<< 25-01-2014 >>

00:19:22*vbtt quit (Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client)
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00:57:59Varriountvbtt: Have you marked the fields as public?
00:59:05VarriountSee what happens when you make them public.
01:00:24vbttVarriount:still wont compile.
01:00:38vbttit's ok. using accessing through the parent type is acceptable.
01:01:03VarriountYeah, but it's kinda unexpected.
01:01:41vbttspecially because it's undocumented.
01:02:32Varriountvbtt: I would be thankful if you could add to the distinct types section in the manual.
01:03:28vbttok, not sure but i'll try.
01:03:32vbttanyway, g2g now.
01:03:50vbttlater guys.
01:03:54*vbtt quit (Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client)
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02:12:07*gsingh93 joined #nimrod
02:13:15gsingh93How can I recv all data currently available on a socket?
02:13:33gsingh93None of the recv calls seem to match up to the recv call in C
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04:03:36*renesac quit (Quit: Leaving)
04:11:06VarriountYay! I now get forum updates sent to my email. :)
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04:58:49VarriountAraq: Updated my pull request for os/add-linkprocs
04:59:07Varriountgsingh93: You still there?
05:01:14*renesac joined #nimrod
05:04:36VarriountHi renesac
05:05:16renesacI'm going sleep o/~~
05:11:15gsingh93Varriount: yea, I'm here
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05:22:03Varriountgsingh93: Did you get your problem fixed?
05:24:32gsingh93no, I couldn't figure it out. I need to recv as much text as the server sent
05:24:37gsingh93I don't know how much text that is
05:24:55Varriountgsingh93: What module are you using?
05:25:07VarriountNot asyncio?
05:25:13gsingh93should I be using that?
05:25:16gsingh93I'm new to nimrod
05:26:24Varriountgsingh93: What exactly are you trying to do, and what is your current code?
05:27:08gsingh93There's a server that's listening on a certain port
05:27:14gsingh93It sends me a line of text
05:27:21gsingh93and based on that line of text I respond with some number
05:27:43VarriountAre you going to need to be doing other things while waiting for the line of text?
05:27:55gsingh93No, I can't do anything until I have it
05:28:48Varriountgsingh93: And what trouble are you having with sockets?
05:29:31gsingh93If I use recv() I need to give it a size
05:29:43gsingh93And I don't know the size
05:29:47gsingh93If that many bytes aren't sent
05:29:53gsingh93It blocks
05:29:58gsingh93I can set size to 1 and loop
05:30:02Varriountgsingh93: Thats the low-level interface. Why not use readline?
05:30:03gsingh93but that's not a good way to do it
05:30:49gsingh93I'll give it a shot
05:32:26gsingh93Ok, I think the issue with that is that the server doesn't send newlines at the end of text
05:32:38gsingh93It's queries look like, "some text here: "
05:32:54gsingh93And when I use netcat to connect, I type on the same line
05:33:03Varriountgsingh93: Then it's not sending "lines"
05:33:03gsingh93I think readline will block until it gets a newline
05:33:24gsingh93Ah, sorry, didn't realize it until I tried it
05:33:59gsingh93In C, I can call recv and it'll get as much data as is available and I can manually check for the terminating condition (in this case a semicolon)
05:34:08gsingh93Any way to do that here?
05:34:17Varriountgsingh93: Is a semicolon what seperates a 'line'?
05:35:03Varriountgsingh93: Then I would look at the implementation of readline, copy it, and change it so that it works with a semicolon
05:35:41VarriountActually, a good addition to sockets would be a generic version of readline that allowed that.
05:36:50gsingh93I agree
05:37:34Varriountgsingh93: Maybe you could implement it?
05:39:03gsingh93I can try
05:39:14gsingh93I'll probably need to get a bit better with nimrod first
05:39:20gsingh93Anyway, thanks for the help
05:39:24gsingh93I'll be back if I can't get it working
05:39:29VarriountIt's my pleasure.
05:39:39*gsingh93 left #nimrod ("ERC Version 5.3 (IRC client for Emacs)")
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06:33:49shodan45omg... I played this when I was a kid: http://www.slate.com/articles/technology/bitwise/2014/01/robot_odyssey_the_hardest_computer_game_of_all_time.html
06:34:25shodan45I didn't get far in the main game, but it was still fun
06:36:14shodan45I first saw a link to that article on HN titled "hardest game of all time", and immediately thought of Robot Odyssey... couldn't believe I was right
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11:07:39jbe_hi everyone
11:08:16jbe_were the gl bindings removed?
