<< 27-05-2019 >>

00:06:24*aranhaag_ quit (Remote host closed the connection)
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01:55:50FromGitter<Varriount> @kayabaNerve I'm currently working on adding command and variable substitution, and heredocs
02:00:48shashlickWas looking at commandant readme, wish there were some examples
02:02:06*banc quit (Quit: Bye)
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03:51:51FromGitter<Varriount> shashlick: Ah, yeah, those would probably be helpful.
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06:26:47*PMunch joined #nim
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06:38:14FromGitter<rishavs> returning to nim after years to try out some gamedev stuff. Need some help getting started. ⏎ I am trying to use @Vladar's nimgame2 lib. ⏎ I installed nim. created new project using nimble init > exe. Then did `nimble install nimgame2`. ⏎ Finally I copied a basic main and mainscene nim files. ⏎ ... [https://gitter.im/nim-lang/Nim?at=5ceb85d6ef853135c82ddc68]
06:41:53PMunch@Vindaar, hey you used my PersistentVectors :) https://github.com/Vindaar/ggplotnim/commit/33311d5084f3ead090ba3fd89e782d6e58b540f3
06:44:37PMunchHaha, maybe add some rounding to avoid the 0 looking like this: https://github.com/Vindaar/ginger/blob/master/media/testView.png :)
06:46:06*solitudesf quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)
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06:46:32narimiranPMunch: maybe you can get some ideas for the playground/tour from https://try.ocamlpro.com/
06:50:13PMunchHmm, that is more like an interactive shell kind of thing
06:50:16PMunchStill cool though
06:51:48narimiranyeah, i thought that some lessons/steps might give a clue what to include in the tour
06:53:34FromGitter<rishavs> Anyone knows where can I get a prebuilt SDL2_gfx.dll from?
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07:12:12Zevvlet me google that for you
07:13:04FromGitter<rishavs> @Zevv, I found them and deleted my question. Not sure if deleted stuff still show up on IRC
07:13:10FromGitter<rishavs> But thanks for the help
07:13:57ZevvYw :)
07:14:11ZevvGeneric methods are now deprecated \o/
07:14:25Zevv"fixes #10038" :)
07:16:10FromGitter<rishavs> BTW, Is there a way to have nimble compile and run a project? Nimble build feels pointless when I can do `nim c --run src\x.nim`. ⏎ Another question, can I specify a libs folder in my nim project so that is where the compiler looks for all the dlls. Currently, i am keeping my dll dependencies in the bin folder and it feels weird
07:16:22leorizenimble build?
07:16:41leorizeyou'd need to create a 'run' task for nimble
07:24:12FromGitter<rishavs> ```code paste, see link``` ⏎ ⏎ Something like this? The 2nd exec does not run. How should I frame it? [https://gitter.im/nim-lang/Nim?at=5ceb909c9d64e537bc1ae76c]
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07:39:40leorizerishavs: like this: http://ix.io/1KbD
07:40:33PMunchZevv, generic methods are deprecated?
07:41:57leorizeanyone got 32bit linux on hand?
07:42:49FromGitter<rishavs> Thanks leorize. I was hoping to use nimble build as I could output the exe in a separate bin folder. ⏎ Currently I am using `(nimble build) -and (.\bin\nimgametest.exe)` directly in powershell
07:44:12leorizemaybe you can use selfExec to compile then run
07:44:14leorizebut I've never tried
07:45:53ZevvPMunch: https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/commit/16aa10d
07:50:50PMunchHmm, that's good I guess
07:51:08PMunchBetter to not have a feature than something that works so poorly
07:53:27leorizefrom my CI, looks like 32bit linux doesn't even bootstrap with the current devel
07:53:37leorizecan someone confirms this for me?
07:58:33*Vladar joined #nim
07:59:25leorizeAraq: https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/pull/11337
08:00:24FromGitter<Vindaar> @PMunch: hehe, yeah. Not sure if I'm going to keep using it. I did some mini benchmarks for how I envisioned I'd be using it and it was significantly faster than a normal seq. But in the end the majority of my use case is actually quite different. Will see.
08:01:02FromGitter<Vindaar> And yup, rounding has to be done, haha. This didn't happen before so I didn't put it in yet :)
08:04:52PMunchYeah if keeping many copies with slight differences it's pretty fast. I did some testing myself as I was creating the module and at some point the normal seq's just wasn't able to compare
08:08:58FromGitter<Vindaar> yes, that's my experience too
08:09:14PMunchHmm, shashlick you around?
