<< 19-06-2016 >>

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02:46:54fvshi, howto set step in for loop? Say 2 instead of 1
02:49:23ddl_smurffor i in 0...(count / 2): echo i * 2
02:54:02fvsddl_smurf, thx - neat approach
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02:55:07ddl_smurf(should be div, apologies)
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02:56:09fvsyep, and ..
02:56:44zdsHi gang - I'm working on my first nim script. I've hit a runtime exception that I don't really understand. I'm sure it's quite simple.
02:59:24*Heartmen- quit (Quit: EliteBNC free bnc service - http://elitebnc.org - be a part of the Elite!)
02:59:50zdsI'm trying to parse arguments from the command line and docopt seems like the simplest library. I'm trying to just glob all arguments passed to the command, but this: `for t in @(args["<exp>"]):` produces a stacktrace, "list_v is not accessible"
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03:07:07zdsOh, I see. The `...` is necessary in docopts to create a seq.
03:11:26*Varriount joined #nim
03:15:58VarriountAraq: Link to trimmed mingw binaries - https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B077nrrf63xtTjZHdTRNVkVENUU
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05:37:56zdsIs anyone around? I've crashed the compiler - i'm sure I did something wrong but I'm not sure what
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05:41:18zdsi guess not
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05:56:24shodan45is "typed" the same as "typedesc"?
05:57:24shodan45(see 3rd line of the first block of nim code from https://hookrace.net/blog/writing-a-2d-platform-game-in-nim-with-sdl2/ )
05:59:30shodan45ahh, nm, I found it in the docs.... it's not in the tutorial, fwiw
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08:05:58cheatfateVarriount, welcome back, i missed you
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08:07:18cheatfatedom96, ping
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10:45:42dom96cheatfate: what's up?
10:46:08cheatfateah never mind already solved my question,
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13:40:58edub4rtI am having trouble trying to use a HashSet with a ref object, I get errors of type mismatch for proc hash(), how do I use HashSet with ref objects?
13:42:38edub4rtI have A = ref object and myset: HashSet[A], I do initialize it, then when trying to do myset.incl(a) I get error that no hash() proc is defined from A
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13:43:33edub4rtso I tried do the same way that I found in examples in the sources, "proc hash*(x: A): Hash {.borrow.}"
13:43:56edub4rtbut gives me another error "no borrow symbol found"
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13:50:08edub4rtnvm doing "proc hash*(x: Peer): Hash = hash(cast[pointer](x))" worked
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14:45:42Araq_yeah .borrow is quite broken in the compiler
14:45:56Araq_and since it doesn't do anything hard, I may even remove it from the language
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14:49:16euantorAny ideas why this doesn't work: `const stringTrimChars: set[char] = strutils.Whitespace + '=' + 'v'`
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14:49:32euantorError: type mismatch: got (set[char], char)
14:49:32euantorbut expected one of:
14:49:32euantorproc `+`(x, y: float32): float32
14:49:34euantorproc `+`(x, y: int32): int32
14:49:36euantorproc `+`(x, y: int16): int16
14:49:38euantorproc `+`(x, y: float): float
14:49:40euantorproc `+`(x: int32): int32
14:49:42euantorproc `+`(x: int8): int8
14:49:44euantorproc `+`[T: SomeUnsignedInt](x, y: T): T
14:49:46euantorproc `+`(x, y: int64): int64
14:49:48euantorproc `+`(x: float): float
14:49:50euantorproc `+`(x, y: int8): int8
14:49:52euantorproc `+`(x, y: int): int
14:49:54euantorproc `+`[T](x, y: set[T]): set[T]
14:49:56euantorproc `+`(x: int64): int64
14:49:58euantorproc `+`(x: int16): int16
14:50:00euantorproc `+`(x: int): int
14:50:02euantorproc `+`(x: float32): float32
14:51:25deavmi_mobileis that a set or array that can contain values if type char?
