<< 20-01-2021 >>

00:00:19*Tanger quit (Quit: Leaving)
00:03:28mipri!eval let x = [5, 0, 1, 5]; var n = 0; (for i in 1 .. x.len: n.inc x[^i]); echo n
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03:41:06FromGitter<deech> When exposing a Nim API that uses `gc:orc` to C do I need to initialize and tear down a GC?
03:46:29FromGitter<deech> I thought orc used some kind of mark-sweep to break up cycles.
03:47:44disruptekit does, but it runs on dead memory when it is freed via the usual arc methodology.
03:50:49FromGitter<deech> Right so in most cases resources are statically tracked but I still need to have a mark-sweep GC spun up just in case, no? `{.acyclic.}` is not the default.
03:51:42FromGitter<deech> I guess I don't get what "runs on dead memory" means ...
03:52:52disruptekorc looks at the memory that is being freed. it tries to break cycles, which allows more memory to be freed. when you notate .acyclic. you are telling the compiler that it need not worry about cycles in that type.
03:53:37disruptekdead memory is memory that is slated for destruction but not yet returned to the allocator.
03:55:37disruptekif you won't have cycles, then orc is simply an easy way to make your program slower.
03:56:00FromGitter<deech> I'll have to let that percolate. I'm still not seeing why you wouldn't need to spin up a GC in case you hit cycles.
03:56:21disrupteki dunno what "spin up a gc" means.
03:57:34disruptekcycles aren't a given, like death and taxes.
03:57:46disruptekthey happen as a result of efforts by the programmer.
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03:59:40FromGitter<deech> Like before `arc/orc` if you were exposing a Nim API to C you'd have to `initGC` ( or something like that, I forget exactly now ) before you called an `extern`ed Nim function and the counterpart for stopping the GC when you were done.
04:00:51disrupteksure, but arc/orc are much more elegant. there's no "garbage collector" runtime under arc.
04:01:16disruptekorc is just arc but with a "manual" cycle breaker that runs as dead memory is returned to the allocator.
04:01:51disruptekthis is what the code literally compiles to: "manual" memory management with a "manual" cycle collector.
04:02:01FromGitter<deech> Ah good ... so that's where my confusion is ... I thought the cycle breaker needed some kind of GC running inthe background.
04:02:27disrupteki'm glossing over some stuff but this is essentially what's happening.
04:03:34disruptekand, yes, it's awesome and makes ffi much better and people should stop wasting time with the other memory managers.
04:11:05FromDiscord<ElegantBeef> @guzba So i've come back to my build system and the zip archive is just throwing a hissy fit, but the tarball proc works fine
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04:11:46FromDiscord<ElegantBeef> Also the zip archive worked fine from `inim` so clearly we've got the perfect conditions for an issue to arise
04:13:41FromDiscord<ElegantBeef> Hmm have you tested it with `orc`?
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04:15:20FromDiscord<ElegantBeef> Yea switching back to default GC removed the issue
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04:16:11FromDiscord<guzba> i have not played with it a ton with orc no, just made sure it passed the basic tests
04:16:28FromDiscord<guzba> interesting that tarball works fine, they are very similar
04:16:43FromDiscord<guzba> is this something i may be able to repro?
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04:17:20FromDiscord<ElegantBeef> I mean it's in my shittly developed unity build system, so i can see if i can make a smaller repro example for you
04:17:47FromDiscord<ElegantBeef> @treeform and you, you left some importing of `prints` in the googleapi library
04:18:11FromDiscord<guzba> if you repro can id def work on it asap, otherwise even just opening an issue to remind me would be cool too
04:18:16FromDiscord<ElegantBeef> Yea
04:18:17FromDiscord<guzba> so i dont forget ๐Ÿ˜ฎ
04:18:36FromDiscord<ElegantBeef> I've gotta make a PR for treeform's googleapi and your repo, and get this build system posting to the cloud for my friend
04:18:41FromDiscord<ElegantBeef> So i'll try to get to it ๐Ÿ˜›
04:18:59FromDiscord<guzba> sounds good
04:20:22FromDiscord<ElegantBeef> Yep got a repro for this folder
04:20:31FromDiscord<ElegantBeef> https://hatebin.com/qogkjaqfaj
04:21:13FromDiscord<ElegantBeef> I can send you the folder directory aswell
04:21:48FromDiscord<guzba> hm, do the contents matter? im wondering if its just putting the zip in the folder being zipped is misbehaving even tho it shouldnt
04:22:14FromDiscord<ElegantBeef> Well i'm going to give you the file i am using aswell so you can test properly
04:22:20FromDiscord<guzba> ok perfect
04:22:36FromDiscord<guzba> yeah if it repros im good to go
04:22:59FromDiscord<ElegantBeef> Pm'd it for you
04:23:07FromDiscord<ElegantBeef> So there we go should be golden for you to have a repro test
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04:52:35FromDiscord<treeform> @ElegantBeef I released version 0.1.1 of `googleapi` that should not need print. Print is for debuggin anyways.
04:52:58FromDiscord<ElegantBeef> Ah
04:53:03FromDiscord<ElegantBeef> I assume you closed my pr?
04:55:48*rockcavera quit (Remote host closed the connection)
04:56:29FromDiscord<ElegantBeef> Your nimble file points to the wrong `jwt` library not?
04:56:30FromDiscord<ElegantBeef> (edit) "not?" => "no?"
04:58:34FromDiscord<treeform> oh that might be let me check
04:58:41*hnOsmium0001 joined #nim
05:01:30FromDiscord<treeform> I am using I switched to using https://github.com/yglukhov/nim-jwt/ because it works on linux without linking to OpenSSL.
05:01:43FromDiscord<treeform> I am always havving issue with OpenSSL on linux.
05:02:33FromDiscord<treeform> I have updated the nimble file and pushed a new release
05:04:42*Tlangir quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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05:06:57FromDiscord<ElegantBeef> Thank you
05:07:59disruptekyou can check it against my google lib, too.
05:08:14disrupteki mean, the jwt impl.
05:09:28FromDiscord<treeform> is it in nimble?
05:09:33FromDiscord<treeform> does it use openSSL?
05:09:44FromDiscord<ElegantBeef> Surprisingly disruptek's googleapi is in nibmle
05:10:55FromDiscord<treeform> disruptek's is more complete, but it's auto generated from API files, I think I could not get it to work last time.