08:09:52PMunchIt makes sense though, the normal sequences are good for what they are, but making lots of copies is not what they are meant for
08:10:29FromGitter<Vindaar> indeed
08:10:45PMunchI'm still a bit surprised that the module worked without modification though :)
08:11:06PMunchBeen a while since I wrote that module
08:11:26FromGitter<Vindaar> I did stumble on some weird issues with the slicing though. But I couldn't figure out if it was my code causing some weird behavior or a bug in the module
08:11:45PMunchHmm, what kind of issues?
08:12:00FromGitter<Vindaar> will explain later, gotta go for a while
08:21:18*leorize quit (Remote host closed the connection)
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09:18:50FromGitter<gogolxdong> Is there any method to get readable hash?
09:22:49FromGitter<jrfondren> what do you mean by that? a readable serialization? use JSON. A literal? use .toTable https://nim-lang.github.io/Nim/tables.html#toTable%2CopenArray%5B%5D
09:23:51FromGitter<gogolxdong> like https://github.com/zacharyvoase/humanhash?
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09:26:51leorizeturns out that we have a really nice CI test failure summary program
09:27:03leorizeexcept that it's never run
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09:30:46Araqgogolxdong: somebody could try to port the Python over to Nim, it's only 142 lines of code
09:33:37FromGitter<gogolxdong> yes, the description of implementation is straightforward, maybe I can try, with unlicense as well.
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09:39:31FromGitter<mratsim> You can also implement Bitcoin mnemonics: https://iancoleman.io/bip39/
09:39:45FromGitter<mratsim> you can even use CHinese ;)
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09:45:11FromGitter<gogolxdong> sure it's my original intention.The generated Chinese is meaningless essentially though readable, needs improvement.
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10:12:42FromGitter<gogolxdong> The new operating system Hongmeng of Huawei comes from Shan Hai Jing https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Classic_of_Mountains_and_Seas
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11:20:21PMunchgogolxdong, I made something like that once
11:20:59PMunchBasically a wordlist, then split the hash into pieces that can be used to index the word list
11:21:24PMunchYou would either need a long word-list, or end up with many words per hash though
11:25:24PMunchThe word-list I used has 2048 entries, so a you would still need 24 words to encode a SHA256 hash
11:25:44PMunchUnless of course you do something with capital letters, or other trickery
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13:00:06narimiranladies and gentlemen, clear your caches and visit a more informative https://nim-lang.org/ :)
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13:08:43PMunchHmm, maybe those code snippets should be linkable to the playground?
13:09:48narimiranagreed, but lets also make nim tour that we can link ;)
13:11:31laaronfirefox 66, the last 3 snippets has bottom scrollbar
13:12:21narimiranlaaron: screen resolution and/or your window width?
13:15:13PMunchThey briefly flash for me as well on Vivaldi
13:16:09narimiranvivaldi here and i don't see neither scrollbars nor flashing :)
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13:17:38laaronnarimiran, 1366x768. F11 fullscreen still show bottom scrollbar
13:17:55narimiranlaaron: thanks, will investigate
13:19:03narimiranshashlick: are you here?
13:19:46narimiranlaaron: is the text in the examples too wide, or are those scrollbars just there without any purpose?
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13:22:26FromGitter<Vindaar> @narimiran: ohh, that looks really nice!
13:22:40narimiranVindaar thanks :)
13:24:37FromGitter<Vindaar> @PMunch: finally back. I got an out of bounds access in the slicing here: https://github.com/PMunch/nim-persistent-vector/blob/master/persvector.nim#L239 ⏎ I couldn't quite figure it out though. It sometimes happened when the slice was `0 .. 32` and the access of the `result` ended up being `32 .. 32`
13:25:29FromGitter<Vindaar> In effect the problem however the calculation of `i - (vec.size - vec.tail.len)` returned something negative, since `i` was small and `vec.size > vec.tail.len`
13:25:45FromGitter<Vindaar> *was the
13:26:06laaronnarimiran, text too width, hide about 3 chars
13:27:10FromGitter<Vindaar> but my use case was maybe the issue to, because I was trying to delete an element in the middle of a vector. Since that's not really supported I wanted to do `toPersistentVector(concat(v[0 ..< toDelete - 1], v[toDelete ..< v.len]))`
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13:33:25narimiranlaaron: thanks, now i tried it in firefox and i can reproduce. i'll fix it.
13:35:05PMunchHmm, that should work though
13:37:56laaronnarimiran, thanks for your work too
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13:40:31salewskinarimiran, maybe the wording needs some improvements too.
13:40:57salewskiMaybe replace "systems programming language" by "systems and application programming language"
13:41:05PMunchVindaar, hmm. Managed to reproduce the bug
13:41:13salewskiOr "universal programming language".
