<< 19-11-2020 >>

00:02:22*krux02 quit (Quit: Leaving)
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00:04:35FromDiscord<For Your Health> I've had the same thought. Continue has always confused me
00:08:49*jjido quit (Quit: My MacBook has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…)
00:26:16FromDiscord<Joe-23> Just curious, is there a way to replace these `:` with curly braces `{}` and when using `mod`, `and` and `or` operators to something like `%`, `&&` and `||` respectively and ending line using `;`, so to kinda give it a a more C-like feeling
00:27:44*vicfred quit (Quit: Leaving)
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00:28:14FromDiscord<juan_carlos> Make template && that replaces `and` and so on.
00:30:56FromDiscord<nikki> is there a built-in way with std/algorithm to say to use a lexical sort on tuples
00:31:07FromDiscord<juan_carlos> https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=2EDm xD
00:32:34FromDiscord<nikki> oh wait it already does lexical kk
00:33:31FromDiscord<Joe-23> @juan_carlos Oh how would I make a tamplate?
00:33:48FromDiscord<juan_carlos> See link
00:51:40FromDiscord<ElegantBeef> You can also use source code filters https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=2EDw
00:51:55FromDiscord<ElegantBeef> But templates are less error prone 😄
00:56:19FromDiscord<juan_carlos> That kills strings
00:56:42FromDiscord<ElegantBeef> Hence "less error prone" 😄
01:02:37*muffindrake quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)
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01:31:14ForumUpdaterBotNew thread by Gcao: Question about async, see https://forum.nim-lang.org/t/7118
01:48:58*bung joined #nim
02:02:43Zoom[m]Hm, it's strange zip is taken by a proc returning a new seq, instead of being an iterator for pairs of items
02:03:10Zoom[m]Is there such?
02:03:53FromDiscord<Rika> what?
02:03:57FromDiscord<Rika> sorry i dont understand
02:04:27disruptekthere are a couple. one in zero functional and another zipper by mratsim with a funny name like fusion.
02:08:45Zoom[m]Thanks. I see iterators are not the first-class citizens in std
02:09:17FromDiscord<Rika> oh zip as in the zip function, for some reason i was thinking the library...
02:09:59Zoom[m]@Rika I was looking for an iterator which takes two collections and.. you already know it
02:12:20FromDiscord<Rika> yeah nim doesnt really have many things for closure iterators (for some reason, idk why)
02:13:23disruptekbecause cps pwns.
02:14:23disruptekZevv: did that gcsafe stuff work?
02:15:43Zoom[m]disruptek: I saw that cps repo, which paper of the bunch is the most accessible?
02:16:00disrupteklet me see.
02:16:29disrupteki think the 1011 is the only one i care about.
02:17:53disruptekbut note that we are hewing further afield than their cpc impl.
02:17:53Zoom[m]Thanks. Recon this will soothe me into sleep in no time
02:18:20disrupteki dunno, it's pretty exciting stuff.
02:18:29FromDiscord<Rebel> Best way to break up a thicc string? No "\" 😦
02:18:34FromDiscord<Rebel> (edit) ""\"" => ""\\""
02:18:39FromDiscord<Rika> wdym?
02:18:45disrupteki believe those are called g-strings.
02:19:27Zoom[m]Had total Baader Meinhof moment a couple of days ago when someone mentioned CPS as a tried and gotten over with thing
02:19:29FromDiscord<ElegantBeef> @Rebel eh? https://nim-lang.org/docs/manual.html#lexical-analysis-triple-quoted-string-literals
02:19:31disruptekuse tripe-quoted literals.
02:20:20disruptekbtw, cps != csp.
02:20:39FromDiscord<Rebel> 👍
02:20:59disruptekneither is new; probably dating to mid-60s or so, iirc.
02:21:21FromDiscord<Rika> lua uses a sort of cps in its c interop for async lua stuff afaik
02:21:32disruptekcsp introduced in '78.
02:21:51Zoom[m]"It’s a really bizarro way to represent code that happens to make some compiler optimizations easier to do."
02:21:53FromDiscord<Rika> i think cps could be really good if we didnt have to do it manually 😛
02:22:05Zoom[m]"No one ever for a second thought that a programmer would write actual code like that."
02:22:07disruptekcps in '75.
02:22:22FromDiscord<Rika> ~~which lua makes us do manually because c so i didnt like it that much :(~~
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02:23:28disruptekit might take a new backend for us to introduce tail call optimization, but i honestly don't know.
02:23:59disruptekour approach will be okay until then.
02:24:24FromDiscord<nikki> @Rika i think in luajit, coroutines work across c calls on the stack
02:24:28FromDiscord<nikki> or is that not what you're talking about 🤔
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02:24:50disruptekprogrammers actually /do/ write code like that, though.
02:24:53FromDiscord<nikki> (puc-rio lua didn't support that; idk if it supports it in >=5.4)
02:24:54disruptekthat's sorta the point.
02:25:02FromDiscord<Rika> im talking about official lua
02:25:25FromDiscord<nikki> word
02:26:54disruptekthe cps impl they describe is for a massive torrent server, for those of you who think maybe this is all academic.
02:26:59disruptekwarez, baby.
02:27:06disruptekand pr0n. lots of pr0n.
02:28:03FromDiscord<nikki> i thought it was purely academic. now i'm not interested
02:28:05FromDiscord<Rika> academic torrents of course 😉
02:30:49disruptekft. lauderdale girls gone wild, naturally.
02:33:02*apahl quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)
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02:37:29Zoom[m]Applied style according to the guide and other fixes: https://github.com/ZoomRmc/rosettacode_nim/blob/main/src/stable_marriage_gale_shapley.nim Camel Case will take a while to get used to!
02:38:35FromDiscord<Rika> ngl dont know why python uses snake case when camel case is so much faster to type lol
02:38:49FromDiscord<ElegantBeef> Cause python likes underscores for everything useless
02:39:02FromDiscord<ElegantBeef> That was too easy
02:39:02FromDiscord<Rika> why innit called p_y_t_h_o_n then xdddd
02:39:06FromDiscord<Rika> ~~i kid~~
02:39:39Zoom[m]May be because not having capital letters everywhere allows for more fluid reading?
02:41:21Zoom[m]But Araq being from Germany may have other Views on the Topic
02:42:03FromDiscord<shadow.> is there any way to do an else statement with a for loop like in python? basically `else` only executes if for was not broken
02:42:16FromDiscord<shadow.> (edit) "is there any way to do an else statement with a for loop like in python? basically `else` only executes if for was not broken ... " added "with a `break`"
02:42:31FromDiscord<Rika> idk, i found camelcase much easier to read
02:42:46FromDiscord<Joe-23> I see, thanks mate
02:43:10FromDiscord<Rika> shadow, no, i believe a lot of us not from python find it confusing ~~even i, who comes from python~~
02:43:16FromDiscord<shadow.> fair enoough
02:43:21FromDiscord<shadow.> i can probably use `block` creatively
02:43:35FromDiscord<Rika> or just use a conditional bool 😛
02:43:38FromDiscord<shadow.> fair
02:44:05FromDiscord<Rika> dont know how many times i searched "for loop with else"
02:44:12FromDiscord<Rika> prolly a few 10s already
02:44:43FromDiscord<shadow.> lmfao
02:45:30disruptekthat's the main reason i worked on cps.
02:45:49FromDiscord<Rika> because cps is confusing? what a god
02:46:13Zoom[m]@Rika in a regular human language capital letters mark the distinct chunks of information. Having them so frequently is like a bumpy ride.
02:46:34disruptekbecause i wanted to write while/else.
02:46:38FromDiscord<Rika> that is true, maybe i am just used to it
02:46:48FromDiscord<Rika> oh, i see, lol
02:46:58Zoom[m]Yeah, that's the strongest factor, I believe
02:47:38Zoom[m]gnite everyone
02:47:55disruptekthink of me and touch yourself.
02:48:40FromDiscord<Rika> now im not hard
02:50:45*vicfred quit (Quit: Leaving)
03:18:08FromDiscord<ElegantBeef> @shadow. To completely make something no one should use, here is a forelse 😛 https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=2EE9
03:20:37FromDiscord<shadow.> gracias
03:20:49FromDiscord<shadow.> i will most likely not use that but good to know lol
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03:35:24*rockcavera quit (Remote host closed the connection)
03:51:25ForumUpdaterBotNew thread by Jasonfi: How to hot reload a Jester web app?, see https://forum.nim-lang.org/t/7119
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04:07:40disruptekthat's not for/else.
04:08:02disruptekfirst of all, it's called `what/else`.
