<< 25-09-2020 >>

00:36:29*Zectbumo quit (Remote host closed the connection)
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00:49:32FromDiscord<Avatarfighter> @Elegant Beef oh that is not what i was expecting
00:50:09FromDiscord<Elegant Beef> Lol i dont expect it either, cause js sucks and i'm like half doing this just cause i think it'd be nice πŸ˜„
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01:56:17FromDiscord<Avatarfighter> I wont lie I have been looking at the js code trying to understand @Elegant Beef lmao
01:56:32FromDiscord<Avatarfighter> i haven't done ffi with js so this is interesting
01:56:33FromDiscord<Elegant Beef> Oh it doesnt work
01:56:40FromDiscord<Avatarfighter> ah
01:57:28FromDiscord<Elegant Beef> It's pretty hard to actually learn of the types of variables and functions
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05:33:05Tangerthe segfaults module is pretty handy
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06:52:43bunghow can I release threads ? it doesn't quit.
07:04:13Tangerbung, It just hangs at the end?
07:08:19bungTanger,not sure, I have a simple test https://github.com/bung87/amysql/blob/pool/tests/test_pool_conn.nim
07:09:02TangerI'll have a look-see
07:10:53bungwell, found test_pool.nim passed before
07:10:58bungthank you !
07:12:05*sagax quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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07:37:19Tangerbung, I think it's to do with this line: let r = conn.writer[].recv() in rawQuery()
07:37:31TangerLooks like the writer hangs trying to recv
07:37:36TangerI'm not 100% on this
07:38:03TangerBut my guess is that you need to have the reader and writer channel of the same type?
07:38:12TangerRather than DBStmt and DBResult
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07:40:55bungyeah, I just debugEcho something ,it stuck when conn.writer[].recv()
07:41:05Tangerbung, Yeah, if I swap out those DBResult and DBStmt types with just string (and also gut some of the checks), it sends the data correctly
07:41:16TangerCan you merge those two types into a single one?
07:41:38bunghmm, let me think of it
07:41:43TangerFor your writer/reader, you need 2 channels for each of them
07:41:51TangerOne sends/receives listening for DBStmt
07:41:58TangerAnd one sends/receives listening for DBResult
07:45:50TangerI mean, I guess you're doing that
07:45:52bungI use single one channel that receive results and per thread channel receive statments then send back to shared channel
07:46:29bungthat's what I designed
07:46:55bung" send back result"
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07:48:41TangerAh, yep
07:49:48bungIn the future work I also need locks, I think it's the right way
07:50:07Tangerbung, Maybe your writer isn't opened?
07:51:51bungit's opened when call newDBPool
07:53:11bungI fixed one problem just now, let me wait forthe ci results
07:59:17bunghmm,not work, I have question , do I need allocShared0 for Channel[DBStmt] and Channel[DBResult] ?
08:02:03Tangerbung, Hmmm, I haven't previously
08:02:55*shad0w_ quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)
08:03:33TangerI think `open` does all of that for you
08:07:12bungdont know, maybe I only need allocShared0 for Channel[DBResult]
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08:08:03TangerBased on the examples in the docs, I think you may need alloc0- if you're passing around those channels
08:08:24TangerSorry I'm not much help, I've only ever done one thing with channels
08:09:38bungthat's ok, thank you!
08:11:05FromDiscord<Ricky Spanish> sent a code paste, see https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=2yF2
08:12:12bungdb connection pool is required feature of that lib but am not good at it.
08:19:59bungRicky Spanish you know how these methods defined?
08:25:39bungyou can have array of bytes avoid define some properties
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08:36:08FromDiscord<alehander42> `nim rst2html doc/manual_experimental.rst`
08:39:22FromDiscord<alehander42> gives many errors in the document for me
08:39:25FromDiscord<alehander42> is that normal
08:41:39narimirani cannot reproduce
08:42:17*hnOsmium0001 quit (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
08:44:06*gour quit (Remote host closed the connection)
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08:48:22FromDiscord<alehander42> i feel i am missing some kind of arg, env var?
08:48:31FromDiscord<alehander42> i get stuff like Undefined substitution referenced: "nimversion".
08:48:48FromDiscord<alehander42> and many Error in "code-block" directive: maximum 1 argument(s) allowed, 9 supplied.
08:52:48*Tanger quit (Quit: Leaving)
08:54:05*Vladar joined #nim
08:55:36PMunch@Ricky, you just need to find a way of telling Nim to generate the correct code
09:03:00FromDiscord<Elegant Beef> the `--playNice:on` needs to be added pronto
09:03:56FromDiscord<flywind> Lol, `procs` in `when isMainModule` is listed in docs
09:04:00FromDiscord<flywind> https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/371759389889003532/758977086781915166/unknown.png
09:05:53FromDiscord<Rika> so put `and not defined(nimdoc)` or something (forgot)
09:06:02FromDiscord<alehander42> sorry @narimiran !
09:06:03FromDiscord<Rika> but yeah wish it didnt list those too
09:06:08FromDiscord<alehander42> i was messing with rst2html
09:06:12FromDiscord<alehander42> and i confused the files
09:06:14FromDiscord<alehander42> its ok
09:06:35FromDiscord<alehander42> i also uploaded a separate file which is included: should I eventually do it with other sections later
09:06:48FromDiscord<flywind> @Rika Thanks, I will try that.
09:06:56FromDiscord<alehander42> _Araq thinks it becomes too big a file
09:07:05FromDiscord<alehander42> so he wanted it
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09:57:33narimiran@flywind are you exporting those proc?
