<< 20-12-2013 >>

00:02:50*Demos quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
00:04:01Araqcomex: well? any idea?
00:10:13comexAraq: back, sorry
00:10:37comexin what way does it not work?
00:10:54Araqcrashes with sigseg the last time I tried it
00:10:57comexand that's not necessarily going to work, because what if the beginning of the page is in the middle of the stack frame?
00:11:42Araqwhat? the beginning of the page is in the middle of the stack frame?
00:12:13Araqwell let me explain more, we do something like:
00:12:51Araqint main() { void* b; stackBottom = &b; stuff(); }
00:13:23comexyes, but page boundaries have nothing to do with it
00:13:44comexand make sure that "stuff" is not adding more stuff to the stack
00:14:12AraqI don't get it. how can it not be aligned on a page boundary?
00:14:45Araqthat's how virtual memory works after all
00:15:06AraqI mean obviously &b is not on a page boundary
00:15:24Araqbut when I bitmask that pointer I should get an accessible page
00:15:35*xenagi quit (Quit: Leaving)
00:16:31Araq*bitmask so that it's on a page boundary aka lowest 11 bits are 0
00:25:18Araqoh well I'll simply try again. good night.
00:27:34*shodan45 quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)
00:59:53gradhagood night, honey badgers
01:00:00*gradha quit (Quit: bbl, need to watch http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dEf4PJZXBxA again)
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01:20:37*Demos joined #nimrod
01:20:53Demoswow visual studio just totally locked up my system :D
01:21:20Demosthat has not happened in a /while/
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01:29:16OrionPKMhows the progress demos
01:29:52Demosnot that great, my GCs are fighting. Once I sort them out though I should be able to take a string provided by VS and lex and highlight the mofo
01:30:06DemosI think binding to the idetools stuff /may/ be eaiser
01:30:07*xenagi joined #nimrod
01:30:19OrionPKMisnt the communication marshalled?
01:30:49Demoswell sure, but like I was returning a cstring from nimro and it turns out that c# will then go and call free on that char*
01:31:06Demosand these bugs take forever to find because all you get is a segfault
01:31:11OrionPKMbefore you can even look at it?
01:31:59Demosyeah, often the segfault comes from the nimrod code which is harder to debug
01:32:46Demoshonestly I am more or less giving up on having structs and such be passes between nimrod and c#, going to just returning ptrs from nimrod and having collections of functions to access their fields
01:33:04OrionPKMyou should write a little app that does commm
01:33:07DemosI have been thinking about automateing the writing of such functions with a macro
01:33:18OrionPKMcommunication via Stdin
01:33:41DemosI really do not like that idea, prefer a C (well nimrod but {.exportc.}) API
01:34:54OrionPKMyeah, obviously that's preferable
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04:18:55BlueProtomanDoes Nimrod have list comprehensions?
04:23:45Demoswhat do you need for those besides iterators and first class functions?
04:34:02BlueProtomanDemos: Never mind. How can I sort a given sequence?
04:35:11Demosno idea
04:35:18Demosctrl-f in the library docs
04:35:59BlueProtomanDemos: I did, found nothing.
04:36:14Demoshm.... wierd
04:54:55*BlueProtoman quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)
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05:40:27*ddl_smurf quit (Quit: ddl_smurf)
05:43:33OrionPKMthere is a sort function
05:43:49OrionPKMyou pass it a proc
05:45:05*xenagi quit (Quit: Leaving)
05:57:48*brson quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
06:06:18Demosoh dear, someone (probably me eventually) needs to go and add to that there module
06:06:23Demoslooking pretty bare bones
07:17:28*achim joined #nimrod
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10:02:59*wubino joined #nimrod
10:03:22wubinodoes nimrod have a json-rpc library?
10:08:52Araqhi wubino, I don't think so.
10:09:35wubinoLong time no chat
10:09:40Araqwe have json serialization though and the 0mq wrapper works nicely
10:10:18wubinowhats next on the nimrod roadmap? I read about a repl
10:11:21Araqmostly fixing bugs, the VM2 is about to be merged
10:17:42*fowl joined #nimrod
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10:27:26wubinothe vm2 is the repl?
10:28:53Araqit's used by the repl but I don't expect that to help the repl
10:29:07Araqthe repl exists for quite some time already but regressions always creep into
10:29:16Araqas we have no automated tests for it
10:30:03Araqit's a toy really, I never use it ;-)
10:30:29Araqmany people want a REPL but nobody wants to work on it
10:31:39fowlwork is hard
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10:35:03wubinoAraq, what type of projects do nimrodders want to work on most?
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10:42:21Araqhi zielmicha-cloud, I feel like merging your PR. You did test it, right? ;-)
10:42:39*gradha joined #nimrod
10:44:09gradhawould it make sense for a statement macro/template to be able to return a value? "let var = myTemplate(param1): body_as_param2"
10:45:07Araqthere is some parsing/grammar issue with it though iirc
10:45:45gradhayes, I asked because what I tried didn't work, but wanted to know if this is desirable or doesn't make sense
10:47:15Araqeverything that eliminates weird special cases is desirable
10:47:39gradhaI was trying to come up with something like https://gist.github.com/gradha/8053167 but I don't see a return value as completely necessary
10:47:51AraqmyTemplate(var, param1): body_as_param2 is the workaround
10:52:01gradharight now with a template I don't think you can have it conditionally declare a variable or not based on user input, I'm going to try a macro for that
10:54:12gradhait could also special case calling procs of TTime time, since the substraction of them returns an in64, not a TTime
11:00:15AraqI'd simply provide a single 'benchmark' template that outputs some report using both cpuTime and epochTime
11:00:54Araqif you want to be more elaborate, you could implement something like this:
11:01:08Araq section A:
11:01:15Araq # code here
11:01:19Araq section B:
11:01:24Araq # other code here
11:01:50Araqand it generates a report, how long each section took and how long the whole thing took
11:02:15*Demos joined #nimrod
11:02:41gradhaalso the blocks' names could be used for variables to store the results, but I guess you are thinking of user friendly stdout output
11:03:06Araqyeah, I'm thinking about stdout output
11:03:40Araqof course then some guy comes and says it needs to be done in a generic fashion, it should return a report object that then I can print
11:03:59Araqwhich actually misses the point somewhat
11:05:07Araqthe point of 'benchmark' is convenience
11:05:27Araqfor flexibility you need a slightly different design altogether
11:05:57Araqyou then need to be able to reset all counters, start and stop them etc.
