<< 27-05-2016 >>

00:00:08*shodan45 quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)
00:52:19tautologicois there a way to dump the AST for a module during compilation? I can't seem to find one
00:53:45*PMunch quit (Quit: leaving)
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02:10:16notfowltautologico, if you can wrap the module in a template like this https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/blob/master/lib/core/macros.nim#L494
02:15:32*space-wizard quit (Quit: My Mac has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…)
02:52:53tautologicofound a way to do that inside the compiler by using debug
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03:11:22*|meta quit (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
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07:23:25gokrjeffc: Using c2nim or?
07:24:53gokrjeffc: What platform are you using on the embed side? We are working with lots of embedded stuff and I even did a shot at "Ardunimo": http://goran.krampe.se/2016/02/25/nim-meets-arduino/
07:25:12gokrI am itching to do something similar but for mbedOS instead.
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08:24:13veganskAraq_, hi! Is it legal to use templates in type definitions as I did here: https://github.com/vegansk/jbridge/blob/eb23dcb1991d1a0e36d240046f19be3bb40b656f/src/private/jni_api.nim#L92 and here: https://github.com/vegansk/jbridge/blob/eb23dcb1991d1a0e36d240046f19be3bb40b656f/src/private/jni_api.nim#L383?
08:27:17veganskIs it by design, or it can be broken in the future?
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08:37:38Araq_it's legal but it causes problems (but what doesn't?)
08:38:01Araq_but we try our best and not break it ;-)
08:45:37veganskOops. It's not working. The test is green because it checks only the first typedesc from template. :-(
08:51:16*Matthias247 joined #nim
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08:59:45veganskAraq_, it's already broken. https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/issues/4228. Is it hard to fix?
09:02:50Araq_did it ever work?
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09:03:37Araq_seems to be an 'is' operator bug
09:08:43veganskAraq_, I tried it today, so don't know if it ever worked.
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10:40:23veganskAraq_, I tried to debug this issue. The problem is that when VM executes ``opcIf`` instruction, typedesc variable doesn't contain the real type. Here is debug output: ``tyTypeDesc(tyGenericParam T)``
10:52:09Araq_told ya.
10:53:43*derka quit (Quit: derka)
10:56:07*Matthias247 quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
10:57:27veganskAraq_, but why? I can have ``proc f[T](v: T): T = ???``and the type of result is known.
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11:00:05veganskIs there a chance to fix the compiler so it will execute templates when type parameters is known and not before?
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11:06:31veganskTell me please, where is the code for generics instantiations?
11:08:42Araq_semtypinst and seminst iirc
11:09:16Araq_but I doubt the problem is there
11:09:41Araq_I would look into vm.nim and what it does with tyTypeDesc. it might prune it back to a generic tyTypeDesc
11:11:21veganskGot it
11:16:36*derka quit (Quit: derka)
11:47:59cheatfatedom96, i know i have already asked you about https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/blob/devel/lib/pure/asyncdispatch.nim#L932-L933, but please could you think about it again, is this really needed?
11:48:51cheatfatedom96, i can't find any reason why socket can contain multiple callbacks
11:49:12cheatfatedom96, even in multithreaded environment
11:49:58dom96cheatfate: I guess you're right. Can't really look into it right now, but I have a feeling that you are right :)
11:50:56cheatfatedom96, i thought you have passed book deadline and you have completed your exams, when you get some spare time? :)
11:51:30dom96cheatfate: There is always more things to be done on the book :P
11:51:58dom96But anyway, you can easily see if you're right.
11:52:17dom96Just assert false if readCBs.len > 0 or writeCBs.len > 0
11:52:39cheatfatedom96, `> 0` or `> 1`
11:52:52TheLemonManhmm, is there a way to get the upper/lower bound for a given type (if it's an integral one obviously)
11:53:15dom96TheLemonMan: low()/high() IIRC
11:53:37dom96cheatfate: hrm... assert readCBs.len == 0 and writeCBs.len == 0
11:54:05dom96put that before readCBs/writeCBs is added to
11:54:13dom96that way it will crash if there is already something in it
11:55:09cheatfatedom96, hah this assert ofc will be raised
11:56:31cheatfateAraq_, this `withXXXX` templates boost speed of asynchttpserver for 10% more :)
11:57:48dom96cheatfate: huh?
11:58:11cheatfatedom96, its hard to explain, but this because of `yields`
11:58:41cheatfatedom96, now i'm trying to check libuv and python's asyncio if they using sequences for callback storage
11:58:50dom96I'm confused
11:58:55dom96what is your problem with the code you linked?
11:59:15dom96I was under the impression that you think there is no need for the seq?
11:59:27dom96because there is ever only one callback?
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12:02:04cheatfatedom96, `because there is ever only one callback` - yes i think so
12:02:27dom96cheatfate: yeah, so won't the 'assert' prove your hypothesis?
