00:13:19 | shashlick | What's your feature list goal? I'm wondering about a Nim shell that makes dev and test easy but am unsure what it should do |
00:14:19 | * | bozhe joined #nim |
00:14:55 | bozhe | hello, is there possibility to capitalize name in importc |
00:15:33 | bozhe | like if i have nim field abcd and c field Abcd, can i it be shorter than {.importc: "Abcd"} |
00:18:38 | shashlick | C is case sensitive right, so you have to use the right name there |
00:18:52 | shashlick | You can map it to abcd |
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00:23:40 | FromGitter | <honewatson> Anyone using the https://github.com/krux02/ast-pattern-matching and https://github.com/alehander42/breeze combo? |
00:24:08 | FromGitter | <honewatson> ast-pattern-matching -> IN |
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00:53:07 | FromGitter | <ephja> the equivalent of the Ballmer Peak for sleepiness is very relevant when trying to read code. if only there was a way to induce just the right amount of sleepiness for a certain amount of time |
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02:32:54 | FromGitter | <honewatson> @captainbland I have started doing some work with my own version of dts2nim for nimlsp and also for some React stuff but haven't had a chance to work on it again lately. dts2nim doesn't work for me |
02:35:56 | FromGitter | <honewatson> Here is a discussin |
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04:07:28 | FromGitter | <Varriount> @honewatson I've used ast-pattern-matching. It's a nice library, albeit a bit limited for my use cases (I generally need to match ASTs of unknown length, which reduces how much I can use it). |
04:13:03 | * | lompik joined #nim |
04:16:11 | FromGitter | <honewatson> @Varriount but you can use it within a for loop and just cover all cases |
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04:18:28 | FromGitter | <Varriount> @honewatson Could you give me an example? |
04:23:00 | FromGitter | <honewatson> ```code paste, see link``` [https://gitter.im/nim-lang/Nim?at=5b306e24ce3b0f268d403cdc] |
04:24:12 | FromGitter | <honewatson> thats a simple example I suppose |
04:39:45 | FromGitter | <Varriount> @honewatson What are you developing? |
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05:33:53 | FromGitter | <Grabli66> Hi! Is it possible to create dynamic libraries(DLL) in nim and load it in nim? I want to use asyncdispatch and threads in that DLL-s. |
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06:36:53 | FromGitter | <Varriount> @Grabli66 Yes, it is. Could you explain your use-case a bit more? |
06:39:45 | FromGitter | <Grabli66> I want to have a core application in nim, that will be loads plugins(dynamic libraries). And these libraries must have possibility to use asyncdispatch module. |
06:41:31 | FromGitter | <Varriount> Well, dlls are explained somewhat here: https://nim-lang.org/docs/nimc.html#dll-generation |
06:43:50 | FromGitter | <Grabli66> What about that https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/issues/6855 ? |
06:44:29 | FromGitter | <Varriount> @Grabli66 Your main program will still need to provide |
06:45:34 | FromGitter | <Varriount> Blah, stupid gitter mobile client |
06:46:31 | FromGitter | <Varriount> @Grabli66 Could you provide a abstracted interface? |
06:47:12 | FromGitter | <Varriount> One that doesn't directly expose async stuff? |
06:47:40 | FromGitter | <Varriount> Or you could try investigating why that issue occurs. |
06:49:12 | FromGitter | <Grabli66> Sorry, i don't understand. What interface and where? |
06:49:49 | FromGitter | <Grabli66> :) |
06:53:38 | * | Vladar joined #nim |
07:14:54 | FromGitter | <Varriount> @Grabli66 You still there? |
07:15:43 | FromGitter | <honewatson> ```code paste, see link``` [https://gitter.im/nim-lang/Nim?at=5b30969ed2abe46688879537] |
07:24:08 | FromGitter | <honewatson> I'm thinking I must just go with GraphQL though |
07:30:51 | FromGitter | <Grabli66> @Varriount , yes |
07:58:08 | FromGitter | <Varriount> @honewatson Oh, is there a GraphQL library for Nim? |
07:59:03 | FromGitter | <Grabli66> I think it's imposible to use dynamic libraries, written in nim, right now, cause of that https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/issues/6886 . It's sad 😟 |
