<< 22-10-2019 >>

00:18:24FromGitter<Willyboar> @xmonader i can't wait to test day 18 project
00:18:52FromGitter<Willyboar> I hope to finish my static gen soon
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00:33:38FromDiscord<krab4t> krux02_ no, i mean this https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=1Zst and this https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=1Zss
00:34:33krux02_krab4t: a value of type bool cannot become nil
00:34:45krux02_the default value is false.
00:35:05krux02_bool is not a reference type.
00:35:10krux02_that that is a good thing
00:35:55krux02_a referece is a pointer, takes 8 bytes (64 bits), a bool is usually stored in one byte, adding a poiter indirection would be a lot of overhead.
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00:41:08disrupteki have a dog with nil bools; kind of an odd duck.
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00:45:40FromDiscord<krab4t> what
01:03:31*theelous3 quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
01:19:58disruptekcrash your compiler with only 25 characters: https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/issues/12480
01:22:43disruptekgah, i guess you only really need `return`.
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01:38:19FromDiscord<k1tt3hk4t> very cool
01:44:18*alexander92 quit (Ping timeout: 268 seconds)
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02:46:52shashlick@disruptek - just trying out bump - it just returns 0.0.0
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02:54:33*pbb quit (Quit: http://quassel-irc.org - Chat comfortably. Anywhere.)
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04:36:18leorizeanyone with good pcre skills?
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05:06:40FromGitter<baby0o01999> hello all
05:06:54FromGitter<baby0o01999> 10/5000 ⏎ I have a weird problem
05:07:04FromGitter<baby0o01999> hallo.nims(26, 12) Error: cannot generate VM code for ptr string
05:07:12FromGitter<baby0o01999> let ws2 = loadLib(ws2dll) ⏎ echo ws2
05:07:25FromGitter<baby0o01999> What is the problem
05:08:20FromGitter<baby0o01999> And this error:
05:08:26FromGitter<baby0o01999> let t1 = "Hello" ⏎ var ⏎ t2 = t1 ⏎ t3 : pointer = addr(t2) ⏎ echo repr([ptr string]) ... [https://gitter.im/nim-lang/Nim?at=5dae8ecae886fb5aa2d28429]
05:08:49FromGitter<baby0o01999> All errors related to VM
05:09:40FromGitter<baby0o01999> Is there anyone here?
05:10:16FromDiscord<Rika> It's a slow day
05:11:47FromGitter<baby0o01999> en
05:13:46*lbartoletti is now known as lbart
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05:25:43FromDiscord<Rika> Question, do you really need ptr and addr for this?
05:26:53leorizebaby0o01999: please wrap your code in a codeblock, like this: `\`\`\`code goes here\`\`\``
05:27:16leorizelol it doesn't render as I expected :p
05:27:48leorizebasically quote the output with ``` (triple back-ticks)
05:51:14*fanta1 quit (Quit: fanta1)
05:55:40leorizedisruptek, narimiran: I've worked a bit on nim.nvim syntax file, and now you can configure the string quotes to be highlighted differently from the string itself
05:56:05leorizethe highlighting group for them is `nimQuote` and `nimTripleQuote`
06:05:12Zevvaw I missed the scifi discussion :(
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06:08:28Zevvcan someone remove the 2nd post on the forum "How to write static function inside a type???", it changed into spam
06:09:40narimiranZevv: done
06:10:20narimiranleorize: i've updated last evening, i hadn't had the time to see what is new
06:22:37*PMunch joined #nim
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06:31:54Zevvto narimiran for taking down the spam
06:32:43PMunchYeah, I was more curious as to why you chose the word "takk" :P
06:32:59PMunchMeans thank you in the Scandinavian languages
06:33:02ZevvWell, "tusen takk" is a bit overkill for removing a post from a forum, don't you think?
06:33:11Zevvit's not like, I washed my car, or something
06:33:16Zevvlike /he/ washed
06:33:30PMunchHaha, well we tend to use tusen takk for even minor things
06:33:38ZevvFunny lads
06:33:47PMunchTakk is a bit short, might sound like you just exhaled sharply at someone
06:33:57narimiran(i knew 'takk' was 'thank you' in danish, so i understood Zevv)
06:34:17Zevvif you *really* mean it, spell them out individually, all thousand of them!
06:34:31PMunchWell, easier to do with copy-paste
06:34:38Zevvuse a pastebin!
06:36:21PMunchIf anyone started getting curious what a thousand takks would actually look like
06:37:14Zevvmakes you go silent, right? Now, after all these years, you *do* realize the impact of these words that are spoken so easily.
06:37:23narimiranPMunch: sounds like a semi-broken clock
06:37:40PMunchRuns half as fast as a regular one
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06:53:32*Romanson quit (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
06:54:51FromDiscord<mratsim> I'm back 🙂
07:00:00*gmpreussner quit (Quit: kthxbye)
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07:19:41leorizenarimiran: well the new "feature" let you color the `"` (quote) around strings with a different color than the string itself
07:19:58leorizepretty handy if you look at piece of strings like """""""""
07:49:06lqdev[m]so we have quite a bit of math homework from ranges and I don't feel like doing it
07:50:01lqdev[m]I'll just write a parser in npeg that'll solve it for me ;)
07:50:33leorizehow can a match homework be solved with a parser? :p
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08:31:59FromDiscord<kodkuce> so now shared gc works or still figuring out?
