<< 19-03-2024 >>

00:24:17*NimBot joined #nim
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11:26:38NimEventerNew thread by elcritch: Approach used by Golang to avoid false anti-virus flagging, see https://forum.nim-lang.org/t/11252
11:55:44*PMunch joined #nim
11:59:25*PMunch__ quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)
12:10:27PMunchHmm, is the IRC bridge down?
12:16:44*Jjp137 quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
12:18:13_________FromDiscord is still here.
12:20:47PMunchYeah, but it doesn't relay messages from Discord to IRC
12:20:50PMunchWorks the other way though
12:21:08*FromDiscord quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
12:21:21*FromDiscord joined #nim
12:27:03om3gawhy discord was choosed? very bad messenger tbh
12:27:39PMunchBy popularity mostly
12:28:11PMunchWe haven't really "chosen" anything. It started out with IRC, then people asked for Discord so we added a Discord room and bridge, same story with Matrix
12:28:26PMunchAnd Gitter, but that has since fallen out of favour so it has been removed
12:28:38FromDiscord<ayex> by that definition there is a lot of malware out there.. 🤣↵(@pmunch)
12:29:37om3ganothing beats clear text really
12:30:17om3gathis new messengers destroying my eyes
12:31:31FromDiscord<ayex> well you can use one of the nice matrix command line clients if you prefer the terminal, e.g.\: gomuks, iamb
12:31:31om3ga•are destroying...
12:31:45FromDiscord<Robyn [She/Her]> In reply to @om3ga "why discord was choosed?": Popular service, makes accessing communities for stuff like languages very convenient
12:32:03FromDiscord<Robyn [She/Her]> I use Discord because my friends are on here :P
12:32:12FromDiscord<Robyn [She/Her]> Otherwise I'd like to move to Matrix more
12:33:18om3gano pronb, i have irc with own bnc. just this "fromdiscord" annoys really, while i'm not good in irc client scripting
12:34:18om3gato rename this nick or replace with something
12:36:20FromDiscord<Robyn [She/Her]> That's fair
12:54:08PMunchom3ga, which client are you using?
12:54:35FromDiscord<olfactoryhallucinations> Have you guys seen this? https://techcrunch.com/2024/03/18/nvidia-launches-a-set-of-microservices-for-optimized-inferencing/?guccounter=1
12:54:52FromDiscord<olfactoryhallucinations> Nvidia's new AI deployment platform is named "NIM".
12:56:04FromDiscord<ambient3332> Yeah I just saw it
12:56:25FromDiscord<olfactoryhallucinations> Googling is going to get annoying.
12:57:05FromDiscord<fosster> or it may be beneficial if you look at it in another prospective↵(@olfactoryhallucinations)
12:57:06FromDiscord<ambient3332> Most google results are from github or nim docs anyway 🤷‍♂️
12:57:55FromDiscord<fosster> like people will type "nim" they may also get the nim lang
12:57:59FromDiscord<fosster> and discover it
13:00:11FromDiscord<demotomohiro> What if you create a Nim module to use NVIDIA NIM?
13:00:32FromDiscord<ambient3332> nim-cuda is probably the one with the most possibility for conflict
13:00:39FromDiscord<olfactoryhallucinations> @fosster I guess that is possible, but I think it will mostly just lead to confusion
13:01:52FromDiscord<fosster> it'll be a problem if this thing will be more popular than nim
13:02:10FromDiscord<Robyn [She/Her]> It's Nvidia, I'd imagine it'd get more popular
13:02:25FromDiscord<fosster> or, most probably, if they'll pay google enough
13:02:29FromDiscord<Robyn [She/Her]> The hype with AI makes it more likely too
13:03:09FromDiscord<fosster> yeah, someone should build an ai/ml library in nim lol
13:04:08FromDiscord<Robyn [She/Her]> Arraymancer is good for that iirc
13:04:33FromDiscord<Robyn [She/Her]> And I think someone did try working on llama.nim or something in Nim, not as a wrapper
13:04:56FromDiscord<ambient3332> all gg stuff is super easy to just wrap
13:05:12FromDiscord<fosster> cool
13:09:31FromDiscord<A2> I'm working on llama stuff in nim full-time at the moment
13:09:37FromDiscord<A2> it's open-source, too\: https://gitlab.com/nobodywho/nobody (but kind of alpha-tier, wouldn't recommend using yet)
13:09:42FromDiscord<A2> we're working on a high-level API to make LLM NPCs as a plugin in game engines (Godot for now, Unreal and Unity next)
13:09:59FromDiscord<Robyn [She/Her]> In reply to @A2 "I'm working on llama": Oooh super neat!