05:11:16FromDiscord<ElegantBeef> Yea i cannot get yours to work from a thread so, take that ๐Ÿ˜›
05:11:25disruptekyou said it was too complex.
05:11:26FromDiscord<treeform> I would like for some one to teach me how to use OpenSSL on linux without crashing OpenSSL on linux.
05:11:29disruptekit /is/ more complex.
05:12:00FromDiscord<treeform> @ElegantBeef yeah threads are not supported because global state
05:12:14FromDiscord<treeform> it uses async stuff and I think async+threads is kind of not supported...
05:12:21FromDiscord<ElegantBeef> Ugh
05:12:59FromDiscord<ElegantBeef> This is why we cannot have nice things
05:13:56FromDiscord<treeform> My google API is mainly the connector
05:14:02disruptekasync+threads is supported; you just have to get your support from dom96.
05:14:04FromDiscord<treeform> I bet you could rewrite the connected to work with your threads
05:14:31FromDiscord<treeform> If you have a token thing going per thread
05:15:24FromDiscord<ElegantBeef> Well each thread is a monitor for a git path that then gets built by unity when it gets a commit
05:15:43FromDiscord<ElegantBeef> So idk how the token thing going per thread would work
05:16:28FromDiscord<treeform> I don't know sounds complex
05:16:41FromDiscord<treeform> Don't have each thread monitor a git path?
05:16:57FromDiscord<treeform> monitor in one thread and upload in one thread?
05:17:09*hyiltiz quit (Quit: hyiltiz)
05:17:31FromDiscord<ElegantBeef> yea i'll probably just add each path to a queue then upload those all on the main thread
05:17:38FromDiscord<ElegantBeef> Since it can be done async
05:17:41FromDiscord<treeform> yeah that can work too
05:18:10disruptektrust me, async is more complex than threads.
05:18:39FromDiscord<ElegantBeef> Or i could always just use the google rest api
05:18:52FromDiscord<ElegantBeef> But meh seems like the async would be easier
05:19:44disruptekyou can swap out the transport in my api if you want to make it sync.
05:19:59disruptekactually, i think it's sync/async. i can't remember.
05:20:03FromDiscord<ElegantBeef> I'll try the async + queue first and go from there
05:29:20FromDiscord<ElegantBeef> Who would've thought that wouldnt work ๐Ÿ˜„
05:32:55*njoseph quit (Quit: http://quassel-irc.org - Chat comfortably. Anywhere.)
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05:36:07FromDiscord<ElegantBeef> Yea seems i'll have to use disruptek's library if it supports sync, or go to rest
05:36:20disruptekthey are all rest.
05:37:14FromDiscord<ElegantBeef> Yea i mean manual rest by that
05:40:42disruptekthe transport is in a little lib called rest.
05:40:46disruptek!repo disruptek/rest
05:40:47disbothttps://github.com/disruptek/rest -- 9rest: 11REST comfort 15 0โญ 0๐Ÿด
05:41:07disruptekyou can just vendor it and change it or whatever.
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08:52:05Clonkk[m]ls -l
09:01:51idfthanks for reminding me my ~/ is a mess
09:02:23FromDiscord<lqdev> beat this https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/371759389889003532/801376062344396800/unknown.png
09:02:39PMunchOh that was by no means representative of my ~/
09:03:44idfhttps://0x0.st/-iVd.png i win
09:03:53FromDiscord<lqdev> dang it
09:04:22PMunchI that's why I store all my `test` stuff in /tmp
09:04:23FromDiscord<lqdev> my home speaks of me being a sony fan https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/371759389889003532/801376567745576980/unknown.png
09:07:45FromDiscord<lqdev> PMunch: me too but sometimes i'm too lazy to cd there
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09:50:30ForumUpdaterBotNew thread by Drkameleon: Ignore part of tuple without warnings, see https://forum.nim-lang.org/t/7403
09:54:45FromDiscord<ElegantBeef> Nice forum response lq ๐Ÿ˜„
09:55:04FromDiscord<lqdev> edited.
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09:55:31FromDiscord<lqdev> idk why but i always forget to add something immediately and edit my post subsequently
09:56:01FromDiscord<ElegantBeef> As do i, although i was just commenting that we basically said the same thing followed with a pragma solution
09:57:20FromDiscord<ElegantBeef> Dont suggest to use `used` there as not using inject breaks tuple unpacking
09:57:37FromDiscord<ElegantBeef> https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=2MFl
09:57:53FromDiscord<ElegantBeef> https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=2MFm
09:58:00FromDiscord<ElegantBeef> I assumed so but was uncertain
10:02:58FromDiscord<ElegantBeef> Wonder if it's considered a bug that `_` in templates get's a gensym
10:03:13PMunchI'd say so
10:03:18PMunchIt should just be ignored..
10:03:49FromDiscord<mratsim> `_` is a valid identifier, so it should be gensymmed.
10:04:05FromDiscord<ElegantBeef> It's valid but unusable
10:04:42FromDiscord<mratsim> I declare `const _ = Slice[int]()` (well something similar) in Arraymancer to workaround generic symbol resolution.
10:04:58FromDiscord<mratsim> And it shouldn't collide with _ in tuples
10:05:09FromDiscord<mratsim> or when people do `for _ in 0 ..< 10:`
10:05:13FromDiscord<ElegantBeef> Oh it works for consts
10:05:31FromDiscord<ElegantBeef> That's unusual and i'd argue shouldnt be allowed but meh
10:05:33FromDiscord<mratsim> but if you don't want gensym in template use {.durty.}
10:05:40FromDiscord<mratsim> dirty
10:05:45FromDiscord<ElegantBeef> Ah there
10:05:49FromDiscord<ElegantBeef> A proper solution ๐Ÿ˜„
10:06:48PMunchWell I might want the rest to not be dirty
10:06:55PMunchOnly the _ to not get gensymed
10:06:55FromDiscord<mratsim> probably we need a "Bestiary of pitfalls and monsters hiding in Nim symbol resolution"
10:07:24FromDiscord<mratsim> if you use something in a generic proc, everything will be gensymmed anyway.
10:08:19FromDiscord<mratsim> but what was your original problem with gensymmed _?
