<< 25-01-2020 >>

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01:06:54disruptekso the app is called `nigel`. you give it some aws credentials and it clones a compiler into a lambda proc. now you can build anything up to maybe 100megs, with half a gig of /tmp. you get 3gig of memory for the process. i/o from the client is limited to 6mb.
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01:08:13disruptekso you pass us input; code or whatever, and we write it to /tmp, build it, run it. you get http status codes/response bodies according to the result.
01:09:20disruptekthe result is cached, of course, so that we need not perform the same build on the same input more than once.
01:11:13disruptekruntime is limited to 5min, but we can always chain if we absolutely have to.
01:14:42disruptekyou can do this with any commit you want to test; you have 75gig of space to work with, and the compiler takes about, i dunno, 150mb?
01:16:20disruptekobviously, one of the actions that can take place in your function is pulling more data in from elsewhere.
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01:17:32disruptekyou can fit a lot of compressed source in 6mb.
01:29:53disruptekwhen you want to run a test against 500 different versions of the compiler, you just issue a function call with the input as a string. you get futures that resolve into httpresponses with each test result and metadata in the headers.
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01:52:35FromGitter<deech> What does the `{.cursor.}` pragma do?
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01:53:08disruptekit gives you a copy that you promise not to mutate, because it's not reference counted.
01:54:57FromGitter<deech> So it's on you to dealloc it?
01:55:22disruptekno, you just want to witness it without changing the reference count.
01:55:35disruptekyou wanna see it and you don't want anyone to know you're watching.
01:55:41disruptekc'mon, we've all been there.
01:58:52FromGitter<deech> By witness do you mean read it's value?
01:59:45FromGitter<deech> So a type marked {.cursor.} is immutable by convention but not enforced, right?
02:00:18disrupteki don't remember.
02:00:37disrupteki thought they were going to be more high-level, i guess.
02:01:08FromGitter<deech> I think I'm still confused ...
02:01:11disruptekbut, of course, i only know them according to the c. i don't have a sense for how i'd use them in nim.
02:01:52disruptektry mutating one and see what happens.
02:03:38disruptekoh i think i misunderstood you.
02:05:08disruptekthe type itself is mutable. it's like a pointer. the target, you don't want to risk mutating because, obviously, you are telling the compiler to let you have that access on your own recognizance.
02:06:57FromGitter<deech> The prints `(x : @[4,5,6] )`: ⏎ ⏎ ```code paste, see link``` [https://gitter.im/nim-lang/Nim?at=5e2ba2c1a9b30639e2e047e5]
02:07:00disruptekif you know the target exists, then sure, you can mutate it.
02:08:42disruptekmaybe a better example is an iterator where you don't want ownerhip of the contents to change just because you retrieved an item from the container.
02:12:39FromGitter<deech> So something like: ⏎ ⏎ ```code paste, see link``` [https://gitter.im/nim-lang/Nim?at=5e2ba4171a1c2739e3f5673a]
02:14:59disruptekyes, but because the last x is a cursor emitted by items().
02:15:47disrupteklike, we know we're not going to free a's contents inside the loop. so we can just have a pointer to them that we lend out.
02:16:31disruptekor, if you want to set the pointer and you may use it, but only before the item is collected, then you use a cursor.
02:16:43disruptekthat way, you permit the collection of the item.
02:17:25disruptekit happens due to the way arc works that you sometimes need to swap values around without invoking the usual machinery surrounding memory management.
02:17:33disruptekso, that's how i use it.
02:17:36FromGitter<kennymalac> Hello, I am trying to copy a callback function into a thread. How do I do this? I can't call a callback within a thread because it complains about the GC
02:18:02FromGitter<deech> I'm going to have to chew on it a little more but thanks for the info!
02:18:12FromGitter<kennymalac> I'd just like to copy the callback and be able to call a copy of the function in a separate thread
02:19:36FromGitter<kennymalac> for context, I'd like to do something like this: proc startWorker(args: tuple[address: string, callback: (string) -> string]) {.thread.}
02:20:45FromGitter<kennymalac> but the compiler understably complains like so: Error: 'startWorker' is not GC-safe as it calls 'start'
02:20:58FromGitter<kennymalac> understandably*
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02:43:05FromGitter<kennymalac> basically I want functors. lol
02:44:12FromGitter<kennymalac> c++ style that is
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03:06:57FromGitter<zetashift> heyho
03:07:14FromGitter<zetashift> @kennymalac I think most people that know that stuff are currently asleep :(
03:09:38FromGitter<kennymalac> it's all good
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03:43:12FromGitter<deech> I may have asked this before but what does the `<//>` do here? `next*: <//>(ref DoublyLinkedNodeObj[T])`
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04:15:48disruptekthe <//> is just a placeholder to get early code to work with `owned`.
04:15:59disruptekdoesn't exist in today's nim.
