<< 26-03-2018 >>

00:21:32FromGitter<Varriount> @miran: Perhaps there could be inline versions of the iterables?
00:22:04*sz0 quit (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
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02:08:50shashlickprobably too late now, but I tried that and it complains that <string, bool> provided but static[string], static[bool] expected
02:33:45arthurzJust to say https://www.onivim.io is such a nice editor
02:40:51shashlickarthurz: looks nice, nim support works
02:44:07arthurzNot Nim, sadly
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02:56:56shashlickcan't you add the nim plugin?
03:00:52arthurzdid not see any provided. Maybe Oni needs some love from us
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03:13:32FromGitter<seruum> Is there anytime exceptions aren't caught. I have a complex program that loops indefinitely inside a while true block. The while true block is wrapped with a try-finally so that files and such can be cleanly closed with appropriate logs, but the finally is not ran. What I believe to be a normal trace is given. Any ideas why the error wouldn't be caught? if it helps, it is SIG PIPE error because of a network break on a
03:13:32FromGitter... socket. Thanks.
03:34:30*aguspiza quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
03:37:30FromGitter<gogolxdong> Why does this template hints me has to be discarded ?
03:37:34FromGitter<gogolxdong> ```code paste, see link``` [https://gitter.im/nim-lang/Nim?at=5ab86afef3f6d24c68b67827]
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05:16:17FromGitter<cavariux> Hi, is there any official list of the reserved Nim words?
05:16:50FromGitter<cavariux> @gogolxdong , sry for being 2 hours late, but does client.getContent returns something?
05:16:57FromGitter<cavariux> if that is the case you have to discard that
05:17:37FromGitter<gogolxdong> sure, it returns Future[string]
05:18:10FromGitter<cavariux> most likely the error is that you have you discard it
05:18:16FromGitter<cavariux> discard client.getContent(tencentUrlWithCommonParams(action, host, payload))
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06:46:04*PMunch joined #nim
07:13:35def-@cavariux https://nim-lang.org/docs/manual.html#lexical-analysis-identifiers-keywords
07:14:46FromGitter<Varriount> @gogolxdong `client.getContent` returns something, and where ever you're calling the template isn't assigning that result to a variable.
07:16:09FromGitter<Varriount> arthurz: Oh yay, yet another text editor built on a browser engine. :/
07:18:01PMunchVarriount, they even say "Built with web tech" as if that was a good thing..
07:18:37FromGitter<Varriount> Call me back when it can load a 1GB CSV file without performance degradation.
07:19:15PMunchCall me back when you can open a text editor without it immediately gobbling up a GB of RAM for no good reason..
07:19:56FromGitter<Varriount> *looks at PyCharm sadly*
07:22:07FromGitter<Varriount> I only use PyCharm because it is ridiculously good at what it does.
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07:34:39FromGitter<narimiran> > @miran: Perhaps there could be inline versions of the iterables? ⏎ ⏎ Can you expand a bit on this?
07:35:20FromGitter<narimiran> infinite iterators are made as closures, terminating iterators are inline
07:36:13FromGitter<narimiran> or did you mean something else? ( @Varriount )
07:38:33FromGitter<narimiran> re: Oni editor - yeah, it surely won't work as good/fast as vim, but the comparison with vscode (speed-wise, RAM-wise) might be interesting to see....
07:47:04FromGitter<Varriount> @narimiran I mean, I want to be able to do "for I in cycle(...)" without any overhead.
07:49:51Araqfor loops that don't terminate are evil
07:50:02FromGitter<narimiran> @Varriount for infinite iterators i chose the closure variant so you can terminate them at the wanted point with `for i in 1 .. enough: myCycle()`. terminating iterators can be used as you propose
07:51:12FromGitter<narimiran> i had some long discussions here on IRC with couple of guys regarding closures vs inline, as i was undecided what was the better way to do it....
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08:06:45Araquse inline iterators unless you can't
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08:26:27salewskiAraq, no comment for three days on https://forum.nim-lang.org/t/3681 ?
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08:52:46aguspiza0.18.0 is 20% faster but it is using 5x more memory than 0.17.2 in my test (mostly async calls), is it a known issue?
08:57:06aguspiza--gc:markandsweep also blocks randomly for ~100ms in 0.18.0
08:59:32Araqaguspiza, I've only seen it use 10% more memory
09:00:00Araqwell it doesn't block "randomly", it collects and if you use 5x more memory, it collects more often
09:00:31Araqtry --gc:v2 which is incremental
09:01:35aguspizaThis is my test https://gist.github.com/aguspiza/80e34b5cf65aa3bbfd19c7339ee9b695
09:02:02aguspizaLinux x64 0.17.2 boehm 24MB used (release 14MB)
09:02:29aguspizaLinux x64 0.18.0 boehm 94MB used (release 84MB)
09:03:01aguspizaother gc's have similar increases +40MB, i have not tried v2
09:03:27Araq--gc:boehm does not use Nim's allocator.
09:03:30aguspizadoing now, thx, great language BTW
09:03:48Araqstrange numbers. :-)
09:04:23aguspizadefault gc 70MB (release 30-36MB)
09:07:51aguspiza0.18.0 default gc 146MB (release 110MB)
09:08:22aguspizasimilar result with gc:v2 146MB (release 110MB)
09:09:29aguspizav2 should be better than boehm?