13:41:24narimiranAraq: ^
13:42:17salewskiAnd you repeat "efficiency, expressiveness" in topmost and second headline.
13:42:36FromGitter<Vindaar> @PMunch oh good to know
13:43:15PMunchI get it when I try to do v[0..0]
13:43:31PMunchor v[2..2] for that matter
13:44:11Araqsalewski, I agree with "Universal" but the focus is more on systems programming these days
13:44:19Zevvkernel programming :)
13:44:49AraqI also thought about "Nim is everything but not for everybody" as its official slogan but got downvoted :P
13:44:59salewskiAt least from wikipedia, for "systems programming" first visitors of Nim Homepage may think
13:45:02Araqtypo, I mean
13:45:12Araq"Nim is for everything but not for everybody"
13:45:18FromGitter<alehander42> kernel programming <
13:45:20FromGitter<alehander42> <3
13:45:36salewskithat Nim is not well suited for application programming and go away without further investigation.
13:46:02salewskiSo "systems and application programming language" I would prefer.
13:46:09FromGitter<alehander42> which reminds me i found out i need to probably just do my own stdio.h stdlib.h stubs to make simple seq/string programs compile in kernel mode
13:46:21FromGitter<alehander42> is this the right way to do it
13:47:07Zevvdunno, but I got it to work like that yesterday. --newruntime and a tiny bit of extra support in the compiler to find kmalloc and friends.
13:47:10salewski"Nim is for everything but not for everybody" -- yes, a fine statement!
13:47:54Araqsalewski, narimiran feared the ambiguity though
13:48:08Araq"what do you mean, Nim is not for me..."
13:48:22FromGitter<alehander42> Zevv nice, i was trying to do it with the old runtime
13:48:36FromGitter<alehander42> but even before malloc etc it didnt find string.h and friends
13:48:43narimiranguys, re horizontal scrolling in code examples - is it ok with you if the font size for the examples is slightly smaller? (16px vs 17px)
13:48:51Zevvyeah, but you don't want to pull in the whole GC, and with --gc:none most of the stdlib is not usable
13:49:01FromGitter<gogolxdong> not for everybody lock people out.
13:49:08FromGitter<alehander42> exactly but i had other problems with --newruntime
13:49:19FromGitter<alehander42> something not working in standalone mode
13:49:23FromGitter<alehander42> cant remember
13:49:45FromGitter<alehander42> do you have a repo of your code
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13:50:18FromGitter<alehander42> narimiran, i think one can talk a bit more about the type system, it seems underrated to me
13:50:27FromGitter<alehander42> otherwise looks good
13:50:32Zevvalehander42: the plumbing is a bit messy still to get the nim sources through the kernel makefiles, but I'll put something up this week. I added 'kernel' os to the Nim compiler (handful of changes only), and I have a messy project with an out-of-tree kernel make file, a number of stub headers for stdio replacement and then some Nim files
13:50:44FromGitter<gogolxdong> Nim is opensource and open-minded, of course it hopes everyone get used to it.
13:52:32FromGitter<alehander42> Zevv, ok, ill try to finish my stub headers for stdio/string/stdlib and then try see if it compiles
13:52:41FromGitter<alehander42> what does the `kernel` target give you?
13:52:42Araqgogolxdong: yes, the statement refers to the fact that Nim is not for people who are strongly opinionated about FP/OO designs
13:53:01AraqNim is not a better Haskell and doesn't try to
13:53:22Araqnor is Nim a "better" Smalltalk.
13:55:25FromGitter<gogolxdong> For those they will find out by themselves, don't try to set flag for a language, it's just a tool, people knows how to use tools. Therer isn't absolute barrier between languages and people.
13:55:26Zevvalehander42: allocator implementation, kmalloc()/kfree()
13:55:33FromGitter<alehander42> wait for my "Nim as a TypeScript alternative" article
13:55:42FromGitter<alehander42> that i'll probably not write
13:55:56FromGitter<alehander42> yes jsffi docs i know !
13:58:02FromGitter<alehander42> Zevv, i see, but arent those a bit yourkernel-specific
13:58:11FromGitter<alehander42> or are they good defaults
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13:59:07Zevvwell, 'kernel' means 'linux kernel' here. For the rest I assume the kernel makes the best of it, no optimizations beyond the basic alloc and free
13:59:20FromGitter<alehander42> ah right
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14:01:20*PMunch quit (Remote host closed the connection)
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14:05:11shashlick@PMunch @narimiran just got back on
14:05:16shashlickWhat's up?
14:05:40narimiranshashlick: can we release the new nimble version?
14:06:36leorizeanyone got a 32bit linux vm?
