like it would be really easy to add.
21:25:28treeformI don't have width computation. Again sounds really easy to add. Can you add that as an issue?
21:25:47treeformI do have typesetting with width though. So it will wrap.
21:35:38lqdev[m]treeform: done
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