<< 22-11-2019 >>

00:12:58madpropsso there's no key list in tables?
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01:04:44FromGitter<kayabaNerve> madprops: You can use .keys() and asSeq to get it as a seq
01:06:04FromGitter<kayabaNerve> *toSeq
01:07:45madpropsah cool
01:07:58madpropsbtw is there a way without using counters to know if it's the last iteration of a for loop?
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01:38:23FromGitter<kayabaNerve> In programming? Have the loop terminate one loop early and replicate the body after the for loop.
01:38:28FromGitter<kayabaNerve> In Nim? Nothing specific
01:44:59shashlickHmm duplicate messages
01:50:38madpropscould it be implemented in nim at all?
01:50:51madpropsif last_iteration:
01:50:53madpropsthat would be cool
02:20:09sealmoveI found a super strange bug
02:20:17sealmoveAraq: https://play.nim-lang.org/
02:20:27sealmovesorry: https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=22uj
02:22:04sealmoveor more simple example: https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=22uk
02:22:42madpropsheh, it's true
02:23:00madpropscould be any number of hashtags like ###
02:23:01sealmoveohh I only now read https://nim-lang.org/docs/manual.html#lexical-analysis-comments
02:23:08sealmovemy bad
02:23:34sealmove"Documentation comments are comments that start with two ##. Documentation comments are tokens; they are only allowed at certain places in the input file as they belong to the syntax tree!"
02:24:50sealmoveneed to sleep :( more Nim tomorrow, bb~
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03:04:25FromGitter<topcheese> !eval echo @[10,20,30,65].contains(30)
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03:05:16FromGitter<topcheese> Amateur, hahaha
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03:48:43madprops<kayabaNerve> madprops: You can use .keys() and asSeq to get it as a seq
03:48:46madpropsthat doesn't seem to work
03:48:51madpropskeys() is unrecognized
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04:52:45FromDiscord_<Rika> it shouldnt
04:52:52FromDiscord_<Rika> rather it should be recognize
04:55:27FromDiscord_<Rika> https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=22uR it works...
05:00:06FromGitter<zacharycarter> so based on the RFC about unifying memory management options
05:00:26FromGitter<zacharycarter> should I continue to write my code using the default GC?
05:00:41FromGitter<zacharycarter> or should I switch to gc:arc
05:01:28FromGitter<zacharycarter> based on the RFC it sounds like if I don't do this, my code will eventually only run with --gc:bohem
05:01:34FromGitter<zacharycarter> or am I incorrect in that understanding?
05:02:00madpropsRika: http://i.imgur.com/bNMeix3.png
05:02:04madpropsguess im doing something wrong
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05:41:41FromGitter<zetashift> @madprops got a snippet of how you call the keys iterator?
05:47:40madpropsnot sure if this helps https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=22uZ
05:47:48madpropsthe last proc is from a different file
05:47:53madpropsin that file i import tables and sequtils
05:49:15madpropsoh and: var db*: DB
05:51:32madpropsmaybe OrderedTable doesn't have keys()
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05:58:49madpropsor maybe something weird is happening with the objects structure
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06:50:19lqdev[m]madprops: it's not x.items.keys, it's just x.keys
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06:50:41lqdev[m]you don't iterate over the keys of the items of the table, you iterate over the keys of the table.
06:50:56lqdev[m]also, afaik, there's no items iterator for tables but I may be wrong
06:51:21madpropsitems is an OrderedTable inside a DB object
06:51:27madpropsi need the keys of 'items'
06:54:22lqdev[m]oh, right
06:54:42lqdev[m]I assumed you're trying to use the iterator since it was highlighted green
06:56:33lqdev[m]how about you try to rename the field to fItems or something?
