<< 24-02-2024 >>

00:03:45arkanoidyes, but nimlangeserver by boing IPC and piping is wasting time that nimlsp is spending running machine code
00:11:36FromDiscord<jmgomez> sent a long message, see https://pasty.ee/izZdGesekNgX
00:12:59FromDiscord<jmgomez> (edit) "https://pasty.ee/esWqBBedctlG" => "https://pasty.ee/dkCofkpAKkan"
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00:32:18FromDiscord<leorize> that's always worked for me with nimsuggest
00:32:18FromDiscord<leorize> although nimsuggest will crash on the next keystroke...
00:32:19FromDiscord<leorize> the new protocol is really just ipc, nimlsp bypasses all that because it interface with the compiler api directly
00:41:39FromDiscord<jmgomez> it works for you in a massive projects? The basic concept it does work for me oc, but since I started NUE I never got that working. Granted, I never really bother as I was focussed on making things just work but suggestions didnt work (they arent perfect though)↵↵It also performs partial recompilations
00:43:40FromDiscord<jmgomez> In any case, people should use whatever they prefer. Im just pointing out a concrete example where I did see an improvement
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00:51:35*azimut quit (Quit: ZNC - https://znc.in)
00:51:46arkanoidhere nimlangserver fails to kill nimsuggest processes and also kill itself, when nimsuggest crashes it fails to cleanup and processes pile up, I end up with system filled with processes and vscode receiving input from multiple nimlangeservers. Complete disaster
00:52:35arkanoidthis happens in hello world project, too
00:55:43FromDiscord<jmgomez> Is not there an issue open that's actively being working on? ↵BTW if nimsuggest crashes, and you want to see an improvement, you should report it
00:56:07FromDiscord<jmgomez> (edit) "working" => "worked"
00:56:32arkanoidjmgomez: https://github.com/nim-lang/langserver/issues/184
00:56:52arkanoidjmgomez: https://github.com/nim-lang/vscode-nim/issues/45
00:57:26FromDiscord<jmgomez> In reply to @arkanoid "<@726017160115126333>: https://github.com/nim-lang/": that's the one that I said "is being worked on"
00:57:32FromDiscord<jmgomez> where is the nimsuggest crash here?
00:57:58arkanoidnot this one, I yet have to write the one about nimsuggest crash
01:00:50arkanoidthe other issues are much more disruptive. Mostly if the time I end up with vscode hallucinating errors. Completion seems to work, but errors seems everywhere. "nimble build" compiles just fine. If I close, kill nimlangserver processes, restart vscode, I get proper feedback for 5 minutes, then hallucinations starts again
01:01:14FromDiscord<Robyn [She/Her]> ^^^^
01:03:03arkanoidit seems to me that the extension is not behaving correctly when there are multiple nimlangserver processes running for some reason. Feels like a tab in vscode is giving feedback for another tab
01:03:42FromDiscord<jmgomez> Im not the one looking into those issues but all I can say is I experienced in the past a similar issue in MacOs and now it's gone for the most part
01:04:25FromDiscord<jmgomez> (Im referring to the process not being kill, the other sounds like a config issue)
01:05:01arkanoidjmgomez, I'm using vscode profiles, I can start from scratch/plain vscode environment and repeat the issues
01:07:10arkanoidthe only way I get some stability is: have settings.json and project.nimble match over a single artifact/main.nim file, have all nim files as children of that main nim file to avoid at all cost more than 1 nimlangserver process (this means NEVER open external file/documentation, I have to use external editor for that)
01:07:42*azimut joined #nim
01:07:52arkanoidif nimsuggest crashes, restart whole vscode + manual kill nimlangserser
01:07:58FromDiscord<Robyn [She/Her]> Nimlsp doesn't have those issues, right?
01:08:35arkanoidno, nimlsp starts with vscode, honors settings.json properly, kills itself when vscode is closed
01:09:23FromDiscord<Robyn [She/Her]> Neat, I'll use it next time then
01:15:23arkanoidRobyn, please mind that official vs-code nim extension doesn't support nimlsp but only nimlangserver, so you have to rely to other vscode extension. Sadly vscode doesn't have a generic "LSP" extension like other editors
01:16:09arkanoidthis has a cheap presentation but works https://github.com/bung87/vscode-nim-lsp
01:19:41arkanoidI yet don't know why Microsoft is the inventor of LSP, but vscode doesn't come with generic LSP support https://www.reddit.com/r/vscode/comments/b9chcw/why_a_separate_lsp_client_extension_for_each/
01:19:59FromDiscord<Robyn [She/Her]> In reply to @arkanoid "Robyn, please mind that": That's fine for me!
