<< 20-06-2015 >>

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13:09:45Araqping yglukhov
13:30:20yglukhovpong Araq
13:30:40yglukhovhow is it going
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14:57:03reactormonkdom96, explain "this"
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15:12:28EastByteehm, using macros how do I generate a 'Sym "int"' to put it into a IdentDefs ?
15:16:22EastByteah, thanks
15:16:40reactormonkdom96, still waking up - so for deprecation use {.deprecated.} on the old porc and make a note about it?
15:17:40reactormonkcould you do {.deprecated: "writeLine".} where?
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16:42:22ArrrrHello, i have a silly question with unchecked arrays whose answer i intuit: How can you tell you are not accessing previously allocated memory with them?
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16:49:06onionhammerdom96 NimLime was never intended to be used as githubs highlighter :P
16:49:19onionhammerthe nim u pasted is invalid as a complete document
16:49:23dom96onionhammer: tell that to github
17:06:17*Matthias247 quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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17:24:28AraqArrrr: unchecked arrays have no such capability
17:28:48ArrrrSo, if you create an unchecked array on the heap, you have no guarantees it wont get dirty when new space is reserved? I dont know if im explaining myself
17:30:50fowlArrrr: do you mean allocating with it initialized to 0?
17:31:56ArrrrOn the forum i read a way to initialize arrays with length given in runtime
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18:07:58ArrrrAnyway, i get 'undefined reference to blabla' when using FFI, and i have both .c and .h inside nimcache
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18:32:23*Varriount joined #nim
18:33:32VarriountHey everyone!
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18:34:13onionhammerahoy var
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19:27:19Arrrrthe forum search crashes if your query starts with '--'
19:27:40ArrrrWell, and with '-'
19:27:56Araqinteresting. dom96
19:28:42fowlyglukhov: do you use nimx in any public projects? I'm looking for examples other than the 4 samples
19:29:52yglukhovfowl, no public projects yet. and probably there will be none in the near time.
19:30:10fowlHow come
19:30:40Araqhe enjoys hacking the Nim compiler too much ;-)
19:31:42yglukhovright ;) and i'm doing a game in nim
19:32:01yglukhovi mean a real project with team and budget ;)
19:32:28fowlAh nice
19:32:41yglukhovalthough i might start yet another killer of all IDEs ;) can't stop thinking of it =)
19:32:57fowlI want to use nimx for the GUI for my language
19:33:26yglukhovwhat do you mean "your language"?
19:33:26fowlA visual debugger
19:34:12yglukhovsounds like we're almost neighbours in our ideas ;)
19:34:33yglukhovides, debuggers, what else a programmer could wish! =)
19:37:00Varriountdom96, Araq: In the future, could you please tell me when something significant (like Github using the NimLime repository for highlighting sources) is done?
19:37:01yglukhovErr. I'm not sure I will understand it in a few minutes. You seem to not like documenting, eh? ;)
19:37:16yglukhovsomething realted to irc?
19:37:17Varriountyglukhov: What's nimx?
19:37:49yglukhovjust a pet project of mine, intended to be the killer of all gui frameworks ;)
19:38:40AraqVarriount: I can't. I don't care about these things.
19:38:51yglukhovcross-platform, hardware accelerated. should be pretty easy to use. but it's not in nimble packages for a reason ;)
19:38:55fowlyglukhov: thats just an example usage, nimrod types are available as components, an object is several components in order, so this is an compositional object model with a scripting language/VM on top of it
19:43:04*jubalh quit (Quit: Leaving)
19:43:17ArrrrC char* == Nim cstring ?
19:43:43AraqArrrr: aye
19:44:20yglukhovfowl, i'm sure i'm missing something obvious. this language of yours doesn't seem as something conventional, does it
19:45:20ArrrrIs there a reason why c's fopen would not work in nim?
19:45:28yglukhovbtw, have you seen the latest examples of nimx? it gets prettier =)
19:45:36reactormonkArrrr, it's probably somewhere in posix.nim
19:46:30fowlyglukhov: the syntax is smalltalk-like but there is no inheritance, only composition
19:47:24fowlyglukhov: I have similar goals though, I'd like to be able to save the system to an image or serialize its state and send it across a network
19:52:14Varriountyglukhov: Can I see? Pleeeaase?
19:53:04yglukhovVarriount, of couse, everyone is welcome =)
19:53:12yglukhovgithub =)
19:53:17fowlyglukhov: ^ my friend said put up some pictures and write about it.
19:53:59fowlIt looks like my repositories
19:54:06fowlNo description no readme
19:54:13fowlI need a PR person
19:55:02yglukhovare you talknig now about nimx or ducking-robot? %)
19:55:27yglukhovmaybe both ;)
19:56:29yglukhovAraq, you pinged me earlier today
19:57:32Araqah yeah, I wonder if there is any progress on LL
19:59:28yglukhovno, sorry. but now that you meantioned. can you tell any difference between LL and closures? I've read somewhere that LL and closure stuff are different things.
20:00:52Araqwell iirc there are multiple ways to implement closures, one of them being LL
20:00:53yglukhovwhen doing closures we just look for the symbols defined outside of a proc, and then pack them to a closure context, and store the context along with a function pointer, right?
20:01:05ArrrrI have some vars declared, but it gives me an error like they were declared as let http://pastebin.com/LYdAv2LH
20:01:44yglukhovand that's precisely what LL does in nim
20:03:05yglukhovbeacause I've read some explanation on stackoverflow, and somewhere else, and got completely lost with how LL is done.