09:58:25FromDiscord<flywind> Yea, I export them by mistake.
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09:59:45narimiranthere's your fix ;)
10:00:28FromDiscord<flywind> It should be, Thanks! πŸ˜„
10:13:29*shad0w_ quit (Remote host closed the connection)
10:40:36*superbia quit (Quit: WeeChat 2.9)
10:44:21FromDiscord<alehander42> Araq is it possible
10:44:25FromDiscord<alehander42> to have a nil `.typ`
10:44:35FromDiscord<alehander42> for a node in the end of sempass2 e.g. for a dot expr ot ident
10:44:37FromDiscord<alehander42> sym*
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11:05:20FromDiscord<alehander42> cool
11:06:31Araq(maybe for some edge cases I forgot, but I doubt it)
11:07:32FromDiscord<alehander42> yeah, i'll just assert for now
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11:25:21FromDiscord<Clyybber> Araq: What were your plans regarding trace again?
11:25:32FromDiscord<Clyybber> Could we maybe use it for deepCopy without TypeInfoV1?
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12:17:59FromDiscord<mratsim> genericAssignAux was taking more time than cryptography, again :/ in our app
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12:28:31gourPMunch: hello, i'm testing nimlsp with different editors (ST4, Emacs) as well as vscode extension, so wonder which editor you're using/testing against? based on minimal testing, it looks that vscode against is still a bit ahead?
12:32:42PMunchI'm using Vim
12:32:58PMunchI thought VSCode required an extra plug-in?
12:37:11FromDiscord<lqdev> it ford
12:37:21FromDiscord<lqdev> (edit) 'ford' => 'does'
12:37:26FromDiscord<lqdev> oof what a typo
12:37:32PMunchHaha, how did you manage that? :P
12:37:51FromDiscord<lqdev> idk, maybe i had a stroke? or maybe it's just that i don't know how to touch type.
12:38:17PMunchAh, you're on QWERTY aren't you :P
12:38:21FromDiscord<lqdev> yes.
12:38:40FromDiscord<lqdev> though, i've been considering switching to dvorak recently.
12:38:46PMunchdes and frd are just one letter to the right on the left hand
12:39:10PMunchI can recommend it :)
12:44:19FromDiscord<mratsim> I use VSCode except when I benchmark and nimsuggest acts up
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12:52:38gourPMunch: yeah. for vscode i've installed another extension...it works ok for ST(4) and somewhat for Emacs...
12:54:27FromDiscord<lqdev> i can recommend https://github.com/alaviss/nim.nvim for neovim
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13:14:59newUserhi, is it possible to have a variable precision: echo &"hours = {hours:02.6f}", for the 6 I want a variable?
13:26:23PMunchWell you can generate the specifier as a string and then call `formatValue`
13:28:54Araquse formatFloat directly
13:30:21newUserthx, formatFloat will round?
13:32:14FromDiscord<alehander42> Araq
13:32:26FromDiscord<alehander42> i get a isNil(b) where b is nkHiddenDeref
13:32:53FromDiscord<alehander42> is this a bug , or should i just skip it
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13:34:39FromDiscord<alehander42> sorry, probably it makes sense for the passes, because it is an element in a `for`
13:34:44FromDiscord<alehander42> i'll try to skip it
13:35:52Araqyou need to look at the type
13:36:06Araqderefs of 'lent' and 'var' are not nil
13:36:14Araq*cannot be nil
13:36:31Araqping PMunch
13:37:15FromDiscord<alehander42> what i mean is for b in a: # where a is seq[Nilable] : just refs no var/lent
13:37:25Araqyou wrote combparser, right?
13:37:26*bung quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)
13:37:32PMunchRegrettably, yes
13:37:43Araqwhen I do 'nimble test' it produces for example
13:37:56Araq Character set parser couldn't match more than 3 characters with the charset {'0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9'} on input "123;"
13:38:09Araqbut then it also claims Success: All tests passed
13:38:13Araqso what is it?
13:39:21PMunchHold on, let me have a look
13:39:48PMunchAh, it's both
13:39:55FromDiscord<haxscramper> @alehander42 what do you think about introducing more special cases for `Kind( ... )` - e.g. I already have `Some(@x)` as alias for `(isSome: true, get: @x)`, maybe also rewrite things like `isSome(fld: @x)` to `(isSome: true, fld: @x)`
13:40:09PMunchIf you look it tests/test.nim you can see that "Test 14" is supposed to generate an error
13:40:33FromDiscord<alehander42> the second one would be a more general case actually
13:40:40FromDiscord<alehander42> which is better than special case imo
13:41:16FromDiscord<haxscramper> Well, supporting `Some(@x)` is a must-have IMO, because `Option[T]` is expected to work like this
13:41:26FromDiscord<fwsgonzo> sent a code paste, see https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=2yGo
13:41:32FromDiscord<alehander42> yes, but that's why we need a general way to help with that
13:41:37FromDiscord<alehander42> and i'll tell you why
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13:41:49FromDiscord<alehander42> did you anticipate result/error?
13:41:54FromDiscord<alehander42> but there is a relatively
13:42:02Araqok thanks. and don't regret it, PMunch, it's our best cursor optimizer bug finder
13:42:02FromDiscord<alehander42> popular in status lib that provides exactly that
13:42:11FromDiscord<alehander42> we can't anticipate all important sum types
13:42:38FromDiscord<haxscramper> I'm talking about `Some(@x)` **AND** `isSome(fld: @x)`
13:42:46FromDiscord<haxscramper> Not only `Some()`
13:43:04PMunchAraq, haha good to know it at least has some usefulness
13:43:17FromDiscord<haxscramper> So you think rewriting `isPredicate` as I said would be a good idea?