04:17:23disruptekdeech ^
04:23:23FromGitter<kennymalac> I found something here https://forum.nim-lang.org/t/3732
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04:23:41FromGitter<kennymalac> mabye this is sufficient
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04:30:05leorize@kennymalac: `deepCopy` can be used to copy closures iirc
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04:33:35FromGitter<kennymalac> oh
04:36:31leorizehttps://nim-lang.github.io/Nim/manual#threads-gc-safety <- might be related
04:37:29leorizein the future the new --gc:arc will ease all this up, but for now that's the best we've got
04:55:40madpropshmm https://www.reddit.com/r/ProgrammerHumor/comments/etmdw5/trending_nim_projects_this_month_got_link_from/
05:01:59leorizeif github definition of trending == people contrib + talks all the time, then I wouldn't be surprised
05:02:40leorizeah, they count by stars rate
05:02:52leorizethen only nim-lang/Nim can held the first spot :P
05:03:30leorize(and only spot) :P
05:04:12sealmoveeh, nimyaml doesn't work at CT?
05:05:54disruptekwe simply cannot go through this again, sealmove.
05:06:26sealmovesorry, I just realized it because I hadn't tried to use it before
05:06:42sealmoveoh well, need to make a CT yaml parser, I am now fully determined
05:07:01leorizemake it output JsonNode, please :P
05:07:20sealmoveyes! that's what i need
05:07:26disrupteki'm not so bothered, but it would greatly simplify my openapi stuff.
05:08:45leorizeyou should base it on npeg or lexbase
05:08:53leorizeboth of them are solid basis for any parser :P
05:09:08FromGitter<kennymalac> messing around with @leorize I'll see if it works
05:09:33sealmoveleorize: yeah already worked a lot on npeg, we can now even seperate lexing from parsing.
05:09:46FromGitter<kennymalac> with deepCopy*
05:24:31FromGitter<kennymalac> so far I'm very confused by deepCopy and {.gcsafe.}
05:25:34leorizeso {.gcsafe.} have two meanings:
05:26:09FromGitter<kennymalac> I'm confused that it seems to make the outer proc {.gcsafe.} and where to actually do the copy
05:26:52FromGitter<kennymalac> I can't seem to do the deepCopy inside of the function called by startWorker
05:27:22leorizeas an annotation: enforce that no GC-ed memory can be passed. This prevents cross-heap sharing. Currently {.thread.} implies this.
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05:28:42leorizeas a statement: the code block assigned to it will **not** be checked for GC-ed memory, it's a way to bypass the checking (and it's needed in certain cases)
05:29:34FromGitter<kennymalac> actually i got it to compile but I'm unsure if I'm doing it right
05:29:38FromGitter<kennymalac> I'll paset
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05:33:12FromGitter<kennymalac> https://pastebin.com/jnPE6TQa
05:33:41FromGitter<kennymalac> does this look right @leorize ? i'm unsure where I'm actually supposed to be calling deepCopy
05:35:19leorizeyou wouldn't need {.gcsafe.} in startWorker afaict
05:35:22FromGitter<kennymalac> the problem I have with this is that obviously I don't want the entire start() function to be gcsafe
05:35:45leorizeok I understand now
05:36:07leorizeyou need it inside startWorker
05:36:35FromGitter<kennymalac> for context: I am making a generic task worker that acts as a dedicated thread listening on a socket for tasks and publishes on a socket
05:36:38*Jjp137 quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
05:36:58leorizeso you want to copy that callback and its environment?
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05:39:37FromGitter<kennymalac> it would be nice if I could have that
05:40:15FromGitter<kennymalac> but if that's too complicated I may just specialize Worker? idk
05:40:24FromGitter<kennymalac> I didn't really want to have to do that
05:41:35leorizewell for one, closures can't be passed through threads with the default gc
05:42:07FromGitter<kennymalac> yeah makes sense
05:42:52*dddddd quit (Ping timeout: 268 seconds)
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05:43:11leorizeuse --gc:boehm and {.gcsafe.} every path that the compiler complains
05:43:17leorize--gc:boehm is thread-safe
05:43:31leorizeand trust me, it's better than fighting this mess
05:43:59leorizealso boehm is compatible with all of Nim. It might even be the default if ARC is not here.
05:46:59FromGitter<kennymalac> ugh I'd rather not , :/
05:47:09FromGitter<kennymalac> to be honest I only create the threads once so it's not a big issue
05:49:47FromGitter<kennymalac> I may just have to specialize task types like I thought I might have to
05:50:46leorizeI think I might know a way out for you
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05:54:18FromGitter<kennymalac> hm?
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05:56:41leorizedoesn't worth it tbh
05:57:15leorizeyou can rip the env out of the closure, ie: making your worker a generic type with a generic data field
05:59:12FromGitter<kennymalac> hmmm, I could register the task closure inside the thread, rather than in advance
05:59:38FromGitter<kennymalac> actually nevermind, I'd have to move the Topic into the thread, I don't want that
06:00:27FromGitter<kennymalac> okay I'll be back in the morning maybe someone will rip me a new one while I sleep
06:00:36leorizehave you checked out weave?
