<< 23-11-2018 >>

00:04:21*Ven`` quit (Quit: My MacBook has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…)
00:07:33shashlickhow do you get the nimcache directory in the VM
00:33:31zachcarteranyone have any insight into?
00:49:03FromGitter<Varriount> zachcarter: Isn't the region deallocated when the block exits?
01:04:50*theelous3_ quit (Ping timeout: 268 seconds)
01:13:09zachcarter@Varriount: I'm not sure...
01:13:25zachcarterI'm also not sure about how to move stacks b/w threads
01:14:20zachcarter@Varriount - I don't believe it's deallocated unless you're using `withScratchRegion`
01:14:30zachcarterat least that's what I'm seeing in the code
02:03:10*vlad1777d quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)
02:20:42FromDiscord_<demotomohiro> Hi, anyone know how to do "cc = vcc" in project.nims file?
02:21:27leorize`switch("cc", "vcc")`
02:21:34leorizeor `--cc:vcc`
02:21:37leorizeyour choice
02:25:15FromDiscord_<demotomohiro> leorize, thank you! it worked!
02:27:29FromDiscord_<demotomohiro> I thought cc value should be changed with put proc but didn't work
02:28:31leorize^ that's the NimScript documentation
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02:34:10FromDiscord_<demotomohiro> Thank you
02:35:34FromDiscord_<demotomohiro> I know compiler switch can be set with switch proc or `--` template, but I thought cc was not compiler switch
02:36:09FromDiscord_<demotomohiro> nim --fullhelp do not list --cc option
02:36:28leorizewell, every assignment in the default `nim.cfg` is a compiler switch
02:37:05FromDiscord_<demotomohiro> https://nim-lang.github.io/Nim/nimc.html#compiler-selection
02:37:11*ng0 quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)
02:37:17FromDiscord_<demotomohiro> that explains --cc switch
02:37:34leorizeguess it's not documented in the `--fullhelp`
02:39:45FromDiscord_<demotomohiro> so, cc = gcc in nim.cfg is a compiler switch, but 'gcc.options.always' is not?
02:40:06leorizeprobably? try to pass it on the command line
02:44:06FromDiscord_<demotomohiro> I can set --gcc.options.always:-wall and I got
02:44:21FromDiscord_<demotomohiro> gcc.exe: error: unrecognized command line option '-wall'; did you mean '-Wall'?
02:46:09FromDiscord_<demotomohiro> so, it seems every assignment in `nim.cfg` are compiler switch
02:46:34leorizenow you'd wonder why `put` is there
02:47:18FromDiscord_<demotomohiro> Document of `put` says "Sets a configuration 'key' like 'gcc.options.always' to its value."
02:47:54FromDiscord_<demotomohiro> but `put` cannot be used to set cc
02:48:09leorizemaybe it's a bug?
02:48:24leorizetry to see if you can actually set `gcc.options.always` with it
02:52:21FromDiscord_<demotomohiro> I can write `put "gcc.options.always", "-wall"` in project.nims and I got error message from gcc about it.
02:53:03FromDiscord_<demotomohiro> so put works to set `gcc.options.always` value
02:57:28FromDiscord_<demotomohiro> `switch` proc can set both `cc` and `gcc.options.always`. `put` can set `gcc.options.always` but not `cc`.
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03:29:11xacedoes anyone know how your suppose to read the output from nimprof? i dont understand the inof in profiler_results
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04:34:05FromGitter<gogolxdong> > BoringSSL is a fork of OpenSSL that is designed to meet Google's needs.