11:06:34gradhalet's go for convenience, how would you make the benchmark macro so that you can pass it a constant to "when const benchmark else run without benchmark"?
11:06:53gradhathat would allow you having the benchmark: block always in code, active only when you compile with -d:arbitraryStuff
11:07:14gradhaI guess you will say "pass the const", but making it conditional would be nice
11:07:39gradhaso you can have "benchmark:" (always) "benchmark(myConst):" (runs benchmarks only when myConst is defined)
11:07:56Araqwell you just answered your question?
11:08:09Araq ...
11:08:15Araqis parsable
11:08:57gradhabut then you lose the non-parameter version, no? because you are forced to always pass something
11:09:27Araqwell since default args currently don't work that way, you could provide a simple overload
11:09:49Araqwhere the non-parameter version calls the parametrized
11:10:00gradhahmm... indeed, since this doesn't need to be {.immediate.} right?
11:15:07gradhais there a way for a macro to know about available constants? so you can iterate and dump them to sdtout, for example
11:18:47gradhamaybe something similar to system.locals()
11:20:49Araqno and that would open yet another pandora's box
11:21:31Araqmacros are not supposed to "go up" in the tree
11:22:17gradhawould be a system.constants returning a seq be that bad? had no idea
11:23:26Araqwell I don't like it, what do you do with it in a macro? does the macro's behaviour change if some constant exists?
11:25:55*CarpNet joined #nimrod
11:26:05Demoswhere are the standard library tests located?
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11:28:56gradhaDemos: in the tests directory
11:29:13gradhayou can use koch to run the testsuite
11:29:50gradhaAraq: nah, I only was curious to dump them to stdout, if a macro has to change behaviour based on a constant you use when
11:30:23DemosI know, but I need to find the tests so I can add to them if I go and add standard library functions, I kinda want to expand algorithms.nim a bit
11:31:55gradhagrepping leads to compile/tsortcall.nim, run/tdrdobbs_examples.nim, run/tsortdev.nim and a manyloc test
11:32:49gradhaif you don't need the tests to be "verified" you can add to the end of algorithm.nim in a when isMainModule block and run it manually
11:33:47Demosright, I will prolly add tests later, but as I am running on zero hours of sleep right now I will try and confine any destruction to algos.nim
11:36:12gradhaadding to individual modules, then promoting to the test suite seems sensible
11:40:00Demosyeah, I wanted to see where the other code is tested. I may also document smartBinarySearch to say more than "needs power of two size"
11:42:47*EXetoC quit (Quit: WeeChat 0.4.2)
11:46:26fowlproc `()` (field: string, js: PJsonNode): JSON {.delegator.} = js[field]
11:46:31fowljson should be pjsonnode
11:47:53Araqgradha: yeah but people will misuse it. It's fine to put it into some 'evil' module though.
11:48:13Araqin fact... Nimrod needs an 'evil' module right now. :D
11:48:40Araqbecause the name is cool :P
11:49:28Araqor perhaps "misuse" is also a good module name. everything in that by definition is an act of misuse.
11:50:02*Demos quit (Read error: Operation timed out)
11:50:42Araqfowl: we still need to discuss 'delegator'
11:52:36Araqmy plan was to support overloading of '.' instead which seems to me the natural solution
11:53:08Araqoverloading of () with a delegator pragma is weird
11:54:27dom96good morning
11:54:38gradhayoo hoo
11:58:00fowlwell a.b is b(a) not .(b, a)
11:59:07Araqthat's not hard to solve though
12:00:03Araqproc `.` (j: PJsonNode, field: string): PJsonNode
12:00:43Araqj.foo --> `.`(j, foo)
12:00:45fowland all `.` would be delegators?
12:01:09fowlshould be expr[string] instead of string
12:01:15fowlunless j."foo" works
12:01:21Araqspecial cased just like `[]`
12:01:33Araqyeah yeah yeah
12:05:08fowlim rewriting entitty
12:05:17fowli just looked at it and its really messy
12:09:23Araqhow do we overload `.=` with the () delegator solution?
12:12:56fowlgood point
12:19:58gradhaso I fixed https://github.com/Araq/Nimrod/issues/738 but now I see that if a user passes an absolute path as the outFile compilation fails too
12:20:33gradhathere's an intriguing extccomp.noAbsolutePaths which prepends to the absolute path the project dir
12:21:01gradhashouldn't that code check first if exefile.isAbsolute? I don't understand the commant for noAbsolutePaths
12:25:56Araqwell --genScript is supposed to generate a compilation script that doesn't use absolute paths
12:26:08Araqso that the whole nimcache directory can easily be moved around
12:26:24Araqaccording to ddl_smurf that feature is already broken
12:27:02Araqso ... the path you care about is when noAbsolutePaths() is false
12:27:28Araqchecking for exeFile.isAbsolute sounds good
12:35:37*isenmann quit (Quit: Leaving.)
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12:45:40*psquid quit (Quit: work)
12:53:43NimBotAraq/Nimrod master afdd49f Grzegorz Adam Hankiewicz [+0 ±1 -0]: Runs user specified outFile if available. Refs #738.
12:53:43NimBotAraq/Nimrod master 85c9aa8 Grzegorz Adam Hankiewicz [+0 ±1 -0]: Allows passing absolute paths for output. Refs #738.... 3 more lines
12:53:43NimBotAraq/Nimrod master 2a9502d zah [+0 ±2 -0]: Merge pull request #767 from gradha/pr_fixes_run_with_out... 2 more lines
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13:08:23NimBotnimrod-code/babel master 8585e11 Dominik Picheta [+0 ±2 -0]: Extra checks for unsatisfiable dependencies.... 5 more lines
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13:31:15NimBotnimrod-code/babel master e789a7a Dominik Picheta [+0 ±2 -0]: Fixes #21
13:32:04dom96Babel will give you lots of warnings now, so I suggest you guys reinstall all your packages.
