<< 23-09-2021 >>

00:00:35FromDiscord<impbox [ftsf]> PMunch! Very cool!
00:05:00*nmz1 left #nim (Ploop)
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01:32:02nrds<Prestige99> That's pretty awesome
01:36:07FromDiscord<QueenFuckingAdrielle> In reply to @NimEventer "New post on r/nim": This looks awesome. This is currently our issue right now. A good deal of our codebase relies on gpu code and I am trying to find to avoid having us write too many kernels. I'm trying to avoid code maintenance issues longterm by at least putting some package/abstraction between our code and the kernels.
01:36:53FromDiscord<QueenFuckingAdrielle> good new is we are at lik ~70% nim in our code base
01:37:00FromDiscord<QueenFuckingAdrielle> (edit) "lik" => "like"
01:39:28FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> Any fun compiler bugs?
01:43:41FromDiscord<geekrelief> In reply to @PMunch "I fleshed out the": Oh man, I'm in the process of updating nimterop to use with binding The Machinery. I guess I should have waited a little longer for this!
01:43:59FromDiscord<Yardanico> you might want to join efforts with @Gumber about the machinery :)
01:44:30FromDiscord<QueenFuckingAdrielle> a few, we have been moving from cython for like two years now
01:44:43FromDiscord<geekrelief> In reply to @Yardanico "you might want to": Yeah I've been chatting with @Gumber on the gamedev channel
01:45:12FromDiscord<QueenFuckingAdrielle> most of our probably have actually been with docker +singularity containers
01:45:22FromDiscord<QueenFuckingAdrielle> but thats not a nim issue
01:45:52FromDiscord<QueenFuckingAdrielle> also there have been some interesting problems running nim on jetson/arm hardware
01:46:00FromDiscord<geekrelief> sent a code paste, see https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=3zI9
01:46:22FromDiscord<geekrelief> The Machinery uses a lot of macros, but nimterop just discards them.
01:46:24FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> Best be making the appropriate issues 😛↵(@QueenFuckingAdrielle)
01:47:08FromDiscord<QueenFuckingAdrielle> we should, we've had an interesting time over covid and most of our progress got halted
01:47:39FromDiscord<geekrelief> @PMuch I see Futhark was created to deal with macros where nimterop fails. Awesome!
01:47:47FromDiscord<geekrelief> (edit) "@PMuch" => "@PMunch ch"
01:47:53FromDiscord<geekrelief> (edit) removed "ch"
01:48:04FromDiscord<QueenFuckingAdrielle> im hoping to use nim in some biotech work im doing, but i think it might be a hard sell
01:48:33FromDiscord<QueenFuckingAdrielle> so much love for huggingface lately
01:50:08FromDiscord<QueenFuckingAdrielle> In reply to @Elegantbeef "Best be making the": I'd like to contribute to nim at some point. I might release our graph library open source for the nim community but we will see how things go.
02:20:03FromDiscord<Gumber> Hack scrambler and I were having an interesting conversation in gamedev about all the different binding generator tools
02:20:16FromDiscord<Gumber> As usual lately I'm using text to speech so I apologize for getting handles punctuation spelling and grammar wrong
02:20:33FromDiscord<Gumber> Today we are having it I mean like several hours ago I think
02:27:24*arkurious quit (Quit: Leaving)
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03:13:01*kayabaNerve joined #nim
03:50:03FromDiscord<Gumber> whoops it was actually #offtopic
03:50:12FromDiscord<Gumber> the whole conversation started here: https://discordapp.com/channels/371759389889003530/371759607934353448/890308012508586025 b/w @Kiloneie and I
03:54:50FromDiscord<impbox [ftsf]> anyone here using dimscord for slash commands that could share an example?
03:55:32FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> Are you in the dimscord discord server?
03:56:39FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> Probably more likely to get help there
03:56:58FromDiscord<impbox [ftsf]> oh that's a thing?
