<< 26-04-2019 >>

00:11:57*[rg] quit (Remote host closed the connection)
00:48:38FromGitter<kayabaNerve> About the recent _7 hack to support files with the same name: Why wasn't a non-ascii symbol used? Then the CC hint could've replaces said non-ascii symbol with / and the output wouldn't be as... ugly? obfuscated?
00:53:25FromGitter<kayabaNerve> *non--ascii meaning non-ascii alphanumeric
00:53:48FromGitter<kayabaNerve> Currently, a lot of files with are mangled in the hint. With the new setup, only files with a specific non-alphanumeric character would be (which is highly unlikely). I guess the only concern would be an unicode false positive, yet said non-alphanumeric ascii symbol could be an unviewable unicode symbol as well.
00:55:50*banc quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)
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01:11:17FromGitter<kaushalmodi> +1 for a better way instead of that _7 hack
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01:13:32FromGitter<kaushalmodi> Also internally whatever Nim may use to uniquify the package names, at least when echoing, I think that it should print the sane paths without those substitutions
01:16:55*seni quit (Remote host closed the connection)
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01:31:12FromGitter<arnetheduck> how rust does it - interestingly, they allow different versions of the same package by mangling in the version as well, in case transitive dependencies require it: https://stephencoakley.com/2019/04/24/how-rust-solved-dependency-hell
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05:49:29Zevvthat is a pretty way to do it
05:55:07disruptekit was you, arnetheduck, that deprecated my programResult, wasn't it? for nlvm purposes?
05:56:01disrupteki know it was you, arne. you broke my heart. you broke my heart.
05:56:15disruptekand now you've broken my tests!
05:57:47*krux02 joined #nim
05:57:58leorizeI wonder how was `programResult` implemented
05:59:07*leorize quit (Remote host closed the connection)
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06:03:18shashlicktravis failing randomly again, some more time contributed to nothing
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06:42:17FromGitter<jrfondren> it would've just been a variable that something checked on exit. you could recreate it quick with system.addQuitProc ... that's LIFO though, so get it in early.
06:42:33FromGitter<jrfondren> then quit(MyProgramResult)
06:46:12*PMunch joined #nim
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07:18:24narimiranhttps://github.com/niofis/raybench got some attention on HN (https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=19750507), and nim is doing quite well - anybody wants to see if it could be improved further?
07:19:05leorize[m]jrfondren: wouldn't that generate an infinite loop?
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07:24:57FromGitter<alehander42> @krux02 sorry but this discussion (about ref) doesn't make a lot of sense: I agree that your alternatives are often the better solution but they are also often impossible
07:27:31FromGitter<alehander42> I'd also love if I could use algebraic types/well separated collections for everything but this just doesn't work in many situations
07:29:29FromGitter<alehander42> So if one can't remove completely the concept of ref (which would be a very bad idea), one should strive to make them safer even if value objects are *usually* recommended
07:36:25krux02alehander42, the point is, no you don't need to use ``ref``
07:36:30FromGitter<bluenote10> @krux02 Regarding unbounded polymorphism, since it is getting off-topic... Let's imagine Facebook would have written React where the `Component` type has bounded polymorphism. Totally silly, users could not implement new components... Abstract interfaces mainly make sense with unbounded polymorphism. Also, I'm mainly targeting JS these days so the entire cost and DDD performance arguments don't even apply. Please
07:36:30FromGitter... broaden your view a little bit.
07:38:37krux02bluenote10: ok, when you target JS, then you can set everything as ref without additional costs
07:39:27krux02but you are not writing ``React``
07:43:21FromGitter<alehander42> Krux
07:43:36FromGitter<alehander42> People write extensible systems in native nim too
07:44:01FromGitter<alehander42> I also think you are looking through the lens of very specific types of projects
07:44:08FromGitter<bluenote10> @krux02 Actually I'm tinkering with a component library... And I just wanted to give you an example that shows the need for unbounded polymorphism. But most examples of abstract interfaces will do, if you don't want to violate the open-closed principle...
07:45:39PMunchHmm, nimble still does that thing where you answer no to an overwrite of a dependency and it will stop the entire install..
07:47:11FromGitter<alehander42> And also people can analyze their costs and decide whether ref based types make sense for certain situations, you don't have the make their choice for them
07:47:53FromGitter<mratsim> @narimiran I probably can improve significantly the bench with SIMD and OpenMP though I'm not a vector graphics expert.
07:50:35krux02bluenote10: unbounded polymorphism is something you need, when you expose the polymorphism to a public API. But as long as the API is internal, there is no need for open polymorphism.
07:51:05krux02and there are other ways to have generic public API, other than inheritance.
07:51:33FromGitter<mratsim> cough *interface* cough
07:51:36FromGitter<alehander42> But it's not your decision to make
07:51:50FromGitter<alehander42> Cough no vtables yet
07:52:08FromGitter<alehander42> Vtref'
07:52:18krux02cough *function pointers* cough
07:52:48*Vladar joined #nim
07:52:50FromGitter<mratsim> Well, the documentation is ready :P
07:52:55FromGitter<mratsim> regarding vtref
07:53:02FromGitter<alehander42> Well it's a ref
07:53:11FromGitter<alehander42> ;(
07:53:20FromGitter<alehander42> Krux
07:53:39FromGitter<alehander42> So let's not use ref so we can use.. Another kind of pointers
07:53:45FromGitter<alehander42> Give me a break
07:53:59FromGitter<mratsim> Araq, get out of alexander's body
07:55:20krux02I am still waiting for the example where a ref is required.
07:55:34krux02for unbounded polymorphism.
07:55:43FromGitter<alehander42> But the problem is that a function pointer is still a pointer
07:55:52FromGitter<alehander42> Why do you prefer it compared to ref
07:56:33FromGitter<alehander42> It's basically "ok refs are bad sometimes let's not use ref for anything ever again and tell people they can do everything without ref"
07:56:50krux02I don't prefer function pointer over ref, I prefer function pointer over inheritance with polymorphism, because it is a simpler concept.
07:57:27FromGitter<alehander42> Me too often, but nim has support for inheritance so we have to deal with it
07:57:31FromGitter<mratsim> btw where did the discussion start, I don't see the beginning in IRC/Gitter
07:58:33FromGitter<alehander42> And overally this is subjective so the way you write nim code shouldn't affect too much the safety of the language for other people
07:58:41krux02I only use inheritance as the ultimate last resort, if nothing else works, and the conditions really require it. But as I said, that never happened.
07:59:02FromGitter<alehander42> Ok this is your choice
07:59:24FromGitter<alehander42> Again this doesn't matter
07:59:27FromGitter<alehander42> People use it
07:59:31narimiran@mratsim here is the start: https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/issues/6638
07:59:34FromGitter<alehander42> It's there
08:00:59krux02alehander42: I think your are wrong, Nim is a language that enables good practices, it is not a language that enforces good design. If people want to use bad design (inheritance) they they can do it.
08:02:09FromGitter<mratsim> I'm still waiting on the alternative for methods :/
08:02:10krux02when people come from Java, and all they know are ref types, and they want the exact same thing in Nim, they can have it. But then they should not complain that it has the exact same disadvantages as null has in Java
08:02:59krux02mratsim: there are many alternatives to methods
08:03:04krux02one is ``proc``
08:03:19FromGitter<mratsim> doesn't work for runtime dispatch
08:03:49krux02mratsim: there are many alternatives.
08:03:54FromGitter<alehander42> I am sorry for my ruder emotional stance :D should get a coffee
08:04:15krux02use a different collection for each type (no runtime dispatch necessary) or use a case object
08:04:30krux02I already have a tea.
08:04:35FromGitter<mratsim> case object does not allow for user extension
08:04:38krux02This discussion really comes up again and again.
08:05:09krux02I think it needs to be settled at some point.
08:05:15krux02But I understand where you are coming from
08:05:17FromGitter<mratsim> I can't use a different collection as well. I have tensors, user need to be able to apply a series of operation on the tensors, those operations are chosen at runtime and user extensible
08:05:50krux02I used to do inheritance in the past as well, I was there. But I learned to not use it anymore because of it's problems. And Nim really is a great language to not use inheritance anymore.
08:06:09krux02Go btw is also a good language where you don't need inheritance anymore.
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08:06:36FromGitter<alehander42> Krux02 again there are many cases when ref is usable as well not only inheritance
08:06:46krux02mratsim: but tensors have a dimension and a datatype, that is pretty much closed polymorphism.
08:06:47FromGitter<alehander42> Ref is just 'pointer' but traced
08:06:57FromGitter<alehander42> You need pointers to do stuff
08:06:58FromGitter<mratsim> I managed to avoid methods completely with callbacks but I still need inheritance for heterogeneous collection
08:07:01krux02I don't think you have a tensor of horses
08:07:11FromGitter<alehander42> You can't do useful stuff without pointers
08:07:20FromGitter<mratsim> tensor are the base type, it's the collection of operations that is heterogeneous
08:07:44FromGitter<mratsim> some are binary, some unary, some variadic
08:07:45krux02Araq: hih
08:07:56Araqwhat am I supposed to say?