14:51:43euantorIt's a built in set: http://nim-lang.org/docs/manual.html#types-set-type
14:51:55euantorThe docs make it seem like the `+` operator should just work
14:52:18euantorWhitespace is defined here: https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/blob/master/lib/pure/strutils.nim#L33
14:54:51sdwwhat if you change your character literals into sets?
14:55:27euantorYep, that works
14:55:33sdwstrutils.Whitespace + { '=', 'v' }
14:55:42euantorSeems odd
14:55:55euantorThat works perfectly, it's just not very clear
14:56:15euantorLooking at the error message, it is actually stated in the output too
14:56:21sdwthe documentation says you can also use incl
14:56:59euantorYeah, but not with a constant, as it takes a var parameter
14:57:03sdweh, that looks like a statement rather than an expression though
14:57:12sdwyeah, nevermind
14:57:51Araq_it's perfectly clear: proc `+`[T](x, y: set[T]): set[T]
14:58:00Araq_both x and y have to be sets to begin with.
14:59:03sdwwhat he really wants is incl that acts like the + expression
14:59:10sdwI think that makes sense
14:59:16Araq_there is no proc `+`[T](x: set[T], y: T): set[T]
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15:02:11euantorYeah, I just wasn't reaidn the error properly Araq_
15:02:23euantorMy fault for trying to watch the F1 and write code at the same time ;)
15:03:28Araq_sdw: it makes sense but meh, that means 4 more + - procs in system.nim that are hardly ever used
15:03:53Araq_for consistency then proc `+`[T](x: T, y: set[T]): set[T]
15:03:59Araq_needs to be supported too
15:04:07Araq_and the same for `-`
15:04:12euantorMaybe it's a case of adding some examples to the documentation?
15:04:18sdwyeah, either way
15:04:28Araq_and why stop there? consistency demands * should also be supported ...
15:04:54Araq_euantor: yeah, sure. PRs welcome :-)
15:05:41sdware sets of sets supported?
15:06:02Araq_no :-)
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15:06:39sdwthen I think what you just suggested would be a win
15:07:06Araq_bloating system.nim even moreso ain't a win
15:07:12sdwproc `+`[T](x: T, y: set[T]): set[T]
15:07:13sdwthat one
15:07:50sdwdoes set require compiler magic?
15:08:24Araq_proc `+`[T](x: T, y: set[T]): set[T] = {x}+y # no magic required
15:08:54Araq_but meh, let's not be overly sloppy with our types.
15:09:10Araq_when everything is a valid interpretation, no bugs can be detected.
15:10:24sdwI think it depends a lot of personal taste. Do you tend to prefer being explicit?
15:11:07Araq_yes, for uncommon operations. and x+set is uncommon.
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15:11:41euantorAraq_ Okay, that's what I'll do
15:11:49Araq_and "uncommon" is not a question of personal taste, though it can be a question of personal style.
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15:23:29zdsI'm trying to write a proc that will convert a float to a string - optionally rendering it as an int if it's divisible by 1. And I can't seem to get the types to line up.
15:25:36zdsI have a converter like this - http://pastebin.com/PNQh1HNt but the stack overflows on the base case because it overrides $ entirely. But I can't figure out how to write a function that takes a float and sometimes returns a float, sometimes returns an int.
15:25:57Araq_zds: parseutils.parseFloat and strutils.parseFloat exist, I hope you know that
15:26:38Araq_don't name your converter `$` that's pure obfuscation of what happens
15:26:41zdsI know about the latter... But I'm trying to move in the opposite direction. I will look at the former
15:26:53zds(this is only my second day using Nim so I apologize for the beginner questions)
15:27:04Araq_converter floatToStr(n: float): string = ...
15:27:17Araq_avoids the recursion too.
15:27:41zdsAh ok, I was calling it `$` so I could take advantage of the `$` call in proc join(T not string)
15:28:04Araq_well then don't use a converter, but a proc `$`
15:28:18Araq_and in your $, you call system.`$` to avoid the recursion
15:29:36zdsah, I didn't realize i could namespace like that
15:30:27zdsThanks Araq_ that clears it up!
