<< 24-08-2022 >>

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00:35:36FromDiscord<Tuatarian> does `writeFile` overwrite the contents o fthe file?
00:38:37FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> things that can be tested for 4000 alex
00:38:42FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> 400\
00:41:45FromDiscord<Tuatarian> it's annoying since I can't do this on the nim playground
00:41:52FromDiscord<Tuatarian> but thanks for the help
00:42:59FromDiscord<Tuatarian> I was definitely completely unaware of the fact that I could check this, and definitely wasn't asking here to save some time incase anybody else knew
00:43:00FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> `cd /tmp && echo "writeFile("test", "hmm"); writeFile("test", "huh"); echo readFile("test") >> test.nim && nim c -r ./test.nim` 😛
00:49:46FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> Or you can do `nim r --eval:'writeFile("test.file", "hello");writeFile("test.file", "hmm"); echo readFile("test.file")'`
00:57:15*derpydoo quit (Ping timeout: 268 seconds)
01:57:41FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> You're making an array of `10000000` and instantly overlfowing the stack
01:57:52FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> overflowing\
01:57:53FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> change that to `newSeq[bool](n)`
01:58:36FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> If you want it to be stack allocated look up how to increase the stack size with C and use `--passC` or `--passL` to grow it
02:17:32*arkurious quit (Quit: Leaving)
02:21:11FromDiscord<SaAnd> also `countup` exists so you can for loop but jump by more than 1
02:22:30FromDiscord<SaAnd> https://nim-lang.org/docs/system.html#countup.i%2CT%2CT%2CPositive
02:50:55*wallabra_ joined #nim
02:52:08*wallabra quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds)
02:52:49*wallabra_ is now known as wallabra
03:11:58FromDiscord<Freakwill (William Song)> thanks a lot
03:12:13FromDiscord<SaAnd> welcome
03:33:20FromDiscord<Bung> sent a code paste, see https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=48sX
03:33:47FromDiscord<Bung> (edit) "https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=48sX" => "https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=48sZ"
03:34:35FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> Yea that's a object variant in Nim
03:35:03FromDiscord<Bung> okay, thanks!
03:35:37FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> Actually no that's not a variant
03:35:40FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> It's a union
03:47:40FromDiscord<Sabena Sema> yeah there's a pragma to say something is a union, unfortunately there's no direct way to emulate unnamed structs/unions
03:47:56FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> Some say unfortunately i say fortunately
03:49:26FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> sent a code paste, see https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=48t7
03:50:57FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> Atleast if you're not including the source the above should work
03:52:05FromDiscord<Rika> Minor is strangely before major by the way
03:52:25FromDiscord<Rika> Actually no maybe not very strangely
03:53:18FromDiscord<Bung> In reply to @Elegantbeef "Now that i read": where's ` UINT64 Version;` and I never seen `array[SomeEnumType, uint16]`
03:53:35FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> It's a union the data is overlayed
03:54:06FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> As such you only need that uint64 if you want a uint64, otherwise you can just convert between the two with a cast
03:54:12FromDiscord<Bung> sent a code paste, see https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=48ta
03:54:15FromDiscord<Rika> No
03:54:15FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> No Unions overlap data
03:54:17FromDiscord<Rika> That’s different
03:55:50FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> I guess a normal object works aswell
03:56:55FromDiscord<Bung> sent a code paste, see https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=48tb
03:57:14FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> Assuming `static: assert sizeof(PackageVersion) == 4`
03:57:21FromDiscord<Rika> Not sure why you have the pure pragma but yeah
03:57:43FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> `== 8`\
03:58:11FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> You also should be able to just use Nim's uint16
03:58:16FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> Might be wrong there
03:59:07FromDiscord<Bung> In reply to @Rika "Not sure why you": it used for dll proc
03:59:18FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> That doesnt change anything
03:59:27FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> Pure is for saying "Dont include type information"
03:59:37FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> `= object` doesnt have type information
04:00:15FromDiscord<Bung> so when use pure pragma ? https://nim-lang.org/docs/manual.html#pragmas-pure-pragma
04:00:45FromDiscord<Bung> I just ensure there's no unexpected data for the type
04:01:08FromDiscord<Rika> Okay
04:01:13FromDiscord<Bung> winim lib use pure a lot
04:01:15FromDiscord<Rika> Leaving it in shouldn’t hurt
04:02:01FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> It doesnt hurt, cause it doesnt work 😄
04:02:24FromDiscord<Bung> maybe the behavior will change to "pure is needed " someday ?
04:03:16FromDiscord<Bung> anyway leave it as is
04:04:06FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> It wont change to that, but yea
04:04:13FromDiscord<Rika> In reply to @Bung "maybe the behavior will": It was changed from needed to unnecessary though
05:21:35FromDiscord<SaAnd> how do you attach a config file to a library and force downstream users to use it?
05:22:11FromDiscord<SaAnd> i just dont want to always attack a config of my own to link to the correct things
05:22:18FromDiscord<SaAnd> \attach
05:36:31FromDiscord<Girvo> Any ideas?
05:36:35FromDiscord<Girvo> sent a code paste, see https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=48tr
05:38:53FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> Does the user have permission to write in the home folder?
05:38:57FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> Dumb question but yea
05:41:34FromDiscord<Girvo> Yeah it does haha
05:41:43FromDiscord<Ras> try `wget https://nim-lang.org/choosenim/init.sh -O /tmp/choosenim.sh`
05:41:44FromDiscord<Girvo> I just installed it manually for now, but its a bit odd
05:41:57FromDiscord<Ras> and then `sh /tmp/choosenim.sh`
05:42:05FromDiscord<Girvo> @Ras Okay I'll give it a try
05:42:34FromDiscord<Ras> sometimes when piping and sh fails to execute for whatever reason, the piping program spits out an error instead
05:42:39FromDiscord<Ras> which can be misleading
05:44:16FromDiscord<Girvo> Yeah I think it's something to do with Amazon Linux being a bit more locked down with some of this now. It reads to me like a permissions error when trying to execute the file that doesn't exist or something similar. Weird as.