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08:47:57lqdev[m]leorize: I'm too lazy to do all the range intersections and whatnot, and as an exercise, I'll create a small language that parses sets and ranges and spits out a nice result
08:49:44leorizethe language is known as wolfram alpha :P
08:50:46leorizebut there aren't any harm spinning your own :)
08:50:48leorizehave fun
08:51:21FromDiscord<mratsim> You can use one of the Python ISL backend (Integer Set Library), I have an example Nim one: https://github.com/mratsim/nim-isl#example
08:52:05FromDiscord<mratsim> it's very esoteric though (even though it's being used in LLVM for polyhedral compilation)
08:52:08lqdev[m]naah using wolfram alpha is kinda cheating, you're not really learning anything new
08:52:37lqdev[m]mratsim: by the name I assume it only supports integer sets?
08:52:58FromDiscord<mratsim> that includes ranges
08:53:13FromDiscord<mratsim> it's used to create infer for loops from 1 to N
08:53:20FromDiscord<mratsim> and nested for loops
08:53:31lqdev[m]I need more than that, we're dealing with real numbers
08:53:53FromDiscord<mratsim> it's probably the most complex C lib I had to read, just by virtue of having memory management every other lines :/
08:54:14FromDiscord<mratsim> ah
08:54:50FromDiscord<mratsim> well, anyway when I tried to port that lib in pure Nim so that I could use it at compile-time, I wrote the parser part, see tests: https://github.com/mratsim/hydra/blob/master/tests/test_sets.nim
08:54:53lqdev[m]well, I'll see what I need and implement it somehow
08:56:10FromDiscord<mratsim> and then not sure what you want at the end but you probably need either a linear programming solver or a constraint programming solver
08:57:05livcdmratsim: is coffeepots still working for Status?
08:57:28lqdev[m]nah, not really
08:57:33lqdev[m]I already have an idea in mind
08:58:01FromDiscord<mratsim> no, he had a startup as well and decided to focus on it, as both were too time-consuming
08:59:09FromDiscord<mratsim> ah sorry I'm confusing with alehander42
08:59:42livcdi am using the mssql lib in nim he created
08:59:44FromDiscord<mratsim> well maybe coffeepots has a startup as well
09:00:01livcdhave not seen him committing in GH for some time
09:01:33FromDiscord<mratsim> I'm not sure what he is doing now unfortunately.
09:01:46livcdhmm ok
09:03:11FromGitter<gogolxdong> json module refactor missed https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=1ZtD
09:03:36FromGitter<gogolxdong> for js backend.
09:03:42livcdthis is the danger of using a niche technology when you cannot pull your own weight
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09:26:11FromDiscord<Rokari> Hey guys, I was recently toying with the possible implementations of interfaces in Nim and came up with something similar to what standard stream library uses, but with private closure implementations while maintaining the ability to implement interface in different module. If anyone is interested, I might share.
09:28:50leorizedebugging nimsuggest on neovim: https://asciinema.org/a/ATledWXN11WTnddTsYR4BK87A
09:29:31leorizenarimiran: ^ neovim's new termdebug is nice
09:31:30narimiranthat's some next-level shit
09:31:42narimirantoo advanced for me
09:32:02Zevvluckily we have leorize
09:32:39Zevvhe proved to be unafraid more then once
09:33:32narimiranand i'm like "i know my way around vim, i know how to delete a paragraph or record some macro"
09:39:03leorizeit's heavily documented :P
09:39:07leorize:h :Termdebug
09:39:17leorizeas long as you know how to use gdb, you'll be fine with this
09:39:32*narimiran will not be fine
09:39:48FromGitter<baby0o01999> @leorize My problem has been solved. Thank you
09:43:08leorizenarimiran: at least you know how to debug nimsuggest highlighting issues now :P
09:43:34narimiranmhm, yeah :P
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11:12:23ZevvWhat CI should I chose these days if I want to start something new, travis, azure, others?
11:13:47Araqit's the fastest and supports all 3 major OSes
11:15:23jkenunpopular opinion, gitlab!
11:23:24livcdgogolxdong: You are in Shenzhen right ? Where would you recommend me to stay ? What part of the city ?
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11:26:50Zevvok thanks
11:32:14FromGitter<gogolxdong> Nanshan District,it has Tencent ,Da Jiang
11:33:02livcdfor vacation i mean :D
11:38:17FromGitter<gogolxdong> do you have a plan?
11:39:04livcdnot really..I have 3 weeks of vacation and wanted to spend them in Asia. So maybe 2 weeks for china as a whole and the rest will be in Taiwan and SEA
11:40:14livcdI am going to Thailand today
11:40:17livcdin a few hours
11:40:44FromGitter<gogolxdong> Nanshan District, it has Shenzhen Bay Park.
11:42:53FromGitter<gogolxdong> if you have two weeks, I suggest Shenzhen, Shanghai, Beijng, xi'an, Chengdu
11:43:37livcdsounds good
11:45:11livcdit's weird i cant reach weibo profiles...it redirects to passport.weibo.com but when i go to the mobile site it works...