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08:10:47FromGitter<tim-st> the following code only fails for `i64`, what is the reason it works for other types like i8,i16,i32? `var x: int = 0; inc(x, 1i64)`
08:17:12*shpx quit (Excess Flood)
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08:24:50leorize!eval var x: int = 0; inc x, 1'i64
08:24:51NimBotCompile failed: in.nim(1, 21) Error: type mismatch: got <int, int64>
08:27:05leorize!eval var x: int = 0; inc x, 1'i32
08:27:09NimBot<no output>
08:27:32FromGitter<narimiran> !eval var x: int = 0; inc x, 1'i16; echo x
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08:28:00FromGitter<narimiran> !eval var x: int64 = 0; inc x, 1'i32; echo x
08:28:49leorizeI think the compiler assumed that `int` will be 32bit
08:29:01leorizecould be a bug
08:34:41FromGitter<tim-st> the idea behind it could be some kind of safety check, to make the code more cross plattform, but then I dont understand why other non int64 types work
08:36:27leorizeping Araq I guess
08:38:34FromGitter<narimiran> !eval var x: int16 = 0; inc x, 1'i32; echo x
08:39:11FromGitter<narimiran> ok, there goes my guess.... i thought this might not work
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08:51:34FromGitter<alehander42> can i say that i want seq to be indexed by distinct type
08:52:35leorizeyou can always use tables for that
08:54:09FromGitter<alehander42> well, it wouldn't be very optimal
08:54:58FromGitter<alehander42> maybe I can do a distinct seq and a custom `[]`
08:54:58FromGitter<alehander42> :D
08:54:59leorizewell, you can make your distinct seq type
08:55:44leorizewith custom `[]` and `[]=`
08:59:35FromGitter<narimiran> @alehander42 i think there was a similar question couple of days ago
09:00:11FromGitter<narimiran> ...and i don't remember the answer :D sorry :)
09:00:37FromGitter<alehander42> yeah leorize is righ
09:00:38FromGitter<alehander42> t
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09:04:38PMunchWell you don't need a distinct seq type
09:05:00PMunchIt would be enough with just [] that takes a seq and your distinct type
09:05:31PMunchUnless you want it to only be able to slice it with your distinct type
09:05:46FromGitter<alehander42> well yeah
09:05:48FromGitter<alehander42> that's the point
09:06:06FromGitter<alehander42> i want to make sure i don't index it with the wrong value
09:06:12FromGitter<alehander42> as i have like 4 kinds of indexes
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09:13:44FromGitter<alehander42> awesome, it seems it works
09:14:48FromGitter<alehander42> one can create a macro distinctSeq too, but it would require some configurability (e.g. if you don't want `[]=` etc), not sure if worth it
09:15:23leorizewho needs configurability anw
09:15:40leorizeif you wanna fork, fork the entire thing ;)
09:21:50FromGitter<yglukhov> Araq: ever thought of how to make channels respect the `=` proc?
09:23:45FromGitter<alehander42> leorize, yeah, if you need customization, you can just write down the types manually
09:24:53FromGitter<alehander42> @mratsim I decided i'll just do a very simple symbolic lib only for my purposes, i'll still release it if somebody finds it useful
09:55:03FromGitter<bung87> can I treat seqA[0].addr as c++ vec.data() ?
09:58:05serialdev[m]catching up from helsinki, I was reading the discussion on symbolic computation
09:58:17serialdev[m]it might be worthwhile reaching out to #clasp on irc
09:59:02serialdev[m]drmeister has done alot of symbolic computation work in cpp that gets directly loaded onto clasp. maybe we could re-use it as a symbolic computation engine in nim
09:59:42serialdev[m]https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=mbdXeRBbgDM << worth watching imo
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10:03:09FromGitter<bung87> not talk to me,right?
10:04:19leorizebung87: technically yes
10:04:38leorizeyou can use it like that
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10:06:33FromGitter<bung87> so it store elements in memory continuous?
10:06:50leorizeyea, that's how it's implemented
10:07:34FromGitter<bung87> good ,then I can use it withou worry
10:13:54FromGitter<alehander42> @serialdev[m] thank you, I am not even sure yet most symbolic libs support what I need: i am mostly interested in summation expansions(no idea if that's correct) and similar stuff
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10:45:44FromGitter<alehander42> btw Araq, can we merge https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/pull/8627
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12:18:23FromGitter<mratsim> I’d like something to extract reliably the generic params in macro merged as well :P - https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/pull/8554
12:37:22serialdev[m]Emacs lisp nim repl support basic support is done
12:37:34serialdev[m]Emacs lisp nim repl basic support is done
12:40:06hohlerdewhat should I use for the removed unchecked pragma?
12:43:47Araqhohlerde, system.UncheckedArray
12:46:37FromGitter<arnetheduck> seen this, about forking compiler to do incremental compiles? https://blog.thecybershadow.net/2018/11/18/d-compilation-is-too-slow-and-i-am-forking-the-compiler/
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12:50:57FromGitter<mratsim> posted that yesterday ;)
12:52:32*dom96_w quit (Quit: My MacBook has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…)
12:54:36FromGitter<arnetheduck> oh. maybe that's where I got it from then :)
12:57:06FromGitter<alehander42> it was in HN too
13:11:40FromGitter<yyyc514> `Error: expression 'inc(p.last_id, 1)' has no type (or is ambiguous)` what am i missing
13:11:47FromGitter<yyyc514> last_id is uint64
13:14:37FromGitter<alehander42> you're probably trying to use it as a value?