13:43:30FromDiscord<alehander42> hm, but we can just write a macro `Some` which expands
13:43:30FromDiscord<alehander42> to the isSome thing
13:43:54FromDiscord<haxscramper> Because I'm usually very sceptical about all the things that rely on identifier name heuristics,
13:44:08FromDiscord<alehander42> no, don't rely on identifiers only
13:44:26Araqyeah, something along the lines of @it is preferable
13:44:31FromDiscord<haxscramper> Well, and how i would do it then?
13:44:34FromDiscord<alehander42> i am not sure how isPredicate was planned tho
13:44:52FromDiscord<alehander42> Araq wrote `@it` , huh, we need to fix the bridge
13:44:55FromDiscord<haxscramper> `isSome(fld: @x)` to `(isSome: true, fld: @x)`
13:44:58FromDiscord<alehander42> always auto-completing to tags
13:45:12FromDiscord<haxscramper> Just simple rewrite
13:45:57FromDiscord<haxscramper> If we have `is*()` (call identifier matches pattern) we rewrite it
13:47:44FromDiscord<haxscramper> `Some?(@x)` is valid syntax. We can just rewrite `<head>?(@var)` into `(is<head>: true, get: @var)`
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13:51:15FromDiscord<alehander42> this is very specific
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13:51:33FromDiscord<alehander42> and does it help with e.g. result
13:51:41FromDiscord<haxscramper> Yes
13:52:06FromDiscord<haxscramper> Well, this is a general question about enforinc single code style
13:52:22FromDiscord<alehander42> i like it
13:52:25FromDiscord<alehander42> the single style
13:52:27FromDiscord<haxscramper> Like, if your tyep is an `Option`-like, could you please provide `get:`
13:52:28FromDiscord<alehander42> but i dont like the
13:52:32FromDiscord<alehander42> speicific rewrite rule
13:52:38FromDiscord<alehander42> well, nah, this is super custom
13:52:45FromDiscord<alehander42> why not use the language
13:53:14FromDiscord<haxscramper> Ah, you mean `<head>?(` vs `is<head>(` thing
13:53:17FromDiscord<alehander42> i mean its cool to do so
13:53:18FromDiscord<alehander42> no
13:53:23FromDiscord<alehander42> just let pople
13:53:24FromDiscord<alehander42> (edit) 'pople' => 'people'
13:53:27FromDiscord<alehander42> write a macro !
13:53:39FromDiscord<alehander42> they can write a template `Some` that expands to the
13:53:45FromDiscord<alehander42> equivalent pattern
13:53:56FromDiscord<alehander42> without any new features and limitations
13:54:12FromDiscord<alehander42> this might be not too advanced
13:54:17FromDiscord<alehander42> but it can be documented
13:54:22FromDiscord<alehander42> and people can do it anyways
13:54:34FromDiscord<haxscramper> I rewrite all `Kind(` checks into `hasKind(expr, Kind)`
13:55:12FromDiscord<haxscramper> So there is no loophole to inject any other rewrite, because there is a catch-all default
13:55:23FromDiscord<alehander42> but isn't there a way
13:55:29FromDiscord<alehander42> to have like an immediate template
13:55:37FromDiscord<alehander42> which can be expanded before
13:55:43FromDiscord<alehander42> the match even gets the code
13:56:12FromDiscord<haxscramper> I need to communicate list of all captured variables & contexts
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13:56:25FromDiscord<alehander42> no, i dont think i
13:56:33FromDiscord<alehander42> i get it
13:56:42FromDiscord<alehander42> but i am not talking about that πŸ™‚
13:56:46*vicfred quit (Quit: Leaving)
13:57:02FromDiscord<alehander42> before the code gets to the macro at all`
13:57:04FromDiscord<alehander42> (edit) 'all`' => 'all'
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13:57:28FromDiscord<alehander42> sorry, maybe a rewriting mechanism is better
13:57:34FromDiscord<alehander42> but if its possible to write a template
13:57:43FromDiscord<alehander42> that expands before your macro starts executing
13:57:48FromDiscord<alehander42> then one can do
13:57:52FromDiscord<haxscramper> match arm rewriting is an immediate macro, it executes before anything else AFAIK
13:58:07FromDiscord<haxscramper> If you are talking about "before `match` expands"
13:58:21FromDiscord<alehander42> `Some(a) -> isSome(get: a)`
13:58:22FromDiscord<alehander42> etc
13:58:24FromDiscord<alehander42> yeah
13:58:40FromDiscord<alehander42> hm, is it immediate
13:58:41FromDiscord<mratsim> generic symbol resolution is done earlier than anything else
13:59:03FromDiscord<haxscramper> Even before `untyped` macro?