13:36:19*achim quit (Quit: Computer has gone to sleep.)
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13:40:09gradhaso what's the meta for?
13:41:03dom96the url of the package
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13:50:10fowlreinstall all packages? why
13:52:40dom96because #21
13:53:03fowlglfw2 is called nimrod-glfw and glfw3 is called nim-glfw
13:53:03EXetoCI don't know, but it should be possible to specify that everything should be updated
13:53:45fowlaporia fails to install
13:54:22EXetoCand maybe it should keep going even if a package fails. "FAILURE: Version may only consist of numbers and the '.' character but found '-'."
13:55:39gradhayou will need to use an unicode equivalent char for dashes
13:56:36gradhagood bye, honey badgers
13:56:39*gradha quit (Quit: bbl, need to watch http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dEf4PJZXBxA again)
13:56:50dom96EXetoC: Why would it keep going? The version is incorrect.
13:57:53dom96fowl: babel install aporia#head
14:01:29EXetoCthen I can't update everything easily. it doesn't have anything to do with dependencies though, because it complains about sfml-2.0-live when I install babel too
14:03:32EXetoCI'm not sure if that's the reason why I only have a babel executable in /tmp now
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14:12:19EXetoCAnd I don't know why it finds argument_parser 0.1.1 but not 0.1.2
14:14:14EXetoCok so it fetches a tag
14:15:43*BitPuffin joined #nimrod
14:17:20EXetoCBitPuffin: morning
14:23:50EXetoCalso, I can't install nim-vorbis or nim-portaudio: "FAILURE: Could not find a version which fits the specified range: any version"
14:24:41dom96well that is a bug then
14:26:04*ddl_smurf joined #nimrod
14:26:05EXetoCok. will submit bug reports and maybe some feature requests later
14:29:27*achim quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
14:29:43EXetoCit might be nice to have the ability to make queries based on dependencies etc, but that might not be feasible without a centralized .babel database
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14:33:44BitPuffinahoy EXetoC and dom96
14:40:34*achim quit (Quit: Computer has gone to sleep.)
14:41:18BitPuffindom diddely dota
14:41:25BitPuffindom96: nao!
14:41:27BitPuffinyou too EXetoC
14:41:33BitPuffinand Araq
14:41:38BitPuffinlet's dota
14:41:45BitPuffinin ze VNUG
14:42:38BitPuffinI'm not gonna be checkinc irc now
14:42:45BitPuffinso join the VNUG like naow
14:42:51BitPuffinin the gaming channel
14:43:15dom96BitPuffin: You wanna play dota later?
14:44:03BitPuffindom96: I wanna play now
14:44:17BitPuffinI have time for one game right now
14:44:22BitPuffinand if there's something you gotta do
14:44:22dom96only one?
14:44:26BitPuffinyou can do it when I walk the dog
14:44:29BitPuffinyes right now
14:44:32BitPuffinbut I can play more later
14:44:34dom96i'm watching a movie
14:44:46BitPuffindo it later then
14:44:51BitPuffinwhen I'm walkin the dog :P
14:45:23dom96I would have to reboot
14:45:26dom96walk the dog now
14:46:00BitPuffindom96: dude dude
14:46:03BitPuffinwe should buy monaco
14:46:05BitPuffinand play it
14:46:14BitPuffinit's on sale
14:46:14dom96the hell is that?
14:47:49BitPuffinseems like a lot of fun
14:48:03BitPuffinif you, me, EXetoC and Araq gets it we could play 4 player coop
14:49:24EXetoCgotta do some stuff now, and I don't know if I'll be in the mood for dota later. I'm mostly into shooters like I said. So let's play dod instead ok :p cmon, I know you want to pwn some poles on the dywizjon303 server
14:50:30dom96what's dod?
14:50:56BitPuffindom96: day of defeat
14:50:57BitPuffinbut no
14:51:00BitPuffinlet's not play that
14:51:04BitPuffinlet's play monaco :D
14:51:05BitPuffinand dota
14:51:17BitPuffinEXetoC: you can shoot in monaco, so boom
14:58:10VarriountAraq, ping
15:22:03EXetoCBitPuffin: yeah but there's no Z plane :p
15:22:16EXetoCit's really cheap atm so I might buy it
15:26:59EXetoCtalk about ugly player models
15:29:09BitPuffinI think it's stylis
15:30:14BitPuffindom96: longest movie ever?
15:51:01dom96BitPuffin: it's over now
15:55:52VarriountAnyone here ever added a cimport pragma to a procedure using a macro or template?
15:59:55*vendethiel quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)
16:09:50NimBotnimrod-code/packages master 0838a70 Erik Johansson Andersson [+0 ±1 -0]: wrong "web" value for nim-glfw
16:09:50NimBotnimrod-code/packages master c1b7592 Dominik Picheta [+0 ±1 -0]: Merge pull request #43 from EXetoC/patch-2... 2 more lines
16:11:59EXetoCI thought I fixed all of that. I blame the keyboard
16:12:07EXetoCfowl: you want me to rename it? :p
16:13:56EXetoCit'll still be a little confusing since glfw == glfw3 now
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16:23:51BitPuffindom96: hmm
16:23:56BitPuffinshould probably walk the dog
16:24:04BitPuffinEXetoC, dom96: are you guys getting monaco?