08:08:04FromGitter<alehander42> And the fact that refs shouldn't be always used doesn't mean that they should be as unsafe as possible
08:08:16FromGitter<mratsim> Anyway, regarding not nil, I think we are drifting into the Ada Spark discussion
08:08:38FromGitter<mratsim> Provides the capability to enforce certain property and sane default for each level of safety people want
08:09:03FromGitter<alehander42> It's literally 'oh you're using refs well sorry not going to even try to check this dereference just to make you realise this isn't java'
08:09:19FromGitter<mratsim> Something like this: https://forum.nim-lang.org/t/4704#29405
08:10:28FromGitter<alehander42> And go uses references everywhere @krux02 inheritance is a moot point
08:10:45FromGitter<mratsim> Go design choice was to dumb down everything
08:12:21Araqref and polymorphism is essential but waiting for a replacement that easier to verify
08:13:08Araqand so far nobody really knows what this "replacement" ought to be
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08:14:24FromGitter<alehander42> I guess the refs with mutliple owners are the biggest issue
08:14:32FromGitter<mratsim> Is it scheduled before or after 1.0?
08:14:54krux02alehander42: what do you mean with "sorry not going to even try to check this dereference just to make you realise this isn't java"
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08:15:12Araqone could try a "column store" for the "extensible widget set" problem, nobody really gave it a serious try
08:15:53FromGitter<alehander42> "when people come from Java, and all they know are ref types, and they want the exact same thing in Nim, they can have it. But then they should not complain that it has the exact same disadvantages as null has in Java" they don't have to have the same disadvantages
08:16:42Araqwell not-nil is complex. Usually my refs are "nilable" because I don't use 'ref' everywhere like I have to in Java
08:18:28FromGitter<alehander42> I think notnil should just inform the local function flow analysis that this type is always safe for deref and to somehow affect initial
08:18:36FromGitter<alehander42> Inaction
08:18:47FromGitter<alehander42> Ops' initialisation
08:19:02krux02alehander: I still don't get it. ``ref`` in nim behaves very much like the null pointer in Java, the only difference is that you can make ``nil`` a value value with semantic in it.
08:19:11FromGitter<alehander42> Krux
08:19:30Araqkrux02, that's a pretty important difference
08:19:34krux02for example in ropes.nim the nil pointer represents the empty rope
08:19:58FromGitter<alehander42> But what I am saying is this doesn't mean it can't be checked in a better way
08:23:08FromGitter<alehander42> And checking ref is important even for the vast majority of existing nim code: my nilcheck branch found possible segfaults even in the compiler/library
08:23:25FromGitter<alehander42> (can't remember exactly)
08:25:05Araqyeah well. in the meantime we got a better control flow graph
08:25:14Araqso checking this should become easier
08:26:04FromGitter<alehander42> Agreed
08:27:27Araqif only we knew what to check for :P
08:27:54Araqin o.f the 'o' must be provably not-nil?
08:28:38PMunchHmm, I'm trying to get the playground back up and running. But it just keeps crashing with a message "out of memory" when I try to run it..
08:28:58PMunchOr rather when I try to POST a compilation job to it
08:29:27PMunchGrepping through the .nimble directory only shows the nim binaries as including that message..
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08:29:39FromGitter<mratsim> OOM in RAM or disk space?
08:29:46FromGitter<alehander42> Araq well I'd say so
08:29:56PMunchmratsim, it appears to have both..
08:30:25AraqI think that the Java-esce stability that people enjoy so much, the one that only a "real" GC can deliver :P
08:30:43FromGitter<alehander42> Making the user assert / if sometimes isn't too bad
08:31:06Araqdo we have any numbers about this "sometimes"?
08:31:47FromGitter<alehander42> Well I only tested parts of compiler and my own code and most cases seemed like actual possible bugs
08:32:07FromGitter<alehander42> I didn't find many unnecessary checks needed
08:32:39FromGitter<alehander42> But that's anecdotal
08:32:42FromGitter<alehander42> I know
08:33:15AraqI'm looking at ccgstmts.nim
08:33:28Araqit's full of it
08:33:52PMunchHmm, it appears like it's the access to an object created with createShared that breaks it..
08:34:29Araqif we do 'BProc = ref T not nil' and also add it to lots of other places
08:34:39Araqthen it becomes bearable
08:35:28AraqPMunch, compile with --gc:boehm
08:35:37FromGitter<alehander42> Add what to lots of places
08:36:24PMunchhttps://github.com/PMunch/nim-playground/blob/master/src/nim_playground.nim#L131 that's what's causing it
08:37:05PMunchAraq, could not load: libgc.so.1
08:37:15FromGitter<alehander42> Well if bprocs are usually created in one place it makes sense to not nil them by default
08:37:39AraqI mean adding 'not nil' to tons of places
08:37:57FromGitter<alehander42> The check is useful for things which are often nil
08:37:58AraqPMunch, well this code seems to be wrong
08:38:11Araqyou cannot use createShared with the builtin threadlocal strings
08:38:36FromGitter<alehander42> One might have not nil as default hypothetically
08:39:01FromGitter<alehander42> But then init sites should be checked I am not sure how this is done now
08:41:07PMunchAraq, hmm
08:41:16PMunchCould you, at any point?
08:41:27PMunchI mean the playground has been running for a while..
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08:51:46AraqPMunch, it never was valid code
08:52:17PMunchAha, maybe that why it was a bit unstable :P
08:53:05PMunchOkay, so making it work properly then. What are my options for sharing a string (read only, if that matters) across threads? Nim's multithreading is still a bit unfamiliar to me..
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08:58:51leorize[m]Araq: The example in https://nim-lang.github.io/Nim/manual.html#modules works when A is the compiled module but not when B is compiled, is that a bug?
08:59:46FromGitter<mratsim> @PMunch, channel or raw pointer
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09:08:20FromGitter<mratsim> I think this is high-priority @Araq: https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/issues/11118
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09:26:52Araqleorize[m], no.
09:26:53Araqimport A # A is not parsed here! Only the already known symbols
09:26:53Araq # of A are imported.
09:27:06Araq^ clearly this example assumes A is compiled first
09:27:16*xet7 quit (Remote host closed the connection)
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09:28:09AraqPMunch, does this thing need --threads:on ?
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09:29:10PMunchIt compiles the Nim code in a separate thread
09:29:18PMunchSo it can do multiple ones
09:34:58*fredrik92 is now known as couven92
09:36:17couven92shashlick, Yeah, it looks like we always are out of sync :P did you get nimble to work on android or should I look into it again? It's been a while, but I can revisit my efforts if you need me to :)
09:36:49couven92but yes, ssl is a pretty common issue with programs in general it seems (regardless of architecture)
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10:15:45FromGitter<gogolxdong> ```code paste, see link``` ⏎ ⏎ This nimscript will perform twice when detecting file change. [https://gitter.im/nim-lang/Nim?at=5cc2da515b3f941aa5950eab]
10:16:39FromGitter<gogolxdong> where to fix.
10:19:50leorize[m]#1: write Nimscript and not a bash wrapper :p
10:20:39leorize#2: inotify is too good at detecting changes
10:20:52leorizeit will notify even before everything was written to disk IIRC
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10:50:00federico3leorize: gogolxdong: you can use http://entrproject.org/ instead
10:51:09federico3inotify often triggers multiple times on file write - I had to implement workarounds in https://github.com/FedericoCeratto/nim-testrunner
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11:10:29FromGitter<gogolxdong> good tool, `ls *.nim | entr nim cpp -r index.nim ` doesn't repsonse.
11:13:47FromGitter<gogolxdong> file changed , doesn't trigger command.
11:15:29federico3I've never seen entr fail to detect a file change
11:20:44FromGitter<gogolxdong> try my type for your arbitrary file change.
11:21:45FromGitter<gogolxdong> Due to using linux subsystem in Windows?
11:26:03FromGitter<gogolxdong> Can testrunner execute nimscript as well ?
11:28:00federico3gogolxdong: I'm updating it to allow arbitrary commands
11:28:33FromGitter<gogolxdong> great
11:46:01FromGitter<arnetheduck> > it was you, arnetheduck, that deprecated my programResult, wasn't it? for nlvm purposes? ⏎ ⏎ for not leaving mutable non-optional global cruft around even when it's not used.. of standalone os:s, it doesn't make sense anyway.
11:46:53FromGitter<arnetheduck> > it would've just been a variable that something checked on exit. you could recreate it quick with system.addQuitProc ... that's LIFO though, so get it in early. ⏎ ⏎ not allowed to call quit from addQuitProc.. not sure it's documented in nim, but the underlying c functions it uses don't work this way..
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12:07:37bluenote10@krux02 It would be interesting if you could demonstrate e.g. a web component API without using refs. I tried to approach it from the data driven design perspective, but it felt totally messy. I'm not a fan of inheritance myself, but I concluded that it's currently still the best that Nim offers for extensible APIs. I
12:08:05FromGitter<mratsim> btw there is a limit of 30 functions in addQuitProc, what's the rationale behind this number? What are other languages using
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12:14:11FromGitter<arnetheduck> addQuitProc calls `c` `atexit` which has limitations: `POSIX.1 requires that an implementation allow at least ATEXIT_MAX (32) such functions to be registered. The actual limit supported by an implementation can be obtained using sysconf(3).`
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12:14:48PMunchAnyone knows what this might be? http://ix.io/1Hg2/
12:17:52narimiranPMunch: from my quick-test, it happens only if you echo it :/
12:18:03krux02bluenote10: Well I don't do webprogramming at all. But I do know that javascript is a language that requires to use ref for everything and every javascript API out there has to deal with ref types and their disadvantages.
12:18:18krux02So I am sorry here, I might have a skewed perspective.
12:20:20PMunchHmm, strange..
12:20:33PMunchnarimiran, I can echo the length of the string, but not the string itself..