05:51:31*xcodz-dot joined #nim
05:54:43madpropswhat's the proper way to find with a regex from any user provided filter? https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=48tu
05:56:40FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> Are you trying to implement globs?
05:56:51FromDiscord<Prestige> https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=48tv
05:57:46madpropswhich package provides globs?
05:58:21FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> `walkDir` or `walkDirRec` does support basic globs
05:58:32FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> It does say that on one of them
05:58:39madpropsthat would work
06:00:57madpropsi was using walkDirRec(conf().path ...
06:01:24madpropsto establish the root path
06:01:35FromDiscord<SaAnd> am i missing something?
06:01:56madpropsnah. nvm i'll leave it as is
06:02:02FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> Configs are not considered with Nimble
06:02:07FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> So the answer is you cannot sadly
06:02:29madpropsi didn't get that
06:02:34madpropsconf() is my own function
06:03:24madpropsbut nvm
06:06:29FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> It was response to saand
06:06:29FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> Irc didnt get the message they were responding to
06:33:48*h00k_ joined #nim
06:38:57*h00k_ quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)
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06:39:37*PMunch joined #nim
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07:11:18*fredrikhr joined #nim
07:20:23*xcodz-dot left #nim (Leaving)
07:25:08FromDiscord<Prestige> How do I create a proc inside a macro with a unique name?
07:26:25FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> gensym
07:26:37FromDiscord<Prestige> sent a code paste, see https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=48tO
07:26:45FromDiscord<Prestige> because then I have `name` which isn't unique
07:27:09FromDiscord<Prestige> and if I try to inline genSym in the proc decl, it doesn't compile
07:28:11FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> Are we talking about unique in the compiler or to the user?
07:28:43FromDiscord<Prestige> compiler
07:28:53FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> Then the above should work
07:29:05FromDiscord<flywind> Seems to be a known bug => https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/issues/13973
07:29:37FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> You can also just annotate `{.gensym.}` on the prock
07:29:52FromDiscord<Prestige> I get `Error: redefinition of 'name';`
07:29:55FromDiscord<Prestige> hm I'll try that
07:30:17FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> Actually that wont work, the proc will not be callable
07:30:23FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> Unless you extract the symbol after
07:30:36FromDiscord<Prestige> hm yeah
07:30:58FromDiscord<Prestige> Maybe there's a better way to do what I'm trying to do, if this isn't possible...
07:34:04FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> Speak and you may get your answer
07:38:13FromDiscord<4zv4l> sent a code paste, see https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=48tU
07:38:19FromDiscord<4zv4l> like open a program but keep it in background
07:39:39FromDiscord<4zv4l> or a `getConsoleWindow`
07:42:37FromDiscord<Bung> found GetFileAttributes works path like `C:\\` , not `C:\`, while registry store path as `C:\`
07:43:22*Vladar joined #nim
07:47:13FromDiscord<4zv4l> alright I found to hide the window
07:47:16FromDiscord<4zv4l> but `Error: undeclared identifier: 'kbhit`
07:47:20FromDiscord<4zv4l> (edit) "'kbhit`" => "'kbhit'`"
07:48:27FromDiscord<4zv4l> oooh it's from conio my bad
07:58:23FromDiscord<planetis> sent a code paste, see https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=48tX
07:58:59FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> sent a code paste, see https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=48tY
07:59:16FromDiscord<planetis> really?! omg thanks beef
07:59:36FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> Nim sadly sees "object" and goes 'yep it's an object declaration not a typeclass'
07:59:46FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> It's the same for any of the other declaration blocks
07:59:52FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> So enum and tuple
08:01:05FromDiscord<planetis> So that's why this didn't work https://github.com/nim-lang/threading/issues/17
08:01:09FromDiscord<planetis> bc of distinct
08:01:47FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> No clue i cannot parse what the bug is
08:01:57FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> I'll take your word for it
08:02:42FromDiscord<planetis> Couldn't do Atomic[distinct pointer]
08:03:02FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> Uhhh hmph
08:03:45FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> pointer is a typeclass... so distinct pointer should just mean "accepts any pointer"
08:04:29FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> Nevermind all pointer types convert implicitly regardless of typeclass logic
08:04:51FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> Anyway the way to do that is to use a concept
08:05:41FromDiscord<planetis> you have a point there
08:05:48FromDiscord<planetis> (edit) "point" => "pointer"
08:06:51FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> sent a code paste, see https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=48u1
08:06:53FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> It's quite a simple concept
08:09:30FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> sent a code paste, see https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=48u2
08:10:04FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> That covers the entire range of types that AtomType does and any distincts you might implement
08:10:08FromDiscord<planetis> Could you add your insight in the issue?
08:10:35FromDiscord<planetis> Or I can copy paste it.
08:10:36FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> I guess
08:11:42FromDiscord<Girvo> Is it possible to use `SO_REUSEADDR` with `std/net` newSocket/etc?
08:12:46FromDiscord<Girvo> I guess I can get the `fd` and use setSockOpt from nativesockets on it?
08:13:08FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> There you go planetis
08:13:18FromDiscord<Ras> that should work @Girvo
08:14:41FromDiscord<Girvo> sent a code paste, see https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=48u4
08:23:22FromDiscord<elcritch> sent a code paste, see https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=48u6
08:28:45FromDiscord<Girvo> Ohhhh nice
08:28:48FromDiscord<Girvo> Appreciate it 😄
08:29:18FromDiscord<Girvo> Now a question: why is `socket.close()` of a client socket being "ignored" lol. is there a way to drop a connection to the client aside from `close`?