09:10:31AraqI never know. v2 should be without the blocking
09:11:07Araqthe only thing all GCs have in common is the conservative stack marking
09:11:27Araqso roots on the stack can things alive for longer than required
09:12:07Araqpost your issue on the forum, people are always interested in performance issues :-)
09:15:19aguspizaI'll do, thank you
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09:25:34FromGitter<narimiran> > nice, rawgit seems cool ⏎ ⏎ @alehander42 well, @nitely gave me a better advice regarding hosting docs - just create `docs` folder and use github pages for documentation - works quite nicely
09:27:21FromGitter<alehander42> hm, that makes sense
09:27:33FromGitter<alehander42> and that common nim theme, it's generated by `nim doc` ?
09:31:39FromGitter<narimiran> it is
09:33:11FromGitter<narimiran> btw, @Araq: i haven't been able to find documentation of `nim doc` (i have tried to run `nim doc --help`) to see which options can i pass to it - is this documented somewhere?
09:34:32Araqhttps://nim-lang.org/docs/docgen.html ?
09:43:03FromGitter<narimiran> heh, i guess that's it! now i see it is under 'Tools Documentation'
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11:58:44PMunchHmm, is there any performance difference with nested procs?
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12:22:46PMunchAny plans on merging this by the way? https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/pull/7343
12:23:10PMunchI'm just wondering if I need to implement my workaround or not in the protobuf code
12:25:54AraqPMunch, I'll ask Zahary then
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12:41:31PMunchHe seemed skeptical in the GitHub thread :P
12:41:51PMunchIt's a bit of a dirty trick, but it works none the less
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13:11:49FromGitter<Varriount> @Araq Just saw the commits on toOpenArray - nice work!
13:15:48shashlick@varriount - thanks for your reply on the macro forum post, just replied if you could take a look
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14:39:01PMunchBest thing to happen to the macros module: quote
14:39:11PMunchIt seriously makes macros so much more readable
14:39:53PMunchA combination of that and dumpAstGen and macro writing is a breeze
14:42:27FromGitter<alehander42> yeah, can't really imagine them without quote, when was quote added?
14:43:30PMunchNot sure, but it was after I did my genui macros
14:46:45PMunchSo that's what you had to do
14:47:18PMunchTo be fair though, I'm not sure how much of that could be replaced by quote do
14:48:44PMunchHuh, I remember that looking worse actually
14:49:03PMunchThe protobuf macro as already about 1000 lines with the parsing and stuff. And looks way worse :P
14:51:36FromGitter<alehander42> :D I am so hesitant to work on my area42 parser dsl, so hard to decide what do I want to support in the end
14:51:50FromGitter<alehander42> is the protobuf lib kinda working already?
14:52:38PMunchalehander42, well it is able to parse the protobuf syntax. And I think writing a message and getting the length of a message on the wire based on an object should be working.
14:52:43PMunchDoing reading atm
14:52:58PMunchSo when that's done I can finally try to read and write some messages :)
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15:03:32FromGitter<alehander42> sorry, I meant the parser dsl I am writing for a simple library for easier prototyping of toy prog languages
15:04:22FromGitter<alehander42> nice! do you have already some benchmarks for parsing?
15:04:24PMunchOh nice
15:04:54PMunchNothing more than a single file I've written which contains most of the protobuf features
15:05:12PMunchAlong with a series of tests for the varies sub-parts
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15:12:39FromGitter<alehander42> great, are you basing the protobuf lib on your other parsing libs ?
15:13:34PMunchYeah, the parsing is based on combparser
15:13:39PMunchI wrote it to parse protobuf
15:37:09shashlickaraq: so I want to staticRead() a file during compile time and want to use a relative path but given staticRead runs relative to the source file and not build working directory, how do I get an absolute path to the file at compile time? I don't have expandFilename() and hard coding an absolute file path isn't helpful for a git repo
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16:21:41FromGitter<mratsim> @PMunch, if you’re nested proc is a closure it will be slow, if it’s result only depends on the passed params it will be as fast as if it was in the global scope
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16:41:09FromGitter<alehander42> is there a good way to somehow call mapIt on `pairs`?
16:42:17Yardanicoit probably wouldn't be very efficient, but you can use toSeq probably
16:43:02FromGitter<alehander42> oh I forgot they're both iterators, nvm
16:45:17Yardanicoofc it would be cool if there was something in stdlib to allow iterator chaining
16:46:01shashlickis it possible to create const objects in macros?
16:48:10Yardanicoshashlick, what do you mean by that?
16:53:41shashlickSo I want to create an object at compile time that can be used at runtime
16:53:47shashlickCustom object
16:54:57FromGitter<alehander42> hm, do we have some kind of tuple destructuring for for loops?
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16:59:45miransomething like `for (a, b) in seqOfTuples: ...`? that would be nice!