06:57:50lqdev[m]another idea: don't use toSeq, use an actual algorithm that iterates over the keys and makes a string out of them
06:58:50madpropsi was doing it manually in like 4 lines
06:58:57madpropsbut a one liner would be nicer
06:59:07madpropsalso renaming all to 'itemz' didn't help
06:59:58lqdev[m]a one liner isn't always efficient. I'm not you, so I won't tell you what to do, but personally I avoid oneliners because usually they're really inefficient
07:00:18lqdev[m]don't know if you care about memory usage, tho
07:00:55madpropsi do. but i don't think short code is necesarily expensive
07:01:03madpropsif what you use is well made
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07:18:37madpropsi wonder if garbage collection is smart, in the sense that it works when the program is not using the cpu a lot
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07:51:40Araqhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R7EEoWg6Ekk offtopic but interesting
07:51:50Araq'mov' is Turing complete
07:52:45Araqhttps://github.com/xoreaxeaxeax/movfuscator/ if you thinking 'nesting' is bad, just write your code using only moves
07:53:01Araqif you like consistency so much, just write your code using only moves
07:53:09Araqbrilliant move! :-)
07:53:28planetis[m]in the collect macro, for seqs you end up writing ``collect(newSeqOfCap(5))`` to work correctly, which is too much, i think
07:54:05Araqyou'll never be confused ever again, there is only one instruction to use and it's 'mov'. the ultimate simplicity
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07:54:52Araqplanetis[m]: what's wrong with collect(newSeqOfCap)
07:55:52planetis[m]nah its fine i guess
07:55:54Araqyou could specialize collect(5, ...) to mean collect(newSeqOfCap(5), ...)
07:56:10Araqseems a bit arbitrary
07:58:18planetis[m]yes it does, btw should it support an init call with more than one arguments ``collect(init(arg1, arg2))``
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07:59:02Araqyeah, just take over all the arguments
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08:16:13planetis[m]araq, one last remark, wrap the result in a block expr or not?
08:16:53Araqusually that's a legacy from before we had hygiene
08:18:36planetis[m]it still doesn't work, weird
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08:45:23FromGitter<zacharycarter> I keep going back and forth as to whether I should go for more realistic looking terrain and a more advanced renderer ala - https://scontent.fhen1-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/70816581_10106244796484836_610633152787906560_o.jpg?_nc_cat=101&_nc_oc=AQlFKWu5tRn5bjcDbFqgc6LPmn5zAtyY667WB-67KEuATwdEFh7jci0qZDRooN5iopQ&_nc_ht=scontent.fhen1-1.fna&oh=20884cc964bc999698b17de58641c48b&oe=5E88E7EF
08:45:45FromGitter<zacharycarter> vs https://imgur.com/a/auuxvpP
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08:51:53Araqzacharycarter: don't worry about the --gc:arc, there is little if any porting required to use it
08:55:59FromGitter<zacharycarter> ah cool - thanks
09:06:55Araqand since I now beat gcbench, maybe we can remove --gc:boehm as well
09:07:09Araq:P one GC to rule them all
09:07:09FromGitter<zacharycarter> :D
09:07:17Zevvzacharycarter: the former is way cooler, but does it add to gameplay?
09:07:31Zevv#2 is factorio
09:07:34FromGitter<zacharycarter> gameplay - probably not
09:07:40FromGitter<zacharycarter> but aesthetics yes
09:07:53Araqthe "more realistic looking terrain" is ugly IMO
09:08:03FromGitter<zacharycarter> well - that's probably just my bad splat matting
09:08:39FromGitter<zacharycarter> untextured it would look more like - https://github.com/bkaradzic/bgfx/blob/master/examples/41-tess/screenshot.png?raw=true
09:08:47AraqI would look at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fAzSZ2K1yGk for inspiration
09:09:25FromGitter<zacharycarter> well I'm going 3d not 2d
09:09:48FromGitter<zacharycarter> that game does look cool though :D
09:12:56FromGitter<zacharycarter> I think i will go with the terrain style in the gif but add more rendering options
09:13:13FromGitter<zacharycarter> like deferred and clustered shading
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09:14:04FromGitter<zacharycarter> I think the more realistic terrain will make it more difficult to edit / create balanced fun rts maps
09:14:21Araqhttps://www.twitch.tv/araq4k I'm streaming btw
09:14:24FromGitter<zacharycarter> since it would be more of terrain painting than a tiled terrain editor like I've been planning
09:27:03livcdno sound?