13:14:43FromGitter<alehander42> inc doesn't return anything
13:14:56FromGitter<alehander42> also, you can just `inc(p.last_id)`
13:15:04FromGitter<alehander42> default is 1
13:15:12FromGitter<yyyc514> yeah, that didn't work at first but because the property wasn't public :)
13:15:13FromGitter<yyyc514> thanks
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13:27:59zachcarterwas inquiring about this yesterday evening, but there weren't a lot of folks online
13:28:16zachcarterdoes anyone have any insight into how this works - https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/blob/devel/lib/system/gc_regions.nim#L33
13:28:46zachcarterI wrote a simple app that uses regions and I can see the memory allocations happening in valgrind with massif
13:29:02zachcarterbut I still have no idea how to move a stack assocated with a memregion to another thread
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13:32:57FromGitter<tim-st> just found out untyped.repr is even better than nimpretty :0
13:33:09FromGitter<tim-st> (for a given code block)
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14:39:21FromGitter<yyyc514> so are `var` arguemnts impossible to pass in a closure?
14:40:40FromGitter<yyyc514> hmmm
14:44:15FromGitter<yyyc514> ref object works just fine though it seems?
14:46:23FromGitter<yyyc514> becase youc an't be sure that var isn't on someone elses stack that might disappear?
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15:20:19FromGitter<Varriount> Araq: Do we have any documentation on using the region gc? zacharycarter is having some trouble with it.
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15:24:06Araqno... :-/
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15:41:55FromGitter<tim-st> should this code work in a file called `test.nim`? https://gist.github.com/tim-st/f4fdaf5eb2b784491d860a4d8af99140
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15:44:52Araqor maybe, I dunno
15:45:15FromGitter<tim-st> when I hover over it it says `test.test.B` but it then assumes it is `test.B`
15:46:06FromGitter<tim-st> in the global scope `test` from `test.nim` is accepted as scope name
15:47:27FromGitter<tim-st> I need to know this for fixing the recursive alias type crash, but I'm not sure what should work
15:48:25FromGitter<alehander42> is it possible to define a type inside a proc ?
15:48:36FromGitter<alehander42> when is this useful
15:49:12FromGitter<tim-st> yes, I tried to find all valid type definition scopes, it's useful where also nested proc definitions are useful
15:51:32Araqalehander42, btw what happened to your new JS codegen?
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16:26:03leorizeif I should not close the `inputStream` of a `Process`, then is there anyway to signify that process that I don't have any input left to feed it?
16:26:45Araqa good question
16:27:45AraqexecCmdEx disagrees with the docs and closes it earlier to signal EOF
16:27:57Araqand I've been told that is what should be used on Unix
16:28:07Araqit blocks the process on Windows though
16:30:32AraqI think you should go ahead and close it and let us fix the Windows variant and update the docs
16:30:52Araqon the other hand
16:31:12Araqit might require a new proc close(p: Process; s: Stream)
16:31:57Araqor a more explicit signalStdinEof(p: Process)
16:34:34FromGitter<alehander42> Araq, well it is somewhere: probably around 50-60% done(maybe most in the ast->ast, the more easy renderer is less developed)
16:35:07Araqok, what happened? Too much work? No real benefits?
16:35:56*Vladar quit (Remote host closed the connection)
16:36:01leorizeAraq: I think signalStdinEof would be useful
16:36:20FromGitter<alehander42> it's just not very interesting after a while, as one mostly repeats similar code transformations
16:36:25leorizepretty sure no one would need to close output streams
16:36:27FromGitter<alehander42> and not a lot of free time lately
16:36:34FromGitter<alehander42> but I'll try to finish it
16:37:03Araqleorize, I just tested it on windows
16:37:10Araqinp.close() works
16:37:42Araqbut so does not closing, hmmm
16:38:14FromGitter<alehander42> Araq, do you need it soon? Or just checking
16:38:23Araqnah, I was curious
16:38:36Araqsince at one point I would like to do the same for the cgen
16:39:49FromGitter<alehander42> well, it's mostly a matter of doing it, there were some annoying things to translate as everything assumed it would generate strings (as the magic ops), but with a macro or two or a bit of refactoring it seemed to be sufficient
16:40:10Araqwindows does line buffering
16:40:17Araqand doesn't need the close()
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17:01:33ldleworkgeom/poly.nim(3, 12) Error: cannot open 'geom/line'
17:01:38ldleworkaww my nim game bit-rotted
17:02:01leorizejust remove the `geom` part and it'll be fine
17:02:55leorizeAraq: are the PFloat* and PInt* in system.nim actually used anywhere?