08:30:46*rockcavera quit (Remote host closed the connection)
08:37:28FromDiscord<Bung> In reply to @Bung "found GetFileAttributes works path": nvm encoding thing
08:46:07FromDiscord<Girvo> In reply to @Girvo "Now a question: why": Turns out its because `timeout = -1` lol
08:48:20FromDiscord<Require Support> how do i debug async errors 😦 ↵I know the error happens when trying to call `await postContent(...)` from asynchttpclient.↵but error is within `asyncdispatch.nim` ↵`customOverlapped.data.fd == lpCompletionKey.AsyncFD [AssertionDefect]`
09:02:31NimEventerNew thread by Drkameleon: Does "pushing" overflowCheck's actually work?, see https://forum.nim-lang.org/t/9408
09:42:53*wallabra quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds)
09:55:34FromDiscord<sealmove> Hello!! How are you folks? :) It's been a while since chatting here.
09:57:42FromDiscord<sealmove> I've asked the same question at least 2 times in the past, but now I have some more time to investigate: my goal is to compile Nim into a WASI-compatible wasm exe. I've found this https://forum.nim-lang.org/t/7365#46889 and I remember someone showing me a repo where he has achieved it. Cheers!
09:58:35FromDiscord<sealmove> Btw the reason I want to do this is to write web apps in Nim using the Fermyon platfrom
09:58:40FromDiscord<sealmove> (edit) "platfrom" => "platform."
10:20:32FromDiscord<Nalmyth> How can I get nim to show me more compile error history?
10:21:10FromDiscord<Nalmyth> sent a code paste, see https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=48ut
10:21:14FromDiscord<Nalmyth> (edit) "https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=48ut" => "https://paste.rs/Hb8"
10:34:25*jmdaemon quit (Ping timeout: 268 seconds)
10:55:23FromDiscord<sealmove> This is the weakest point of macros
11:13:53FromDiscord<hotdog> In reply to @รєคɭ๓๏שє "Btw the reason I": Sounds interesting
11:14:02FromDiscord<hotdog> What’s required for wasi compatibility?
11:15:31FromDiscord<sealmove> hey hotdog, this is what I am trying to figure out...
11:18:13FromDiscord<konsumlamm> In reply to @planetis "Wait really? I thought": ok, it seems that integer/pointer casts use the standard C casts, but i'm not sure how well defined that is either
11:18:17FromDiscord<planetis> In reply to @Nalmyth "How can I get": printStackTrace, --expandmacro: or macros.expandmacros (if it's a macro) even --expandarc:
11:19:16FromDiscord<planetis> Best if you use -d:debug
11:21:42FromDiscord<planetis> Oh compile error? Like the compiler crashed or a macro failed?
11:26:13FromDiscord<Nalmyth> In reply to @planetis "printStackTrace, --expandmacro: or macros.expandmac": Hmm I will try this, thank you!
11:48:07FromDiscord<bookerbtc> sent a long message, see http://ix.io/48uN
11:48:10FromDiscord<bookerbtc> sent a long message, see http://ix.io/48uO
11:49:16FromDiscord<Phil> <@&371760044473319454> we have scum in the chat, please ban
11:49:24FromDiscord<enthus1ast> A shame that we also need a spamfilter for matrix (and rest) now
11:53:28PMunchThanks @Phil
11:53:44FromDiscord<RAM5501> Should I be using `let` or `var`?
11:53:52PMunch@sealmove, maybe try and get ahold of ElegantBeef, he likes WASM
11:54:00PMunch@RAM5501, depends on what you're doing
11:54:13PMunchThat's like asking "should I be using ints or strings"
11:54:37FromDiscord<enthus1ast> when you can const, if not then let if not let then var↵(@RAM5501)
11:54:39FromDiscord<sealmove> yeah I found his repo, used his .nims and I can compile to a .wasm which runs with wasmtime with no errors!
11:54:40PMunchGeneral rule of thumb though, use let as much as possible
11:56:19FromDiscord<RAM5501> Also, is rake or nake or whatever it's called still good? Or should I stick with a regular GNU makefile?
11:57:02FromDiscord<enthus1ast> why not try nimble first?
11:57:44FromDiscord<enthus1ast> nimble most nim users have and its cross platform
11:58:05FromDiscord<RAM5501> I thought nimble was just a git frontend.
11:58:11FromDiscord<enthus1ast> nah
11:58:23FromDiscord<enthus1ast> you can define tasks with nimscript
12:00:00*Guest54 joined #nim
12:00:03*def- quit (Quit: -)
12:00:12FromDiscord<enthus1ast> also, if you need to build your executable with different flags, you can create a yourApp.nims file, where you add the flags
12:00:50*Guest54 quit (Client Quit)
12:01:23FromDiscord<sealmove> @ElegantBeef hey, how're you?
12:02:46PMunch@RAM5501, not sure what gave you that impression. But nimble is the Nim package manager/build system
12:03:25PMunchYou specify which packages and Nim version you depend on, and then you can use `nimble build` or `nimble run` to have Nimble grab all those packages for you and build the executable
12:04:24PMunchYou can also create tasks in NimScript as @enthus1ast said, so you can script your own automatic build steps with it (although there commonly aren't too many of those, Nim by itself having compile-time evaluation and all that)
12:08:09FromDiscord<RAM5501> I spent too long on C. I see a `` in nim and I think it's a pointer. Maybe it gets compiled as a pointer, but I still think it's like a C pointer.
12:10:49FromDiscord<RAM5501> Another question: Can I have multiple versions of a nim package in one git branch? Like say in the master branch root directory, you have 1.0 and 2.0 directories. Can I do that with nimble without issue?
12:11:37PMunch@RAM5501, well that's not really how git is supposed to work
12:11:50PMunchIt's a version control system, so you should use it to control your versions
12:11:58FromDiscord<RAM5501> Thanks.
12:13:30PMunchYou could put a nimble package in each, and it would be possible to install them by cloning the repo locally and calling `nimble install` from that folder, but I don't think Nimble would accept that as a package structure in the repository.