04:08:11disrupteksecondly, the else is a peer to the what.
04:09:42disruptekthere's also a variant that has a clause that is executed if the loop body doesn't run at all.
04:10:07FromDiscord<ElegantBeef> > basically else only executes if for was not broken with a break
04:10:27disruptekyeah, i know.
04:10:46FromDiscord<ElegantBeef> That's exactly what that does
04:10:58disrupteki tried to get araq to add it to nim but he balked.
04:11:14FromDiscord<ElegantBeef> I mean yes it's garbage 😄
04:11:17disruptekyou have too many colons. and i don't say that lightly.
04:11:34FromDiscord<ElegantBeef> Yea i agree, also it's not nearly as usable
04:11:53disruptekbut the version impl using cps can actually be more powerful.
04:11:56FromDiscord<ElegantBeef> Considering you need the condition, there and not just checking if it broke
04:13:02disruptekyou should learn about named blocks in any event.
04:13:24disruptekand seriously, take a look at cps.
04:13:35FromDiscord<ElegantBeef> I know about them
04:14:00disruptekwell, then...
04:14:04disruptekrtfm div operator.
04:14:12FromDiscord<ElegantBeef> Indeed
04:44:58*bung quit (Quit: Lost terminal)
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05:51:35ForumUpdaterBotNew thread by Jasonfi: Nim c stuck at 99% CPU, see https://forum.nim-lang.org/t/7120
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06:07:06*waleee-cl quit (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
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06:26:07Zevvdisruptek: I didn't get to test it. I'm not sure what the right approach is.
06:34:01*narimiran joined #nim
06:51:41ForumUpdaterBotNew thread by Benjamindlee: Why does JSON serializing a table not work properly?, see https://forum.nim-lang.org/t/7121
07:19:36*PMunch joined #nim
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08:12:35PMunchHmm, anyone know how the Gtk icon cache format works?
08:15:55disruptekclyybber: it has to be able to rewrite itself because that's what it uses to persist data.
08:29:28FromDiscord<ElegantBeef> Pmunch what format? 😄
08:31:02PMunchLook in /usr/share/icons/<Theme name>/ at the file called icon-theme.cache
08:31:25PMunchI was wondering if I could read bitmap data out of that instead of having to deal with SVGs
08:32:51FromDiscord<ElegantBeef> Depends on the icon theme
08:33:25PMunchWhat do you mean?
08:33:36FromDiscord<ElegantBeef> Some icon packs use pngs some use svgs
08:34:59FromDiscord<ElegantBeef> Like Moka for instance uses pngs
08:35:08PMunchI know that some uses SVGs
08:35:15PMunchBut I just want bitmap data I can draw
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08:35:38PMunchI have actually considered writing a stand-alone program to interface with the freedesktop icon specification
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08:36:05FromDiscord<ElegantBeef> This is where i jokingly suggest making inkscape a dependancy and just export images when needed
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08:36:19PMunchTo avoid having to write stuff like this: https://github.com/Tomas-M/xlunch/blob/master/extra/genentries#L172
08:36:34PMunch(yes, that is freedesktop parsing in bash, apparently I hate myself)
08:37:27PMunch@ElegantBeef, that script actually supports the `convert` utility from imagemagick to convert svgs to pngs
08:37:50*fowl joined #nim
08:37:53FromDiscord<ElegantBeef> Oh yea imagemagick exists
08:38:29PMunchThe annoying part is that these things exists in Gtk
08:38:46PMunchLike it has a function to get the icon for an app given whatever icon theme is set
08:38:56PMunchWhich is part of what that horrible script does
08:39:59PMunchTry to figure out what your theme is, then go look for that icon theme (or themes, they can have fallbacks), then find the icon within the theme at the correct resolution, select the closest one, or convert it from svg
08:44:16*letto quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)
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08:47:45lainhm. when I build drnim on fresh installs of Debian Buster or Arch Linux, from version-1-4 or devel branches, the final link step for the drnim binary fails with "/usr/bin/ld: //lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libpthread.so.0: error adding symbols: DSO missing from command line". repeating the link command with -lpthread added makes it succeed
08:48:24lainthis seems like a bug...?
08:50:59PMunchHmm, that does in fact seem like a bug
08:54:04*hnOsmium0001 quit (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
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08:58:00lainI'll file an issue with the details :3
09:24:04*Tanger quit (Quit: Leaving)
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09:36:05*jjido quit (Quit: My MacBook has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…)
09:41:30FromDiscord<Ricky Spanish> does arraymancer have cnn layers available?
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09:55:25FromDiscord<Vindaar> @Ricky Spanish see here: https://github.com/mratsim/Arraymancer/blob/master/examples/ex02_handwritten_digits_recognition.nim
09:55:53FromDiscord<Ricky Spanish> ah awesome thank you @Vindaar
10:05:04Araqthere is a new tag, 'vote', see https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/pull/16034
10:05:05disbot fix #16025 repr now consistent: does not insert trailing newline
10:05:23Araqmaybe it works out, the idea is to do what the vote's outcome suggests we should do
10:06:26PMunchSo you react thumbs up/down on the main post to cast you vote?
10:29:53PMunchHmm, is there a project to read Xresources from Nim?
10:44:25Zevvdude this is 2020
10:44:27Zevvwho does X
10:44:28ZevvX is dead
10:44:31Zevvlong live X!
11:00:10*D_ quit (Quit: No Ping reply in 180 seconds.)
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11:08:48PMunchI know X :(
11:08:57PMunchI don't (yet) know Wayland
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11:47:01FromDiscord<Ricky Spanish> isnt weyland still a bit so-so with the support for many distros other than the top 5 lets say?
11:53:38FromGitter<AZ-X> Hello, about binary size, is this true? ⏎ ⏎ > https://forum.nim-lang.org/t/7021#44087
11:57:57Araqread the thread
11:58:07Araqwhat do you think is false?
11:58:42Araqtimezones can cause bloat but it depends on what package you use, the stdlib isn't affected
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12:53:33FromGitter<AZ-X> Why Nim's stdlib binds to openssl?
12:57:12FromGitter<AZ-X> https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/issues/14719
12:57:13disbotMake SSL/TLS implementation pluggable
12:58:36FromGitter<AZ-X> Even Google has its BoringSSL
13:00:51FromGitter<HJarausch_gitlab> How to find out the reasons the compiler "thinks" my func has side effects?
13:02:11FromDiscord<Joe-23> WIth its OS-development, do developers disable GC?
13:02:20FromGitter<ynfle> @HJarausch_gitlab, It's a pain part
13:02:42FromGitter<ynfle> Do you wanna share your code?
13:03:38PMunchAZ-X, I think Nim was built against OpenSSL before there were any good alternatives and everyone were using OpenSSL
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13:04:02PMunchJoe-23, typically disable the default GC, but ARC/ORC should work fine
13:04:13PMunchIs there a way to get the path to the running exe?
13:04:34FromGitter<AZ-X> not everyone
13:04:43FromGitter<AZ-X> I do NOT use opennssl
13:05:28PMunchMaybe not today, but when Nim was released 12 years ago?
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13:08:06PMunchBearSSL was released 4 years ago, BoringSSL is a fork of OpenSSL that was released 4 years ago as well, and Google specifically tells you not to use it
13:08:19FromGitter<AZ-X> First appeared 2008; 12 years ago
13:08:43FromDiscord<Rika> what date is that for? BoringSSL?
13:08:55FromGitter<AZ-X> It's remarkable
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13:11:40PMunch@Rika, Nim
13:11:53FromDiscord<Rika> yeah i know i was asking AZ though
13:12:31*hmmm joined #nim
13:13:45PMunchHi hmmm
13:14:29FromDiscord<Rika> mmm levels fluctuate every day
13:14:39FromDiscord<Joe-23> @PMunch Isn't ARC a type of GC?
13:14:46FromDiscord<Joe-23> What is ORC?
13:14:53PMunchARC with cycle collection
13:14:58PMunchAnd kinda, but not really
13:16:37FromGitter<AZ-X> The language itself looks better than Go and Rust
13:18:07FromDiscord<Rika> lol
13:25:16FromDiscord<Joe-23> @AZ-X Couldn't agree with you more
13:25:19Araqto the best of my knowledge ORC is ready for kernel development. It also builds on top of a O(1) allocator. But notice that other GCs could also be made to work in kernel-space. It's just a myth that kernels cannot have GCs. Also, if you think that C's way of MM is good for kernels you're mistaken, C makes it very easy to allocate on the stack but for a production OS you don't have much stack space
13:25:24FromDiscord<Joe-23> @PMunch Thanks
13:25:44FromDiscord<Joe-23> @PMunch Which one is more efficent, the ownership model or ARC/ORC that Nim does?