03:57:07FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> If you want an invite i can shoot you one
03:57:28FromDiscord<impbox [ftsf]> sure, that'd be rad
03:58:43FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> Look at this schmuck not accepting DMs from non friends
03:59:34FromDiscord<impbox [ftsf]> it's dangerous out there
04:06:02*supakeen quit (Quit: WeeChat 3.3)
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04:29:39FromDiscord<haxscramper> In reply to @Gumber "Hack scrambler and I": @Gumber
04:29:53FromDiscord<Gumber> well, google's NLP
04:29:55FromDiscord<Gumber> but...
04:30:02FromDiscord<Gumber> thank you either way!
04:30:28FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> Odd when he mistypes my name it just comes out as 'fuckwit'
04:30:29FromDiscord<haxscramper> Now I have to wait for "hex/hack scraper"
04:45:09FromDiscord<Rika> Hack scrambler is an amazing name lmao
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06:48:13FromDiscord<gnu+linux user> nim in vim
07:04:46*Onionhammer quit (Remote host closed the connection)
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07:39:47FromDiscord<Yardanico> @ShellTear "Hi, I'm new to nim. Is it possible to compile the nim code to c/c++ code like js?" what did you exactly mean? You want to get the C/C++ source code that Nim compiler creates when compiling your program?
07:40:36FromDiscord<Yardanico> By default Nim saves all C/C++ intermediate sources into the default cache directory of your OS, on Linux that's usually ~/.cache/nim
07:41:13FromDiscord<Yardanico> you can change the default cache directory by passing `--nimcache:dirname` to the compilation command, then the intermediate sources will be saved in that directory
07:41:48FromDiscord<Yardanico> that said, C/C++ code compiled from Nim code isn't really meant to be human-readable or editable
07:44:44*max22- joined #nim
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08:32:18FromDiscord<ShellTear> Yes, that's exactly what I was looking for
08:32:20FromDiscord<ShellTear> Thanks
08:40:19*pro quit (Quit: WeeChat 3.2.1)
08:43:38*Vladar quit (Quit: Leaving)
08:51:44FromDiscord<gnu+linux user> does it do that for js
08:51:52FromDiscord<gnu+linux user> ()creation of obj files
08:51:59FromDiscord<gnu+linux user> (edit) "()creation" => "(creation" | "files" => "files)"
09:23:34FromDiscord<Yardanico> In reply to @richard stallmen(crazy GNU guy) "(creation of obj files)": wat?
09:23:50FromDiscord<Yardanico> nim to js doesn't require additional compilers unlike C/C++ backends
09:27:19*evilkhaoskat joined #nim
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09:50:10FromDiscord<gnu+linux user> ofc, i asked if it caches out the process of compiltion
10:03:37*pro quit (Quit: WeeChat 3.2.1)
10:11:04NimEventerNew thread by Robb1e: Tesseract in nim?, see https://forum.nim-lang.org/t/8452
12:01:02FromDiscord<hmmm> I'd like to submit a huge showstopper bug report. Why can't I do mysequence.clear() but I have to resort to the unnatural and ugly mysequence.setLen(0)
12:01:18FromDiscord<hmmm> this is important I tell u
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12:06:01*supakeen quit (Quit: WeeChat 3.3)
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12:14:17FromDiscord<RC> In reply to @richard stallmen(crazy GNU guy) "ofc, i asked if": But as far as I know the outputted js is not minimized (unless you need to use -d:danger ?)
12:18:33FromDiscord<hmmm> what is the easiest way to take the path radix? Like from "C:\path\myfile.nim" I want" C:\path"
12:29:09FromDiscord<Rika> https://nim-lang.org/docs/os.html#splitPath%2Cstring
12:29:10FromDiscord<Rika> ?