12:14:00PMunchIt is a fundamentally flawed way of using Git though, so you would be better off just using Git the way it's supposed to be used
12:15:16FromDiscord<RAM5501> Very well then.
12:17:15FromDiscord<aruZeta> In reply to @Isofruit "<@&371760044473319454> we have": again?
12:20:23*def- joined #nim
12:35:51FromDiscord<Rexford> ``I have been thinking about this, how we can get Skia engine to be wrapped around nim.``
12:36:56FromDiscord<Rexford> Or can we use OpenGL directly, just some wrapper around it
12:39:13FromDiscord<hotdog> In reply to @Rexford "``I have been thinking": Haven’t seen skia bindings. Have you looked at pixie?
12:39:27FromDiscord<hotdog> In reply to @Rexford "Or can we use": There’s a few opengl wrappers
12:39:59FromDiscord<Rexford> In reply to @hotdog "Haven’t seen skia bindings.": Not, really. But can you send me a pointers for the opengl
12:40:32FromDiscord<Rexford> Like I'm concern about building a cross-platform framework ontop of nim
12:41:36FromDiscord<hotdog> In reply to @Rexford "Not, really. But can": https://github.com/nim-lang/opengl https://github.com/nimgl/opengl
12:42:01FromDiscord<hotdog> And a bunch more things in nimble : https://nimble.directory/search?query=Opengl
12:42:12FromDiscord<hotdog> In reply to @Rexford "Like I'm concern about": What kind of framework?
12:42:54FromDiscord<Rexford> Cross-platform... targeting mobile and web... Just like how Flutter works
12:44:39FromDiscord<Rexford> But taking the performance of nim into consideration. If we have a framework as such... I can presume the speed and performance will be better. More importantly, we can have better UI screens concept develop since nim has dynamic styling system
12:44:46FromDiscord<Rexford> In reply to @hotdog "And a bunch more": Thanks
12:45:30FromDiscord<hotdog> In reply to @Rexford "Cross-platform... targeting mobile and": So a UI framework?
12:45:36FromDiscord<Rexford> Yeah
12:46:13FromDiscord<hotdog> I’d also recommend having a look at fidget then - https://github.com/treeform/fidget
12:46:16FromDiscord<hotdog> Similar goals
12:46:22FromDiscord<Rexford> Okay sure, thanks
12:51:26*h00k_ joined #nim
12:51:39FromDiscord<enthus1ast> I must admit I do not fully understand figma, since the names of gui elements have no standart you cannot really use other design templates from others right?
12:52:26h00k_Hello, best resource for lear nim?
12:53:15FromDiscord<enthus1ast> So you every time build everything from scratch again, or at least it feels so, could be that I also have no clue about modern guis
12:57:09*arkurious joined #nim
13:14:59FromDiscord<sealmove> is there a way to export a symbol which starts with `_` (for C-compatibility reasons)
13:16:15FromDiscord<Phil> In reply to @h00k_ "Hello, best resource for": In Nims main page you'll see the tutorial linked as well as Nim in 5 minutes.↵After you get a basic grasp of the syntax you can take a look at Nim for c/Python developers if you have knowledge in one of these languages
13:16:47FromDiscord<enthus1ast> use the exportc pragma↵(@sealmove)
13:17:52PMunch@Rexford, have you looked at the C bindings for Skia? You should be able to feed those to Futhark :)
13:20:57FromDiscord<sealmove> @enthus1ast erm, it's not that simple, could you assist?
13:21:19FromDiscord<sealmove> sent a code paste, see https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=48vd
13:21:30FromDiscord<auxym> In reply to @Rexford "Cross-platform... targeting mobile and": Phil pointed me to the Rust framework tauri that does something like that. I'm not up to this, but it would be nice to get nim bindings for it.
13:22:28FromDiscord<sealmove> I must use this macro to export functions and this macro uses exportc internally. I suppose I must modify it to somehow to specify the name of the exported function (because now it uses the same as the name of the Nim proc).
13:28:53FromDiscord<auxym> In reply to @รєคɭ๓๏שє "I must use this": `var name {.exportC: "name_you_want_in_c".}: typ`
13:31:17FromDiscord<sealmove> it's not exactly exporting to c, it's exporting to wasi, and the above macro I posted worked, but the exported function has the same name as the nim proc.
13:32:41FromDiscord<auxym> yeah, you need the colon with the exported func name you want in the exportc pragma. not sure how to do it via the macro node API though
13:34:31FromDiscord<planetis> newProc.pragma = nnkPragma.newTree bindSym"exportc", newProc.name
13:34:56FromDiscord<planetis> Totally broken but something like that.
13:35:40FromDiscord<planetis> (edit) "newProc.name" => "newLit("_" & newProc.name)"
13:36:07FromDiscord<sealmove> thanks planetis, i'll try to hack together something like this
13:42:35FromDiscord<voidwalker> blah, I need an asyinc in nim for dummies article :\
13:42:41FromDiscord<voidwalker> (edit) "asyinc" => "async"
13:43:30FromDiscord<planetis> That's a nice lib https://deser.nim.town/deser.html#how-to-make-bindings
13:43:32FromDiscord<auxym> @sealmove here's an example using `newColonExpr`
13:44:03FromDiscord<SaAnd> about futhark, thanks pmunch you saved from manually wrapping mpfr \:)↵my question is, in mpfr there are some functions that only exist if you `#include` some other libraries first, like you must `#include <stdio.h>` before including mpfr to get ahold of the function `mpfr_out_str`. Is there a nice way of doing this when using futhark?
13:44:03FromDiscord<auxym> https://github.com/auxym/nim-on-samd21/blob/master/src/startup.nim#L9
13:45:20PMunch@SaAnd, glad you like it. About your question I'm not entirely sure. But I don't think it would be doable in Nim land unfortunately..