08:00:16 | * | hoijui joined #nim |
08:00:25 | hoijui | #go |
08:00:32 | FromGitter | <Varriount> @Grabli66 Hm, but there are passing tests that use dynamic libraries. |
08:01:31 | FromGitter | <Grabli66> Then, i'm confused. :) |
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09:54:45 | krux02 | Araq: ping |
09:57:00 | krux02 | Araq: I wanted to export the sym id have a simple way to resolve collisions, but resolving collisions is exactly what idOrSig from sighashes does not do for me. |
09:57:59 | krux02 | for example when I compile ``for i in 0 ..< 10:`` I get a symbol collision for the symbol `i` |
09:58:59 | krux02 | one symbol i is from the inline of the iterator and the other i is the local `i` |
09:59:10 | krux02 | I wanted to have a simple way to resolve that. |
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10:19:52 | Araq | hmmm |
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10:24:10 | krux02 | ah ok, you are online. You are right, the symbol id is probably not what should be exposed. |
10:25:32 | krux02 | the only idea I have right now is to make the hash string with it's resolved conflicts property of the symbol. And this property will then be filled by the typechecker. |
10:41:00 | Araq | why not use gensym()? |
10:41:17 | Araq | why is (file, line, col) not good enough to disambiguate? |
10:42:11 | krux02 | To be honest I haven't thought about file line col. |
10:42:40 | krux02 | but gensym i can't use because all the sybols come from written code, so it is the nim compiler that generates the symbols, not me. |
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11:23:17 | krux02 | Araq: I can't take file line col, because then I get the lineinfo of the use of the symbol not the declaration of the symbol. |
11:45:45 | Araq | so add some accessor to get that info |
11:45:49 | Araq | but IDs suck. |
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12:45:05 | krux02 | Araq: well currently I use id's for local variables only. |
12:46:05 | FromGitter | <codenoid> how i can screenshot my screen with only nim |
12:46:44 | krux02 | codenoid: you can't |
12:47:10 | krux02 | at least you call into some screen grabbing routine of the os that is not Nim. |
12:48:11 | krux02 | codenoid: I think you can press the print screen that puts a screenshot in the clipboard and then you can access the clipboard somehow |
12:48:38 | FromGitter | <codenoid> what |
12:48:56 | FromGitter | <codenoid> i don't understand |
12:49:02 | Yardanico | krux02, well, it depends on the OS and on DE :) |
12:50:33 | livcd | codenoid: what OS ? |
12:51:08 | krux02 | codenoid: I made a screenshot button for my opengl applicaiton, and in opengl I can capture the pixels of the current frame and save it to an image using sdl2 |
12:51:19 | krux02 | that is completely os independent. |
12:51:45 | krux02 | but it doesn't capture anything that is not the opengl window |
12:51:51 | krux02 | so it depends if that is what you want |
12:52:34 | FromGitter | <codenoid> ubuntu16.04 |
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12:53:19 | Yardanico | It would probably be easier for you to just use something like maim |
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13:51:37 | * | Zevv joined #nim |
13:53:43 | Zevv | Is it possible to limit the scope of a type definition to a block? |
13:57:45 | Zevv | I'm trying to declare object types inside procs to aid json deserialization, but that requires unique type names for each function - if not Nim fails with "Error: execution of an external compiler program" |
13:59:27 | dom96 | sounds like a bug |
13:59:35 | dom96 | if you're using a macro then you can use ``genSym`` |
13:59:46 | Zevv | No, no macros here |
13:59:53 | Zevv | I'll reduce to a minimal example |
14:01:36 | Araq | Zevv, that was fixed in devel afaik |
14:01:53 | Zevv | I just noticed that, because I'm not able to reproduce on my other machine |
14:02:09 | Zevv | So types are supposed to be scoped like anything else, right |
14:05:40 | Zevv | Is there support for anonymous objects, similar to anonymous structs in C? |