10:09:55FromDiscord<ElegantBeef> The forum post was using it for tuple unpacking in a template
10:10:28FromDiscord<mratsim> Insert Boromir "One shall not tuple unpack" in a template
10:11:14FromDiscord<mratsim> Yeah so here I agree, "_" is already special cased for tuple unpacking, and it has a specific AST node.
10:11:46FromDiscord<mratsim> the "symbolization" pass should skip it.
10:12:44FromDiscord<ElegantBeef> For consistencies sake i really dont think it should ever be the identifier of any accessible variable
10:13:33FromDiscord<mratsim> If you solve generic early symbol resolution, I'm all for it
10:13:53FromDiscord<ElegantBeef> I can barely spell generic early symbol resolution
10:13:56FromDiscord<ElegantBeef> Never mind solve it
10:14:42FromDiscord<mratsim> Otherwise this is the most ergonomic solution to this problem: https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/issues/6387
10:14:46disbotโžฅ Generics proc + macros: identifier resolution happens before macros ; snippet at 12https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=2yGv
10:20:03FromDiscord<ElegantBeef> I'm too dumb or tired to even suggest a joke solution
10:20:05FromDiscord<ElegantBeef> Buh bye
10:31:52narimiranif somebody would like to correct and improve my english before we publish it: https://github.com/nim-lang/website/pull/255/files
10:31:54disbotโžฅ add "Nim Community Survey 2020 Results" post
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10:41:00idfhttps://github.com/nim-lang/website/pull/255/files#diff-bbd1b480084974615e6b7acb4084a32c08147f4fcf36fc19bd17d70c7736b7a6R79 shouldn't it be "we hope that"
10:41:00disbotโžฅ add "Nim Community Survey 2020 Results" post
10:43:33narimiranidf: it should :)
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12:55:04ForumUpdaterBotNew thread by Ggibson: UFCS and templates, see https://forum.nim-lang.org/t/7404
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13:28:25FromDiscord<exelotl> narimiran: "Improving the tooling is very high on a priority list" -> should be on _the_ priority list
13:28:37FromDiscord<exelotl> otherwise seems all good to me :)
13:28:53narimiran@exelotl thanks, fixed!
13:28:59narimiran(not pushed yet)
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14:29:35ehmryis it possible to get the nimble package name during evaluation of .nimble?
14:31:56*ehmry found it
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14:43:17FromDiscord<zetashift> Focus on tooling in 2021๐Ÿคค
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14:53:24ehmryis it possible to import extra libraries into a nimble file, or are the imports fixed?
14:53:56FromDiscord<zetashift> I don't think the imports are fixed
14:54:03FromDiscord<zetashift> since there is no such thing as a .lock file
14:55:58FromDiscord<konsumlamm> narimiran: line 6 should be "which we think is a large enough sample", line 16 should be "received separate sets of questions", line 24 should be "but stopped, the most" (i'm pretty sure at least), line 79 should be "We hope that we'll see", line 117 should be "and/or the ["Nim in Action"]"
14:57:49narimiran@konsumlamm thanks!
15:04:59FromDiscord<haxscramper> ehmry: it is possible to import files into nimble files, but you need to hack it around with `fileExists()`
15:05:00FromDiscord<haxscramper> IN_PROGRESS Database pre-exam consultation
15:05:14FromDiscord<haxscramper> https://github.com/haxscramper/hmisc/blob/b7d7684628a82d443fe54b4300ba4be96d7cc059/hmisc.nimble#L23
15:07:03ehmryhaxscramper: thanks
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15:40:52FromDiscord<zetashift> Ah I misunderstood the question damn
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16:40:37FromDiscord<konsumlamm> can someone tell me why some stdlib modules have a `when not defined(testing) and isMainModule:` section? should that just be a normal test?
16:41:07FromDiscord<haxscramper> it is easier to put testing code together with lbrary
16:41:22FromDiscord<haxscramper> But when it is compiled for documentation it should not be executed
16:41:51FromDiscord<haxscramper> Technically yes, it should be a separate file with tests
16:42:55FromDiscord<haxscramper> At least that's what I would do myself at least
16:43:01FromDiscord<haxscramper> (edit) removed "least"
16:44:01FromDiscord<konsumlamm> what is the `not defined(testing)` in particular doing? is it not a test then and if so, what exactly is it?
16:47:59FromDiscord<haxscramper> Documentation generator works on file-by-file basis, and defines `testing` symbol, like `-d:release` for example (but does so automatically)
16:48:24FromDiscord<haxscramper> This is used to allow user code to differentiate between normal compilation and documentation generator run
16:49:38FromDiscord<haxscramper> So `nim doc` works really similarly to `nim c` for example, but generates documentation instead of executable and defines `testing` when it runs
16:50:18FromDiscord<haxscramper> You could say that `testing` is defined when you compile in documentation mode (like `release` is for release mode, `debug` is for debug mode and so on)
16:50:30FromDiscord<haxscramper> Oh, shut
16:50:46FromDiscord<haxscramper> `testing` != `documentation`
16:50:57FromDiscord<haxscramper> Yes, sorry, this is completely unrelated
16:52:09FromDiscord<haxscramper> major brain malfunction
16:54:37FromDiscord<K-> What is the main reason to use nim over rust or lisp?
16:56:14FromDiscord<haxscramper> over lisp - statically typed, saner syntax, more expressive DSLs
16:56:50FromDiscord<haxscramper> Whole language is not bent over DSL macros
16:57:04FromDiscord<Rika> though those are still common in nim compared to other languages
16:57:39FromDiscord<haxscramper> I mean whole language syntax is not designed around macros, and instead they are just optional addition
16:58:00FromDiscord<K-> Im trying to find out which one to learn - nim, rust or lisp
16:58:05FromDiscord<lqdev> over rust - easier to write, it has less of a learning curve
16:58:09FromDiscord<konsumlamm> over Rust: GC, better macro/template system, custom operators
16:58:21disruptekgive me shelter.
16:58:28*Prestige is now known as Prestige_
16:58:58FromDiscord<haxscramper> I don't think learning lisp has any value really. I only use it for EMACS, and couldn't find any other use for myself
16:59:18FromDiscord<lqdev> i think you pinged the wrong person :p
16:59:26FromDiscord<haxscramper> oh, yes, sorry
16:59:34FromDiscord<K-> I mean, people praise it as the best language there is
16:59:41FromDiscord<lqdev> eh really it's not
16:59:57FromDiscord<lqdev> every language has its followers
17:00:01FromDiscord<lqdev> and evangelists
17:00:04FromDiscord<Rika> rust just has a lot of those
17:00:05FromDiscord<haxscramper> I really don't like that notion of LISP being "that language that makes you 'better programmer'"
17:00:15FromDiscord<Rika> nim's pretty damn tiny so naturally you'd hear less about it
17:00:27FromDiscord<K-> Thats what I keep hearing in fringe circles
17:00:30disruptekit's pretty much true, though.