13:10:24FromDiscord<ambient3332> I wonder how you fund projects like that
13:10:24FromDiscord<Robyn [She/Her]> Will you support the ggug model formats then? I think that's what it's called
13:13:11FromDiscord<zumi.dxy> In reply to @fosster "it'll be a problem": the good ol' trick of <language name> + lang should help :p
13:18:17*krux02 joined #nim
13:27:21PMunchI'm going to make a Nim project using Nvidia NIM running on IBM NIM to play the game Nim. You can find it on github.com/PMunch/nim-nim-nim-nim
13:27:57FromDiscord<Robyn [She/Her]> Lol
13:28:47PMunchThen I'm going to reimplement it in Python and make it play go: python-nim-nim-go
13:29:15PMunchOr maybe implement it in Go, go-nim-nim-go :P
13:33:43FromDiscord<Robyn [She/Her]> That'll be horrid
13:34:10FromDiscord<Robyn [She/Her]> In reply to @PMunch "Then I'm going to": Make a Python interpreter in Nim and then you can say nim-python-nim-nim-go
13:35:22FromDiscord<zumi.dxy> make a nim library calling a python version of the game nim, call it from C compiled inside go↵nim-python-nim-c-go
13:54:30FromDiscord<griffith1deadly> i'm wanna see some java-nim-python-nim-c-go
13:57:38*xet7 quit (Remote host closed the connection)
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15:04:23*PMunch quit (Quit: Leaving)
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15:46:08FromDiscord<sent44> sent a code paste, see https://play.nim-lang.org/#pasty=PdTDDdOGWSqR
15:54:04FromDiscord<odexine> x and y must be the same type in such case
16:01:39FromDiscord<sent44> In reply to @odexine "x and y must": thank you for answer↵is x and y kind of the same thing but difference?
16:02:07FromDiscord<odexine> x and y are different variables of the same type
16:02:48FromDiscord<saint.___.> In reply to @om3ga "this new messengers destroying": Which one
16:02:52FromDiscord<sent44> In reply to @odexine "x and y are": ok that is very clear answer, thank
16:07:54FromDiscord<Robyn [She/Her]> In reply to @odexine "x and y must": This is definitely something that's irritating imo :P
16:08:09FromDiscord<Robyn [She/Her]> Means you have to duplicate the concept for multiple types
17:00:39FromDiscord<demotomohiro> You probably need `x` and `y` to say you want binary operators like `x == y` in concept.
17:09:14om3gaPMunch, irssi in terminal and lime chat in osx
17:17:29*krux02_ joined #nim
17:20:18*krux02 quit (Ping timeout: 268 seconds)
17:58:40FromDiscord<Robyn [She/Her]> In reply to @demotomohiro "You probably need `x`": What do you mean?
17:59:30FromDiscord<Robyn [She/Her]> A conversation about this was had a while ago, where Beef said something along the lines of types being bind many, so a concept would match for the same type in every param
17:59:40FromDiscord<Robyn [She/Her]> Duplicating the concept is how you'd get around that
18:14:01FromDiscord<morgan> sent a long message, see https://pasty.ee/CmiYtcNinZHi
18:17:50FromDiscord<leorize> just know that bitset ordering is implementation defined
18:18:50FromDiscord<morgan> :pain:
18:21:12FromDiscord<morgan> so maybe i should then replace the set types with the distinct uint32s, and then write a converter for each from a set of the enum to the distinct uint32 which maintains proper ordering
18:32:16FromDiscord<pmunch> In reply to @om3ga "<@392962235737047041>, irssi in terminal": Probably no need for my hexchat script to strip FromDiscord then
18:40:03om3gapmunch, nice thanks. I will try hexchat
18:41:15FromDiscord<pmunch> It's a graphical program, so if you're used to irssi you might not like it
18:58:18*ntat quit (Quit: Leaving)
18:59:30om3gaat least on desktop I will not see this bridge name anymore
19:09:42FromDiscord<morgan> In reply to @morganalyssa "so maybe i should": ok i replaced the sets with distinct uint32s and converters for each from a set of the enum to the distinct uint32 using ord of each to shift a bit over and or them together, hopefully it works
20:04:20*derpydoo joined #nim
20:08:25FromDiscord<A2> yup. works with any gguf model that llama.cpp supports (which is all of them)↵(@Robyn [She/Her])
20:22:12*rockcavera joined #nim
20:42:37FromDiscord<Robyn [She/Her]> Damn, that's impressive! What features are missing, if I could ask?
20:43:21FromDiscord<Robyn [She/Her]> You said it's alpha-tier so I'm assuming quite a lot?
20:54:50*xet7 joined #nim
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21:23:15FromDiscord<A2> Yeah it's a lot, but I think we want to be usable in like a month or so.
21:23:15FromDiscord<A2> Right now I'm working on having one model evaluate multiple conversations in parallel, so I can make a websocket server
21:24:11FromDiscord<A2> We have a webapp which is a character creator, basically a prompt engineering tool. I'm making a websocket server that uses our library to handle the conversations.
21:25:11FromDiscord<A2> We have a webapp which is a character creator, basically a prompt engineering tool. I'm making a websocket server that uses our library to handle the conversations. Then you can chat with characters in there, and create configurations of like knowledge and personality and stuff that you drop in your game engine.
21:25:54FromDiscord<A2> Another big deal right now is cross-compilation. Our plugin works on linux, but we obviously need to work on windows and macos as well
21:26:23FromDiscord<A2> Another big deal right now is cross-compilation. Our plugin works on linux, but we obviously need to work on windows and macos as well. I think we almost have windows working.
21:28:53FromDiscord<Robyn [She/Her]> In reply to @A2 "Right now I'm working": Oh wow! That'd be hella neat!
21:29:39FromDiscord<Robyn [She/Her]> In reply to @A2 "Another big deal right": Are you using many Linux-specific libraries or are the things you're doing just reliant on a Linux dev environment? If it's the latter, couldn't you cross-compile using Clang?
21:47:11*derpydoo quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
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