13:45:52PMunchWell you might be able to trick it my defining STDIO_H or whatever, and then hiding it on the Nim side behind a `when someSmartCondition`
13:45:55PMunchNot 100% sure though
13:45:57*PMunch quit (Quit: Leaving)
14:02:32FromDiscord<voidwalker> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hwArqelfBBY&t=1035s - seems not even Araq understands async
14:15:36*Vladar quit (Quit: Leaving)
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14:24:32FromDiscord<sealmove> is anyone familiar with this? https://github.com/bytecodealliance/wit-bindgen
14:24:41FromDiscord<voidwalker> hm code in the presentation does not compile anymore:
14:24:48FromDiscord<voidwalker> sent a code paste, see https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=48vA
14:24:49FromDiscord<voidwalker> any idea what's wrong with it ?
14:24:59FromDiscord<Rika> Await the bodies
14:25:47FromDiscord<voidwalker> await echo a.body ?
14:26:58FromDiscord<hotdog> probably `echo await(a.body) & await(b.body) & await(c.body)`
14:29:20FromDiscord<dom96> In reply to @voidwalker "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hwArqelfBBY&t=1035s": hah, good times
14:29:52FromDiscord<aruZeta> lemme remember how async works, been long since I used it when I read dom's book lol
14:30:20FromDiscord<aruZeta> talking about dom, he appeared lol
14:30:41*Vladar joined #nim
14:33:40FromDiscord<aruZeta> sent a code paste, see https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=48vD
14:34:03FromDiscord<aruZeta> and note that you need to pass `-d:ssl` to the compiler
14:34:14FromDiscord<aruZeta> `nim c -d:ssl -r file.nim`
14:34:36FromDiscord<aruZeta> since http://nim-lang.org is served over ssl
14:35:16FromDiscord<dom96> sent a code paste, see https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=48vE
14:35:17FromDiscord<dom96> You can just use `await`
14:35:21FromDiscord<aruZeta> i was going to comment that
14:35:32FromDiscord<aruZeta> my bad
14:36:09FromDiscord<aruZeta> (edit) "comment" => "edit"
14:37:15FromDiscord<dom96> it's easy to get these confused :)
14:37:25FromDiscord<aruZeta> and it's been too long I wrote any async lol
14:37:29FromDiscord<voidwalker> right, now please explain to me what's going on there. Or better, make me a 2d animation with the program flow : D
14:38:12FromDiscord<aruZeta> cuz I know how to make a 2d animation of a flow chart
14:38:25FromDiscord<Rika> Await will just wait for the future to complete, so it’s essentially like sync if you have nothing else running
14:38:41FromDiscord<aruZeta> take a look here https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/371759389889003532/1012008044751765504/unknown.png https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/371759389889003532/1012008045221511279/unknown.png
14:39:04FromDiscord<aruZeta> it's from dom's book, i guess it's not a problem to share it dom?
14:39:27FromDiscord<voidwalker> so await blocks the proc where it is used ? I thought it's the other way around, it lets it run
14:39:35FromDiscord<voidwalker> (edit) "run" => "continue"
14:39:42FromDiscord<dom96> In reply to @aruZeta "it's from dom's book,": Of course not :)
14:39:48FromDiscord<aruZeta> In reply to @dom96 "Of course not :)": aight
14:39:59FromDiscord<Rika> In reply to @voidwalker "so await blocks the": It lets other async procedures to continue
14:40:12FromDiscord<dom96> @voidwalker best thing to see how it works is to print out what the `async` macro generates
14:40:36FromDiscord<dom96> there should be a commented out `echo` line at the bottom of the `async` macro defintion which you can comment out to see
14:40:42FromDiscord<dom96> iirc there is a Nim flag you can pass as well
14:40:44FromDiscord<dom96> --expandMacros?
14:40:49FromDiscord<Rika> No s
14:40:51FromDiscord<Rika> Expand macro
14:41:05FromDiscord<voidwalker> yeah no, I got the essence of it, that it transforms it into an iterator bla bla.. but I don't know what await does : D
14:41:08FromDiscord<Rika> Then “:async” after that
14:41:31FromDiscord<Rika> In reply to @voidwalker "yeah no, I got": To the calling procedure, it’s just like sync
14:41:40FromDiscord<Rika> To the whole program, it’s like yielding kinda
14:42:14FromDiscord<aruZeta> (pls correct if im wrong)↵when the code reaches an await, it will run the code of the await and also run the rest of awaits after that one↵while when it reaches a waitFor, the execution of the proc will stop until the code of the waitFor is finished
14:42:44FromDiscord<Rika> What
14:42:56FromDiscord<Rika> Await is the async version of wait for
14:43:01FromDiscord<Rika> Wait for is the sync version of await
14:43:10FromDiscord<aruZeta> yh
14:43:16FromDiscord<Rika> To the calling procedures, the functionality is identical
14:43:57FromDiscord<Rika> To the global program, await yields resources to other futures that need it
14:44:04FromDiscord<dom96> `await` expands to a `yield`
14:44:08FromDiscord<Rika> No
14:44:09FromDiscord<aruZeta> sent a code paste, see https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=48vH
14:44:12FromDiscord<Rika> That will await one by one
14:44:23FromDiscord<aruZeta> hmm
14:44:30FromDiscord<Rika> Just like how wait for will wait for one by one
14:44:59FromDiscord<mratsim> sent a code paste, see https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=48vI
14:45:09FromDiscord<Rika> Here
14:45:14FromDiscord<mratsim> (edit) "https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=48vI" => "https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=48vJ"
14:45:33FromDiscord<Rika> Nvm
14:45:38FromDiscord<aruZeta> the difference was then that waitFor will run the event loop until the Future completes, while await pauses the proc
14:45:40FromDiscord<Rika> The explanation I thought of still falls flat
14:45:50FromDiscord<aruZeta> but then, what's the actual diff
14:46:37FromDiscord<Rika> You can’t have more than one future running if you only use wait for I think?