17:06:51miranfrom nim tutorial: "Tuples can be unpacked during variable assignment (and only then!). " :(
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17:21:43FromGitter<alehander42> I guess it might be ambigious with `pairs`
17:21:55FromGitter<alehander42> but still in the first case you have `()` with pairs you don't
17:23:15FromGitter<alehander42> hm, actually I can override
17:23:19FromGitter<alehander42> ```code paste, see link``` [https://gitter.im/nim-lang/Nim?at=5ab92c87e4ff28713a770f50]
17:23:27FromGitter<alehander42> and this way I'll get this behavior
17:23:43FromGitter<alehander42> ```for a, b in @[(2, "z")]: ⏎ echo a ⏎ echo b ⏎ ⏎ ``` [https://gitter.im/nim-lang/Nim?at=5ab92c9fe3d0b1ff2c6d256f]
17:24:05FromGitter<alehander42> but it contradicts with default ⏎ ⏎ 0, (2, "z") ⏎ ⏎ vs ... [https://gitter.im/nim-lang/Nim?at=5ab92cb5f3f6d24c68ba349e]
17:24:25FromGitter<alehander42> so it might be still surprising for a reader
17:31:05miranyeah, that would be surprising
17:33:09miranIMO, it would be ok if tuple unpacking worked if you provide parentheses - `for a, b in seq` gives `index, element` while `for (a, b) in seq` upacks the tuple. then we can have `for i, (a, b) in seq` for index + unpacking
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17:50:13Araqthat idea has come up before and I think it'll be yet another gotcha for beginners
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17:55:19miranAraq: we already have `(a, b)` for tuple unpacking inside of `let`. making it available with the same syntax in for-loops would/should not confuse anybody
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18:20:11FromGitter<data-man> https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/issues/7402#issuecomment-376242818 ⏎ Is it just for me not working? :)
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18:28:30Yardanicoworks for me
18:28:35Yardanicowhere did you put that config?
18:37:04FromGitter<data-man> ```@if debug: ⏎ nimcache="./debug" ⏎ @else: ⏎ nimcache="./release" ⏎ @end``` ⏎ ⏎ For any .nim file, the release folder is created [https://gitter.im/nim-lang/Nim?at=5ab93dd02b9dfdbc3a24c342]
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18:40:31FromGitter<Varriount> Araq: Python has tuple unpacking in `for` loops.
18:55:34miranvarriount: but it doesn't have `for index, element in seq` unless you explicitly use `enumerate` - i guess that's why there might be confusion in nim if it is "enumeration" or tuple unpacking
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18:56:00miranbut if we stick to parentheses as mandatory for tuple unpacking, i don't see a problem
18:56:10miranand it would be a very nice addition to the language
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19:12:15FromGitter<Varriount> miran: `for index, (element_one, element_two) in enumerate(zip(list_a, list_b))`
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19:13:53miranyeah, this is unpacking a tuple and then unpacking the second element of that tuple, which is also tuple :)
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19:34:19kinkinkijkinso what is the diff between all of the different multi-item container types?
19:34:26kinkinkijkinseq, set, tuple etc.
19:34:48kinkinkijkinarray I know is immutable
19:35:01kinkinkijkinbut what is the difference between that and an openArray for example?
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19:35:30kinkinkijkinidk how to google this
19:35:52mirankinkinkijkin: openArrays are used only as arguments in procs
19:36:15mirantuples are heterogenous containers (can contain various types of data)
19:36:17dom96openarray can be thought of as a generic type
19:36:45miransets are containers of unique values (you cannot have two identical items inside of a set)
19:37:36miranread from here downwards: https://nim-lang.org/docs/tut1.html#advanced-types-sets
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19:38:36mrwonkoWhat's the proper way to register a signal handler? Do I need to use the posix module?
19:38:52kinkinkijkinooooh set seems useful for some of the stuff I do
19:39:25kinkinkijkinwhat is the equivalent of a mutable array? as in, not a set of references like a list, but still mutable?
19:39:35kinkinkijkindoes such exist in nim?
19:39:56dom96arrays aren't immutable
19:40:10dom96arrays have a constant size
19:40:46kinkinkijkinwell that's what I meant by mutable sorry, my terminology is a little confused since I haven't talked to people much about programming until lately
19:41:03dom96mrwonko: seems there is a template for this in the posix module: https://nim-lang.org/docs/posix.html#onSignal.t,varargs%5Bcint%5D,untyped
19:41:07kinkinkijkinan array equivalent with inconstant size
19:42:35kinkinkijkinso does nim have an equivalent to a list as well?
19:43:14kinkinkijkinis seq a reference variable or a value variable?
19:43:28kinkinkijkinor can it be both?
19:44:00kinkinkijkinI'm coming from c# for reference, where lists are exclusively references
19:44:33dom96always a reference
19:45:16kinkinkijkinso is there something like a seq which isn't a reference? or would I have to find an implementation/implement that myself to use it?
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19:49:18kinkinkijkinsorry, I want to rewrite an application I made in c# in nim but I had to go really far out my way to be able to avoid using a complex multibuffering system and I'd like to be able to simply avoid it this time
19:49:38FromGitter<Vindaar> @mrwonko: In addition to what dom96 already said, you may also want to look at how `setControlCHook` from the system module is implemented here: https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/blob/devel/lib/system/excpt.nim#L485
19:50:14mrwonkoIn particular I'm working with an asynchttpserver, it looks like that may already have signal handling in serve()
19:54:52mrwonkohmm no, it's actually waitFor that's turning the signal into an exception
19:55:39dom96kinkinkijkin: Huh, I've never needed to use a seq that wasn't a reference, why is that a problem?
19:55:50dom96mrwonko: What signal are you trying to handle?
19:55:58mrwonkoINT & TERM
19:56:24mrwonkoin particular I'd like to know how to finish outstanding requests on TERM before shutting down
19:56:28dom96async doesn't mess with those
19:56:45dom96Nim is turning them into exceptions somewhere
19:56:51mrwonkoI get a ValueError of "No handles or timers registered in dispatcher."