17:02:58ldleworkyeah that got me a bit further
17:07:18ldleworkdiamond.nim(164, 13) Error: attempting to call undeclared routine: 'drawStipple'
17:07:36ldleworkgraphics lib changed i guess
17:07:50ldleworkthe word "stipple" doesn't appear in https://github.com/nim-lang/graphics/blob/master/graphics.nim
17:16:55ldleworkI'm trying to build an graphics/SDL app on NixOS and I'm getting
17:16:56ldleworkcould not load: libSDL.so(|.1|.0)
17:17:05ldleworkhow can I tell nim where sdl is?
17:17:22leorizeit should be in LD_LIBRARY_PATH
17:17:26leorizeif you're using Nix
17:17:33leorizeyou'd need to open a nix-env with sdl
17:17:54ldleworkhmm i did nix-shell -p nim SDL
17:18:02ldleworkwhich worked, and compiled but it wont run
17:18:42leorizedoes your LD_LIBRARY_PATH got SDL lib folder?
17:18:56ldleworkhmm, it is set to /run/opengl-driver/lib
17:19:03ldleworkin and out of nix-shell
17:19:45leorizecan you run sdl-config?
17:20:05ldleworkit gives me the usage string
17:20:09ldleworknot sure how to use that
17:22:02leorizetry passing this to the compiler: `--dynlibOverride:libSDL -l:"$(sdl-config --libs)"`
17:22:46ldleworkleorize: nice, now it wants sdl-ttf
17:22:57ldleworki'll use the same trick
17:23:10ldleworkdoes sdl-config work for things like sdl-ttf
17:23:22leorizeno, you'd need pkg-config for that
17:23:32leorizewelcome to the world of Linux packaging :P
17:24:31leorizeldlework: ok it's simpler for sdl-ttf
17:24:53leorizejust add "-lSDL_ttf" to the `-l:` switch above
17:25:09leorizeand add `--dynlibOverride:libSDL_ttf` also
17:26:50ldleworkleorize: hey I got it working
17:27:43leorizeit's rather weird that the `{.dynlib.}` doesn't work for Nix
17:27:59leorizecan you give me the output of `readelf -d` on the generated binary
17:28:14leorizeI'd like to take a look at how Nix does things
17:28:26ldleworkleorize: someone in #nix told me i should use patchelf
17:28:41ldleworkwhich i guess would be a generic solution
17:28:47ldleworkneat to know there are multiple ways to go about it
17:28:57leorizeah, yes, heard about it
17:29:44ldleworkleorize: https://gist.github.com/dustinlacewell/580cd4ac43ab2878ad58be1eb850d8a8
17:30:21ldleworki wonder where the stipple drawing function went though ^_^'
17:30:43leorizeI see, they used `rpath`
17:30:59leorizein that case then only patchelf or this manual way would work on Nix
17:39:26ldleworknice i got another one of my nim apps working too
17:40:28ldleworklib/core/macros.nim(376, 41) Error: type mismatch: got (string) but expected one of: macro to(node: JsonNode; T: typedesc): untyped
17:40:53ldleworkI guess my ECS would need to refurbished though
17:42:40ldleworki bet there are good game engines for Nim by now though
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17:53:24FromGitter<arnetheduck> when exactly is the last expression in a block taken as the result of that block? ⏎ ⏎ ```func f(v: seq[int]): int = ⏎ if v.len == 3: ⏎ x() ⏎ v[0]``` ⏎ ⏎ this will return `v[0]`, but when does that happen? when the magic `result` is not used elsewhere? [https://gitter.im/nim-lang/Nim?at=5bf83e9497a8982b9a527618]
17:56:47leorizeit's somewhere in the Manual
17:56:56leorizebut iirc, it happens when:
17:57:32leorize- the last statement of the block is an expression
17:57:40leorize- the result variable weren't used
17:57:59leorize- the return statement weren't used
18:07:56FromGitter<tim-st> should this work? `type A = string or int`
18:10:02leorizepretty sure `type A = string|int` work better
18:10:14leorize!eval type A = string or int
18:10:17NimBot<no output>
18:10:22leorize!eval type A = string|int
18:10:25NimBot<no output>
18:10:31leorizethe compiler is fine with both
18:10:46*Perkol quit (Quit: Leaving)
18:11:34FromGitter<tim-st> yes, also thought `|` is better
18:12:37FromGitter<tim-st> ok, seems to be a working syntax
18:17:10Araqarnetheduck: https://nim-lang.org/docs/manual.html#statements-and-expressions-void-context
18:18:11Araqthe section could be expanded a bit
18:18:46FromGitter<tim-st> this is also valid? `type A = string | int or float`
18:19:58leorize!eval type A = string | int or float
18:20:00NimBot<no output>
18:20:07leorizetim-st: you could always try :P
18:20:33leorize\!eval works from gitter too