14:46:48FromDiscord<aruZeta> that waitFor can be used out of an {.async.} proc?
14:47:08FromDiscord<Rika> I’m still thinking
14:47:08FromDiscord<Rika> Oh
14:47:10FromDiscord<aruZeta> (edit) "that waitFor can be used out of an {.async.} proc? ... " added "(since it runs the event loop)"
14:47:34FromDiscord<Rika> Futures that are running longer than the future given to wait for will never complete
14:47:48FromDiscord<Rika> Since you stop calling poll after
14:48:14FromDiscord<dom96> if you call `waitFor` then your proc is no longer async, it will block running the event loop
14:48:22FromDiscord<dom96> if every async proc did this then nothing would happen concurrently
14:49:51FromDiscord<aruZeta> i get `waitFor`, since it's just blocking the event loop
14:50:30FromDiscord<hotdog> @dom96 just while you're here, would you be open to giving me a copy of the nimforum db (probably with password column wiped), so I can take a look at the "Couldn't render historic post" thing? Perhaps just changing so the original content is there below but unformatted. As these messages are showing up on google it would be better for search-ability to have the original text there too
14:52:13FromDiscord<enthus1ast> https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/blob/e5e445f042f9037e77a0bc798960549acd4bf99a/lib/pure/asyncdispatch.nim#L1958
14:52:43FromDiscord<dom96> In reply to @hotdog "<@132595483838251008> just while you're": this issue was resolved in Nim's rst parser recently
14:52:59FromDiscord<enthus1ast> waitFor drives the async loop (calling poll() as long as the future is not completed
14:53:04FromDiscord<hotdog> In reply to @dom96 "this issue was resolved": ah nice one
14:53:20FromDiscord<hotdog> So the forum just needs to be recompiled and deployed at some point to fix it?
14:54:00FromDiscord<enthus1ast> So you should not use waitFor in an async proc
14:54:33FromDiscord<flywind> In reply to @hotdog "<@132595483838251008> just while you're": This seems to be the fix https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/pull/20216
14:56:20FromDiscord<dom96> In reply to @hotdog "So the forum just": yep
14:56:22FromDiscord<enthus1ast> Oh wow I had a super lag, the async stuff has been answered already....
14:56:39FromDiscord<aruZeta> In reply to @enthus1ast "Oh wow I had": yh lol
14:59:00FromDiscord<hotdog> In reply to @dom96 "yep": Cool. The db would still be useful for some of the other bugs if you're open to PRs
15:00:34FromDiscord<dom96> I'd be happy to share it, but I think we should check that Araq is cool with it.
15:04:48FromDiscord<hotdog> In reply to @dom96 "I'd be happy to": Ok cool
15:07:59FromDiscord<hotdog> @Araq are you ok with Dom sharing the nimforum db (with password column wiped, and any others that are sensitive) so that it's easier to set up a local instance for bugfixing?
15:09:17FromDiscord<RAM5501> What again does the mean in nim?
15:09:29FromDiscord<sealmove> it means export
15:10:00FromDiscord<sealmove> you suffix symbols with it, so that you can use them from other files
15:10:12FromDiscord<RAM5501> So without it's the same thing as using static in C?
15:10:33FromDiscord<sealmove> pretty much yes I think so
15:10:39FromDiscord<mratsim> yes, or \ is like tagging pub or public in other languages
15:11:42FromDiscord<RAM5501> Does nim come with doxygen like functionality?
15:12:04FromDiscord<flywind> yes
15:12:28FromDiscord<Bung> sent a code paste, see https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=48wc
15:13:38FromDiscord<RAM5501> Going back to my nake question. A project on github uses nake. Is nake pretty much obsolete?
15:14:38FromDiscord<hotdog> In reply to @RAM5501 "Going back to my": It's a sort of Nim version of make
15:15:06FromDiscord<hotdog> It's not as popular as just using nimble tasks, but I think it works
15:15:22FromDiscord<RAM5501> So I don't need to use nake, I can just use nimble directly?
15:15:26FromDiscord<auxym> it's not used a lot. what is your use case though?
15:15:43FromDiscord<RAM5501> I want to continue a project that was abandoned which happened to use nake.
15:15:50FromDiscord<auxym> yes you can use nimble as a basic tool for defining build taks
15:15:55FromDiscord<auxym> (edit) "taks" => "tasks"
15:16:07FromDiscord<Bung> I remember it can be used to build libs and link to final program
15:16:36FromDiscord<auxym> in nim there is less need for make-like tools because the nim compiler handles building all the dependencies and linking everything together by default
15:16:36FromDiscord<Bung> if you build single executable nimble is fine
15:16:36FromDiscord<RAM5501> @Bung nimble or nake?
15:17:12FromDiscord<auxym> you should probably use nimble unless you need some specific feature from nake
15:17:21FromDiscord<hotdog> In reply to @RAM5501 "I want to continue": What is the project?
15:17:43FromDiscord<Bung> In reply to @RAM5501 "<@714152700920594493> nimble or nake?": nake
15:17:47FromDiscord<RAM5501> https://github.com/pragmagic/godot-nim hotdog.
15:19:49FromDiscord<RAM5501> Creator pretty much abandoned it and no chance of him continuing with 4.x. I want to make an effort to keep the project alive in some fashion.
15:20:20FromDiscord<hotdog> In reply to @RAM5501 "https://github.com/pragmagic/godot-nim hotdog.": From a quick look it doesn't seem to use nake?
15:20:38FromDiscord<sealmove> sent a code paste, see https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=48we
15:20:52FromDiscord<RAM5501> @hotdog Weird. I could have sworn I saw a nake file somewhere in there.
15:22:54FromDiscord<mratsim> Probably the killer app in Nim: https://github.com/vrienstudios/anime-dl, https://github.com/vrienstudios/ADLCore
15:25:20FromDiscord<Bung> backup thing ? I dont think it will wide spread
15:28:00FromDiscord<RAM5501> At the minimal I should require nim and compiler? That's it?