12:21:05PMunchOh wait -_-
12:21:07PMunchI'm an idiot
12:21:20PMunchThe paste that it downloads happened to be a Nim error message :P
12:22:13narimiranthis must be the best thing i've seen in quite some time
12:22:39narimiransave that for the next year's april's fools :D
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12:52:28PMunchHaha, it really confused me for a while
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13:00:39leorize[m]Araq: can you give ormin a license? with the current state I don't think it's legal to make a fork out of it
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13:01:54FromGitter<mratsim> Publishing the code on Github makes it legal to fork it for your personal use but you cannot distribute it ;)
13:02:04PMunchOkay, now I have the playground back-end up and running. And I replaced the gist support with ix.io
13:02:08FromGitter<mratsim> (it's in Github terms of service)
13:02:13PMunchNow just to get the front end working
13:02:58PMunchI did a rewrite of it though with a better code editor and support for a guide field so we could create something like the go tour
13:03:04PMunchSo I think I'll just use that instead
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13:18:34Araqleorize[m], uh, ok, one sec
13:23:34FromDiscord_<hotdog> Why are there empty "nimpcre" folders generated where I run the nim compiler?
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13:27:34Araqmy nim compiler doesn't do that
13:27:49FromGitter<Varriount> hotdog: What commands are you running?
13:29:10*PMunch quit (Remote host closed the connection)
13:30:01shashlick@hotdog - that's a bug with nimpcre
13:30:04shashlicklet me push a fix
13:30:14FromDiscord_<hotdog> Ah, thanks!
13:30:27FromDiscord_<hotdog> I'm not sure what causes it, but the folders keep randomly appearing
13:30:35Araqleorize[m], done
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13:33:49shashlickshould be fixed now
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13:34:27shashlickcan you try updating
13:35:58Araqshashlick, Nimble!
13:36:06Araqis your PR merged?
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13:44:31shashlick@dom96 had quite a bit of feedback, i just pushed most of the changes yesterday
13:44:57shashlicki hope it gets merged now since changes take a while to test and this PR needs good testing while devel is still devel
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13:52:43FromDiscord_<hotdog> @shashlick I think that fixed it, thanks!
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14:22:29dom96arnetheduck: this article that you've posted (https://stephencoakley.com/2019/04/24/how-rust-solved-dependency-hell) is great
14:23:10Zevvis that something to consider for nimble as well?
14:23:27FromGitter<arnetheduck> thank @mratsim, I'm just passing it on
14:23:31dom96Araq: Since you've been convinced that falling back on .nimble files for the module paths isn't good enough, how about we properly fix this with the Rust solution in mind?
14:23:56dom96I would LOVE to be able to compile with two different versions of the same package
14:25:47dom96What I wonder is how Cargo passes information about which module depends on which package to the Rust compiler
14:26:20dom96The naive solution would be to just list it all explicitly, but I wonder how hard it would to get the Nim compiler to grok that
14:26:26dom96*it would be
14:28:05AraqI'm out of the loop. don't ask me. all I need is a maintained 'nawabs'
14:28:39Zevvit would be great to be able to import a specific version as a consumer
14:28:45AraqI don't care about semver or multiple versions of the same lib
14:29:07FromGitter<arnetheduck> from the description, nawabs == git submodules?
14:29:33Araqarnetheduck: I don't use git submodules, so maybe.
14:29:33dom96Araq: please read that article
14:30:15Araqin practice if stuff fails to compile it's easier for me to fix the code instead of fucking around with versions
14:30:20Zevv"Rust's solution involves a fair number of moving parts, but it essentially boils down to challenging a core assumption that we have made up until this point:
14:30:23Zevv Only one version of any given package should exist in the final application.
14:31:29Araqand just fyi: I used Elm which enforces semver. This whole idea that packaging is easier for programmers than programming is terrible.
14:31:55FromGitter<arnetheduck> unfortunately, "Araq just fucking fix the code" doesn't scale
14:32:25Araqthat's what you always say. nothing ever scales. except Rust, I know.
14:32:51Araqthere is scaling up and there is scaling down. Most of this stuff doesn't scale down.
14:34:59Araqby design, versioning doesn't "scale". you have deps A, B, C of 2 different versions. that's 2^3 combinations, have fun "scaling" that.
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14:39:20Araqnot to mention that dependency resolution easily is NP complete. Which is kinda the math definition of "doesn't scale".
14:39:23FromGitter<arnetheduck> versioning is about asynchronous communication between library authors and users, not about picking out a specific piece of code. for the latter there are hashes, in git, submodules and in Araq's computer, nawabs
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14:42:29FromGitter<arnetheduck> the pm solves a different problem than nawabs - if you don't have that problem, you don't need a pm.
14:43:27FromGitter<arnetheduck> shouldn't this compile? ⏎ ⏎ ```code paste, see link``` [https://gitter.im/nim-lang/Nim?at=5cc3190f8446a6023e7e1b81]
14:43:43FromGitter<arnetheduck> ```test.nim(5, 9) Error: identifier expected, but got '('```
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14:47:14leorizearnetheduck: put the `proc() = discard` in parenthesis
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14:47:35leorizethen you'll see errors messages saying that `a` is somehow a closure :p
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14:56:57Araqdom96, I read it and the solution seems to be worse than "error out", multiple versions of the same lib is code bloat
14:58:45dom96Yes, the article lists it as one of the disadvantages. Nonetheless it would be a good option if you really just want shit to work
14:58:57FromGitter<arnetheduck> why is it code bloat? it's different code with different behavior and evidently both are needed in order to avoid extensive rewrites
15:00:07leorizeis there any reason why one'd want multiple version of the same lib?
15:00:13FromGitter<arnetheduck> they just happen to have similar human-assign names
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15:02:20FromGitter<kaushalmodi> leorize: someone might need older version of a package because they are on older Nim, maybe?
15:02:38FromGitter<kaushalmodi> .. because the newer version of the package is using supercool new features from the new Nim version :)
15:03:13FromGitter<kaushalmodi> (I know that the package author can do `when compiles ..`, etc. to wrap the breaking code.)
15:03:38FromGitter<kaushalmodi> but still allowing multiple versions of the package reduces that extra noise in the package code
15:03:39Zevvleorize: look at domss link, the pictures tell it all
15:03:45leorizedoesn't nimble already support that?
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15:04:32Zevvyour project requires lib A and B, but A depends on C-0.3 and B depends on C-0.4
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15:05:04Zevvyou can't resolve that when only one version of C is allowed
15:07:29leorizethe Gentoo solution is you install the latest version of C then force everyone to use that :p
15:07:59ZevvI had so much fun with some python dependency today :(
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15:14:23Zevvsemver has nothing todo with this, right?
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15:15:49Araqwatch it
15:15:58Zevvwatching it
15:16:08AraqI rarely completely agree with Rich, but this time he nailed it.
15:16:54dom96Can you give a TL;DR for those that can't watch video right now?
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15:17:04Zevv"its a social thing"
15:21:05Zevvaraq: up to what point is the video relevant here?
15:21:17Zevvwhat time, I mean
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15:23:34FromGitter<jrfondren> months old . releases old . issue count at last release
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15:27:17FromGitter<arnetheduck> yeah, seen it and I agree with him too - "repro builds are valuable and semver doesn't deliver them"
15:29:43FromGitter<arnetheduck> so basically, if some dev tested lib A with version 1 of X, and I tested my app with version 2 of X, and I use both of A and X, I should have two versions of X in my app
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15:33:53leorize[m]sounds like a mess
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15:42:50shashlick@dom96 any chance of reviewing the nimble PR today? Really need some community level testing on that one
15:43:05shashlickNot sure what's the target date for 0.20
15:44:11FromGitter<jrfondren> it's funny hearing this from Richey, especially at the "your Unix code from 1970s still works", when he added lazy semantics by default at version "the pragprog book was already draft status to all chapters" and broke all my code.
15:44:43FromGitter<jrfondren> but the Elm guy also makes excellent presentations about community and his community scares me.
15:44:51dom96arnetheduck: Araq: and that's why we've got both semver + lock files
15:45:38dom96shashlick: I'll try but can't promise anything, will be busy this evening
15:52:13Araqdom96, "semver itself isn't versionized because versions don't work", there is no semver 3.0
15:52:48dom96huh? Semver is versioned?
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15:54:25Araqmore importantly, he says "don't break code, it doesn't matter much if you hide the break behind a version number"
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15:58:10dom96yeah, because everyone loves to maintain more and more deprecated code
15:58:39FromGitter<arnetheduck> again, the point of semver is communication.. it's about managing expectations for upgrades: "things should keep working" -> patch, "you have shiny new features avaiable" -> minor, "you're guaranteed to have work to do" -> major.. it's not meant to do repro builds.
15:59:15Araqsemver doesn't communicate anything really.
15:59:44Araq"major number changes, stuff is broken. maybe" well "maybe" also your bugfix can break my code
16:00:13Araqhappens for the Nim compiler all the time. We fix a Nim bug, we break somebody's code.
16:00:56disruptek_i'm gonna just keep my mouth shut on this discussion. :-P
16:01:00FromGitter<arnetheduck> of course, but that's where trust comes in - it's the social glue that makes communities "work"..
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16:01:32Araqbtw https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/blob/0550766699a6602a51e361e8cb2825b540b7cce8/src/librustc_codegen_utils/symbol_names.rs#L598 is buggy, @ is mapped to $SP$ but $SP$ is mapped to itself
16:01:35FromGitter<arnetheduck> you can argue that you should never trust anybody, but imagine what life would be like then.. you wouldn't be able to drive a car or walk on the street
16:01:57disruptekokay, we're not talking about walking on the street. we're talking about shipping code that works.