14:05:56 | Araq | via tuples, maybe |
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14:11:10 | * | TheLemonMan joined #nim |
14:11:47 | TheLemonMan | Araq, did you see my question about being able to specify types for the unpacked tuples? |
14:15:46 | shashlick | @andreaferretti: thanks for the kudos on snip, glad to see it is helping with your dev. workflow and looking forward to hearing your feedback on improvements |
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14:44:00 | Araq | TheLemonMan, no... |
14:45:58 | TheLemonMan | Araq, cool, well I wanted to ask if allowing the user to specify the type for a nkVarTuple is something that wasn't implemented for a reason |
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14:55:13 | Araq | TheLemonMan, not sure. :-) |
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15:00:57 | TheLemonMan | roger that, it _shouldn't_ be that hard to implement :) |
15:02:11 | * | ChickenDad quit (Quit: bye) |
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15:09:10 | TheLemonMan | and don't forget to drop your two cents in #7699 if you have a few seconds to spare |
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15:14:48 | FromGitter | <ephja> were channels sped up at some point or was "...is slow..." removed from the documentation anyway? |
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15:16:48 | Araq | ephja: it was removed because "slow" was misunderstood |
15:17:16 | Yardanico | wtf https://github.com/nim-lang/packages/pull/770#issuecomment-399987898 |
15:23:45 | miran | Yardanico: is that because github is now M$? :P :D |
15:25:50 | Yardanico | miran, IDK :D |
15:26:03 | Yardanico | but notTito removed his repo with Nim package and then his account on github |
15:28:46 | miran | hardcore :D |
15:30:07 | Araq | Yardanico, hmm that actually sounds plausible |
15:31:18 | shashlick | dom96: travis checks failing for https://github.com/nim-lang/packages/pull/772 - not sure what to do... |
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15:35:52 | dom96 | shashlick: Just be patient, leave your PR instead of re-merging master into it |
15:38:24 | dom96 | I'm surprised your packages are installing fine |
15:38:28 | dom96 | Isn't there a bug that should prevent this? |
15:38:58 | dom96 | installation of nimpcre failed with: File doesn't exist: pcre.h [Exception] |
15:39:03 | dom96 | Maybe I spoke too soon :) |
15:42:00 | FromGitter | <ephja> did someone else remove his account or what? and how did he respond after the fact? |
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15:44:15 | FromGitter | <ephja> oh so only the repo was removed first |
15:48:11 | shashlick | dom96: where do you see that? some of these are nimgen packages |
15:48:58 | dom96 | I install all packages manually to verify them |
15:49:57 | shashlick | I see, ya these are nimgen packages, let me check nimpcre |
15:51:04 | shashlick | do you have the latest nimgen installed? |
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15:56:46 | dom96 | just tried installing nimgen@#head and same issues |
15:57:40 | shashlick | weird |
15:58:40 | shashlick | okay let me get back to you - can you please paste the entire output? |
15:59:05 | shashlick | do nim7z and nimarchive work for you? |
16:04:37 | dom96 | yeah, they do |
16:04:42 | dom96 | I pasted it in the PR |
16:07:17 | shashlick | okay cool, will review thanks |
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16:24:34 | shashlick | yeah, you are running this on Mac, which I never tested on |
16:26:48 | shashlick | does `when defined(windows)` work in parsecfg? |
16:28:10 | * | miran quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) |
16:31:07 | dom96 | no |
16:31:25 | dom96 | you mean in a file that is parsed by parsecfg? |
16:32:04 | shashlick | yep, doesn't look like - just tried it |
16:33:00 | dom96 | it's an ini parser |
16:33:02 | dom96 | nothing more |
16:34:37 | shashlick | dom96: just pushed a fix - can you verify with nimpcre@#head? i'll set a tag once you confirm it works for you on mac |
16:34:54 | Yardanico | well, parsecfg format is more powerful than ini :) |
16:35:26 | dom96 | barely |
16:35:47 | shashlick | ugh, another bug, a sec |
