<< 24-03-2018 >>

00:00:03FromGitter<zacharycarter> thanks @krux02 for pointing me to that
00:02:01dom96if in doubt about the API you should use, ask here :)
00:02:19dom96or rather I should say: if in doubt about how to design the API
00:03:14FromGitter<zacharycarter> I will
00:03:27FromGitter<zacharycarter> well - I'll definitely ask for feedback anyway
00:03:47dom96Creating a TUI is amazingly fun
00:05:57*noonien quit (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
00:07:04dom96Might just end up creating a package out of this
00:07:52FromGitter<zacharycarter> out of what?
00:11:18dom96out of my little tui module
00:11:42FromGitter<zacharycarter> sounds interesting
00:14:35dom96Pretty sure I just captured a Coinbase JSON response over my WiFi
00:14:39dom96in plain text
00:15:15FromGitter<zacharycarter> :D
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02:22:26shashlickdom96: do share your TUI module, am definitely interested
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02:54:03kinkinkijkinanyone here who knows unix named pipes well? I want to work on fixing something but have a potential series of questions
02:54:52kinkinkijkinpotential, which is why I'm not just outright asking
02:55:37kinkinkijkindon't have much battery time on my laptop to work on it so just ping me if you know named pipes and see this so I can start up my laptop
02:56:26kinkinkijkinactually one question I can just ask
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02:57:29kinkinkijkinis there any extraneous data extracted from named pipes in nim? I'm trying stream.readLine but apparently it's pulling in some garbage so idk how to continue with it
02:58:01kinkinkijkinthis garbage is causing the demon I'm making to crash and pull down its layer with it (extremely unexpected behaviour, considering the simplicity of the code)
02:58:24kinkinkijkinas in, if I run the demon to test in a urxvt window, it crashes urxvt
02:58:45kinkinkijkinonly when it reaches garbage in the named pipe
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04:18:32FromDiscord<Yardanico> https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/pull/7403 lol
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04:20:51kinkinkijkinisn't D made for systems stuff?
04:21:43FromDiscord<Yardanico> I mean I'm not sure that it's true that Nim took ctfe from D and not from lisp (I may be wrong though)
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04:28:11FromGitter<Varriount> kinkinkijin: What OS are you running on?
04:28:42kinkinkijkinwith the 0.16 from the openbsd pkg system
04:29:02kinkinkijkinhave to manually compile with egcc to use 0.18
04:29:10kinkinkijkinfor known reasons
04:30:07kinkinkijkinidk why openbsd doesn't just start using clang, other than their strange opposition to using c++
04:31:16FromGitter<Varriount> Have you tried reading from the pipe using standard read() calls?
04:32:47kinkinkijkinI have not, with the design of my program that would be impractical to implement since I need arbitrary command lengths, do you think this would change what it's getting?
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04:49:20kinkinkijkinI've gotta go to bed, if you reply again that's where I went
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07:58:10Araqhmm is everybody fine with the compiler producing URLs in its error messages?
07:58:36Araqthat lead to some online help?
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08:05:08FromDiscord<Yardanico> IDK, maybe it's good for some cases so you don't need to Google the error :) But generally it will probably be annoying if compiler gives you url for all errors
08:06:18FromGitter<alehander42> @krux02 one of the first reasons for zero_functional was to optimize chaining "iterators" & zip: https://github.com/alehander42/zero-functional/blob/master/test.nim#L34
08:06:57FromGitter<alehander42> however, if iterators could be chained natively, that would be the best option always, as loopfusion and zero_functional are hard to extend with new methods for outside users
08:08:21FromGitter<alehander42> @Araq for all messages? I think it's a nice idea with the right formatting, at least for some errors
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08:10:48Araqno, for the 'var T' stuff I'm doing which is subtle
08:11:04Araqand maybe for 'gcsafe', effects
08:11:29Araqnot for all error messages.