11:46:38FromGitter<gogolxdong> firewall redirection? donno
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11:47:26FromGitter<gogolxdong> do you need some help?
11:49:59livcdill get in touch in Shenzhen thanks!
11:50:45FromGitter<gogolxdong> do you speak Chinese?
11:51:52FromGitter<gogolxdong> doesn't matter
11:56:41FromGitter<gogolxdong> the cities I suggest is in geomitrycally unclockwise . it's also a long journey, you have to by plane to save time
11:57:08FromGitter<gogolxdong> geographically
11:59:18livcdi was supposed to go to Dalian to meet my colleague
12:00:47FromGitter<gogolxdong> it's not far from Beijing
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12:26:21clyybberAraq: Ping, https://irclogs.nim-lang.org/21-10-2019.html#20:11:30
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12:31:41Araqclyybber, yes, dunno if that's a bug or desired
12:31:44AraqZevv, https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/pull/12485
12:31:48Araqsee you later.
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12:48:44jkenCan I store a seq of types that match a given concept?
12:49:03jkenOr is there another construct aside from seq that allows mixed but like types?
12:51:09Zevvsweet araq, will test
12:54:08FromGitter<mratsim> @jken not until vtables are implemented
12:58:30clyybberjken: What types? Are they all ref types?
13:00:05jkenclyybber, they are
13:00:25jkenI basically want an array of "things" that implement an "interface" (concept)
13:01:22FromGitter<mratsim> You can use inheritance at the moment
13:02:39jkenCan you give me a quick example of how to do that with inheritance? I went the concept route because I couldn't figure that out
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13:08:14clyybberjken: You make every object you want to use inherit something, like `of RootObj`
13:08:24clyybberAnd then you create a `seq[RootObj]`
13:08:45jkenI had tried that yesterday and ran into issues, ill try again
13:11:49narimiranjken: https://nim-lang.github.io/Nim/tut2.html#object-oriented-programming
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13:23:33jkenThis is the issue I was running into: https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=1Zuz
13:23:38jkenCan anyone tell me what I am doing wrong?
13:27:05alexander92mratsim is right
13:28:27clyybberalexander92: Thats what he is doing in that snippet
13:28:33clyybberI can't figure it out either
13:29:08alexander92how is default fields going btw
13:30:05clyybberCan't bootstrap atm some weird bug. And I need to do a bit more transformations in transf.nim.
13:30:29clyybbers/atm/atm due to
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13:33:25jkenwell glad its not just me i guess :/
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13:36:59clyybberkrux02: There is an assignment operator.
13:38:05krux02I tried to overload `=`
13:38:08krux02didn't work
13:38:15krux02I think it is something experimental
13:41:17clyybberIts used for destructors
13:41:25clyybberand newruntime
13:41:53clyybberIts a type bound op, like =destroy and =sink
13:44:06krux02ah, yes, I forgot that part.
13:44:30krux02but the new runtime isn't active by default yet.
13:45:02clyybberYou can still use `=` though
13:45:09clyybberand `=destroy`
13:45:25clyybberI think..
13:48:43FromGitter<mratsim> @krux02 tell @Araq last time I said that he said that it should work
13:54:20clyybberWhat isn't working?
13:56:20clyybberLike do you have a snippet?
14:00:10FromDiscord<galen> Is there a preferred "build system" to use with nim? I've seen https://github.com/fowlmouth/nake. Is this one common or are others more common?
14:00:26disruptekshashlick: which version?
14:03:40disrupteki'm not aware of any bugs and the last release should be even better behaved.
14:05:21shashlickI pulled day before
14:06:35clyybberkrux02: See my reply on github
14:10:23disruptekoh, you need to update for emojial reasons.
14:11:09disruptekthe tool to change one line in a file already has 11 releases.
14:11:49disrupteki'm one proud papa.
14:11:56clyybberthe real reason we got utf8 is this
14:15:53jkenIs it possible to convert the string produced by name(typedesc) back to that typedesc?
14:19:35*abm quit (Quit: Leaving)
14:24:37Yardanico@galen Nimble (you can write your tasks using NimScript for it) :)
14:26:11YardanicoNake is better in the sense that you can use Nim (not NimScript) for writing tasks
14:26:51disruptekleorize: seems like syntax highlighting is more "stable", if that makes sense. you only fixed the """"""" thing? or something else?
14:31:27FromDiscord<galen> Ah right, will look into it yardanico
14:34:49clyybberjken: With a macro probably
14:35:12clyybberYou can do newIdentNode
14:35:48jkenclyybber, I was thinking I could solve my problem by storing layers in a table where the key is the typedesc and the value is the actual type, and then I could cast the value to the key
14:35:54jkenbut tables cant store typedescs
14:37:28clyybberyeah, typedesc is a compile-time only construct
14:37:59*PMunch quit (Remote host closed the connection)
14:38:03jkenright, so if I store the type names as strings, I need a way to get that string back to the type so I can cast
14:38:11jkenprobably a terrible idea.