14:06:36shashlickSorry was on vacation so didn't get around to it
14:06:47leorizebecause afaict devel is not bootstrapping
14:06:49shashlickIs @dom96 cool with 0.10.0?
14:07:20shashlick@leorize could check with the dockcross container
14:07:40shashlickNightlies is still failing for 32-bit
14:08:55narimiranshashlick: we want to have the new nimble for v0.20; and v0.20 is practically ready to be released
14:09:14leorizeyou can see #11337 for the current 32bit CI status
14:10:18shashlickConsidering @dom96 has made all releases so far, would like to get his buy in before I tag, unless he has already confirmed with you
14:12:55Araqso ... what's up with the 32bit failures?
14:13:00Araqany hints?
14:13:43xacei dont have a 32bit linux vm running, but i have a 32bit linux machine running...
14:14:01leorizethat also works :p
14:14:26xaceany command in particular you want me to run on it?
14:14:50leorizetry bootstrapping the compiler
14:15:49xaceoki, its going to take a while, with heavy emphasis on "a while"
14:16:23leorizeI've just booted my desktop up and gonna see if anything breaks :p
14:16:38leorizeit's gonna be really embarrassing if it's a just ci prob
14:16:58*kapilp quit (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
14:17:39xaceyou never know, i have wrestled many times because of code not supporting 32bit or older cpu's properly
14:17:46leorizegg it's only a ci prob :P can't repro it with my local opensuse installation
14:17:57xacei take it i can cancel the git clone then?
14:18:04leorizesure :)
14:20:20leorizeAraq: do you know what could cause this? https://travis-ci.org/nim-lang/Nim/jobs/537749569#L2166
14:23:50Araqleorize, no.
14:24:46Araqbut we can debug it together if you want to
14:25:12leorizesure :)
14:25:33leorizethe biggest prob is that I can't repro this on a local install
14:25:45leorizeso I'm updating it (last time I updated it was in 2018)
14:25:52Araqoh I thought you could reproduce it
14:26:23dom96shashlick, thank you for checking with me
14:26:41dom96Before we release we need a changelog entry: https://github.com/nim-lang/nimble/blob/master/changelog.markdown
14:26:50dom96Can you write one?
14:27:10dom96List of commits here: https://github.com/nim-lang/nimble/compare/v0.9.0...master
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14:32:12FromGitter<mratsim> 1) 9.0? When was that? :p
14:35:48shashlick@dom96 - do you know if any of the changes are breaking?
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14:52:20Araqleorize, well? is there a way except adding debug code into Nim and waiting for travis to produce a more helpful error message?
14:52:36leorizeI'm bisecting with travis
14:53:13Araqwell congrats, you're now on the critical path
14:53:25Araqwhich means you'll block the release very soon :P
14:54:14leorizeoops :p
15:01:57leorizeAraq: found how to reproduce
15:02:00leorize./koch boot
15:02:04leorizewithout -d:release
15:02:13leorizeI should've guessed with that [RangeError]
15:05:55Araq if s.position > int high(int16):
15:05:55Araq echo c.config $ n.info, " ", n
15:06:02Araqadd this above the failing
15:06:06Araq c.gABx(n, opcLdGlobalAddr, dest, s.position)
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16:28:02shashlick@dom96 - https://github.com/nim-lang/nimble/compare/master...genotrance:changelog
16:28:28shashlickeveryone please review and let me know how it can be improved - this is the changelog for nimble v0.10.0
16:32:21skrylar[m]basic message unpacking done, woo o/
16:35:41narimiranshashlick: why `:-` for start of a listing?
16:36:50narimiranshashlick: typo "deprecrated" -> "deprecated"
16:39:26FromGitter<data-man> Sure. Deprecrated it's Rust's terminology, perhaps.
16:47:59leorizeAraq: nothing is printing
16:51:05leorizelatest CI: https://travis-ci.org/nim-lang/Nim/jobs/537873368#L2102
16:51:07leorizecommit: https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/pull/11337/commits/ff163527bbead1a2fe9642b09fd30c6d60de8d5e
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16:52:25FromGitter<alehander42> btw zev
16:52:28FromGitter<alehander42> zevv
16:53:03FromGitter<alehander42> I use something like "~/nim/compiler/nim c -d:release --passC:'-I/usr/local/cross/lib/gcc/i686-elf/8.1.0/include-fixed/ -I/usr/local/cross/lib/gcc/i686-elf/8.1.0/include/ -L/home/al/nimkernel' --gcc.exe:$1 main.nim" % CC
16:53:29FromGitter<alehander42> long story but afaik i also pass my directory as -I somewhere
16:53:52FromGitter<alehander42> the problem is when i have custom stdio.h, it does compile but it doesnt seem to link: and -L doesnt seem to help
16:54:07FromGitter<alehander42> is this a nim issue(not passing correctly flags) or i dont get something about linking
16:54:21FromGitter<alehander42> (undefined reference to exit etc)
16:57:08narimiranleorize: the only 'interesting' detail i can see is that it fails only on the third iteration of bootstrapping!?
