<< 19-03-2017 >>

00:00:09dom96CountTable takes a generic type parameter
00:00:16def-pri-pubDoes anyone know the propor method for sending a basic2d.Matrix2D to a GLSL mat2?
00:00:19dom96That's likely the problem
00:01:11def-pri-pubI tried `glUniformMatrix2fv(loc, 1.GLsizei, GL_FALSE, cast[ptr GLfloat](mat.addr))`
00:01:26def-pri-pubdidn't really work...
00:01:52PMunchWell, "still"
00:02:04PMunchI've been away since I was on last
00:02:11Araqdonlzx: asm keyword?
00:02:27PMunchThat worked great dom96 :)
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00:05:02def-pri-pubAm I having some sort of datatype conversion error?
00:05:27donlzxAray, can you point me to the manual or API documents for the asm keyword?
00:05:44PMunchHmm, maybe that error "invaled type: 'X' in this context" should mention something about generics missing a type specifier? That would help with debugging
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00:07:36donlzxAray, OK, now I find it.
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00:33:15zachcarterhttps://gist.github.com/zacharycarter/254ba6bd07e8bddb8543bceb8018f4f8 :D
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10:06:24FromGitter<Varriount> zachcarter: Yay, android!
10:06:47FromGitter<Varriount> zachcarter: So did you decide to stick with bgfx?
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11:37:34dom96wow, HTML5 canvas is still amazingly annoying to work with.
11:37:44dom96No way to turn off anti-aliasing when drawing shapes.
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11:54:52Araqdom96: are you sure? that sounds unusable
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11:55:37dom96Araq: There is a way, but it's a PITA. You need to `put` the pixels manually.
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12:02:18elroodyou could try whether something like setting context.imageSmoothingEnabled to false or image-rendering to pixelated (or whatever your browser of choice's equivalent is) on the canvas helps your case
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12:25:53dom96elrood: This is for a font. Pretty sure imageSmoothingEnabled is just for images.
12:26:10dom96I did find `mozOpaque` but that's just supported by Mozilla.
12:26:24dom96I ended up creating a DOM element
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13:49:28FromGitter<zacharycarter> Varriount: I did
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15:11:11couven92Can I define symbols (or variables) in a nim.cfg file that I can use later in the same file?
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15:29:47dom96couven92: you can in a .nims config file instead
15:31:25couven92dom96, no can do... I want to simplify the base config/nim.cfg settings for VCC
15:31:55dom96oh, for that one I'm not sure
15:32:09couven92thought as much
15:34:05couven92because now we have a lot of different if elif else branches for the vcc settings there... I have some ideas how to simplify that and solve some vccexe problems in the same go... But in order to make that usable for everyone, I need to define a variable that I can use afterwards for each different arch, etc.
15:38:19stisacouven92 if it's a string or int maybe you could use the pragmas intdefine and strdefine
15:39:07couven92stisa, no! I am modifying the core nim configuration file! It's a config file, so no pragmas here!
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15:40:04stisaThe pragmas are in the .nim file, in the config you do -d:<somevar>=<somevalue>
15:41:58couven92stisa, I think you are missing the point: I am modifying how Nim builds when it uses the VCC compiler backend! That means I HAVE to put it into nim.cfg, since I cannot expect everyone that uses vcc to ALWAYS put some pragmas in their code, just so that their nim code compiles
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15:45:38PMunchHmm, is there a way to compile time check for a program in your path similar to findExe?
15:45:50Araqcouven92: I think you can do that yes
15:46:28couven92Araq, how? :P Then, I'll do my best to beatify the nim.cfg where the vcc stuff is! :D
15:46:40stisayeah sorry, I was thinking you could add the value to the command in the compiler directly with a variable defaulting to "", but it's probably a bad idea
15:48:25Araqcouven92: --define:foo @if foo: ... @end
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15:55:15couven92Araq, ah ok... so each instruction in the nim.cfg is enacted immediately? That good! :)
15:59:42couven92Araq, because then I'd just define a vcvarsall path in nim.cfg... I'd think it's reasonable for people to define their specific path to use for vcc, right? Seeing they need to chnage the default cc = vcc anyways...