13:26:23PMunchNo idea :P
13:26:26PMunchMaybe Araq knows
13:26:45narimiranhey hmmm!
13:29:20Araqownership vs ARC, difficult question. ARC is an ownership model, Nim's view types are an ownership model.
13:30:04Araqin practice you have plenty of more time left for optimization with Nim than with Rust.
13:30:30Araqand Nim doesn't stigmatize unsafe code as much as Rust does.
13:30:52FromDiscord<Joe-23> @Araq So Nim can be safer than Rust?
13:31:13FromDiscord<Joe-23> @Araq Sorry what do you mean by this?
13:31:30Araqwhat do you mean? You just switched from "efficient" to "safer"
13:31:59*Romanson joined #nim
13:34:44FromDiscord<Joe-23> > and Nim doesn't stigmatize unsafe code as much as Rust does.↵Sorry mate what do you exactly mean by this
13:36:12hmmmis there any nim library that has dataframes like pandas?
13:36:34narimiranhmmm: https://nimble.directory/search?query=dataframe
13:36:46hmmmoh nari
13:36:48hmmmthanks :>
13:36:54Araqthe way I wrote it. Nim's 'cast' is an expression, Rust's 'unsafe' is a block, you need the unsafe block to call into C functions iirc
13:37:17FromDiscord<Joe-23> @Araq I see
13:37:57FromDiscord<Joe-23> @Araq And what do you mean by this?
13:38:20FromDiscord<Joe-23> (edit) "And" => "Sorry mate but"
13:40:49mipri*shrug*, if the efficient thing to do involves derefencing a pointer, in Nim code you can do that without someone grepping your code for the required unsafe blocks and complaining about it.
13:41:05planetis[m]@Zoom for me your code went from unreadable to perfect (but I'm used to nim naming convention), nice stuff
13:41:45miprithe unsafe blocks themselves aren't that onerous, but you might accidentally optimize for complaints rather than speed. that's how I read that.
13:42:06planetis[m]also .compiletime pragma is not needed (line 32, 39) since it's not called from a macro
13:42:31Zoom[m]planetis: Nice to hear.
13:42:33planetis[m]and echo takes varargs so you can skip the string concats
13:42:38Araqmipri, well maybe they changed that but calling into C required 'unsafe' so you could have an unhealthy dose of unsafe blocks in your code
13:43:10bungon windows testament not work for pattern ? `no tests were found for pattern: 'tests/*.nim'`
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13:44:15miprino, that's the still the case, but the unsafes can stop at the first wrapper function with an unsafe block.
13:44:22FromDiscord<Joe-23> I see, thanks
13:44:33FromDiscord<Vindaar> @hmmmm NimData is nice if you have a static schema and want an iterator based library for your code. Mostly work with row based things. `numnim` I wasn't even aware of. The dataframe in ggplotnim is dynamic (columns defined at runtime) and is much closer to R's dplyr in syntax. For the latter I'm there to help 🙃
13:45:58FromDiscord<Vindaar> hmmm ^
13:47:13Zoom[m]planetis: I'm really annoyed by doing `for i, item in enumerate(array):` so I could index another array in the loop, instead of using proper `zip`. But since this code is intended for Rosetta I shouldn't use lang-sugaring libs
13:47:52narimiranZoom[m], planetis[m]: what code are you talking about?
13:48:42mipriadd your preferred version as an alternate
13:48:45Zoom[m]It doesn't matter. Code which traverses 2 arrays in parallel
13:48:50planetis[m]Zoom: which lines do you refer to?
13:49:10Zoom[m]33-35, 40-42
13:49:34narimirando you really need `enumerate` there?
13:49:56Zoom[m]I could use indexes for both, but it's even more perverse
13:50:13planetis[m]how would you use zip?
13:50:16hmmmVindaar I'm very very noob so I understand like 12% of what you said, I need a dataframe lib that takes my static tables, combine them together, maybe do some sums while we are there, and spit them out
13:50:26planetis[m]they are nested
13:50:31Zoom[m]`for a,b in zip(arrayA,arrayB):`
13:50:50narimiranbut arrayB is a row in arrayA?
13:50:52FromDiscord<Rika> why cant you use zip?
13:51:08Zoom[m]@Rika, there isn't one in STD
13:51:13narimiranwhy can't you do `for r, prefArray in prefs):`?
13:51:20Zoom[m]There is one, but ot's not doing what it's supposed to
13:51:34FromDiscord<Rika> std? or `system`?
13:51:45FromDiscord<Rika> sequtils has a zip...
13:52:03narimiranbut arrayB is a row in arrayA??
13:52:05Zoom[m]I know!
13:52:05FromDiscord<Rika> > There is one, but ot's not doing what it's supposed to↵how so?
13:52:30Zoom[m]@Rika, it produces a new seq, instead of being an iterator for items
13:52:56FromDiscord<Rika> well okay understood
13:53:05FromDiscord<Rika> why cant you use `pairs` then?
13:53:10FromDiscord<Rika> why the enumerate, i mean
13:53:24narimiranthat's what i asked too
13:53:37narimiran`for r, prefArray in prefs: for c, contender in prefArray:` works
13:54:14planetis[m]narimiran: i like your std/enumerate module any chance we can fit in more forloop macros like zip?
13:54:50FromDiscord<Rika> for loop macros are still experimental from what i know
13:54:52narimiranZoom[m]: here's a version without enumerate: http://ix.io/2EGI
13:54:56Zoom[m]narimiran: Ah, it's the same thing as enumerate, in this instance. So it doesn't really matter. I wan to iterate items, not indexes
13:55:24planetis[m]Rika: not anymore!
13:55:30narimiranZoom[m]: one meaningless import less. it matters to me :P
13:55:32FromDiscord<Rika> oh really? nice
13:55:48Zoom[m]narimiran: Yeah, it's just me not knowing the std well enough yet
13:55:56narimiranplanetis[m]: what "forloop macro like zip"?
13:55:57FromDiscord<Rika> guess we're making a `forutils` module soon, i assume
13:56:19planetis[m]yeah just zip
13:56:20FromDiscord<Rika> narimiran, a zip that iterates instead of constructs a seq i assume
13:56:35FromDiscord<shadow.> is there a way to zip two range iterators?
13:56:40FromDiscord<shadow.> somethin like that
13:56:40FromDiscord<shadow.> sent a code paste, see https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=2EGJ
13:56:46Zoom[m]That would be nice, as well as a couple of other iterators
13:56:54FromDiscord<Rika> man what kinda damn timing do you have lol
13:56:58FromDiscord<shadow.> lol wait
13:56:59FromDiscord<shadow.> is this
13:56:59FromDiscord<Rika> that was nice timing
13:57:01FromDiscord<shadow.> what u guys r talking abt
13:57:02FromDiscord<shadow.> LMAO
13:57:04FromDiscord<Rika> zip
13:57:07FromDiscord<shadow.> damn
13:57:08FromDiscord<Rika> we were talking about zip
13:57:12FromDiscord<shadow.> so im going to assume there's no way to do that
13:57:13FromDiscord<shadow.> lmao
13:57:20planetis[m]mratsim has done something like that
13:57:23FromDiscord<Rika> yeah not right now unless you dont mind creating seqs
13:57:25FromDiscord<shadow.> ig i can just use math lmao
13:57:33FromDiscord<Rika> unless you dont mind a third party lib
13:57:36FromDiscord<shadow.> hmm well
13:57:40FromDiscord<Rika> in which case i think zerofunctional will work
13:57:43FromDiscord<shadow.> fair enough
13:57:48FromDiscord<shadow.> i might be able to get away w math lemme try this
13:58:08Zoom[m]I used iterators extensively in some code. For example, I implemented wheels (overlapping cycling over arrays of different length) completely without index arithmetic. It was sooooo satisfying.
13:58:17narimiranwhat is stopping one to write `zip` iterator, based on the current `sequtils.zip` proc?
13:58:17FromDiscord<shadow.> nvm
13:58:18FromDiscord<shadow.> sent a code paste, see https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=2EGK
13:58:19FromDiscord<shadow.> math saved the day
13:58:46planetis[m]narimiran: varargs zip(a, b, c, d) etc
13:59:15Zoom[m]narimiran: creating a new seq for each pair?
13:59:43Zoom[m]I don't need a new seq, I want a view/mutable view into pairs of contained items
14:00:19planetis[m]Zoom: your enumerate iteration shouldn't copy with gc:arc
14:00:33FromDiscord<Rika> theyre asking about zip not enumerate
14:00:44FromDiscord<Rika> zip will still copy with arc lol
14:01:11Zoom[m]planetis: I was answering narimiran on what's wrong with using current zip in my case.