06:00:39leorize!repo weave
06:00:41disbothttps://github.com/mratsim/weave -- 9weave: 11A state-of-the-art multithreading runtime: message-passing based, fast, scalable, ultra-low overhead 15 102⭐ 7🍴
06:03:44FromGitter<kennymalac> nope, looks awesome, using ZeroMQ because of possible customer API calls and zeromq has many libs. though I guess hypothetically I could use that for internal communication
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08:40:40narimiranleorize: ping
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09:50:16livcdwas this posted here already ? https://www.twitch.tv/videos/540046321
09:51:24YardanicoDoesn't seem so, I'll post it on forums :)
09:51:53Yardanicoah I know this guy, I saw his program https://github.com/tsoding/boomer
09:52:03Yardanicoit's an X11 zooming app
09:52:27livcdhe is your landesmann
09:56:51Yardanicohe seems nice and fun :P
09:57:00Yardanicoim actually watching that vid lol
10:05:02Yardanico"welcome to Nim btw, this is the language that will kill C and C++" best quote xd
10:14:21Yardanicoah it's not his app actually
10:16:17Yardanicooh wait it is his app, I was confused by different nicknames
10:26:17solitudesf> he seems nice and fun :P
10:26:40solitudesfif you actually watch him, he becomes pretty annoying
10:27:23solitudesfhe refuses to learn, he's quickly jumping to assumptions, he has some autistic principles and often ridicules the chat
10:27:53Yardanicowell, about the chat - you clearly never been in any "toxic" twitch communities like forsen's chat :P
10:27:54solitudesfkinda got sick and tired of his attitude, so i dont know if someone else helps him with his nim streams
10:28:04solitudesfi am often in forsens chat
10:28:17solitudesfim not talking about chat, im talking about streaner
10:30:35solitudesfah, wth, this is not #nim-offtopic
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11:02:29FromDiscord_<zidsal> can someone explain the following to me as this behaviour is different to other languages I've worked with:
11:02:29FromDiscord_<zidsal> https://pastebin.com/wzPGjgEn
11:02:29FromDiscord_<zidsal> the tl;dr is I assign a set to a local variable and mutate it with incl but it doesn't mutate can anyone explain to me why?
11:03:19FromDiscord_<Yardanico> You've used `set` for componentBitset right?
11:03:24FromDiscord_<zidsal> yup
11:03:38FromDiscord_<Yardanico> `set` is not a reference type so in `var componentBitset = world.entityInfo[entity].components;` you actually copy the set to a new memory location
11:04:02FromDiscord_<zidsal> ah, gotcha thanks yard
11:04:10AraqClyybber: I got 'emplace_back' to work
11:04:19Araqit's a one liner :P
11:04:42Yardaniconot really a nim-related question, but can anyone explain to me how does https://github.com/belamenso/v/blob/master/src/v.nim#L43 work?
11:04:54Yardanicothat code can represent any ASCII char in a sequence of numbers from 0 to 9
11:04:59Yardanicos/in a/as a
11:13:57Yardanicoah nvm I figured it out
11:44:33*chemist69 quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)
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11:45:28FromDiscord_<gour> morning, what is the prospect of using nim for writing android app?
11:45:48Zevvbasically like any non-java language
11:45:57Zevvyou can do some essentials like sound and openGL, basic networking
11:46:04Zevvbut nearly any android API's
11:46:07Zevvsimilar to C/C++
11:46:19Zevvyou can cross compile Nim using the Android NDK
11:46:27Yardanicothere's https://github.com/yglukhov/jnim which makes things a bit easier though
11:47:39FromDiscord_<gour> i'd need a regular gui app...so dart+flutter are better for this use-case?
11:53:56Yardanicohttps://gist.github.com/Yardanico/c6495e6b8d0776ff07b6feabab0b1d17#file-lol-nim xd
11:54:03Yardanicofor https://forum.nim-lang.org/t/5855
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12:52:13FromDiscord_<Zachary Carter> Time to play more with weave today
12:52:36FromDiscord_<Zachary Carter> still have some questions about what exactly I can pass as arguments to a spawned proc
13:14:41FromDiscord_<Recruit_main_70007> how can i access Microsoft COM such as ObjCreate??
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13:53:04kobi7hi guys
13:54:15kobi7I am trying to compile `languist` but get some errors. I think the std library paths have changed a little.
13:54:44kobi7 compiler/ast cannot be found. is it the same as core/macros
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14:22:17FromDiscord_<Recruit_main_70007> found winim/com, is that the best solution?
14:23:46FromDiscord_<exelotl> Yep
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14:54:40FromDiscord_<Recruit_main_70007> var nick = ie.document.getElementById("nick")nick.value = "NimBot"
14:54:52FromDiscord_<Rika> ???
14:54:59FromDiscord_<Recruit_main_70007> missed a newline
14:55:15FromDiscord_<Recruit_main_70007> var nick = ie.document.getElementById("nick")
14:55:16FromDiscord_<Recruit_main_70007> nick.value = "NimBot"
14:55:52FromDiscord_<Recruit_main_70007> that code throws me an error:
14:55:52FromDiscord_<Recruit_main_70007> Error: unhandled exception: convert from VT_NULL to com object [VariantConversionError]
14:55:52FromDiscord_<Recruit_main_70007> what am i doing wrong?
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15:06:07disrupteki ask myself that every day.
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15:27:18FromDiscord_<zidsal> I'm writing an ecs so I need a fast lookup to get a value of type T thats owned by an entity. To do this I have global tabels that are created that map from an Entity to a specific component. However compiling this gives gcc errors. Does anyone know why and how I can get around this? (I've stripped out path information in the stacktrace)
15:27:18FromDiscord_<zidsal> https://pastebin.com/
15:29:38FromDiscord_<zidsal> oops https://pastebin.com/QFpfRp9J
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15:37:26FromDiscord_<Recruit_main_70007> how can i handle my mouse from Nim??