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08:15:32FromGitter<alehander42> then, I think it can very useful
08:15:37FromGitter<alehander42> can be*
08:20:03FromGitter<abijahm> does nim lang have asyncstreams
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08:43:07FromGitter<abijahm> found it
08:52:13FromGitter<mratsim> I also think URL with "Relevant article: https://yourawesomeURL” is good. It can started pointing to the manual and as Nim develops to a wiki/FAQ that everyone can edit for example.
08:53:10YardanicoI've added a couple of issues in this D_vs_nim repo (it contains some invalid data), for example it says that nimble only has 194(!) packages. https://github.com/timotheecour/D_vs_nim/issues/3
08:54:40Araqmratsim: I am thinking about short articles specialized for these error messages
08:54:49Yardanicoand btw, dlang only has 1248 packages, wtf
08:55:08YardanicoI thought it will have much more of them :)
08:55:12Araqthat then might link into the manual for further clarification
08:56:18Yardanicoalso, nim supports local imports, right?
08:59:21Araqthey would cause scoping problems. See D ;-)
08:59:41YardanicoAraq, I'm just checking if stuff in https://github.com/timotheecour/D_vs_nim about Nim is valid :)
09:00:19FromGitter<mratsim> @Araq: I don’t have fold and foldl, I have fold, reduce, foldaxis, fold_enumerableAxis ;). But I completely agree with your points. @dom96 Here is what I want to replace with loopfusion in Arraymancer, 3 files of various: zip, zipAxis, mzip, enumerateAxis, map, map2, map3, apply, apply2, apply3, template and higher-order function versions: https://github.com/mratsim/Arraymancer/blob/master/src/tensor/accessors.nim,
09:00:19FromGitter... https://github.com/mratsim/Arraymancer/blob/master/src/tensor/higher_order_applymap.nim, https://github.com/mratsim/Arraymancer/blob/master/src/tensor/higher_order_foldreduce.nim ⏎ ⏎ In the end for Tensors I only need a `forEach`, `forEachOMP` (cannot allow heap alloc inside), and a “forEachOMPreduce” (name to find).
09:01:04FromGitter<mratsim> oh I forgot about menumerateAxis, enumerateZip and menumerateZip
09:05:18Araqa new error message to confuse you. 'x' is not the first parameter; context: 'x.field[0]'
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09:06:19FromGitter<mratsim> Don’t break mpairs by the way ;)
09:06:36AraqI did 'tt collections'
09:06:45Araqand assume mpairs is covered by that
09:07:48FromGitter<mratsim> anyway, if you add the corresponding macros stuff for “from”/“scope” I will update loopfusion to hide that.
09:08:21Araq'from' is not part of the RFC
09:09:50FromGitter<mratsim> ah right, future directions
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09:12:01YardanicoAraq, should I use assert or doAssert in runnableExamples?
09:12:20FromGitter<mratsim> https://github.com/timotheecour/D_vs_nim
09:12:29miranYardanico: i'm using doAssert, as shown in the release notes for 0.18
09:12:39FromGitter<mratsim> @yardanico doAssert otherwise your examples will always succeed in release mode
09:12:44Yardanicook, thanks
09:13:14FromGitter<mratsim> Timothee is the maintainer of Dub, the D package manager and opened a PR to add D as influence to Nim yesterday ;)
09:13:30Yardanicoyes :D
09:13:36Yardanicoalso D_vs_nim repo says that nimble has 194 packages
09:14:28miranbtw, iterators taking openArray[T] are working fine (as shown in sequtils.filter), but when i use proc which takes openArray[T] and it returns an iterator (i'm wrapping the iterator) - compiler doesn't like that.
09:15:02AraqYardanico: doAssert
09:15:05FromGitter<mratsim> don’t capture openarrays in iterators, otherwise it can escape
09:15:19FromGitter<mratsim> I struggled with that too miran ;)
09:15:26mirani get "illegal capture" - what am i doing wrong and how to make it right?
09:15:29FromGitter<mratsim> in closure* iterators
09:16:01FromGitter<mratsim> basically a closure iterator copies it’s environment, but you cannot copy an openarray, it’s not a first class type
09:16:05FromGitter<mratsim> its*
09:16:30FromGitter<mratsim> so you can overload for seq and arrays
09:17:42miranoh, so basically have two version of everything?