09:27:52livcdi only hear aaah yay
09:27:54livcdin a loop
09:28:24Araqinfinite loop...
09:28:57livcdbut it was funny
09:29:23livcdnope loop
09:29:27livcdlol :D
09:29:41livcdgoing to reg on twitch
09:35:25AraqI dunno what changed, but this ain't working
09:35:53Araqmaybe I should switch to youtube or something
09:37:16livcdtechnology always fails
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09:38:54kcvinuHow to use base class methods in derived classes ?
09:39:49Araqok, I'm back
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10:38:19clyybberMike: Succeeded?
10:38:31Araqdunno I guess so
10:38:48Araqthe session is over already, we now have a .localPassc pragma
10:39:46clyybberAraq: Oh, I was literally asking Mike about some vulkan stuff from yesterday :)
10:40:05clyybberAraq: I like that your mouse literally squeaks :p
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10:43:00AraqI thought you wrote 'Mike' for 'mic' :P
10:43:09Araqas I had mic problems ...
10:43:14Araqor rather software problems
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10:46:06lqdev[m]I find it funny how there's no ideal audio system. windows audio is buggy with devices, pulseaudio is glitchy, jack is not that widely supported...
10:46:35Araqhow is Windows audio buggy?
10:46:45Araqnever had a problem with it
10:47:03lqdev[m]back in windows 7 days it really liked disconnecting my mic for no reason
10:47:12clyybberpulseaudio is fine nowadays
10:47:17clyybberalsa is simple stupid
10:47:20clyybberjack is awesome
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10:47:38clyybber(jack works on windows btw)
10:47:59Araqbut I also had no problems with it on Linux either, except for when a Ubuntu update broke everything
10:48:13lqdev[m]clyybber: pulseaudio is good when you add `tsched=0` to module-udev-detect, but the latency is soo horrible!
10:48:38clyybberof course, pulseaudio isn't intended for ultra-low-latency stuff
10:48:47Araqand then it was a pita. iirc I solved it by never touching Linux again ... :P
10:48:47lqdev[m]it may be wine or something, but I can't stand the 50ms delay between pressing a button on my launchpad and ableton registering the press
10:49:06lqdev[m]s/ableton/fl studio/
10:49:13clyybberlqdev: Wine?
10:49:17lqdev[m]ableton is even worse since it runs like shit on wine
10:49:25lqdev[m]clyybber: yes, wine
10:49:46clyybberyeah, I wish ableton would get a linux version
10:49:50lqdev[m]too bad this world isn't perfect
10:49:54clyybberlqdev: wineasio?
10:50:00clyybberit uses jack as the backend
10:50:34lqdev[m]clyybber: never heard about that. I use fl studio asio in fl studio and the latency is pretty good, at 512 buffer size
10:50:45lqdev[m]can't go below that because it starts stuttering
10:51:05clyybberit will go through all the wine stuff nonetheless, you should really use wineasio
10:51:12clyybberas that bridges it directly
10:51:25lqdev[m]thanks for the recommendation, I'll try it when I get home
10:52:03clyybberlet me know how it goes, I may try fl studio on linux then
10:52:45clyybberfl studios UI is just godlike, the animations and everything make everything feel slick
10:53:06clyybberbut I like abletons slick look
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11:02:09FromGitter<Clyybber> clyber, clyyber, clybber, clyybber
11:03:10livcdeverything breaks when you need it the most
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11:28:36FromGitter<alehander92> Araq "what's wrong with collect(newSeqOfCap)"
11:28:54FromGitter<alehander92> well its too long
11:29:31FromGitter<alehander92> but great work
11:29:38FromGitter<alehander92> ready to deprecate `comprehension`
11:33:02*LargeEpsilon quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
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12:13:25Araqalehander92: but why, comprehension is different enough
12:13:31Araqno need to deprecate it
12:14:27*solitudesf quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
12:20:33FromGitter<alehander92> do you think so
12:21:25narimirandisruptek: are you here?