15:30:30Araq_but it's all pretty horrible :P and perhaps you should do proc `&`(s: string; f: float): string = s & myFloatToStr(f) instead
15:31:01Araq_since string&float is not already predeclared
15:31:30zdsHm. I don't think I've seen `&` at all yet. I'll look it up
15:36:00zdsSo I'd basically reduce that instead of using join?
15:38:53Araq_depends entirely on what you need to accomplish
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15:43:28deavmizds: When you use `$` is that to override the operator's execution but relate to it as a proc?
15:43:34deavmizds: the backticks
15:44:23zdsI suppose so... I assumed since it was an operator I had to use the backticks.
15:44:50euantorYeah, backticks are required for operators I thought
15:45:08deavmieuantor: Just asking, thnaks. :)
15:45:10deavmizds: thanks
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15:57:39zdsI guess I'm still confused about how to create values of potentially different types. I'm making a little desk calendar. I have an Operator enum, which works well, except some operators are binary, some are unary - so in my proc that evaluates an operator, I have to check whether the operator is in one set or the other, and maintain the sets. So I was
15:57:39zdsthinking I'd make separate enums - UnaryOperator, BinaryOperator, et cetera. But then what would the signature be of my function that takes a string and figures out what kind of Operator it should be, and returns that particuar value?
15:59:03zdsI thought I'd use an ADT for that, but I think that's definitely wrong.
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16:28:18sdwwhat do you guys use for debugging in nim?
16:31:27def-sdw: echo, writeStacktrace, gdb
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16:49:08Varriountcheatfate: Good to be back. Sorry for the absense, a lot of like-stuff occurred, and Nim kinda fell by the wayside.
16:53:27deavmiVarriount: ello o/
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16:58:30VarriountHi deavmi
16:59:54*euantor quit (Remote host closed the connection)
17:02:21dom96hey Varriount! How's things?
17:02:44Varriountdom96: Busy.
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17:07:47sdwtype Vector[T, N : int] = array[0..N, T]; should it be possible to do this sort of thing?
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17:10:29def-array[N, T] is already what you want, but yes, should be possible
17:10:50def-make that a ; between T and N though, otherwise T is also int
17:11:04Varriountdom96: Spammer on the forum again.
17:11:22def-sdw: and use static[int]
17:11:45VarriountThis might require an IP ban.
17:12:00VarriountOr possibly a flamethrower.
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17:14:26dom96Looks like it's time to implement a "Remove all threads created by user <x>" feature.
17:15:06VarriountAnd possibly a rate-limiter on the number of threads a user can create in a given time period
17:15:25dom96yeah... a bit more difficult to implement though :\
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17:18:34sdwdef-: thanks
17:19:13sdwshould it be possible to use varargs as generic parameters? type Tensor[T; varargs[int]] = ...?
17:20:53sdwI suppose not. the docs seems to indicate varargs is more of a runtime thing
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17:23:13cheatfatedom96, i think it will be easier to ban his ips using firewall
17:23:33dom96cheatfate: ooh, good idea.
17:26:08Varriountdom96: There are still some spam threads left, just in case you missed them (since they continued well into the next forum page)
17:29:15edub4rtI want to do a small metaprogramming in nim, but don't know how yet
17:29:43edub4rtI have `proc dosomething() {.async.} = echo "hello"` in my code and generally call this function using `asyncCheck dosomething`
17:29:53edub4rtwhat I want is to compact both lines into this, `doasync: echo "hello"`, so doasync here would create a proc with every code that is inside the next block then call it with asyncCheck
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17:30:20edub4rtcan someone give me tips if is possible and how should I use do it?
17:30:32edub4rtwhat should I use to do it?*
17:30:35def-edub4rt: sounds like you need a macro doasync that takes a stmt paramater, parses it and creates a new AST
17:31:26Varriountedub4rt: Could you give a more extended example (possibly via gist or pastebin)?
17:33:44edub4rtVarriount: http://pastebin.com/47ki9JUt
17:34:20edub4rtdef-: okay so I will look into that, is there some manual on how the AST works?