14:01:23planetis[m]ok my bad
14:01:44FromDiscord<Vindaar> hmmm: gonna make food now, so afk a bit but: if you can link an example of what data you have and what you want I can show you how to use nimdata / ggplotnims df
14:01:52Zoom[m]I agree I used enumerate where I should have used pairs iter. I just didn't find it
14:05:18narimiranZoom[m]: but how would you use `zip` instead of enumerate/pairs?
14:08:22Zoom[m]```for a,b in zip(prefs,result):
14:08:22Zoom[m] for c,d in zip(a,b):
14:08:22Zoom[m] d=c```
14:08:30*Zoom[m] sent a long message: < https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/SpmAAgkkdEHLJBsswnGAYklj/message.txt >
14:08:52Zoom[m]Multiline in Element sucks
14:09:18Zoom[m]Sorry for that.
14:09:30Zoom[m]narimiran: `for a,b in zip(prefs,result): \ for c,d in zip(a,b): \ d=c`
14:09:52FromGitter<HJarausch_gitlab> I need to loop with an int8 loop variable (since it will be put into a bitset). Currently I have for i in 0i8..8i8 but that's ugly. Is there something more beautiful?
14:10:22narimiran Zoom[m] i don't think that would work as you expect/want
14:11:11narimiranthe way it is written now, it looks like you just did `result = prefs` in a convoluted way
14:12:38narimiran@HJarusch - it is not ugly
14:12:43Zoom[m]narimiran: I just didn't do anything with the items
14:13:15narimiran@HJarusch - you might lose the latter `i8`, but not sure
14:13:37Zoom[m]Or better `for i,j in prefs.zip(result).flat_map((x,y) => zip(x,y)): \ doSomethingWithThePair(i,j)`
14:13:53*astronavt quit (Remote host closed the connection)
14:14:03FromGitter<HJarausch_gitlab> I have a 'func' where Nim complains it has side effects. Is there any means to ask Nim why it thinks so
14:14:10narimiranZoom[m]: run before 4raq sees that `flat_map` there!!
14:14:21narimiran@HJarusch - show us the code
14:14:24planetis[m]ot: i tryed an example with zip macro https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=2EGU it does seem to copy string elements, but maybe it can work with views
14:15:14Zoom[m]planetis: isn't this what it promises to do in the docs?
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14:17:22FromGitter<HJarausch_gitlab> import sets ⏎ type ⏎ DigSet = array[9,set[int8]] ⏎ T2int = tuple[f:int8,s:int8] ⏎ var ... [https://gitter.im/nim-lang/Nim?at=5fb67e72b4283c208a74c1fd]
14:17:30Zoom[m]From what I can tell zip from zero_functional is what I wanted, but again, not for Rosetta. I find it silly when there's a smartass who finds one function in some 3d party lib for his lang which performs the task in question and writes a one-liner using that lib, instead of implementing at least a reasonable part of the logic.
14:17:46narimiran@HJarusch - please use https://play.nim-lang.org/ to share the code
14:18:44FromGitter<HJarausch_gitlab> https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=2EGZ
14:19:24FromGitter<HJarausch_gitlab> But in future I'd like to find out myself. So, can the Nim compiler give me some hints?
14:19:25narimiran@HJarusch - you're accessing a var outside your func
14:19:44narimiranalso, there's no bitset in sight
14:19:48narimiranyou don't need int8
14:21:07narimiranbtw, try to run `nimpretty` on your file from time to time
14:21:14planetis[m]Zoom: you make a good point, rosseta code looses its value if people just import libs
14:21:40narimiranit won't fix wrong cases for your variables, but at least it will fix all the inconsistent whitespaces
14:21:59FromGitter<HJarausch_gitlab> I thought 'set[int8]' is a bit set - isn't it? Furthermore, why is 'read access' of a 'var' outside my func a side effect
14:22:16narimiranoh, true. sorry, i've only seen `HashSet`
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14:23:06narimiran"The noSideEffect pragma is used to mark a proc/iterator to have no side effects. This means that the proc/iterator only changes locations that are reachable from its parameters and the return value only depends on the arguments. "
14:23:14Zoom[m]planetis: That's why I'm venting over that zip here. Didn't Araq said he's pro- "fat" standard lib? I think I read something like that recently
14:23:15FromDiscord<Rika> HJarausch because the parameters of the function do not dictate the state of the var outside the function
14:23:16narimiranfrom the manual: https://nim-lang.github.io/Nim/manual.html#pragmas-nosideeffect-pragma
14:23:43Zoom[m] * planetis: That's why I'm venting over that zip here. Didn't Araq said he's pro- feature-rich standard lib? I think I read something like that recently
14:24:16FromDiscord<Rika> i think its just that the core devs are very busy
14:24:23FromDiscord<Rika> and not that they dont like the idea
14:24:54narimirangive this a read: https://nim-lang.github.io/Nim/nep1.html
14:27:59FromGitter<HJarausch_gitlab> My func doesn't change a global variable, but yes, the return value depends on global variables. This type of "no side effects" is too strict for me. Is there something in between, i.e. let the compile check only if something is `changed` outside?
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14:28:32FromDiscord<Rika> i dont understand, disallowing reading an outside variable is not strict at all
14:28:45narimiranhere is the manually prettified version of your code: https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=2EH4
14:29:06FromDiscord<Rika> see: what if another function changes that outside variable? isnt it expected that "whatever goes in a func determines what goes out and nothing else"?
14:29:16narimiranpass the variable as a proc argument. problem solved
14:30:45narimiran4 arguments in this case, if i counted correctly. or just make it a `proc` and call it a day
14:35:35planetis[m]i remembered i tried to add zip macro to stdlib but was rejected https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/pull/12317
14:35:36disbotAdded zip macro
14:36:24FromGitter<HJarausch_gitlab> @narimiran Thanks for your help. It's hard to get accustomed the peculiarities of Nim. Probably I'll stick to Python/C++ unless I need the speed and parallelism of Nim
14:37:04narimiraneven in python, you need to write your code following some conventions ;)
14:37:42narimiranit is `var_name` not `Var_Name`, etc.
14:38:46narimiranbut don't dismiss nim too early, it might surprise you the more you use it
14:39:58planetis[m]now that forloop macros are official, can i try again?
14:41:08narimiranplanetis[m]: yeah, i would say so (but you know who has the final word ;))
14:44:53ForumUpdaterBotNew thread by Pietroppeter: New video on move semantics by Araq (rebase conf 2020), see https://forum.nim-lang.org/t/7123
14:45:07Zoom[m]planetis: I agree with the last comment there, having multiple args is not the first priority
14:46:58planetis[m]ok i will start with a simpler change and improve enumerate by supporting `for (i, x) in enumerate(a)` syntax
14:47:33Zoom[m]Eh, what's there to improve?
14:47:53Zoom[m]Haven't looked into the code, but it worked for me as I expected
14:48:16*hmmm quit ()
14:48:45planetis[m]tuple unpacking syntax
14:49:07planetis[m]`for i, x in ..` vs `for (i, x) in ..`
14:49:47planetis[m]and also `for i in enumerate(x)` needs a proper error
14:50:20planetis[m](it's not possible, unfortunately)
14:52:26Zoom[m]I got confused. Do you mean you want the immediate unpacking to not be necessary?
14:54:07planetis[m]no to support this syntax: https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=2EHj
14:54:59FromDiscord<Quibono> How do you do an import of a file that is in another subdirectory of the same parent folder?
14:55:14FromDiscord<lqdev> you can use relative paths
14:55:22FromDiscord<lqdev> `import ../other_subdir/submod`
14:55:43FromDiscord<Quibono> Okay cool, I wasn't sure how it worked since you had to go up a level, but that makes sense, thank you.
14:55:55FromDiscord<Quibono> I really appreciate how supportive and helpful the Nim community is.
14:58:11FromDiscord<Quibono> Hrm, it's saying it can't open it.
14:58:24Zoom[m]planetis: In that case, I don't understand what's the difference between `for a,b` and `for (a,b)` are. I thought the first is the shorthand for the second, as with procs.
14:58:45Zoom[m]Also, did you intend to write `enumerate(a)`, not `x`
14:59:10FromDiscord<Quibono> @lqdev I figured it out, nevermind, didn't realize it was literally ..