13:59:06FromDiscord<mratsim> yup
13:59:20Araqno, untyped macros are expanded
13:59:21FromDiscord<mratsim> https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/issues/8677
13:59:21disbotβž₯ [Meta] Generics/Static early symbol resolution
13:59:22FromDiscord<haxscramper> err
13:59:38Araqthey are expanded before symbol resolution kicks in
13:59:44*PMunch quit (Quit: leaving)
13:59:57Araqbut for that *all* parameter types must be untyped, not just some
13:59:59FromDiscord<alehander42> hm
14:00:00FromDiscord<mratsim> they are not or I wouldn't have this bug: https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/issues/6387
14:00:04FromDiscord<alehander42> so is there a way to
14:00:14FromDiscord<alehander42> expand a macro
14:00:19FromDiscord<alehander42> from your own other macro
14:00:40FromDiscord<haxscramper> no
14:00:45FromDiscord<haxscramper> I can generate macro call
14:01:00FromDiscord<haxscramper> or pass list of callbacks to macro
14:01:15FromDiscord<haxscramper> which would be the "rewriters". I do this in `nimtraits`
14:01:24FromDiscord<alehander42> hmmmm, sorry then
14:01:29Araqmratsim: the macro in your example are not all untyped
14:01:31FromDiscord<alehander42> i've been wrong
14:01:42FromDiscord<haxscramper> E.g. `.derive(Eq).` is implemented using callbacks which are passed to macro
14:02:05FromDiscord<alehander42> sorry man
14:02:06FromDiscord<alehander42> ok
14:02:14FromDiscord<alehander42> so maybe then a rewrite system
14:02:15FromDiscord<alehander42> is ok
14:02:15FromDiscord<haxscramper> And they do all rewriting. And trait implementation is just list of these rewriters that trigger on each pragma. But this is an ugly solution
14:02:31FromDiscord<alehander42> not ugly, but complicated
14:02:40FromDiscord<alehander42> and not dry if we already have teemplates
14:02:58FromDiscord<haxscramper> no, you have to either pass callbacks explicitly each time or introduce global compile-time variable
14:03:02FromDiscord<mratsim> can't you just implement that on top of concepts?
14:03:30FromDiscord<mratsim> ah but concept is not explicitly derived
14:03:36FromDiscord<haxscramper> No. Well, **I** don't know how to do this
14:04:16FromDiscord<mratsim> maybe that will give you inspiration to implement traits: https://github.com/mratsim/trace-of-radiance/blob/master/trace_of_radiance/support/emulate_classes_with_ADTs.nim
14:04:42FromDiscord<fwsgonzo> the cpp generator outputs code that casts string literals to char*, which "works" in C because it never made its string literals const
14:05:13FromDiscord<fwsgonzo> (edit) 'const' => 'const. its the line tracking code'
14:05:36FromDiscord<alehander42> hm
14:05:43FromDiscord<alehander42> how would they help for patterns?
14:07:08FromDiscord<alehander42> Araq i have a fun problem: i check stuff like `for` code twice, so sometimes i get the same warning twice
14:07:36FromDiscord<alehander42> do you deal with this in your passes (e.g. set of warnings )
14:08:01FromDiscord<alehander42> as i remember you had this double visit things somewher
14:08:04FromDiscord<alehander42> (edit) 'somewher' => 'somewhere'
14:08:26Araqsometimes I add logic to prevent that from happening
14:09:37FromDiscord<alehander42> just keeping a set of LineInfo-s seem most obvious to me
14:11:50FromDiscord<Kiloneie> there is no ternary operator in Nim right ?
14:12:45FromDiscord<haxscramper> sent a code paste, see https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=2yGB
14:13:12FromDiscord<Kiloneie> well of course templates and macros can do anything xD
14:13:30Araq(if cond: a else: b)
14:13:39Araqif is available as an expression
14:13:52FromDiscord<haxscramper> You might try and do something with term rewriting macros if you **really** want to have it as operator
14:13:59FromDiscord<haxscramper> But I"m not sure if it is possible
14:14:33FromDiscord<Kiloneie> nah i don't care about it, was just curious since i am learning cpp to do a project for my CV( i want a programming job D:...)
14:14:50FromDiscord<Kiloneie> my programming CV is like... i know these languages... with nothing to show...
14:15:00FromDiscord<fwsgonzo> finish something
14:15:47FromDiscord<alehander42> awesome
14:18:21FromDiscord<Kiloneie> I am planning a game
14:18:29FromDiscord<alehander42> Araq ok return/break stuff should work now
14:18:48FromDiscord<alehander42> next is `if/elif/else` and `[]` .
14:18:56Araqgood choice. Few jobs requires as little thinking as programming. You can remain ignorant about everything, "structured" programming, type safety, security, memory management, data structures, basic math, logic. You'll be fine with pasting Stack Overflow snippets into your "program".
14:20:04FromDiscord<Kiloneie> xD yeah, ima use SDL 2 so i understand it better for Nim usage later
14:20:27FromDiscord<Kiloneie> getting used to cpp way of syntax is a pain though
14:20:35FromDiscord<Kiloneie> ide keeps screaming ; at me D:...
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14:53:03haxscramperAraq: there is a thread on nim forum on "Compiler reading" (2016) where among other things you wrote that
14:53:04haxscramper> ... don't use exceptions either (Nim does use exceptions to some extend). It's hard to ensure that the tool did as much as it could when exceptions are allowed to bubble up the call stack. Instead have an error node kind that marks wrong subtrees.
14:53:07haxscramperIs it true for nim compiler too or only to tools like nimsuggest etc. which should continue work on malformed data? If I understand correctly most of the error handling is done via call to error handling procs which mostly lead to direct `quit 1` call. Are exceptions better for handling internal compiler errors or both solutions are bad?
14:54:52Araqit's true for the Nim compiler too, it's all the same code base
14:55:02Araqhowever it does use exceptions
14:55:09Araqif nothing else works as well
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15:17:26FromDiscord<dom96> exceptions are wonderful
15:18:15Araqnah, they suck. but the alternatives can suck even more
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15:29:15Araqwhat is the *default* that 'nimble test' does?