15:28:59FromDiscord<Bung> and nimble
15:29:06FromDiscord<mratsim> In reply to @Bung "backup thing ? I": I didn't find any good novel downloader when I looked.
15:30:07FromDiscord<RAM5501> @Bung I got `requires "nim >= 0.18", "compiler >= 0.18"`so far for my requirements. I just add `'nimble >= 0.18`?
15:30:22FromDiscord<Bung> In reply to @mratsim "I didn't find any": Zlibrary is popular one
15:30:57FromDiscord<Bung> In reply to @RAM5501 "<@714152700920594493> I got `requires": I misunderstand , whats your project ?
15:31:13FromDiscord<aruZeta> In reply to @RAM5501 "<@714152700920594493> I got `requires": what's "compiler"
15:31:20FromDiscord<aruZeta> nim compiler?
15:31:36FromDiscord<Bung> yeah it's a nimble package
15:31:45FromDiscord<aruZeta> ahh
15:32:00*def- quit (Quit: -)
15:32:05FromDiscord<RAM5501> I don't really know what "compiler" means, I'm just trying to understand the godot nim original .nimble file. @Bung What I'm doing is writing and continuing godot bindings for nim. I like nim, but the bindings are pretty much dead.
15:34:57FromDiscord<Bung> I dont use it , but the godot.nimble looks simple , and this project contributors are active
15:38:36FromDiscord<RAM5501> There have been people asking if the project was abaonded or not in the github issues with stuff still not being fixed and PRs not being merged. I don't blame him for abandoning it, but it's not active.
15:42:04FromDiscord<sealmove> when is a .nims config file used?
15:43:42FromDiscord<Phil> As in when do you need it?
15:44:07FromDiscord<aruZeta> for example to add flags with `switch`
15:44:31FromDiscord<Phil> Basically if you have complex build logic that goes beyond a simple nimble task
15:44:58FromDiscord<aruZeta> instead of needing to add `--threads:on` everytime you compile `file`, create a `file.nims` to set that flag
15:45:08FromDiscord<aruZeta> for example
15:45:21FromDiscord<sealmove> In reply to @Isofruit "As in when do": no, as in when is it triggered?
15:45:39FromDiscord<sealmove> i want it to be triggered for more than 1 files
15:45:49FromDiscord<sealmove> can i specify it with a switch/
15:45:53FromDiscord<sealmove> (edit) "switch/" => "switch?"
15:46:09FromDiscord<aruZeta> take a look here https://nim-lang.org/docs/nims.html
15:46:21FromDiscord<aruZeta> sent a long message, see http://ix.io/48wk
15:46:35FromDiscord<aruZeta> (edit) "http://ix.io/48wk" => "http://ix.io/48wl"
15:46:55FromDiscord<aruZeta> (edit) "http://ix.io/48wl" => "http://ix.io/48wm"
15:48:13FromDiscord<sealmove> this is exactly what i was looking for, many thanks1
15:48:16FromDiscord<sealmove> (edit) "thanks1" => "thanks!"
15:48:26FromDiscord<aruZeta> np !
15:49:04FromDiscord<RAM5501> If anyone wants to help with my bindings, you can find them here: https://github.com/jointri/GodotNimReborn3x
15:49:24FromDiscord<RAM5501> I've only just made the repo, got a bit of work to do.
15:49:52*def- joined #nim
15:52:00FromDiscord<RAM5501> There's only 3 directories really with the godot nim bindings. It's actually pretty simple. That's what I like about nim, it's simple but effective.
15:54:44*h00k_ quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)
15:57:42FromDiscord<mratsim> In reply to @RAM5501 "If anyone wants to": https://github.com/pragmagic/godot-nim/issues/119#issuecomment-1001158910
15:59:07FromDiscord<RAM5501> In that case, I'll just rename the repo. https://github.com/jointri/Nodot
16:05:08FromDiscord<RAM5501> I hope there is no issue to be arised from mistaking that the nim bindings were dead. I didn't want to cause any kind of trouble.
16:07:35FromDiscord<auxym> its a MIT project, you are free to fork it for whatever reason.
16:07:59FromDiscord<voidwalker> blah 1 hour later and I am still as stupid as ever about asinc/await
16:08:15FromDiscord<voidwalker> what languages implement this exactly like nim ? there's limited material on this for nim
16:08:29FromDiscord<auxym> python is not too far in concept
16:08:46FromDiscord<auxym> async/await/async def
16:08:52FromDiscord<voidwalker> I tried this code:
16:09:00FromDiscord<voidwalker> sent a code paste, see https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=48wt
16:09:42FromDiscord<voidwalker> sent a code paste, see https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=48wu
16:09:50FromDiscord<voidwalker> So what exactly was gained here with async ?
16:11:37FromDiscord<voidwalker> Looks to be a tad faster than the non async
16:11:45FromDiscord<voidwalker> sent a code paste, see https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=48wv
16:12:53FromDiscord<auxym> yeah well in that case you're just making 3 successive requests to the same server, I wouldn't expect a huge gain. If, eg. one of your requests was much slower than the 2 others, then the fastest 2 would get executed and processed first, no matter in what order they are in the code.
16:15:10FromDiscord<RAM5501> How do I get my project listed in nimble once it's ready?
16:15:50FromDiscord<aruZeta> use `nimble publish`
16:16:20FromDiscord<RAM5501> Do I have to be signed into github to do that @aruZeta ?