17:42:02edub4rtthe idea is simple, it's just a shortcut for creating a proc and then call it with asyncCheck
17:42:15Varriountedub4rt: I think this should work. I can't remember what asyn modules needs to be imported.
17:43:55edub4rtimport asyncdispatch
17:44:04edub4rtgonna try
17:44:18cheatfateedub4rt, usage of asyncCheck is a little bit hacky, just if you don't call poll() you will not receive callback from `immediately completed` futures
17:44:52edub4rtcheatfate, I'm aware of that
17:45:28cheatfateok then
17:46:59edub4rtVarriount: got errors, "Error: type mismatch: got (void); but expected one of: template doAsync(name: expr; body: untyped): untyped"
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17:47:53edub4rtbut I'm going to continue working on what you gave me
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17:55:13def-edub4rt: http://nim-lang.org/docs/macros.html https://hookrace.net/blog/introduction-to-metaprogramming-in-nim/#macros
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17:56:49dom96edub4rt: def-: I think you might be able to do that with a template.
17:57:05dom96Although the immediate nature of the 'async' macro may be problematic.
17:57:08edub4rtalmost got it working like I want with template, but it's possible with macros too, although I think it would be much complex
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18:00:21def-dom96: oooh, i totally misunderstand what he was trying to do
18:01:58def-edub4rt: is this what you want? https://gist.github.com/def-/59dee63d884775ff3e032674c226f310
18:02:08cheatfateguys is it possible to convert NimTypeKind nty constant to string? i mean `ntyInt8` to `int8`
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18:04:01Varriountedub4rt: Updated and fixed.
18:04:53edub4rtexactly, both worked now =)
18:05:49edub4rtso cool that we have the flexibility to do that
18:08:00Varriountedub4rt: If you have any questions on how it works, feel free to ask.
18:11:40Varriountdef-: Hm. Is the immediate pragma needed?
18:12:11edub4rtfrom what I read in the manual just now it's not needed
18:12:27Varriount"Explicit immediate templates are about to be deprecated in later versions of the compiler."
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18:12:50edub4rtI understood how it works, just wondering now if if the name parameter could be optinal, then the template would generate a random proc name
18:12:55*dom96 wonders what the alternative to immediate is
18:13:02dom96is there any docs for this deprecation?
18:14:56Varriountdom96: Just a mention in the manual.
18:15:00edub4rtI mean not random, but choose a unique proc name for itself, maybe based on the context, maybe randomly, but I am afraid that would require the use of macros then
18:17:24Varriountedub4rt: Updated my gist, added a version of the template that doesn't need a name.
18:20:15VarriountThe procedure will have a randomly generated name, however generated stack traces will point to the template, I think.
18:20:21edub4rtVarriount: the problem with using a fixed name is that calling doAsync two times gives and error of redefinition
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18:21:01edub4rtbut I just thought, adding a "block:" before defining it should work
18:21:20Varriountedub4rt: That's why I added the version that doesn't take a name.
18:21:24VarriountThat will always work.
18:25:27Varriountedub4rt: It's possible to make a unique but sensible name using a macro, and the macros module.
18:26:25edub4rtthis will work already fine, thanks for the help Varriount
18:26:29VarriountSomething along the lines of `ident(name & toStrLit(genSym()))`
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18:45:06Araqno, just use genSym()
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18:55:57cheatfateAraq, is it possible to convert NimTypeKind nty constant to string? i mean `ntyInt8` to `int8`
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18:56:33Araquse some repr proc?
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18:57:59cheatfateso make it by yourself? :)
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19:41:48polypus71ignore, testing client
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20:28:21zdsWould anybody be willing to do some code review on my first project? I'm sure the code is completely unidiomatic and missing the point of how to do things, but I'd love some specific feedback.
20:29:18dom96zds: sure, give us a link :)
20:29:32zdsThanks! https://github.com/subsetpark/ad
20:29:52zdsI'll add a few more docstrings...