17:00:38FromDiscord<konsumlamm> most people do that for their favourite language
17:00:51FromDiscord<K-> No one says Java is the language of the gods though
17:00:56FromDiscord<lqdev> imo lisp's syntax is too awkward for real world programming in 2021. the main reason it's surviving seems to be emacs and other software that already uses it
17:01:07FromDiscord<Rika> because its not the trend anymore
17:01:09FromDiscord<lqdev> @K- probably because not many people like java :p
17:01:10FromDiscord<K-> Lisp has crazy evangelists in the deeper linux sphere
17:01:10FromDiscord<Rika> rust is right now
17:01:13FromDiscord<konsumlamm> but it will make you enlightened!11!!
17:01:18FromDiscord<haxscramper> No, like there is a general notion of THE LISP programming language that I encounter over and over again, and I've never really understood what this all about
17:01:34FromDiscord<konsumlamm> ik
17:02:16FromDiscord<konsumlamm> also, LISP is not the same as the lisp language family which is not the same as common lisp (which is what most people actually mean when saying lisp/LISP), technically
17:02:30idflisp is awesome
17:02:33FromDiscord<K-> Yeah i meant common lisp
17:02:51FromDiscord<K-> Perhaps I will look at Lisp and Rust
17:03:00idfi like scheme more than common lisp
17:03:13FromDiscord<haxscramper> Though it should be noted that I came to nim after lisp
17:03:24FromDiscord<haxscramper> And at the start all my code looked like lisp
17:03:55FromDiscord<K-> Im in a discord where everyone is a free software evangelist and only uses arch/gentoo/void/nix linux and a tiling window manager. They are telling me I will love Lisp because given that I am in sucha discord, I must have a severe case of autism
17:04:20FromDiscord<haxscramper> Well, there are some concepts in lisp that are really great
17:04:28FromDiscord<haxscramper> Like, really good
17:05:05FromDiscord<haxscramper> So spending some time with lisp is worthwhile, but trying to really learn it is not really useful IMO
17:05:15FromDiscord<lqdev> that made me laugh
17:05:25disruptekthe problem is that NIH is even more prevelant in cl circles than it is in nim.
17:05:35FromDiscord<K-> Nih?
17:05:49FromDiscord<lqdev> saying that a language will "enlighten" you is justโ€ฆ don't
17:05:51FromDiscord<konsumlamm> not invented here?
17:06:13FromDiscord<konsumlamm> isn't CL more like "invented here"?
17:06:16FromDiscord<K-> thats what they actually say tho. They are also very conspiracy theoristy
17:06:19disrupteki totally think languages enlighten.
17:06:47FromDiscord<lqdev> well you can steal some cool ideas from them and maybe advertise it enough in your favorite language's dev group for it to get implemented or something
17:07:10FromDiscord<lqdev> or maybe when you're learning fundamental concepts something just "clicks"
17:07:30FromDiscord<K-> Like in reality. Language is isomorphic to reality
17:07:33FromDiscord<haxscramper> ~trynim is https://nim-by-example.github.io/ and https://play.nim-lang.org/
17:07:34disbottrynim: 11https://nim-by-example.github.io/ and https://play.nim-lang.org/
17:07:46FromDiscord<K-> Are thoughts are shaped by the language in which we speak
17:07:55FromDiscord<Rika> languages will teach you new concepts but they wont keep you feeling enlightened past a few months of using it
17:08:09FromDiscord<K-> Our Reality itself is kind of a reflection on the way we think
17:08:33FromDiscord<K-> (edit) "Are" => "Our"
17:09:03FromDiscord<K-> I mean, I would feel suffocation if I had to code in Basic
17:09:09FromDiscord<K-> Because I know OOP
17:09:23disruptekoop sounds cool.
17:09:24FromDiscord<K-> i imagine similar feelings would occur if you had to code in c++ after knowing lisp
17:09:28disruptekmaybe i should learn oop next.
17:09:36FromDiscord<lqdev> @K- what languages did you program in in the past?
17:09:41FromDiscord<K-> I started with Java
17:09:50FromDiscord<K-> Then learned C and Python in Uni
17:10:04disruptekfunctional languages are truly a different paradigm, though. it's not syntax.
17:10:12FromDiscord<lqdev> Nim might be a good next choice if you wanna come a bit closer to the metal
17:10:32FromDiscord<lqdev> you can start high level and learn lower level concepts as you go
17:10:44FromDiscord<haxscramper> No, not really, it is just a matter of getting used. At some point I've been writing ELISP code while working on C++ project, because I needed to hack emacs to do something, and context switching is not that difficult once you get used to it.
17:11:34FromDiscord<K-> I mean, if LISP can do everything that say C++ can do, then it obviously leaves you with more freedom on hoe to solve a problem
17:11:37ForumUpdaterBotNew thread by Kobi: Libdill for large scale concurrency, see https://forum.nim-lang.org/t/7405
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17:11:47FromDiscord<haxscramper> Then I would recommend sticking to nim, because we have OOP (much simpler one), as well as mostly-imperative-code (like C)
17:12:09FromDiscord<konsumlamm> most languages can do everything most other languages can do
17:12:19FromDiscord<haxscramper> And ability to break holes when needed with raw pointers, or even `void`
17:13:34FromDiscord<haxscramper> E.g. the language is mostly about "we give you the tool, but don't force the particular way of using it"
17:13:45FromDiscord<K-> Ah I see
17:13:58FromDiscord<haxscramper> While giving you all nice and simple tooling like `distinct`, OOP, first-class functions
17:14:13FromDiscord<K-> What about rust?