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15:36:13FromDiscord<mratsim> run all nim files starting with a t in the tests folder iirc
15:37:11FromDiscord<mratsim> I think it should just say "test" task not defined
15:38:45Araqoh I see
15:38:47AraqNimble adds
15:38:48Araq Success: Execution finished
15:38:48Araq Success: All tests passed
15:38:51Araqto the output
15:38:56*kenran quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
15:39:05Araqand I thought it's unittest.nim's output
15:42:27FromDiscord<mratsim> it doesn't just adds
15:42:42FromDiscord<mratsim> some of the output in case of errors is missing iirc
15:43:00FromDiscord<mratsim> the stacktraces better when you directly compile the nim file
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15:45:53Araqwell Nimble is a PM, it has to be annoying, that is its job. PMs are tools designed to annoy me.
15:46:09FromDiscord<dom96> lol
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15:46:42Araqcould be worse though, could be LaTeX
15:47:17Araq"yay, a margin, let me write on it. Oh there is an error. Let's block stdin and ask the user for help."
15:47:41Araq"Oh, you need a table of contents, better run me twice in a row then."
15:47:46FromDiscord<mratsim> no that's when you need nimble refresh -y
15:48:25*gour quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
15:48:36Araq"Here is an error coming from a plugin/module you didn't even know you used"
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15:50:03Araq"Oh, you used an Umlaut, well TeX understands Unicode. All you need is this package, no, not that one, that other one"
15:51:35FromDiscord<flywind> Lol, `nim docs` doesn't want to generate docs for `lent type`.
15:51:47FromDiscord<flywind> https://planety.github.io/prologue/coreapi/context.html#13
15:52:34Araqdom96: remember i told you 'nimble test --gc:orc' doesn't work? now it does :-)
15:52:47Araqgood job whoever did that
15:53:26Araq(no irony here)
15:59:58YardanicoAraq: "<Araq> Yardanico, does it work without cursor inference? " yes, combparser passes all of its test cases with --cursorInference:off
16:01:35*rakgew[m] left #nim ("Kicked by @appservice-irc:matrix.org : Idle for 30+ days")
16:01:40Araqyeah I know, looking into it
16:01:42Yardaniconimly's tests/test_lexgen.nim SIGSEGVs with orc after half of the tests even with cursor inference off
16:01:52Yardanicobut it's more complex than combparser :P
16:02:01FromDiscord<Avatarfighter> What is up everyone how are you all doing this fine day/night?
16:02:57FromDiscord<himu> Congratulations on reaching 10k stars in Github! 😎
16:03:05FromDiscord<himu> Sorry for being late to the party. :)
16:03:23FromDiscord<ache of head> Wow, congrats!
16:03:24FromDiscord<ache of head> Didn’t notice that
16:03:35Yardanico9993* :P
16:03:41Yardanicostill 7 more to go for the honest celebration
16:03:58FromDiscord<Rika> someone make 7 more accounsd
16:04:00FromDiscord<Rika> (edit) 'accounsd' => 'accounts'
16:05:18FromDiscord<himu> I am spamming my social media accounts! Let's make that happen!
16:05:23Yardanicono :P
16:05:28Yardanicostars don't matter that much really
16:05:43Araqwe'll get them once we finally release 1.4
16:06:07FromDiscord<dom96> Yardanico: bruh, let the people have their stargazer fun πŸ™‚
16:06:19FromDiscord<himu> I know stars don't matter. (e.g. LLVM) but still its something that gives you an extra motivation. Just the little bit of happiness.
16:17:35FromDiscord<fwsgonzo> ```↡Error: system module needs: getFrame↡``` ↡when passing gc:arc wwith -d:useMalloc
16:19:29Yardanicowhat nim version?
16:19:36Yardanicoand what are you trying to compile?
16:19:49FromDiscord<fwsgonzo> i have a custom environment, os:standalone
16:20:01FromDiscord<fwsgonzo> backend is cpp
16:20:47FromDiscord<fwsgonzo> looks like nim is generating a lot more nimcache files with os:any
16:22:24FromDiscord<fwsgonzo> by using os:any with more nimcache files it builds and runs now πŸ™‚
16:27:36FromDiscord<fwsgonzo> is there a way to get nim to apply `__attribute__((used))` to a function?
16:32:39FromDiscord<JSGRANT> Araq: What's planned for 1.4 , IC?
16:34:41FromDiscord<JSGRANT> Actually, in-general is there a loose roadmap anywhere I'm overlooking?
16:35:26FromDiscord<JSGRANT> Ah, right on! Ty!
16:36:47FromDiscord<JSGRANT> Can't wait for Nim 202X; I heard Araq hired Keanu Reeves to make a cameo.
16:38:23*a_chou quit (Quit: a_chou)
16:42:54FromDiscord<fwsgonzo> is there a list of function attributes?
16:43:04Yardanicoyou mean pragmas
16:43:09Yardanicothey're not limited to procedures/functions
16:43:27Yardanicostarting from there
16:49:25FromDiscord<fwsgonzo> i need nim to add `__attribute__((used))` to a function
16:49:31FromDiscord<fwsgonzo> the used pragma didn't do the trick
16:51:13Yardanicowhy do you need that?
16:51:18Yardanicodo you need to export it or something?
16:51:22Yardanicothere are different pragmas for that
16:51:39Yardanicolike if you need that function to be used from other programs/libs, use exportc
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16:52:00FromDiscord<fwsgonzo> i need the linker to not prune it, and while I can do that with --undefined=name, it's nicer to mark the function as public
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16:52:19FromDiscord<fwsgonzo> it's already .exportc
16:52:28*Trustable quit (Remote host closed the connection)
16:56:43FromDiscord<fwsgonzo> how do you add a newline character to fmt string?