16:02:10*disruptek covers his mouth in shame.
16:02:18Araqisn't that *your* position all day long in #nim ? everything is crap and broken and you can't trust Nim's stdlib
16:03:01leorizedisruptek: he was refering to arnetheduck from what I understand
16:03:13FromGitter<arnetheduck> well, I prefer to trust the compiler when I can, but I can't always :) trust is easier when it can't be broken..
16:03:27disruptekit's not broken if it doesn't change.
16:03:39leorizeif it can't be broken then trust doesn't make any sense :P
16:03:41FromGitter<jrfondren> the joke is, "I feel safe walking on the street because I figure the drivers probably aren't programmers."
16:04:18FromGitter<arnetheduck> presumably it was broken or inadequate somehow, since someone wanted to affect change
16:04:22disruptekthat's a very monochromatic view of trust that i don't think is funny at all.
16:10:01FromGitter<arnetheduck> "works" is hardly binary - does the nim compiler "work"? well, it compiles some correct nim programmes, so arguably yes, it works. it also miscompiles some programs, so no, it doesn't. it also incorrectly compiles some programs it shouldn't - does that make up for the ones it miscompiled? :)
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16:18:21disruptek"works" is based upon your perspective. exceptions "work" according to most people here, but not to me.
16:18:51disruptekif i "fix" exceptions, the compiler is not going to "work" for most of you.
16:19:21leorizethere are plans to change exceptions iirc
16:19:25disruptekbut, we can all agree that we can compose programs which, for our purposes, "work", using the same version of the compiler.
16:19:38disruptekso, the compiler "works" for some shared perspective.
16:21:04FromGitter<jrfondren> so, version numbers. semver doesn't tell you how good software is, or how mature it is. The only intent is to suggest what you should expect from a version change. That's better than nothing. That bug fixes cause breaks elsewhere is also something I'd expect to eventually stop happening with Nim.
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16:21:33disruptekhow do you figure?
16:21:39FromGitter<jrfondren> big enough tests :)
16:22:16Zevvwether you use semantic versioning, hashes or timestamps - I guess the root idea dom96 brought up was wether or not it is a good idea to allow multiple versions of the same lib to be pulled into a program
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16:22:29disrupteki'm not sure that is theoretically possible, let alone possible to complete before the heat death of this universe.
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16:23:05disruptekmultiple versions is good, imo. what's the downside?
16:23:21ZevvI guess the details can be messy, but from the users perspetive I think it's a Good Thing.
16:23:30leorizejrfondren: a lot of bug fixes don't have any test attached :p
16:23:49FromGitter<jrfondren> the downside with multiple versions is when the chimera breaks down in one of the multiply-versioned libraries and you have to dig into it.
16:23:57Zevvdisruptek: There should be magic under the hood doing mangling and the like to allow this to work
16:24:02Zevvjrfondren: chimera?
16:24:08disruptekmagic is what we do best.
16:24:09FromGitter<jrfondren> the application.
16:24:26leorizewith how Nim currently show stacktrace
16:24:29leorizeouch :p
16:25:18FromGitter<jrfondren> or "spend a lot of time fixing a bug that's already fixed upstream and you didn't notice because your tools were so good they gave you the old version of the library to work with"
16:25:28disrupteki've been thinking that maybe what we want is to actually preserve the way exceptions work, but have them chain with references to the underlying exception. best of both worlds, maybe.
16:25:46FromGitter<jrfondren> dependency hell sucks but we're not talking about Perl or Python where you go through it every single time a process starts.
16:26:07leorizedisruptek: have you read the RFC for improving exceptions?
16:26:12disruptekthose tools of which you speak don't sound that great to me.
16:26:15Zevvjrfondren: I guess that if you import a module in your own code, you simply get the latest version by default. But if one of your dependencies pulls in a specific version, you won't be using that directly
16:26:19disruptekleorize: no, where is it located?
16:26:40leorizedisruptek: https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/issues/8363
16:26:47disruptekthanks for the complete link. ;-)
16:28:27leorizeimagine when your prog with multiple version of the library crashes:
16:28:38leorizefile.nim(100) brokenFunc
16:29:08leorizegood luck finding the culprit :p
16:29:46FromGitter<arnetheduck> semver is "developer X claims this is a version of the software that's more useful, and compares this particular way to the last version in terms of what changed". you, as a consumer of code a can use that information as you like: not at all (nawabs/submodules), manually (pita) or through a good package manager. in healthy communities it works - developers mostly trust each other and semver is useful - the package
16:29:46FromGitter... manager promotes good practices by locking down what comes out of the semver resolution and the language promotes safe defaults so that most code is good.. if people start abusing it, it breaks down..
16:29:52Zevvloerize: is there a technical reason why the stack frames could not include versions or paths?
16:30:38leorizeI think not, it's just how they're implemented atm
16:31:11FromGitter<arnetheduck> the insurance business works the same way - as long as people don't abuse it, premiums are low, and it's efficient to not to waste time on fraud - the cost of investigating the fraud is higher than the gains from catching cheats
16:31:42Araqleorize, there is --excessiveStackTrace:on for the full paths
16:32:27AraqZevv, even if we assume that it is a superb thing to have, it would be even more complex logic in Nimble to get right
16:32:41FromGitter<jrfondren> anyway, I'm not saying "troubleshooting difficulties mean you can't have multiple versions", I'm just answering the question. Troubleshooting difficulties is the downside of multiple versions.
16:33:08Zevvsure, but complex logic in one place might be better then a lot of complex logic in a lot of applications
16:33:25disruptekright, and it's logic that everyone can vet and rely upon.
16:34:01FromGitter<jrfondren> and you'd need some way for libraries to opt-out. "No, I really hate other versions of myself. You'd better not mix us." due to FFI exports or such.
16:34:18leorizelinux packagers have "hacked" around this problem by forcing newer versions and so far they work well enough :p
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16:34:45Zevvleorize: It really doesn't. It works as long as you stay within your os's package manger ecosystem
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16:34:51AraqLinux package management is a one reason why I stopped using Linux
16:34:58disruptekif exceptions boil down to C++ try{} in the backend, i don't see how the proposal is any different. it's the nim semantics that are problematic.
16:35:28krux02Araq: Windows package management is the reason I stopped using windows.
16:35:35krux02(one of them)
16:36:13disrupteki've been using gentoo for, i dunno, 15 years or something. i don't have any problems with it, and it works fine alongside other package managers.
16:36:55ZevvI've been using debian for 20 years, and I run into problems *so* often, as soon as I try to build or run something that is not packaged by my OS.
16:37:22leorizedisruptek: the C++ try{} part is just an implementation detail
16:37:45leorizethat proposal changed the semantic of how exceptions will work IIUC
16:37:49disrupteki even ran gentoo on osx. definitely some hairy bits from time to time, but never the fault of the package manager.
16:38:47Araqdozens of nerds working for free to keep the package ecosystem "working" is not my definition of "it works"
16:38:49leorizeofc you can run Nix OS and have that FP-like package management
16:38:50FromGitter<jrfondren> those hairy bits you're talking about are probably what people mean when they complain about the package manager. even if the fault is "some package did things wrong", the experience is that the user ran an update and things broke.
16:39:25FromGitter<jrfondren> anyway, linux package management in practice is worlds better than CPAN type stuff.
16:39:51ZevvAnd it just doesn't work. For some libraries you can install multiple versions of the run times at the same time, but you can always only install one single version of the -dev package.
16:40:13disruptekthe hairy bits were down to my decision to use code that had never been tested, perhaps even compiled, under darwin.
16:40:22disruptekbut it usually worked fine.
16:41:15disruptekZevv: try gentoo, then.
16:42:00clyybberAraq: I like nawabs approach. It's the most logical to me, but I think the dependencies should be prefixed with _ not my program.
16:42:28clyybberAs _ often indicates hiding something, by convention
16:42:31disruptekafaict, the semantic change of the exception proposal is to make exceptions simple types that don't require allocation. it doesn't change the fact that we cannot specify except clauses correctly.
16:42:50Araqclyybber, I think you misunderstand how the _ works
16:43:07leorizedisruptek: care to elaborate?
16:46:13disruptekleorize: `except Exception as e: raise e` causes the compiler to believe the code throws Exception, when really, such clauses are a tool for the developer to broadly specify handlers. the difference between a handler and a raise is rather significant, in practice.
16:47:21disruptekthe e in that example is typed as Exception in nim. in other languages i've looked at, it's typed as whatever was raised (perhaps a subtype of Exception).
16:47:59krux02Zevv: I personally have bad experience with the package manager in Ubuntu. At some point you get outdated packages, then you have to upgrade your distribution, which for me never worked, every time I needed to reinstall the system. I don't know if core debian is better there. But Arch Linux is really a long lasting installation, even if you happen to get a package that isn't packaged by your distribution, you can simply
16:47:59krux02write a packaging scritp (really really simple) and get anything installed as a package.
16:48:35krux02but sure there are still conflicting packages
16:48:41clyybberkrux02: Yeah, I never had any problem with arch until recently, where systemd made me hang on boot.
16:48:46clyybberBut that seems fixed now.