19:57:11mrwonkowhen I Ctrl+C my server
19:57:27kinkinkijkinI was using lists to build arbitrary-length buffers the entire length of the current audio channel in a mixer inside of an MML compiler
19:57:51kinkinkijkinwhen I sent the channel to the mixer, the previous channel disappeared
19:58:27kinkinkijkinthe way I fixed it was arrays of length decided directly after parsing the input MML file
19:58:50kinkinkijkinwhich ended with a random tail after the render
19:59:08kinkinkijkinwell, "random", it depended on how many non-music commands were in the file
20:00:15kinkinkijkinof course, afair, nim arrays are set length at compile time right?
20:00:22kinkinkijkinso I can't do that
20:00:33mrwonkoMML = Music Macro Language?
20:00:39dom96yeah, I'm still not clear why lists aren't good enough
20:01:17shashlickanswering my question from before: https://pastebin.com/TRctb7kn
20:01:19dom96do you just want a seq that's on the stack?
20:01:20kinkinkijkinto keep the lists from emptying, I'd have to copy the data inside of them somewhere else and make a new list referencing that data
20:01:39kinkinkijkinI guess?
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20:02:02kinkinkijkinidk, I'm not entirely up on how memory works except for the parts that have disadvantaged me not knowing previously
20:03:01dom96It would help if you could explain the problem in more generic terms, I'm really not familiar with audio processing :)
20:03:25mrwonkois this an accurate example of the kind of file you're trying to process? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Music_Macro_Language#Example
20:03:52kinkinkijkinno, mrwonko, that's classic MML, nobody really uses it anymore
20:04:03kinkinkijkinI'm using a pseudoMML based on modern MML
20:04:35kinkinkijkinhttps://github.com/kinkinkijkin/kPMML/blob/master/examples/referenceexample4.txt this is an example
20:04:38mrwonkobut the general idea is the same - it's a "programming language" for describing music patterns built from small "music literals" (the "strings" in that example)
20:05:27mrwonkomy general approach would be parsing that into a tree first, then interpreting the tree
20:06:30mrwonkoI'm not entirely clear at which part you're having trouble with lists/arrays/sequences
20:06:47mrwonkoare you trying to store the result of "running" these music programs?
20:06:50kinkinkijkindom96, the flow I was doing was I was sending arbitrary-length buffers of data to be processed together and only together, and I was sending them all before processing, and every time I sent a new one the previous one disappeared
20:07:13kinkinkijkinyes the result of running
20:07:52mrwonkoand there I suppose you calculate the next couple of notes and then send them off to be played, before calculating more?
20:08:28kinkinkijkinno, I calculate all of the notes for one channel, then send it to the mixer (which just adds the data together at each position)
20:08:36kinkinkijkinthen send the next channel
20:08:58kinkinkijkinI was sending all of the channels before mixdown
20:09:05mrwonkoI see. And you're having trouble with accidentally clearing previously sent results when you send/calculate the next one?
20:09:14kinkinkijkinyes, I was
20:09:41kinkinkijkinbut in c# I was able to use arrays sized at runtime to get around this
20:09:47kinkinkijkinin nim I can't do this
20:09:55kinkinkijkinI think
20:10:45mrwonkoyou should be able to use a seq for the result of a channel and create a new one for each channel
20:11:14mrwonkomaybe you're accidentally re-using a single seq and overwriting it? it might help to see some of the code where you're handling a single channel
20:11:20kinkinkijkinbut I need to create seqs for an arbitrary number of channels
20:11:50mrwonkoso have a seq of seqs
20:12:05kinkinkijkinhence I was intentionally using the same list in my original, nonworking implementation, but
20:12:08kinkinkijkinthat works yes
20:12:26kinkinkijkinyou can't do that in c# but I didn't think about that again after dismissing it when I was using c#
20:13:49mrwonkoI guess you can't nest variable-sized arrays in C#, but you could probably use a List of List.
20:14:04kinkinkijkinthere is an issue with possible memory expansion with that though, but I think if I cared enough about memory expansion I'd figure out a working method to integrate the mixer into the generation loop
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20:14:35kinkinkijkinwhich might actually also be faster...
20:14:53kinkinkijkinactually talking about this I just figured out a really simple way to do that...
20:14:55mrwonkoif you care about memory use, you could consider generators for each channel and then generate only a couple of notes on demand
20:15:14mrwonkonot sure how to best build generators in Nim, I think closure iterators might work?
20:16:12kinkinkijkinthe way I was doing it in c# was just going through the channels with one generator
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20:16:53kinkinkijkinwhich is slightly slow, unless you use c#'s for loop multithreading
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20:17:25kinkinkijkinbut even then only speeds up like 1.5x on my 4-core cpu
20:17:35kinkinkijkinand breaks my filter implementation
20:17:43mrwonkobut yeah, the simplest way to get something up and running is probably a seq of seqs, even if that's not super efficient in terms of memory
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20:22:24kinkinkijkinthese are good conversations, in here
20:22:32kinkinkijkinbest language-specific programming channel I've been in so far
20:23:19mrwonkoMaybe it's because Nim is not super widely used yet, so most people in here are probably enthusiasts?
20:23:32kinkinkijkinyeah maybe
20:23:54kinkinkijkinbut it really helps that the language devs are active in here and aren't dicks
20:24:21Araqthanks :-)
20:24:28miran:D :D :D
20:25:10AraqI'm trying my best :-)
20:25:23mrwonkoI love people who try not to be dicks!