11:08:48fowljbe_, they're in a babel package now
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11:09:08jbe_oh i see
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11:53:25jbe_is there a way to use module names as template parameters?
12:00:09Araqcould work, but last time I tried it it didn't work due to a bug
12:00:22Araqor rather a limitation which I can't remember
12:06:35jbe_ah ok.. thanks
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12:35:32Araqzielmicha1, zielmicha-cloud_ what if we make a different constructor that supports poShell? we could give that a new FExecShell so people can be extra careful
12:35:49AraqstartProcess then wouldn't support poShell at all
12:37:11zielmicha-cloud_Maybe. But backward compatibility would suffer.
12:37:22zielmicha-cloud_Or maybe not.
12:38:11zielmicha-cloud_Actually it may be a good idea.
12:38:18Araqwell startCmd will stay but be marked as FExecShell
12:38:38AraqI like the idea, make it happen please :-)
12:39:21dom96why the 'F'?
12:39:43Araqbecause effects still have the F prefix
12:40:06*filwit joined #nimrod
12:40:24filwitmorning nimrod
12:40:42filwiti read the new type-classes article posted on reddit
12:41:09dom96oh I see. Thought it would be a function, totally skipped the 'marked' part.
12:41:14dom96hello filwit
12:41:36filwitvery good. simple enough, and clearly illustrates the feature
12:41:55AraqI only skimmed it ...
12:42:08Araqno time these days
12:42:53filwitAraq, we have got to get you funding somehow mate
12:43:15filwityou're too valuable, and Nimrod is becoming very feature completely
12:44:17filwitit doesn't make a whole lot of sense that you're fighting for time to work on your passion project, as in my eyes, it's worth a lot
12:45:04filwitif i had more money, i would donate you something, but as it is i'm sacrificing all my time and money trying to build my start-up
12:46:45filwitanyways, the article was good, though i think the complaint's in the comment section was somewhat valid
12:47:06Araqwhat's the complaint?
12:48:05filwitbasically a guy was saying (in many words I had to look up) that he find's duck-typing not well suited to every programmers understanding
12:48:41filwithowever, i think that could easily be fixed with one "addition" to the type-class system
12:49:03Araqthat's the old "can be confusing" complaint
12:49:19Araqin german we call this a Totschlagargument
12:49:48Araq"death's kiss argument" perhaps
12:50:08Araqit's hard to argue against but only because it's very general and applies to everything
12:50:42filwitwell, as I said, i see an "easy" solution
12:51:04filwit(though i agree in general it's a "meh" issue, especially ATM)
12:51:32filwitthe solutions is just to have have: type Foo = object of Bendable # where 'Bendable' is a generic
12:52:24Araqalso Nimrod doesn't care about average joe programmer. we have already languages that care about those. Java and Golang. And they are design desasters. ymmv of course.
12:52:26filwitor whatever, basically it would just be sugar for "test Foo against Bendable"
12:52:38Araqyeah it's a sweet idea
12:52:49Araqbut also fights the purpose somewhat
12:53:09filwitwell, considering it would be completely optional, i don't see a downfall
12:53:36Araqaha hmm
12:53:49AraqI thought you propose it to be mandatory
12:54:49filwitnope, i agree that would defeat the purpose entirely
12:54:57filwit(if it was manditory)
12:55:01Araqok good
12:55:53filwitit's just a suggestion to Zahary, and could easily be added later (post 1.0)
12:56:48Araqyeah indeedd
12:57:22filwitbut i think it would basically squash any arguments about type-classes being "inferior" to interfaces due to "human error or misunderstanding" (which seems to be the crust of the guys arguments)
12:58:05filwitanyways, glad that you agree with me :)
12:58:17Araqinterfaces are inferior because they are resolved at runtime.
12:58:31Araqplain and simple.
12:58:49filwityes, which actually i was questioning that..
12:59:27filwithow can you have a seq[Bendable], which doens't invoke it's objects proc's dynamically?
13:00:09Araqa seq[Bendable] is still a seq[T]
13:00:22Araqit's instantiated for some T
13:02:05filwiti'm still confused, sorry. I'm meant, since Any type can be a "Bendable", iterating over the seq and calling a specific proc would need to invoke differen't proc for different types..
13:02:21filwitwouldn't that require dynamic dispatch?