16:38:52 | Araq | can we secretly move parsecfg to implement the TOML spec? |
16:38:54 | shashlick | okay hope it works now |
16:39:48 | dom96 | Araq: Perhaps, but we already have a Nimble package for that |
16:40:17 | dom96 | shashlick: works :) |
16:40:27 | shashlick | whew |
16:40:34 | shashlick | yet another nimgen feature request |
16:40:45 | Yardanico | Araq, yes |
16:40:54 | shashlick | is there a place where I can SSH into a Mac and test my nim stuff? |
16:40:55 | Yardanico | I would 100% support that because TOML has more advanced features |
16:41:27 | Yardanico | andA FAIK it can be represented in the same structure (I mean in the memory) as JSON |
16:42:13 | shashlick | dom96: okay I've tagged as 0.1.1 |
16:42:19 | shashlick | thanks for testing! |
16:48:18 | shashlick | dom96: so you don't want me to remerge master for package updates? |
16:48:35 | shashlick | I just figured it would make it easier to merge for you |
16:58:21 | FromGitter | <Varriount> Yardanico: Can TOML support arbitrarily nested maps? |
16:58:59 | Yardanico | well, you can check it here - https://github.com/toml-lang/toml |
16:59:27 | dom96 | shashlick: Sometimes it helps, but I'm happy to do it myself too |
17:03:47 | shashlick | okay cool |
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17:23:15 | krux02 | Araq: I think the quest to remove the empty seq for good is not complete :( |
17:25:14 | FromGitter | <kaushalmodi> My +1 for inbuilt TOML support! :) |
17:25:37 | FromGitter | <kaushalmodi> Yardanico: Yes, TOML can support nested maps |
17:26:55 | FromGitter | <kaushalmodi> I meant to ping @Varriount for above reply.. |
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17:30:34 | krux02 | I have a case where the gc infinitely grows an object |
17:30:38 | krux02 | I still have to find out why |
17:31:49 | Araq | krux02, I know and that's why the "new runtime" was preponed |
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17:32:05 | Araq | don't want to fix what I consider a deadend anyway |
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17:40:18 | FromGitter | <rayman22201> lol, "preponed" is a great word |
17:48:42 | krux02 | Araq: so what is the state of the "new runtime" |
17:50:11 | FromGitter | <Varriount> TheLemonMan: I love all the help you've given for the compiler. |
17:50:16 | krux02 | how do I enable it? |
17:52:55 | Araq | --newruntime but currently the strings and seqs are not affected by it |
17:53:14 | krux02 | well I don't use ref types |
17:53:24 | krux02 | only strings and seq |
17:53:31 | krux02 | and I have bug that cause lots of allocations |
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18:02:23 | krux02 | Araq: sorry it was my fault all the time. I wrote a broken iterator that never terminated and I blamend seq.add for it, because the debugger always was in growObj |
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18:24:46 | shodan45 | dom96: just a quick nitpick/suggestion on the survey: "How difficult did you find learning Nim?" was right after questions about various nim resources - I thought "learning Nim" was another book/resource at first |
18:25:15 | federico3 | dom96: any preview on the outputs? |
18:25:22 | shodan45 | the lowercase l on "learning" clued me in, eventually :) |
18:25:52 | shodan45 | dom96: or maybe I'm just brain dead right now... I didn't sleep well :/ |
18:28:16 | dom96 | federico3: 285 responses so far :) |
18:28:26 | dom96 | shodan45: I think you just need some sleep :) |
18:28:45 | shodan45 | dom96: :P |
18:28:47 | kinkinkijkin | how new is now() ? |
18:28:59 | kinkinkijkin | I'm not having any luck using it |
18:29:04 | kinkinkijkin | in 0.17 |
18:29:06 | kinkinkijkin | .2 |
18:29:08 | dom96 | 0.18.0 |
18:29:11 | kinkinkijkin | dang |
18:29:20 | kinkinkijkin | how about getTime.local()? |
18:29:29 | dom96 | probably same |
18:29:33 | dom96 | Why not just upgrade? |
18:29:58 | kinkinkijkin | using an unsupported distro on an unsupported hardware platform (ubuntu on armv7) |
18:30:08 | Yardanico | kinkinkijkin, just compile nim from source |
18:30:11 | Yardanico | either stable or devel |
18:30:15 | dom96 | yeah |
18:30:19 | Yardanico | it's very easy and you already have C compiler |