18:20:35FromGitter<tim-st> I already tried it, just want to make sure that my implementation checks only the correct syntax
18:20:51FromGitter<arnetheduck> thanks @leorize and @Araq yeah a note about how that works for if/for/block would probably be helpful
18:28:41Araqtrue but it does the "obvious" thing, an if statement that has a block of type T needs to have an 'else' and all branches also have to be of type T and then the full if is of T
18:29:02Araqlikewise for 'case'
18:29:27Araqand a for loop body always has to be of type 'void'
18:29:39Araqsame for 'while'
18:34:07FromGitter<tim-st> good that I tested it; found another crash creator: `type T = not string; echo T is T`
18:36:56leorize!eval type T = not string; echo T is T
18:37:13leorizetim-st: confirmed regression?
18:37:19leorize!eval echo NimVersion
18:37:46FromGitter<tim-st> yes, good catch
18:37:51FromGitter<tim-st> 1) 19.9 windows
18:38:34FromGitter<tim-st> also try: `type T = not not T`
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20:01:14Araqyglukhov[m]: I missed your PR ;-)
20:04:14FromGitter<arnetheduck> @Araq but there are subtleties I guess for when the if is a bit more comples.. ie `if x != nil: x.member else: nil` - there needs to be a type resolution rule in such a case (at least it would be nice if there was, haven't checked if that particular statement works)
20:04:45Araqyeah indeed, the type relation is called "commonType" in the compiler
20:04:55Araqand handles the cases you outlined
20:10:29FromGitter<arnetheduck> bah. the choice between nothing, `return` and `result` is one I'd rather not have, `result` is the least useful on average
20:11:07FromGitter<arnetheduck> but I like the last-expression-is-return thing in general
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20:25:51FromGitter<yglukhov> Araq: you mean the test pr?
20:27:34FromGitter<yglukhov> not sure i follow... jo?
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20:28:58FromGitter<yglukhov> but you havent merged your branch either. the pr should be merged afterwards. or just pull it into the branch
20:29:07Araqarnetheduck: actually 'result' is the most useful of the 3
20:29:20Araqyglukhov: I thought you take my branch and finish it
20:30:33FromGitter<yglukhov> oh, sure i can do that. but i told you "done", once i was done with that :)
20:30:37FromGitter<yglukhov> ok, ill do the pr
20:32:29FromGitter<arnetheduck> it's the one that's the easiest to explicitly add in the cases it's necessary, though I tend to prefer a more functional style for.. er.. functions that return stuff - limits the surface area for mistakes.. specially nasty when refactoring, where it's easy to end up with code that uses both result and return, makes for some nasty reading
20:34:19Araqyeah, the solution is to avoid 'return' :P
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20:37:18FromGitter<arnetheduck> well, make return not take an argument.. but then it's easy to forget to assign result first
20:37:51FromGitter<arnetheduck> choice is bad :)
20:38:26zachcarterthanks @Varriount - it's not that Im necessarily having trouble with it - it's working
20:38:43zachcarterbut the docs state there is a way to pass the stacks associated with a mem region b/w threads
20:38:46zachcarteror at least use them across threads
20:39:02zachcarterdoes ANYONE know how this is supposed to work haha?
20:39:16zachcarterif not - is there a point in having a GC / feature that no one knows how / is going to use?
20:39:34zachcarterit doesn't seem lik they're being used in any code on github, besides in the Nim stdlib itself
20:40:13zachcarterI've found one library using them - and I don't think they're being used properly - plus they're only using `withScratchRegion`
20:40:29FromGitter<yglukhov> Araq: done https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/pull/9790 :)
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21:27:44zachcarterhow is this possible - https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/blob/devel/lib/system/gc_regions.nim#L214 - when the return type isn't exported?
21:33:06zachcarterwell, maybe the question isn't how is this possible, maybe it is - should StackPtr and associated fields be exported?
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