13:02:54Araqthe 'generic' feature adds constraints to a generic type. that's it.
13:05:06Araqyou can't store different bendables in a seq
13:05:24filwitthe article seems to say otherwise
13:06:52filwitin the article, he illustrates a seq[Bendable], adds two different types (paper and rope) to it, then iterates over the seq and calls a proc that is unique to each type by name
13:07:18Araquh oh ...
13:08:19filwit^ i'm not sure if that means you're confused about something i just said, or concerned the article wasn't properly written..
13:08:29Araqoh well ... that's what happens when I don't do everything myself
13:10:21filwitit would be possible, but I dont' see how without dynamic dispatch (in that particular situation).
13:10:48Araqwell it's possible with ref object + methods
13:12:13filwityes, my point exactly, but that's invisibly translating 'proc's into methods, for these scenarios, which could have some unexpected performance implications
13:12:30filwitnot that it's a big deal really
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13:14:50Araqwell no but we should claim the examples are slightly wrong and call it day :P
13:17:16filwityeah, i agree, clear documentation of this is all that's needed
13:19:26filwitthough I don't think the article is doing any harm as it stands (it doesnt' talked about dynamic vs static dispatch at all to begin with).
13:22:45filwitokay, well, all-in-all, good article. i'll bbl
13:24:50*darkf quit (Quit: Leaving)
13:25:26NimBotAraq/Nimrod devel 4af987b Araq [+0 ±1 -0]: nativeStackTrace might work again
13:25:26NimBotAraq/Nimrod devel eba8ed0 Araq [+0 ±2 -0]: updated asyncio and ftpclient modules
13:25:26NimBotAraq/Nimrod devel 579b29b Araq [+0 ±1 -0]: fixes a minor parser bug
13:25:26NimBotAraq/Nimrod devel ca557d9 Araq [+0 ±1 -0]: more efficient calls for closure iterators
13:25:26NimBot1 more commits.
13:51:42EXetoCany plans to raise anything more specific than EOS in the sockets module?
13:52:07Araqno, why
13:52:11Araqis it a problem?
14:01:28EXetoCI'd just like to ignore send errors high up in the call chain, without accidentaly hiding unrelated errors
14:01:58renesachttp://force7.de/nimrod/ <-- link rot. Not sure if it is safe to click, it is parked.
14:02:18renesacthat is a sad thing in internet
14:02:51Araqrenesac: not sure what you mean. the official URL was nimrod-code.org and now nimrod-lang.org
14:03:02Araqforce7.de is archaic
14:03:37renesaconly commenting that old links rot...
14:05:37Araqtell them to remove it from their archives
14:05:50renesacyou can do that, but why?
14:06:08Araqbecause old things should be allowed to die in the internet
14:06:20Araqit's immorale to cache everything
14:06:58renesacwell, tell them if you want
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15:25:15Araqrenesac:: why is proc toGlVec(a: Array[3, int]) : array[TCoord, GLfloat] =
15:25:17Araq return [GlFloat(a[x.ord]), GlFloat(a[y.ord]), GlFloat(a[z.ord])] necessary?
15:26:30renesacbecause I could't get it to convert automatically
15:27:18NimBotAraq/Nimrod devel 47d7b7a Erik O'Leary [+3 ±0 -0]: Added docgen documentation
15:27:18NimBotAraq/Nimrod devel d081b84 Grzegorz Adam Hankiewicz [+0 ±1 -0]: Fixes two minor typos.
15:27:18NimBotAraq/Nimrod devel 897a356 Grzegorz Adam Hankiewicz [+0 ±1 -0]: Reformats text to fit width of 80 columns.
15:27:18NimBotAraq/Nimrod devel 7ff610d Grzegorz Adam Hankiewicz [+0 ±1 -0]: Adds docgen to list of documentation to build.
15:27:18NimBot4 more commits.
15:27:18Araqit's only for teh convenience of 0, 1, -1 etc. right?
15:28:06Araqwell there are better ways to do this
15:28:41renesacand I also could't figure out how to call a function that needs arrays indexed by enum w/o separatedly declaring the arrays to be passed before
15:29:15renesacthat is why there is a '3' there
15:30:39Araqwind: array[TCoord, float64] = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0] # Wind speed.
15:30:44Araqworks ...
15:32:44renesacyou mean, doing that for each parameter in newVectorGroup?