18:30:32 | dom96 | I guess if you're on an RPi it might take a long time though |
18:30:40 | Yardanico | ah, yes |
18:30:56 | Yardanico | https://nim-lang.org/install_unix.html manual installation from source |
18:31:43 | kinkinkijkin | nah I'm on an odroid xu4 |
18:31:53 | kinkinkijkin | many times faster than rpi |
18:32:45 | Yardanico | wow " Samsung Exynos5422 Cortexâ„¢-A15 2Ghz and Cortexâ„¢-A7 Octa core CPUs" |
18:32:53 | dom96 | Based on the results so far choosenim seems to be the #1 install method :D |
18:33:03 | Yardanico | dom96, how many people submitted? |
18:33:09 | shodan45 | kinkinkijkin: ooh nice |
18:33:13 | dom96 | Yardanico: 285 |
18:33:19 | dom96 | 287 now lol |
18:33:20 | Yardanico | ok |
18:33:22 | Yardanico | lol |
18:33:30 | Yardanico | kinkinkijkin, wait, it's only $60, wtf |
18:33:39 | kinkinkijkin | $60 USD |
18:33:43 | kinkinkijkin | was $120 for me in canada |
18:33:46 | shodan45 | kinkinkijkin: the fan is half the size of the board, lol |
18:33:56 | kinkinkijkin | still cheaper than a new x86 computer of the power level I need |
18:34:19 | Yardanico | yeah, ARM processors are very energy-efficient |
18:34:28 | Yardanico | because they're used in mobile devices a lot :) |
18:35:27 | kinkinkijkin | buying arm is about buying high compute density to price at lower price ranges |
18:35:45 | kinkinkijkin | buying x86 is about having better system support imo |
18:35:54 | dom96 | Interesting. More people saying that Nim 1.0 shouldn't be released yet |
18:36:10 | kinkinkijkin | the lack of ARM support in most software is really hitting me hard tho |
18:36:22 | Yardanico | well, it's pretty good with Linux distros |
18:37:03 | kinkinkijkin | I do pro audio and while most of my software works, there's one big flaw: the HMP of my processor causes incredible latency jitter and kills preempt_rt support completely as of right now |
18:37:09 | Yardanico | you can use things like libreoffice, firefox, etc |
18:37:19 | kinkinkijkin | and my interface really does NOT like latency jitter |
18:37:40 | dom96 | kinkinkijkin: interesting, is your software written in Nim? |
18:37:59 | kinkinkijkin | not the stuff I use but the stuff I write is yes |
18:38:39 | kinkinkijkin | but I haven't compiled anything successfully on this computer yet because I'm following the standard library docs published online |
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18:38:50 | kinkinkijkin | and I have the wrong version |
18:39:15 | dom96 | This might help: https://nim-lang.org/0.17.2/lib.html :) |
18:39:21 | kinkinkijkin | oh thanks !!!! |
18:40:52 | kinkinkijkin | oh the fix was really simple, and I get the feeling I probably used it last time I wrote a variant of what I'm writing right now (a feeder for my lemonbar to keep track of some stuff) |
18:41:10 | kinkinkijkin | getLocalTime() instead of getTime.local() |
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18:47:56 | shashlick | dom96: i feel 1.0 should be out already - in fact 0.19.0 should just be called 1.0 |
18:49:04 | shodan45 | dom96: you left Kotlin off the list of other langs, maybe? |
18:49:26 | dom96 | I left many |
18:49:35 | shashlick | set a goal and ship - as dev guys, we will never be satisfied with anything as 100% but as project managers, you have to ship sometime |
18:49:40 | dom96 | That's what the "other" is for :) |
18:50:41 | shodan45 | I "know" most of these languages... but "most comfortable" is a higher bar, I think |
18:51:28 | dom96 | I looked at last year's results and added the ones that were missing |
18:52:25 | FromGitter | <tim-st> Last time I tested the dev version (~20days ago) nimsuggest wasnt usable anymore, I think a 1.0 version cannot have this bug |
18:52:49 | dom96 | 1.0 isn't about "no bugs" |
18:52:58 | dom96 | it's about "from now on there will be no breaking changes" |
18:53:18 | FromGitter | <tim-st> Sure, but it's about: you should be able to use it without destroying your whole pc |
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18:53:54 | shodan45 | will there be a party when 1.0 is released? |
18:54:12 | shodan45 | if so, nim is ready now :D |
18:54:12 | FromGitter | <ephja> at my house, yes. bring your own beer |