16:17:28FromDiscord<aruZeta> it's just a fancy way to make a pr to add it to https://github.com/nim-lang/packages
16:17:40FromDiscord<aruZeta> In reply to @RAM5501 "Do I have to": you will need a token
16:18:11FromDiscord<aruZeta> (edit) "token" => "PAT (personal access token)"
16:20:25FromDiscord<dom96> In reply to @voidwalker "So what exactly was": in your example nothing, try creating three http client instances and then doing something like `await all(client1.request(...), client2.request(...), client3.request(...))`
16:21:39FromDiscord<voidwalker> oh I forgot it's the same httpclient Object
16:25:10FromDiscord<dom96> you have to use `all` though as well
16:25:25FromDiscord<dom96> if you `await` each in sequence then you are just doing the same thing as a synchronous program
16:30:35FromDiscord<voidwalker> what is this all thing ? googling nim all is hard : )
16:31:23FromDiscord<aruZeta> why don't you use the search function in https://nim-lang.org/docs/manual.html
16:31:29*agentwa joined #nim
16:31:46FromDiscord<aruZeta> https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/371759389889003532/1012036502240370790/unknown.png
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16:35:21FromDiscord<Bung> any idea `ptr T` passing to proc , inside proc repr shows its content changed
17:04:36FromDiscord<ShalokShalom> https://github.com/pragmagic/vscode-nim
17:04:43FromDiscord<ShalokShalom> Sorry guys, is this officially dead?
17:10:36FromDiscord<tandy> nimsaem is the working one↵(@ShalokShalom)
17:11:27FromDiscord<ShalokShalom> nimsaem?
17:12:12FromDiscord<ShalokShalom> Ah, got it https://github.com/saem/vscode-nim
17:12:15FromDiscord<ShalokShalom> thanks
17:33:09FromDiscord<planetis> how do you determine a set is converted to an array instead of bit flags?
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17:40:49FromDiscord<auxym> i thought `{}` sets were always represented as a bitfield?
17:41:43FromDiscord<planetis> nope set[char] is apparently char[32]
17:42:26FromDiscord<planetis> (edit) "nope set[char] is apparently ... char[32]" added "unsigned"
17:58:26FromDiscord<planetis> nvm I got it, depends on high(T) is less equal than the bits in the unsigned
18:36:25*derpydoo joined #nim
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19:23:32FromDiscord<noiryuh> could i setup a script for fetching/downloading and extracting file in nimble?
19:26:48FromDiscord<noiryuh> sent a code paste, see https://paste.rs/8XR
19:38:23*kenran joined #nim
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20:11:11NimEventerNew thread by Stefan_Salewski: The Salewski Chess Engine is finally available, see https://forum.nim-lang.org/t/9409
20:33:55FromDiscord<auxym> In reply to @noiryuh "could i setup a": https://github.com/nim-lang/nimble#creating-packages ctrl-f for "before hello", it explains how to do pre/post task hooks
20:34:23FromDiscord<noiryuh> i'm not asking for `before build` script
20:34:42FromDiscord<noiryuh> i'm asking for a way to call http request in nimscript/nimble
20:40:17FromDiscord<aruZeta> hmm, iirc nimscript does not support httpclient
20:41:31FromDiscord<aruZeta> so maybe you could use a `exec "wget file"`
20:48:48*kenran quit (Quit: WeeChat info:version)
21:02:16*Vladar quit (Remote host closed the connection)
21:02:37FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> What do you want? 😄↵(@sealmove)
21:05:57FromDiscord<sealmove> nothing :o
21:08:20FromDiscord<aruZeta> :|
21:08:46FromDiscord<!Patitotective> In reply to @Elegantbeef "What do you want?": hey beef, how're are you?
21:09:54FromDiscord<aruZeta> hey beef, how elegant are you?
21:10:04FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> I refuse to believe someone would ping me without wanting something
21:10:17FromDiscord<aruZeta> lol
21:10:24FromDiscord<!Patitotective> In reply to @Elegantbeef "I refuse to believe": we're just nice people
21:53:23FromDiscord<auxym> In reply to @aruZeta "so maybe you could": yeah that or `nim r` some other nim file that calls into httpclient. @noiryuh
22:04:19FromDiscord<aruZeta> I think thta would be even better
22:04:36FromDiscord<aruZeta> Since wget and the like may not be installed on all OSs
22:08:32FromDiscord<!Patitotective> httpclient uses OpenSSL tho↵so on windows you have to have some dlls (https://forum.nim-lang.org/t/9254#60609)↵or https://github.com/treeform/puppy
22:09:17FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> Can also use chronos
22:10:35FromDiscord<!Patitotective> have to implement your own download procedure tho
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22:15:53*ehmry quit (Quit: https://quassel-irc.org - Chat comfortably. Anywhere.)
22:16:53NimEventerNew Nimble package! nim - Package providing the Nim compiler binaries plus all its source files that can be used as a library, see https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim
22:17:06*ehmry joined #nim
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22:24:28FromDiscord<!Patitotective> In reply to @NimEventer "New Nimble package! nim": :o
22:24:33FromDiscord<!Patitotective> what is that
22:24:39FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> Nothing new
22:24:46FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> It's just a change for nimble
22:27:31FromDiscord<!Patitotective> is `nim c -r file` the same as `nim r file`?
22:28:08FromDiscord<aruZeta> I think not?
22:29:06FromDiscord<!Patitotective> sent a code paste, see https://paste.rs/1gP
22:29:43FromDiscord<dom96> In reply to @Patitotective "what is that": Nimble eating everything :D
22:29:54FromDiscord<dom96> soon we will all be Nimble packages
22:29:56*vsantana joined #nim
22:30:15FromDiscord<!Patitotective> in unix everything is a file↵in nim everything is nimble package
22:34:31*vsantana quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
22:56:11FromDiscord<aruZeta> In reply to @dom96 "soon we will all": Actually we all are just accounts created by araq to pretend the language is used!↵↵(/s from. https://forum.nim-lang.org/t/9397#61802)
23:32:38FromDiscord<Bung> found I pass a ptr T to proc , inside proc echo it , it been changed
23:49:37FromDiscord<creikey> In reply to @aruZeta "Actually we all are": Loool