<< 23-06-2015 >>

00:02:13reactormonkAraq, got an idea about how to move main() in the C code?
00:02:28reactormonkavr apparently cares
00:02:51reactormonkUint2048, global var? eh.
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00:03:06reactormonkUint2048, and yup, guess why. It's not a var.
00:03:11Araqyou mean it has to be the first function?
00:03:27Araqin what sense?
00:03:37reactormonkyee log
00:03:50Araqthe first function of the .c file. the first function in the universe?
00:04:07reactormonkif main() is moved to top of blink.c nimcache file, it can upload and run successfully
00:04:15reactormonkUint2048, to solve it, return a var <type>
00:04:42Araqthat's some bizarre C dialect
00:06:12reactormonkyes, it is
00:07:13Araqthere is no support in the C codegen for "move this thing at the top of the C file"
00:07:50reactormonkany way to hack it?
00:08:15Araqsure but requires yet another pragma
00:10:20Araqjust use "sed" to modify the C code. oh wait ... regexes cannot count braces so I suppose it's tricky
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00:44:03reactormonkerr, wut. nim c still not producing output binary
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00:46:42DemosI tracked down that twitter bug, I think she was using {.header: "<glfw3.dll>".}
00:46:46Demoserm .h
00:47:11Demosbecause if I import initGlfw via dynlib it mangles the name of the function
00:47:47Demoschanging the generated name of the init function would help, but there's no way we can be collision-free in all cases with header files
00:48:00Demosesp since it's good to try not to mangle too much for debugging reasons
00:48:25fowlPeople report issues via twitter now?
00:48:49Xepeople do everything via twitter
00:48:52Xeincluding tweeting
00:49:59*pregressive joined #nim
00:50:23Demossomeone I follow happened to be complaning about nim on her feed
00:52:34federico3how can I do a blocking readLine() over a device file?
00:52:58reactormonkfederico3, err, you just do it?
00:53:42federico3reactormonk: readLine is frequently returning an empty string
00:54:41reactormonkfederico3, maybe a select is what you're looking for?
00:57:00federico3reactormonk: hm, this one? http://nim-lang.org/docs/osproc.html#select,seq[Process],int
00:57:15federico3I don't think so
00:57:34reactormonkfederico3, that's for child processes, I was thinking of posix select
00:58:04*Uint2048 quit (Quit: Page closed)
00:58:16federico3(shouldn't readLine block until \n is found?)
00:59:05reactormonkcheck the source
00:59:18reactormonkAraq, any way I can add -I stuff via pragma?
01:00:11federico3oh, there's a serial interface in http://nimio.us/
01:00:35Araqreactormonk: yes, .passL or .passC
01:00:44reactormonkah, sweet
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01:08:22reactormonkwu-lee, sooo you want your own main or is setup/loop fine?
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01:10:45reactormonkAraq, err, any way to add some C files to be compiled?
01:11:01Xe.compile prefix?
01:11:33Araq{.compile: "foobar.c".}
01:12:46reactormonkAraq, not in here: http://nim-lang.org/docs/manual.html
01:13:19Araqas I said
01:13:33Araqimplementation specific pragmas are in nimc, not in the manual
01:13:48Araqbut I guess at this point nobody cares about this distinction
01:14:35Araqalso who did that CSS for the docs again? it's still superb
01:15:18VarriountAraq: The thing is, people expect the compiler user guide to tell how the compiler is supposed to be invoked, not explain new pragmas.
01:15:48VarriountEven a link in the pragmas section of the manual would clear things up.
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01:20:52AraqVarriount: theindex works in any case
01:21:10Araqbut yeah we can move these over to the manual anyway
01:21:18reactormonkAraq, uhm, I invoke nim, no errors, but not output file is produced
01:21:41Araq--genscript implies --compileOnly? dunno
01:22:13reactormonkAraq, http://pastie.org/10254039
01:22:48Araqtry -f
01:23:09Araqbut I dunno, seems like gcc produces the output somewhere else?
01:23:39reactormonknope, no help
01:24:34reactormonkI have no idea where.