15:34:07*psquid quit (Quit: work)
15:44:33renesacoh, now it works (parameter passing)
15:44:49renesacstill, no implicit float > GLFloat
15:46:47*renesac is now known as renesac|away
15:55:57renesac|awayI mean, 'let gf:GLFloat = 0.0' works but 'let gfv:array[1,GLFloat] = [0.0]' don't
15:56:16renesac|awayreally away noe
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16:07:02dom96Araq: Shall I make a pull request to the main repo or do you want to fix that?
16:07:37Araqnah I don't care
16:15:50EXetoCrenesac|away: the type can be used as a constructor
16:16:22EXetoCand the first literal in an array construction determines the type, which reduces typing a little
16:18:31EXetoC[0.GLFloat, 0, 0] -> array[3, GLFloat] (or array[0 .. 2, GLFloat])
16:19:32EXetoCGLFloat(1) -> 1.GLFloat
16:24:35OrionPKah thanks gradha
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17:53:36vbtt_hi guys
17:58:58vbtt_so I think my article is wrong.
17:59:09vbtt_I'm doing dynamic dispatch as I realized after reading irc.
17:59:32vbtt_In retrospect, it's obvious.
18:01:36vbtt_I think I've fixed the text now. Please review.
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18:04:31vbtt_shouldv'e waited to get my edits reviewed too :) the first version of the post didn't have that example..
18:04:37vbtt_oh well.
18:04:42vbtt_later guys.
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18:39:17Araqdom96: I m tired of nimbuild's hard debuggung
18:40:02Araqwe need a way to fake coommon messages
18:48:14*bbodi quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)
18:48:44dom96So you essentially want a fake hub?
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18:58:55Araqhi vbtt
18:59:48vbtthow goes it?
19:00:25vbttI updated the blog.
19:00:41vbttI feel stupid :/
19:00:50Araqhave no time, just wanted to say your "obsolete" idea is very nice
19:00:56Araqand I will do it this way
19:01:32vbttcool Ttyl
19:10:03*BitPuffin quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)
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19:12:24Araqdom96: how should var s = proc (x, y): auto = x+5 work?
19:12:44Araqwhat's 'x' ? a float, an int, a generic?
19:12:56dom96A generic.
19:13:03Araqwhat is 's' then? how can it reasonably be instantiated?
19:13:36*renesac|away is now known as renesac
19:13:50dom96I can write proc s(x, y): auto = x + 5 no problem
19:13:56renesacdom96: did you take this idea from Clay?
19:14:03dom96Is it unreasonable to apply this reasoning to closures?
19:14:16dom96renesac: no
19:14:18Araq1. there is no closure here
19:14:43renesacclay does whole program type inference (though, I heard it is dead now...)
19:14:44Araq2. proc s can reasonably be instantiated, 'var s =...' cannot
19:14:57Araqrenesac: we got the idea from clay, yes
19:15:09Araqthe implicit generics stem from clay
19:15:57Araqclay probably still does it better as that compiler has been written with this feature in mind, whereas in nimrod we patched the compiler ...
19:16:16dom96What code do you suggest the lambda macro should generate then?
19:16:40Araqlambda is just sugar for an anon 'proc'
19:18:12Araq\(a, b, a + b) is transformed into proc (a, b): auto = a + b
19:18:48dom96Yeah, but that doesn't work.
19:18:57Araqthat's the bug then
19:19:06Araqnot that the assignment to 'var s' doesn't work
19:19:17dom96oh right
19:19:21renesacAraq: the only problem I can see now is how to treat reference vs value types
19:19:29dom96I get you now. Then the error makes sense.
19:19:54Araqrenesac: what's your context?
19:19:54renesacif you pass a 'ref intnumber' for example, this lambda will probably fail
19:20:00renesacas x
19:21:05renesacor 'ptr intnumber', though I'm not sure how the language does implicit deferencing
19:21:05AraqI don't care if the lambda fails for edge cases, we have a slightly more verbose syntax that handles everything
19:21:34renesacin clay everything was passed by reference to avoid this, but that is probably not optimal
19:21:34dom96Araq: https://gist.github.com/dom96/508388bb5292d6e418d0
19:21:39dom96Should that work?
19:22:07Araqultimately yes
19:22:17dom96It gives the exact same error.
19:22:22Araqbut I don't know what's the current status wrt type inference is
19:22:56Araqwell the error message is nice
19:23:07Araqthe internal error you mention too is not
19:23:17dom96The error message could be better.