20:32:02dom96https://github.com/subsetpark/ad/blob/master/ad.nim#L1 const would be better here
20:32:14dom96Also I would put it below the imports and type defs
20:33:39dom96These you should define as a set by just replacing [] with {}.
20:33:46Araqalso we changed 'split' so that's now useless but consistent
20:34:07Araqseriously. I think I will remove this again. it annoys me so much.
20:34:59Araqwho cares if it is "consistent" when it doesn't do what people want it to do?
20:35:16dom96Araq: hrm?
20:35:25dom96where is this coming from?
20:35:32Araqlet tokens = input.split()
20:35:41Araqfrom zds' code.
20:36:06dom96what's wrong with that?
20:36:21zdsThanks dom96 - w/r/t to L29, you think that's a generally sane way of doing it? Given that it should be a set not a list (makes total sense, very Pythonic) - that it's reasonable to define the sets in that manner and use that as the technique to determine what type of operator to use?
20:36:22dom96what do sets have to do with zds' usage of that?
20:36:57Araq12 34 + # note the 2 spaces. old split returns "12" "34" "+"
20:37:04dom96zds: yeah, I think sets are more efficient in this case.
20:37:12zdsAh - but sets seem to require ordinal types.
20:37:18Araqnew split returns "12" "" "34" "+"
20:37:18zds(I had tried sets at first)
20:37:41dom96Araq: yeah, and that makes perfect sense.
20:37:51dom96it's easy to ignore ""
20:37:59Araqit's not.
20:38:03dom96it's impossible to get this information back though
20:38:12Araqso fucking what.
20:38:17dom96Araq: how is it not?
20:38:19Araqit's not useful information.
20:38:31Araqand you can always use a real parser
20:38:32dom96in some cases it is
20:38:46Araqor use the split that uses chars/strings
20:41:13zdsdom96: Given that sets only work for ordinal types, do you think it makes sense to hash the token strings in the sets, and then get the hash of the tokens that we're testing?
20:41:56Araqzds: excuse my swear words but I'm arguing your code is beautiful and we're changing the stdlib to be worse
20:42:19zdsUnderstood. I'll take them as a ringing endorsement.
20:42:59zdsFor what it's worth, I agree with you, but only because I'm a Python programmer and don't know any better.
20:43:00dom96zds: oh, hrm. I would just have a Token enum, then just write: binaryTokens = {plus, minus, ...}
20:43:15dom96You can then even encode the string in the enum IIRC
20:43:44zdsThat makes sense. I just don't know (yet) how to get from a string to the enum that represents it
20:43:57dom96or just write a `proc `$`(token: Token): string`
20:44:09Araqdom96: yeah but that's the charm of his/her solution really, that it uses multiple enums and gets somewhat more type safety
20:44:33dom96zds: case str: of "+": plus; of "-": minus ...
20:45:07Araqzds: biggest issue with your code is that you use 'except IndexError:' which is only valid code in debug mode
20:45:12dom96True. Don't listen to me, Araq is right :)
20:45:25zdsAh! I didn't know
20:45:29zdsI should raise my own exception?
20:45:50zdsI actually had tried defining a custom exception, but I didn't get the syntax right and didn't want to spend too much time on it
20:46:02Araqwell your code shouldn't access the seq out of bounds
20:46:45Araquse an 'if' instead of a 'try'
20:46:48zdsTrue. In fact it shouldn't; I'm raising an IndexError manually if I detect there aren't enough elements on the stack to push a binary operation. Which is almost certainly a misuse of IndexError and deserves its own exception
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20:47:21Araqno, proc peek relies on Nim's IndexError
20:47:52Araqwhich the spec also allows to trigger an abort()
20:48:03zdsoh I see - so stack[stack.high] is falsey if it's empty?
20:48:50zdsor I should just manually check for stack before doing any of it
20:48:56Araqthe latter.
20:49:06Araqproc ingest begs for a 'var' parameter
20:49:27Araqproc ingest(stack: var Stack; t: string) = ...