16:24:34*achim joined #nimrod
16:28:22dom96lets see
16:29:43dom96ehh, i dunno
16:29:51BitPuffindom96: it's awesomeee
16:29:57dom96Don't get what's so awesome about it
16:30:16dom96it looks like walking and picking up coins
16:30:19dom96seems silly
16:30:42BitPuffindom96: you really judge a book by its cover huh haha
16:30:47BitPuffinit's a heist game
16:30:55BitPuffinyou cooperate and rob banks and shit
16:31:34dom96also the soundtrack bugs me
16:33:53BitPuffindom96: *sigh*
16:35:06BitPuffindom96: not like it's expensive, you could at least try it :P
16:35:12fowlEXetoC, yea i want them to be glfw2 and glfw3 >:(
16:35:45BitPuffinfowl: who uses glfw2 I mean damn
16:35:47dom96BitPuffin: Buy it for me then :P
16:35:51BitPuffindom96: no lol xD
16:36:07dom96BitPuffin: You said yourself that it's not expensive :P
16:36:23BitPuffindom96: yes, doesn't mean I can afford to buy games for _you_ though :P
16:36:42dom96BitPuffin: Yes, well i'd rather spend the money on Bioshock
16:37:07BitPuffindom96: it's awesome, you have different classes and you come up with a plan to rob places
16:37:12BitPuffinyou stealth and stuff
16:37:19BitPuffindom96: bioshock it shit
16:37:21*achim quit (Quit: Computer has gone to sleep.)
16:37:29fowlgame about stealing
16:37:30fowlso steal it
16:37:40BitPuffinfowl: no u
16:39:32BitPuffinto sum up bioshock: *, awesome environments and stories ruined by dumb boring shit gameplay
16:39:37BitPuffinso don't waste the money :P
16:39:49NimBotnimrod-code/babel master 7e2d46a Dominik Picheta [+0 ±3 -0]: Fixes problems caused by "" being present in the version list.... 2 more lines
16:40:06dom96I like the stories :P
16:40:15dom96if someone buys the 4 pack
16:40:20dom96we will save like a couple of pence
16:40:55BitPuffinI was thinking that
16:41:06BitPuffinbut then I though that damn that's gonna be annoying to coordinate
16:41:18dom96it'll probably cost more in paypal fees lol
16:41:26BitPuffinexactly haha
16:42:03BitPuffindom96: yeah but the stories are overshadowed by the crappy dull gameplay
16:42:12BitPuffinso there is like 90% boring gameplay
16:42:22BitPuffinand 10% pretty decent story
16:42:44dom96Payday 2 is something we should be looking to get
16:42:56BitPuffinyeah it is similar
16:42:59BitPuffinto monaco
16:43:00EXetoCdom96: you mentioned nim-vorbis in the commit. are you able to install it now?
16:43:05dom96EXetoC: yes
16:43:09dom96That's what I fixed.
16:43:12BitPuffinexcept it's 3d and extremely much more expensive xD
16:43:18EXetoCI still get that error message after installing babel head
16:43:31BitPuffinand windows only
16:44:06dom96EXetoC: well it works for me.
16:44:31EXetoCpath issue I think
16:44:52BitPuffinEXetoC: install worked for me
16:44:54dom96BitPuffin: why don't we just play dota? :P
16:45:07BitPuffindom96: well yeah, we should and will
16:45:17BitPuffinbut what do we play when the servers are down like they always are
16:45:36dom96fine. I'll buy it
16:45:47BitPuffinEXetoC: you too
16:45:53BitPuffinso we'll be three
16:47:07EXetoCworks now. will have to source zprofile in zshrc
16:47:29BitPuffinEXetoC: that's why I don't use zprofile
16:47:46BitPuffinEXetoC: are you getting monaco? :D
16:48:16*dom96 bets it won't even work on Linux
16:48:37BitPuffindom96: it has linux support
16:48:57dom96I know
16:49:08BitPuffindom96: have you bought it?
16:49:23dom96and now steam is updating...
16:49:26*dom96 grumbles
16:49:44fowl5 days til xmas
16:49:51fowlwhat are you guys getting me
16:50:18dom96fowl: a virtual hug
16:50:31fowlgift rejected
16:50:43dom96You'll get babel then just like everyone else
16:50:46BitPuffinfowl: a slap in the face
16:50:50fowlgift rejected
16:50:55Varriountfowl, I got you a puffin
16:51:20BitPuffinfowl: it's gonna slap you in the face though
16:51:23fowldom96, i already have babel, please include gift receipt
16:51:23BitPuffinbe careful
16:51:57dom96ugh, stop stealing focus steam...
16:52:19BitPuffindom96: alright now I bought it too, I'm gonna go walk the dog now and you better hop in to the VNUG. Then we'll play dota and/or monaco
16:52:28*BitPuffin points at EXetoC
16:52:53dom96BitPuffin: how long will walking the dog take?
16:53:10EXetoCdom96: what about other apps that spawns new windows?
16:53:34dom96EXetoC: They steal focus too, but they don't spawn as many windows...
16:53:58EXetoCok. yeah it is annoying
17:00:58dom96well, monaco works.
17:01:04dom96the sound was broken at the beginning
17:01:47EXetoCBitPuffin: I don't think I'll like it
17:02:05*Mat3 joined #nimrod
17:02:14Mat3hi all
17:06:58Mat3hi EXetoC
17:08:04Araqhi Mat3
17:08:23Mat3hi Araq
17:09:43EXetoCdom96: how is it?
17:09:56dom96dunno, i'm still not impressed.
17:10:16dom96I walked around a bit and collected some coins with no idea about what I actually had to do...
17:11:09Mat3hi dom96
17:11:31Mat3your guys spend some time playing online games ?
17:14:16EXetoCdom96: sure, new game and all :p
17:15:26*zielmicha joined #nimrod
17:15:46*CarpNet quit (Quit: Leaving)
17:20:26Mat3Araq: does have the single '=' at end of procedure prologs a syntactical reason or is this character some kind of syntactical sugar ?