19:23:29renesacshouldn't it be: 'proc test(x = proc (a, b: int): int) ='
19:24:06Araqx has the type "proc ...."
19:24:10dom96no, types come after ':'
19:24:12Araqnot the value "proc ..."
19:24:41renesacthat many ':' is confusing ^^'
19:25:01renesacbut yeah, I understand now
19:25:02Araqread it from left to right like everythin else in nimrod
19:26:01dom96Araq: Why can't instantiation be deferred until I invoke the variable 's'?
19:26:36Araqdom96: because there is no notion of a generic variable in the language
19:27:02Araqdom96: btw how does it work? we make the language always more complex to optimizie for key strokes and get zero new compiler devs?
19:27:04dom96ahh ok. So when assigning a proc to a variable it has to be fully instantiated?
19:28:09Araqunles the variable is in a generic proc, then its instantation is bound to the instantion of the proc
19:28:14dom96Well I was wrong. The var s = ... example I give doesn't have to work for the lambda macros.
19:28:28Araqstill the question is valid
19:28:32dom96Just bad testing on my part. But i'm just curious.
19:28:56Araqwe have 2 compiler devs. those who try, fail.
19:29:33dom96bbl dinner
19:29:45Araqthat's a fundamental problem and how do we deal with it? we listen to the guys who are not happy we're not reinventing haskell
19:30:06renesacwell, you may deffer those key stroke optimizations for latter...
19:31:51Araqrenesac: that would be wise
19:31:51renesacI find that nimrod is already quite concise, except for requiring many explicit type conversions (not that I'm complaining, and part are 'bugs' regarding uint)
19:33:26Araqyeah and what's worse, all these lambda chains do not compose well, imho
19:33:41AraqI know i can't say that in 2014 when the world finally loves FP
19:33:53Araqbut it's true, FP does not compose well
19:34:24EXetoCcertain things in some languages are verbose for no apparent reason
19:34:44EXetoCin other cases, verbosity can make the code easier to parse
19:36:05EXetoCrenesac: got an example of unnecessary verbosity, that isn't caused by a bug?
19:36:47renesacEXetoC: that call to getVertexGroup if you are to put .GLFloat in the first parameter of all vectors
19:36:56renesacfor example
19:37:44renesacor the need of doing 'enumvalue.ord' to get a number
19:37:51renesacto index in a normal array
19:37:54renesacfor example
19:38:06renesacbut those are relatively minor things
19:39:19Araqyou don't need enumvalue.ord when you use the enum as the index type in the array
19:39:21renesacor math.log2 only taking floats as input (that may be corrected easily, but will mean moving the type conversion to inside de function, of course)
19:39:32renesacAraq: true
19:39:42renesacbut when you don't you need
19:39:53EXetoCTGLfloat? that's a bug then isn't it?
19:39:54Araqthat's a feature
19:40:15EXetoCit's only an alias
19:40:42Araqbut it's an alias to float32 I guess and float literals are of type float(64)
19:41:24EXetoCdoes this have anything to what you tried to fix a couple of months back?
19:41:32EXetoCand maybe that float PR that I submitted
19:42:17renesacAraq> that's a feature <-- I'm not sure to which line you are answering
19:42:33Araqrenesac: to the enum as array index conversion
19:42:49Araqit's easy enough to declare the array properly
19:43:32EXetoC*to do with
19:44:36AraqEXetoC: what I fixed now works
19:45:01renesacI still think that 'let gfv:array[1,GLFloat] = [0.0]' should work, but as I said, this can be fixed latter
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19:46:25renesacthe new coffescript style function calling syntax will be in 0.8.4?
19:46:48Araq0.9.4, but yes
19:46:56renesacoops, yeah
19:47:17Araqthat extension was obvious in hindsight
19:47:42renesacI hate typing parenthesis, but I'm a bit afraid of loosing them ;P
19:48:11AraqI hate them too or else I would have invented a Lisp :P
19:48:26renesacbut for simple nested calls with one parameter it is interesting
19:48:45Araqlet future = await foo(a, b)
19:48:50EXetoCrenesac: you don't mean this "var a: TGLfloat = 1.0"?