20:25:54kinkinkijkinwhere would I go to submit a feature request though? a container type that isn't referrential and is arbitrarily-expansible or sizeable on runtime would be useful for some projects
20:26:06kinkinkijkinand I have no idea how to implement that, personally
20:26:25Araqour bug tracker is full of feature requests
20:26:30kinkinkijkinsounds hard, and c# has it but only for strings and it's buggy as hell
20:26:34mrwonkohow would that work though? if it's arbitrarily-expansible it's have to go on the heap?
20:26:44mrwonko*it'll have
20:26:56dom96you can allocate stack memory dynamically too
20:27:08dom96but I'm still sceptical about its usefulness, sorry :)
20:27:59Araqit's prone to stack overflows. and the stack is something we have the least amount of control over
20:28:01kinkinkijkinyeah, it sounds like more of a headache to implement than the amount of headache it would reduce
20:28:15mrwonkoyeah, but as far as I can imagine only if all (re-)allocation happens inside the function that defines the variable-sized array, and it couldn't be returned
20:28:49mrwonkothere's no way of nesting them, you can only have a compile-time-constant number of them
20:29:01mrwonkoso that couldn't work for a two-dimensional variable-sized array
20:29:04Araqmaybe try a pool of seqs to save allocations
20:29:30mrwonkoyou could flatten your arrays, put it all in one seq and have a second one containing the start offsets into the first
20:30:14mrwonkobut I still think generating/streaming chunks of results on demand is probably better than computing everything up-front
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20:30:45mrwonkoyou're essentially writing an interpreter for a programming language that outputs to an arbitrary number of streams, so I'd look into ways to handle streams and how to write compilers
20:31:07kinkinkijkincompute-first type things tend to be far faster in audio
20:31:48mrwonkohmm, I have no idea really
20:32:00kinkinkijkinthe issue is because of the heaviness of the generator, sending out as computing can cause corruption on slow computers
20:32:28mrwonkoyou'd buffer chunks and stream, say, a couple of seconds every time
20:32:34kinkinkijkinand all of my software is aimed to be able to run on a 2001 laptop if needed, because I write for the demoscene and a lot of people are sticklers about updating their modern hardware
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20:32:50mrwonkothat explains the file format. cool.
20:33:05*miran quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)
20:33:10kinkinkijkinI already have issues with generating at realtime on my extremely modern computer
20:33:13kinkinkijkinas in 2011
20:33:35kinkinkijkinanyways I have to be right back
20:33:43mrwonkoand I have to leave
20:33:59dom96oooh, I love demoscene
20:34:51mrwonkoI still think it'd make sense to have some kind of pipelining solution where one thread generates chunks of audio for all channels and sends them to the player if you have limited memory
20:35:22mrwonkoyou either need to wait for load times on startup and have enough memory or dedicate some computational power at runtime
20:36:33mrwonkoif the total amount of memory is low enough and binary size is not an issue (which it might be, this being the demo scene and all...) and you know what files you need to play when you build (it's a demo, after all) it'd actually be cool to pre-compute the whole thing at compile time, which Nim is a great choice for, and store it as a constant...
20:37:10mrwonkothe "How I Start" guide actually does something similar for Brainfuck, which admittedly is a much simpler language: http://howistart.org/posts/nim/1/index.html
20:39:09mrwonkobut I guess the whole point is probably to use MML as a kind of extreme compression to save on binary size, otherwise you might as well include a .wav
20:39:44mrwonkoin that case you might consider pre-parsing the text file into a more efficient binary representation at compile-time though?
20:40:08mrwonkoI need to write a demo some day, it'd be the best way to try my hands at some graphics programming. I just don't want to worry about keeping binaries small :D
20:40:49dom96Hrm, indeed, I thought about getting into graphics programming that way as well.
20:41:33dom96On a side note, I'm so glad I created Nimble and the Nim community have adopted it as the official Nim package manager: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=16679760
20:41:53mrwonkohaha, I get to write Go at work
20:42:42mrwonkoI actually found Nim because I looked for a language that also compiles to a static binary, maybe with GC, and uses async/await instead of Goroutines
20:43:03dom96You poor soul.
20:43:20Araqwe need to do something about Nimble's enforced package structure warning
20:43:29Araqevery package I install triggers it.
20:43:35AraqI understand why it's there.
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20:43:55Araqbut maybe default unknown directories to 'ignore me' ?
20:44:08mrwonkoYeah, coming from C++ I'm not particularly fond of Go's forced "simplicity", but I've learned to accept it
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20:44:17dom96Araq: Did you submit bug reports on those package's repos?
20:44:28Araqno, lol.
20:44:30mrwonkothe lack of Generics particularly annoyed me, so I was happy to see Nim has Generics, Templates _and_ Macros :D
20:44:32dom96It'd be nice if you could give me a list of these packages now
20:44:38dom96and if you did it would be pretty easy for you to do so ;)
20:44:55dom96mrwonko: Well, I was joking, I'm sure Go isn't /that/ bad :)
20:44:56Araq nimble install asyncmysql
20:44:59kinkinkijkinthe program does not play audio, it makes a .wav or .mp3 containing it
20:45:24mrwonkothere's a reason Go has a large community, it's a great language for bad C programmers, which I suppose is why Google built it
20:45:56AraqGoogle employs more C++ programmer though.
20:46:06AraqC is a niche language at Google.