12:28:17ZevvLast thing I heard is he's lost somewhere in the canadian highlands
12:33:29narimiranZevv: ah yeah, i remember him bragging about it :)
12:34:01narimirananyways, if any of you would like to beta-test Nim 1.0.4, please join #nim-testers
12:34:31narimiran(or don't, i'll share the link here too, but there we can stay more focused on that topic)
12:34:42FromGitter<zacharycarter> is disruptek Canadian?
12:36:55FromDiscord_<mratsim> getImpl doesn't seem to work on module symbols, is there a way to inspect an imported module AST, I thought there was one
12:41:37FromDiscord_<mratsim> ah, found it: https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/pull/9560
12:42:19narimiranbeta version of Nim 1.0.4 is ready for testing, you can grab it at: https://github.com/nim-lang/nightlies/releases/tag/2019-11-22-version-1-0-4084ef1
12:56:07Araq!search thread
12:56:13clyybber!github thread
12:56:14disbothttps://github.com/yglukhov/threadpools --
12:56:14disbothttps://github.com/cheatfate/wanted -- Asynchronous threaded webserver for Nim
12:56:16disbothttps://github.com/liquid600pgm/pibench2 -- A dead-simple, multi-threaded performance benchmark.
12:56:22Araqah that's it, thanks
12:56:35*endragor quit (Remote host closed the connection)
12:58:30clyybber!github terminal
12:58:32disbothttps://github.com/FedericoCeratto/nim-dashing -- Terminal dashboards for Nim
12:58:32disbothttps://github.com/icyphox/fab -- :star2: print fabulously in your terminal
12:58:32disbothttps://github.com/molnarmark/spinny -- 🌀 Spinny is a tiny terminal spinner package for the Nim Programming Language.
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13:30:23FromGitter<zacharycarter> all of the artifacts are named `nim-1.0.3-*` though
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13:39:34Araqnarimiran, yeah ... what is that? forgot to update the version in system.nim? :P
13:39:52narimiranno, it is on purpose
13:40:23narimiranlast time it was "why is this named 1.0.2 if it is not the final 1.0.2 version?" :D
13:40:59narimiranso, don't worry, the final version will be 1.0.4. when the time comes.
13:41:16Araqok, good
13:41:33Araqalways nice to see people who know what they're doing.
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14:34:18clyybberAraq, mratsim, deech: I think we should have deprecated {.compileTime.} instead of static return types
14:34:35clyybberOr just made {.compileTime.} imply a static return type
14:34:53clyybberHaving static as a return type seems to fit better within the type system
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14:37:52disruptekhmmm, i like that idea.
14:38:20clyybberdisruptek: Heyy, welcome back, you survived ?
14:38:51clyybberAdditionally, static as a return type should automatically imply static for all input parameters obviously
14:39:09clyybberThat just needs to be added to the spec actually
14:41:18disrupteki'm not back, and i dunno if i'll survive. maybe hit the road today, though.
14:41:50clyybbersounds great
14:42:49PMunchWhat're you doing disruptek?
14:43:39narimiranPMunch: wrestling with bears in canadian wilderness
14:45:16disruptekdown in Vermont now, but, yeah.
14:45:53disrupteki have a crippling affinity to teo incompat environments: the internet, and the wilderness.
14:46:13FromGitter<kaushalmodi_gitlab> :) https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/commit/5bb6c67a45045f41c39b11c085f5ff072e1615d7#diff-7a3cb610cec719a402a45ec87c11a3e6R372
14:46:39clyybberdisruptek: stelite internet?