01:25:27Araq--listCmd -f
01:25:58reactormonk... nothing
01:26:13reactormonkah there, found it.
01:26:18reactormonkcheck the command line again ^^
01:26:48Araq'c' in the wrong position?
01:27:10reactormonknope, forgot a passC in front of the mmcu
01:27:34reactormonkbut why doesn't the compiler compilain?
01:27:34Araqshouldn't Nim complain about this command line?
01:28:58reactormonkyes, it should
01:33:08reactormonkAraq, importc on vars -> no decl, exportc -> decl?
01:33:28Araqnot really
01:33:48Araqbut good enough
01:33:49Araqgood night
01:33:54reactormonk^^ ok
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01:41:16reactormonkwu-lee, got to another problem
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02:09:07reactormonkwu-lee, code size too big.
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02:31:33reactormonkwu-lee, https://gist.github.com/5400966dfcca17660fdb nim -d:release --cpu:avr --os:standalone --deadCodeElim:on --gc:none --parallelBuild:1 --passC:-mmcu=atmega328p c blink.nim
02:31:39reactormonkchange as needed for your board
02:32:40dtscodewho is this wu-lee person?
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02:36:22reactormonkdtscode, see chatlog
02:36:50dtscodeI thought I was missing half the convo
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02:38:34reactormonkwu-lee, apparently it's horribly inefficient because .text overflow here
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03:00:19Demoswhat do we think about using __nim__moduleInit instead of moduleInit or moduleInit0000
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06:42:37vikatonwhat gcc version does Nim use
06:43:42reactormonkvikaton, system one
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10:23:11r-kuhow do i define struct so it does not have "TNimObject Sup;"? need to parse binary file here
10:23:25Araqdon't use inheritance
10:23:49r-kuthat will need ugly workaround. oh well. thanks
10:24:25Araqyou can also use .inheritable, pure iirc
10:25:10Araqit's surprising how often that is required for wrappers, or maybe not
10:25:30r-kuthat looks like what i need. thank you
10:26:32r-kuone more question Araq. {.packed.} does not take an argument. is there really no way to specify custom alignment?
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10:27:24Araqnah, but you can .importc, header the whole struct and then it's compatible since the compiler doesn't generate its own version of the struct
10:27:37Araqthis way even bit fields work
10:28:31r-kuyeah i thought of that, but was hoping to write everything in nim too. anyway not that i need it. but there are some applications that could surely use this option.
10:28:46Araqthat said, the C code really shouldn't use customized alignment. C's advantage is supposedly an "ABI" compatibility
10:32:15Araqr-ku: yeah even more control would be nice, but people also count the number of pragmas and yell "too complex".
10:32:45Araqapparently they never count C's pragmas or C#'s annotations
10:33:52r-kuwell... in this specific case there already is pragma for packing. so if it could take param and put it into generated c code it would be like minimal added complexity.
10:34:50Araqyeah I agree
10:34:50r-kuwhile i too think there are lots of pragmas its also a nice unified syntax to customize behavior. i rather have 50 pragmas instead of 50 different rarely used syntaxes to learn
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15:04:12*Arrrr joined #nim
15:07:46wuehlmaushi, all. One question that arrises here is if nre is broken in 0.11.2 but only works in the dev version right now. True?
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15:15:43drewsremCan I "resolve" a symbol in a macro? - As in: can I have a macro that takes a string argument and reads its content?
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16:09:15AxBenWhere's windows.nim?
16:10:57coffeepotAxBen: on my Nim it's under C:\Nim\lib\windows
16:11:36AxBenI cloned from GitHub (fresh install) and it's no longer there....
16:11:44coffeepotoh, no idea then :/
16:12:19EastBytelooks pretty empty there
16:13:14AxBenI cloned from git clone https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim.git
16:13:33AxBenA lot of stuff there, but no windows.nim
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16:17:30drewsremIs it possible to escape the ending triple-quotes in a triple-quoted-string-literal?
16:18:45ArrrrMaybe with \ ?