18:54:56 | dom96 | tim-st: also, nimsuggest isn't "nim" |
18:55:08 | FromGitter | <tim-st> it's shipped with nim |
18:55:31 | FromGitter | <tim-st> and developers need development tools |
18:56:06 | FromGitter | <tim-st> So you would say a stable nim is ok together with nimsuggest at 100% cpu? |
18:56:24 | FromGitter | <Vindaar> @tim-st yeah, I'm suffering from the nimsuggest 100% bug a lot recently too (not sure I have an opinion about that being related to 1.0) |
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18:56:26 | shashlick | i don't agree with "1.0 = no more breaking changes" |
18:56:32 | shashlick | that's impossible to guarantee |
18:56:43 | kinkinkijkin | 1.0 = no more breaking changes until 2.0 |
18:56:43 | FromGitter | <GULPF> I agree that nimsuggest is pretty broken, but it shouldn't affect the version number of nim the language |
18:57:20 | FromGitter | <GULPF> 1) 0 is more like "breaking changes will be avoided to the extent that it's possible" imo |
18:57:41 | elrood | a 1.0-release implies a stability-promise though which is something araq or rather the nim community and ecosystem in general might not be comfortable with and ready for just yet |
18:57:42 | FromGitter | <tim-st> yes, but it's also about the release information. People will write: this is the stable version, and they ship with unstable dev tools, companies which read this will keep hands away |
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18:58:20 | FromGitter | <tim-st> I'm not telling nimsuggest should have many more features, just usable like in 0.18.0 at least |
18:58:31 | shashlick | I still strongly believe that anyone - individual or company - who wants stability will stick to the same version as long as possible |
18:58:53 | Yardanico | nimsuggest has all needed features, but it's not very stable |
18:59:00 | shashlick | if you keep looking at devel and desire to update every two days, you aren't looking for stability |
18:59:02 | Yardanico | I hope this will magically improve with the new runtime :) |
18:59:04 | FromGitter | <tim-st> it cannot suggest imports |
18:59:38 | kinkinkijkin | hmm, nim is taking twice as long so far to compile with -mfloat-abi=hard and -mtune=cortex-a15.cortex-a7 |
18:59:42 | kinkinkijkin | interesting |
18:59:50 | shashlick | you only update your build chain if you *have* to |
18:59:56 | Yardanico | kinkinkijkin, why are you doing that? :) |
19:00:07 | kinkinkijkin | who knew, forcing the compiler to do more work makes it take longer :p |
19:00:15 | Yardanico | but yeah, optimized builds always take longer to complete |
19:00:35 | FromGitter | <tim-st> shashlick: No, I also update if I know these strutils bugs are fixed one day, these are security issues |
19:00:51 | kinkinkijkin | yardanico, -mfloat-abi=hard is required on systems which are not running -mfloat-abi=soft software |
19:00:58 | kinkinkijkin | in the ARM world |
19:01:06 | Yardanico | doesn't nim work without that? |
19:01:19 | kinkinkijkin | if it accesses any libraries or ever uses floats, no |
19:01:28 | elrood | kinkinkijkin, why -mtune and not -march? |
19:01:37 | dom96 | shashlick: Then what should 1.0 mean according to you? |
19:02:05 | kinkinkijkin | -march is architecture overall, I have to compile it with specific optimizations for my cpus to get the optimizations for my specific cpu |
19:02:05 | shashlick | tim-st: security issues and bug fixes will be done in 1.0.x |
19:02:19 | shashlick | new non-breaking features can be done in 1.x.x |
19:02:29 | kinkinkijkin | elrood it's not like x86 where everything compiles and runs happily with -march=native |
19:02:32 | FromGitter | <tim-st> ok |
19:02:36 | shashlick | we already discussed this versioning strategy |
19:02:54 | shashlick | i don't see why 1.0 still holds us back |
19:03:09 | FromGitter | <tim-st> Are there high prio issues left? |
19:03:30 | shashlick | https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/issues/7527 |
19:03:34 | Yardanico | ofc, and issues required for 1.0 |
19:04:16 | shashlick | see https://gist.github.com/genotrance/4e4158909972617082dc223b2bb0b2f0 for details on the versioning strategy |
19:04:54 | Yardanico | shashlick, what did we choose? |