12:32:22FromDiscord<hmmm> my boi
12:32:26FromDiscord<hmmm> looks good
12:32:32FromDiscord<Rika> What if I were a girl smh
12:32:44FromDiscord<Rika> I am joking
12:33:43FromDiscord<hmmm> I remember a proc (or a python def) that worked like split(string, -1) and gave back the path without the filename
12:33:55FromDiscord<hmmm> it returned a string and not a tuple so it was comfier
12:33:57FromDiscord<Rika> Not foolproof
12:34:07FromDiscord<Rika> Only works if you know the splitter
12:34:15FromDiscord<Rika> Which differs on different operating systems
12:34:20FromDiscord<hmmm> ah ye
12:34:22FromDiscord<Rika> Tuple is better
12:34:27FromDiscord<hmmm> rika u my boi / girl
12:34:30FromDiscord<Rika> I don’t know why you would think otherwise
12:35:17arfypython has the path module.
12:35:31FromDiscord<Rika> Nim tuples and Python tuples are not the same if you are trying to equate them
12:35:58FromDiscord<Rika> In reply to @arfy "python has the path": What does that have to do with?
12:36:00FromDiscord<hmmm> also why when I have a path string on a var and I add() it to a seq it doubles the slashes? Do not touch my strings nim pls
12:36:04FromDiscord<TelegramXPlus (EnteryName)> Hi, I'm new to Nim and Id like to better understand a certain concept. What's the real difference between passing an argument with the keyword var and passing a ref object as argument. I mean when I use var to modify a certain value, it changes the actual parameter so wouldn't the var keyword as argument be like passing a reference/pointer? Thanks in advance for the answers.
12:36:17FromDiscord<Rika> In reply to @hmmm "also why when I": If it is a backslash that is for escaping
12:36:26FromDiscord<Rika> In memory it is one backslash
12:36:35FromDiscord<hmmm> really?
12:36:37FromDiscord<Rika> In printing it is doubled to indicate it is a raw backslash
12:36:39FromDiscord<hmmm> that's confusing
12:36:51FromDiscord<Rika> Well would you rather this
12:37:02FromDiscord<Rika> “My text then a new line↵“
12:37:10FromDiscord<Rika> Or “my text then a new line\n”
12:37:18FromDiscord<Rika> When printing
12:37:30FromDiscord<Rika> (Representation only)
12:37:40FromDiscord<Rika> In $ it will print the former
12:37:40FromDiscord<hmmm> well I'd like echo to show me the stuff as I expect them to be, but if you tell me that in memory it's the same it's ok I guess
12:37:46FromDiscord<Rika> repr will print the latter I believe
12:38:22FromDiscord<Rika> !eval echo "test\\".repr
12:38:26FromDiscord<Rika> What the fuck
12:38:31FromDiscord<Rika> Oh discord thanks
12:38:35arfydoesn't echo call a types $ proc automatically?
12:38:41FromDiscord<Rika> Yes
12:38:45FromDiscord<hmmm> oh shi I have to go eat
12:38:53FromDiscord<hmmm> rika bless u ❤️
12:38:55FromDiscord<Rika> !eval echo "test\\"
12:39:12FromDiscord<Rika> Well thanks discord now I can’t tell if the backslash is doubled
12:39:18FromDiscord<Rika> Or not
12:39:29FromDiscord<Rika> !eval echo "test\n"
12:39:55FromDiscord<Rika> Hmm if it is doubled then there are other reasons too
12:40:10FromDiscord<Rika> @hmmm can you post a sample of the doubles slash code
12:46:41*arkurious joined #nim
13:05:24FromDiscord<hmmm> hmm it's strange I can't reproduce it, if I do this: https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=3zKa
13:05:28FromDiscord<hmmm> it doesn't work
13:05:51FromDiscord<hmmm> I get this string from a GUI object
13:06:03FromDiscord<hmmm> who knowsssss
13:17:17*Vladar joined #nim
13:21:56FromDiscord<Rika> When writing the thing in code you have to double the backslash
13:22:06FromDiscord<Rika> In GUI I assume it’s not needed
13:22:24*Schnouki joined #nim
13:30:35FromDiscord<cabboose> Did no one answer the new guy?