15:37:33AraqC code errors are bugs
15:37:45Araqzidsal: please report it
15:39:37Araqbut entity component frameworks use seqs and clever 'distinct ints' for the indexing
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15:41:06disruptekAraq: since you're here, got an idea for a reasonable minimal amount of memory needed to build the compiler? linux.
15:41:53disrupteki can test it, i just figured you could save me a step.
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15:48:44zedeusbuilding with `koch boot -f -d:release` mine reached 438 MB, with `-f -d:danger -d:leanCompiler` it reached 369 MB
15:48:53zedeusmay vary depending on the compiler used to compile obv
15:49:07disruptekthanks, boss.
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15:52:19lskbrOnly nim to make me use IRC again. Same nick as in Telegram. Amazing language, good work!
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16:07:53Yardanicolskbr: is that sarcasm or not xD
16:10:58AraqYardanico: it's not.
16:11:04Yardanicoyeah I figured it out :)
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16:17:16FromGitter<deech> Is there a way to work transform the return value of an FFI call? eg. ⏎ ⏎ ```code paste, see link``` ⏎ ⏎ This is a simple example. [https://gitter.im/nim-lang/Nim?at=5e2c6a0c3482927279283919]
16:18:53FromGitter<deech> Right but how do get a hold of the return value?
16:18:53disruptekuse a template.
16:24:40Yardanico@deech you can just define your function as mynameRaw or something
16:24:50Yardanicoand have myname as a procedure which calls mynameRaw and does all conversions
16:24:52Yardanicoor a template
16:26:22disrupteki regretted not writing a nimish api over git from the outset. just my experience.
16:27:16disruptek"i'll clean this up later" is just never rational for reasons of craft.
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16:44:27FromGitter<deech> But a template can't be exported right?
16:44:34disruptekwhy not?
16:44:53FromGitter<deech> Sorry, by exported I meant `exportc`, should have been clearer.
16:45:04Yardanicoah wait
16:45:11Yardanicoyou're EXPORTing a proc as I understand or what?
16:45:26Yardanicoor do you want to somehow get a reference to a return value of a procedure?
16:45:31disruptekyou're exporting a proc to c that yields a nim string?
16:45:59disruptekthat it gets from a c proc?
16:46:42FromGitter<deech> No, I'm doing an FFI call to a C function that ( in this example ) returns a `const char *` and want to wrap that in a function that returns a `string` and export that some other language runtime can call it.
16:46:50Yardanicoyou should be using importc then
16:47:45FromGitter<deech> Right, but my question is if I wrap the C function with a template can I export that template?
16:47:59FromGitter<Yardanico> of course, you can export any identifiers in Nim
16:48:03FromGitter<Yardanico> macros/templates/consts/lets/vars/etc
16:48:17FromGitter<Yardanico> so something like https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=28ke
16:48:33FromGitter<deech> Really? Do the generic arguments just become void pointers or something?
16:48:41FromGitter<Yardanico> ah sorry, forgot an export marker after ffi
16:49:11FromGitter<Yardanico> @deech what do you mean exactly?
16:49:32Zevvdeech: let me cook soemthing up
16:49:38disruptekoh shoot
16:51:27lqdev[m]@Yardanico don't use a template here. always use the least complex construct.
16:52:24solitudesf@Yardanico, he talks about ffi export, not nim export
16:52:41Yardanicosolitudesf: but he used "exportc"
16:52:51Yardanicoexportc is when you need to export to C, not import a C function, right?
16:53:23Yardanicoand yes I understood what he meant
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16:53:53FromGitter<deech> Yardanico: I'm doing both, Nim is just the go-between. The goal is the marshall some C resource into a Nim type so Nim's memory management can take care of it and export that function so another language can call it.
16:54:19Zevvdeech: is this what you mean: http://ix.io/28kh
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16:54:25Zevvor is that too naive
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16:55:09FromGitter<deech> Yah, except in this case the `hello*` would have an `exportc` pragma as well.
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16:55:38Zevvbut where do you want to export that to?
16:55:42ZevvTo Nim, or out of nim
16:55:45FromGitter<deech> out of nim
16:55:45Yardanicobtw, any particular reason there's no readLines for "File" argument in system?
16:55:54leorizeo/ narimiran
16:56:16Yardanicoah nvm
16:56:26Zevvok, but you still want Nim to take care of the memory management?
16:56:41FromGitter<deech> Zevv, yeah, nim is a GC-ed glue between a C library and another language.
16:56:47narimiranleorize: hey!
16:57:08Zevvdeech: hmm but how would you export a Nim string to another language?
16:57:30Pqzcih5Hello guys, I wanted to do some packet inspection and test something IP protocol related with nim
16:57:37narimirani was wondering if there's a possibility to give azure pipelines some kind of "please wait a bit" time? e.g. wait 5 minutes before starting the whole testing process
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16:57:47Zevv"sleep 300" :)
16:57:56leorizenarimiran: why?
16:58:06disruptekto debounce test runs.
16:58:10Pqzcih5Anyone knows any good library like scapy with python
16:58:23FromGitter<deech> Zevv, that's a good point, I would need another wrapper that took `hello*` and converted back to a `cstring`. Hmm, obviously I need to think more. Thanks!