17:14:16FromDiscord<haxscramper> syntactic macros, ref/ptr/value sematics and so on
17:15:47FromDiscord<digitcrusher> there's also scala if you want to upgrade your coding experience whilst still being able to use your java stuff
17:16:04FromDiscord<haxscramper> Comparatively similar, but is more about forcing particular way of writing code, and has less built-in language features
17:16:27FromDiscord<haxscramper> NOTE: But it is not really different in that regard
17:16:39FromDiscord<K-> Tbh, I like Java, but I think its time is running out
17:17:00FromDiscord<haxscramper> Just shifted towards different end of "language dictates how you write code" vs "you decide how to write code"
17:17:30FromDiscord<haxscramper> Like nim is more "programmer-first", while rust is more "language-first".
17:18:04FromDiscord<haxscramper> LISP is programmer-first all the way down, but for me there is just too much flexibility
17:18:32FromDiscord<haxscramper> Java and go for example could be placed on the other end with "language-first" approach to the max
17:18:46FromDiscord<Clyybber> @timotheecour Are you ok with reverting hintAsError until it has an RFC?
17:18:47FromDiscord<K-> This is an interesting way to classify languages
17:18:48FromDiscord<lqdev> rust is generally more focused towards the compiler forcing you to write code it knows is correct
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17:18:55FromDiscord<lqdev> nim is more lenient in that regard
17:19:06FromDiscord<konsumlamm> the most significant difference to rust is the memory management: Nim mostly uses GC, while Rust has the lifetimes, move semantics and the borrow checker (though both allow you to do manual memory management)
17:19:23FromDiscord<haxscramper> we have arc/orc
17:19:34FromDiscord<konsumlamm> orc is a garbage collector
17:19:37FromDiscord<Rika> yall gotta say that gcs arent necessarily bad
17:19:46FromDiscord<Rika> even rarely bad even
17:19:56FromDiscord<konsumlamm> arc is reference counting, so fine
17:20:02FromDiscord<konsumlamm> GC/refcounting
17:20:23FromDiscord<Clyybber> @timotheecour As its not clear that it has any reasonable usecase, how it interacts with other switches (--verbosity:2), how many cans of worms it opens (--hintAsWarning ??), and most importantly the potential damage it can cause to the ecosystem if people start putting it in their configs and then go bother package authors to change their code to work with the newly created dialect)
17:20:31FromDiscord<konsumlamm> did anyone here say that GC is bad?
17:20:43FromDiscord<Rika> its a common implication
17:20:53FromDiscord<konsumlamm> that was not my intention
17:21:00FromDiscord<Rika> i mean to readers
17:21:08FromDiscord<haxscramper> I don't have enough expertise to put footnotes on this, but I suppose it should be noted that ARC is does a lot of work at compile-time
17:21:39disruptekorc is no more or less a garbage collector than arc.
17:22:22disruptekit's extra logic that can be omitted in the ideal case, which is arc.
17:22:59FromDiscord<konsumlamm> orc is arc with cycle detection, no?
17:23:09FromDiscord<lqdev> @K- well generally as a guy who wanted to switch from Java to a new language and tried Rust before anything else i can say that you'll have a really hard time fighting with the compiler not wanting to compile your code
17:23:34FromDiscord<konsumlamm> arc can leak memory (with ref cycles) while orc shouldn't
17:25:03FromDiscord<mratsim> Nim has lifetime move semantics and a borrow checker as well.
17:25:04FromDiscord<K-> I see
17:25:14FromDiscord<lqdev> orc works on the same principles as arc does, it just has a bit of extra code injected into the destructor to handle the potential case of cycles in your refs
17:25:23FromDiscord<Rika> oh yeah so are we resetting the days without a gc/language/insensitivity/etc argument counter
17:25:26FromDiscord<konsumlamm> fair, but no lifetime annotations afaik
17:25:32FromDiscord<lqdev> yeah
17:25:46FromDiscord<haxscramper> What is `lent` then?
17:25:46FromDiscord<lqdev> imo lifetime annotations only get in the way of solving your problem
17:25:57FromDiscord<konsumlamm> and rust uses this as the main memory management startegy, while in Nim you usually don't need to care about lifetimes
17:26:04FromDiscord<mratsim> in most case those are inferred by the compiler or you need a ref/GC-ed type anyway
17:26:39FromDiscord<mratsim> lent allows a container to "inverse-borrow" their content.
17:27:04FromDiscord<mratsim> it requires the caller to not escape with the lent object
17:27:16FromDiscord<Rika> i think they mean "isnt lent essentially a lifetime annotation"
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17:29:24FromDiscord<mratsim> The main difference between Rust and Nim lifetime is that Nim is about scope. The borrowed value needs to be in a scope in which the container is always valid, this gives a minimum lifetime requirements
17:29:44FromDiscord<mratsim> in Rust you can give precise lifetime requirements but I think it might be overkill.
17:29:53FromDiscord<mratsim> especially in terms of ergonomics.
17:29:54FromDiscord<konsumlamm> i think we all know what i meant, we don't need to discuss the precise definitions
17:30:22FromDiscord<Rika> i mean what hax said, not you
17:33:22FromDiscord<konsumlamm> anyway, does anyone know what `when not defined(testing)` is doing in some stdlib modules?
17:34:19FromDiscord<konsumlamm> or in stdlib tests
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17:36:10FromDiscord<mratsim> I assume that testament (Nim test utilities) is defining "testing" or the test suite is defining "testing".
17:37:31FromDiscord<konsumlamm> what's the point of executing a part of a test while not testing though? or if it's not a test, what is it doing there then?
17:38:17FromDiscord<mratsim> no idea, I don't remember seeing when not defined(testing) better ask @Clyybber or linking to the code in question
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17:40:50leorizeanyone wanna do a small review on my pipe creation api? https://alaviss.github.io/nim-sys/pipes.html
17:41:42FromDiscord<konsumlamm> examples are in `tests/stdlib/tparsecsv.nim` or `lip/pure/marshal.nim`
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17:55:42ForumUpdaterBotNew thread by Miran: Nim Community Survey 2020 Results, see https://forum.nim-lang.org/t/7406
18:02:25disruptekleorize: add runnable examples.
18:03:09leorizeI'm running some extra tests and looks like windows have a different idea of how asymmetric pipes work than linux...
18:07:19Q-Masterdom96: look at my PR plz https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/pull/16769
18:07:20disbotโžฅ Added possibility to cancel the futures using complete() and fail()
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18:08:27disruptekleorize: any fresh balls bugs?