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18:20:42adeohluwahello, everyone
18:21:27adeohluwanew to nim-lang, before that learnt a little python & racket
18:22:34adeohluwawant to contribute to nim *not code, not a pro yet*
18:23:48adeohluwabut if nim ever needs anyone to write some beginner friendly docs
18:23:49federico3hi adeohluwa
18:23:52adeohluwaim available
18:24:00adeohluwahey federico
18:24:46federico3adeohluwa: the official docs need some loving, especially in terms of adding tips and examples
18:26:49adeohluwacan you point me a specific example?
18:29:49adeohluwafirst of all, what is the index should be more like a giant reference
18:30:24federico3adeohluwa: look for doc-related issues on the bug tracker
18:30:39adeohluwawill do
18:30:42adeohluwaDocuments: Embedded Nim Debugger (ENDB) User Guide, Embedded Stack Trace Profiler (ESTP) User Guide, Nim Compiler User Guide, Nim DocGen Tools Guide, Nim Enhancement Proposal #1 - Standard Library Style Guide, Nim IDE Integration Guide, Nim IDE Integration Guide, Nim maintenance script, Nim Manual, Nim Standard Library, Nim Tutorial (Part I), Nim Tutorial (Part II), Nim's Garbage Collector, Nimfix User Guide, nimgrep User's manual, niminst User's manual, NimSc
18:30:52adeohluwaModules: actors, algorithm, asyncdispatch, asyncfile, asyncftpclient, asynchttpserver, asyncio, asyncnet, base64, basic2d, basic3d, browsers, cgi, channels, colors, complex, cookies, coro, cpuinfo, critbits, db_common, db_mysql, db_postgres, db_sqlite, dom, dynlib, encodings, endians, events, fenv, fsmonitor, ftpclient, future, hashes, highlite, htmlgen, htmlparser, httpclient, httpcore, httpserver, intsets, json, lexbase, lists, locks, logging, macros, marsha
18:31:06adeohluwayou usually wont know exactly where to go when you see this
18:35:27adeohluwawould open a private chat with you now federico3
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19:16:22kulelu88hey Araq
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19:46:44kulelu88so I created a data backup of the sql contents
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20:03:29kulelu88if I copy/paste the .sql , will anybody be able to help me parse it?
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21:04:13FromGitter<rsirres> is there a pattern to break recursive dependencies
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21:09:35dom96rsirres: create a `types` module and place your types there
21:13:38FromGitter<rsirres> You mean I should put all inter-dependent types in one file right ?
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21:14:59dom96Not all, just ones that are used everywhere. That usually helps reduce recursive dependencies.
21:15:48FromGitter<rsirres> I going to try this out
21:15:49FromGitter<rsirres> thx
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21:52:28PMunchHi Araq, looking at the wxnim examples. example1 is basically just emit statements to C-code and doesn't really use wxnim at all. Cool if I delete it?
21:52:38PMunchI was thinking of writing a small set of other examples
21:53:05PMunchOne for using Nims threads and wxEvents, one with various controls
21:53:13PMunchAnd one with the genui macro
21:55:30Araqok, delete it
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23:25:01FromGitter<ivankoster> Hey, anyone know how I can lookup the type of the symbol an nnkIdent node refers to in a macro? I want to test if the identifier is an Enum type. The enum type is ofcourse already defined at the top of my file. ⏎ I think i have to use https://nim-lang.org/docs/macros.html#getType,typedesc somehow but I don't understand how. ⏎ The enum is ⏎ ⏎ ```type ⏎ WireFormat* = enum ⏎ UNSPECIFIED = 0, ⏎ PROT
23:25:01FromGitter... JSON = 2,``` ... [https://gitter.im/nim-lang/Nim?at=58cf134bac314c8a1a68230f]
23:28:00FromGitter<ivankoster> I meant `Ident !"WireFormat"`
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23:34:21ftsf_good morning
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