16:19:33Arrrr"$parentDir/nim.cfg where $parentDir stands for any parent directory of the project file's path" Do this actually work?
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17:05:37AraqAxBen: it got removed because it's archaic. it'll be a nimble package soon, "oldwinapi"
17:06:43Araqdrewsrem: nope, you need to use string concatenation instead
17:06:51drewsremAraq, thanks
17:07:38Araqas for your other question, there is bindSym but it takes a compile-compile-time value
17:07:53Araqand doesn't allow for 'getImpl' (which is planned though)
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17:19:37drewsremthanks, will search for it
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17:46:23AxBen:@Araq: What would I do in the meantime? Not compile Nim no more? When is soon? Where would I get an archaiv version of Nim?
17:46:49Araqtake it from the master branch?
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17:47:11Araqtake from an official release?
17:48:00Araqwe have the releases to develop against, it's bad to depend on "nim devel"
17:48:28Araqif that doesn't work for you, tell us and we can reconsider this approach or perhaps release more frequently
17:49:52AxBenThat sure doesn't work for me, as some of my "libs" depend on the windows module. The current situation leaves me in the nowhere.
17:50:37Araqhrm can you elaborate?
17:54:24AxBenDo I really have to elaborate that? If you would mark all the functions a deprecated or so, wouldn't mind it. But cutting the whole module all at a sudden W/O A REPLACEMENT forces me to go back to the master branch with just a few releases per year, making it impossible to git pull new stuff.
17:55:09AxBenWhy not leave the stuff in? I sure doesn't break things...
17:55:22Araqwell I can finish "oldwinapi" *now*
17:55:41Araqmy question is if that's good enough or if that cannot work for some reason for you
17:56:17Araqand i need to restore it for "nim devel"
17:56:18AxBenThat would depend on the functionality of oldwinapi. Haven't seen any docs so far.
17:56:38Araqit's windows.nim with a cleaned up license text
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17:57:12AxBenI have no probs with that and would gladly change my sources, but I need sth that I can use...
17:57:52Araqok, good. give me a few minutes
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18:15:33AxBenGot to leave. Looking forward to "oldwinapi" (grin). Thanks for your efforts!
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18:17:33drewsremAssuming I have an ref-object type, called foo, with a field called bar which is an int, is there a way to create a setter for bar that has access to foo? - i.e. foo.bar = 10 calls a "setter"-proc
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18:19:46Arrrri think it is possible with proc `.bar=`
18:26:45drewsremArrrr, `bar=` worked, thanks
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18:36:51Araqwell too bad.
18:37:05Araqoldwinapi is a nimble package now.
18:37:14Araq(I mean too bad he left)
18:39:03ArrrrQuick Q: how do i tell to my exe "the path for this dll is in x folder" ?
18:40:00Araqnot too sure, you can edit %PATH% but usually just put it next to the .exe
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18:43:36ArrrrI wanted to load the dll from a different place, but saw i can change it from where the dynlib is declared
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18:48:18AraqArrrr: yeah you can do that
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19:43:50pigmejArrrr: you know what's funny ? Elixir is NOT fast
19:45:41Araqwhat has this thing to do with unix?
19:46:22pigmejAraq: nothing ? Just like most of 'innovative' things on reddit
19:46:37Araqno I skimmed the real article
19:46:44Araqand found no reference to unix
19:47:14ArrrrComplain about it, the author is shitting on nim
19:47:28fowlWho cares
19:48:06AraqI don't think he shits on nim in particular.
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19:48:33Araqit's just a way of saying "look at me, I'm up to date"
19:48:47Araqexcept that he is not :P
19:49:02Araqcause he missed Crystal. XD
19:49:48Arrrrsigh (thinks about blaxpirit)
19:50:20pigmejArrrr: the author compliments JVM...
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19:51:19Arrrrw-what's wrong about that
19:51:48pigmejArrrr: nothing straight, but it's kindof opposite of nim, rust
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19:53:46miglois there something like an abstract method in nim?