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14:38:39clyybberSounds like it :p
14:40:26*shadowbane quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
14:42:29jkenThis is the only other approach I could come up with
14:42:45jkenStore the procs for a layer on the Layer type, and avoid concepts and inheritence all together.
14:43:30jkenfeels less desirable though
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14:47:25clyybberjken: Can you try your inheritance example with --multiMethods:on ?
14:48:04leorizedisruptek: basically I now parse strings the way the compiler does
14:48:22leorizethe "fix" I made for your bug was a walkaround
14:48:36leorizethis time it's guaranteed to be correct
14:48:44jkenclyybber, same results with --multiMethods:on passed to nim c
14:48:55clyybberHmm, ok.
14:49:07clyybberI'd say report it. Seems like a bug to me.
14:49:18leorizedisruptek: also you can now highlight the start and end quotes of a string
14:49:24jkenIt calls the right method is i cast it to the right thing in my for loop, but I can't do that dynamicall
14:50:01clyybberYeah, jken can you try defining update for layer? And just make it echo something and see if it gets called in the end.
14:50:32jkenclyybber, thats what I did here: https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=1ZuB
14:50:39jkenIt gets called with or without multiMethods:on
14:51:00jkenoh wait
14:51:05jkenif i make those procs methods, it works!
14:51:19jkenand only with multiMethods:on
14:51:24disruptekleorize: yeah, it's noticeably improved, great job.
14:51:56clyybberjken: Oh, damn. Yeah of course. I was thinking they were already methods, but didn't look hard enough I guess :)
14:51:58disruptekyeah, i find that methods don't answer to the name `proc` unless you also yell and point.
14:52:27jkenclyybber, not sure I understand how that works fully, but now I have somewhere to start :D thanks
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14:53:43clyybberjken: Basically methods do dynamic dispatch. Meaning they decide who will be called at runtime.
14:53:52clyybberProcs don't do that. Procs only do it at compile time
14:54:05jkenah, okay. That makes sense.
14:55:34*Hideki_ quit (Remote host closed the connection)
15:00:11FromGitter<brentp> seems like zip is not able to handle archives > 4.2GB. is that correct?
15:00:47FromDiscord<mratsim> @brentp, maybe you need one built with int64?
15:03:17FromGitter<brentp> looks like I need to pass: ZIP_CM_DEFLATE64, but the interface does not allow it
15:04:05clyybberAraq: Hmm, one problem that appears when transforming `Obj(d: 1, v: 1)` to `let tmp = Obj(); tmp.d = 1; tmp.v = 1` is with case objects, as a field could be the discriminator.
15:04:52FromGitter<brentp> ```code paste, see link``` [https://gitter.im/nim-lang/Nim?at=5daf1a93e886fb5aa2d6a8c8]
15:09:40disruptekhmm, nimQuote is helpful. i think just making it italic is enough.
15:09:41FromGitter<brentp> https://github.com/nim-lang/zip/issues/48
15:10:15disruptek4.2g outta be enough for anybody.
15:13:53Yardanico30 qubits outta be enough for anybody :P
15:14:58FromGitter<brentp> hrmph
15:19:46clyybberAraq: AFAICT though I could introduce a flag to evade that error, since I know it is correct. And as a sideeffect that would also allow non-const expressions to be passed to the discriminator.
15:20:40clyybberThe other way to solve this is to inject the default field values into the object constructor, which gets a bit messy implementation wise with case objects.
15:22:10*PMunch joined #nim
15:22:47FromGitter<alehander42> mratsim, i am just working in a startup, not really "have" it
15:22:54FromGitter<alehander42> disruptek, no
15:22:57FromGitter<alehander42> i dont really have time
15:23:10FromGitter<alehander42> these days, but i like to see experimentation in that area
15:23:14FromGitter<alehander42> (the syntax cliff comment)
15:27:11Araqclyybber: tranform nkCheckedFieldAccess to nkDotExpr?
15:32:31clyybberYeah that should work.
15:34:41clyybberAraq: Hmm afaict I'm not using nkCheckedFieldAccess anywhere
15:35:58clyybberAnd I still get the Error: assignment to discriminant changes object branch thing.
15:36:08Araqthen the backend shouldn't be concerned about the safety
15:36:47clyybberOk, should the backend check that only with nkCheckedFieldAccess?
15:44:15disruptekleorize: so nimQuote includes generalized raw string literals. is that a feature? /ident"/someVariable/"/ i can't decide if i like it. 😁
15:44:40clyybbermratsim: Welcome back! Btw have you seen the news that ADAM was wrongly implemented in pytorch?
15:44:45leorizedisruptek: there's a PR pending for nimsuggest to highlight that part :P
15:45:14disruptekit's sorta neat looking.
15:45:19clyybbermratsim: Does arraymancer or laser also implement Adam?
15:45:25disrupteki think it's a win.