16:57:58FromDiscord<fwsgonzo> (edit) 'how do you add a newline character to fmt string? ... ' => 'how do you add a newline character to fmt string?nvm. it's {'\n'}'
16:59:10Yardanicowell not really, there are simpler ways
16:59:10Yardanicoread https://nim-lang.org/docs/strformat.html#fmt-vsdot-amp
16:59:31Yardanicofmt("\n") will do what you think it will
17:02:45*shad0w_ quit (Remote host closed the connection)
17:02:52FromDiscord<fwsgonzo> πŸ‘
17:20:47*leorize quit (Quit: WeeChat 2.8)
17:41:03reversem3I do a lot of parsing of various document , Gb of data and millions of lines sometimes, I was looking at python to do this but I run out of memory , unix tools have really helped me out a lot, can nim parse stupidly large documents ? if so can someone point to me documentation about this ?
17:42:24supakeenIt's probably more about how your approach to parsing these large files. If you're going to try and read it all at the same time no programming language will save you :)
17:42:46supakeenOther than that, what type of documentation are you looking for?
17:43:58reversem3json, ascii, docx, database dumps (so ascii or csv)
17:44:00FromDiscord<mratsim> mmap is your friend
17:44:25FromDiscord<mratsim> memory map your document don't try to load it in memory
17:44:30FromDiscord<mratsim> true for any language
17:45:07reversem3example I have 7 Gb file and I want to get all the elements of xyx in this file , python crashed my system
17:45:42reversem3it was json , jq didn't help either , I did try fjq from nim but no results
17:45:59reversem3!help mmap
17:46:08FromDiscord<mratsim> if it's tabular data, R data.tables should handle it no sweat
17:46:25reversem3so i need to learn R ?
17:46:25supakeenYou'd be looking for an event emitting parser for JSON files that large, I'm not sure if any exist for Nim?
17:47:01FromDiscord<mratsim> you need to find a package that was written to handle a medium amount of data
17:47:22FromDiscord<mratsim> let me check what I used in Python last time I had to do this
17:47:27supakeenI don't think there's that many JSON parsers that are iterative out there, I know of one for Python.
17:47:46reversem3yeah I think I tried ijson
17:48:01reversem3so only awk and grep are working
17:48:05supakeenBut you'd still need to be careful to not end up putting everything in memory yourself anyways.
17:48:17supakeenIt's because those work on lines, they don't try to validate and parse the entire document.
17:48:31reversem3ahh ok
17:48:53reversem3so everytime python reads a file , it puts it in memory
17:50:17supakeenPython, like Nim, can read files line by line or block by block.
17:50:43supakeenBut if you use for example the built-in JSON parser it will try to read in and validate the entire document as this is the normal way JSON is parsed in ~all languages.
17:51:06supakeenIf you have a special case with huge files that ain't going to work so other packages exist that yield all the data as they read over the file without keeping the file.
17:51:16supakeenHowever, if you then still keep all that data around you still have a problem.
17:51:42FromDiscord<mratsim> Nimdata can handle big files without loading in memory https://github.com/bluenote10/NimData
17:51:47FromDiscord<mratsim> but in csv form
17:52:02reversem3ok so read it line by line instead of loading it all at once
17:52:19reversem3so I don't have to use a json parser than unless I want to validate it ?
17:52:26FromDiscord<mratsim> for json iirc I converted them to csv via perl :p
17:52:37FromDiscord<mratsim> big json files might be in a single line
17:52:54reversem3ohhh , I don't want that
17:52:54FromDiscord<mratsim> also don't use Nim json module, it's not made to handle that much data
17:53:17FromDiscord<mratsim> I guess I'll put that to my list of tasks
17:54:23FromDiscord<mratsim> FYI, I had large json and csv files when working on this: https://github.com/mratsim/Apartment-Interest-Prediction
17:54:34FromDiscord<mratsim> at one point geolocation data required 80GB of mem :/
17:55:45reversem3ok so basically I need to write scripts or programs to find certain strings ie hex or just text and compile to make a list and how many they are , sort , uniq and so on
17:56:27FromDiscord<mratsim> for csv I had good luck with xsv and R
17:56:34FromDiscord<mratsim> for json that was a pain
17:57:33FromDiscord<mratsim> I suggest you look on Kaggle on post to handle large json files
17:57:40FromDiscord<mratsim> for example this one is 5GB: https://www.kaggle.com/yelp-dataset/yelp-dataset
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17:59:26FromDiscord<mratsim> I remember a post by Yelp on analyzing TB of wikipedia data for phone numbers in Python
18:02:00FromDiscord<mratsim> mmmh it was this: https://engineeringblog.yelp.com/2015/03/analyzing-the-web-for-the-price-of-a-sandwich.html
18:03:19reversem3so basically numpy and pandas
18:03:20supakeenIt'd be interesting to have a good iterative parsing toolkit.
18:03:25supakeenIn general.
18:08:42FromDiscord<slonik_az> SAX-style streaming JSON parsers can take on a json file of any size in almost constant RAM. You need to provide callbacks to handle events yourself, though.
18:09:51reversem3interesting readfile using inim works
18:09:55FromDiscord<fwsgonzo> if you write "import XX from YY" nim will not give you a useful error
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18:18:47FromDiscord<lqdev> /usercode/in.nim(1, 8) Error: cannot open file: xx
18:18:53FromDiscord<lqdev> how is that not a useful error?
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18:23:32reversem3is this the best docs for learning how to read files and parsing out information ? https://nim-lang.org/docs/io.html#readFile%2Cstring
18:27:41supakeenI don't think there's comprehensive documentation on that yet?