14:59:20planetis[m]none but it produces different ast
14:59:51FromDiscord<lqdev> i believe that there actually is a semantic difference
14:59:59FromDiscord<lqdev> because wrapping in `()` can do tuple unpacking
15:00:08FromDiscord<lqdev> eg. `for i, (a, b, c) in thing`
15:00:39FromDiscord<lqdev> this is interpreted as two loop variables, the latter to be tuple-unpacked
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15:04:51FromGitter<HJarausch_gitlab> Is there a base class for "file" and "StringStream". I'd like to path either an open file of an StringStream to a proc where it is accessed by the .lines iterator only. Is there a simple solution short some "union type"?
15:05:33Zoom[m]lqdev, you're right. I just thought it's always (x,y) under the hood and x,y is just a sugar
15:06:18FromDiscord<lqdev> @HJarausch_gitlab make the proc generic?
15:06:28FromDiscord<lqdev> `proc doStuff[T](file: T)`
15:07:04FromDiscord<lqdev> you can constrain T to accept File or Stream if you need to `proc doStuff[T: File | Stream](inp: T)`
15:08:06FromGitter<HJarausch_gitlab> Thanks, that's just what I was looking for.
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15:27:05Zevvdisruptek: I got it to work with a compilation flag indeed. So now the user explicitly chooses to make a gcsafe npeg or not.
15:32:19narimiranZevv: btw, did he tell you that he dreamed of me?
15:32:34Zevvhe dreams of all of us. you are not unique
15:32:45Zevvyou are not special
15:32:48Zevvi am not jealous
15:33:48narimirannothing to be jealous at. it was just a wet dream, nothing more
15:34:13Zevva bit old for that, eh
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15:35:14narimirannot that kind of wet dream
15:36:21Zevvthat's a relief
15:36:39supakeenwhat does gcsafe do
15:37:36narimiranZevv: he wasn't very explicit about it, but i think it was a relief, yes
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16:05:08narimiranif somebody would like to give Nim 1.4.1 a try: https://github.com/nim-lang/nightlies/releases/tag/2020-11-19-version-1-4-4ddb8feb939f57ea8df1ae9e05f47e26cd031209
16:05:24*vicfred quit (Max SendQ exceeded)
16:05:26narimiranor grab it from version-1-4 branch on github: https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/tree/version-1-4
16:05:51*vicfred joined #nim
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16:11:03ForumUpdaterBotNew thread by AlectronikHQ: How to write a macro correctly which contains a 'char'?, see https://forum.nim-lang.org/t/7124
16:11:56*a_chou quit (Remote host closed the connection)
16:24:58FromDiscord<tinygiant> sent a code paste, see https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=2EI5
16:26:01FromDiscord<Vindaar> @tinygiant `JsonNode` is a `ref object`. You need to add a `result = newJObject` somewhere before the loop
16:26:11FromDiscord<Vindaar> (edit) "newJObject`" => "newJObject()`"
16:26:18*Romanson quit (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
16:26:54FromDiscord<tinygiant> @Vindaar Awesome, worked perfectly. Thanks for the knowledge.
16:30:03*lritter quit (Quit: Leaving)
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16:37:51FromDiscord<Daniel> whats new in 1.4.1
16:37:56FromDiscord<Daniel> (edit) "whats new in 1.4.1 ... " added "?"
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16:41:15FromGitter<AZ-X> I learned Nim for an hour and found this https://github.com/nim-lang/csources/issues/12
16:41:15disbotBuild setup is susceptible to backdooring
16:42:49*Vladar quit (Remote host closed the connection)
16:43:20*bung quit (Quit: Lost terminal)
16:43:23FromGitter<AZ-X> quote > dom96 : I'm certain that this issue will fix itself in the future. Once Nim is stable enough it will be buildable using a previous version of itself, after that the C sources will no longer be necessary.
16:44:57*Vladar joined #nim
16:45:17FromGitter<AZ-X> quote > dom96 : I'm certain that this issue will fix itself in the future. Once Nim is stable enough it will be buildable using a previous version of itself, after that the C sources will no longer be necessary.
16:46:02FromGitter<AZ-X> quote ⏎ ⏎ > dom96 : I'm certain that this issue will fix itself in the future. Once Nim is stable enough it will be buildable using a previous version of itself, after that the C sources will no longer be necessary.
16:46:47FromDiscord<Rika> you sent it thrice?
16:47:24miprinot intentionally. it's edited in gitter
16:48:45FromGitter<AZ-X> My browser blocks webfont...
16:51:36*solitudesf joined #nim
16:52:19narimiran@Daniel 1.4.1 is a beta-version of soon-to-be-released 1.4.2, which is a patch version for nim 1.4
16:55:00narimiranto see what's in 1.4.1 that was not part of 1.4.0: https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/compare/v1.4.0...version-1-4
16:59:32disruptekZevv: compilation flags suck.
17:08:58FromDiscord<Daniel> tnx, ....seems like there is alot of improvments/fixes 👍
17:10:25hmmmmmI liked version 1.4.0 :|
17:10:33hmmmmmIt's all I ever known :|
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17:10:56narimiran@Daniel yeah, lots of stuff for 1.4.2!
17:11:20FromDiscord<Daniel> (edit) tnx, ....seems like there is alot of improvements/fixes 👍
17:12:40narimirannow we want you (general you) to try it before the official release, so if there is some regression, we can fix it before the release
17:14:08FromDiscord<nikki> https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/issues/15910
17:14:09disbotAssignment to `Option[T]` doesn't call destructor on existing contained value ; snippet at 12https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=2DGW
17:14:12FromDiscord<nikki> yesss
17:15:29narimiranyep, that fix will be part of 1.4.2
17:16:50FromDiscord<nikki> narimiran: is 1.4.1 installable through choosenim?
17:17:10narimiran1.4.1 is a "devel" (movable) version
17:18:05narimirani'm not sure if you can use it via choosenim.... try `choosenim 1.4.1`, and tell me what does it say
17:18:20narimiranor maybe `choosenim version-1-4`
17:18:30FromDiscord<nikki> i'm afk rn but will try soon 🙂
17:30:22FromDiscord<exelotl> I wasn't able to `choosenim 1.4.1` or `choosenim version-1-4` but cloning the Nim repo and doing `git checkout version-1-4 && ./build_all.sh && choosenim ./` worked for me
17:31:05narimiranthat's how i would do it too :)
17:31:29narimiranbut now i see that choosenim supports giving it a specific commit
17:31:53narimiranso maybe `choosenim 4ddb8fe` works?
17:34:17disbotgitnim: 11https://gitnim.com/ -- choosenim for choosey nimions -- disruptek
17:34:28disruptekthink different.
17:35:31FromDiscord<Daniel> are header files for c, same as nim modules?
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17:39:53disruptekno; you need a nim compiler to compile nim modules.
17:40:36FromDiscord<Recruit_main707> day 1 of asking for nimscript functions to be available in compile time code
17:41:05disruptekbe specific.
17:41:32FromDiscord<Recruit_main707> https://nim-lang.org/docs/nimscript.html#12
17:42:05FromDiscord<Daniel> well, in the book nim modules are just another nim files
17:42:14disrupteki wasn't asking for a specific url.
17:42:31FromDiscord<Daniel> so in context of c programing language i am trying to understand what are header files in c
17:42:46FromGitter<eagledot> Can somebody help me with this https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=2EIy (https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=2EIy) ?
17:42:46FromDiscord<Recruit_main707> be specific then
17:42:55disruptekamazon sells a lot of books on the c language.
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17:43:29FromDiscord<Daniel> i am sure it does
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17:44:00*narimiran quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)
17:44:08FromDiscord<Daniel> I am just not interested in c to program with it, but rather from the aspect how to use it with nim(c2nim and such)
17:44:30disruptek_deep c secrets_ is about the only book i got anything from.
17:45:23FromDiscord<Recruit_main707> eagledot, you cannot change a variable's type after defining it
17:45:48*narimiran joined #nim
17:46:03FromGitter<eagledot> i am not trying to change the type, just want to update the initial value of an argument..
17:46:15FromDiscord<Recruit_main707> you are though
17:46:26FromDiscord<Recruit_main707> do this: https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=2EIA
17:52:33disruptekshashlick: need to pull this into the compiler for ic reasons; if you want to change the way it works, this is a good time to redesign it: https://github.com/disruptek/nimph/blob/master/src/nimph/config.nim#L466
17:52:34FromGitter<eagledot> actually wanted to do https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=2EID (https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=2EID)
17:53:21FromDiscord<nikki> @Daniel the K&R book on C is maybe dated but also kinda classic
17:54:02FromDiscord<nikki> it's a pretty short read, you could glance through it until you get to header files. i actually forget whether they talk about header files that much though 🤔
17:55:38FromDiscord<nikki> there's also this https://modernc.gforge.inria.fr/ (has a free download in the downloads section) which seemed kinda good, definitely leans into the "new" stuff in C tho
18:01:45disrupteki haven't written any c in like 20 years. i thought K&R was useless but maybe i was too young for it.