18:08:52leorizenope, seems fine
18:10:45disruptekcan these grow proper names? tuple[rd: Rd:type, wr: Wr:type]
18:11:44disruptekThe generic parameters Rd and Wr dictates the type of the endpoints. --> s/dictates/dictate/
18:12:43disruptek"Asynchronous pipe endpoints should only be passed to processes that are aware of them." -- no idea what this means.
18:13:30FromDiscord<hamidb80> Hey everyone. I've worked with dynamic languages like python and javascript. But I want to do some stuff with Nim.โ†ตโ†ตWhat project do you suggest,?
18:13:32disrupteks/dictate/specify/ -- these aren't typeclasses, they are typedefs.
18:14:06disruptekhamidb80: find something simple to do, do it, and then find something harder.
18:17:54leorize[m]disruptek: it's for when you create a pipe to pass to a child process
18:17:58FromDiscord<mratsim> Something that is interesting for you personally so that you get the motivation to see it through
18:18:36leorize[m]most processes won't expect asynchronous stdin/out, and will either not work or experience reduced performance
18:18:52FromDiscord<mratsim> Don't pick something too hard though, if it has a tuto even in other languages that's fine.
18:18:53disruptekso shouldn't that call default to ffInherit?
18:20:41disruptekwhy isn't the Pipe a proper object type?
18:24:26leorize[m]disruptek: because you only one the pipe to be inherited by a specific process. ffInheritable makes all process inherits it
18:25:31leorize[m]and it's not a proper object type because a pipe is treated as a file universally and has zero special property other than not being seekable
18:26:14disruptekso how do i compose with it?
18:27:07disruptekall i have is an anonymous tuple that isn't even a typeclass; i have to define my pipe type in every program?
18:28:02disruptekdoes the order of rd/wr fields matter? how can i inspect it and confirm that i got it right?
18:29:10leorize[m]I follow convention for this one, the first object is always the read end and the second object is always the write end, similar to all OS
18:29:58leorize[m]I don't give it a typed container because there are no use case for it
18:31:17leorize[m]either you want to write to it or you want to read from it, I haven't seen any case where you want both ends in a single process
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18:32:06leorize[m]as far as pipes goes, you only keep the end you use, so that when the other process close their end of the pipe you get proper notification
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18:36:56leorize[m]disruptek: but maybe I can give them special distinct types like (Async)PipeRead and (Async)PipeWrite for type safety in the main process, wdyt?
18:37:31disrupteki think that as simple as it is, it's too complex. i would give them their own types.
18:37:52disruptektypes are free and quite useful.
18:38:11leorize[m]what kind of types are you thinking about?
18:38:47disrupteklike your distincts. but in general i'm anti-tuple. i think it's smelly.
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18:44:24leorize[m]my experiments with typed containers shows rather bad ergonomics
18:50:24Oddmongerwhy: ยซ var staticvar {.global.} = 0 ยป is ok, and not ยซ var staticvar:int {.global.} = 0 } ?
18:51:25disruptekthe pragma applies to the symbol and not the type.
18:51:43disruptekvar staticvar {.global.}: int
18:54:45Oddmongeri see, thank you
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19:12:20Oddmongeri've heard this sentence, and it was the voice of Shodan !
19:27:43disruptekshodan is my maiden name.
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19:31:13leorizedisruptek: why are your tables misaligned? https://github.com/alaviss/nim-sys/runs/1737150175#step:7:153
19:31:46disruptekprobably because rune lengths are wrong; might also be a feature of ci rendering.
19:31:54disruptekrip emoji
19:32:44disruptekare you +1 on the tables, though?
19:34:24disruptekhttps://github.com/alaviss/nim-sys/runs/1732653750?check_suite_focus=true#step:7:1940 <-- better demo of the problem.
19:36:04disrupteklooks fine on the console.
19:36:20leorizeI like the tables, looks neat
19:37:27disruptekto run the full suite locally, i just `env GITHUB_ACTIONS=true balls`
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19:52:43FromDiscord<mratsim> @disruptek @Zevv, I have some crypto research to do and implement for the next 2 weeks so can't work on CPS unless somehow I finish that sooner than expected.
19:55:08disruptekit's cool; thanks for the heads-up.
19:56:46leorizeI'm dealing with schrodinger async pipes
19:58:25leorizeyou look at it correctly and it will start queuing
19:58:59leorizeat least windows is consistent, it's never async there
19:59:01disruptekleorize: do you have nim code to determine arch as used in choosenim/nightlies?
19:59:05disrupteklol thanks windows.
19:59:44disruptekall i see in nightlies is .sh
19:59:55leorizeyea, I wrote nightlies in bash
20:00:30leorizeNim has hostCPU for the architecture your binary was compiled for
20:00:50leorizefor the native one it differs between OS so `uname` is your best bet
20:01:07*disruptek sighs.
20:01:16leorizeor wait until sys/process become a thing, but I wouldn't bet on that now
20:01:39disrupteki'm trying to finish gitnim but it seems my time is better spent walking the dog.
20:03:21leorizeI believe choosenim does it by calling gcc :P
20:04:26leorize@mratsim async is a lie for anything that is not sockets as far as I can tell. maybe it's just better to spin up a threadpool
20:07:25disrupteki think my solution is to write my own type and then offer a converter to choosenim for legacy support.
20:08:49FromDiscord<mratsim> Everything is a socket though? :p
20:09:11FromDiscord<mratsim> except maybe stdout
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20:39:40leorizeok, seems like async do work for unix, but the syscall latency is unpredictable...
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20:40:25leorizeprobably because of all the copying caused by closures
20:40:29FromDiscord<Clyybber> leorize: Do you intend to use io_uring for nim-sys?
20:40:45FromDiscord<Clyybber> nice
20:40:45leorizeI need cps to work first
20:41:22leorizecps makes writing this stuff ridiculously simple
20:41:31leorizeand io_uring makes callbacks even simpler
20:41:43FromDiscord<Clyybber> are you blocked by cps result?
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20:42:18leorizeyea, I will put up with `ref string/ptr UncheckedArray`, but I don't want `ptr int`
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20:42:39FromDiscord<Clyybber> fair
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20:50:23FromDiscord<konsumlamm> @Clyybber do you happen to know why some tests in the stdlib have a `when not defined(testing)` block (for example `tests/stdlib/tparsecsv.nim` or `lib/pure/marshal.nim`)
20:51:30FromDiscord<Clyybber> @konsumlamm Its so that the CI doesn't test it
20:51:52FromDiscord<Clyybber> in marshal.nim that part is a test to be verified by a human basically :)
20:52:01Zevv@lqdev ping
20:52:21FromDiscord<lqdev> yes
20:52:43FromDiscord<lqdev> did my issue on npeg wake you up? :p
20:52:56FromDiscord<konsumlamm> hmm k
20:53:00Zevvis your proposal "completE" for your personal AST purposes?