16:57:44leorizethat's when the bootstrapped devel compiler is used to compile itself
16:57:50FromGitter<alehander42> oh nv
17:04:23FromGitter<alehander42> its in linking: `CC, "-T linker.ld -o main.bin -ffreestanding -O2 -nostdlib boot.o nimcache/main.c.o nimcache/stdlib_system.c.o nimcache/ioutils.c.o"`
17:04:38FromGitter<alehander42> so the problem is maybe in -nostdlib and not seeing the local stdio.h file
17:05:15Zevvhi there
17:05:53Zevvyeah, it's a lot of kludges. I defined my own exit and other procs.
17:06:18ZevvI'm trying to clean up the bare minimum. The Nim libs make assumptions about at least ansi C stuff being available it seems
17:07:12Zevvhttps://github.com/zevv/Nim/tree/linux-kernel this one has the `kernel` OS, for what it's worth
17:07:21FromGitter<alehander42> oh God i had wrong stuff
17:07:30FromGitter<alehander42> otherwise
17:07:34FromGitter<alehander42> i only want to be able
17:07:47FromGitter<alehander42> to pass to linker my own std<>.h
17:08:07*sz0 joined #nim
17:08:09FromGitter<alehander42> but i guess i need to build .o objects from my own std header/c files as well first
17:08:21Zevvmessy, eh :)
17:09:00FromGitter<alehander42> i am just not sure if this is the right way to do it in c-land
17:09:34Zevvwell, kernel is more a C island
17:13:35FromGitter<alehander42> ok
17:13:43FromGitter<alehander42> yeah i plan to call lodka
17:13:45FromGitter<alehander42> my kernel
17:13:50FromGitter<alehander42> which is boat in bulgarian
17:13:57FromGitter<alehander42> but what i wonder is
17:14:37FromGitter<alehander42> i call i686-elf-gcc with -nostdlib --ffree.. etc and pass a list of .o files
17:15:02FromGitter<alehander42> does this mean i should somehow also pass .o files of my custom/stdio.c
17:15:07FromGitter<alehander42> stdio.h *
17:15:12Zevvnot of the .h's
17:15:28Zevvthose usually do not contain implementations, only declarations
17:15:45FromGitter<alehander42> so i should define
17:15:54FromGitter<alehander42> also stdio.c or just define those in my code?
17:16:20Zevvwell, let's start over a bit. Are we talking the same thing when talking about 'kernel'. My effort is to get Nim running in linux kernel space
17:16:29Zevvbut you're already talking your own custom kernel, right?
17:16:46FromGitter<alehander42> yes
17:17:03FromGitter<alehander42> i am not familiar with how kernel modules work indeed, but i suppose its similar
17:17:27Zevvwell, in the end it is all just C code. But it depends on what the rest of the stuff you link against offers
17:17:58ZevvIf you make your own OS, you probably should implement your stdio necessities in your platform
17:18:04Zevvnot in each and every app
17:18:16FromGitter<alehander42> yes indeed
17:18:28Zevvso you make your own libC which comes with your OS
17:18:30FromGitter<alehander42> i just dont understand how stdlib works internally very well
17:18:34FromGitter<alehander42> so yeah i wanted to do that
17:18:44FromGitter<alehander42> but i thought i can just put impls in the .h files
17:18:49FromGitter<alehander42> which doesnt make sense yeah
17:18:59FromGitter<alehander42> so i guess i can just create for now a libc.c file
17:19:02Zevvthat breaks as soon as you include it from more then one place.
17:19:02skrylar[m]https://pastebin.com/V4E7tBK9 bmessages in pure nim... now i just have to deal with the threading and sending them :b
17:19:07FromGitter<alehander42> which implements the functions
17:19:20FromGitter<alehander42> well you have header guards?
17:19:49Zevvthat doesn't help you
17:20:08Zevvthat's only to avoid recursion
17:20:12FromGitter<alehander42> yeah indeed
17:20:16FromGitter<alehander42> but the libc.c file
17:20:18FromGitter<alehander42> sounds ok
17:20:19FromGitter<alehander42> thanks!
17:20:57leorizeAraq: removed the conditional, got: ../lib/system.nim(1863, 5) nimvm right before traceback
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17:33:53clyybberskrylar[m]: What are you working on?