18:33:12leorizeit depends on what you want to parse
18:33:24leorizeif it's a well known format we probably have libraries for it
18:33:43leorizeif not then you'll have to build a parser, which is pretty easy with npeg and/or nim-regex
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18:37:54supakeenYou missed part of the backlog but they're looking for iterative (or event emitting) parsers.
18:48:20FromDiscord<haxscramper> `pegs` from standard library has event-emitting parser
18:48:56FromDiscord<haxscramper> https://nim-lang.org/docs/pegs.html#eventParser.t%2Cuntyped%2Cuntyped
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19:08:19Zevvnpeg can do that?
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19:45:03Zevvwhat makes a "streaming" parser then
19:45:12Zevvor "iterative", I mean
19:48:51Zevvwhere'd disruptek go?
19:50:59*kenran quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
19:50:59FromDiscord<Rika> he is no more
20:04:20voidpieaten by llamas?
20:06:56superbiavoidpi: excommunicado
20:07:19voidpiso coming back with a vengeance
20:12:01*narimiran quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
20:15:46FromDiscord<slonik_az> > `pegs` from standard library has event-emitting parser↡@haxscramper according to the documentation this parser takes input from string rather than stream. A true event-emitting streaming parser does not load all the input into RAM but processes them in chunks.
20:19:02Zevvah right. Npeg doesn't "load all the input into ram", but it does expect it to be there already
20:19:08ZevvBoils down to the same, of course
20:19:39Zevvit can parse huge files however, since it supports mmaping files out of the box
20:22:07FromDiscord<haxscramper> sent a long message, see http://ix.io/2yIQ
20:23:40FromDiscord<slonik_az> I think the original discussion was how to parse json files > 5GB
20:24:18FromDiscord<slonik_az> Typically very large files have simple schemas πŸ™‚
20:25:31Zevvthat's peanuts for npeg
20:27:05FromDiscord<slonik_az> depends on your RAM. If you use small AWS EC2 instance with 8GB of RAM and your json file is 20GB than you have a problem
20:31:22supakeenI'm not up to date enough on PEG parsers for JSON I think.
20:33:28Zevvsupakeen: https://github.com/zevv/npeg/blob/master/tests/performance.nim#L63
20:33:38FromDiscord<slonik_az> PEGs are great and economical for stream parsing but the specific `npeg` API is for strings not streams
20:34:02Zevvslonik_az: no, you can mmap humongous files with few ram
20:34:07Zevvit's virtual
20:35:07FromDiscord<slonik_az> (edit) '`npeg`' => '`pegs`'
20:35:17supakeenZevv: Can npeg yield the elements as it parses them so I can throw them away again immediately?
20:35:28supakeen(since I can't build the entire tree, it won't fit)
20:35:29Zevvit doesn't "save" anything by default
20:35:42Zevvit passes over it, and can call nim code for matches
20:36:05FromDiscord<slonik_az> The file is in S3, you cannot mmap S3.
20:36:25Zevvha that's progress for you
20:36:56supakeenZevv: Nice :)
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20:37:50Zevvi tried a few times making it resumable/streamable, but I kind of gave up on that
20:39:04FromDiscord<slonik_az> Zevv: what is the size of lookahead buffer needed to parse json element in PEG? Is it limited to the size of next element?
20:39:51Zevvthere is no lookahead buffer in npeg, it's also not packrat
20:40:38Zevvit builds a state machine from your grammar that is translated into Nim at compile time
20:41:44Zevvthe memory requirements for parsing is virtually zero. It's a handful of bytes for every open choice, once a choice is final/commited, the choice unwinds from the stack and it continues from there
20:42:10FromDiscord<slonik_az> in this case stream parsing should not be difficult, right?
20:42:32Zevvit shouldn't. The problem with streams is not the parsing, but the capturing
20:42:58FromDiscord<slonik_az> what do you mean by capturing?
20:43:01Zevvbecause captures might refer to stuff that's already "gone"
20:43:42FromDiscord<slonik_az> in event emitting parser it is the concern of callback providers
20:43:59FromDiscord<slonik_az> , event handlers
20:44:34FromDiscord<slonik_az> I am talking mostly about not referential simple formats like JSON
20:45:18Zevvnpeg is a bit of a hybrid I think - typicall use case is to find snippets in your subject, it 'captures' those from rules and passes these to your nim 'callbacks'
20:45:40Zevvso one capture would be a single json string or a number
20:46:26Zevvi bet theres a nice solution to make it streaming and all, but I just really didn't like the additional complexity it brings every time I try to put it in. Given that mmap solves a lot of cases, I dropped it
20:46:50FromDiscord<slonik_az> it means that i do not need to remember the captures past their immediate use in an event handler. It will allow parsing huge JSON files in constant RAM
20:47:25Zevvand it will also draw pretty graphs for you. that's always my primary selling point
20:47:52FromDiscord<slonik_az> I should play with `npeg` when I get time.
20:48:34FromDiscord<slonik_az> /^\
20:48:58supakeenI just added `requires "npeg >= 0.23.0"` somewhere ;)
20:51:05supakeenMooi :)
20:51:16FromDiscord<SeanOMik> sent a code paste, see https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=2yJ3
20:51:39FromDiscord<SeanOMik> That code runs inside an async method
20:51:45supakeenI'll try to make some arbitrary 'iterparse' library based on npeg so one can do `for event in iterCSV(...)` or such.
20:52:49FromDiscord<slonik_az> Zevv: the graphics is stunning both visually and logically πŸ‘
20:53:07Zevvhmm I wonder if that would work, there's no way to simply turn control flow inside out for npeg. but keep me informed on your progress by all means!