14:47:35disrupteki've tried it a few times and it's okay for work but horrible for lifestyle.
14:47:45disruptekif that makes sense...
14:48:19clyybberlatency is shite yea
14:48:34disruptekit's the metering.
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14:51:58disruptekit's the right choice over the networks we have in rural areas, though, because the congestion is much, much better.
14:52:33disruptekalternative is usually DSL with 20-30% packet loss.
14:52:53disruptekthat's a lot, fwiw
15:12:00narimiran@mratsim this might interest you: https://arxiv.org/pdf/1911.09421.pdf
15:18:35PMunchdisruptek, I can see what you mean. As an old scout I sometimes get this tingling feeling prompting me to head for the hills :)
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15:53:21FromDiscord_<mratsim> @narimiran too slow :p https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=21604621
15:53:44FromDiscord_<mratsim> @Clyybber AFAIK I was in favor or deprecting the compile-time pragma for proc
15:53:48narimiranah, that was you! :D
15:53:54narimirani never read usernames on HN
15:55:12FromGitter<zetashift> I saw that post too without reading the username first and read it and was thinking what a great post, mratsim surely will respond and then I saw the username and I chuckled
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16:39:44clyybbermratsim: Yes you were, I am too :) Now we gotta convince Araq
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17:11:22Araqmeh, static[T] as return type, what's the point
17:11:55Araqyeah yeah I know. but it's not how I design type systems
17:12:46FromDiscord_<mratsim> I'm eagerly waiting for your next blog post "How I design type system"
17:14:41FromDiscord_<mratsim> btw, do you confirm that asserts in static blocks or macros are always checked? (https://github.com/status-im/nim-beacon-chain/pull/585#discussion_r349701000)
17:15:18Araqescapes me, we didn't change anything
17:15:38Araqwould need to go through the commit list
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17:17:49FromDiscord_<mratsim> well it seems like they were not in 1.0.2 with -d:release and they are in 1.0.4
17:17:54FromDiscord_<mratsim> or something similar
17:18:10Araqyeah, but that's bad because I don't remember any change related to this
17:18:11FromDiscord_<mratsim> I prefer the 1.0.4 behaviour
17:18:55Araqnarimiran should investigate :P
17:19:15narimiranok, i'll do it, but i need some concrete example
17:19:38Araqwell give me the usual git commit diff please
17:20:11narimirani've seen what stefantalpalaru has said in the issue he opened, but can we have a small snippet which shows that something has worked in 1.0.0, not worked in 1.0.2 and now works in 1.0.4b (or is it vice-versa, doesn't matter)
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17:23:30FromDiscord_<mratsim> assert in a macro
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17:27:55stefantalpalaruIt's not that easy to replicate. Might have something to do with those VM register fixes.
17:29:33narimiran@mratsim, stefantalpalaru: an example would help me with bisecting
17:31:16narimiranbut if we go by "So it looks like it was a bug in 1.0.2 that disabled that assert() in release mode, bug fixed by 1.0.4.", does it mean that now things are ok and we don't have to revert it?
17:42:05stefantalpalaruI know it would help you, narimiran, but I can't replicate the problem in a small, stand-alone test case. I tried a recursive proc that's called inside a macro, but I can't get the assert to be ignored by 1.0.2 this way.
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18:07:46Zevvdoes anyone know of a mqtt lib that plays nice with nim and async?
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18:44:35stefantalpalaruI bisected it, narimiran, and this is the first commit that fails the compilation (after adding an `assert 1 == 0` after this line: https://github.com/status-im/nim-beacon-chain/blob/edfd65fd5d45ab621f591fcff1c69e20888c67f2/tests/helpers/debug_state.nim#L95) - https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/commit/ee260dd838e07807cae9e8a210007c96850cd90e
18:44:41madpropsis there something in nim to open directories in the file manager, platform independent?