18:02:22FromGitter<eagledot> Can somebody just take a look ..https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=2EII (https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=2EII) ?
18:02:57FromDiscord<dom96> > so maybe `choosenim 4ddb8fe` works?↵@narimiran you might need to write `choosenim #4ddb8fe`
18:03:04FromDiscord<nikki> disruptek: it was mostly useless for me too because i just learned c/c++ by mostly writing it in the ctx of projects; but i think k&r is a good read for just reading to get a sense of c
18:04:36disruptekmaybe, i dunno. it felt really old even 30 years ago.
18:10:18FromGitter<eagledot> is anybody around??
18:11:14FromDiscord<dom96> maybe
18:11:40FromGitter<eagledot> Can you help me with this https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=2EII (https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=2EII)
18:12:45FromDiscord<exelotl> sent a code paste, see https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=2EIM
18:12:48FromDiscord<lqdev> eagledot: why not just make a proc with your desired default arguments that just calls the proc inside of your object?
18:12:57FromDiscord<lqdev> @eagledot ^
18:13:39FromDiscord<exelotl> if I do `var g = GameState(actors: a.toOpenArray(a.low, a.high))` it works fine
18:14:33FromDiscord<lqdev> @eagledot see https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=2EIN
18:15:58FromGitter<eagledot> @lqdev Thanks..i am taking a look.
18:16:42disruptekpraise be to lemonboy.
18:17:20disruptekhearts and minds, my little nimlets; hearts and minds!
18:17:23FromGitter<eagledot> @ actually i have a small number of such objects, wanted to keep interface same by calling ``custom_obj.field_3()``
18:17:34FromGitter<eagledot> @lqdev
18:17:53FromDiscord<Stuffe> @eagledot, are you creating the structs in a loop or something?
18:18:04FromDiscord<lqdev> @eagledot, so?
18:18:12disruptekcome all ye unwashed nimpletons; let disruptek feed you.
18:18:13FromDiscord<lqdev> still doesn't stop you from creating a wrapper proc
18:18:28FromDiscord<Stuffe> im not exactly sure what you are trying to do, but i have a feeling you need "closureScope"
18:19:16FromGitter<eagledot> @lqdev but each of the custom object has different number of fields with only field_3 common as a procedure...
18:20:02FromGitter<eagledot> i get your point, and would do that as u suggested if not finding a cleaner version...cannot i emit code using template or something?
18:20:08FromDiscord<Daniel> @nikki looking into Modern C book, tnx mate
18:20:18FromDiscord<lqdev> @eagledot you can make the procedure generic
18:20:47FromDiscord<lqdev> sent a code paste, see https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=2EIP
18:21:38FromDiscord<nikki> `.getTypeInst.getTypeImpl` gives me an AST that is equivalent to the type of something, but is there a way to get to the original type definition AST that includes the pragmas too? 🤔
18:22:00FromDiscord<nikki> or do i need to save it from a macro when the type is defined
18:23:20FromGitter<eagledot> @lqdev ,but what if have different number of fields in that case i have to write ``call_field_3`` for each of the object?
18:23:39FromDiscord<lqdev> yeah?
18:23:51FromDiscord<lqdev> the procedure is instantiated for each one of your types
18:24:08FromDiscord<lqdev> this means that every one of your type gets a specialized procedure for itself
18:24:12FromDiscord<lqdev> that's how generics work.
18:26:04FromGitter<eagledot> @lqdev i meant ``field_3`` procedure have different number arguments depending on the object..
18:26:18FromDiscord<lqdev> well make it have the same number of args
18:26:24FromDiscord<lqdev> how'd you expect this to work anyways
18:26:49FromGitter<eagledot> i was thinking something like partial in python??
18:26:50FromDiscord<lqdev> you can't pass one argument to a procedure with 5 arguments
18:26:58FromDiscord<lqdev> what's partial
18:28:17FromGitter<eagledot> No i meant to ask the first time, is not possible to assign variable a function with specific initial values?
18:28:58FromDiscord<lqdev> nope
18:29:03*opal quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
18:29:18FromDiscord<nikki> eagledot: you can use a lambda
18:29:33FromGitter<eagledot> @lqdev ,thanks...that was my misunderstanding.
18:30:02FromGitter<eagledot> how to use lamda? can u point me to an example..
18:30:14FromDiscord<nikki> if you have `proc foo(a, b, c: int)` you can do `let bar = proc(c: int) = foo(1, 2, c)`
18:30:34FromDiscord<nikki> i mean it doesn't have to be a lambda, but if you wanted to choose different values for 1, 2 based on stuff in some scope, it'll end up being one
18:30:58FromDiscord<nikki> it's kind of like partial application but spelled out
18:31:42FromGitter<eagledot> can i assign it as a field to an object as well?
18:32:06FromDiscord<nikki> you can if the type of the field is the same as the function you create
18:32:21FromDiscord<nikki> i'd start asking why you want to do that (just to make sure there isn't a better route to doing what you want to do in general), but it'll work
18:33:39*opal joined #nim
18:33:58FromGitter<eagledot> basically was writing code to call a function say ``forward`` ,on different object to do Deep learning in NIm
18:35:06FromDiscord<nikki> you can probably do what you want with normal procs, without needing to assign procs as fields of objects
18:35:23FromDiscord<nikki> the latter is really mostly needed when you need some kind of dynamic dispatch because the proc can change
18:36:53FromGitter<eagledot> actually was trying to store the actual algorithm/function in ``forward`` field, for each of the objects,so that i can call with same interface...but learning more as i go..
18:37:27FromDiscord<Stuffe> Is this kind of what you want? https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=2EIX
18:37:56FromDiscord<Stuffe> generating lambda functions with values known at run time in any case
18:38:19FromGitter<eagledot> @Stuffe yes, but want to pass arguments as well..
18:38:32FromGitter<eagledot> arguments are known at run-time only..
18:38:36FromDiscord<Stuffe> thats easy to add
18:38:36FromDiscord<nikki> you can put the arguments in the ()
18:38:46FromDiscord<nikki> this example should be extendable to what you want at this point
18:39:23FromDiscord<nikki> in any case -- it's nice you have distinct types of objects and call procs on them and the dispatch is static (just leads to good codegen / perf / etc.) -- but if you really need this dynamic dispatch, this is how to do it
18:39:47FromDiscord<Stuffe> here you go https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=2EJ0
18:41:06FromGitter<eagledot> That works ...thanks for all the help.
18:41:24FromDiscord<Stuffe> great. youre welcome
18:49:20*hmmmmm quit (Remote host closed the connection)
18:54:32*jjido joined #nim
19:20:36*jjido quit (Quit: My MacBook has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…)
19:23:19FromDiscord<For Your Health> sent a code paste, see https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=2EJb
19:23:30FromGitter<deech> How do get `--expandArc` to work with a imported proc? I tried `--expandArc:ModuleName.procName` but that didn't work.
19:28:07FromDiscord<pietroppeter> @For Your Health use with: https://nim-lang.org/docs/with.html
19:32:28*hmmm joined #nim
19:34:18FromDiscord<For Your Health> What import do I need to use that? I'm having trouble finding it
19:36:07FromDiscord<For Your Health> Oh, looks like std/with
19:37:00FromDiscord<For Your Health> I'm not sure how to use it in my case though
19:39:07FromDiscord<For Your Health> sent a code paste, see https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=2EJi
19:39:40FromDiscord<Stuffe> @For Your Health maybe youre looking for something like this? https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=2EJj
19:42:16FromDiscord<For Your Health> Is that idiomatic? It is a little unfortunate to have to use `[]` to dereference but I suppose it isn't a big deal
19:45:32FromDiscord<Stuffe> i really dont know
19:45:44FromDiscord<Stuffe> but I guess you could do it with the move keyword as well: https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=2EJl
19:47:19FromDiscord<For Your Health> Seems a little bit clunky and spooky that you have to remember to move it back
19:47:43FromDiscord<Vindaar> what's wrong with the template approach?
19:47:58FromDiscord<For Your Health> Nothing as far as I know. I'm just wondering if that is the way people usually do it
19:48:49FromDiscord<Vindaar> that's definitely more idiomatic than doing pointer shenanigans 🙂
19:49:18FromDiscord<For Your Health> I figured. Pointers are spooky
19:49:28FromDiscord<Stuffe> true, but its less effecient
19:49:30FromDiscord<Stuffe> just saying
19:49:37FromDiscord<Vindaar> of course
19:49:46disrupteknah; this boil on the inside of my thigh is spooky.