09:18:05Araqcapture the @x instead
09:18:28Araqproc outer(x: openArray[T]) =
09:18:34Araq let x = @x
09:18:40Araq proc inner = use(x)
09:19:00Araqno need for two versions.
09:19:12miranAraq: wow, very nice, thanks!
09:19:41miranmy first nible package (to be released :)) just became much more useful
09:23:41FromGitter<mratsim> @Araq @x on seq is a noop?
09:24:39FromGitter<mratsim> I’m worried (like always) that let x = @x will allocate :/
09:36:54Araqwell it does
09:37:13YardanicoHmmm, I have a weird formatting issue with runnableExamples and a template - https://i.imgur.com/QlNiOMH.png
09:37:53Yardanico(it works fine with normal procedures)
09:38:41FromGitter<mratsim> @yardanico: thoughts? https://github.com/timotheecour/D_vs_nim/pull/6
09:39:10Yardanico@mratsim: yeah, cool one
09:39:37miranYardanico: if you add a second line to docstring, "examples" will be in a separate row
09:39:55Yardanicomiran, oh, thanks for the workaround
09:39:58Yardanicobut it seems to be a real bug
09:40:42YardanicoYeah, adding second line works
09:41:30YardanicoAlso I thought that `nim doc` will preserve comments inside of runnableExamples section, but it doesn't
09:41:36miranYardanico: yeah, it is a workaround and i would rather see that examples are always on the separate lines, but i can live with it (for now)
09:43:20miranyeah, dropping comments is a pity
09:43:56YardanicoI'll probably use plain code insertion via markdown for now
09:45:05miranbut doing it like that - it is not tested, right?
09:45:19Yardanicomiran, yes :(
09:46:48FromGitter<abijahm> how do one transfer contents of on future stream to another,something like pipe() in nodejs im trying this but i only get two writes ⏎ ⏎ ```code paste, see link``` ⏎ ⏎ only hello and hello1 is written to rec [https://gitter.im/nim-lang/Nim?at=5ab61e88e3d0b1ff2c612f0a]
09:54:59*xkapastel quit (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
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10:09:22dom96Araq: URLs in error messages sound nice. But it should be something like "This 'var' type is <some reason for error here>. For more details see here: ..."
10:13:49Araqcan't come up for a short reason
10:15:26dom96well please don't just have an url
10:15:41Araqread my RFC and tell me
10:15:47Araqwhat the error message should say
10:18:33FromGitter<wu-lee> Newbie trying concepts here... I can't get any examples or my own experiments to work, I always get an error "'x' is declared but not used"
10:19:27leorizewu-lee: Some code snippets would be helpful
10:21:24FromGitter<wu-lee> Well, I'm starting with the example in the nim manual...
10:22:05FromGitter<wu-lee> If I could find a working example of concepts, that might help me get off the ground.
10:22:55FromGitter<wu-lee> The only other mention of this error i can find is on this post: https://forum.nim-lang.org/t/3560
10:23:26Yardanicoyou can post your code via gist so we can check it
10:23:35Yardanicoor with any other pasting service
10:23:41Yardanicoalso play.nim-lang.org is useful
10:24:06AraqError: unhandled exception: getTime() + hours(24) == getTime() + days(1) [AssertionError]
10:24:18Araqlooks like our time tests are not correct
10:24:38YardanicoAraq, getTime() can probably change?
10:24:45Yardanicobefore first and second call
10:25:04Araqwell my HW clock is always 5 minutes off
10:25:16Araqmaybe it's got something to do with it.
10:25:18FromGitter<wu-lee> @Yardanico , @leorize, it really seems barely worth posting what I have, I've hit a brick wall so early it's not changed significantly from the examples
10:27:39FromGitter<wu-lee> Here's someone else's example which gets the same XDeclaredButNotUsed error https://gist.githubusercontent.com/PhilipWitte/33819b40112a18c30b43/raw/4fb1fb665c91fa2fa3b10c538be178b0da657cb7/concepts.nim
10:27:52AraqXDeclaredButNotUsed is not an error
10:28:52FromGitter<wu-lee> @araq, Ok, point taken. But should I ignore it?