15:45:49FromDiscord<mratsim> @Clyybber you're late by 10 mins: https://github.com/mratsim/Arraymancer/issues/392
15:46:16clyybberhuh, nice
15:47:17leorizedisruptek: if you like distinct styling, feel free to make a PR to add nimRawQuote :P
15:48:08disruptektoo lazy, but i guess i can enjoy these for awhile longer. 😀
15:48:36FromDiscord<mratsim> AFAIK I used the same equation as Tensorflow instead of copy-pasting from either Tensorflow or PyTorch so I don't think I'm affected: https://github.com/mratsim/Arraymancer/blob/master/src/nn/optimizers/optimizers.nim#L202 @Clyybber
15:49:02leorizedisruptek: or merge this one and enjoy proper highlighting: https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/pull/12484
15:49:14clyybberYeah, I just checked your code, looks like you are correct
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15:50:47leorizedisruptek: it'll look like this: https://asciinema.org/a/ATledWXN11WTnddTsYR4BK87A?t=3:34 (see the right split)
15:51:52disruptekwhen i fullscreen that page and move my pointer to the scrubber, it goes away. then it comes back as soon as i move away from it. 🤣
15:53:24leorizenext time I should record a smaller terminal
15:54:09disruptekneovim supports embedded terminals, right?
15:56:06disruptekdo you use it?
15:56:22leorizeI don't
15:57:04leorizewell I do use it in the form of `termdebug`, but no more than that
15:57:38*lqdev joined #nim
15:57:50lqdevjeez, the matrix homeserver sucks
15:58:19lqdevanyways, what does this mean? https://termbin.com/f56l I can't find the culprit just by looking at it
15:58:26disruptekcould have golding giving me timing information in a terminal as i write the code. that could be interesting.
15:58:30disruptekgolden, too.
15:58:40lqdevit happens when a ton of clients join at the same time
15:59:01leorizelqdev: did you iterate and add/remove things from a seq?
15:59:35clyybbergolden ding == golding
15:59:41disruptekthis is the same problem zedeus is having; see the expose processClient PR for discussion.
16:00:04disruptekbut, yes, your code could be fixed more easily.
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16:07:25lqdevleorize: yes, but I don't remove them in the iterator
16:07:37lqdevI mean, I use countdown(x.len - 1, 0)
16:07:46lqdevand then x.delete(i) inside of the loop
16:08:50*couven92 quit (Quit: Client disconnecting)
16:09:28disruptekwell, don't do that.
16:09:38disruptekotherwise, the assertion in stdlib will trip and crash your server.
16:09:53lqdevdisruptek: I'm not using x.items.
16:10:46lqdevsee: https://github.com/liquid600pgm/shitchat/blob/master/src/server.nim#L24
16:10:48disrupteksomeone is.
16:11:18lqdevI'll double-check my code
16:11:44Araqlqdev: x.len is evaluated only once, when the loop starts
16:11:55Araqso you need to use a while loop
16:12:27lqdevah, right
16:12:43lqdevbut it shouldn't cause a problem in this case shouldn't it?
16:12:53lqdevmaybe it's the async part that trips it up
16:12:57disrupteklooking at your code, it looks okay to me.
16:13:07disruptekwhat does countdown do behind the scenes?
16:14:15lqdevdisruptek: nothing special, https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/blob/devel/lib/system.nim#L2657
16:14:46disruptekah, that loop isn't the problem.
16:15:16lqdevI don't use `del` or `delete` anywhere else in the code
16:15:50Araqping Zevv
16:16:06disruptekput some debugging in. i think it's more likely elsewhere and maybe even unrelated.
16:16:34disruptekand note that the line number is for the while loop, not the for.
16:16:40disruptekso to speak.
16:19:10federico3https://stackshare.io/nim any stackshare user?
16:20:08jkenThe more I try, the more I can't understand how some of you don't end up moving yoru types into a single types.nim file
16:24:32disruptekjust try to remember that araq likes trees but more general graphs or symlinks.
16:24:41disruptek^but hates
16:34:24clyybberAraq: When I compare the s field of indents is it already case normalized?
16:40:03ZevvAraq: hello
16:42:51ZevvI just found out that even hello world has this problem on "araq-vm-improvements", I probably am missing something
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17:09:00lqdevregarding the VM… how hard is it to embed into an application and how bulky is it (in terms of executable size and performance)?
17:09:47disruptekgood question, please send me a minimal example if you come up with one. will make a good benchmark.
17:13:12YardanicoThere's this example https://github.com/Serenitor/embeddedNimScript
17:16:41shashlick@lqdev - can you please check your wrappers with nimterop#head?
17:17:06lqdevshashlick: sure
17:17:40FromGitter<xmonader> @Willyboar feel free to pull nim-servy repo and try it out ^_^
17:18:05*lqdev quit (Remote host closed the connection)
17:21:29shashlick@mratsim - i see your nim-isl wrapper has a big cOverride as well, if you could check as well
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17:23:51FromGitter<Willyboar> @xmonader i do when i finished with my static blog gen.
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17:25:00FromGitter<xmonader> Hope you document its process so it becomes a resource for nim developers @Willyboar
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17:25:58FromGitter<Willyboar> No, i am newbie i try nim around 2 weeks. I think my code would be extremely bad.