19:48:53Araqis also a very important use case
19:49:21renesacEXetoC, no, that works, and thats why I think the array example should also work (for any size of array)
19:49:48renesacAraq, right
19:50:23Araqrenesac: that's the old "<: doesn't compose" issue
19:50:51Araqwe'll fix it eventually by introducing more complex type conversion/subtyping rules
19:51:13Araqbut it's not hard to understand why A <: B doesn't imply C[A] <: C[B]
19:51:35renesacright, that is all I wanted to hear
19:53:33Araqrenesac: are you familiar with 'cas'?
19:54:03Araq(compare and swap)
19:54:14renesacoh, kinda
19:54:27Araqkinda ain't good enough
19:54:28renesacwe have atomic operations in nimrod?
19:54:41Araqlib/system/atomics exists
19:55:00Araqbut imho it sucks, so I wrap the things I need on my own
19:55:22EXetoC[1.TGLfloat, 1, 1] is not that bad. You didn't answer so I don't know if you saw that
19:56:03EXetoCyou can't do the equivalent for varargs though
19:56:14Araqscrew C++11 with it's absurdly complex weak consistency memory model
19:56:36AraqI wonder if there is a single benchmark out there where C++'s memory model makes a difference
19:56:38EXetoCactually you could, since the brackets can be included
19:58:45*tdc quit (Quit: Leaving)
20:00:07Araqdom96: does babel register an environment var?
20:00:08renesacwell, in case it works for all arguments on newVectorGroup, it makes a 80 column line 156 columns, but that is a special case of course
20:00:16dom96Araq: no
20:00:45renesacin most cases I agree with you that it isn't a big problem
20:01:41*BitPuffin joined #nimrod
20:04:27Araqdom96: how can I determine where babel installs its stuff?
20:04:48dom96It's always ~/.babel
20:05:15EXetoCrenesac: shorter version: 1'f32
20:05:44renesacare you sure it works? But that is kinda hackish too...
20:15:51EXetoCI guess it's not that different compared to when the compiler "converts" an int literal to an int16 for example at compile-time
20:18:00EXetoCthe behavior that you proposed that is
20:19:19EXetoCBitPuffin: what do you think? you complained about it before, but that was before you knew about this shortcut: [1'f32, 1'f32, 1'f32] -> [1'f32, 1, 1]
20:22:17EXetoCBitPuffin: are you fine with that? renesac wants to allow array literals to be implicitly convertible
20:24:22EXetoCrenesac: what's vector group? just an array/seq of vectors?
20:31:20renesachttps://github.com/dom96/ParticleBench/blob/master/N.nim <-- it's a function from this script
20:37:49EXetoCwell now you know how to make it even shorter. ' can even be omitted but I don't think it's documented
20:38:26AraqI think it is
20:39:41EXetoCyes "var myInt16 = 5i16"
20:40:05EXetoCthe exception being hex literals
20:42:03Araqthat's because 'f' is ambiguous in a hex literal
20:43:32Araqugh wow glfw.nim does some uncommon 'static' things
20:43:42Araqno wonder my vm fails for that
20:44:44EXetoCyeah. I thought it worked but then I realized that
20:44:54EXetoCok I can't remember. will have a look
20:45:06Araqno, no
20:45:12AraqI need to fix the bug
20:45:48EXetoCjust curious
20:46:07Araqproc `monitorCb=`*(cb: TMonitorCb) =
20:46:08Araq monitorCb = cb
20:46:12Araqhow can that work?
20:47:32EXetoCthere's a corresponding var. it has worked before
20:47:45EXetoCthe compiler is often clever in cases like that
20:48:22Araqno, it can't work
20:48:44Araqit will not produce an endless recursion
20:48:54Araqbut I don't think it's ever invoked either
20:49:23Araqproc `title=`*(o: PWnd, val: string) =
20:49:24Araq wrapper.setWindowTitle(o.handle, val) # this makes sense
20:49:42*Varriount joined #nimrod
20:49:47Araqsee the difference?
20:50:09EXetoCapparently it's not in the events example. I'll fix that
20:51:01Araqjust for the record glfw does compile on master, right?
20:51:19Araqor at least there was a version which did compile it?
20:52:23*BitPuffin quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)
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20:53:30EXetoCyes. I think BitPuffin got it to work not long ago
20:53:45Araqhi jbe_ are you the guy who once wrote a couple of benchmarks?