13:32:36FromDiscord<cabboose> http://ssalewski.de/nimprogramming.html#_references_to_objects
13:32:48FromDiscord<cabboose> This is a good resource for learning nim!
13:33:23FromDiscord<Rika> I didn’t realise
13:36:52FromDiscord<cabboose> Ehhh I think he left 🤣
13:37:08FromDiscord<cabboose> I’ll give him a proper answer if he needs when I’m on the computer
15:02:00FromDiscord<hmmm> 75% of my bugs are procs that are defined with ":" instead of "="
15:02:06FromDiscord<hmmm> life is very hard for me
15:05:23FromDiscord<Rika> lol
15:11:32FromDiscord<enthus1ast> why are the finalizers not called on program exit with default gc? Not even a GC\_fullCollect() triggers them
15:11:39FromDiscord<enthus1ast> on arc they work fine
15:12:35FromDiscord<cabboose> like `=destroy` finalizers?
15:12:47FromDiscord<enthus1ast> nope for the refs\:↵↵new(result, finalize)
15:12:52FromDiscord<cabboose> ah
15:13:42FromDiscord<enthus1ast> well ok arc / orc will be the new default soon (and i'm planing to use them anyhow in this project, but yeah just curious)
15:14:09FromDiscord<cabboose> well, I'm guessing because theres no reason to
15:14:19FromDiscord<cabboose> on exit the os usually handles cleaning app memory
15:14:28FromDiscord<cabboose> GC\_fullCollect() doesn'
15:14:37FromDiscord<enthus1ast> nah, i do stuff in my finalizer that i want to happen ;)
15:14:43FromDiscord<cabboose> [Edit](https://discord.com/channels/371759389889003530/371759389889003532/890617119149015070): GC\_fullCollect() doesn't just delete all your things; it just runs a cycle doesn't it?
15:15:11FromDiscord<cabboose> hahaha why not just add procs on exit then
15:15:45FromDiscord<cabboose> https://nim-lang.org/docs/exitprocs.html
15:16:21FromDiscord<enthus1ast> yeah i can do both
15:16:39FromDiscord<cabboose> yeah dunno past that soz m8
15:18:23FromDiscord<enthus1ast> the thing is with the exit proc, the consumer app must know internals of the lib
15:30:02FromDiscord<hmmm> bois how do I encapsulate a string in double quotes, I tried doing "\"" & temp4 & "\"" but it fails
15:30:16FromDiscord<hmmm> oh discords strips the slashes
15:30:59FromDiscord<cabboose> \`"""" & temp4 & """"
15:31:08FromDiscord<hmmm> ohh
15:31:15FromDiscord<cabboose> `"\"\"" & temp4 & "\"\""`
15:31:21FromDiscord<hmmm> I'll try it right away
15:33:17FromDiscord<hmmm> it worked
15:33:33FromDiscord<hmmm> so you need a \ before and after the literal quote
15:33:41FromDiscord<hmmm> very suspicious
15:33:52FromDiscord<hmmm> ty cabbose u my bro
15:34:46FromDiscord<cabboose> que? just before
15:34:52FromDiscord<enthus1ast> sent a code paste, see https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=3zKV
15:35:13FromDiscord<enthus1ast> (and replacement is done on compile time)
15:35:23FromDiscord<cabboose> `"\""` will be a single "
15:35:32FromDiscord<cabboose> `"\"\""` will be two
15:35:53FromDiscord<hmmm> very suspicious
15:36:01FromDiscord<cabboose> no?
15:36:03FromDiscord<hmmm> I will try enthusiast suggestion too
15:36:29FromDiscord<cabboose> works fine for me
15:37:37FromDiscord<cabboose> you could also consider just creating a template
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15:38:57FromDiscord<cabboose> sent a code paste, see https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=3zKW
15:43:19FromDiscord<hmmm> hmm
15:43:23FromDiscord<hmmm> this is interesting
15:43:30FromDiscord<hmmm> maybe overkill
15:44:02FromDiscord<cabboose> Que?
