<< 26-06-2015 >>

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04:43:42avsejAraq, I will put dlerror() separately
04:43:55avsejand I updated #2995
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07:19:18pigmejreactormonk: It seems that those colors are right when the buffer is visible
07:19:27pigmejwhen it's not visible, then they are blank,
07:19:41*irezvov joined #nim
07:20:15irezvovhi there
07:21:14irezvovi have again encontered with strange behaviour. in async part now
07:21:30irezvovi have such code https://gist.github.com/SPY/d4a34cc0771308753430#file-async_exception-nim-L25-L34
07:22:01irezvovtwo implementations of get function there
07:22:18irezvovone with pure future
07:22:32irezvovand another with async pragma
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07:22:44irezvovfirst works fine
07:23:09irezvovbut second fall with nil-access exception
07:23:56irezvovi suppose they should work identical
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07:24:49irezvovfull version of code could be founded here - https://github.com/SPY/nim-memcached/blob/master/memcacheasync.nim
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07:28:43irezvovand another question: if i put asyncCheck instead of let _ = await there https://github.com/SPY/nim-memcached/blob/master/memcacheasync.nim#L118
07:28:55irezvovthis function do nothing
07:29:08fowlirezvov what type is requestheader?
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07:29:57irezvovfowl: it is plane c structure
07:30:47irezvovit is defined there https://github.com/SPY/nim-memcached/blob/master/memcacheproto.nim#L91-L100
07:30:48fowlirezvov https://github.com/SPY/nim-memcached/blob/master/memcacheasync.nim#L42
07:31:18fowlHere you cast it to a pointer
07:31:30irezvovasyncSocket's send function works only with strings
07:31:33fowlUse header.addr
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07:31:41irezvovso i haven't found another way
07:32:02fowlThe way is not to cast a struct to a pointer i guarantee that
07:32:16irezvovnewRequestHeader returns ref RequestHeader
07:32:29irezvovso it works as expected
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07:36:31*Ven quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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07:39:08fowlirezvov where is this memcacheasync.nim(82) sendCommandIter
07:39:20fowlI didnt see that function in that module
07:40:07*gokr_ quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
07:40:14fowlThats from the backtrace from the first link you sent
07:41:16irezvovi haven't written it, i guess it is produced by async pragma
07:42:31irezvovas i understand, it uses iterators and yield semantic to emulate sync flow
07:43:25fowlYea async is one of the most complicated macros out there
07:44:49*dalarmmst quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)
07:44:56fowlirezvov i will take a closer look when i get back home in 10-15 mins
07:45:46irezvovi've spent couple of hours for this, but gave up :)
07:46:12irezvovi'm not so expirienced nim user yet
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09:31:40coffeepotsay i have a s = seq[X] and a refS = ref seq[X], how come I can do "for item in s", but "for item in refS" doesn't compile? Just curious, I don't need to get that working.
09:32:07Araqthere is no items iterator for 'ref seq'
09:32:16coffeepotah there you go nice and simple :)
09:33:06coffeepotany reason why not?
09:33:50*Gertm left #nim ("Leaving")
09:38:15Araqnobody uses ref seq
09:40:58coffeepotfair enough :)
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10:08:15Araqcoffeepot: what about a PR for your sqlserver stuff? if you use it already, it's good enough for a PR, right?
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10:32:06coffeepot:) I'm just polishing it up atm. It's close to being ready. Things to do are: 1) Just writing binary type for blobs, 2) Support large text (currently only fills buffer) 3) prettify code
10:32:09*kas quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds)
10:32:40coffeepotI'm only supporting queries atm too
10:34:48coffeepoti'll get it on github as soon as I get the above 3 done and look up nimble support
10:35:38coffeepotoh and I need to plug in the support for times too
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10:55:01wuehlmausi like dialogs module. But i miss a nice input method. wonder why it's not there.
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11:32:03irezvovfowl: have you managed to find something?
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13:28:48Araqirezvov: dom96 will help you too once he's here, I'm sure
13:38:55irezvovAraq: thx for hint
13:39:50irezvovdom96: i've heard u are the best in async Nim :) could you look at my poor code?)