17:21:49Araqwell without the '=' it's a forward declaration
17:22:11Araqbut surely you could do without
17:22:17EXetoCno sugar, since there aren't any alternatives
17:25:26Mat3EXetoC: There are *alwasy* alternatives, it's only about there drawbacks in relation to the parsing overhead (my opinion)
17:34:46*ics quit (Quit: My MacBook Pro has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…)
17:34:57BitPuffindom96: back
17:35:13BitPuffindom96: still not in the vnug huh
17:35:29dom96BitPuffin: no, my throat is sore so I don't really wanna talk much
17:35:36BitPuffindom96: it's gonna be fun when we team up
17:35:40dom96i'll join in a little while brb
17:35:41BitPuffinoh that's fine
17:36:00BitPuffinbut join so that at least I can tell you what to do xD
17:36:03BitPuffinwhat do you wanna play first
17:36:07BitPuffindota or monaco
17:37:55BitPuffinEXetoC: yes, alwasy
17:39:42EXetoCMat3: I don't know if you can call it sugar then, since there aren't any existing alternatives in the language
17:39:47EXetoCbut maybe the definition is broader than that
17:40:04NimBotAraq/Nimrod master 9cd7129 Grzegorz Adam Hankiewicz [+0 ±1 -0]: Adds fitting quote to idetools doc.
17:40:04NimBotAraq/Nimrod master 3ba14c4 Andreas Rumpf [+0 ±1 -0]: Merge pull request #753 from gradha/pr_idetools_quote... 2 more lines
17:42:40NimBotAraq/Nimrod master b21cda3 Michał Zieliński [+0 ±1 -0]: Add stdmsg (an alias to either stdout or stderr).
17:42:40NimBotAraq/Nimrod master 3be183a Michał Zieliński [+0 ±1 -0]: write exception tracebacks to stdmsg, instead of stdout
17:42:40NimBotAraq/Nimrod master 5510791 Michał Zieliński [+0 ±2 -0]: Rework CGI error reporting.... 4 more lines
17:42:40NimBotAraq/Nimrod master aa322af Michał Zieliński [+3 ±1 -0]: Add two CGI example and basic Python CGI server.
17:42:40NimBot2 more commits.
17:43:22Mat3EXetoC: Well, I think about a more simplified parser and this have syntactical consequences
17:44:04Araqhey the parser is simple :P
17:45:22Mat3ehm, ok
17:46:21Mat3compared to languages like PL/1 I agree
17:46:52EXetoCI'm just arguing about the definition of syntactic sugar
17:47:42Mat3syntactical sugar = syntax rules for so called better readability
17:49:10VarriountAraq, your'e up!
17:49:19Mat3like "if else = then then if = else" in PL/1 (the language define no reserved words)
17:52:06VarriountAraq, what do tests do if they need root/administrative privileges?
17:52:45Araqwell a more concrete enhancement proposal would be sweet
17:53:08Araqinstead of "I can save 1 call to gettok() when we get rid of the '='"
17:55:01AraqVarriount: bah dont write such tests
17:55:31VarriountBut then I can't test the symlink procedures
17:55:32*MFlamer joined #nimrod
17:55:50Araqhi MFlamer wb
17:56:08MFlamerHi Araq, thanks
17:56:18Araqwell write some manual test then
17:57:07VarriountHowso? What parts would be manual?
17:57:34EXetoCMat3: yes, compared to an alternative that actually is present in the language already. a[i] vs *(a + i) for example, to quote wikipedia
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17:58:19Mat3Araq: talk to you about it later, brb
17:58:46*Mat3 is now known as Mat3-brb
18:01:10AraqVarriount: just write the test but don't make the tester invoke it
18:01:28VarriountOk, gotcha
18:02:37VarriountAraq, would you prefer my symlink additions in one branch, and fixes for os.nim procedures involving symlinks in another branch, or have the two in one branch?
18:06:22*brson joined #nimrod
18:07:48EXetoCBitPuffin: I might play 0ad later if we can get a 2v2 going. I do prefer more futuristic RTS games though http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xn20pbBRZAE http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HDAmnHSoTyc
18:08:06EXetoCI haven't played either of those, but BA should be fairly similar to the original (Total Annihilation)
18:22:04VarriountAre TFiles automatically closed when garbage collected?
18:29:26AraqI dont see the value in a branch for symlinks
18:30:06VarriountAraq, I meant, for the pull requests
18:30:24VarriountTwo differente pull requests, or one combined?
18:31:10*DAddYE quit ()
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18:39:22*gradha joined #nimrod
18:41:10fowlAraq, dom96, cant provide another macros.newProc, overloading is impossible with all the default args
18:46:20VarriountAnyone here know the behavior of linux's various file utilities/api's when dealing with symlinks?
18:46:41fowleverything in linux "just works"
18:47:35Varriountfowl, any *useful* answers?
18:47:53VarriountI'm trying to normalize os.nim behavior when dealing with symlinks.
18:48:29fowlthen you'll need a more specific question
18:50:05Varriountfowl, what are the default behaviors on linux/posix when the copy, delete, link, and move procedures are used with symlinks as the primary target?
18:51:07fowlcopying a symlink copies the file it points to
18:51:14fowldeleting a symlink just deletes the symlink
18:52:06fowllinking to a symlink links to it
18:52:23fowlmoving it moves the symlink
18:52:31Araqfowl: yeah well. so? the api reflects the impl already anyway
18:52:40Varriountfowl, thanks.
18:52:50fowlsource: i just tested this with ln, cp, rm, mv
18:54:15Varriountfowl, are there any other file related procedures I might have missed?
18:56:54fowli dunno
19:00:04gradhaVarriount: there's lstat to obtain the link's attributes rather than the file it points to
19:00:25gradhabecause it makes perfect sense to have a link with different permissions than the file it points to
19:01:19Varriountgradha, yes, I know about that. I'm planning to retrofit most of the os.nim file procedures with 'followSymlinks' options
19:01:50VarriountThough, I don't plan to do that with hard links - their behavior tends to vary *way* too much
19:02:13VarriountAlso, it's ussually nearly impossible to tell if something is a hardlink or not.
19:07:24*achim joined #nimrod
19:07:26Araqoh no, please don't
19:07:47AraqfollowSymlinks everywhere sounds like bloat
19:08:05Araqjust pretend they don't exist instead, they are stupid
19:08:21VarriountAraq, I strongly disagree.