19:49:48disruptekpointers are fine.
19:50:08FromDiscord<Vindaar> but if you're worrying about performance and you notice that you have an n times nested call you have to make over and over, maybe something is wrong in your design
19:50:53FromDiscord<exelotl> yeah using pointers is not really ideal, I think `with` is kinda experimental too (hence why it's in its own module) but I might be wrong about that
19:51:32FromDiscord<exelotl> soon we will have the `byaddr` pragma: https://nim-lang.org/docs/decls.html#byaddr.t%2C%2C%2C
19:51:44FromDiscord<For Your Health> @Vindaar I'm finding it tends to happen when using the whole "composition over inheritance" idea. How can I avoid it?
19:52:32FromDiscord<exelotl> There was a forum thread about that recently with some answers: https://forum.nim-lang.org/t/7095#44696
19:53:19FromDiscord<exelotl> (I'm biased but I think my solution is best lol)
19:53:42FromDiscord<pietroppeter> Sorry yes maybe with is not useful in your case. And template is actually fine and idiomatic. Example: https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=2EJs
19:54:16FromDiscord<Vindaar> haha @exelotl your solution however is the only one that is used in practice 😄 I agree. I think PMunch and me just like to write fun macros 😉
19:54:22FromDiscord<pietroppeter> But I might misunderstand what you are trying to do...
19:54:47FromDiscord<nikki> templates are fine and dandy until you call a function twice that has side effects 😐
19:54:52FromDiscord<Vindaar> @For Your Health really depends on the context imo. There's no simple answer and it depends on the problem domain I guess
19:55:22FromDiscord<nikki> yeah it's all about context
19:55:33*PMunch joined #nim
19:55:34FromDiscord<nikki> you probably want some proc tha tyou pass a var parameter, and you pass the nested thing
19:55:38FromDiscord<nikki> and the proc acts on it
19:55:58FromDiscord<nikki> `proc foo(bleh: var Bloh) = bleh.x = 3; bleh.y = 4; foo(meh.bar.baz)`
19:56:26FromDiscord<nikki> like is this logic some reusable, nameable thing? if it isn't, but should be (rearchitect / redesign / rethink) then proc
19:56:32FromDiscord<nikki> if it isn't then just write it out probably
19:56:40FromDiscord<nikki> coding isn't about compression
19:56:45FromDiscord<nikki> if it were, then just run your code through gzip, it'll be smaller
19:56:50FromDiscord<exelotl> if all objects in the chain are normal object types (not ref objects) then the template approach shouldn't be any slower right?
19:57:34FromDiscord<exelotl> because the compiler can figure out the exact offset of foo.bar.baz.x relative to the location of foo
19:58:13FromDiscord<nikki> @exelotl i think so yeah. best way to find out is to -> c then -> godbolt
19:58:15PMunchGoing to be streaming some TermFM development in a moment
20:00:23FromDiscord<nikki> but i think the main thing is that the template may make most sense when it's at least somewhat reusable
20:00:38FromDiscord<nikki> and if eg. you have `.foo.bar` where `.foo` is a ref or even a proc call; ...
20:00:47FromDiscord<nikki> altho in that case it's maybe an issue with `.foo` more than the template
20:01:38PMunchSorry for the short notice, stream is already live at https://twitch.tv/PMunche and https://youtu.be/x3pYu7VdhNA
20:04:06FromDiscord<Stuffe> i personally would prefer a pointer because then its easier to read 6 months later when you forgot that this name represents an alias and not a direct variable
20:04:46FromDiscord<For Your Health> sent a code paste, see https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=2EJy
20:04:55FromDiscord<For Your Health> Just as a crude example
20:05:12PrestigePMunch: not live yet?
20:05:33PMunchPrestige, stream is live, but I'm not doing anything yet
20:05:33FromDiscord<EL DIOS DE LOS MEMES> :nimAngry:
20:05:33FromDiscord<nikki> @For Your Health write a function for moving a player
20:05:36FromDiscord<EL DIOS DE LOS MEMES> :nimAngry:
20:05:38FromDiscord<EL DIOS DE LOS MEMES> :nimGlow2:
20:05:40FromDiscord<nikki> then call `movePlayer(self.players[0])`
20:05:47FromDiscord<nikki> or eg. `for player in palyers: player.movePlayer()`
20:05:55PrestigePMunch: oh, okay. I see the Please stand by message
20:05:57FromDiscord<nikki> and then in the function you just have a parameter, and less depth
20:06:02FromDiscord<nikki> templates is not the answer to this
20:06:34FromDiscord<nikki> @For Your Health you can see similar logic in the stuff i'm working on: https://github.com/nikki93/ng-public/blob/a1001d83ab6e428f6564579dce81863151c60ef4/src/game/player.nim#L45-L50
20:08:20Prestigeoh neat, I saw that on r/unixporn a long while ago PMunch. Looks very neat
20:10:01FromDiscord<For Your Health> @nikki That alleviates the issue to an extent, but the problem still exists in a capacity. Say in my example you pass in a player. You get rid of self.players[0], but you still have to do player.transform.origin.x
20:10:24FromDiscord<nikki> you have to think about what i'm saying at and extend it to the situation
20:10:34FromDiscord<nikki> it's not about just doing a find and replace with what i said
20:10:46FromDiscord<nikki> reapply the idea to transform and so on, and it'll start making sense
20:11:06FromDiscord<nikki> in the repo i linked, there are deep object compositions like this but because of reusable procs and other things it doesn't look deep in the code itself
20:11:14FromDiscord<nikki> you need to build up a suite of data types and procs on those data types
20:11:34*jjido joined #nim
20:12:05FromDiscord<nikki> you can also have a x proc on player that is `
20:12:09FromDiscord<nikki> one sec sorry
20:12:28FromDiscord<nikki> `proc x(player: Player) {.inline} = player.transform.origin.x` then you can use `player.x`
20:12:39FromDiscord<nikki> (with the return type that i left out 😅 )
20:13:36FromDiscord<nikki> the one thing i said is the general statement, but the repo i linked is a specific expansion across many types. the `.position` there is actually digging into the physics object
20:15:11FromDiscord<For Your Health> @nikki That's essentially following the law of demeter. Which I like the idea of, and have thought about before. But it can get unruly in some cases.
20:15:47FromDiscord<For Your Health> That is cleaner than doing a template though
20:16:01FromDiscord<nikki> i'm telling you how you can do what you want, but yeah, it stands that what you want is kind of a bad idea, which i agree with
20:16:31FromDiscord<nikki> your data structures should hopefully be organized so your code looks clean without needing shenanigans
20:17:56FromDiscord<For Your Health> I guess it is a matter of how many dot chains you are willing to repeat. In your code example you have some repeated dot chains in there
20:18:39FromDiscord<nikki> i don't care about repetition or not in a vaccum, the thing that matters is whether the code is understandable quickly and embodies less accidental complexity
20:19:07FromDiscord<nikki> which example, from the repo?
20:19:31FromDiscord<nikki> the main repetition is in the `for vars in ker.each(Query):` stuff it seems like; what else do you think is repetitive 🤔
20:21:22FromDiscord<nikki> if i saw the definition for your data structures, then i went to the code and saw weird aliases that i have to go understand some templates for etc., it can potentailly make it less readable (but also more, if done right (?))
20:21:31FromDiscord<For Your Health> sent a code paste, see https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=2EJA
20:21:45FromDiscord<For Your Health> (edit) "https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=2EJA" => "https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=2EJB"
20:22:20FromDiscord<nikki> sent a code paste, see https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=2EJC
20:22:25FromDiscord<nikki> but i did it this way because it's clearer to me and each line of the code stands on its own
20:22:33FromDiscord<nikki> "set the walk constraint max force to 2000"
20:24:37FromDiscord<nikki> another approach is to have setters that return a ref to the thing you're setting on, which i had in the c++ version of this code that i'm porting from: https://gist.github.com/nikki93/003d19e263931edf28ff5d0ebb1ec585#file-main-cc-L131-L133
20:24:47FromDiscord<nikki> i don't actually like it that much tho
20:26:21FromDiscord<Quibono> Is there a way to get fmt to work with strings that contain quotes?
20:26:39*rockcavera quit (Remote host closed the connection)
20:27:06mipriuse & instead of fmt
20:27:36FromDiscord<nikki> does fmt work with triple quotes?
20:27:42miprias mentioned at the top of https://nim-lang.org/docs/strformat.html
20:28:09FromDiscord<Quibono> Thanks.