20:53:11Zevvlike, powerful enough to suit all your needs?
20:53:28FromDiscord<lqdev> well totally
20:53:41FromDiscord<lqdev> it's inspired by PEG.js mostly
20:53:48FromDiscord<konsumlamm> is there a reason to not move those tests to the tests directory (in their respective file)?
20:53:49Zevvah ok, that makes sense
20:53:54FromDiscord<lqdev> but the API had to be adapted to a statically typed language
20:54:00FromDiscord<Clyybber> @konsumlamm No, its just legacy
20:54:04FromDiscord<lqdev> and NPeg's indexed captures
20:54:55Zevvlet me try to let this sink in a bit
20:55:19FromDiscord<konsumlamm> kk, ty
20:55:31FromDiscord<lqdev> well i'd have nothing against you rejecting it, it's just a proposal after all
20:55:34Zevvbecause what I find when building AST that usually I want/need to go two ways
20:55:42Zevvsometimes you match a child that you want to add to a parent
20:56:01Zevvsometimes you match a parent, which you want to have a stuff from your stack in the node
20:56:20Zevvand quite often I find myself swapping things around because they need to go in a different order
20:56:56Zevvand I'm not sure of all these cases would fit this API
20:57:01FromDiscord<lqdev> hm, i've never encountered the second case, could you give an example?
20:57:22FromDiscord<lqdev> i'm having a hard time visualizing it with my sleepy brain
20:58:00Zevvlet me see if I can find something concrete
20:59:26Zevvwell, like a function call: foo(a, b(0)). You can't build foo without first parsing the subtrees for a and b(0). So these two typically go on my stack. Then when foo() is complete, I pop those off and put them in the node holding foo()
20:59:30Zevvdoes that make sense?
20:59:44Zevvfor me this very naturally matches the stackiness
21:00:22FromDiscord<lqdev> yeah that makes sense
21:01:03FromDiscord<lqdev> here the two args would go into a capture that you can access from the parent
21:01:29FromDiscord<lqdev> that's what `nodes()` is for
21:01:41FromDiscord<Clyybber> would it help if code block captures had a seperate block that gets run when they get backtracked?
21:02:10ZevvI don't think you want a "oh noes undo this" kind of block.
21:02:26Zevvthen there should be a block that gets postponed until the commit is certain
21:02:57FromDiscord<Clyybber> you mean a certain block is more useful?
21:02:59Zevvlqdev: so what is nodes() exactly, it's also a stack but maintained by npeg?
21:03:14FromDiscord<lqdev> Zevv: kind of
21:03:16ZevvClyybber: undoing stuff is messy, why not only do it when you're sure it neets to be done
21:03:32Zevvlqdev: so what unwinds or pops that stack then?
21:03:41Zevvor should it unwind naturally with the grammar?
21:04:02FromDiscord<lqdev> yeah it would unwind naturally when a rule is exited
21:04:08Zevvmakes sense...
21:04:36Zevvhmm. you know, my problem is that the parsing part of npeg was really so ridiculously easy to make. The whole IR language compilation and state machine and all, was big fun.
21:04:44ZevvBut the captures, dude, that was suffering for me
21:05:17FromDiscord<lqdev> ouch
21:05:36FromDiscord<Clyybber> Zevv: Yeah, but then npeg has to keep all that stuff around until the certain block is run, no?
21:05:40FromDiscord<lqdev> well again it's just a proposal so if you don't feel up to the task or you think it contradicts your design feel free to close it
21:08:45Zevvoh no I'm really not closing it. This is exactly one of the places where NPeg could use improvement
21:08:51ZevvThis, and the thing clyybber just mentioned
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21:18:14disruptekclyybber: so did you find the bug in groups?
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21:24:24leorize{.borrow.} doesn't work for generics
21:24:30leorizeI hate this
21:24:43leorizefor typeclass to be precise
21:25:38disruptekhow should it work when the symbol is impl for more than one type?
21:26:34leorizedispatch to the right one?
21:28:59leorizedisruptek: I might have to scrap the distinct idea
21:29:12leorizeI can't borrow operations from files because they are defined with generics
21:31:56FromDiscord<Clyybber> disruptek: I found that the line `h.add "horses"` causes the hang
21:32:07FromDiscord<Clyybber> but am now working on an arc optimization
21:33:27FromDiscord<Clyybber> leorize: You can implement your own poor mans borrow
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21:34:33leorizeand litter the codegen? sounds terrible tbh
21:34:49disruptekmake it work.
21:35:08disruptekmaking it work is rarely terrible, unless it's --hintsAsErrors.
21:35:13disruptekthen it's truly horribad.
21:35:57FromDiscord<Clyybber> leorize: No, make it generate `proc/template name(a: TheDistinct) = name(a.distinctBase)
21:36:26FromDiscord<Clyybber> No need to copy the proc body, just call the original proc
21:36:44leorizestill litter the codegen with all this calls
21:36:52FromDiscord<Clyybber> ?
21:36:54leorizeI can do templates though
21:37:05leorizeideally we should get this fixed somehow...
21:37:06FromDiscord<Clyybber> yeah
21:37:13FromDiscord<Clyybber> of course
21:38:20FromDiscord<Clyybber> disruptek: I hate --hintAsErrors but I love nim c --verbosity:2 --hintAsError:Success ...
21:38:40FromDiscord<Clyybber> failure on success just seems poetic
21:39:38leorizeoperation failed successfully
21:55:08FromDiscord<treeform> does any one know if there is a stdlib function to know if file is still open/valid?
21:55:50FromDiscord<treeform> I can do it with C style posix by `c_fcntl(f, F_GETFD)` it looks like system uses it, but does not expose it... any one run into this?
21:56:21leorizeyou should never have to check that...
21:56:58leorizeI do have one used for testing purposes though: https://github.com/alaviss/nim-sys/blob/master/tests/helpers/handles.nim#L34
21:57:23leorizebut aside from that, you should never have to check if a file is valid
22:20:25FromDiscord<treeform> leorize, what do you mean I close it manually? This crashes now: `stdout.close(); echo "dump?"` used to do nothing. I need to check now it seems.