17:27:10FromGitter<xmonader> I'm still a beginner as well, but limiting myself to a subset of nim. Also you can ask the guys to review your code here or on the forum. they wouldn't mind
17:28:13lqdevshashlick: https://termbin.com/080t
17:28:18FromGitter<Willyboar> Well, I'll post the repo here when i will finish it
17:29:25FromGitter<Willyboar> I hope this happens in the next couple of days
17:29:26FromGitter<Willyboar> :)
17:30:09FromGitter<xmonader> Good luck mate!
17:30:39FromGitter<Willyboar> Thank you! I will need it :)
17:33:29shashlick@lqdev - not able to open termbin from work
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17:37:35FromGitter<xmonader> @Araq when can we expect your compilers book?
17:38:26shashlick@lqdev - did you use nim c or nim check
17:43:21lqdevshashlick: nim check
17:43:39lqdevalso, what can you open at work? ix?
17:44:27shashlicki got through from my phone
17:44:30shashlickix is also blocked
17:44:48shashlickby the way, did you check my response to https://github.com/nimterop/nimterop/issues/144
17:45:35shashlicknim check is no longer the same
17:46:08shashlick@Araq - what all is disabled in `nim check` since 1.0? I couldn't find any PR or issue
17:47:02Araqbut there was
17:47:16AraqstaticExec is turned into ""
17:47:46Araqand that's about it
17:48:30clyybberAraq: How should I compare idents?
17:48:47clyybbers/compare/check for equality
17:48:56Araq.id == .id
17:49:13Araqbut why do you need to do it?
17:49:26lqdevshashlick: but not doing anything in `nim check` will disable wrapper genearation no?
17:49:36lqdevor do you mean running toast?
17:49:45lqdevand generating the wrapper
17:50:47clyybberAraq: To not overwrite the fields explicitly passed to the obj constructor
17:51:00clyybberMaybe checking the Syms for equality will suffice..
17:51:10clyybberI'll try both and see what works
17:52:37shashlick@Araq - gorgeEx still works
17:52:42shashlickbut writeFile fails
17:53:00shashlick@lqdev - correct, not much of a choice - you are expected to use `nim c` to do that
17:53:03Araqthat's a bug
17:53:22shashlicknim check is not expected to have side effects
17:53:38lqdevshashlick: makes sense, and it should boost performance nevertheless
17:53:53lqdevgood idea imo
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17:59:20ZevvIs there a macro in the stdlib that 'unpacks' an object into a tuple?
18:00:12disruptekcool idea.
18:01:03ZevvI have a pattern I often use: let v = somethingReturningAnObj() and then later (a, b, c) = (v.a, v.b, v.c)
18:01:52disruptekah, that sounds more like `with`, right?
18:02:22Zevvnot quite, because I still have these assignments
18:02:32Zevvusually of some elements, not all.
18:02:34leorizeZevv: there's one, lemme find it
18:03:00leorizeit's a package named unpack
18:03:26Zevvyeah like that
18:04:32ZevvDamn that's nifty. [a, b, c] <- someThing
18:04:32shashlick@disruptek - does bump require hub?
18:05:23disruptekbut if you have it, you can use `--release` to mate the new version to a new matching github release.
18:05:45disruptekZevv: and you did look at `with`, right?
18:06:11disrupteks/new version/new tag/
18:07:06shashlick@disruptek - also, bump will do the nimble file update, checkin and tagging right?
18:07:26shashlickok i'll try it for nimterop minor update soon
18:07:43disruptekit doesn't know anything about branches, though, so try to be on the right one.
18:07:53shashlicki don't like wasting versions, but thankfully numbers are infinite
18:08:03disruptekthat's kinda how i feel.
18:08:17shashlicki don't like a 0.91.1
18:08:28shashlickevery new feature i add bumps minor
18:08:53shashlickgetHeader = 0.2.0, cOverride = 0.3.0
18:09:08disrupteki swapped the -m short option to mean --minor instead of --major and i felt bad for not bumping the major. that's how pedantic i am.
18:09:54disrupteknew features /should/ bump minors.
18:09:57shashlickokay, @lqdev - can you test with `nim c` and verify if stuff still works
18:10:09shashlickwaiting to tag 0.3.0
18:10:19shashlicknimarchive and nimgit2 are working well
18:11:46disruptekshashlick: are you on windows?
18:11:55disruptekbecause it might eat your dog if you are.
18:12:27shashlicki originally tested bump on linux and just got a funny emoji followed by 0.0.0
18:12:37shashlickwas going to try on windows now but am worried now
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18:13:30disrupteki don't test windows but the code is written for children. seems very hard to believe it would produce 0.0.0.
18:17:12lqdevshashlick: yeah, things seem to be ok after `nim c`
18:17:39clyybberZevv: Another case for unifying tuples and objects
18:17:45shashlickokay good - bumping to 0.3.0
18:17:51clyybberBut maybe you can just cast the object to a tuple?
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18:18:18shashlick@lqdev - do you understand the new cOverride behavior
18:18:27disruptekclyybber: that's a feature that should exist.
18:19:05clyybberdisruptek: Why? Tuples are essentially just anonymous objects
18:19:13clyybberI read shouldn't
18:20:15disruptekyou and me, buddy.
18:20:28lqdevshashlick: yes, I just tested it and it works as expected
18:21:23disrupteklqdev: did you figure out that loop bug?