01:21:39arkanoidplease let me know if you find a better LSP client for vscode+nim
01:23:30FromDiscord<Robyn [She/Her]> I will if I find one aha
01:31:00*fallback joined #nim
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07:39:41FromDiscord<nnsee> hello! Small announcement about pasty.ee - it will be down for a few hours today while I migrate everything to a new machine
07:40:08FromDiscord<nnsee> since it's one of my only public facing things on it, it will be my top priority to get up and running with as little downtime as possible
07:40:25FromDiscord<nnsee> giving myself a couple of hours just to be on the safe side in case something goes wrong
07:52:53*fallback quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
08:04:48FromDiscord<im__cynical> is there a way to check if a nim executable is running in memory or off disk?
08:05:50FromDiscord<odexine> "running in memory"?
08:06:59FromDiscord<im__cynical> yes
08:07:08FromDiscord<griffith1deadly> what you mean
08:09:46FromDiscord<im__cynical> like if you convert a nim executable into shellcode with donut, and run it in memory
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09:04:58*advesperacit joined #nim
10:05:03*jmdaemon quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)
10:12:17FromDiscord<random.visitor> "running in memory" could mean a variety of things. it'd help to explain more about what you're trying to achieve / aiming to do, and the terminology you're using
10:25:13NimEventerNew thread by nimbool: Nimble.directory has been down for a few days now, see https://forum.nim-lang.org/t/11075
10:51:22NimEventerNew thread by enaaab460: Pointer repr, see https://forum.nim-lang.org/t/11076
10:52:34FromDiscord<demotomohiro> Machine code is always placed on memory before executing, isn't it?
10:58:00*azimut joined #nim
11:03:02*fallback quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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11:20:31NimEventerNew thread by ninovanhooff: How to use nimble develop with a fork?, see https://forum.nim-lang.org/t/11077
11:29:36FromDiscord<odexine> In reply to @demotomohiro "Machine code is always": Not in the embedded systems case of course but otherwise I believe doc
11:29:40FromDiscord<odexine> (edit) "doc" => "so?"
11:40:10*junaid_ joined #nim
11:45:25FromDiscord<whisperecean> How to fix errors like this? 'updateHandler (Async)' is not GC-safe as it calls 'genQuote'. This is from Nim 2.0.2 I believe?
11:47:04FromDiscord<whisperecean> also is there any lib that can make beautiful graphs (plotting) with png/jpeg output?
12:07:27FromDiscord<demotomohiro> In reply to @odexine "Not in the embedded": In the embedded systems, code are read from ROM and executed, without putting them on memory to save memory usage?↵I guess embedded systems uses ROM that can be read as fast as memory.
12:08:08FromDiscord<odexine> In reply to @demotomohiro "In the embedded systems,": Sometimes they’re in RAM (higher end) sometimes they’re executed from flash
12:09:16FromDiscord<demotomohiro> In reply to @whisperecean "How to fix errors": https://github.com/ringabout/awesome-nim?tab=readme-ov-file#plotting
12:12:27FromDiscord<odexine> In reply to @demotomohiro "In the embedded systems,": I don’t know if it’s “as fast” but probably fast enough
12:13:28FromDiscord<demotomohiro> In reply to @odexine "Sometimes they’re in RAM": I heard raspberry pi pico execute code from flash. But I thought code are automatically placed on memory before executing them.
12:13:52FromDiscord<odexine> Pico runs from flash, they use XIP
12:13:57FromDiscord<odexine> execute in place
12:15:22FromDiscord<odexine> I don’t know what Arduino used
12:15:25FromDiscord<odexine> (edit) "used" => "uses"
12:15:31*ehmry_ is now known as ehmry
12:16:38FromDiscord<odexine> I think it has program memory
12:18:08FromDiscord<demotomohiro> Thank you. I didn't know that.