19:09:17VarriountIf we pretend that symlinks don't exist, then people run the risk of falling into infinite recursions
19:09:38gradhathe default is to not follow symlinks, so you can't recurse
19:09:44Varriountbesides, the followSymlinks would default to whatever current behavior each function exhibits
19:09:52Varriountgradha, not true!
19:10:04VarriountremoveDir follows symlinks
19:10:24gradhabut removeDir is not a basic OS layer API, rather a convenience to purge everything recursively
19:10:42AraqI don't consider it wise to care for the people who think using every single feature of their OS is a good idea
19:10:51VarriountIt's also a recursive function.
19:11:17*achim quit (Client Quit)
19:11:36fowlAraq, alright then i will just make the default argument for params be [newEmptyNode()]
19:11:55fowlAraq, since you at least an entry for return type
19:12:16Araqhmm yeah ok
19:12:25VarriountAraq, neither do I, however I would hate to have a program crash for an end user just because they ran it in a mounted folder, or a network share or something.
19:12:29gradhaVarriount: maybe the problem is with removeDir, the base rmdir doesn't do recursion
19:12:40Varriountgradha, I know.
19:12:52VarriountThat's why I said removeDir, and not rawRemoveDir
19:13:37VarriountAlso, even if it doesn't cause a stack overflow, because links cannot be deleted by rawRemoveDir, it crashes.
19:13:47VarriountCopyDir has the same problem
19:13:52VarriountI think
19:14:11VarriountYeah, it does.
19:15:00VarriountAraq, how is it bloat?
19:15:21Varriount'Bloat' implies that it isn't necessary or useful.
19:15:25gradhausually an os module should have rawRemoveDir, and then the convenience removeDir would follow symlinks or whatever, yes, but nimrod's rawRemoveDir is private
19:16:14gradhait's hard to see which procs are conveniently supercharged and which are the bare bones
19:17:20VarriountEither followSymlink is added where it is needed, or some sort of pragma that can be pushed and popped (which seems a bit extreme)
19:17:23Araqmeh fine, I can always reject your PR
19:17:26gradharawRemoveDir shouldn't crash with a symlink, it should throw an exception or whatever it is the default error mechanism
19:17:33fowllol Araq
19:17:51gradhabut Varriount could bribe gradha
19:17:54Varriountgradha, but removeDir will. I never said that rawRemoveDir would crash.
19:18:29VarriountOr rather, I did, but I meant it in the "throwing an exception"
19:18:35Araqit's bloat just like supporting ALL of unicode is bloat. Instead you should write shitty software so that the spec needs to adapt to the real world
19:18:48Araqand be slimmed down one day
19:19:11VarriountWait, what?
19:19:19gradhaVarriount: worse is better
19:19:35Araqthe alternative is that we end up supporting Klingon for Nimrod's unicode module
19:19:49VarriountAraq, this isn't unicode. This is symlinks
19:20:04Varriountwhich is mostly a one or two line change for most procedures.
19:20:06fowlso..we shouldnt support klingon? o.O
19:20:09gradha"Symlinks, the klingon of filesystems" - Arac, circa now
19:21:28gradhadirectories are extras now too, everybody just opens google and doesn't understand what "folders" are anyway, hmm... we need a google module
19:21:48AraqVarriount: I hope it's just a one or two line change but I fear it ends up doing 1 additional syscall for every file
19:22:16VarriountWell, I guess we'll see when the pull request comes.
19:22:36Araqand btw if posix really cared about consistency or correctness it would provide those procs in the first place!
19:22:47VarriountWhat procs?
19:23:04AraqremoveDirRecursively etc.
19:23:48VarriountAraq, http://linux.die.net/man/3/ftw
19:24:07gradhawow, a manpage FTW
19:25:30*ddl_smurf quit (Quit: ddl_smurf)
19:26:38gradhait's nice when a standard has sentences like "On some systems…"
19:27:55gradhaso people bashed iphones for non replaceable battery and now http://jolla.com has one and people care about specs more?
19:32:23*gradha regrets not having pushed a Christina Aguilera quote
19:33:12fowlgradha, a lot of new phones have non-replaceable battery/sd card now
19:33:19fowlits really irritating
19:33:29fowlthe first thing i do when i get a new phone is buy a double-capacity battery
19:33:32EXetoCbattery even? -.-
19:34:29*zielmicha quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)
19:34:39gradhafowl: I solve the battery problem by not using the phone or turning it off, works amazingly well
19:35:15fowlturning it off? how archaic
19:35:54VarriountMy phone uses photosynthesis. Or maybe that's my plant.. What's the difference again?
19:36:02gradhaI'm not yet rich enough to throw them away and buy new ones whenever they are discharged
19:36:38gradhaVarriount: the plant won't post pictures of you to instagram, maybe
19:36:40EXetoCgradha: are you saying that it should be the same on all systems?
19:36:58EXetoCor should there be an up-to-date list of systems?
19:37:36fowlsailfish os.. wtf is it
19:37:45gradhaEXetoC: is your question related to Varriount's plant?
19:41:02gradhaEXetoC: presumably that's what nftw is, a consistent ftw, but unix people dislike killing stuff
19:41:33gradhaI don't know why today's libc even have strtok, it should be a function which wipes your hard disk without asking, just because you tried to use it
19:42:20VarriountHm. For a procedure which returns the type of filesystem object to by 'path' (file, dir, link), what should be done when the given path doesn't exist?
19:42:53gradhamaybe raise exception
19:43:29gradhaor return a tuple with result + bool (ducks)
19:44:33Varriountgradha, I agree with the first one.