20:46:10mrwonkoGood C++ is way harder to write than C :D
20:46:15*miran_ quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)
20:46:40Araqthe jury is still out on that one. :P
20:46:44dom96Araq: Okay, good example.
20:46:45kinkinkijkinexcept if you're working with strings or large data management of any sort
20:46:54mrwonkoOh, I see, kinkinkijkin. In that case neither memory nor execution time are quite that importan, I suppose
20:46:54dom96Araq: So what should Nimble do here?
20:47:30mrwonkohmm okay, let me rephrase that: there are way more ways to write bad C++ than bad C
20:47:32Araqdo what it suggests. treat it like skipDirs = @["test]
20:47:43FromGitter<Varriount> mrwonko: What do you dislike about Go?
20:47:47dom96if srcDir == "": installDirs = @[pkgName]; installFiles = @[pkgName.addFileExt("nim")] ?
20:48:13Araqnot sure this snippet captures what I mean.
20:48:22kinkinkijkinmemory is important as the c# version currently uses up to 100mb for a 7-channel 1-minute file (!) and some of my user targets are running 512mb laptops
20:48:32Araqthink about it this way:
20:48:33dom96Araq: So it should skip 'test' by default?
20:48:38kinkinkijkinand the format is made for one-hour battles, where tool time is of the essence
20:48:41dom96What other directories should it magically skip?
20:48:53kinkinkijkinwhich is why I'm dropping c#
20:49:02Araqall directories it warns about.
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20:49:35Araqthink about it this way: the nimble user who is unaware of the directory rules
20:49:47Araqwill read this warning and blindly edit his .nimble file
20:50:10Araqso Nimble could do that.
20:50:28mrwonkoVarriount: Primarily that I need to make a tradeoff between type safety and abstraction (I dislike passing raw interface{} around, I really miss templates/generics), but also how often you're forced to spawn Goroutines when working with channels (just look at the Context implementation)
20:50:49dom96Araq: There are more cases where this won't work
20:51:14FromGitter<Varriount> Isn't the whole point of channels to use them with Goroutines? Under what conditions would you not use a channel with a Goroutine?
20:52:02dom96Araq: It really isn't the package manager's job to guess
20:52:07FromGitter<Varriount> Or rather, what other uses do channels have?
20:52:34Araqdom96, it doesn't guess, it ignores dirs that don't adhere to the rules
20:52:39mrwonkoVarriount: Generally channels are for communication between Goroutines, yes. But say you have one channel and now you want to listen to everything in it in two locations. You now need a new Goroutine that takes everything from the first channel and writes it to two others.
20:53:12dom96Araq: I'll consider it, but I'd rather go with my approach
20:53:32dom96which will fix this package
20:53:34kinkinkijkinmrwonko sounds like the kind of runaround youd expect from java
20:53:45dom96There are packages which aren't just a simple skipDir
20:53:53Araqyour approach does not work IMO. nobody bothers with these warnings.
20:53:55dom96they need restructuring, I hope you know that.
20:54:13mrwonkokinkinkijkin: I see. In that case you'll definitely need some kind of streaming in chunks to limit memory use at the cost of some CPU overhead.
20:54:25Araqif 95% of all people use your tool wrong, it's time to fix the tool.
20:55:58Araqand yes I understand why Nimble emits these warnings
20:56:29dom96Like I said, I will fix this case
20:56:35dom96But there are others which I can't
20:56:49dom96It would require moving the .nim files into different directories
20:56:49mrwonkokinkinkijkin: I still have this vague feeling that async/await might help, but the futures there can only be completed once so it doesn't quite fit. One could probably write an asynchronous channel implementation for Nim though, and make it very easy to use thanks to the powerful Macro support
20:56:49Araqpeople will notice if 'nimble install myownpackage' doesn't work or lacks files
20:57:03dom96and modifying the 'import' lines in the .nim files
20:57:18Araqor maybe do this instead:
20:58:01mrwonkoThe stackless async/await proposal for C++ would actually support that, you can await something repeatedly in it.
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20:58:10Araqdo a test 'nimble install package && nimble test package' ... ugh
20:58:29Araqnimble can't run the package tests after installation :-)
20:58:45mrwonkoIn fact I was considering writing channels/"goroutines" on top of it in C++ to try it out at some point, but never quite got around to it... I have a partial proof of concept in Haskell so I could wrap my head around it and never got any further
20:58:46Araqor can it?
20:59:11mrwonkohmm I forgot how chaotic IRC gets when you have multiple simultaneous conversations :D
20:59:15kinkinkijkinI've lost which conversation you're pinging me about, mrwonko
20:59:26mrwonkostill the MML converter, kinkinkijkin
20:59:34mrwonkobut I'm going off on tangents
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20:59:50dom96Araq: https://github.com/nim-lang/nimble/issues/469
20:59:58kinkinkijkinhow does await help with memory/work time exactly?
21:00:28mrwonkoawait facilitates writing lazy generators, which save memory
21:00:36Araqdom96, another problem is that the warning has the wrong receiver.
21:00:51AraqI am not responsible for the package(s) I install.
21:00:57mrwonkoclosure iterators can probably do something similar in Nim
21:01:18kinkinkijkinI'm not quite sure we're talking about the same kind of generator
21:01:26mrwonkoI'm using it in the Python sense
21:01:43dom96Araq: There is no way distinguish that
21:01:47mrwonkoand/or coroutine sense, maybe?