17:34:43FromGitter<alehander42> zevv nice
17:34:46FromGitter<alehander42> it compiles now for me
17:34:52FromGitter<alehander42> and it probably does something stupid
17:35:04FromGitter<alehander42> as i just implement empty int setjmp {} void* memcpy {} etc stuff
17:35:22FromGitter<alehander42> but it compiles and runs so i guess i just need to port those functions correctly
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17:37:59skrylar[m]clyybber: desktop application kit ._. so one day i can go back to nim from lazarus
17:38:04skrylar[m]its heavily patterned from Be/Haiku at the moment, because when comparing Qt/Wx/VCL/Haiku, haiku's actually got a shallow inheritance tree and not too much interfacing magic going on
17:38:37Araqhint: there is nothing to "port", memcpy does not depend on a freaking OS
17:39:29clyybberskrylar[m]: Cool, sounds interesting for sure, do you have a git repo set up?
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17:39:57skrylar[m]clyybber: i do but its just on my hard drive
17:40:49shashlickAraq, narimiran - nightlies is failing on 32-bit - https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/blob/devel/lib/pure/unicode.nim#L916
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17:42:19shashlickfull travis log: https://api.travis-ci.org/v3/job/537635492/log.txt - note large
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17:42:31narimiranargh, do we know when it started failing?
17:43:09shashlickhas failed for last 4 days
17:43:39leorizenarimiran: after my PR, maybe? :p
17:44:00shashlickdc6a4b1d43c7980c166e1d3c73a0e96fd26f5eaf passed, 44cc5f6360c7ccc96c296948b2524bd2cdebf1f0 failed
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17:48:48FromGitter<alehander42> Memcpy implement sorry you're right
17:49:21Zevvalehander42: https://github.com/zevv/nim-kernel-module is my latest code. Uses newruntime, can do stuff with strutils etc. Not sure if any of it makes sense :)
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17:49:47shashlick@leorize, @narimiran - https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/compare/dc6a4b1d43c7980c166e1d3c73a0e96fd26f5eaf..44cc5f6360c7ccc96c296948b2524bd2cdebf1f0
17:50:30narimiran44cc5f6 is my commit :) https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/commit/44cc5f6360c7ccc96c296948b2524bd2cdebf1f0
17:51:21narimirandc6a4b1 is also my commit :)
17:51:30shashlickwell a lot changed between those two
17:51:31narimiranok, somewhere in between those two
17:51:39leorizeAraq: have you looked at the messages above?
17:51:49Araqleorize, yeah but it makes no sense
17:51:57narimiranshashlick: i'm guessing this might be one of the potential suspects: https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/commit/1251e1ad16845203decb5c9087e6e0240c8d066f
17:56:00leorizeAraq: yea, want me to try anything else?
17:58:49narimiranbtw, leorize and shashlick both of you are reporting RangeError failures! (cc Araq)
17:59:13leorizetraced it down to this https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/commit/3a06022071d3ecf62c8e2f4812062e2e2fe71954
17:59:18Mister_Magisterhow can i catch exception and do nothing?
17:59:34leorizeMister_Magister: use discard
17:59:43Mister_Magisterdiscard doesn't catch exception
17:59:56Mister_Magisteri understand
18:00:04narimiranMister_Magister: http://nim-lang.github.io/Nim/manual.html#exception-handling
18:00:47narimiranleorize: yeah, that sounds like it might be the one, but it was outside shashlick's reported range (heh :))
18:01:28*Vladar quit (Remote host closed the connection)
18:01:31shashlickdoing a git bisect
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18:03:13Mister_Magisteranother question if i make proc that has same name as lib that i'm using how can i specify which one i want to use
18:03:44narimiranMister_Magister: can you rename your proc and save you some trouble? ;)
18:04:00Mister_Magisternarimiran: thinking of better proc name is hard
18:04:04narimiranleorize: i think he means the case of `foo.foo`
18:04:11leorizeit works
18:04:13narimiranMister_Magister: debugging stupid bugs is harder ;)
18:04:27Mister_Magisterproc to remove message: removeMessage that catches exception from removeMessage to not catch it everywhere
18:04:56narimiranleorize: it does? i know that people had reported that they had some problems if they import module foo and then have proc foo
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18:05:15shashlick@narimiran - looks like the range is wrong since the first break was for something else
18:05:25Mister_Magisterleorize: but what is the name of module of my nim app
18:05:30shashlicki'll get a better answer with bisect
18:05:43leorizeMister_Magister: the module name is the file name sans .nim
18:05:54Mister_Magisterwhat if i have variable with same name as file name
18:06:06Mister_Magisterjesus this is getting complicated xd
18:06:07leorizeno problem as well
18:06:13narimiranMister_Magister: can't you try and tell us what happens?