10:29:05FromGitter<alehander42> where is the errors RFC
10:29:11miranwu-lee: either ignore it or use X :)
10:30:06Yardanicowu-lee it's just a hint for programmer :)
10:30:16Araqit is used.
10:30:23Yardanicogreen - some [hint], yellow - warning, red - error
10:31:09Araqwu-lee: your code works with a 'mixin dance' annotation in your proc doBallet
10:31:40FromGitter<wu-lee> Hmm. In PhilipWitte's example, is the 'x' in the concept not used?
10:32:30Araqit is used and the compiler should not report it, looking into it
10:41:03Araqwhy does hot code reloading require a 'once'?
10:41:29Araqbreaks the abstraction.
10:41:43FromGitter<alehander42> sometimes you need to init something or to preserve state between reloadings
10:43:35Araqyes, obviously. when is that?
10:43:55Araqand why does JS offer hot code reloading without a 'once' construct?
10:48:09dom96I'm still of the opinion that 'once' should be the default behaviour
10:48:31FromGitter<alehander42> well, you often have to deal with 3rd party / framework / host code that isn't "hot reloaded", so you have to e.g. setup listeners/create some intiial state/register hooks only once
10:49:42Araqagain, how does JS deal with it?
10:49:47dom96surely you'd want to explicitly specify the parts that should be reloaded
10:49:50dom96not the parts that shouldn't
10:51:00Araqfor me hot-code-reloading is like variable inspection in a debugger. the language shouldn't be concerned about it.
10:51:33Araqalternatively you can request a reload via an API call
10:52:01Araqbut the PR doesn't offer such an API
10:52:42Araqand thinking about it
10:52:46AraqI agree with dom96.
10:52:55Araqyou want to reload the code, not the state
10:53:05Araqso globals should all be 'once'
10:55:23AraqI think the JS codegen should create 2 .js files, globals.js and functions.js and functions.js are reloaded
10:55:57FromGitter<alehander42> well js hot reloading systems probably use some global variable-based checking for "once", that's what this PR does too, once is just a useful dsl for it
10:56:32FromGitter<GULPF> @Araq Where is that times test? I can't find it.
10:57:57FromGitter<alehander42> maybe globals should be `once` by default indeed, if that's the most common case
10:58:53FromGitter<alehander42> well, how would top-level code that depends on a function work in that case? globals.js and functions.js would depend on each other
11:00:24FromGitter<GULPF> The reason that it fails is because `1.days` is only equal to `24.hours` when there are no UTC offset changes. Europe switches to summer time tomorrow, so "add one day" actually means "add 23 hours".
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11:04:33FromGitter<zah> Araq, a construct like once is needed in pretty much every project that employs hot reloading. As far as I understand you expect that only reloading the function definitions is enough, but this is naive. Even my Karax example woudn't work if there wasn't a call to "redraw" at the top level of the module
11:05:12FromGitter<zah> And executing all of the top-level code is obviously wrong too, so the programmer just needs to have this control
11:05:46FromGitter<zah> it could be argued what should be the default, but let us gain some more experience and we'll see
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11:12:07FromGitter<zah> I'm not sure what you refer to when you say "how does JS do it?". I've used hot reloading in the context of game scripting and web development and each project had specific peculiarities that must be taken care of during hot reloads
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11:42:58FromGitter<mratsim> How does nrpl does it for its nim repo? (didn’t read the code): https://github.com/wheineman/nrpl
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11:55:51FromGitter<zah> I've considered one alternative API that might work well (subscribing to a "onCodeReload" event), but it would have been more complicated to implement
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12:30:24AraqGULPF: it was in tests/stdlib
12:36:30Araqzah: for the C target I imagined a call like reloadDll("foo.dll") that can be wired to some console command (assuming your engine has a console)
12:37:07Araqand that would reload the DLL, but not the state. your example about 'redraw' is also only about "code"/functions
12:38:30FromGitter<zah> No, reloading code in C++ is much more complicated. My plan is to allow the user to supply a module that will be responsible for two things: ⏎ ⏎ 1) Listening for external notifications (e.g. on the network, by monitoring a file, by listening on a PIPE, etc) ⏎ 2) Calling a function provided by the compiler that does the rest [https://gitter.im/nim-lang/Nim?at=5ab646c6e4ff28713a6ba75e]
12:39:04FromGitter<zah> The first part depends very strongly on what kind of event loop the program is executing
12:41:42FromGitter<zah> I didn't understand your comment about redraw being a "code" function
12:42:13FromGitter<zah> Perhaps you've missed the part of the spec where I explain that variable initializations happen only once by default
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13:07:37FromGitter<zah> the event-like API has some benefits though - it allows you to execute code even in modules that are not being changed in the current reload. I could declare the current API experimental and perhaps change it later when the C hot reloading is also implemented?