16:02:08*nixfreak_nim[m] quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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16:02:28FromDiscord<Rika> I’m so confused what’s so interesting about this
16:02:59FromDiscord<geekrelief> Has anyone been able to build Futhark on Windows?
16:03:15FromDiscord<Rika> `"`: the opening or closing quote for the string↵`\"`: the value of the string
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16:29:08FromDiscord<enthus1ast> sent a code paste, see https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=3zL9
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18:23:10*max22- quit (Ping timeout: 268 seconds)
18:23:59FromDiscord<hmmm> bois if I execute a shell command how do I get back the error results
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18:32:08FromDiscord<auxym> you mean the stderr stream?
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18:34:09FromDiscord<hmmm> yea probably it's stderr, but in general any output getting out when you execute the command normally in console
18:41:09FromDiscord<auxym> https://nim-lang.org/docs/osproc.html
18:43:02FromDiscord<auxym> There's many options there. The most powerful but somewhat more complicated is using startProcess then errorHandle to get the stderr stream to read from
18:47:15FromDiscord<hmmm> hmmm
18:47:20FromDiscord<hmmm> I'm already using shellex
18:50:43FromDiscord<auxym> don't know what that is
18:52:38FromDiscord<Smarc> sent a code paste, see https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=3zLx
18:55:05FromDiscord<auxym> something like `result.sortedByIt(it.grade)` would work
18:55:25FromDiscord<auxym> it creates a copy though
18:56:00FromDiscord<Smarc> I tried that, but the `it` does not know `.grade` for some reason
18:56:47FromDiscord<auxym> can you create a minimal example in playground?
18:57:01FromDiscord<auxym> https://play.nim-lang.org/
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19:08:28FromDiscord<hmmm> oh sorry
19:08:48FromDiscord<hmmm> shellex was meaning execShellCmd
19:19:34*Amun-Ra quit (Quit: Gdyby mi się chciało tak jak mi się nie chce...)
19:21:29FromDiscord<hmmm> yea apparently python uses subprocess so I guess we have something similar in osproc execprocess or execcmd
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19:22:29FromDiscord<Smarc> @auxym Finally I was able to .. https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=3zLJ
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20:56:02FromDiscord<phargob> @Smarc dunno if this helps: https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=3zM8
21:10:08FromDiscord<auxym> @Smarc https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=3zMb
21:10:35FromDiscord<auxym> I called sortedByIt on the input before adding to seq.
21:11:04FromDiscord<auxym> ...which I now realize @phargob did exactly the same
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22:33:04FromDiscord<tandy> is there something like python enumerate in nim?
22:33:11FromDiscord<tandy> im doing a \`for seq\`
22:33:21FromDiscord<tandy> wanna know the index too
22:33:51FromDiscord<enthus1ast> pairs iterator
22:34:05FromDiscord<enthus1ast> for (idx, elem) in yourSeq\:
22:34:10FromDiscord<tandy> oh epic
22:34:12FromDiscord<enthus1ast> [Edit](https://discord.com/channels/371759389889003530/371759389889003532/890727750355255346): for (idx, elem) in yourSeq.pairs()
22:34:50FromDiscord<tandy> \`for idx, track in user.listenHistory[0..maxListens]\:\` this worked too
22:35:01FromDiscord<enthus1ast> yeah
22:35:24FromDiscord<juan_carlos> https://nim-lang.github.io/Nim/enumerate.html#enumerate.m%2CForLoopStmt
23:19:17*kayabaNerve quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)
23:27:01FromDiscord<auxym> anyone know if there's a way to stop nimsuggest or the (saem) nim-vscode extension from analyzing a specific file? I'm tired of the squigglies all over my config.nims file ("undeclared identifier 'switch'")