19:05:05 | shashlick | at the very least, we need to take the time to stop new feature dev, fix whatever we think is high-priority fixes and release 1.0 |
19:05:26 | shashlick | as long as new dev keeps going on, we will always have broken stuff and desire to fix something before 1.0 |
19:05:40 | shashlick | Araq strongly wanted to do trunk based dev |
19:05:54 | FromGitter | <tim-st> the nimsuggest 100% thing should be fixed, if you dont believe it, try to use it |
19:06:25 | Yardanico | @tim-st I use it almost daily |
19:06:32 | Yardanico | it's very good but not very stable |
19:06:34 | FromGitter | <tim-st> dev version? |
19:06:37 | Yardanico | ofc |
19:06:42 | kinkinkijkin | I agree that tools distributed with nim should be working before declaring nim to be shipping-ready |
19:06:49 | Yardanico | (if compiler crashes on some code - nimsuggest will crash on that code too) |
19:07:12 | kinkinkijkin | working and working at least almost as well as nim itself |
19:07:19 | FromGitter | <tim-st> and of course a setup with gcc is needed for windows, that high prio |
19:07:34 | kinkinkijkin | but msvc is evil |
19:07:52 | shashlick | all that is well and good - decide what's the priority for 1.0 and just focus on that, no more new features |
19:08:15 | Yardanico | @tim-st why is that bad? |
19:08:20 | Yardanico | choosenim handles C compiler and all that stuff |
19:08:31 | elrood | kinkinkijkin, if you don't expect your code to run on another cpu, -march should still be preferrable, on arm you might even want to pass -mcpu, afair |
19:08:36 | FromGitter | <tim-st> also I think it's better this time to release a 1.0alpha and the final two weeks later |
19:08:50 | Yardanico | it will be like this, yes |
19:08:56 | Yardanico | there will be a 1.0-rcX |
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19:09:38 | FromGitter | <tim-st> yardanico: maybe choosenim does it but windows users are windows users because they like gui and click on buttons (me too) |
19:09:41 | kinkinkijkin | elrood gcc optimizations page for arm prefers mtune over mcpu |
19:09:52 | dom96 | Nimble ships with Nim too and I have big doubts that I'll release 1.0 of it before Nim 1.0 is released |
19:09:59 | kinkinkijkin | -march doesn't include big.LITTLE optimizations |
19:10:00 | shashlick | tim-st: that's on my todo list - all installer related stuff is of interest to me |
19:10:09 | Yardanico | @tim-st well, are there any gui installers for rust? :P |
19:10:12 | FromGitter | <tim-st> maybe a nsis installer like go |
19:10:30 | Yardanico | well, I don't think it's good for a developer to be scared to use command-line |
19:10:55 | kinkinkijkin | windows command line is a terrible thing, and windows dev environment shoos you away from it usually |
19:11:16 | * | hoijui joined #nim |
19:11:16 | shashlick | i need to put together an RFC for installer ideas - snap, yum, apt, GUI, merging choosenim with finish, linux binary releases, etc. etc |
19:11:18 | FromGitter | <tim-st> a gui is needed, imagine python userbase without gui installer for windows |
19:11:19 | kinkinkijkin | so it's understandable to not want to have a small piece of commandline in your big graphical dev experience |
19:12:05 | Yardanico | @tim-st well, that's python, a lot of people new to programming use python as a first language |
19:12:30 | shashlick | we can certainly get there, GUI installer isn't a difficult problem |
19:12:44 | FromGitter | <tim-st> shashlick: yes, think so too |
19:12:45 | kinkinkijkin | I actually recommend nim to people as their second, and it would be nice to have a GUI installer on windows for them |
19:13:18 | kinkinkijkin | GUI is not so hard until you start trying to get into compiler control with GUI |
19:13:46 | shashlick | choosenim is very capable, few more features and it can do everything we need - we just need a GUI wrapper for it, nothing exotic |
19:14:25 | Yardanico | well, also we should think about nimble package index |
19:14:46 | Yardanico | hmm, I use a lot of "well"s, that's not good :D |
19:15:27 | FromGitter | <tim-st> nimble.directory should list new packages |
19:15:45 | FromGitter | <tim-st> I can not read this |