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13:34:26FromGitter<zacharycarter> how are you going to address state?
13:34:44FromGitter<zacharycarter> unless you're talking about JS
13:34:47FromGitter<zacharycarter> then ignore my question
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13:41:48FromGitter<zah> the state is not touched on reloads unless explicitly requested by the programmer
13:42:32FromGitter<zah> if type definitions change, you must restart the program
13:43:58leorizehi everyone, what are your recommendations regarding unit tests?
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13:45:15*Ven`` quit (Quit: My MacBook has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…)
13:49:11FromGitter<zacharycarter> https://plg.uwaterloo.ca/~cforall/
13:49:52FromGitter<zacharycarter> leorize: use the unittest module
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14:31:20Araq@zah, I'm probably too much in the "REPL" mindset. Python has a REPL and yet no need for 'once' sections.
14:31:28Araqor let's say
14:31:38Araqno clean distinction between once and not-once
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15:12:42YardanicoBTW, C and JS backends produce different results for 0/0
15:12:51YardanicoC backend produces fcNan, JS backend - fcZero :D
15:13:39AraqC backend is right
15:13:44Araqas usual for these things.
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15:20:49mirani'm still torn between normal iterators and iterators wrapped in proc for nim version of https://docs.python.org/3.5/library/itertools.html
15:21:32miraneach version has some (dis)advantages, and i don't know what is more important/useful and/or easier to use....
15:22:54miranif any of you has a clear favourite, please let me know....
15:28:41FromGitter<mratsim> This is awesome: https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/commit/121b9e26fb9d1ae6037c806dbb12a3ae0e26ded6 !!
15:29:30FromGitter<mratsim> @miran, if you can chain normal iterator, use the normal one, the closure iterator are unnecessarily slow for those use case.
15:30:46mirancurrently my iterators take seqs (or more generally openarrays) as a first argument. for chaining i would need versions which take iterators as first argument?
15:31:02miran(haven't tried chaining yet)
15:32:06FromGitter<mratsim> cooldome once said that it’s easy to fix if you want to dive in nim compiler: https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/issues/4516 and https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/blob/8f67b90997d1c0416c4991ecec666a63339103c2/compiler/semstmts.nim#L665
15:33:27FromGitter<mratsim> yes if this was fixed, you could just do `let foo = yours.items.map(bar).filter(baz).collect` or something like this
15:33:40FromGitter<mratsim> yourseq not yours
15:33:52mirani'm not experienced enough to mess with compiler :)
15:34:58FromGitter<mratsim> in my opinion, closure iterators creates strange things like here: https://github.com/mratsim/nim-projecteuler/blob/master/src/pe002_even_fibonacci_numbers.nim#L16
15:35:32FromGitter<mratsim> see the parenthesis: s().toSeq, s() is to call the closure iterator.