12:20:16FromDiscord<nnsee> In reply to @im__cynical "is there a way": in standard modern operating systems, all executables are loaded into memory before being executed there
12:21:11FromDiscord<odexine> In reply to @nnsee "in standard modern operating": ~~hell, pretty much everything is kept in RAM nowadays. Caching be like~~
12:21:15FromDiscord<nnsee> in fact, architecturally it's impossible to execute something "off disk", without abusiong iommu
12:21:45FromDiscord<nnsee> (edit) "abusiong" => "abusing the"
12:26:31FromDiscord<Phil> I vaguely recall some of the more sophisticated viruses basically only existing in memory and never being turned into a file
12:26:53FromDiscord<Phil> (edit) "viruses" => "malware"
12:27:43FromDiscord<nnsee> hey that's my project
12:28:07FromDiscord<odexine> That’s usually done with somewhat fucky methods right
12:28:08FromDiscord<nnsee> https://github.com/nnsee/fileless-elf-exec
12:28:28FromDiscord<nnsee> it was used in a cryptominer malware campaign unfortunately
12:28:34FromDiscord<Phil> Imagine being able to do a project in parallel to work
12:28:39FromDiscord<Phil> God I want my mental energy back
12:29:19FromDiscord<odexine> Sounds like your job ain’t too good
12:30:14FromDiscord<nnsee> In reply to @nnsee "it was used in": https://www.wiz.io/blog/pyloose-first-python-based-fileless-attack-on-cloud-workloads this one
12:30:51FromDiscord<Phil> Imagine being the person behind organizing the frontend, requiring you to coordinate with 2 other devs that joined the project afterwards.↵And the deadline is April.
12:31:18FromDiscord<Phil> Intensity ramped up lately, which is why I'm basically a vegetable post work nowadays.↵Org. is killing me
12:35:05FromDiscord<odexine> In reply to @isofruit "Imagine being the person": Are these all assigned to you by work or did you take them up yourself
12:35:38FromDiscord<odexine> You should probably communicate about the workload if your work place is not toxic
12:35:45FromDiscord<Phil> There's no formal assignment. Literally everybody comes to me asking questions.↵If I don't answer them, the project basically breaks down.
12:36:43FromDiscord<odexine> Yes but if it’s not explicitly your responsibility it probably shouldn’t be, at least that’s what I’d say naive as I may be
12:38:19FromDiscord<Phil> I did. The situation I'm in is basically caused by the company fucking up when they let a couple really good people go that'd have lightened my workload
12:38:41FromDiscord<nnsee> sounds like it might be time to move on
12:38:54FromDiscord<nnsee> or at least consider it
12:39:05FromDiscord<Phil> What I needed was at least one other senior dev to share the load, they tried to hire one, took them 6 months longer than anticipated, on a project that was planned to have the MVP out in less than a year
12:39:08FromDiscord<nnsee> since having to take the responsibility of multiple people they've let go is not ok
12:39:28FromDiscord<odexine> I would say so too, even if I’m not a full time worker yet
12:40:37FromDiscord<Phil> This is less "on an existing project work was done by 3, now by 1" and more "Moved to new project on my lonesome, no idea what I was getting myself into, suddenly I realize I'm constantly coordinating and organizing more than I ever have"
12:40:58FromDiscord<Phil> (edit) "into," => "into because I never did greenfield commercially before,"
12:41:09FromDiscord<odexine> That doesn’t change anything
12:41:47FromDiscord<Phil> It is more an explanation I guess on why it didn't occur to me until around 2 months ago or so
12:55:43*fallback joined #nim
13:21:25*derpydoo quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)
13:52:25FromDiscord<djazz> Actually quite glad im not working as a developer any more. Coding got more fun and Nim is fun
13:54:03FromDiscord<Robyn [She/Her]> What are you working as now, then?
13:54:49FromDiscord<djazz> Admin
13:55:35FromDiscord<djazz> Booking requests etc
13:56:42FromDiscord<djazz> I don’t want to go back working with web dev
14:08:05FromDiscord<Robyn [She/Her]> Ah yeah fair
14:36:51FromDiscord<Robyn [She/Her]> Not sure what to program right now
14:37:47FromDiscord<expert> an AI whose sole purpose is to enslave mankind↵(@Robyn [She/Her])
14:40:32FromDiscord<djazz> Average weekend project ^
14:45:19FromDiscord<Robyn [She/Her]> Pfff
14:49:36FromDiscord<fosster> folks, how do you pick a random element in an HashSet?
14:52:24*lucasta joined #nim
14:59:51FromDiscord<nnsee> i throw dice
15:03:58FromDiscord<djazz> And then you write the number of the dice in the code!
15:04:29FromDiscord<djazz> Guaranteed to be chosen at random
15:05:23FromDiscord<fosster> but hash sets are not indexable, aren't they?
15:23:53*azimut quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds)
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16:08:56FromDiscord<saint._._.> In reply to @chronos.vitaqua "Not sure what to": How’s your chat platform going?