18:06:16shashlickseems like xmltree is also broken, since unicode fails now, it doesn't get till xmltree
18:06:35Mister_Magisternarimiran: expression 'read(future740487)' has no type (or is ambiguous)
18:06:37shashlickxmltree failure - https://api.travis-ci.org/v3/job/536110651/log.txt
18:06:47Mister_Magisteri will just rename it lol
18:06:50leorizehere's a CI job on 32bit before that range commit: https://travis-ci.org/alaviss/Nim/jobs/537897871
18:07:48Mister_Magisterleorize: there is problem
18:08:02Mister_Magisterit wants to call that function with variable as the parameter
18:09:21narimiranshashlick: huh, that's strange, what would fail in that example?
18:09:25leorizeit's a strong indicator that you should name your variables / modules better
18:10:41narimirannow what did i tell you just 5 minutes ago ;)
18:10:42shashlick@leorize - confired `Enable range checking for unsigned integers (#11313)` is the first bad commit for unicode.nim failure
18:11:12narimiranshashlick: thanks for doing bisect!
18:11:19shashlickis there already a defect tracking that issue?
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18:11:59Araqer ... how can I get a GCC for 32bits?
18:12:06leorizeon windows?
18:12:11Araqit dies with 'cannot find sys/cdefs.h'
18:12:12leorizeget mingw64-w32
18:12:17Araqno, I'm on Linux
18:12:24shashlick@leorize - can you also verify that the unicode issue is fixed? command line is `bin/nim doc --hint[Conf]:off --hint[Path]:off --hint[Processing]:off -d:boot --putenv:nimversion=0.19.9 --git.url:https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim -o:web/upload/0.19.9/unicode.html --index:on lib/pure/unicode.nim`
18:12:31leorizeAraq: oh, uh, use 32 bit linux
18:12:37shashlickaraq: just use holy-build-box
18:13:48leorizeanyone up for 32 bit windows testing after this? :p
18:13:57Zevvnim c --cpu:i386 --passC:-m32 --passL:-m32
18:14:07shashlick`docker run -t -i --rm -v /path/to/nimdevel:/io phusion/holy-build-box-32:latest bash`
18:14:28shashlicki can check it out @leorize - all my windows work is in 32-bit
18:15:28Zevvhey I can't build nim with 32 bits. I get a value out of range 32769 [RangeError]
18:15:31leorizesure, it shouldn't be too much more than making appveyor fetch mingw64-w32
18:15:41leorizeZevv: that's what Araq is debugging
18:15:44ZevvYeah I know :)
18:15:55Zevvreproduce on 64 bit linux with ./koch boot --cpu:i386 --passC:-m32 --passL:-m32
18:16:31narimiranZevv: shashlick and leorize narrowed it down to this commit: https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/commit/3a06022071d3ecf62c8e2f4812062e2e2fe71954
18:18:04AraqZevv, that is my command line but my GCC setup doesn't support -m32
18:18:11Araqof course with a totally silly error message
18:18:18leorizeAraq: what linux distro are you using?
18:18:44Zevvyou need to setup your i386 environment, multiarch. That's not installed by default
18:19:02Zevvwhich ubuntu version?
18:19:14shashlickreally recommend docker, it is 2 minutes worth
18:20:28leorizeinstall gcc-multilib
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18:22:29leorizemaybe I could have just patched koch then use gcc-multilib instead of spinning a docker image for 32bit CI
18:24:53Araqcannot find bits/c++config.h
18:25:20leorizeinstall g++-multilib
18:25:23Zevvapt-get install lib32stdc++-5-dev
18:25:45Zevvsupport for multiarch has been added to debian over the last few years, but the mechanisms changed a few times
18:26:00ZevvI'm never sure how to get all the proper packages installed, have to look it up for each individual version
18:26:29Araqthat worked, thanks
18:28:37shashlickfaster hashing commit broke xmltree - @narimiran
18:29:09shashlick`bin/nim doc --hint[Conf]:off --hint[Path]:off --hint[Processing]:off -d:boot --putenv:nimversion=0.19.9 --git.url:https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim -o:web/upload/0.19.9/xmltree.html --index:on lib/pure/xmltree.nim`
18:29:27dom96shashlick, thanks for writing that up
18:29:29dom96Shall I tag?
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18:30:41shashlick@narimiran ^^
18:30:43narimiranshashlick: and faster hashing broke that?
18:30:50shashlickyes - just bisected
18:31:44narimiranshashlick: can you comment out that example and see if some others in xmltree also fail?