22:22:49FromDiscord<treeform> I wish your isValid function was part of stdlib.
22:24:14leorizeoh we have error checking for that now
22:26:34FromDiscord<treeform> I think thats's reversed, we used to have error checking for echo-ing to closed stdout and now its a crash.
22:26:49FromDiscord<treeform> Which is probably correct, having a closed stdout is very odd.
22:27:00leorizeI would advise you to just crash tbh
22:27:19leorizesince that fd is freed you don't know if any of your `open()` calls would fill in the spot
22:27:27FromDiscord<treeform> Its a deamon I need to close stdout to demonize
22:27:44leorizeor stop doing that
22:27:55FromDiscord<treeform> it has worked for 2 years sense before 1.0
22:27:59leorizeit's an old idea and everyone is on the supervisor train now :P
22:28:01FromDiscord<treeform> can't argue with time
22:28:41FromDiscord<treeform> I think everyone is on the docker/kubernaties train now.
22:28:47FromDiscord<treeform> I don't want to get on that train.
22:28:58leorizejust go with supervision systems
22:28:59FromDiscord<treeform> nim is so easy to just cp and demonzie
22:29:12leorizethose are dead simple and work better than any daemonizing scheme
22:29:26leorizeon linux systemd get you that for free
22:29:49leorize`systemd-run` even let you spawn a service off the spot without writing a service file
22:30:20FromDiscord<treeform> I think when i started I reviewed several "supervisors"
22:30:25FromDiscord<treeform> but run into issues in all of them
22:30:28FromDiscord<treeform> so I just demonzie
22:30:49FromDiscord<treeform> I think I am just not smart enough to use them
22:31:11leorizethey should be better now
22:31:47leorizeand you should always use a logger if you intend to work on environments where stdin/stdout might be closed
22:32:18leorizeit's easy to toggle logger between: write to file and write to stderr
22:42:42*sagax quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)
22:46:59FromDiscord<treeform> yeah but I need to know if stdout is closed to switch to a logger?
22:47:44leorizeyou perform the daemonize yourself, no?
22:49:35leorizethe close() has to be done after fork so you should be aware of that by then
22:55:19FromDiscord<treeform> well yes and no
22:56:06FromDiscord<treeform> the daemonizer starts up and does the "step" but then starts other things which might not know they were demonized.
22:56:40FromDiscord<treeform> See here: https://github.com/treeform/guardmons/blob/master/src/guardmons/daemon.nim
22:57:16FromDiscord<treeform> when I do `daemon foo` ... `foo` might not know that echo was closed.
22:57:33leorizeif you daemonize things that are not aware of it, then reopen stdin/stdout as `/dev/null`
22:57:49leorizeyou don't need to reopen stdin actually, just the output buffers
22:58:34leorizefor stdin using a closed pipe might be better
22:58:36FromDiscord<treeform> I had `foo` write out `echo "using logs now"`
22:58:41FromDiscord<treeform> but that started to crash `foo`
22:58:55FromDiscord<treeform> If i remove the echo it works.
22:59:12leorizeyea you should reopen stdout as /dev/null
22:59:20leorizethat way they can echo all they want
22:59:21FromDiscord<treeform> yeah thats a good tip
23:00:07leorizealternatively use start-stop-daemon, that stuff is super configurable
23:00:28leorizeit can daemonize anything, redirect stdout/stderr to files/process
23:02:31FromDiscord<treeform> well basically I have my own start-stop-daemon...
23:03:05leorizethe /dev/null trick should do it :P
23:03:13leorizewe have reopen() in the stdlib too
23:03:24FromDiscord<treeform> yeah I use it in other palces
23:09:05*krux02 quit (Remote host closed the connection)
23:15:10FromDiscord<robohack> Is it possible to define a type (object) with an array field of unspecified size? The array would be set by calling a proc and passing in an array? Thanks.
23:16:45leorizeyou can either use a `seq[T]` or if you want low-level there is `ptr UncheckedArray[T]`
23:17:31*tane quit (Quit: Leaving)
23:17:31FromDiscord<robohack> Ok, thanks. I was not aware of UncheckedArray.
23:17:40FromDiscord<treeform> "array field of unspecified size" I think a regular seq is the dynamic array you want.
23:17:53FromDiscord<treeform> UncheckedArray is some thing more advanced
23:20:09FromDiscord<robohack> Yeah, the size of my array will not change at runtime, but I want to have multiple instances of this type containing arrays of differing sizes. I am trying to make a menu object that contains a certain number of menu items. my program will have three menus each with a different number of menu items.
23:20:46leorizethen wouldn't generics and the normal `array[I, T]` works?
23:21:34disrupteksometimes i really wonder about you.
23:21:45leorizeand seqs are simple enough that there are particularly no overhead if you don't resize
23:22:00FromDiscord<InventorMatt> how come something like this https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=2MJx wouldn't work for that ?
23:23:11leorizehttps://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=2MJz <- fixed the compiler crash
23:23:14FromDiscord<robohack> Oh, cool. yeah that looks good. I am familiar with generics in other languages, but fairly inexperienced in nim.
23:23:31FromDiscord<robohack> Thanks all..
23:23:58FromDiscord<InventorMatt> there really should an error for that instead of a compiler crash
23:27:05leorizeit should work instead of crashing like that
23:27:18leorizenot sure if the bug is reported though
23:31:13FromDiscord<mratsim> OMG, I hate working with types in macro. And now with nimble not allowing commit pinning I'm stuck :/. Because I need to deserialize something and getTypeInst is so fragile and trying to workaround compiler bugs introduce new issues until you drown in workarounds of workarounds.
23:31:38*Vladar quit (Quit: Leaving)
23:32:56disruptekwhat do you mean by "nimble not allowing commit pinning"?
23:36:03FromDiscord<mratsim> package = ab123def
23:36:06FromDiscord<mratsim> a git hash
23:37:08leorizeyou can do that
23:37:12FromDiscord<ElegantBeef> It does through a giturl
23:37:21leorizethe format is `<url>#<commit>`
23:37:23FromDiscord<ElegantBeef> `requires "https://github.com/user/pkg#5a54b5e"` example from the readme
23:39:44FromDiscord<mratsim> ohohoh, that's very nice.