20:54:12*zahary joined #nimrod
20:55:12EXetoCI don't know if it matters, but it's fixed now
20:55:33Araqno ... I didn't push my fix yet
20:57:33EXetoCI meant the recursion
20:58:04Araqthere never was a recursion your unary 'op=' simply is never invoked
21:02:16Araqzahary: your destructor creation is awful :P perhaps we can adapt semstmts.semForFields for this
21:02:19EXetoCok only in theory then
21:02:49Araqand of course the assignment operator needs the same mechanism
21:04:14*zahary quit (Quit: Leaving.)
21:04:42Araqthat's what happens when you're not friendly. people leave.
21:05:46AraqVarriount: lol, zahary has been here since forever
21:05:55Araqno worries
21:23:45*BitPuffin joined #nimrod
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21:27:10EXetoCI just made a feature request, and yes I remember that you said it would be difficult to implement
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21:40:24Araqthinking about it, it's actually easy to implement :P
21:40:32Araqand I might do it
21:44:13Araqdamn it's a ~3 lines of code patch to the compiler
21:55:30VarriountWhat's the feature?
22:01:59EXetoCVarriount: let x = if true: 0 elif true: 0 else: raise newException(E_Base, "")
22:04:01*Demos quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
22:04:41NimBotAraq/Nimrod devel 2cb119b Araq [+0 ±2 -0]: fixes #838
22:04:41NimBotAraq/Nimrod devel 928465c Araq [+2 ±3 -0]: Merge branch 'devel' of https://github.com/Araq/Nimrod into devel
22:06:26EXetoCor that?
22:07:16VarriountEXetoC: Eew. Why not use normal if/elif statements?
22:09:11AraqVarriount: the expr/stmt unification is one of the best features of nimrod :P
22:09:51VarriountAraq: Tell that to my aching eyeballs.
22:09:52EXetoCvery useful indeed
22:10:18VarriountI don't like it when all those logical conditions are bunched together on one line.
22:10:31EXetoCthat's just a really short example
22:10:33Araqoh you don't have to do that
22:14:38Araqhmm the baby is crying ... but is it hungry?
22:15:56Araqhmm it is sucking on the pacifier ...
22:16:03*Araq wonders what that means
22:16:25VarriountAraq: Either it's teething, or hungry, or bored.
22:22:40*brson joined #nimrod
22:34:15Araqit was a drwaing-pin in her bed ...
22:37:59*[2]Endy quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
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22:42:51OrionPKdo babbies get bored?
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22:47:06discolodaOrionPK: as a father of 3 boys, yes i do believe they do
22:47:21OrionPKdamn you're busy
22:47:46*radsoc joined #nimrod
22:48:29discoloda3.5yo, 2.5yo and 2mo. indeed
22:49:20OrionPKim just gonna leave this here http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/3/3f/Trojan_her_pleasure.jpg
22:49:36*aftersha_ quit (Quit: Computer has gone to sleep.)
22:50:33VarriountI'm the oldest of 5 siblings. My youngest brother is 5 years old. I've been changing daipers for a little less than half my life.
22:51:01*zahary joined #nimrod
22:51:13VarriountHey zahary
22:53:08*OrionPK is not a fan of children/babies
22:53:54discolodaim the oldest of 10, never changed a diaper until my own kids :D
22:53:59OrionPKholy balls
22:54:30discolodaMormon parents, i cant stand churches
22:55:05OrionPKwhere are u from? mountain time somewhere?
22:55:19discolodacentral california
22:55:51OrionPKi wish i lived in california
22:55:57*psquid joined #nimrod
22:56:06OrionPKor just the west coast anywhere
22:57:26discolodayeah, i would like to move to washington or oregon
22:58:18OrionPKive never been to oregon, but i hear good things
22:58:39OrionPKi like seattle and san fran a lot
22:59:36*gsingh93_ is now known as gsingh93
22:59:43VarriountHi gsingh93
22:59:47VarriountHi psquid
23:00:32*radsoc quit (Quit: Quitte)
23:01:30Araqzahary: got the memo?
23:02:59zaharywhich memo?
23:05:25*jbe_ quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
23:05:36Araqabout the messy destructor construction
23:06:44zaharylet me look at the logs
23:07:30*ics quit (Quit: My MacBook Pro has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…)
23:08:12zaharymy creation is awful? how dare you!
23:08:12zaharyseriously tho, as far as I remember the code, it was just a couple of simple for loops, what's so bad about it?
23:08:31Araqit's wrong
23:08:41Araqlook at my latest patch to it
23:09:01zaharythere is a posted bug that I haven't looked at yet. is that what you are referring to?