16:58:35narimiranthe reason for that is: we might merge two PRs, and the first is triggered (while travis and appveyor are not or they will be automatically cancelled), then you merge the second one
16:58:35YardanicoPqzcih5: AFAIK there's no such lib, you'll have to use httpclient with threading or async I guess
16:58:51ZevvYardanico: I guess he wants to go much lower.
16:58:59narimiranand then if you don't cancel the first one manually, you're wasting time and resources for unneeded tests
16:59:03ZevvBinding basic pcap should be trivial, but still
16:59:08Yardanicoah scapy
16:59:15Zevvdeech: welcome!
16:59:15YardanicoI thought scrapy
16:59:34Pqzcih5I am studing networking and I want to check out things that I learn
16:59:35disrupteki thought scabbies.
16:59:52Pqzcih5Zevv: Yeah I want to go really low
17:00:05Zevv~repo pcap
17:00:06disbotno footnotes for `repo`. 🙁
17:00:08Zevv!repo pcap
17:00:09disrupteknim is a good lang for that.
17:00:10disbothttps://github.com/PMunch/nim-pcap -- 9nim-pcap: 11Tiny pure Nim library to read PCAP files 15 3⭐ 2🍴 7& 1 more...
17:00:41disruptekit's a good lang for scabbies, rickets, and soon, coronavirus.
17:00:46Pqzcih5I have seen that I can do raw packets with nim bu, I was watching if there is something already build. So i don't need to reinvent the weel
17:01:03Pqzcih5Zevv: Thank you. I will check it out
17:01:44ZevvI once fiddled with building an IP stack in nim. I got a lease and was able to do ping, arp and udp.
17:01:55Zevvbut from there it's getting harder steepily
17:02:02Zevvno one implements TCP for fun
17:02:31ZevvI should do that again and do it right this time.
17:02:45Zevvwith some tap/tun interfacing for prototyping
17:03:09leorizenarimiran: i dunno, but will try to scrape the logs for that
17:03:16shashlickI officially have no way to dev/test in windows anymore
17:03:41shashlickIT virus scanning has made it impossible
17:03:47Pqzcih5Zevv: Well that's good. You should post the library
17:04:00Zevvnah it was one of my first nim projects, no way
17:04:03shashlickTried docker for windows which cannot even extract an image
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17:05:42disruptekshashlick: welcome to the resistance.
17:06:11leorizeshashlick: use a windows vm on linux
17:06:23leorizesince they have openssh now you can just run it then ssh from outside
17:06:32shashlickWell I can act like it doesn't matter but we have active users
17:06:52shashlickFor all that I then need to remote into some external machine
17:07:21shashlickGuess I need to just start paying for aws or azure or something
17:08:01shashlickIs it easy to reproduce an azure pipeline config locally for debugging, like Travis allows
17:08:27shashlickFor windows especially
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17:10:56shashlickAm also considering vagrant with hyper v
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17:18:49Yardanicodamn code golfing nim is fun xd
17:19:21Yardanicoespecially the fact that you can actually write your whole nim programs in one line
17:19:31Yardanicobecause of ; and ()
17:19:48Yardanicofor i in 0..30:echo (var (a,b)=(0,1);(for _ in 0..<i:(a,b)=(b,a+b));a)
17:29:29FromDiscord_<DeltaPHC> Agreed on code golfing being fun. Though, it's occasionally tricky/finicky getting one-liners to work
17:29:44Yardanicowell, with nim it's not that hard if you match the parens the proper way :P
17:29:56Yardanicoand ;'s
17:31:05FromDiscord_<DeltaPHC> Sometimes it doesn't necessarily save more chars than newlines and one-space indents, lol
17:33:13leorizenarimiran: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/devops/pipelines/build/triggers?view=azure-devops&tabs=yaml#batching-ci-runs
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18:49:11FromDiscord_<Zachary Carter> @mratsim - I'm looking at https://github.com/mratsim/weave/blob/master/azure-pipelines.yml
18:50:02FromDiscord_<Zachary Carter> I downloaded https://sourceforge.net/projects/mingw-w64/files/Toolchains%20targetting%20Win64/Personal%20Builds/mingw-builds/8.1.0/threads-posix/seh/x86_64-8.1.0-release-posix-seh-rt_v6-rev0.7z and unzipped it
18:50:21FromDiscord_<Zachary Carter> but I don't see any gcc.exe file in the bin folder - I can't tell whether there is some subsequent command to run or not after d/l
18:50:34FromDiscord_<Zachary Carter> I already got my example with weave compiling and running on osx but not on windows
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18:58:15leorizeshashlick: do you think it's possible to convert `meson introspect` output into Nim's `{.compile.}`?
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19:00:57Araqclyybber: seq's add is now emplace_back, roughly :P
19:03:14Yardanicois "$ echo 'import os; for a in commandLineParams(): echo a' | nim c --hints:off --verbosity:0 -r - foo bar baz" a bug or a feature?
19:03:22Yardanico(- in bash means to take input from stdin)
19:03:43YardanicoAsking because of https://github.com/code-golf/code-golf/issues/136
19:03:45disbotNim swallows first argument? ; snippet at 12https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=28ld
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19:04:57shashlick@leorize: can you give me some examples? not experienced with meson
19:06:25Araqdunno, don't care
19:08:12FromDiscord_<DeltaPHC> lol, I just ran into that code-golf bug too. Can't complete any of the ones that require command line args
19:08:18Yardanicoyeah :(
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19:19:37Zevvwas there a specific paper arc was inspired by?