18:21:33lqdevdisruptek: nope
18:22:03lqdevregarding the SDL wrapper, I decided to revert my decision on splitting it into multiple files since you're fixing the caching anyways and even if I split it up it won't increase perf by much
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18:24:23clyybberwhat loop bug?
18:25:57clyybberping lqdev
18:26:37lqdevclyybber: async exceptions and stuff https://termbin.com/f56l
18:27:05lqdevapparently an assertion is broken somewhere but I have no idea where.
18:27:31shashlick@lqdev - i'm still not sure how to fix, depends on what Araq comes back with - but basically every proc i'll have to check if nimcheck and return
18:28:02clyybberlqdev: Is it your loop?
18:28:07clyybberOr is it the async loop?
18:28:59lqdevclyybber: likely that it's the async loop, because my code seems correct. stack traces don't point to anywhere in my code
18:29:15lqdevjust the asyncCheck and runForever in the main file
18:29:22lqdevs/the/to the/
18:30:14clyybberlqdev: Hmm, weird. I have no idea about async but if you have a loop yourself and get this error check if you are doing string slice assignments
18:30:40clyybberLike `someStringOrSeq[1..4] = someOtherStringorSeq[1..3]`
18:31:37clyybberAnd you are looping over someStringOrSeq
18:31:42lqdevclyybber: I'm not
18:32:26lqdevthe only 'dangerous' operation I'm doing is a `system.delete` in a for loop, but I verified that it's safe
18:32:48clyybberGood luck on finding the issue then :)
18:36:00disruptekwould anyone be offended by a bot that wrote new issues and PRs to the channel?
18:36:29shashlick@disruptek - bump test
18:37:07shashlicknew machine, same result
18:37:41shashlicknimgitsfu fail
18:37:57disruptekwhat version of bump?
18:38:13shashlickjust installed right now
18:38:51disruptekbuild it with -d:debug and it'll print everything it's thinking, but... maybe there's something weird with your version. i'll try bumping my copy of nimterop.
18:39:45disrupteknimgitsfu is a tough martial art, especially for a lil cli tool like this.
18:40:34*clyybber quit (Ping timeout: 268 seconds)
18:40:53disruptekah, that's the issue.
18:41:25disrupteki guess my regexp is too simple. easy fix.
18:42:08shashlickcrazy spaces
18:44:28disruptekthis actually seems like an nre bug, too.
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18:47:47disrupteksomeone get me a child; i need a code review.
18:48:08FromDiscord<kodkuce> you want to be pregnet?
18:48:31disruptekoh, i'm an idiot.
18:48:48disruptekif not line.startsWith("version = "):
18:49:25shashlick@disruptek - i'm blocked from a new nimterop minor release because of bump
18:49:31shashlicki'm going to escalate
18:50:03disrupteki guess i need to support tabs, too.
18:52:32shashlick`\s` should be enough no?
18:53:33shashlickyou should instead consider running `nimble dump` in the directory - it will print out the version for you
18:53:42shashlickno need to search and parse nimble files
18:53:44disruptektry 1.3.4. turns out, nimble allows `version=` also. so, 0-N whitespace.
18:54:39disrupteki'd still have to parse it, but i guess maybe that makes more sense.
18:54:53disruptekkinda ridiculous. 🤪
18:55:41disruptekif i can get it up to a 1mb binary by the end of the year, i'll be happy.
18:55:52disruptek<400k to go.
18:57:32*narimiran quit (Remote host closed the connection)
18:57:46disruptekoh, i guess it doesn't know about your v prefix to version tags, either. so that's probably worth another 50k to support.
18:57:51Zevvdisruptek: was it you who also hit the 'too many VM registers'?
18:58:15disruptekyeah, i need somewhere between 20 million and 40 million now. i haven't counted them all.
18:58:30disruptekhow many do you have and whaddya want for 'em?
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18:59:40Zevvthere was a fix for that, but it doens't work for me yet. Wonder if it was able to fix your issues
18:59:44disruptekactually, it's not registers, it's loop iterations that i need.
18:59:48Zevvah right
19:00:49ZevvI knew you were short of *something*
19:01:11disruptekyou don't get far in my business if you're short.
19:01:49Zevvoh I thought that was mostly anynomous and all
19:02:14disruptekno one wants to buy midget sperm. the market is soft, i mean.
19:03:02*skellock quit (Quit: WeeChat 2.6)
19:03:26disruptekyou just never know when you're gonna offend a midget on irc.
19:03:38disrupteka little goes a long way with those folks.
19:03:42*jken is offended
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19:09:44Zevvdoes that happen with you at parties too disruptek - you say something and then the whole room goes silent for minutes?
19:10:01disruptekwhat are these `parties` i keep hearing about?
19:10:49disruptekTIL zevv actually has red text on his monochrome potato, but only due to leorize's plugin.
19:12:14Zevvnope, no red here. I got green, a tad of blue and some grey and yellow. nice and easy.
19:12:57Zevvquite a lot of pixels for a vt52, no?
19:13:23disruptekyou musta taken that screenshot with an iphone.
19:13:38disrupteki feel like i recognize that wm but i can't place it.