21:02:01kinkinkijkinin audio a generator is just a function that creates the audio output of a channel or group of channels given the input
21:02:03dom96Araq: These warnings don't show up when your package's dependency is installed (I'm pretty sure)
21:02:20kinkinkijkinin audio software it's really just jargon for "generation function"
21:02:32dom96Araq: Also, the warning is a good indication to you that the package is broken.
21:02:36mrwonkoI see. In programming a generator is something that generates any kind of output lazily as you request stuff from it.
21:02:39kinkinkijkinit only has separatem eaning on hardware
21:02:47mrwonkoa lazy sequence, basically
21:02:51kinkinkijkinI see
21:03:38kinkinkijkinthat's what it means on audio hardware but in audio software it's often faster to just run a function on a known length
21:03:52Araqdom96, maybe, I'm used to broken Nimble packages though, an invalid package structure is usually the least of my worries
21:04:11kinkinkijkinactually, the great functional superiority in nim over literally any .NET language is a huge reason why I've just dropped c#
21:05:00kinkinkijkinexcept c++.net but I like to forget microsoft did that
21:05:08mrwonkoTalking about lazy sequences: I think Haskell would be a great fit for your problem. Lists are lazily evaluated there, so you can just write your code as if everything was calculated at once, and it will magically do it with very little memory
21:05:25mrwonkoplus it's a wonderful language for writing compilers
21:05:57mrwonkoand what you have is basically a pure function converting an MML file to a waveform
21:06:06kinkinkijkinyeah but I don't like haskell, and my best programming friend shot me in the dark at nim and crystal and I chose nim
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21:06:18kinkinkijkinthere's an alternate reality where I chose crystal probably
21:06:55kinkinkijkinI've also used nim for a bunch of system tools on my laptop and it's been amazing for that
21:07:38kinkinkijkinusually I'd use bash or C for system tools but it's just so much better than both for someone who doesn't want to have to know POSIX in and out and wants a fast tool
21:08:05kinkinkijkinas a bonus, all of my nim tools technically will run on windows, too
21:08:12mrwonkoAre you familiar with C++? I don't recommend you switch to it, but the Ranges proposal would probably allow for an efficient implementation of this and could be reproduced in Nim. Admittedly I haven't looked at it too closely.
21:08:30mrwonkobut again, these are all just different ways of representing lazy sequences
21:08:31kinkinkijkinI'm a little bit familiar with c++
21:08:44kinkinkijkinI just write it like I write C, though, just with the extra conveniences of c++
21:09:13mrwonkoIn the end, all you need is a function that returns the next note for a channel when called
21:09:48mrwonkoeverything else is just different ways of implementing that which differ in complexity
21:10:40kinkinkijkinokay, lemme walk you through how bad my current implementation is so you can get an idea for where I was in my programming skill when I originally wrote this thing
21:11:03mrwonkoOkay, but bear in mind that it's 11PM in Germany and I need to sleep at some point :D
21:11:43Araqmrwonko, huch ein Deutscher?
21:11:54kinkinkijkinthe parser returns a list of strings containing a token and token information
21:11:55*vlad1777d quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)
21:11:57kinkinkijkina list of lists
21:12:05mrwonkoIn der Tat, Araq
21:12:09kinkinkijkinthe first list contains one item, a string saying a number as in the number of channels
21:12:32kinkinkijkinthe tokens are things like "envSet" instead of actually shortened tokens
21:13:16kinkinkijkinthe generator loop iterates over each item in each sublist and generates audio one tick at a time, then pushes it into the channel's list
21:13:40kinkinkijkinit figures out what to do with a 17-part-long if-else if structure
21:13:53kinkinkijkinwith the most common thing, notes, being at the end
21:14:09mrwonkoHmm I wonder if there are any compiler generators for nim similar to Boost.Spirit...
21:14:46kinkinkijkinall of this was done with .Contains instead of .StartsWith
21:14:51kinkinkijkinfor checking tokens
21:14:59kinkinkijkinwhich is orders of magnitude slower in c#
21:15:51kinkinkijkinon top of this, it did all of this then iterated through all the channels again (but the output data this time) with the mixer
21:15:57kinkinkijkinthe output data is a list of arrays
21:16:04mrwonkoSo Araq is German, too. Cool. Now I feel even more compelled to contribute to Nim.
21:16:30mrwonkoWhich is weird, nationality shouldn't factor into that
21:17:01kinkinkijkinmakes me wonder if there are any french on the nim team, since I am québecois (living in ontario) and wish I were in france
21:20:10dom96I wonder if we should worry about "partial code upgrades" in regards to package management. I.e. the ability for a single package to depend on two different versions of the same package.
21:20:21mrwonkookay, looks like 4 years ago there weren't yet any parser generators for Nim: https://forum.nim-lang.org/t/356 Maybe I could write the first one?