19:20:19ZevvI want to do some reading up to understand the implementation. I keep guessing all the time now
19:20:54shashlick@leorize did a little reading
19:21:28shashlickI'd recommend using meson as is to do the build and pull in the compiled binary rather than using compile
19:21:36FromDiscord_<Zachary Carter> never mind I figured out my issue - I guess just not everything got copied the first time
19:21:40shashlickThat's what getHeader does now for configure and cmake
19:21:53shashlickWe can add meson if you think it is worthwhile
19:22:00shashlickWhat lib are you looking at
19:24:33ZevvPqzcih5: still here? Found my code and put it up. doesn't seem to work, no clue what the state is: https://github.com/zevv/nimip
19:25:25Zevvthere's not much to see there though
19:26:24AraqZevv: no. years of research though.
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19:35:58Yardanicois there a proc in the stdlib which allows to split a, say, 100-char string to 5 20-char strings?
19:36:28Yardanicowhat is it called? :P
19:36:36ZevvI forgot the name. looking it up now
19:36:50Zevvpartition I belive
19:37:11Zevvno not that one
19:37:25Yardanicowow first time seeing strmisc
19:38:21Zevvargh can't find it
19:38:57Yardanicooh thanks
19:39:13Zevvoh that is seq only
19:39:36Yardanicohmm, maybe we should have it in algorithm ? and define it for openArray
19:39:48Yardanicobut yeah, thanks
19:40:09Zevvjust make `type string = seq[char]` :/
19:42:58Yardanicowait, with base64 module you can encode a openarray of ints
19:43:03Yardanicobut can't decode a string to an array
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19:54:13leorizeshashlick: nothing much, I'm just looking at the possibility of turning the results from configuration tools into Nim's {.compile.}
19:55:14leorizethat'd let us customize everything just via simple flags to the compiler
19:56:26shashlickThat's where I started but I've run into crashes for more complex libs
19:56:39shashlickSo I've moved onto just using the build system
19:57:11shashlickRather than working with a build that has no real testing or support
19:57:38shashlickGetHeader attempts to abstract everything for Nim regardless of the underlying build system
19:57:52shashlickAlready works well for configure and cmake
19:58:10shashlickSo adding meson, ninja and others is doable for me
20:02:40disruptekthat sounds like a painful path.
20:07:43FromGitter<shdown> Hello guys, I don’t really know Nim but it seems extremely suitable as a language for OS development (instead of C or C++). So, is it possible to write an OS kernel in Nim (without compiler modifications)? Which features would I have to abandon (I guess GC and stack traces are the most likely candidates)? What are the other potential pitfalls?
20:07:54shashlickIt's not too bad
20:09:06Yardanico@shdown see https://github.com/dom96/nimkernel https://github.com/tsubota-kouga/mikanOS https://github.com/samanthadoran/Mero
20:09:35Yardanicoand Nim devel recently got --os:any and --gc:arc is also in development so once you implement some basic memory functions AFAIK you should be able to use GC stuff
20:09:48Yardanico(if I'm wrong please correct me, I'm not exactly sure about gc stuff)
20:10:08Yardanicowell, if you compile with -d:useMalloc that is
20:10:24leorizethe thing is that you don't malloc in a kernel :P
20:10:58Zevvshown: it has been done to write a proof of concept kernel
20:11:15Zevvits also possible to run nim inside the linux kenrel, if that is your kind of thing
20:11:46FromGitter<shdown> Yardanico: huh, thanks a lot. I guess I should play around with Nim in user mode for now.
20:11:49Zevvleorize: sure, kernels kernels have a malloc
20:12:21Zevvthat was not very wel englished I suppose
20:13:17leorizeusually ppl would name their as kmalloc or kernel_malloc
20:13:53leorizedunno if Nim's gonna have pluggable allocators support
20:15:06shashlickleorize what lib you want with meson
20:16:22leorizeshashlick: nothing in particular :P
20:16:37leorizeI port programs and found meson to be interesting
20:16:48leorizeand it's gonna be adopted by more and more projects in the future
20:17:12Araqleorize: you can simply name your malloc 'malloc' though, even in kernel space.
20:18:04leorizeyea, though I think there must be some weird reasons that they kept naming it kmalloc and so :P
20:18:26shashlickif you have an example, i can play around
20:18:30Araqand you can easily use GCs in an OS, there is nothing about them, you still have a stack, the GC scans it, the end.
20:18:30leorizeI never dive too deep into making a kernel
20:18:39leorizeshashlick: hmm, try dav1d
20:18:51Yardanicowe need a nim kernel example with --os:any and --gc:arc :P
20:19:02leorizejust update nimkernel :P
20:19:25disrupteki hate docker.
20:19:59Araqthere are valid reasons for disliking GCs, "I cannot use it because I'm writing a kernel" isn't among them.
20:20:36disruptekdon't be afraid of memory. it's quite useful.
20:20:47Yardanicoyeah, what if I want to httpclient.get google.com in my kernel :)
20:21:06Yardanicowell, I mean if you can write kernels with GC in nim some OSdev guys will like that quite a lot
20:21:16Yardanicosince with GC you'll be able to basically use the most of the stdlib
20:21:57Araqyeah, that's the other myth. "most of the stdlib", what does that mean?