12:02:30cheatfatedom96, can be only one moment - transition from READ->WRITE and from WRITE->READ
12:02:52dom96That is what the 'assert' is er, asserting :)
12:03:26dom96"Crash if `readCBs`/`writeCBs` doesn't have 0 elements in it"
12:03:30cheatfateyeah there can be a moment of time when READ callback is still not called but WRITE callback must be inserted...
12:04:06cheatfatebut i dont sure about multithreading environment
12:04:08dom96or maybe my logic is wrong
12:05:17dom96yeah, it should be: 'assert readCBs.len != 1 and writeCBs.len != 1'
12:07:13cheatfatedom96, i found a moment when this problem can appeared, when we are in poll() calling `read` callback and this callback call to addRead() again with READ to continue reading
12:08:24dom96so the 'seq' is required?
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12:11:17cheatfatedom96, still not sure
12:11:43dom96is your concern performance?
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12:40:53cheatfatedom96, https://gist.github.com/cheatfate/85024430f292fec8e728fd5ac7db1057 and this works...
12:41:45cheatfateso there no need of sequence
12:42:26cheatfateand this works under `wrk` load test
12:44:40dom96I'm not sure what this proves.
12:45:12dom96oh, did you just get rid of the sequence?
12:45:55cheatfateyep there no sequence anymore
12:54:41dom96and how much faster is it?
12:55:33*gokr quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
13:06:08cheatfatedom96, i dont know... i think i have reached my maximum performance
13:06:19cheatfatedom96, because i'm testing in VMs
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15:52:10tautologicoAraq_: I've been looking at this: https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/issues/4001 is this a parsing bug? the problem happens in pragmas.nim, processNotes, the code assumes a nkBracketExpr has 2 sons but in this case it has only one. should this be a syntax error?
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16:07:59Araq_if it happens in pragmas.nim it is no a parser bug
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16:36:20Araq_tautologico: just check for n.len == 2
16:36:34Araq_I marked it "easy", don't think too hard.
17:01:35*Matthias247 quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
17:04:19*TheLemonMan quit (Quit: "It's now safe to turn off your computer.")
17:16:45tautologicoWhat is the intended behavior in this case? Is it an invalid pragma?
17:18:37dom96Maybe you could look into fixing this as well? https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/issues/4225 :)
17:20:26Araq_dom96: I think that's not a bug.
17:20:40dom96okay, why not?
17:20:57Araq_certain pragmas cause Nim to ignore the proc body
17:21:09Araq_otherwise the nimRtl pragma would be a pita to use
17:22:11dom96hrm. It seems like an easy mistake to make though.
17:23:07dom96Couldn't the body still be checked to ensure it's valid?
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17:26:52Araq_currently 'importc' triggers this "don't check body" behaviour
17:27:03Araq_we could also require 'dynlib' but meh.
17:27:29Araq_hmm, well perhaps it's a good solution.
17:27:43Araq_I only want to ignore the body for DLL imports
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17:28:00dom96surely the 'importc' doesn't get applied in my example?
17:28:11dom96only 'cdecl' and 'header' do
17:29:04Araq_header implies importc
17:29:51Araq_which could be revised now that importcpp exists
17:30:33Araq_not sure what code it would break though ...
17:32:29Araq_ah and it's also internally messy. importcpp sets the same flag as importc and then some
17:33:51Araq_so yeah, my fix is better.
17:33:57Araq_tie it to DLL importing
17:37:37Araq_btw https://github.com/web2py/pydal/ seems an excellent match for Nim. somebody should write something like this.
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18:12:41def-Araq_: pydal looks fun, I might play around with how it can look in Nim
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20:31:06TheLemonManhmm, nim-mode slows down to a crawl for pretty much every file
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20:34:35TheLemonManalso why countup allows distinct types for the range ends and countdown doesn't ?
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20:39:42Araq_TheLemonMan: probably because it's not a clear advantage to be able to count from uint.high to -1
20:39:54Araq_*to count down
20:55:18TheLemonManfair, I would've used some asserts but whatever floats your boat
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22:11:06tautologicodone: https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/pull/4231
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22:19:05Araq_tautologico: very nice. I prefer to not add tests for trivial stuff like this where regressions are super improbable, but it's fine.
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22:26:40tautologicoAraq_: true, I thought a test could be overkill in this case, but it can be deleted
22:27:36Araq_ok, so remove it then. our test suite could always run a little faster.
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22:39:08tautologicook done
22:39:27tautologicoCI tests pass
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23:19:55cheatfateAraq_, sorry but something wrong with my `withValue` templates: https://gist.github.com/cheatfate/203cebc7f76c20e436c0ad958d41dadb
23:22:54Araq_that seems a parser bug?
23:23:02Araq_nothing wrong with the template, is it
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23:28:05cheatfatei think this is compiler bug but i want to make for you reproducible source
23:29:49*Ven quit (Quit: My MacBook has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…)
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23:30:53Araq_don't worry, I have a trivial test case
23:33:16cheatfateAraq_, i have made some modifications to gist and got one more error
23:33:53cheatfatejust tried to avoid "invalid indentation" and merged 2 lines...
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