20:29:40FromDiscord<Quibono> Okay but minor problem, my string is json formatted so it has {} that /aren't/ enclosing variables.
20:30:01FromDiscord<Quibono> So like """ {"action": "auth", "params": "PKLANAPRKN7PZRW82K9U"} """
20:30:16mipriwhat'd I do there is switch to % and use $# or $var for interpolation
20:30:59FromDiscord<Quibono> Can you show me the format to inject a variable following params where the PKL... is?
20:31:12FromDiscord<nikki> @For Your Health i'll let you know if i see any things to address this though 🤔 it definitely comes up in my code because of the component architecture. i'm just sticking with it till i get a bunch of features into the engine for now till i see some patterns to improve on
20:31:22FromDiscord<Quibono> Oooh, interesting
20:32:07FromDiscord<nikki> @For Your Health https://github.com/nikki93/ng-public/blob/139d6f141d4120ef688c306ba1c77e10c696886f/src/main.nim here's a version where the whole game fits in one 'main.nim' file so that everything is explained, it leads to a point and click style gameplay
20:32:43FromDiscord<For Your Health> @nikki I appreciate it! I will take a look.
20:40:29FromDiscord<Quibono> So I've got this code:
20:40:29FromDiscord<Quibono> var authCode = """ {"action": "auth", "params": $} """ % [pubKey]
20:40:39FromDiscord<Quibono> which is giving this error:
20:40:58FromDiscord<Quibono> /Users/xxx/.choosenim/toolchains/nim-1.4.0/lib/pure/strutils.nim(2870) %↵/Users/xxx/.choosenim/toolchains/nim-1.4.0/lib/pure/strutils.nim(2819) addf↵/Users/xxx/.choosenim/toolchains/nim-1.4.0/lib/pure/strutils.nim(2759) invalidFormatString↵Error: unhandled exception: invalid format string [ValueError]
20:41:50FromDiscord<Innokentiy Sokolov> is there any way to convert string in seq representation to actual seq like we can do it with Json string to actual json object?
20:44:37FromDiscord<InventorMatt> there is nothing in the standard library for parsing a string seq into a normal seq but its not a difficult function to make
20:44:38Zevvdisruptek: yes it sucks, but what is the alternative?
20:44:46ZevvI can't think of a way to make it work automagically
20:45:10FromDiscord<Innokentiy Sokolov> @InventorMatt oh thanks. Will give it a second thought then
20:45:26Zevvdisruptek: now it's just this: https://github.com/zevv/npeg/commit/21d923da701da0be484f30b5016344a82d44450f
20:46:57FromDiscord<InventorMatt> @Innokentiy Sokolov try this https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=2EJN
20:47:16mipriQuibono: what are you trying to do? that an invalid format string as it says
20:47:39mipriyou probably want "$#" where you have that bare $
20:48:08FromDiscord<Quibono> Aaand that fixed it.
20:48:17FromDiscord<Quibono> So what's the difference between $# and $?
20:48:26FromDiscord<Quibono> Except that one does exactly what I want.
20:49:12mipri$# is the "select the next value" syntax as documented, and $ doesn't mean anything
20:49:29mipriif you want a literal $ you need to put $$. otherwise a $ needs to be followed by # or an identifier
20:50:05miprior a number
20:52:43FromDiscord<Quibono> Gotcha, thank you.
20:52:44FromDiscord<Innokentiy Sokolov> @InventorMatt I take off my hat. That's exactly what I was looking for! Thank you!
20:54:46FromDiscord<InventorMatt> no problem, I made that a while back.
20:57:13FromDiscord<Innokentiy Sokolov> well I gave you a credit in the code I'm working right now anyway)
20:59:08FromDiscord<InventorMatt> sweet, now I can go down in history
20:59:32FromDiscord<exelotl> @For Your Health oh, byaddr actually does exist already! https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=2EJU
21:01:08FromDiscord<For Your Health> @exelotl Very interesting. I'll have to mess around with that. Thanks for the tip
21:05:08FromDiscord<exelotl> np
21:05:58FromDiscord<exelotl> also I think we're getting something like `var n: var int = ...` in the future, but I'm having trouble making it work lol
21:06:49FromDiscord<exelotl> sent a code paste, see https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=2EK5
21:06:54FromDiscord<exelotl> this compiles on 1.4.1
21:06:58FromDiscord<exelotl> but immediately segfaults
21:07:06FromDiscord<For Your Health> That's kind of what I was originally expecting to be able to do
21:07:15FromDiscord<For Your Health> Since I can do that in a proc argument
21:08:06*^Q-Master^ joined #nim
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21:09:27FromDiscord<exelotl> it segfaults because `n` is a null pointer and it's trying to assign the value of `a[5]` to the memory pointed to by `n`
21:09:43FromDiscord<exelotl> ... I can see it being the idiomatic way to do what you want, when it works lol
21:10:14FromDiscord<exelotl> (edit) this compiles on 1.4.1 (with {.experimental:"views".} enabled)
21:12:05FromDiscord<For Your Health> Yeah it is definitely prettier than the byaddr pragma
21:12:09FromDiscord<nikki> yeah views stuff is super early and being built up right now
21:12:32FromDiscord<nikki> it'll definitely be pretty good when it works though
21:12:44FromDiscord<nikki> right now my ecs query stuff has to return ptrs instead of lents / views
21:12:45FromDiscord<For Your Health> Although it looks like it requires you to give up type inference right?
21:12:58FromDiscord<For Your Health> Whereas with the byaddr pragma you don't
21:13:17FromDiscord<nikki> i feel like there should be a `: var auto` kinda thing hopefully and that isn't as long
21:13:44FromDiscord<For Your Health> Oh yeah var auto I guess
21:17:22FromDiscord<For Your Health> I found myself trying something like `var foo = ref bar` but maybe that doesn't make much sense.
21:17:40*natrys quit (Quit: natrys)
21:19:25*narimiran quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)
21:20:10FromDiscord<nikki> i expect the view / borrow stuff to evolve a lot
21:21:11*Vladar quit (Quit: Leaving)
21:25:17PMunchStream is over for tonight, if you missed it they are now uploaded to YouTube as soon as I'm done streaming: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x3pYu7VdhNA
21:26:32*muffindrake joined #nim
21:29:53*PMunch quit (Quit: leaving)
21:32:11planetis[m]nikki: you can do `let a: var typeof(b) = b`
21:33:26planetis[m]yeah a shortcat would be nice
21:34:50planetis[m]i tried it today but it didn't work for me either
21:36:03FromDiscord<nikki> nice. i'm probably not using view local vars soon tho 😅
21:36:11FromDiscord<nikki> seems like it still needs building out
21:37:20planetis[m]i will keep using alias templates for my game they work fine
21:37:22disrupteknarimiran: do you still like ocaml?
22:11:12FromDiscord<Recruit_main707> any examples on creating directories from a macro?
22:35:16*jjido quit (Quit: My MacBook has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…)
22:37:57*lritter quit (Quit: Leaving)
22:42:24Zoom[m]planetis: Hey, could you explain why I didn't need `compileTime` pragma in my functions? These funcs are only used for initializing constants
22:42:49disruptekthat seems to answer the question.
22:43:30Zoom[m]So it's inferred?
22:43:41disruptekno, it's explicit.
22:44:49disruptekthat's what `const` means.
22:45:02disruptekwhen you type `const`, that's what you get.
22:46:26Zoom[m]Of course, I mean the functions are not explicitly marked as compileTime, so nothing prevents me from using them on runtime
22:47:19Zoom[m]So I meant, if I'm not really using them in my runtime code, is it inferred that they shouldn't be included.
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23:01:56Zoom[m]All right. I checked, {.compileTime.}` gives me an error if I use this func in runtime. So it's good and it should stay there for that exact reason
23:03:44miprimake a file with a proc that returns a 2MB string. don't use it. compile. 99KB. use it. compile. 2MB+
23:07:40Zoom[m]I understand that, I was interested why planetis advised to remove the pragma.
23:08:25mipriif what you want is a compile time error for trying to use those procs at runtime, that's fine.
23:09:13mipriyou were advised to remove the pragma because it doesn't fulfill what planetis guessed was your aim: to permit the procs to be used at compile time
23:14:25Zoom[m]mipri: thanks
23:41:03*opal quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
23:42:21FromDiscord<PizzaFox> whats `--asm` do
23:45:44*opal joined #nim
23:46:32FromDiscord<Clyybber> outputs assembler files
23:46:57FromDiscord<PizzaFox> is this good
23:47:18FromDiscord<ElegantBeef> If you want assembler files