20:22:07Yardanicoeverything except OS-specific stuff I guess :D
20:22:18Araqcan you use osproc in your kernel if only it doesn't depend on a GC?
20:22:30Araqit makes no sense...
20:22:48Araqhow exactly can I use glib and gtk in a kernel?
20:23:01Zevvat least seqs, strings, tables
20:23:08AraqI mean, it should be easy, right. they are written in C and C has no GC...
20:23:21Zevvlife without dynamic data structures and containers is hard
20:23:54disruptekit's like you think there's some special sauce in the c code nim produces.
20:24:46Araqnot it's like "nobody ever really thinks these things through properly"
20:25:15Araqit's just a bunch of silly myths repeated again and again
20:25:43disruptekwhen you don't have perspective, it's hard to tell how deep the pool is.
20:28:52Zevvthe refraction doesnt help either
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20:38:43Araq"despite regular stack overruns and filesystem having to add workaround after workaround to prevent stack overruns"
20:39:07*muffindrake quit (Quit: muffindrake)
20:39:30Araqlooks like C isn't good for writing kernels either as you lose control over your stack
20:39:34Yardanicohow do they even do stuff with 8kb stack :O
20:40:53Yardanicohttps://cateee.net/lkddb/web-lkddb/16KSTACKS.html lol
20:41:37Araqnon-contiguous stacks are easy in assembler, maybe they used the wrong language for their hyper "efficient" kernel
20:44:13Araqbut all that C programmers can see is how C++'s exception handling or Java's GC doesn't fit their precious kernel development model
20:44:41disrupteki dunno if that's fair.
20:47:24disrupteki'm getting that "FAILURE" error, too, now, on head. what was the problem?
20:48:16disruptekaraq's patch, iirc.
20:48:59YardanicoI LOL'd at "araq-goto-exceptions-for-everybody"
20:49:48Araqdisruptek: huh, the CIs were green
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20:50:34disruptekhmm, this is an old server i just found in a backwater vpc. thought i would use it for this new ci i'm building. it's linux and gcc-7 i think.
20:51:49Araqout of memory?
20:51:53Araqout of file handles?
20:52:03Araqusually it's one of these for old machines
20:52:33disruptekwell, it's ec2. it's not /that/ old.
20:52:50disruptekfails after processing `scriptconfig`, right?
20:53:28disruptekmust be memory. only 1/2 gig here.
20:53:42Araqyeah, not enough, use a swap file
20:54:10Araqbut let me get this point through: whenever you import C code "because hey, it lacks a GC" and this C code happens to do char buffer[1024];
20:54:25Araqyou cannot use it in your kernel.
20:54:32Araqbecause it would overflow your stack.
20:54:42Araqso you cannot use "C's stdlib".
20:55:48Araqeven though C lacks exceptions, a GC and good design, you're all on your own anyway.
20:55:57Yardanicoalso, a question about history of Nim, is it correct that nim is more influenced by object pascal than python?
20:56:03FromGitter<kayabaNerve> I have an async question. If I'm waiting for an entry in a table, and don't want to go with a sleepAsync solution, I should use AsyncEvents, right?
20:56:32FromGitter<kayabaNerve> My main problem is figuring out how to turn the AsyncEvent into something awaitable.
20:58:55disrupteki just use a future.
20:59:02AraqYardanico: certainly but Modula 3 was a bigger influence still, IMO. And Modula 3 also inspired Python fwiw
20:59:08Yardanicowow really?
20:59:16AraqI mean I dunno how, but Guido claims that.
20:59:28Yardanicowell I was surprised about Nim having bigger influence from Modula 3, time to see what is Modula 3 :D
20:59:33FromGitter<kayabaNerve> disruptek: Yep, just got there. Thank you.
21:07:23disruptek1.0.6 is frozen, right?
21:08:01Araqhttp://u.cs.biu.ac.il/~wiseman/iri-e2008.pdf and oh look, it's a security problem
21:08:21Araq„An overflow in kernel stack is a common bug in
21:08:21Araqthe Linux operating system. These bugs are difficult
21:08:21Araqto detect because they are created as a side effect of
21:08:23Araqthe code and not as an inherent mistake in the
21:08:25Araqalgorithm implementation.“
21:08:39Araqyep, wrong programming language for the job.
21:09:23AraqI mean, by the logic that is commonly applied for "language X is unsuitable for kernel development because it's not C."
21:10:06FromDiscord_<Recruit_main_70007> any good references for nim vuejs or at least only vuejs?
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21:11:14disruptekkarax is friendliest.
21:11:16disruptek!repo karax
21:11:18disbothttps://github.com/pragmagic/karax -- 9karax: 11Karax. Single page applications for Nim. 15 481⭐ 41🍴 7& 11 more...
21:13:36disruptekit's too bad nimble doesn't honor github releases.
21:15:31leorizenimble tries to be VCS-agnostic
21:16:03disrupteki doubt it.
21:16:44leorizewell there are mecurial-hosted nimble packages out there
21:17:00disruptekyeah, less than 0.1% of all registered packages.
21:17:31leorizeand they does work with nimble, nimble knows how to clone them
21:17:41disruptekgreat. that's really awesome.