16:49:06dom96Arch linux is effectively a death by a thousand cuts, an upgrade fixes 1 thing but breaks 10 others
16:49:15dom96and you've learned to live with that 1 broken thing
16:49:18krux02dom96, not really
16:49:23dom96but now you've got 10 more that annoy you
16:49:24clyybberdom96: No, it really isn't
16:49:29clyybberit used to be, maybe
16:49:33leorizedisruptek: it seems to me that the proposal kill the hierarchy altogether
16:49:35clyybberbut it really just works nowadays
16:49:48dom96I bet it depends on your hardware a lot
16:50:03leorizeit depends on whether you use AUR
16:50:04krux02I don't know what it exactly is that makes arch linux much more stable than Ubunti in terms of upgrades, but my experience tells me it is more stable.
16:50:08disruptekleorize: i'm not sure it has to, but the example given surely does.
16:50:13clyybberYeah, but I'm running it on a laptop, which tend to make the most problems
16:50:14leorizeand whether you do a full update
16:51:07FromGitter<mratsim> I don't have an issue with arch except when cgroup and systemd don't agree about the privileges in a container
16:51:23FromGitter<mratsim> it's mostly world update, restart if driver/kernels and go
16:51:50FromGitter<mratsim> Ubuntu is more involved if you want to follow updates every 6 months
16:52:56Calinoumy Fedora installs have been pretty robust so far
16:53:19FromGitter<mratsim> And with Arch I can manage my Python packages with the distro package manager and not pip or conda
16:53:36clyybberAraq: I think so too, how does it work?
16:53:56FromGitter<jrfondren> ahh that's much better. --hints:off should be the default for tests.
16:54:16clyybberAraq: Nevermind I get it.
16:54:27FromGitter<mratsim> My Arch server has been running in a container for 4 years now and only broke once on systemd upgrade that broke secure containers
16:54:30leorizeif you use pip on Arch, hell break loose when python updates
16:54:48clyybberleorzie: yeah, same about npm
16:55:07clyybbersolution is to not install pip or npm stuff globallu
16:55:09FromGitter<mratsim> @leorize, this is how I use Python packages with the arch package manager: https://github.com/mratsim/Arch-Data-Science
16:55:10clyybberbut per user
16:55:19FromGitter<mratsim> and I install them globally
16:55:36leorizeyea, but you have to remember to rebuild them everytime python updates
16:55:57FromGitter<mratsim> I don't want pip managing my packages, you can't even update from Python 3.x to Python 3.y with pip
16:56:00leorizedon't know if they have now included a notifier for that
16:56:20leorizethe thing with Linux is that it assumes the dominance of one package manager
16:56:42leorizeuse any other and you'll just invite trouble
16:57:16Araq> `except Exception as e: raise e` causes the compiler to believe the code throws Exceptio
16:57:26Araqyeah, what else should the compiler assume?
16:57:32FromGitter<mratsim> Linux package managers have often much more work and thought put into them than language package manager though
16:57:38Araqyou raise e of type Exception
16:58:25Araqmratsim: much work, yes, and it's a never ending stream of work. "thought"? not really, it's mostly a workaround for /usr/bin/bullshit
16:59:30leorizemratsim: no, it's rather the opposite
17:00:34Araqin reality this whole setup is so bad that docker got invented and was an instant success.
17:00:39FromGitter<mratsim> A distro lives and die by its package manager, a language less so (C/C++)
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17:01:25leorizeyea, but distro package manager is surprisingly simple in design compared to language package manager
17:02:23FromGitter<jrfondren> the benefit of Linux package managers is the intermediate protective layer of bureaucracy. There's no "the foo dev deleted all his packages out of spite" or "the bar dev upgraded versions and then deleted all prior verisions", or other random stuff that breaks things for a while -- rather than be completely up-to-date, but broken on occasion, I generally would rather be completely not-broken, but out of date on
17:02:23FromGitter... occasion.
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17:02:53leorizedistros doesn't care for the "multiple versions of a lib in program" problem
17:03:24FromGitter<jrfondren> and the faults of language package managers are more pressing because it's generally a scripting language and if the packages are broken you can't even run the script. Not as big of a deal for a deployed Nim server.
17:04:41FromGitter<mratsim> distro package manager care about multiple glibc required or conflicting versions required (of QT for example)
17:06:05disruptekAraq: exception handlers are for handling exceptions. broad handlers exist for the programmer. the compiler should know better. as it is, the compiler DOES know better, but it still punishes the programmer.
17:07:07FromGitter<mratsim> isn't that the role of the compiler? :p
17:07:44FromGitter<mratsim> compiler punishes programmer, programmer punishes users, users punishes .... mmh
17:08:06Araqdisruptek, how does the "compiler know better"?
17:08:36Araqyou mean it should tell you "look, except Exception is dead code"?
17:08:39disruptekit knows the subtype ValueError when it catches the supertype Exception.
17:09:00leorizeit's RTTI...
17:09:19Araqthe compiler doesn't know the runtime type
17:10:35leorizeAraq: since --newruntime will get rid of RTTI, would that affect exceptions badly?
17:10:54disruptekfirst of all, the compiler doesn't catch `except Exception: ... except ValueError:`. i think it should, though that would be a feature, not a fix of a defect. it would fix defects in programmer code.
17:11:03Araqleorize, no.
17:11:23Araqdisruptek, ok, so far, so good. I agree.
17:11:33FromGitter<mratsim> btw, I think we should prevent non-ref object inheritance like how exception is defined: https://nim-lang.org/docs/system.html#Exception, we had another case on the forum.
17:11:50disruptekif i tell the compiler what exceptions can be raised, then i expect it should be able to validate that in try blocks.
17:12:07leorizemratsim: that'd break a lot of lexbase based code tho (pun not intended)
17:12:22disruptekanyone disagree with that?
17:12:54leorizedoesn't it already doing so?
17:13:29disrupteknot correctly.
17:13:49FromGitter<mratsim> You inherit from BaseLexer but is inheritance of base lexer even used?
17:14:27leorizeyea? for the `open()` to initialize `BaseLexer`
17:14:38leorizealso for some helper procs
17:15:03FromGitter<mratsim> beyond the lexbase module
17:15:06disruptekvalidating what exceptions can be raised means that it doesn't decide that because a function raises ValueError and that is caught by an `except Exception as e: raise e`, the current scope raises Exception.
17:15:13FromGitter<mratsim> AFAIK Json use raw BaseLexer for example
17:16:20krux02I reworked lexers recently.
17:16:49krux02there are many usages of BaseLexer in the standard library
17:17:01FromGitter<mratsim> but is the inheritance part of it used?
17:17:28krux02IIRC yes
17:17:46krux02just grep the source code and see where the base lexer is used
17:18:17Araqdisruptek, if you write 'raise e' in your code then it's added to the list of what you can raise
17:18:24Araqwhere is the problem in that?
17:19:15disruptekwhat you can raise shouldn't be a function of what you can catch.
17:19:42disruptek`except Exception` is just a net that i use to catch exceptions. it's not a transmogrifier.
17:20:05disruptekinside my net, i want my exceptions typed exactly as they were thrown. it doesn't work this way, currently.
17:20:29FromGitter<mratsim> It's used in CfgParser, CsvParser, JsonParser, qlParser, XmlParser, SexpParser, but each module redefine the open proc for example. AFAIK BaseLexer can just be a field in the actual JsonParser.
17:20:41disruptekthis specification exists to make the programmer's life easier. it's not based upon any technical required afaik.
17:20:53leorizecan't you just use `except: raise`?
17:21:38disruptekyeah, if i don't want to control what type of exception i handle.
17:21:48Araqit's really not that complicated. you 'raise e' in your proc, the compiler says it belongs to your .raises list
17:22:10disruptekit might not be that complicated, but that doesn't mean you understand it. :-P
17:22:15Araqit makes no sense to claim "I don't raise Exception" when clearly that is what you do.
17:22:23disruptekthat is not what i do.
17:22:38disruptekif i write an exception handler for X and then raise Y, i don't raise X.
17:22:40leorizedisruptek: that's not what you want to do
17:22:58disruptekname another language that works the way nim does.
17:22:59leorizeI think you're proposing something that's fundamentally different from how {.raises.} actually works
17:23:06Araqdisruptek, you don't write an "exception handler". you don't handle it, you re-raise it
17:23:14disruptekthen {.raises.} is no less broken.
17:23:35disrupteki wish to handle it. also i wish to re-raise it.
17:23:37Araqexcept Exception as e: raise e is not a "handler"
17:23:53disruptek`Exception as e: ...; raise e`
17:23:58Araqthe moment you re-raise it is when it becomes important for your callers
17:24:07Araqand so it's part of .raises
17:24:32disruptekjust forget about .raises. we are gonna pretend it doesn't exist for now. it's separate from the problem i'm actually concerned about.
17:25:40FromGitter<mratsim> Just so I understand, if we have`except OverflowError as e: discard; except RangeError as e: raise newException(ValueError, "...")` what are the raises tag? Just ValueError or do we get RangeError and do we get overflowError?
17:25:46disruptekif there is a class of IOError that has several subtypes, and i want to do something in response to any IOError, i currently can only do something in response to all IOErrors -- the same thing. the object i get in my IOError(s!) handler is of type IOError, and i can't determine what it truly was when thrown.
17:26:09leorize@mratsim: you get just ValueError
17:26:11disruptekyou get ValueError.
17:26:31Araqwell maybe you can't but the 'of' operator exists to inspect it further
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17:26:48disrupteki didn't know about that. can you give an example?
17:27:03Araqif e of SuperPreciseIoError: ...
17:27:08FromGitter<mratsim> MyRef of MySubClass
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17:28:39disruptekdid you look at my github issue?
17:28:50disruptekthe code there demonstrates the problem, i think.
17:29:12leorizecan you link to it?