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14:05:55irezvovAraq: i thought you could know anything about async nim too :)
14:06:17Araqi only know it rapes my poor compiler
14:06:55Araqso ... I actually only know the low level stuff about it
14:13:00irezvovi get it. i'll try to dive in async machinery and if i cope with it your compiler will be raped more
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14:55:51coffeepothow do I write a seq to an untyped buffer? I tried cast[mySeqType](buffer) but of course that doesn't work, and the result unsurprisingly has no length. What's a proper way to do this, cast to cstring instead?
14:57:02Demosyou can cast[array[0..1000000, typ]](buffer)
14:57:09coffeepotah! Nice one :D
14:57:11Demosjust give the array some huge size
14:57:25coffeepotI can provide the actual size so that's no prob :)
14:57:30Demosthere's also a way to disable bounds checks for a particular array using a pragma
14:59:44coffeepotcheers Demos :)
14:59:55Araqno no no
14:59:59Araqdon't cast to array
15:00:05Araqcast to 'ptr array' ;-)
15:00:36coffeepotgood point :)
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15:06:59Demosdamn! thanks Araq
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15:41:12r-kuc2nim gave me this forward declaration: proc curl_easy_send*(curl: ptr CURL; buffer: pointer; buflen: csize; n: ptr csize): CURLcode
15:41:27r-kucompiling yields error: Error: implementation of 'easy.curl_easy_send(curl: ptr CURL, buffer: pointer, buflen: csize, n: ptr csize)' expected
15:41:38r-kuany idea what should i do here?
15:48:36Demosis this in the translated C header file?
15:48:42Demosor in your app?
15:48:57Demosor are you trying to translate all of cURL into nim?
15:49:14r-kujust making wrappter w/ c2nim
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15:56:17Demosyeah so you need to tell c2nim what library to use
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15:56:49r-kuimportc/header pragmas?
15:56:51DemosI usually give it a name and then edit the generated source with like when win32: ...
15:56:58Demosbut c2nim can generate them for you
15:57:02Demosand use dynlib, not header
15:57:03r-kuah right, i didnt use --header for that part. thanks
15:57:16r-kuoh, i plan on linking curl statically
15:57:23Demosyou don't need header for that
15:57:37Demosyou use dynlib and then pass --overrideDynlib to the compiler
15:57:42Demosand link the correct static lib
15:58:01r-kuah ha, thanks. ill do just that
15:58:20Demos(I really want to make this process easier, but I think dynamic libs are the right default for pragmatic reasons)
15:59:00r-kuas long as there is a way to link statically there is no problem imo
15:59:14r-kuin the end nim compiler still gets less command line parameters than gcc ;))
15:59:54Demosyeah, unfortunately you do have to pass in a crap-ton of parameters to get static linking right
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16:41:32reactormonkpigmej, optimization?
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18:08:06fowlDamn i told irezov i would help them and then i fell asleep :X
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18:18:44pigmejreactormonk: ?
18:23:00reactormonkpigmej, about colors not visible when the buffer isn't
18:23:13*vendethiel quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)
18:23:55pigmejyeah something like taht probably
18:24:03pigmejI'm gona to ask #emacs :)
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19:50:09pigmejreactormonk: works ;]
19:53:08pigmejreactormonk: https://github.com/pigmej/nim-mode/blob/thing-at-point/nim-thing-at-point.el
19:53:52reactormonkso it displays call sig of the proc at point?
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19:54:44pigmejproc, type, method, variable
19:55:02pigmejin minibuffer
19:55:10pigmejand it's defaulted to 1 sec delay
19:56:01reactormonkdoes it work for const?
19:57:02pigmejdisplays skConst: int literal(10)
19:57:12pigmejwhen I defined const like
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19:57:16pigmejconst abc = 10
19:59:19reactormonkI think you could format it to constant: - aka make a map
20:00:35pigmejyeah, I just used epc-nim-skname
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20:02:41pigmejok now it returns const
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20:23:06pigmejreactormonk: test it when you will find time, then I will rebase and we're ready to merge to master ;)
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23:14:59reactormonkpigmej, don't forget the PR, otherwise I'll forget about it
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23:19:15pigmejreactormonk: tomorrow
23:19:18pigmejI'm off for nwo :)
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