20:53:24supakeenThat's why it's a try :)
20:53:34Zevvcool stuff
20:53:57Zevvslonik_az: yeah in the end it was only about the graphs. I hardly parse anything these days, I just write grammars and admire the view
21:02:32FromDiscord<dom96> @SeanOMik your assumptions must be incorrect, async code can run concurrently, you sure your output isn't leading you to incorrect assumptions?
21:02:49FromDiscord<SeanOMik> ?
21:02:53FromDiscord<SeanOMik> What assumptions?
21:03:00FromDiscord<SeanOMik> I have no idea whats happening with it
21:03:10FromDiscord<SeanOMik> I stated that it was async incase it mattered
21:04:08FromDiscord<dom96> I don't understand your question then, which condition passes when `isHandlingHeartbeat` is false?
21:05:32FromDiscord<Rika> `not shard.isHandlingHeartbeat` is true when `shard.isHandlingHeartbeat` is false, wdym?
21:06:31FromDiscord<SeanOMik> I mean that it always prints out "echo "Starting new heartbeat thread! Heartbeat thread is ", shard.heartbeatAcked"
21:06:44FromDiscord<SeanOMik> (edit) removed '"echo' | '", shard.heartbeatAcked"' => 'true/false"'
21:06:51FromDiscord<SeanOMik> Even though it should only print it out when its false
21:07:07FromDiscord<SeanOMik> (edit) 'its' => '`shard.isHandlingHeartbeat`'
21:07:18FromDiscord<SeanOMik> (edit) 'true/false"' => '" + shard.isHandlingHeartbeat'
21:08:30FromDiscord<dom96> Are you sure? Did you put a `echo shard.isHandlingHeartbeat` before the `if` statement to verify this?
21:08:55FromDiscord<SeanOMik> I am sure, I'll put it before that though
21:09:47FromDiscord<dom96> The reason I ask is because something as fundamental as the if statement being to blame sounds really unlikely πŸ™‚
21:10:16FromDiscord<SeanOMik> Yeah I know
21:10:22FromDiscord<SeanOMik> Thats why I feel like I'm going crazy
21:12:06FromDiscord<SeanOMik> Oh wait, maybe its because my method takes a `shard: Shard` @dom96 ?
21:12:12FromDiscord<SeanOMik> And because its not mutable
21:12:25FromDiscord<SeanOMik> Actually
21:12:37FromDiscord<SeanOMik> I think I could move the variable outside of the Shard type
21:13:36FromDiscord<dom96> Sounds like you're guessing a little bit here
21:13:44FromDiscord<dom96> add `echo` statements to understand what your code is really doing
21:13:55FromDiscord<dom96> remove code if you must to narrow down the problem
21:16:00FromDiscord<SeanOMik> I fixed it
21:16:14FromDiscord<SeanOMik> I ended up just moving the field outside of the Shard class
21:16:23FromDiscord<SeanOMik> Since its literally not used anywhere else
21:16:29FromDiscord<SeanOMik> Beside this one function that runs all the time
21:16:58FromDiscord<SeanOMik> I need to get used to putting `echo` statements everywhere
21:17:06FromDiscord<SeanOMik> Used to C++ where you have an actual debugger
21:17:23FromDiscord<SeanOMik> Someone needs to make an actual debugger for Nim
21:17:31FromDiscord<SeanOMik> Anyway, thanks for the help!
21:17:55FromDiscord<dom96> You do have an actual debugger too
21:18:04FromDiscord<dom96> you can use gdb just fine
21:18:18FromDiscord<dom96> But if I was using C++ I would rarely use a debugger either
21:21:16FromDiscord<Rebel> Is there an easy way when using stream buffer to have the buffer be an arbitrary size passed in as a param in a function? Something like this https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=2yJ9
21:21:22FromDiscord<Rebel> (edit) 'buffer' => 'buffers'
21:21:33FromDiscord<Rebel> (edit) 'Is there an easy way when using stream buffers ... to' => 'Is there an easy way when using stream buffersto read/write files'
21:23:39*haxscramper quit (Remote host closed the connection)
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21:46:38FromDiscord<Recruit_main707> try discard readData(strm, addr(buffer[0]), len buffer) that way you get the address of where the actual sequence data starts at, (because a sequence has some extra memory before the data, thats why it didnt work)
21:50:39*cgfuh quit (Quit: WeeChat 2.9)
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22:07:57*konkrrrrrr is now known as kinkinkijkin
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22:34:47FromGitter<matrixbot> `ondra05` Hello.
22:36:15FromGitter<matrixbot> `ondra05` I made a binary project with nimble. Created a file node.nim in src file and made a type Node. But when i import it by `import node` and make an ?instance?, it shows me: Undeclared identifier: Node
22:44:22FromDiscord<dom96> did you export the `Node` type with a `*`?
22:46:34leorize@ondra05 you should join our matrix channel to prevent double bridging
22:46:37disbotmatrix: 11the #nim channel on Matrix can be found at #freenode_#nim:matrix.org -- leorize
22:47:26FromGitter<matrixbot> `ondra05` > <@gitter_fromirc:matrix.org> *<FromDiscord>* <dom96> did you export the `Node` type with a `*`? ⏎ ⏎ Thank you
22:47:33FromGitter<matrixbot> `ondra05` > <@gitter_fromirc:matrix.org> *<disbot>* 9matrix: the #nim channel on Matrix can be found at #freenode_#nim:matrix.org -- 7leorize ⏎ ⏎ I Will do
23:11:32*NimBot joined #nim
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