19:54:24migloI would like to define an abstract type as it is known from Java/C++
19:54:45miglo...as abstract class
19:54:58Arrrryes "method doSomething() = quit "Surprise""
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19:55:09pigmejArrrr: rotfl:D
19:55:28pigmejbut anyway, I once hit something like this in some wonderfull library in python
19:55:46pigmejit had somewhere sys.exit('..') in some error catching things
19:56:23migloArrrr: but this isn't really an abstract method, isn't it?
19:56:43ArrrrNo, the compiler wont yell at you if you dont implement it
19:57:10ArrrrBut it's the closest thing you'll see
19:57:44ArrrrMaybe with pragmas and macros it is possible to get something like this
20:02:57Araqwell you can raise an exception instead
20:03:55fowlcant you put {.error.} Inside the base function
20:04:11fowlFor a compile time err
20:04:27Araqyeah but then it would always produce a compile-time error
20:04:45Araqthe error pragma knows nothing about "I want people to override this"
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20:29:26reactormonkIsn't an abstract method something for a concept?
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20:53:12PhaalHello! I looking for download/upload http library with speed limiting and resume capability. Something like curl. Is there something like that in pure nim, or should i better stick with curl?
20:54:09Araqwe used to have libcurl in the stdlib ... but *cough* it got deleted and will be a nimble package real soon ... but hey, you can still get it from the master branch
20:54:11reactormonkPhaal, pretty sure there's no rate limiting in there.
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20:54:35reactormonkAraq, pfft. Just deleting random stuff whenever you feel like it.
20:54:50Araqreactormonk: it was part of some RFC
20:55:09reactormonkAnd no one felt like adding it?
20:55:18*^aurora^ quit (Quit: My Mac has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…)
20:55:31Araqadding what?
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20:55:52reactormonklibcurl back into a git repo somwhere, e.g. nim-lang
20:55:57PhaalI have Nim 0.11.2 installed and curl header is still there... so ok, i will use curl.
20:56:17Araqreactormonk: I'm working on it ...
20:56:29PhaalThx for info :)
20:56:49reactormonkAraq, I assume it follows the old TFoo conventions?
20:57:25Araqno idea, I think it has got an update in the meantime
20:58:38Araqhrm I wonder where ozra is ... last words from him were something like "I'll be drunk like there is no tomorrow"
20:59:19Araqshould have taken him seriously :P
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21:14:54miglohas someone used / implemented the strategy pattern in nim or knows a good example that shows it in the sense of "that's how it's done in nim"?
21:19:25migloI have implemented it for exercise but I'm still thinking in terms of interfaces, objects, abstract objects/methods, polymorphism
21:20:30Araqusually you just pass a closure proc to the constructor, store it in the object and then invoke it
21:20:45Araqif you even need the object
21:21:06miglook, so same as in python
21:21:25Araqsimilar to Python yeah
21:21:45Araqthough Python has more support for the classical OO ways I guess
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21:33:55JohnYyDuring Nim installation on Windows, if you check the "Setup Path Environment" box and you don't have a Path environment variable, it's not created
21:33:58JohnYyso it's not added at all
21:34:18JohnYyis it a bug?
21:34:56JohnYy(I just tried to make my little sister install Nim heh)
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21:39:46PhaalIs there somewhere example of curl write callback (in Nim) ?... i dont know how to pass nim File type through pointer to this callback :(
21:40:17fowlJohnYy: never heard of not having PATH but I guess its possible
21:41:24fowlPhaal: Nims File is File* in c
21:42:50Phaalhmm... i rewriting this example to Nim: http://curl.haxx.se/libcurl/c/ftpget.html
21:43:31Phaali passed File to callback function, then i tried open it in callback, but i get error
21:43:32reactormonkPhaal, try c2nim :D
21:43:59Phaalok , i ll try :)
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21:45:50reactormonkPhaal, although probably a bad idea.
21:45:56reactormonkit will procude shitty nim code imo
21:48:59Phaalhmm... i tried: var outstream = cast[File] (outstream)
21:49:03Phaalbut sigsev
21:50:25Phaalthis is my code: http://pastebin.com/ib6qpCiS
21:53:18reactormonkpretty sure there's a better idea than casting.... but I donno
21:54:58Phaalthis is what c2nim suggested to me ..hehe
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21:55:58AraqJohnYy: environment vars are in the registry these days, not in autoexec.bat ...