20:49:58AraqingestLine does use that, hmmm
20:51:33*euantor quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
20:51:46zdsYeah, so here was my thinking - all the stack management procs had var operators. But that would get me into a state where, if you had a line with an invalid call somewhere in the middle of it, it would fail... And I would catch that, but not before mutating the stack with the beginning of the line.
20:52:19zdsSo I figured it made more sense to use immutable arguments and copy by value until I could actually be sure that the whole line executed correctly, and then mutate.
20:54:30zdsIn othr words, if you are trying to process "1 +", you don't want to end up with 1.0 on the stack.
20:54:43Araqok, I think you can accomplish the same with an index and only at the end update the stack a la stack.setLen(idx)
20:56:09Araqbut whatever, I don't think the efficiency really matters all that much
20:56:32zdsWouldn't you still end up having lost data in the opposite case, if you had something on the stack already, and you tried to input a line that began with an operation and then had some invalid input further on?
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20:57:14zdsNot trying to argue - the semantics are just obviously new to me so I'm presuming a lot of ignorance of how things are handled
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20:58:08Araqnot sure if that can actually cause problems
20:58:23Araqthe setLen() would throw away the wrong value
20:58:39Araqhttps://github.com/subsetpark/ad/blob/master/ad.nim#L129 is obviously redundant
20:59:52zdsYes, I had a lot of trouble with that proc. I'd love some elaboration because I hate how it came out but it's not obvious how I should be structuring it
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21:01:43zdsoh, or are you referring to the result = result line?
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21:03:00Araqjust remove that line and the 'else'
21:03:02zdsAh ok yes - that's more obvious :)
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21:24:03cheatfateAraq, is it possible to make sequence of chars with something like @[], like with `int` @[1, 2, 3]?
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21:25:46cheatfatezds, of course :) but nim has construction @[1, 2, 3] which converts array of [1, 2, 3] to seq[int]
21:26:35def-cheatfate: @['a','b','c']?
21:26:43cheatfateyep thanks
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21:29:29zdsah, i understand. thank you
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21:32:50Varriountdom96: Spammer is back
21:34:06VarriountAraq: You have forum admin priviledges too, so I think you can delete the posts as well.
21:36:23Araqthat "delete all" feature surely is handy :-)
21:36:42zdsI guess my last question is... How do I deal with float overflows? It seems like the float type already maps to the largest float available, but even that overflows relatively quickly. Is there a different type available for very large numbers?
21:38:13def-zds: do you need big float numbers or big integer numbers? there are gmp wrappers and nim-bigints
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21:38:57zdsBig floats... I'll look into gmp
21:40:02polypus71is there currently a decent websocket server implementation for a low traffic site?
21:40:07dom96Varriount: Araq: Did he manage to post much?
21:40:32dom96polypus71: https://github.com/niv/websocket.nim
21:40:47dom96Very barebones but works pretty well for my game so far.
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21:41:22polypus71cool, hoe msny players on at a time?
21:41:29Varriountdom96: A page and a half of posts.
21:41:48dom96polypus71: haven't tested it that far yet :)
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21:42:09polypus71dom: is the code public?
21:42:13dom96Varriount: awww, maybe I need to make rate limiting even more strict.
21:42:16dom96polypus71: afraid not
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21:42:25polypus71k ty
21:42:49Varriountdom96: He posted roughly 2 per minute, for 20 minutes.
21:43:21VarriountI'll never understand what people get out of something like this.
21:43:39dom96Varriount: oh well, better than no rate limiting at all.
21:43:56VarriountI can sorta understand the perverse pleasure of starting arguments on reddit and the like, but this doesn't even garner any real feedback.
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21:44:50gokrAraq: Just compiled your ui stuff and got it working on Ubuntu (controlgallery, histogram) - nice!
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21:46:44Varriountdom96: I'm thankful for the forum's email-thread-updates feature, as that's what's been notifying me of the spam topics.