21:20:39dom96Araq: ^
21:21:01dom96mrwonko: PMunch is working on one IIRC
21:25:19Araqdom96, nah
21:25:43dom96Araq: Please read the discussion here, it's interesting: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=16679760
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21:26:40FromGitter<alehander42> @mrwonko I am thinking about a simple parser dsl for a project of mine too : https://github.com/alehander42/area42/blob/master/lispy.grammar , but my parsers would be simpler and probably slower, parsing is not an important part of the project
21:30:12FromGitter<alehander42> @PMunch is working on some more serious parsing usecases and libs, he has a parser combinator library, you might be able to cooperate
21:30:26*krux02 joined #nim
21:31:44FromGitter<alehander42> he also has some binary parser generator libs etc
21:33:17mrwonkointeresting, alehander42, I'll have to check out PMunch's work, I'm envisioning something very close to boost.Spirit except with a hopefully much simpler implementation thanks to Macros (which I've yet to try, this would be a great project for that)
21:34:16kinkinkijkinI really like the ability to give compiler instructions in nim, it seems gimmicky from the outside but genuinely has a lot of use cases
21:37:34mrwonkookay, I like this PMunch fella, he also had the idea of building a zero-overhead abstraction for cross-platform native GUIs, except he did it in Nim while I was thinking about maybe starting to do it in C++ one day: https://github.com/PMunch/genui
21:38:56kinkinkijkinso the nim compiler emits C, correct?
21:39:20mrwonkoC or C++ or Objective-C or JS
21:39:29kinkinkijkinI see
21:39:33krux02but by default it's C, yes
21:39:39kinkinkijkinwhat standard of C does it emit when emitting C?
21:39:49mrwonkoAh, I think I found the parser combinator you were talking about: https://github.com/PMunch/combparser
21:40:07krux02kinkinkijkin: it depends
21:40:42krux02it just creates C code, and there are some branches in the code generation where nim checks the backend C compiler and generats specific instructions for that
21:40:51kinkinkijkinah I see
21:41:04mrwonkoanyway, it's getting way to late, if you have anything else for me just tag me and gitter should send me a notification. See you later and happy hacking!
21:41:18kinkinkijkinso, theoretically, could it be made to emit C99 for BCC?
21:41:40dom96It emits C99
21:42:12krux02dom96: it is not strict c99
21:42:19*jaco60 quit (Quit: My MacBook has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…)
21:42:51krux02I think the calling convention declarations for windows are not standard C
21:43:12kinkinkijkinoh wait, BCC only does K&R C lol
21:43:18kinkinkijkinso no making nim applications for DOS then
21:43:32kinkinkijkinunless there's a newer DOS C compiler
21:44:36krux02kinkinkijkin: I heared a conference talk where someone did modern c++ and compiled it to commodore 64
21:47:24krux02kinkinkijkin: I think you can understand that DOS is not an important target for the Nim community, but there should be nothing in your way to just create BCC target in the nim compiler on your own branch and whenever you actually get a problem you can create the correnponding braches in the code
21:47:52kinkinkijkinthe issue is I don't know K&R C lol
21:48:02kinkinkijkinwell, the first issue
21:48:08kinkinkijkinthen the second issue is I don't actually care much
21:48:17krux02well yea why do you want to program for DOS in the first place?
21:48:29kinkinkijkinI've been doing some testing for a PC emulator
21:49:05kinkinkijkinwould like to write my tools in something I can write like english or french, instead of C, but it's fine
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21:50:58krux02honestly I think at some time in the future it will be possible to do that. But a very fast computer and AI would be required to solve the ambiguety in the language
21:51:33kinkinkijkinI can write nim very easily
21:51:37kinkinkijkinis what I mean
21:51:43kinkinkijkinwhile I have some issues with C
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21:52:02krux02well C is not too bad if you adopt a good style
21:52:22kinkinkijkinI haven't properly learned C so I don't think that'll happen soon
21:52:54kinkinkijkinI've mostly just transferred what I knew from java, c#, python, turing, and lua to it
21:53:17kinkinkijkinnotice how all of them are JIT or interpreter languages that I knew beforehand
21:53:29kinkinkijkinso not very much good code gets written by myself
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21:56:37dom96Couldn't resist: https://forum.nim-lang.org/t/3689
21:57:57dom96PMunch: oh no, seems somebody beat you to it: https://github.com/oswjk/protobuf-nim
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22:14:11FromGitter<mratsim> @kinkinkijkin, when you ask for non-referential dynamically size, did you mean something with value semantics (i.e. copy on assignment) or did you really meant something resizable on the stack?
22:14:41FromGitter<mratsim> by default Nim seq have value semantics, if you want reference semantics you need to wrap them in an object and add the pragma {.shallow.}
22:15:08kinkinkijkinoooooh that's what I meant
22:15:16kinkinkijkinokay no issues :ok_hand:
22:16:21FromGitter<mratsim> For a while I thought C sharp had value semantics resizeable array even though it’s a super mess in C and C++ xD
22:18:06FromGitter<mratsim> @pMunch, seems like you were too slow :P https://forum.nim-lang.org/t/3687
22:18:33FromGitter<Varriount> @mratsim Or you can use the shallow() proc
22:19:18FromGitter<mratsim> oh right, I always forgot about this one. I prefer to encode bahaviours in types :)
22:19:27FromGitter<Varriount> So do I.
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22:27:23FromGitter<zetashift> If I want my TokenType type to be a simple string, how do I do that again? Using `distinct`? I can't find it in the tutorial but I could swear I read it somewhere
22:27:49FromGitter<Varriount> @zetashift Do you want it to be implicitly convertible to a string?
22:27:53AraqNim targets C89 fwiw
22:28:07FromGitter<zetashift> @Varriount yeah
22:28:23FromGitter<Varriount> Then just do `type TokenType = string`
22:28:51FromGitter<zetashift> Sweet thanks!
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22:41:58*yglukhov quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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22:46:51Araqdom96, doesn't convince me.
22:47:03Araqinstead let's finally have lockfiles :P
23:25:10*find0x90 joined #nim
23:51:49*noonien quit (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)