15:36:44miranyeah, i'm torn between that kind of syntax and the (imo) simpler one which is: `for i in cycle(myseq): echo i`
15:37:16miran...which has some other disadvantages in other places
15:37:30FromGitter<mratsim> do both :P, keep in mind this package: https://github.com/Michedev/sequtils2
15:39:51FromGitter<mratsim> Oh, closure iterators sometimes get super weird, check out this one: https://github.com/mratsim/nim-projecteuler/blob/09c6bf59d974b530e0a4a2b64aa1ce263214d0f9/src/pe008_largest_product_in_a_series.nim#L64-L69
15:40:21FromGitter<mratsim> `proc genWindows(n_str: string, size: int): iterator (): DigProduct = result = iterator(): DigProduct = … `
15:40:36Araqthe good news is: I'm pretty sure how closure iterators should be done
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15:41:00Araqthe bad news: It's a ton of work and we're held back by some legacy code (all of .async)
15:42:36miranmratsim: i guess the plain and simple `iterator foo...` (instead of `proc foo...`) would also help with using openArrays without the need to convert it to a seq....
15:43:46miranbut most of iterators i have seen in the wild are wrapped in proc, and my thinking is: these people are more experienced than me, and chose that version for a reason, i should follow that
15:44:11Araqhuh? most iterators are .inline
15:44:13FromGitter<mratsim> nah, ask questions :P
15:44:49FromGitter<mratsim> iterators are mostly inline. mora and me used proc because we wanted to chain them in functional style and inline cannot be chained
15:45:11miranAraq: i've seen iterators in sequtils are inline, but people (including mratsim :)) writing their own iterators are wrapping them inside of procs
15:45:19FromGitter<mratsim> I’m not doing that anymore, I use template with {.inject.} now
15:46:59miranwell, if imposibility of chaining is the only major disadvantage of inline iterators, i guess i can then use inline for these: https://docs.python.org/3.5/library/itertools.html ?
15:47:01FromGitter<mratsim> Or I would use loopfusion (if I don’t want to use functional style) or zero_functional (if I want functional style)
15:48:06FromGitter<mratsim> yes use a normal iterator for these and kindly wait for inline iterator chaining to be fixed :shipit:
15:48:38YardanicoAraq, well it will be fine if we'll be able to write async using new iterators :)
15:48:46Yardanicoor implement async in some another way...
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15:48:55Yardanicobut yeah, this will break a LOT of code
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15:49:15mirani'm thinking there might be a reason to have these first three infinite iterators are closures, others can be inline
15:51:29planetis[m]btw when I want to use some kind of iterator I write an object and a while loop, much easier to read and structure correctly
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17:24:53Araqitertools.starmap :-)
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18:05:58PMunchHmm, the protobuf format has a weird thing with sub-messages
18:06:11PMunchThey are encoded as number of bytes, and then the message
18:06:37PMunchWhich means you need to first figure out how many bytes the message is, then write the size, then write the message..
18:07:22PMunchAnd of course they can have variable length fields, and further sub-messages..
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18:07:57PMunchI'm tempted to just write all sub-messages into a string stream, get the position and write that out, then write the entire string stream into the output stream..
18:08:34PMunchAnd of course the length is a varint, meaning variable size. So you can't just reserve N bytes either..
18:09:05Araqcan you oversize the varint?
18:09:20PMunchHmm, I guess you theoretically could..
18:09:20Araqlike always use 4 bytes for the varint even it might fit into 2?
18:10:00PMunchThe varint format is basically "if the byte starts with a 1 it is the final byte, otherwise concatenate to the current value and read the next byte"
18:10:18PMunchSo I guess you could send null bytes to begin with
18:10:56PMunchOh no, wait
18:11:30PMunchThey store them with least significant bit group first, not last. But you could still use "empty" bytes at the end
18:11:53PMunchBut that means seeking in the stream, which isn't all that nice..
18:12:40PMunchI guess each message type could also declare a len proc, that calculates the length of it's fields
18:13:13PMunchI guess that would be the "cleaner" option
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19:27:28AraqtoOpenArray is now a thing, enjoy. (and report bugs of course)
19:35:31mirannice, thanks! :)
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19:58:37shashlickwhen you have a macro in a nimble library and call it from your code, why does nim chdir into that directory during build time?