19:15:46 | dom96 | We used to have a GUI installer |
19:16:02 | shashlick | tim-st: it already lists new packages |
19:16:21 | FromGitter | <tim-st> you mean this: https://nimble.directory/packages.xml |
19:16:36 | shashlick | no go to the home page - it lists latest packages |
19:16:46 | FromGitter | <tim-st> it lists one |
19:16:55 | Yardanico | because there was only one package added recently :) |
19:17:10 | FromGitter | <tim-st> but I want latest 20 |
19:17:12 | Yardanico | (4 hours ago) |
19:17:20 | Yardanico | well, make a feature request in nimble.directory repo |
19:17:32 | shashlick | federico3: ^^^ |
19:18:00 | Yardanico | @tim-st https://github.com/FedericoCeratto/nim-package-directory |
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19:21:00 | elrood | kinkinkijkin, got a reference to your gcc optimization recommendations? they apparently don't match with what i got |
19:21:24 | FromGitter | <tim-st> yardanico: ok, I have done it |
19:22:20 | kinkinkijkin | https://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gcc/ARM-Options.html |
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19:23:43 | FromGitter | <ephja> don't forget about -funrolls! |
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19:24:34 | elrood | kinkinkijkin, thanks. fair enough, if you're sure you're doing the right thing for your system |
19:34:12 | FromGitter | <tim-st> and before 1.0 will be released there really needs a new code example on the start page (maybe categories from beginner -> c expert), maybe people can collect some code and then a voting can be made |
19:35:02 | FromGitter | <tim-st> which is the best code for the start page |
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21:25:53 | * | FromGitter * Varriount wishes vtable types would be released for 1.0 |
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21:44:17 | FromGitter | <kindlychung> why did i get an indexerror here? https://gist.github.com/kindlychung/4d64d87b41861f17a20140b92bc6a266 |
21:45:33 | Araq | because only on message is returned by findMessages? |
21:45:39 | Araq | *only one |
21:48:23 | FromGitter | <kindlychung> @Araq The users were not inserted at all. |
22:07:11 | dom96 | https://github.com/dom96/nim-in-action-code/blob/master/Chapter7/Tweeter/tests/database_test.nim |
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22:09:23 | dom96 | That might help |
22:13:54 | FromGitter | <kindlychung> Thanks. |
22:14:17 | FromGitter | <kindlychung> I'll figure out what I did wrong. |
22:16:32 | dom96 | I just ran it locally and it seems to be working fine |
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22:34:10 | federico3 | tim-st: if you use a RSS feed reader it will scrape new packages as they come up and store the full history: each entry is an RSS item |
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23:26:39 | shashlick | does this work? `when NimMajor == 0 and NimMinor < 18: {.experimental.}` |
23:27:42 | krux02 | why the fuck does `debug` now need a `ConfigRef` |
23:27:49 | krux02 | and where do I get it from? |
23:28:03 | krux02 | and why does it crash with a segmentation fault when I just pass nil to it? |
23:28:23 | krux02 | this is really annoying and prevents debugging the Nim compiler |
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23:53:52 | FromGitter | <Varriount> krux02: Probably because Araq moved globals out of the compiler. |
23:55:42 | krux02 | Varriount: yea and it makes debugging nim even more complicated than it already is. |
23:55:45 | FromGitter | <ephja> I think I had to use a global when there was no context parameter |
23:56:10 | krux02 | ephja: exacty that is horrible |
23:56:27 | krux02 | you want to be able to just dump the debug proc everywhere |
23:56:32 | krux02 | now you can't |
23:56:42 | krux02 | you have to introduce global variables |
23:57:18 | Araq | or: you use the .config field of whatever context you happen to have. they are everywhere. |
23:57:37 | Araq | it's not like I don't work with this code base myself ffs |
23:58:10 | krux02 | Araq: explain everywhere |
23:58:51 | Araq | Ctx, PContext, PCtx, Parser, Lexer, BModule, ... sounds familiar? |
23:59:18 | krux02 | how do I get it from PContext? |