21:58:22Araqinstall "rapid environment editor" and see for yourself. don't use windows absurdly complex ways to arrive at the bullshit UI for dealing with the environment vars
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22:01:50JohnYyI don't know what autoexec.bat is...
22:02:39JohnYyall I know is, in Windows environment variable (in the config panel...), there's 2 lists of environment variable, one for the current user, and one for the system
22:02:39migloI've a created a type: type Callback = proc () ... and additionally: proc newBox(f: Callback) ... that should act as a constructor ... now I'm passing proc action() = echo "action" ... to newBox(action)
22:02:57JohnYyNim's installer add the folders paths to the Path variable of the user
22:03:19JohnYybut if he doesn't have one, it doesn't do anything so it has to be added manually
22:03:20miglobut the compiler complains always :-/
22:04:17AraqJohnYy: possible but why is there no path variable?
22:04:25miglonow it works
22:04:29JohnYyI don't know why she doesn't have one
22:04:42JohnYy(and she doesn't either)
22:04:48Araqshe should have. everybody has.
22:07:15migloit's difficult to change the way how to think ... to think nim'ish
22:09:58Araqmiglo: not sure about that. YAGNI goes a long way in Nim. ;-)
22:10:04dom96Araq: Everybody has a *system* PATH
22:10:12dom96not necessarily a *user* PATH
22:10:32dom96The installer should probably add Nim to the *system* PATH.
22:10:52JohnYyor... add the path to the user path
22:11:08JohnYyGolang has its own GOPATH variable
22:12:09Araqdom96: *shrug* fix it. :P
22:12:21dom96I'm not in charge of the installers
22:12:29dom96Time to delegate.
22:12:31Araqnow you are.
22:12:48JohnYyis it on Github?
22:13:03Araqof course
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22:18:23fowlmiglo: what was the issue
22:18:43fowlEr how did you fix it
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22:22:36migloI'm still learning nim and what I did was "var x: newBox(action)" instead "var x: Box " and then "x = newBox(action)"
22:25:57miglomy impression is that the classical oop strategy pattern needs a lot of boilerplate code
22:26:31miglothe functional style seems to be more ... mmm ... practical
22:26:48fowlShow me what you have maybe it can be reduced
22:27:51migloI've followed the advice of Araq and passed the "strategy" just as an function to the constructor of an object
22:28:24miglothe code is much simpler then my first more oop oriented solution
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22:29:29migloand I think that it even doesn't provide any disadvantages compared to the typical oop solution
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22:30:48miglosimple but nevertheless still easy to extend if more 'strategies' are needed
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22:33:54migloI also stumbled about the programming language "pony" which seems to be also very interesting
22:35:13miglobut their tutorial is not complete, yet
22:36:23*boopsies is now known as boopsiesisaway
22:36:24migloseems to be a very young language
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23:36:45reactormonkself-hosting? :-@s9
23:40:23Araqreactormonk: last time I checked, I couldn't download it anywhere
23:41:24Araqhowever poly-lang is a great example of how to design a language. Designed by people who chose what makes sense in the *context of their language* rather than worrying about "oh this looks like in Python but behaves differently so it will be confusing"
23:45:47wu-leereactormonk: another progress report
23:46:06wu-leegood news this time, I think I just found the problem
23:47:26wu-leeabsense of crt.o, hence entry point at start of .text only works if main() routine happens to be on the execution path from there
23:49:36wu-leein that, compiling nim -> c, and then c -> bin -> hex -> upload now works for me
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23:50:47wu-leemy makefile had a two step .c -> .o, .o ->.bin compilation, which doesn't implicitly add a crt.o object
23:51:14wu-leeas happens when a one step .c -> .bin is used (compile and link)
23:55:17wu-leeseems that the nim compiler does the same, omits the crt.o
23:56:27wu-leein this case, anyway.
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