17:29:18Araqthe last time I checked it, it talked about 3 different problems
17:29:22disruptekone exception is raised, but it gets operated upon by three different overloads that take three different types.
17:29:28Araqwhich is why we're having this chat
17:29:52disruptekfiguring out what the problem is has taken me some sleuthing. sorry!
17:31:06disruptekjust look at the second code block; i think it's simpler.
17:31:28disruptekand ignore the {.raises.}
17:31:45Araqthat seems to me about 'method' vs 'proc' for '$'
17:32:36AraqI'm beginning to think that we are not even talking about exceptions but about inheritance, the 'of' operator and 'method' vs 'proc'
17:33:03disruptekyou're right.
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17:35:10disrupteki have no idea how this works, now. o.O
17:35:37leorizeit's just a matter of inheritance :p
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17:42:02disruptekso why is it that logging's `method log(logger: Logger ... {.raises: Exception.} = discard` causes my subtype MyLogger to .raises. Exception when it actually doesn't? just a defect of .raises.?
17:42:52disruptekso why is it that logging's `method log(logger: Logger ... {.raises: Exception.} = discard` causes my `method log(logger: MyLogger)` to .raises. Exception when it actually doesn't? just a defect of .raises.?
17:45:11Araqno, you can override this method and then it would raise
17:47:37disruptekyeah, i had a problem where my override was getting interpreted as raising Exception despite the fact that it doesn't. but maybe i just got confused there, too. everything is on the table, now!
17:47:51disruptekthanks for the help.
17:47:56Araqyou're welcome.
17:48:17Araqand as I said, even assuming it works perfectly it's not a feature I like.
17:48:52Araqit's all based on the wrong ideas. ymmv.
17:48:53disruptekwell, we can still fix the validation of domination handler clauses. but, what exactly don't you like about raises?
17:48:56disruptektoo brittle?
17:49:21Araqit's sophistry. Swift gets along fine by "can raise"/"cant raise"
17:49:55Araqnobody really should care about what it can raise, you can inspect it at runtime (see the 'of' operator) if it really matters
17:50:00disruptekthere's that word again. i don't think it's sophistry as long as it saves you from change. if swift were nim, i wouldn't write nim.
17:50:28disruptekit's about compile-time detection, right?
17:50:59Araqthere is not much to "detect" here. your code does some form of IO, surely it can raise an exception.
17:51:04disruptekif .raises. wasn't broken, i think i could demonstrate some utility there. maybe not enough to add it to the language for everyone.
17:51:26Araq.raises is not broken, it's simply not worth its costs.
17:51:29disruptekno, it's about changes to your code in one place that alters logic in another.
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17:53:36Araqwhat "logic"? library says "I can raise IO" then the lib changes and uses some dict and so it can now also raise e.g. KeyError
17:53:54leorizeI found raises useful when writing C FFI
17:54:08Araqwhat did you do in your server before, you logged the error and continued with a different request
17:54:14disrupteklet's say you change the inheritance of an exception type.
17:54:18Araqwhat do you do now? the very same.
17:54:31Araqnothing really changed, ergo sophistry.
17:54:48Araqpreviously it was "ouch, this subsystem in my code failed"
17:54:49clyybberAraq: So make "can't raise" the default and allow {.raises.} without any specification of what it raises
17:55:04Araqafterwards it's "ouch, this subsystem failed"
17:55:13disruptekthat won't work because by default, everything currently raises.
17:56:20disrupteki don't know how to figure out which part of my code raises without using .raises. if anyone has any ideas, i'm all ears.
17:56:35leorizedisruptek: nim doc
17:56:43clyybberjust annotate everthing with raises: []
17:56:49Araqclyybber, that's worth discussing but whenever I bring it up people are like "omg, we NEED to know the exception types"
17:57:24clyybberAraq: They are free to specify them if they want. But {.raises.} is sugar.
17:57:31clyybbers/is/would be
17:57:32disrupteksure, but i wish i didn't have to go through line-by-line. that's really my gripe; i would like some hints.
17:58:15disruptekif you add .raises: []. then the compiler warns you at the line where the pragma exists, not at any particular line in the scope where an exception may be raised.
17:58:45Araqdisruptek, ok, and that really sucks.
17:58:59Araqbut my topic was "assuming a perfect implementation..."
17:59:00clyybberIMO the underlying raises system is good. With some added syntactic sugar it can be as sophisticated or as simple as you'd like.
17:59:18disruptekAraq: you're right again. :-)
17:59:57disruptekand i agree with that, too. i'm finding it useful. i do still think the system is two legs of a three-legged stool, but i'm much closer to making it work, now.
18:00:10disruptekand, it feels more powerful than the competition. :+1:
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18:01:57clyybberWhy dont we just enforce that we can only catch exceptions of procs which explicitly raise
18:01:59disruptekwhy do we have to use dynamic dispatch in our handlers, anyway?
18:02:20Araqand now we could talk about the default. you claim it should be .raises: []
18:02:33AraqI claim that's what Java did and why it sucks so much
18:02:45disruptekyeah, i was just gonna point out the Java example.
18:03:05Araqfirst of all, whenever i have a callback in my system I really don't know if it can raise or not
18:03:19Araqit depends on the client code. I lose.
18:03:41clyybberWell IMO does not raise should be the default.
18:03:52Araqso then all my callbacks start as "can raise", annotated or not. And then all my code that calls the callback can raise and then all my code can.
18:04:33Araqwhich is simply the reality. you can always add some logging anywhere and this is an IO operation and this can fail.
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18:04:37clyybberAraq: So catch the exception, right?
18:05:05Araqwhat's there to catch though? how can I catch it? I can log it away.
18:05:11Araqwhich is what Java code usually does.
18:05:18clyybberAnd when does not raise is the default, it encourages catching it as early as possible.
18:05:26Araqwhich is why every freaking Java code depends on a logging framework.
18:06:03clyybberIf the programmer doesn't *want* to deal with it, sure he can throw it away.
18:06:12Araqyou cannot "encourage catching it as early as possible" as library code simply doesn't know what to do with it. All you can do is to pass it on to the next layer.
18:06:12disruptekyou make it sound like all you can do in the face of failure is whine about it on the console.
18:06:34disruptekat some point, the buck stops here. that's what we're talking about with handlers.
18:06:38Araqthere is a reason why Go and C code is full of "on error: return error code"
18:06:53clyybberAraq: And thats fine isn't it?
18:06:55Araqit's the only thing you can reasonably do most of the time.
18:06:59disruptekif that's all you're doing, don't even bother.
18:07:20Araqclyybber, fine or not, it means "can raise" is the natural default.
18:07:37leorizeclyybber: look at gtk+
18:07:51leorizeit can fails in a lot of place, even "FATAL" errors
18:08:03leorizebut they can't do anything except logging it out
18:08:28clyybberYeah, but it works right?
18:08:43disruptekcan raise is the natural default because the alternative is so painful. maybe we just want .raises: auto.
18:08:48leorizeit works for awhile then randomly crashes somewhere
18:08:51leorizeyea, it works
18:09:05clyybberAraq: Well, sure for code that deals with user input, such as a library
18:09:38Araqlook I don't even like exception handling but whenever it comes up I feel the need to defend it
18:09:58Araqbecause the suggested alternatives are simply naive
18:10:01leorizetbh C code is full of "trying to push the error up the stack"
18:10:14disrupteki think it's silly to design a language semantic around "most of the time". i don't have exceptions that i cannot handle; if i did, why would i have them?
18:11:16Araqevery design is about "most of the time", otherwise the system shouldn't even try to run your program as it could use too much stack memory or something
18:11:36disruptekwhat's wrong with that?
18:11:49FromGitter<arnetheduck> most of the time, you have no clue what exceptions you have since they tend to leak across abstraction layers.. your db layer raises DbException? hahaha. it also raises fileexception, overflowexception and shitmetnotthecodewaschangedexception. best you can do is catch them all without discrimination, anyway
18:11:53disrupteki write software because i want to use memory, cpu, network, all kinds of hardware.
18:12:12disrupteka computer is just a doorstop if it doesn't have software.
18:12:55disruptekyes, but what do you do once you've caught the exception? i catch exceptions that i can recover from, retry, etc.
18:13:07clyybberarnetheduck: So having not raise as a default would encourage all programmers to catch and handle as early as possible and not have everything leak into the higher layers.
18:13:30disruptekit would be nice to warn users that, hey, this might fail.
18:13:51federico3what's the right way to execute a .nims file and pass params to it?
18:13:58disruptekthen they have to specifically say {.raises: auto.} to indicate that they recognize that possibility.
18:14:04leorizeclyybber: writing C typically includes pushing your errors up the stack because you can't handle it
18:14:16leorizeerrno exists for a reason
18:15:01Araq> best you can do is catch them all without discrimination, anyway
18:15:06leorizefederico3: nim file.nims param1 param2
18:15:13Araqright and that's why it's so important to not make your program bugs "raise"
18:15:26federico3leorize: not working here
18:15:34Araqonce the bugs are out, at least you're dealing with "real" errors
18:16:38disrupteki raise Defect all the time. i just wish the inheritance was better. i know there's an issue for that.
18:17:10leorizedisruptek: in the future, Defect = abort() :P
18:17:17Araqindeed, let's stop right here and make the existing system as good as we can.