16:10:11FromDiscord<Robyn [She/Her]> In reply to @saint._._. "How’s your chat platform": Gonna work on it once I have a working PC and I get a basic MC server done :p
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16:21:55FromDiscord<nnsee> do you want my old pc
16:21:59FromDiscord<nnsee> the one that hosts pasty
16:22:01FromDiscord<nnsee> currently
16:22:22FromDiscord<nnsee> haven't migrated yet, apparently migrating a postgres installation running on rocky to a postgres installation running on debian is... harder than i anticipated
16:22:28FromDiscord<nnsee> https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/371759389889003532/1210985103958872085/image.png?ex=65ec8cc3&is=65da17c3&hm=023d7b6ef9ad3307b605f15ee22bc19585d6ff693179d6108b1e5db368122676&
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16:28:02FromDiscord<Robyn [She/Her]> In reply to @nnsee "do you want my": I'm assuming that's a joke :P
16:28:13FromDiscord<Robyn [She/Her]> In reply to @nnsee "haven't migrated yet, apparently": Rip
16:28:17FromDiscord<Robyn [She/Her]> Can't just dump the db?
16:28:53FromDiscord<nnsee> In reply to @chronos.vitaqua "I'm assuming that's a": well no
16:29:11FromDiscord<nnsee> it's not the beefiest cpu, has no graphics card but has a bunch of RAM and disks in it
16:29:21FromDiscord<nnsee> In reply to @chronos.vitaqua "Can't just dump the": trying that now
16:29:32FromDiscord<nnsee> at first i tried to just migrate the PGDATA directory over but that didn't seem to work
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16:32:02FromDiscord<nnsee> it's literally going to be sitting collecting dust otherwise
16:32:07FromDiscord<nnsee> if you want i can get it shipped to you
16:40:35FromDiscord<Robyn [She/Her]> Oh huh
16:40:47FromDiscord<Robyn [She/Her]> I'll keep that in mind, but definitely not yet
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16:56:07FromDiscord<djazz> In reply to @fosster "but hash sets are": use map or the items iterator?
17:33:11arkanoidtry-caching await foo() returns different e.msg() if program is compiled in debug or release
17:34:34arkanoidin debug, it contains an "Async traceback", just after the original message
17:37:36arkanoidI need to save the message defined into raised exception as-is, I don't want nim to append to that string an async traceback
17:38:10FromDiscord<goldenlion5648> anyone planning to try the reply challenge? (team coding contest about solving an optimization problem) https://challenges.reply.com/challenges/coding/home/
17:43:04arkanoidgoldenlion5648 wont touch stuff from Reply even with a very long stick
17:45:22arkanoidfound the culprit, but don't know how to exclude https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/blob/37ed8c84801a850b91b86f777ae2a4a2e022cd47/lib/pure/asyncfutures.nim#L348
17:49:08arkanoidI have to drop wait and use yield instead
17:53:22FromDiscord<goldenlion5648> In reply to @arkanoid "goldenlion5648 wont touch stuff": oh what did they do?
17:54:51arkanoidlied to me
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18:46:25FromDiscord<goldenlion5648> In reply to @arkanoid "lied to me": as in you won or something and they didn't pay up?
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20:30:06*krux02 quit (Remote host closed the connection)
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21:28:38FromDiscord<ebahi> hello, idk if this is the right place to ask but i couldn't find any other server, i was recently setting up my first website and wanted it to be secured by cloudflare and while setting up cloudflare ssl i don't seem to understand what their full (strict) method means, i tried searching online but i don't understand still. i know what it does but i don't know what i have to do for it to work, i have the pem file they gave me and that's it
21:31:02FromDiscord<␀ Array 🇵🇸 🍉> you could ask in #selfhosted\:matrix.org↵(@ebahi)
21:31:26FromDiscord<␀ Array 🇵🇸 🍉> i dont use clownflare so i cant help you
22:17:06*advesperacit quit ()
23:43:46FromDiscord<im__cynical> yo how do I convert a string to lpcstr
23:46:44FromDiscord<Robyn [She/Her]> In reply to @im__cynical "yo how do I": What's a lpcstr?
23:47:46FromDiscord<im__cynical> In reply to @chronos.vitaqua "What's a lpcstr?": https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/winprog/windows-data-types
23:50:33FromDiscord<Robyn [She/Her]> In reply to @im__cynical "https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/win": Are you using https://github.com/khchen/winim ?
23:53:36FromDiscord<im__cynical> Yeah
23:58:57FromDiscord<Robyn [She/Her]> @imcynical Winim seems to do a string to lpcstr conversion automatically, so you should be able to use the string as is