19:59:11shashlicki'm doing some file related ops in the macro and all my relative paths fail
20:00:57shashlicki tried both import and include of the lib but directory still changes
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20:18:21YardanicoAraq, what is "syntax sugar yet to come" for toOpenArray?
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21:00:51AraqYardanico, a[x..y] = b[u..v] should not produce a temp seq
21:01:14Araqand takesOpenArray(x[1..3]) can also be optimized to a non-copy slice
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21:07:41shashlickaraq: any idea why macros change directory during compile time? ^
21:07:57Araqchange directory?
21:08:58shashlickas I described earlier, if you do file operations in a macro in a nimble library, it changes dir to that nimble package dir during compile time
21:09:06shashlickso any relative file paths don't work
21:09:16Araqnimble issue?
21:09:28AraqI don't use setCurrentDir in the compiler
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21:09:52Araqwell except to support it in NimScript
21:10:22shashlicklet me check real quick
21:12:34shashlickyep, could reproduce it without nimble
21:13:05shashlickposting gist
21:13:19YardanicoAraq, wow, that'll be cool
21:15:04shashlickb.nim which calls test() macro from a.nim: http://ix.io/124Z
21:15:25shashlicka.nim = http://ix.io/1252
21:15:39shashlickput them in different directories and used --path:xyz
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21:16:02Araqoh so it's about staticExec
21:16:41shashlickwell, in the real code, I was using staticRead but it could never find the file
21:17:52shashlickit will print out the path to a.nim even though you are building in b.nim's directory
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21:54:40Araqshashlick, for me it outputs C:\Users\rumpf\projects\nim\testresults
21:54:47Araqwhich is where my a.nim resides
21:55:16Araqand that's how it should be, stuff is relative to current module
21:55:48Araqbecause the module knows its relative position but a cwd is fragile
21:56:18shashlickbut b.nim is what you are building, and a.nim is somewhere else
21:56:42Araqa.nim does the staticRead
21:56:52shashlickhow do you reference build artifacts in the build directory in a library macro then?
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21:57:40Araqsrc/nested/foo.nim foo.nim uses staticRead("../../resources/x.txt")
21:58:23shashlickagreed, but it's not useful in a library context - i'm trying to build a lib that bundles data files into the executable
21:59:16Araqso pass the path to the library
21:59:44Araqinstead of relying on cwd. cwd never works anyway
22:00:59shashlickmakes it much more complicated since on execution, the data files should be extracted back to the relative locations, operating on absolutes is roundabout
22:01:35shashlickanyway, i was just wondering what's the logic of changing directories
22:02:04shashlicki kind of get it but it makes it fragile when you want to make libraries that everyone can consume
22:02:36Araqit doesn't change directories.
22:02:49Araqit sets the directory for staticExec invokations
22:03:37shashlickya, that's what i meant to say, being relative to the nim file rather than build process
22:04:21shashlickmakes it complicated to put your macros in source files in sub-directories
22:04:23AraqI don't see how cwd enables "libraries everyone can consume"
22:05:02Araqall I see are projects where 'nim c src/main' becomes different from 'cd src; nim c main'
22:05:15Araqwhich is the far worse solution
22:06:17Araqand staticExec was changed to behave this way based on bug reports
22:06:33Araqit's not just my opinion
22:12:03shashlickfound the issue - it was inconsistent and you made it consistent 🙂- cc flyx
22:12:17shashlickit's still confusing so documenting will help
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22:40:54FromGitter<dandevelo> Is it possible to have a set of refs in Nim? I create some objects and need to add them to a set in order to prevent adding them multiple times.
22:41:38Araqgive it a hash proc and off you go
22:42:09*miran quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)
22:42:16FromGitter<dandevelo> @Araq how would I do that?
22:42:16AraqHashSet[ref X] is pretty easy to do
22:42:42Araqproc hash(x: ref X): int {.inline.} = cast[int](x)
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22:51:29FromGitter<dandevelo> Just tried it. Thanks @Araq ! Worked great!
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