18:17:41federico3ah found the bug
18:17:41FromGitter<arnetheduck> clyybber, that's what you get when you force the error stuff to be part of the signature, yes.. whether that is done through a `result` return or a mandatory `raises` is mostly academic, but I tend to think that it's better to let the programmer make an explicit decision *not* to handle errors than the other way around, that they have to make an effort to find and handle the things that can go wrong - those API's
18:17:41FromGitter... are just nicer to work with because they teach me, the consumer, more about the problem and I can use them better..
18:17:45Araqthen I can complain later that it's still the wrong idea in the first place...
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18:18:52federico3https://nim-lang.org/docs/nims.html the doc is incorrect: using "nim e" or the the shebang breaks passing parameters
18:19:12FromGitter<arnetheduck> I'd actually be perfectly happy if exceptions were only used for bugs/defects, and the rest was all explicit
18:20:04disruptekwell, it can be -- just change your return type.
18:20:23Araqfor bugs 'die' is good enough and I hope it teaches people a lesson :P
18:20:35disrupteki agree with that.
18:21:20FromGitter<arnetheduck> but mixing bugs and "normal" control flow errors - say something totally expected, like a "parseerror" of a regex from a user-input string - and then hiding the possibility that it can go wrong from the programmer - doesn't exactly promote quality
18:22:25Araqit depends, I agree that in the stdlib exceptions are over-used
18:22:34disruptekif an exception is normal control flow, i'm not sure you're using them right. we're literally talking about exceptional circumstances.
18:23:11disrupteklike, code below doesn't know WHAT to return.
18:23:15Araqon the other hand, every .async proc can raise an IO exception, what else. There is not a real surprise here
18:23:16FromGitter<arnetheduck> well, what's an exception? that you couldn't open a file? that you couldn't write to it? depends on circumstances.. just like with integer overflow.. it's sometimes a bug and sometimes not
18:23:26disruptekevery .async raises Exception.
18:24:01FromGitter<arnetheduck> well, it's kind of expected that opening a file will fail - the user might not have permission or supply a wrong path - how's that different from the regex?
18:24:20disruptekthe exception is a statement by code that it cannot meet the contract it provides.
18:24:54Araqthe difference is that you can usually continue after a regex "failure" but can't after an open failure
18:25:16disruptekwhy not? it could be that the user mistyped the filename.
18:25:17Araqbut in fact, for 'open' we have 2 variants :P
18:25:19federico3why not?
18:25:20FromGitter<arnetheduck> of course you can continue - you show the file save dialog again etc
18:25:35FromGitter<arnetheduck> it's a matter of context whether you can continue or not
18:25:56FromGitter<arnetheduck> leave the decision up to the user of your api, specially if you're building a standard library that's used *everywhere*
18:26:05federico3very very few errors justify crashing out of a running process
18:27:10disruptekyou might want to report to the user that the file was not found, so it's not enough to merely know that the open() failed -- you'd like to know why, in some symbolism that perhaps is only fully groked by open().
18:27:34disruptekso you let open() tell you of the failure in such a way that you can pass it on to code above you, below you, whatever.
18:28:24federico3there are many more critical application when an error in a component cannot make the whole process stop
18:29:14leorize`proc main() {.raises: [].}` :P
18:32:42dom96ugh, after using Phabricator reviewing PRs on GitHub is so annoying
18:33:12disrupteki hear MS has a pretty great code review system.
18:36:14Araqarnetheduck: usually you "show the file save dialog again" not in the same proc that calls 'open'
18:37:07Araqin fact, this whole "use return values" is hostile to using helper procs and modularity
18:37:22disruptekare you arguing for except: or...? because showing the file save dialog in response to any error at all seems pretty lame.
18:38:23Araqwithout exceptions you're directly punished for creating smaller functions
18:39:07federico3leorize: and?
18:39:23disruptekwith exceptions, we're punished for creating larger functions.
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18:40:41leorizefederico3: get detailed info of exceptions plaguing your program?
18:40:54leorize(assuming perfectly working impl)
18:41:15federico3leorize: yes, that's the point of raises: []
18:41:31disrupteknim: an elegant, expressive, systems language for writing small functions.
18:41:56federico3...assuming that no code crashes out or quits
18:42:39leorizeyou can `import segfaults` and get exceptions on SIGSEGV
18:42:45leorizeno guard for `quit` tho :p
18:43:10FromGitter<arnetheduck> well, we have a statically typed language, so one trick is that you use types creatively to help manage that in a way that's guaranteed by the compiler.. TaintedString becomes String when it's safe etc. it's a matter of how you express yourself in the language once you start taking errors into account or treating them as part of your "normal" control flow
18:43:27dom96leorize: nice trick here is to create a dedicated exception instead of using quit
18:43:30dom96It's what I do in Nimble
18:44:57FromGitter<arnetheduck> this is why these other languages rely so heavily on describing things accurately through their type systems - it helps them keep error handling to a minimum, because your code structurally enforces that errors cannot happen
18:45:35FromGitter<arnetheduck> this is basically the haskell "if it compiles, it's correct" mantra
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18:46:53FromGitter<arnetheduck> of course you have to write your code differently when using `result` vs `exceptions`.. just like when you speak english, you're expected not to use german grammar
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18:48:58Araqare you really telling me Go and Rust "keep error handling to a minimum"?
18:50:48FromGitter<arnetheduck> I'm saying it's not as bad as it sounds, once you start practicing it, but you need to adapt to the environment or it turns ugly.
18:51:34FromGitter<jrfondren> well Go is excluded as soon as you talk about "describing things accurately through their type systems"
18:51:53Araqit's exactly as bad as it sounds, I have seen enough code written in these languages to be able to have an informed opinion
18:54:03disrupteki've written plenty of result, err and try/except and i'd rather have try/except as a language feature than result, err as a default return semantic.
18:55:52Araqand Rust's and_then is not an "elegant monadic solution to error handling", it's a language duplication feature, it reimplements what otherwise Rust ';' would accomplish
18:56:23FromGitter<arnetheduck> lol maybe they should add that to the language, like they have `?` :)
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18:57:46FromGitter<jrfondren> here's a cool thing from other languages: https://ziglang.org/download/0.4.0/release-notes.html#Anonymous-Enum-Literal-Type ⏎ nothing groundbreaking, but it makes it *easy* to avoid booleans in parameters.
18:58:05shashlickHey @dom96 you here?
18:58:11dom96yes, but not for long
18:58:47shashlickOk about the Travis caching
18:59:24shashlickReason I don't want to cache nimble is that the generate repo in one of the tests installs to the global nimble dir
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18:59:46shashlickIf that gets cached then even if that test fails, it might work
18:59:55shashlickWe won't know
19:00:00dom96generate repo?
19:00:17shashlickAs for choosenim, I tried caching and some reaction Travis errors occurred
19:00:21shashlickWill figure that out
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19:00:47Araqarnetheduck: that they added '?' is an admission that what they have really doesn't work well. It also ignores basic human psychology, as usual. if you have too much of something on your screen, you don't pay attention to it
19:01:01shashlickReaction =random
19:01:27dom96shashlick, what might happen is choosenim won't notice that the Nimble bin dir is gone
19:01:33shashlickI was trying to get windows testing enabled last night but Travis is an ass
19:01:43dom96in fact, it definitely won't
19:01:49dom96since the choosenim part is in `install`
19:01:54dom96which AFAIK is skipped when cache is restored
19:01:58Araqso it becomes mechanical ? manipulation, much like I insert ';' when the compiler tells me to insert one. that does NOT improve software quality by making programmers pay attention to error handling.
19:02:06dom96so travis will fail as soon as the cache is used
19:02:11dom96because .nimble/bin doesn't exist
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19:02:32FromGitter<arnetheduck> well, the fact that `if (xxx.is_err()) return xxx.convert_to(blah)` didn't work well doesn't mean `?` doesn't work. they're kind of different, in terms of weight.
19:02:34shashlickWell the init script is run every time
19:02:47shashlickIt doesn't use a cached choosenim
19:03:07dom96Like I said, I'm pretty sure that the commands in the `install` block only get called when cache is cold
19:04:24FromGitter<arnetheduck> and nim could do even better with a block for example: ⏎ ⏎ ``` lift: ⏎ a = b + c ⏎ d.writeToFile()``` ⏎ ⏎ etc.. it would make it possible to write humane API's that help developers discover how they work and at the same time keep a low overhead on dealing with the fallout [https://gitter.im/nim-lang/Nim?at=5cc35637990feb451809a62f]
19:04:34disruptekthat anonymous enum feature in zig is pretty cool.
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19:05:48Araqarnetheduck: maybe, it's hard to say. I can imagine that I simply put all my code inside a 'lift', always
19:05:55shashlick@dom96 it works like this across many repos. And I've had no cache failures - you can check my Travis history
19:06:11Araqbecause the reality is that stuff can fail, it runs on a computer after all.
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19:15:19federico3can I include a nims file by name?
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19:17:37disruptekrich is "afraid, [he's] afraid of other people". this is exactly how i feel. wary of taking on dependencies. is nim going to solve that?
19:20:47FromGitter<jrfondren> sure. "Nim: a language so good that you'll be delighted when someone dumps a bunch of dependencies on you."
19:21:12disrupteksweet. sounds amazing. i can't wait to get started.
19:21:28FromGitter<jrfondren> I haven't minded looking through all the code that I've looked through so far, but I'm sure that Cthulhu can be summoned with any language.
19:22:02FromGitter<jrfondren> (parts of the compiler, 5-years-old ipsumgenera, the moe editor, npeg)
19:23:18FromGitter<jrfondren> oh wait I have an example of ugly code
19:24:10FromGitter<jrfondren> https://gist.github.com/jrfondren/686c11eeea416be0767ac72ac7a6b3eb
19:24:19FromGitter<jrfondren> disruptek, please maintain that for me
19:26:01disrupteklooks like fun.