18:45:07narimiranstefantalpalaru: nice job, thanks!
18:45:38YardanicoI think that won't be too hard to implement in your lib, for linux just use `open` or `xdg-open`, for windows - obv explorer, for macos - finder (or `open`)
18:45:38Araqah this makes sense
18:45:45Araqit affects unpaired push/pop
18:45:55Araqand thus your assertion settings. maybe
18:47:38Araqmadprops, there is browsers.nim that does something similar
18:48:19Yardanicomadprops: do you mean to actually just open directories, or to create a file dialog so the user can specify a directory for the app to use (for some task)?
18:48:24Araqmaybe it does work for ordinary files already, maybe you can copy and adapt it
18:49:06stefantalpalaruAraq, I don't think it's any "push" pragma on our end: https://gist.githubusercontent.com/stefantalpalaru/320141a3fcda39a01e028e2f3a57bb79/raw/158d4769d895dd8a6d3c8bd11e05f7d84c091a83/pushes.txt
18:49:50madpropsAraq: cool it works
18:55:31Araqnimgrep --recursive --ext:nim ? it's a thing, you don't have to use worse tools just because I invented the better ones
18:56:25stefantalpalaruI'm not always searching exclusively in *.nim files.
19:01:41Araqnimgrep doesn't assume that ;-)
19:03:13Araqbut whatever, maybe we have some unpaired pushes in the stdlib
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19:20:25madpropsis the nim website down?
19:20:33YardanicoIt's working for me
19:20:58YardanicoMaybe you have some problems connecting to cloudflare CDN (although that's much more unlikely)
19:21:20madpropscan't connect here in 2 different computers
19:21:50madpropsalso the chocolatey website didn't work
19:21:54madpropsso it might be some network problem
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20:01:24FromGitter<Vindaar> should put that my wall: "Araq: you don't have to use worse tools just because I invented the better ones" :D reminds me I should really give nimgrep a try, heh.
20:01:38FromGitter<Vindaar> *on my
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20:49:15FromDiscord_<mratsim> is it me or 1.0.2 doesn't properly recompile even when the source changed if the destination file already exists
20:49:46FromDiscord_<mratsim> ah maybe it's only for "echo" in macros
20:58:38FromDiscord_<IanIAnIAN> What can I best (worst) waste my time doing with Nim?
21:08:35FromDiscord_<treeform> @IanIAnIAN https://github.com/nim-lang/needed-libraries/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+sort%3Acomments-desc
21:11:18FromDiscord_<treeform> https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+sort%3Acomments-desc
21:12:34FromDiscord_<IanIAnIAN> but these are not wastes of time
21:13:17acidxfind a wheel to reinvent
21:13:52FromDiscord_<treeform> maybe some thing like a faster base64 implementation?
21:15:15FromDiscord_<IanIAnIAN> the problem with re-inventing the wheel is deciding what colour it should be
21:15:29FromDiscord_<treeform> it should be green
21:16:51FromDiscord_<treeform> @IanIAnIAN you could port the C examples from raylib into nim: https://www.raylib.com/examples.html
21:17:01FromDiscord_<treeform> some one already made a wrapper for it, but no docs...
21:20:40FromGitter<alehander92> Araq
21:20:45FromGitter<alehander92> thanks for --asm
21:20:52FromGitter<alehander92> it helps me a lot these days
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22:03:20zedeusas soon as it's included in a release, we can get godbolt support
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22:51:35madpropswill a c compiler be a requirement for a good time?
22:51:51madpropshad a hard time compiling some nim program on windows
22:52:00madpropsmessed with installing cygwin and gcc
22:52:03madpropsthen i realized i could use vcc
22:52:14Araqlet finish.exe do it for you
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23:45:36krux02when there is a timeout on Azure, how do I see the what process did timeout?
23:45:41krux02would be a real benefit
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