21:17:41leorizeI think it was part of the design
21:17:48leorizethen everyone just use git :P
21:18:08disruptekPrompt: Build failed for '[email protected]', would you like to try installing 'nimterop@#head' (latest unstable)? [y/N]
21:18:17disruptekof course it did.
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21:19:45leorizeI'm aliasing nimble into nimble --debug
21:19:50leorizemuch easier to dealt with
21:23:28shashlickWhat happened
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21:23:58disruptektrying to figure out what treesitter needs so i can build it.
21:25:24disruptekapparently, my gcc can build nim but not treesitter.
21:25:44Araqif you want to read more about it
21:26:35leorizenim don't have a stack size checker last time I checked
21:27:54leorizeyou can make a statically oversized array and it wouldn't be caught :P
21:28:55disruptekobviously, nim isn't the right language, either.
21:29:42leorizehmm, is this possible to check for this?
21:29:50Araqonly asm is really good for low level stuff.
21:29:51leorizewe can have the compiler compute the needed stack size, right?
21:31:52AraqI think you still misunderstand me.
21:32:26leorizeI'm not talking about that topic, sorry :p
21:32:53leorizeI'm refering to the one where you can make an array[10000000, int] in Nim that has been posted somewhere in the forum :P
21:33:18leorizeit'd be nice to have the compiler catch that
21:33:28Araqah yeah, we should
21:33:29leorizebut I understand if it's just too complicated and not worth it
21:33:36Araqno, it's useful
21:33:41Araqand easy enough to do
21:37:34shashlickdisruptek: how are you building tree-sitter
21:37:35leorizeso how should it be done?
21:37:43shashlickIt needs to link with c++
21:37:50shashlickSee config.nims
21:37:56disruptekyeah, it was a cmake issue. i fixed it. thanks, though.
21:38:02shashlickOk cool
21:38:06disrupteknow trying to sort out openssl.
21:38:13shashlickWhat you working on
21:38:28disruptekci in aws lambda
21:38:55leorizeAraq: afaict you can set the stack size in most OS-es, but should that be done?
21:39:06disrupteki like big stacks and i cannot lie.
21:39:38Araqleorize: I'm thinking of an error message or warning
21:39:54Araq"array too large and you fool put it on the stack"
21:40:15leorizeyea, but how much stack is too large?
21:40:22leorizefor Windows it's 1MB by default
21:40:29leorize*nix is around 8MB
21:40:40disruptekwhoa. i'm hooked and i can't stop starin'.
21:40:49leorizebut Windows you can set stack size at link time
21:40:54leorize*nix depends on the environment
21:41:07Araqjust pick some round number, 1_000_000
21:41:51leorizeso we are going for an approximate?
21:42:32leorizeand do we only check array size or every variables?
21:43:56Araqlocal variables
21:44:04leorizelol, not even rust check for this
21:45:09leorizeAraq: function calls also consume stack, do we check that?
21:45:34Araqwe have some half assed mechanism in debug mode
21:46:10leorizeI mean statically :P
21:46:12Araqhowever, now to something much more important
21:46:40Araqimagine you're a robot built by aliens.
21:46:53disruptekthey never gave me an imagination.
21:47:00Araqand you can say "Danger, Will Robinson!"
21:47:05Araqbut nothing else.
21:47:15Araqhow does that work?
21:47:44Araqnow that's what keeps me up at night...
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22:01:08Araqok, I figured it out. it can say more than that. it doesn't want to.
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22:03:08disruptekthe remake is horribad.
22:05:10leorizeis this some high iq talks that I am not supposed to understand? :p
22:07:24Yardanicowait nim actually has support for stdin file
22:07:54rayman22201Hey everyone. Any progress on arc async without me Disruptek? I had work stuff all week so I've been a ghost.
22:08:38disruptekno, no one will tell me if we're waiting for closure cursors or what.
22:09:05rayman22201I think Araq is right. Alien robots
22:09:45rayman22201I thought it might be, but Araq wasn't sure if that was the real problem.
22:10:02rayman22201Closure cursors, not alien robots lol
22:10:28disruptekalien robots aren't really a problem.
22:11:31rayman22201I'm not familiar enough with the code gen to really understand it enough. I need time to grok that part of the compiler.
22:12:21rayman22201Alien robots are probably the solution
22:13:19rayman22201Or maybe Clyybber is close enough to an alien robot to help 😝
22:16:05disruptekclyybber, bring me my alien robot.
22:16:37disruptekit's amazing to me how long stupid work takes.
22:18:19rayman2220180 / 20 rule at work
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22:56:02Yardanicohow the heck a guy made a nim quine in 55 chars
22:56:22YardanicoI've only managed to make the basic one
22:56:24Yardanicoimport strutils;var a="import strutils;var a=$#;echo a%a.escape";echo a%a.escape
22:56:37Yardanicobut this is 81 chars (also need newline at the end for full correctness)
22:57:05*Pqzcih5 quit (Remote host closed the connection)
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23:02:09*Ven`` quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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23:14:26FromDiscord_<DeltaPHC> That guy is at the top of a lot of things
23:14:54disrupteklet's kill him.
23:15:22Yardanico@DeltaPHC yeah I know, sometimes I feel like he cheated somehow xd
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