19:26:21disrupteki know this will surprise exactly noone, but i have another exception issue.
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19:27:34FromGitter<arnetheduck> well, if a language forces programmers to think up-front about stuff, it's harder to write programs, yes, but it's also easier to trust the outcome of what others have written.. as an example, I trust rust programs to have fewer memory issues on average than the corresponding `c` program, and I trust a `nim` program to have fewer silly typos than the corresponding `python` program, because it's statically typed.
19:27:34FromGitter... it's not that python programs can't get the same benefit - a strong unit test suite will take care of those issues - it's that *all* nim code used in the program passes compile eagerly, and therefore is free of a certain class of bugs.
19:32:35disruptekright, and what's hard about programming is not the composition, it's realizing the intent. the more we can tell the system about what our intentions are, and the easier it is to share those intentions with reviewers, the more likely that errors can be identifier by man or machine.
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19:41:07clyybberarnetheduck: So you agree that not raising should be the default?
19:42:09FromGitter<arnetheduck> probably, yes, but it would need a few other modifications of the language to make it practical as well
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20:00:40federico3https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=19750507 benchmarks including Nim
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21:03:47FromGitter<jrfondren> even that ugly code isn't so bad. You don't have to hardcode the struct, you have exceptions, you have defer: ensuring the addrinfo gets freed, you have some protection from the distinct types, and there's no overheada with the types. When doing the same thing in other languages the tension is "use a proper FFI but then have type information duplication that isn't required of C code" vs. "write some higher-level C
21:03:47FromGitter... code to work with the C data structures and then link with that". In the second case when e.g. socket() fails you'd have to smuggle the failure back through the FFI, like "return -1 for socket failure, return -2 for bind failure, etc."
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21:06:53FromGitter<kaushalmodi> ```proc hello() {.exportc.} = ⏎ echo "Hello from Nim!"``` ⏎ ⏎ Above exports the `hello` symbol to the compiled .so if compiling using C, but not using C++ [https://gitter.im/nim-lang/Nim?at=5cc372ecb4700e023dda57be]
21:07:06FromGitter<kaushalmodi> I just did `nim cpp` instead of `nim c` in the compilation command
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21:07:09FromGitter<kaushalmodi> what am I missing?
21:12:24disruptekjrfondren: you have exceptions because you wrote exceptions in nim. you are still smuggling a typed return from C back to nim. you are basically writing C inside your nim and calling that FFI?
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21:13:55FromGitter<jrfondren> yeah. and?
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21:14:52disruptekit doesn't seem fair to either nim or other languages to compare this code as idiomatic to other FFI approaches.
21:15:35FromGitter<jrfondren> I didn't say it was idiomatic. I said it wasn't that bad, despite being ugly. In even has the listed advantages.
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21:16:45disrupteksure. i think we could write non-idiomatic FFI-like code in lotsa languages. :-P
21:17:16FromGitter<jrfondren> You can write "non-idiomatic code" but you can't really write code like this without compiling through the language itself.
21:18:23disruptekit's useful, if that's your point.
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21:23:38FromGitter<jrfondren> @kaushalmodi it's compiled to __Z5hellov on my system, which I assume is the appropriate C++ mangling
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21:26:10FromGitter<kaushalmodi> hmm, but it should retain the identifier as it does for oC
21:26:14FromGitter<kaushalmodi> *for C
21:26:31FromGitter<kaushalmodi> because that's the identifier I call that function with from another language
21:27:12FromGitter<jrfondren> https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/issues/10578
21:28:43FromGitter<jrfondren> yeah this works: ⏎ ⏎ ```code paste, see link``` [https://gitter.im/nim-lang/Nim?at=5cc3780b8790b0307e094772]
21:29:26FromGitter<jrfondren> you're telling Nim not to do Nim mangling with exportc, and then are also telling C++ not to do C++ mangling with the extern "C"
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21:32:30FromGitter<kaushalmodi> let me try that
21:33:26FromGitter<kaushalmodi> @jrfondren This is what I am trying to do: https://scripter.co/hello-world-for-sv-cpp-dpi-c-integration/
21:33:53FromGitter<kaushalmodi> looks like that `codegenDecl` is doing that `extern "C"` wrapping that I do in the header file in that post
21:34:07FromGitter<jrfondren> yep, exactly
21:34:59FromGitter<kaushalmodi> that example works, thanks!
21:36:14FromGitter<kaushalmodi> From that issue: ⏎ ⏎ > however, it breaks nim c compatibity
21:36:35FromGitter<kaushalmodi> I don't want to maintain separated Nim sources for C and Cpp targets
21:37:02FromGitter<kaushalmodi> I'll further read that issue to see if it explains why the above is not the default
21:37:10FromGitter<jrfondren> you can use the example in that thread to only do the extern "C" when compiling to C++
21:37:50FromGitter<kaushalmodi> that's all what I want ..
21:37:59FromGitter<kaushalmodi> are there other types of such wrappings?
21:38:03FromGitter<jrfondren> ```proc hello() {.exportc, codegenDecl: externCDecl.} = ⏎ echo "Hello from Nim!"``` [https://gitter.im/nim-lang/Nim?at=5cc37a3be416b84519e740b5]
21:38:55FromGitter<jrfondren> well that got messed up. but that way, compiling with either cpp or c, you get C-style symbols
21:38:59FromGitter<kaushalmodi> wondering if I can simply `push` the extra pragma when cpp
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21:39:34FromGitter<jrfondren> pushing works for me
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21:41:14FromGitter<kaushalmodi> I'm probably getting the syntax wrong: ⏎ ⏎ ```code paste, see link``` [https://gitter.im/nim-lang/Nim?at=5cc37afa990feb45180ab16c]
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21:42:11FromGitter<kaushalmodi> :facepalm:
21:42:17FromGitter<jrfondren> that works just fine for me. what was the problem?
21:42:23FromGitter<kaushalmodi> should have read that whole thread: https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/issues/10578#issuecomment-461635978
21:42:35FromGitter<kaushalmodi> I get this error: libdpi.nim(2, 22) Error: expression expected, but found ':'
21:43:23FromGitter<jrfondren> you've got an extra : after the push
21:43:37FromGitter<jrfondren> it's {.push codegenDecl: ... .}
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21:44:28FromGitter<kaushalmodi> great! works. thanks again
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21:50:38FromGitter<kaushalmodi> All that boiled down to this: https://github.com/kaushalmodi/nim-systemverilog-dpic/commit/5344caca2348f7745ea23b8711015b29d1050573
21:52:16FromGitter<kaushalmodi> As I don't code in C++ in my day job, is there a reason why this proposal from the above linked issue isn't already applied?
21:52:19FromGitter<kaushalmodi> > when exportc is specified, it should imply extern "C"
21:52:41FromGitter<kaushalmodi> What else could a user mean if they are using `{.exportc.}` and compiling to C++?\
21:54:29FromGitter<jrfondren> without {.exportc.} there's no symbol I recognize at all in the output. Nim may not even create one.
21:55:16FromGitter<jrfondren> and you'd still want some way to export a C++ symbol
21:55:40FromGitter<kaushalmodi> I understand that, but isn't that the same with C compilation?
21:55:46FromGitter<jrfondren> isn't what the same?
21:56:08FromGitter<jrfondren> you're wanting to export a C++ symbol when compiling to C?
21:56:24FromGitter<jrfondren> that's gotta be an unusual desire.
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21:56:36FromGitter<kaushalmodi> that if you don't add {.exportc.} that symbol won't export unless it's being used by some other proc
21:56:41FromGitter<jrfondren> and it might be a burden on Nim to even be able to do taht.
21:56:54FromGitter<kaushalmodi> there's some miscommunication ..
21:56:55FromGitter<jrfondren> how's it supposed to know how C++ mangles its names?
21:57:52FromGitter<kaushalmodi> I mean to say that when I compile `proc foo {.exportc.} = ..` to C, that `foo` does not get mangled. Why not do the same for C++ compilation and wrap that in `extern "C"`?
21:58:15FromGitter<jrfondren> because the normal thing to want to do is to produce a target-appropriate symbol
21:58:32FromGitter<jrfondren> if you're using nim cpp it's because you want to work with C++ code.
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22:00:29FromGitter<kaushalmodi> ok, I now understand that bit: https://stackoverflow.com/a/67930/1219634
22:00:53FromGitter<kaushalmodi> but why does C++ compiling mangle the exported name, while C compiling doesn't?
22:01:56FromGitter<kaushalmodi> hehe, and the answer after that SO answer answers my above question: ⏎ ⏎ > extern "C" determines how symbols in the generated object file should be named. If a function is declared without extern "C", the symbol name in the object file will use C++ name mangling.
22:01:58FromGitter<kaushalmodi> oh well
22:02:19FromGitter<kaushalmodi> so that mangling is something that C++ just does?
22:02:41FromGitter<jrfondren> yeah.
22:05:13FromGitter<kaushalmodi> that SO thread is amazing for me
22:05:20FromGitter<kaushalmodi> TIL about `nm`
22:05:46FromGitter<kaushalmodi> `nm libdpi.so | rg '\bT\b'` seems to list all the exported symbols
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22:23:49FromGitter<jrfondren> JSON is a good example of "putting your language semantics on the wire"
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22:41:45FromGitter<jrfondren> "look what we do when we're left to ourselves" ... he's really missing a trick by not mentioning editors here.
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