23:09:23Araqit crashed compiling nimbuild
23:09:31AraqI fixed the crash but not the bug
23:09:49Araqand TThread[X] should trigger it, I think
23:10:14Araqyou don't deal with nkRecList recursively properly
23:10:40zaharywhich one is the patch? can't find it in the recent commits
23:13:47zaharythis analyzingDestructor marker is supposed to help with recursive types
23:21:53Araqalso GCC seems to support __get_frame_address which might help to get the dreaded stack bottom right
23:24:17*darkf joined #nimrod
23:24:33VarriountHi darkf
23:24:39Varriount!lastseen darkf
23:26:40zaharyso you are saying that some types have structures like case X: of Y: case Z: … ; Alright, makes me wonder why this haven't been noticed until now.
23:27:31zaharyI thought I've done something more substantial to earn the awful badge :P
23:28:26Araqwell I wanted to fix it but then lost my motivation so it must be awful :P
23:29:31Araqalso TMaybe[void] or similar produces a regression where 'void' ends up in the marker generation phase
23:29:48Araqlooked at that too and it wasn't immediately obvious how to fix it
23:30:07Araqand that's a regression so prio is super duper high
23:30:46zaharyI've noticed this one. actually, it was me who allowed void to appear in type fields. I don't know if it used to handle this particular case correctly
23:31:11Araqsome critbittree test case used to work
23:31:28Araqwith 'void', so it's definitely a regression
23:31:41zaharyas long as we are complaining, do tstringinterp work for you?
23:31:52zaharyIt causes my computer to run out of memory when I try to compile it
23:32:28Araqis that in macros/ now?
23:33:31Araqfails for me immediately with "intVal not accessible"
23:33:48Araqbut good point, will fix it
23:33:51zaharyI've tested it only on a mac
23:35:38VarriountAraq or zahary: Can you explain what all the % do in this snippet? -> https://gist.github.com/Varriount/8625520
23:36:25AraqVarriount: they construct JSON data
23:36:42Araqwe should make % a macro and then that's not necessary anymore
23:36:50Araqbut we didn't
23:37:18VarriountHow hard would it be to turn it into a macro?
23:38:08Araqnot hard if you watched my talk :P
23:38:20Araqor read the DrDobbs article
23:42:53Araqhmm capturing a newSeq'ed argument is evil ...
23:43:02NimBotAraq/Nimrod devel 6ee5902 Zahary Karadjov [+0 ±6 -0]: support for parametric user-defined type classes
23:43:02NimBotAraq/Nimrod devel 0348692 Zahary Karadjov [+0 ±11 -0]: implements #766;... 4 more lines
23:43:02NimBotAraq/Nimrod devel 7b3b9ed Zahary Karadjov [+0 ±3 -0]: the `is` operator now uses exactly the same algorithm as proc signature matching
23:43:02NimBotAraq/Nimrod devel d5c0235 Zahary Karadjov [+18 ±27 -15]: Merge branch 'devel' of https://www.github.com/Araq/Nimrod into devel
23:44:07Varriountpar·a·met·ric ˌparəˈmetrik
23:44:07Varriountof, relating to, or expressed in terms of a parameter or parameters.
23:44:21Araqso zahary ... any release date for 0.9.4 ?
23:45:27Araqdom96: same question
23:45:53zaharyI plan to fix all bug that I've assigned to myself in guthub
23:49:45dom96Araq: I doubt getting newasync into 0.9.4 will be possible.
23:52:42Varriountdom96: Having trouble with iocp?
23:53:02dom96Varriount: yep
23:53:14VarriountI don't supposed I could have a look?
23:53:33*zahary quit (Quit: Leaving.)
23:53:36Araqdom96: that's fine
23:55:44dom96Varriount: https://gist.github.com/dom96/74a81eb2001f1f9265c8
23:56:25dom96Varriount: Try to figure out why it segfaults when you uncomment L166-168
23:56:52Varriountdom96: Have you looked at windows error logs?
23:57:07dom96Varriount: nope
23:58:11VarriountI would use the event logs utility, process monitor (from sysinternals) and look somewhere in your local appdata directory for the crash data logs.
23:58:53Varriountdom96: Does this code run on it's own? Can I download it and run it?
23:59:05dom96Varriount: yes, you can.
23:59:19dom96(I hope)
23:59:45dom96I can't remember if I changed anything in windows.nim/winlean.nim
23:59:58dom96But if I did it's minor so you should be able to figure it out.