<< 23-01-2025 >>

00:06:59*SchweinDeBurg quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
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03:12:26*alexdaguy joined #nim
03:56:57*rockcavera quit (Remote host closed the connection)
04:02:43*disso-peach quit (Quit: Leaving)
05:15:07*coldfeet joined #nim
05:15:31*GnuYawk67 quit (Quit: The Lounge - https://thelounge.chat)
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05:17:48*zgasma quit (Quit: leaving)
05:24:56FromDiscord<demotomohiro> https://github.com/termux/termux-packages/pull/23009↵I have sent the pull request to update Nim version on termux.
06:18:29*coldfeet quit (Quit: Lost terminal)
06:34:32FromDiscord<demotomohiro> It failed to build: https://github.com/termux/termux-packages/actions/runs/12922848116↵> /home/builder/.termux-build/nim/src/dist/nimble/src/nimble.nim(14, 13) Error: cannot open file: sat/sat
06:40:35FromDiscord<demotomohiro> https://github.com/nim-lang/sat↵It seems this package is required to build nimble but missing.
06:45:24*m5zs7k quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
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07:15:55FromDiscord<demotomohiro> https://nim-lang.org/download/nim-2.2.0.tar.xz↵This file contains sat in `dist/nimble/dist/sat/` but import path is not set to import from that directory.
07:25:11FromDiscord<janakali> standard way to build tools is `koch tools`, you can look how koch builds Nim and do same in termux build script or just add `koch tools` to script, it should just work (hopefully).
07:25:30FromDiscord<janakali> (edit) "Nim" => "nimble"
07:31:39FromDiscord<demotomohiro> In reply to @janakali "standard way to build": https://github.com/termux/termux-packages/blob/master/packages/nim/build.sh↵This build script seems build tools without using koch.
07:43:19FromDiscord<janakali> @demotomohiro koch uses one extra define for nimble: `-d:nimNimbleBootstrap`
07:43:50FromDiscord<janakali> it makes nimble search for sat inside that folder
07:45:40FromDiscord<janakali> sent a code paste, see https://play.nim-lang.org/#pasty=XxmjaSvh
07:45:50FromDiscord<janakali> (edit) "https://play.nim-lang.org/#pasty=nDSljCxO" => "https://play.nim-lang.org/#pasty=WCMOhTdj"
07:46:10Amun-Rathere's ;; missing it line 5
07:46:22Amun-Ra…not anymore :>
07:46:28FromDiscord<janakali> fixed already 😉
07:46:32Amun-Rayes :)
08:22:02FromDiscord<demotomohiro> In reply to @janakali "<@288750616510201856> koch uses one": Thank you! I will the build script tomorrow.
09:21:39*ntat joined #nim
10:04:07FromDiscord<michael.lenz.> Guys, I don’t understand why this works: https://youtu.be/-Vb-QvMH6B0?si=a1GswgyOeoI7FChK&t=582
10:04:34FromDiscord<michael.lenz.> Let means immutable. So how?
10:05:36FromDiscord<michael.lenz.> Tried to simulate the same using copyMem, and this one does not work as expected
10:08:39FromDiscord<pmunch> @michael.lenz., JsonNode is a ref object which means that only the reference is immutable not the data it points to
10:11:30FromDiscord<michael.lenz.> In reply to @pmunch "<@812260016890576936>, JsonNode is a": Ah, ok, thanks!!
10:18:14*ntat quit (Quit: Leaving)
10:20:14Amun-Rait's like const pointer to mutable data in C
10:25:04FromDiscord<michael.lenz.> Yeah, I thought the object to which refers is immutable too
10:29:54*thunder joined #nim
10:50:47FromDiscord<rasmolaxsus> I dont understand nim "Concepts", i saw it on this blog https://www.jasonbeetham.com/writeups.html under the "code reuse" section, it appears to allow duck typing, but i dont understand the syntax of declaring concepts.
10:51:55FromDiscord<rasmolaxsus> Here is an example :, where he defined an Iterator Concept. https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/371759389889003532/1331939462363615232/image.png?ex=679370ca&is=67921f4a&hm=281842f30c2b5972bb31537b3493c56174fe6db52d5afbbdb5cad28f989c6a85&
10:52:16FromDiscord<rasmolaxsus> Anothe example https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/371759389889003532/1331939551689576489/image.png?ex=679370df&is=67921f5f&hm=08f6c22ccad729a48bb43194540bb8b3a072254bb0a37731bef73f5b5ad26c76&
10:54:10FromDiscord<rasmolaxsus> currently i am guess, that , the "code block" that follows a concept, is a bunch of statements that wouldnt throw an error, if a valid type is passes as the concept. I am trying to look for more information that explains this feature of nim. Help me out.