20:03:28yglukhovthat seemed really diverging from what you explained in your gist.
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20:07:27yglukhovah, now that I'm thinking of it. they said that every free variables would require adding it's own arg to a function. and we need to to know all the callsites to change the calls accordingly. but in our case we just always add one arg, that is env ptr. and the callsites just know the calling convention, not the actual free variables information...
20:07:37yglukhovso it starts making sense
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20:08:32notfowlArrrr, the problem is the var ptr char
20:10:29notfowlthats just ptr char the expression doesnt have an address
20:11:07Arrrryou mean, with data[0] i dont need to get the addr ?
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20:12:03notfowlArrrr, imagine if the function took ptr ptr char, you couldnt pass data[0].addr.addr
20:12:13yglukhovAraq, I can see no issues with LL and EASY tags ;)
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20:12:33yglukhovdo you suggest that I take something tough =))
20:13:53dom96Varriount: I had no idea this was done.
20:14:00notfowlArrrr, i think that argument should be just ptr char
20:14:37dom96Arrrr: report it on github
20:14:40notfowlArrrr, yes its cstring or ptr char: const unsigned char* in
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20:15:28notfowl^should we trust them
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20:16:15Varriountnotfowl: I don't think so. They're probably evil twins or something.
20:16:38VarriountBesides, I don't recall Araq owning a Mac.
20:18:02Arrrrso ... arg in should be implemented as cstring? https://github.com/lvandeve/lodepng/blob/master/lodepng.h#L119-L120
20:19:03fowlArrrr, yes
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20:23:38ArrrrThanks fowl
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20:26:29pigmejreactormonk: I played today with nimsuggest / nim-mode
20:26:40pigmejand it's quite unusable ;/
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20:28:31Araqpigmej: concrete bug reports are always welcome
20:28:58pigmejAraq: yeah yeah, the thing is proabably not nimsuggest itself
20:29:09pigmejmore like 'integration' problems
20:29:17Araqnot sure about that
20:29:19pigmejthough I had today some 'read from nil'
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20:30:40pigmejAraq: I think most of those problems "migth" be present because of "debug mode"
20:31:01pigmejI mean, no debug mode enabled by default, I suppose it somehow makes emacs cry ...
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20:33:17Araqpigmej: proper Nim suggest output has tabs in it, no other compiler output line has tabs in it, so it's really simple to distinguish these two things and leave debug mode enabled
20:33:40pigmejAraq: yeah, that's why I pinged reactormonk there :)
20:33:52pigmejhe wrote that sexp parser etc.
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20:34:52pigmejAraq: do you have any suggestion how could I integrate "error highlighting" ?
20:34:59pigmejwould be nimsuggest debug output good enough?
20:35:30Araqyes but as usual only the first error message is reliable
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21:09:39Araqdom96: I'm making redis a nimble package if you don't mind
21:10:06dom96Araq: Do it.
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21:31:57Araqdom96: nim-lang/redis or nim-redis or what?
21:32:56dom96the former is fine
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21:39:36notfowlArrrr: all good?
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21:53:52Araq"Nimble init" is cool. :-)
21:54:47Araqcan it create a PR against the Nimble package list?
21:58:20AraqI need "nimble publish"
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22:06:23dom96Araq: You know you can edit the packages list on github right?
22:07:02Araqyes, but many others don't
22:09:27Araqalso I think it should start with version 1.0.0
22:13:24*Varriount_ is now known as Varriount
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22:57:14reactormonkpigmej, well, fuck
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23:18:48fowlwhere did readline go
23:18:53fowlthe module
23:19:09dtscodeis it in nimble?
23:19:14dtscodealso, you just missed notfowl
23:19:37fowlthat guy
23:21:02Araqfowl: I removed it
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23:21:29AraqI noticed it's GPL.
23:21:43Araqnot even LGPL so ...
23:22:01Araqmight add 'linenoise' instead
23:22:36fowlRdstdin relies on it, nake is unusable without it
23:23:55Varriount"Rdstdin relies on it [on *nix], nake is unusable [on *nix] without it"
23:24:18Araqfowl: I'll fix it.
23:24:28dtscodeIt would just plain not work on windows Varriount
23:24:44Varriountdtscode: Uh, windows has built-in line history.
23:24:59dtscodesounds lame
23:25:17Varriountdtscode: Wait, so lack of line history is what's cool these days?
23:25:33dtscodeyeah man... all of the dtsware is line history free
23:25:40dtscodeand if its not dtsware, its not cool
23:26:39AraqVarriount: the axiom for every respectable hacker is: m$ windoze sux, Linux rulz
23:27:35dtscodealthough, I will say I hate Linux too. Not as much as Araq probably. I just like it more than windows and I'm not smart enough for a bsd
23:28:05*fowl isn't even smart enough for a git
23:28:39fowlMy future development work will be in a dropbox
23:28:58dtscodeI just use cp(1)
23:29:17Varriountdtscode: cp(1)?
23:29:26dtscodeoh right. you're a windows guy
23:29:29dtscodexcopy to you
23:29:34dtscodeor just copy I guess
23:29:53Varriountdtscode: I know what cp on *nix is, I just wasn't familier with the (1).
23:30:33dtscodeok. I'm assuming you know what man is then?
23:30:47*dtscode is now known as charmander
23:30:50Varriountdtscode: Ah, it's man page notation.
23:30:51Araqthe opposite of woman?
23:30:59charmanderVarriount: yeah
23:31:08charmanderAraq: it looks like a woman wrote it
23:31:15charmanderbecause no man has the patience for that
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