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21:46:59Varriount(Nothing like getting an inbox full of junk posts)
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21:47:40polypus71the more i see the more i like this language
21:48:37VarriountIt's certainly more readable than many other languages.
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21:50:06*TheLemonMan quit (Quit: "It's now safe to turn off your computer.")
21:50:25polypus71performance, metaprogramming, static typing all in one is what gets me. syntax is a bonus
21:50:43dom96polypus71: Glad you like it! :)
21:51:05dom96Varriount: hehe, I just have gmail put it in some folder that I never look at.
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21:56:35VarriountSyntax is a big thing for me. If I'm going to be writing a program, I don't want to have to keep re-deciphering what's going on (although this may just be indicative of my small amount of ability/experience as a programmer)
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23:00:23edub4rtI am having trouble with a simple task, I want to implement a proc for fletcher16 checksum in nim, but with two requirements, first that that the proc can't make an extra copy, second that I can pass slice of an array to the proc
23:00:49edub4rtI went to the wiki and copied the straightforward version of the C code: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fletcher%27s_checksum
23:01:28edub4rtused c2nim but doesnt compile
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23:03:05edub4rtand I'm trying to fix, but currently I am not able to iterate over the array in nim (its a pointer)
23:03:37Demosjust cast the pointer to a ptr array[10000000, T]
23:03:50Demosor a ptr array[1,T] {.unchecked.}
23:05:30cheatfateedub4rt, check lib/collections/rtarrays.nim, don't use it, but this is good example
23:05:31edub4rthmm.. I didn't know that hack
23:10:05*deavmi_mobile quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
23:13:27Araqproc slicesAreNotHardEitherWay(x: openArray[int]; first, length: int)
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23:18:35cheatfatedom96, some monthes ago you not accepted my withTimeout variant, you just say why we need withTimeout if we have or sleepAsync()
23:19:59cheatfatethis is discrimination !!! :D
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23:28:39edub4rthaha cheatfate, he hardly accepted mine too
23:29:59cheatfatebe careful in usage of sleepAsync() you will get like -12% speed
23:34:04edub4rt=( what is wrong with it?
23:36:35SembeiI'm getting this error trying to install nimble on os x http://hastebin.com/ipujujiqeq.csh
23:36:54cheatfatei thought it was epochTime() but i have made benchmarks `epochTime() vs gettimeofday()` --- and got equal results, so i don't know
23:37:54cheatfateSembei, our lovely MacOS maintainer is currently sleeping
23:38:41Sembeicheatfate: actually that part is unix
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23:40:07cheatfateSembei, you can check here https://github.com/nim-lang/nimble/issues, or even create a new issue
23:40:37edub4rtcheatfate, I think it would be faster if used other method than epochTime(), with integers instead of floating point
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23:41:00cheatfateedub4rt, do you listening me? i have checked gettimeofday...
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23:43:34edub4rtstill think theoretically would, you didn't convert gettimeofday to floats then right?
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23:45:26cheatfateof course i thought it was a problem with floats...
23:46:20cheatfatei know libuv using soft timers like we are, but my experiments with hardware timers makes me sure hardware timers is faster then software timers
23:47:15cheatfatesoftware timers slowdown async like 12-15% hardware timers only 5-7%
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23:47:56edub4rtstill would be better if it didn't use floats, floating point speed depends on the platform, in ARM devices would have a difference, there are many mobiles devices that floating point are emulated and not in hardware
23:48:58edub4rtyep using hardware timers would be much better
23:49:31Sembeicheatfate: https://github.com/nim-lang/nimble/issues/203 is this issue
23:50:36cheatfateSembei, common, i'm not using nimble at all, and already sleeping inside, please leave a comment in issue or create new one, but i can't heal you
23:50:47cheatfateheal = help
23:51:22Sembeicheatfate: I mena the solution is there
23:51:29Sembeino need to open an issue
23:51:31Sembeiis known
23:52:52cheatfatebut you can describe your case there, because as i can see "not reproduced" label so dom96 needs help
23:56:30Sembeisame error as last post 9 days ago