11:23:48FromDiscord<lainlaylie> https://nim-lang.org/docs/manual_experimental.html#concepts
13:26:29*ntat joined #nim
14:14:25*thunder quit (Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by metasintactic)))
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14:51:20*alexdaguy quit (Quit: w)
14:58:31FromDiscord<melmass> sent a code paste, see https://play.nim-lang.org/#pasty=DQMhCSkM
14:59:07FromDiscord<melmass> (edit) "https://play.nim-lang.org/#pasty=JjkZEkdv" => "https://play.nim-lang.org/#pasty=nNhZLwmv"
15:00:49*om3ga quit (*.net *.split)
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15:04:45FromDiscord<Mody Karlws> sent a long message, see https://pasty.ee/VfYHbHeb
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15:06:56FromDiscord<nnsee> <@&371760044473319454>
15:08:25FromDiscord<Phil> Was PMunch just that fast?
15:10:45FromDiscord<nnsee> @melmass, that wasn't a response to you :p
15:11:08FromDiscord<melmass> In reply to @nnsee "<@499629400254447616>, that wasn't a": Ahaha I thought at first
15:16:08*xaltsc quit (Quit: WeeChat 4.5.1)
15:44:22FromDiscord<demotomohiro> In reply to @melmass "I feel dumb, how": I have never tried but you might be able to set the terminal to raw mode so that ctrl+c doesn't send the signal and you can handle ctrl+c key press yourself.↵If you are using linux, cfmakeraw() sets the terminal to raw mode: https://www.man7.org/linux/man-pages/man3/termios.3.html
15:53:32FromDiscord<mel> In reply to @demotomohiro "I have never tried": So something like overriding Sigaction?
15:55:32FromDiscord<mel> sent a code paste, see https://play.nim-lang.org/#pasty=vcFMCODj
16:14:54FromDiscord<nnsee> In reply to @demotomohiro "I have never tried": that just opens a whole other can of worms regarding raw terminal handling, i'd personally not recommend it and instead try to figure out why the signal handler isn't working (when it clearly should)
16:15:14*zgasma joined #nim
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17:36:40*metasintactic quit (Remote host closed the connection)
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17:40:56FromDiscord<cookedbits> lol https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/371759389889003532/1332042396745072680/image.png?ex=6793d0a7&is=67927f27&hm=81d0c0e80c0f47085708ab8462b29fec258317870dffba53045c2b4d2a8901d2&
17:42:42FromDiscord<demotomohiro> In reply to @cookedbits "lol": Nim is detected by anti-virus softwares is common and old problem: https://internet-of-tomohiro.pages.dev/nim/faq.en#nim-compiler-is-nimslashnimble-virus-or-malwareqmark
17:42:49FromDiscord<cookedbits> ok thx
17:43:25FromDiscord<cookedbits> happy to learn nim now ^^
17:46:27*thunder quit (Quit: Leaving)
19:42:09*beholders_eye quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)
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20:21:04FromDiscord<Phil> In reply to @cookedbits "happy to learn nim": Personally nim has been a great way to expose myself to a lot of concepts over time, don't try to learn it all at once, takle them one after another
20:21:22FromDiscord<Phil> (edit) "time," => "time that translate nicely to other programming langs,"
20:57:47*rockcavera joined #nim
21:01:39FromDiscord<pmunch> In reply to @isofruit "Was PMunch just that": Wasn't me 🤷‍♂️ But I did delete the message
21:20:38FromDiscord<luteva> Hi! I was trying to compile an "old" library, ormin. And I saw that it doesn't compile with nim 2.2.0. So I switched back to nim version 1.6.6 and all worked fine. The error in version 2.2.0 is ".../ormin/tools/ormin_importer.nim(5, 59) Error: cannot open file: db_common"↵Is this a lib that has moved from the standard lib to womewhere else? How to fix this?
21:21:18FromDiscord<luteva> (edit) "womewhere" => "somewhere"
21:25:03FromDiscord<nnsee> In reply to @luteva "Hi! I was trying": yes
21:25:12FromDiscord<nnsee> this is now in db_connector
21:25:44FromDiscord<nnsee> should be a fairly simple fix, just nimble install db_connector and update the import path
21:26:44FromDiscord<nnsee> so instead of `import db_common`, you do `import db_connector/db_common`,
21:26:52FromDiscord<nnsee> (edit) "db_connector/db_common`," => "db_connector/db_common`"
22:12:55*ntat quit (Quit: Leaving)
22:19:33*beholders_eye quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)
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22:27:33*attah quit (Quit: ZNC 1.7.5+deb4 - https://znc.in)
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23:37:39*rockcavera quit (Remote host closed the connection)
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