19:44:43VarriountAlthough, the second one has... possibilities
19:44:56gradhayou'll love my third suggestion: TMaybe
19:45:12VarriountNuu waaay
19:46:48fowlshould be exception
19:54:32*zielmicha joined #nimrod
19:54:59gradhaso a VarTuple is essentially an IdentDefs with different assignment behaviour
19:58:58gradhathat's when you write let (a, b) = procReturnsTuple
19:59:55fowllooks like it yes
20:00:46gradhaAraq: how about https://gist.github.com/gradha/8060490
20:02:18fowlgradha, use newNimNode(nnkTupleTy).add(first, second, third) not .add(first).add(second).add(third)
20:04:10fowlgradha, typedefs dont use kind as the second entry, kind isthe third entry, not sure what the second entry is
20:04:30fowlso the typedef example doesnt belong there
20:05:01gradhaweird, I recall looking at the AST to get that
20:05:34fowlyour example is right, but out of place
20:06:01gradhawhy? it shows one example where kind is used, one where kind is empty
20:06:05fowland it says "type definition without kind" its misleading, the kind is the tuple type
20:06:41*Mat3-brb is now known as Mat3
20:06:46fowlkind is not empty...
20:06:48gradhawell, I'm refering to the macro's parameter names, not to their meaning, maybe the parameter should change as well?
20:07:15gradhabasically, ``kind`` is previous to last node, ``default`` is lat
20:07:18fowlgradha, the second entry in nnkTypeDef is not "kind"
20:07:37fowlright, for nnkIdentDefs
20:08:17gradhatrue, need to look at that again
20:09:02fowli wouldnt use a tuple for that example, there cant be a default value for it
20:09:13fowluse function parameters or var/let
20:09:50fowlthough you can have tuple[x: int = 4] in AST, it wont compile
20:11:01fowli used that in enet_pkt_utils so you can specify default values (genPacket(Foo, tuple[x: int = 4, y: string = "foo"])) but you have to remove them before you emit that code
20:14:15BitPuffinEXetoC: are they free?
20:14:26fowlgradha, while you're doing stuff in macros.nim you should make the default `params` for newProc be [newEmptyNode()]
20:15:07gradhafowl: I'm only doing doc stuff nobody cares about, that sounds code related
20:15:42fowlmeh you should just do it while you're in there
20:16:14Mat3Araq: ok, my idea is to parse directly from a stream of tokens, whereby each token act as function which reparses the stream independently to get there parameters (and mapping there state to stream as result). This way parsing can be reduced to token seperation and because the syntax is now an direct application of the different token functions this approach leads to new opportunities for syntax rules (which I need to explore before
20:16:14Mat3implementation of course)
20:16:14gradhaI don't mind doing that in a different PR
20:16:25*zielmicha quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)
20:17:17gradhafowl: won't your change break lots of code?
20:17:49gradhafowl: changing the default parameter value
20:18:34gradhathat second full stop doesn't look convincing
20:19:22EXetoCBitPuffin: yes
20:20:29fowlgradha, currently if you dont pass at least [newEmptyNode()] for params the compiler segfault
20:21:20gradhafowl: so maybe add a docstring note that the minimum nodes for params is 1?
20:21:52fowlthat is already there
20:22:06BitPuffinEXetoC: no u
20:22:23gradhaI'll throw in an assert params.len > 0
20:22:30fowlyou're killing me
20:23:02BitPuffinkids these days
20:23:21gradhaI rarely kill people, so don't know if it's good or bad
20:23:47AraqMat3: well as usual I have some rather vague idea of what you're talking about. However, if parsing Nimrod already scratches on your (insane) code size limitations there is little help for the rest of the language to work. For instance overloading resolution too is now 1200 lines of code...
20:24:04EXetoCso let the assert enforce that :p
20:24:15gradhafowl: asserts are cool, sprinkle some
20:24:22EXetoCdamn right
20:24:47fowlgradha, maybe you should also assert that the first item is not an ident def, and that the rest of the items ARE ident defs
20:25:08gradhayes, but loops and asserts are weird
20:25:20*dymk quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
20:26:58EXetoCAraq: of course it must fit on any embedded system currently in use :p
20:28:27Mat3Araq: Its an complete different approach to parsing than the current code-base, so no problem so far - I just need to explore the limitations right now and will ask you at demand. If langauges like Pascal can be handled this way I have hope Nimrod's syntax can also (more or less)
20:28:48Mat3^languages, it's
20:38:31gradhaAraq: updated https://gist.github.com/gradha/8060490
20:41:18EXetoCgradha: weird how? sure, it might do nothing if assertions are compiled out, but it shouldn't be a big deal
20:41:59gradhaEXetoC: I find it weird that asserts are declarative, but loops are imperative, if that makes any sense
20:46:36*xenagi joined #nimrod
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20:52:01EXetoCI don't know if one should look at it differently compared to any other statements
20:54:59*Mat3 http://www.infoq.com/presentations/power-144-chip
20:55:38AraqMat3: watched it live :P
20:55:57Mat3well, nice task I think
20:56:04Mat3sorry talk
20:57:50*dymk quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
20:58:18EXetoCgradha: and what if the loop is hidden behind a call to reduce? does that make a difference somehow?
21:00:56*dymk joined #nimrod
21:02:05NimBotAraq/Nimrod master 89c00f5 Billingsly Wetherfordshire [+0 ±1 -0]: Update macros.nim
21:02:05NimBotAraq/Nimrod master 9da7a0f Andreas Rumpf [+0 ±1 -0]: Merge pull request #768 from fowlmouth/patch-2... 2 more lines
21:02:46NimBotAraq/Nimrod master 86382db Grzegorz Adam Hankiewicz [+0 ±1 -0]: Replaces PDoc with var TRstGenerator for documentation.... 3 more lines
21:02:46NimBotAraq/Nimrod master 2fe78ca Grzegorz Adam Hankiewicz [+0 ±1 -0]: Adds missing ``code-block`` to macros' docstrings.
21:02:46NimBotAraq/Nimrod master 6fa4a1c Grzegorz Adam Hankiewicz [+0 ±1 -0]: Adds some docstrings to rstgen.
21:02:46NimBotAraq/Nimrod master ce0d979 Grzegorz Adam Hankiewicz [+0 ±1 -0]: Updates idetools docs after changes by #743.
21:02:46NimBot2 more commits.
21:05:32*Mat3 left #nimrod ("http://quassel-irc.org - Chat comfortably. Anywhere.")