19:14:29ZevvI was lying. This is what it really looks like usually: http://zevv.nl/div/colors2.png
19:14:40*shashlick quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
19:14:55disruptekthat's more like it.
19:15:41disruptektakes me back.
19:16:03disruptekyou can practically smell the burn as the BASIC scrolls up the screen.
19:17:13Zevvit's fun, part of xscreensaver, it's a true emulation of a CRT and can just run your usual shell
19:17:24Zevvthis guy went all the way, totally dissected the physics of a CRT and put it all in
19:17:39disruptekyeah, i know. it's amazing that guy is still working on it.
19:17:53disruptekpretty sure jwz hasn't been in the tech biz in years and years.
19:18:23narimirancalling for testers: nightlies for v1.0.2 are here: https://github.com/nim-lang/nightlies/releases/tag/2019-10-22-version-1-0-193b3c6 and if you don't report any problem in the next 12 hours, it will become the official release
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19:30:47disrupteknarimiran: don't threaten me with a good time.
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19:48:01dom96narimiran, macosx tarball has no binaries?
19:48:26Araqosx tarball is the "generic unix tarball", it's misnamed
19:48:29dom96oh I should have read the description
19:48:29Araq(since forever)
19:50:43dom96shame we don't include the changelog in the tarball
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20:06:25FromDiscord<kodkuce> dont play civ6 it sux i wasted liek 15h and it started crashing all time
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20:12:06shashlick@disruptek - okay bump isn't correct
20:12:14shashlickthe tag should be v0.3.0, not just 0.3.0
20:12:20shashlickit also lost my spaces alignment in the nimble file
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20:36:01disruptekwell, i tol' yah it'd screw up the `v`. removing the crazy spaces is a "feature".
20:36:57disrupteki guess the right thing to do is to sniff existing tags to find out if you're one of those `v` people.
20:38:41shashlicki think nimble doesn't work without v
20:39:53Araqkodkuce: play DoW 1 instead, it's great
20:40:05disrupteki never use `v`.
20:40:33disruptekmaybe that's why i have so much trouble with nimble.
20:41:08disruptekclearly, i need to add another child to my staff.
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20:46:58shashlickKids are great
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20:50:25disruptekyeah, i'm just not allowed within 150 yards of one. 🙁
20:52:39disruptekbump 1.3.5 supports crazy spaces.
20:54:33FromGitter<Willyboar> Can someone please tell me why ⏎ ``` execCmd("cd <folder>") don't work ```
20:54:43disruptekit's a shell built-in.
20:54:58disruptekuse changeDirectory() iirc. i think there's even a `cd` template?
20:56:40FromGitter<Willyboar> Ok I will test it. Thank you so much
21:07:11disruptekbump 1.4.0 supports --v to tag with a `v` prefix. weirdos.
21:07:34Araqwhat's "bump"?
21:07:53disrupteksomething that shouldn't need to exist.
21:09:39Araqso it is exactly what I thought it would be
21:09:48Araqcan we add this to Nimble please?
21:10:23disrupteki can't decide if you're kidding or not, but either way it's pretty amusing.
21:10:38AraqI'm serious
21:10:42shashlickWill it add the v to the nimble file too?
21:10:51disrupteknah, that wouldn't make any sense.
21:11:07dom96You shouldn't need the `v`
21:11:28dom96Here is the relevant code https://github.com/nim-lang/nimble/blob/master/src/nimblepkg/download.nim#L107
21:11:32disruptekif you've been using the v and you stop using it, your tags sort out of order.
21:11:35disruptekso please don't use v.
21:13:54disruptekthere should be an --undo i guess.
21:14:34shashlickThere's a nimble issue about a missing v
21:16:34disrupteki might have guessed that issue numble.
21:16:37disrupteknumber, too.
21:17:10disruptekthe issue there is mixing tags and v; as i mentioned, it breaks lexical sort.
21:17:49FromGitter<Willyboar> disruptek changeDirectory() doesn't exists ( or i am blind) , cd is nimscript and execShellCmd don't work too. :)
21:18:01disruptek16:55 < disruptek> setCurrentDir()
21:18:09*dom96 reopens the devil's issue
21:18:09disrupteki misremembered; sorry.
21:22:07*lqdev_ quit (Quit: Leaving)
21:24:58shashlickNimble is becoming a drunk - `nimble dump` and now `nimble bump`
21:25:16shashlickOr maybe it's getting sober
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21:33:56FromGitter<Willyboar> neither setCurrentDir() works
21:34:04FromGitter<Willyboar> strange
21:37:57disrupteki'm using it here: https://github.com/disruptek/bump/blob/master/bump.nim#L231
21:41:04shashlick@Willyboar what are you trying to do
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22:03:48Araqhttps://arxiv.org/pdf/1805.08639.pdf interesting stuff
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22:53:07FromGitter<Willyboar> shashlick i want to pass the shellcommand in a case argument: ⏎ ⏎ ```code paste, see link``` [https://gitter.im/nim-lang/Nim?at=5daf88537477946badb10971]
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23:34:31shashlickIs this nimscript or Nim proper
23:35:01shashlickYou can `cd x && cmd`
23:39:41FromGitter<Willyboar> Nim
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