21:15:29*bstrie joined #nimrod
21:21:24OrionPKMdom96 you should export strtabs from jester
21:21:41OrionPKMseriously ambiguous errors if you forget to import it :P
21:25:13AraqOrionPKM: your json patch looks good, but it's my chance to get the docgen documented so ...
21:25:21EXetoCgradha: ok do that then
21:25:27AraqI'll accept it if you document it :P
21:26:00VarriountAraq, what kind of windows compatibility are you aiming for?
21:26:03OrionPKMaccept it, and I'll submit another PR for documentation araq
21:26:50VarriountI mean, in terms of minimum windows version needed to use parts of nimrod
21:26:54dom96OrionPKM: good idea, but that's just a workaround to a 'bind' bug.
21:27:28AraqVarriount: well I test it on win xp from time to time
21:27:34*filwit joined #nimrod
21:27:38Araqhey filwit!
21:27:47filwithey Araq
21:27:56Araqhi bstrie welcome
21:27:59filwitone sec, brb
21:28:19NimBotAraq/Nimrod master 7dc120e Erik O'Leary [+0 ±3 -0]: Added jsondoc compiler switch... 2 more lines
21:28:19NimBotAraq/Nimrod master fe60171 Andreas Rumpf [+0 ±3 -0]: Merge pull request #742 from onionhammer/master... 2 more lines
21:29:12OrionPKMdom96 ahh wasnt aware
21:29:42Araqwell now that the compiler likes json, we should make it generate json for the error messages and the suggest stuff too
21:31:59*zielmicha joined #nimrod
21:38:12OrionPKMaraq did you just want it added to the nimrodc/user guide documentation?
21:38:44OrionPKMI'll add it in when i get home from work, made a reminder for myself
21:42:36Araqplease create a separate document for it
21:42:44Araqexplaining doc vs. doc2
21:43:04Araqproviding some examples and linking to gradha's RST reference
21:45:22bstrieAraq: hello
21:47:53EXetoC(•̪●) (•̪●)
21:56:33gradhawow, now I have an RST reference
21:57:17OrionPKMdom96 I think a temporary workaround would actually be ok, given how simple it is, no?
21:57:18*MFlamer quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
21:57:39dom96OrionPKM: sure, make a PR
21:58:25*MFlamer joined #nimrod
21:59:15filwithey folks
21:59:25dom96hey filwit, sup?
21:59:45filwitdom96, i noticed you did a bit of refactoring of the main repo?
21:59:58filwiti think i remember that, moved some package into babel or something?
22:00:27dom96filwit: it was mostly fowl that did the work IIRC
22:00:52filwitoh, cool
22:01:06filwitanyways, I just had a bit of time to work on some nimrod stuff
22:01:35filwiti've been really busy with other things, but have been plotting out some stuff for my project
22:02:03VarriountApparently Windows has a "Magazine not present" error
22:02:08filwiti tried to do some tests earlier, with delegates, but I can't make something happen..
22:03:32filwitbasically, in my code i'll wind up with a bunch of "proc something(this:T)", but i'll be wanting to call them like: var p: pointer; something(p)
22:04:12fowlwtf is magazine not present
22:04:20gradhait's to shot users
22:04:39filwitactually, no wait, i believe i fixed this problem the last time i thought about it.. damn, nevermind
22:11:02filwitoh, btw, does {.noInit.} matter on procs which only "return" and never use "result"?
22:11:48OrionPKMyou mean does it affect procs that return void?
22:12:58filwitno i mean does it initialize var (result) even if that var isn't present in the function?
22:13:09fowlfilwit, check the generated c
22:13:23filwitAraq: yeah to what?
22:13:30Araqbut I'd rather fix the compiler than make you write {.noinit.} everywhere
22:13:55Araqin fact, don't write noInit and make a bug report instead
22:14:11Araqby the time your code is ready, so will be the compiler :P
22:14:38OrionPKMdeprecating noinit?
22:15:10filwitOrionPKM: no, it's still relevant for procs which use 'result'
22:15:25filwitAraq: okay, i will make a report :)
22:15:28OrionPKMis it?
22:15:54filwitps. i started a few sketches for the mascot, but nothing i'm too proud of yet
22:16:04OrionPKMif the user declares a result variable, then dont make a result variable. if they use a result variable but dont declare it, make a result variable
22:16:06filwitstill trying to characterize him a bit
22:17:11filwitOrionPKM: yeah, that's what the bug report is going to be about :)
22:17:45OrionPKMyeah but what do you need noinit for afte rthat
22:17:54filwitoh wait, i see what you're saying
22:18:00OrionPKMalso, bucky badger is already the mascot
22:18:10OrionPKMjust rip it off
22:18:39filwitoh, you guys already made the mascot? okay, cool
22:18:49filwiti've been out of the loop for awhile
22:18:55fowl noooo
22:18:57OrionPKMoh, it's the honey badger :P
22:18:58fowlthats some W team
22:19:14filwitah, right, just took another look at him
22:19:20OrionPKMUW madison
22:19:22filwityou mean just base the graphics off him
22:19:29gradhaAraq: I don't understand https://github.com/Araq/Nimrod/issues/720, TChannel is presumably in system/channels, which is automatically imported
22:20:34filwitI was trying to iconify this guys face a bit: http://ngm.nationalgeographic.com/ngm/0409/feature6/images/ft_hdr.6.jpg
22:20:59filwitand put it on a body similar to that image you sent
22:25:18dom96I'm not sure about the honey badger anymore.
22:25:28dom96Bitcoin seems to be adopting it as their mascot
22:26:31filwitdidn't Bitcoin just get outlawed in China or something?
22:28:08fowldom96, search for bitcoin mascot says that the alpaca is the mascot
22:28:57dom96yes, but you also get this: http://i.imgur.com/YMqrrDJ.jpg
22:30:07gradhabitcoin was made by a japanese, therefore the mascot is pikachu
22:54:25*filwit quit (Quit: Leaving)
23:14:42gradhagood night, honey badgers
23:14:46*gradha quit (Quit: bbl, need to watch http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dEf4PJZXBxA again)
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