18:32:02shashlickbrb - lunc
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18:35:53leorizenarimiran: just in case you want a bug hunt: https://travis-ci.org/alaviss/Nim/jobs/537897871
18:36:09leorizedownload the raw log and look for "after_failure"
18:36:19leorizeall failed tests are there :)
18:38:36*slugm quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)
18:39:36narimiranargh, what a nice, relaxing afternoon
18:43:01narimiranwell, i can reproduce /nim/lib/pure/hashes.nim(351, 14) `hash(xx) == hash(ii)` [AssertionError] when i modify it a bit (so it triggers the same behaviour on 64bit)
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18:45:08narimiranbut i still don't see how would that produce an error in xmltree
18:45:24leorize32 bit magic :p
18:45:52Zevvso, 16 bit tests is next?
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18:46:31narimiranZevv: can you test `nim doc` with 32-bit?
18:47:12Zevvjust one run, or is there a test suite for that?
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18:48:18narimiranjust `nim doc lib/pure/xmltree.nim`
18:49:49narimiranleorize: i've pushed the fix for the test i mentioned above. 1 down, 432498 to go.
18:50:01ZevvI can't make a 32 bit nim. I get a range error :)
18:50:58narimirancan you checkout HEAD~7 ?
18:51:13Zevvwait why can't I do a koch boot, but I *can* do a koch temp
18:51:32leorizeZevv: do a boot with -d:release
18:51:34Zevvis that debug flags?
18:51:37leorizethat disables range check
18:51:54Zevvwho needs range checks anyway.
18:52:08leorizebut it's default so :p
18:52:39Zevvnim doc failed
18:53:19Zevvwell, that's not the doc problem, it's because my 32 bit nim invokes a 64 bit gcc
18:53:41leorizedo some PATH magic and you'll be good to go
18:54:14ZevvI can't pass compiler flags to nim doc
18:54:31narimiranok, we can get around this
18:54:41Zevvwait a sec, I'll make a gcc wrapper hack
18:55:10narimiranyour regular `nim doc file` creates a `...cache/......file_examples` file
18:55:12dom96shashlick, narimiran: tagged Nimble v0.10.0
18:55:21narimirandom96: great, thanks!
18:55:35Zevvok, the hack worked, but doc failed still: http://p.zevv.nl/?d081
18:56:10narimiranZevv: great, now can you comment out that test and see if there are others which fail too?
18:56:47narimirani'm tapping in the dark and would like to see if there is some pattern to it so maybe i can narrow it down
18:57:53Zevvthere's no source line number in the assertion error
18:58:24*clyybber quit (Quit: WeeChat 2.4)
19:00:21narimiranonly that one example was failing?
19:00:48Zevvno, all three examples doing stuff with key2="second value"
19:01:44narimiranahh, is it just the order of the tags? can you just print `$k`?
19:01:49Zevvyes it is
19:01:52ZevvI just confirmed
19:02:03Zevv< <treeTag key1="first value" key2="second value">
19:02:03Zevv> <treeTag key2="second value" key1="first value">
19:02:30Zevvwell, it
19:02:35Zevv's not *wrong*, is it
19:03:03leorizenarimiran: you're using manjaro, right? then it should be easy to replicate zevv's setup
19:03:12narimiranleorize: yep, manjaro here
19:03:38leorizehmm, the wrong orders can be seen in my CI job too
19:03:44narimiranleorize: i just did, i used command "zevv, can you do it for me?", works like a charm!
19:04:48Zevvthe things I do for love
19:07:11leorizeZevv: so 32 bit nim + gcc wrapper and you'll never need to set --cpu and --passC, right?
19:07:32ZevvMy wrapper is `/usr/bin/gcc -m32 "$@"
19:07:52leorizesounds like a better solution than my docker
19:08:02leorizealright, will try it tmr
19:08:46Araqwell I cannot reproduce the problem in a small program
19:09:07AraqI think we should revert this patch until the compiler is ready for it
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19:18:22narimiranZevv: what is the third failing example? i managed to find only two of them
19:19:23narimiranone is `newXmlTree`, the other one is `clear`
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19:19:58ZevvI'll recheck
19:20:49Zevvbut it's probably not deterministic, right?
19:21:14narimirani'll just replace runnableExamples with ..code-block::
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19:24:47dom96shashlick, hm, I have a task called `server` in my .nimble file and getting an "task 'server' doesn't exist" error :/
19:24:54dom96renaming it to `fooserver` fixes it
19:25:14narimiranZevv: i think it has to do with different hashes created for 32- and 64-bit due to intsize
19:26:46Zevvmakes sense. I don't know the XML code, but is it supposed to preserve tag order?
19:26:50Zevvattribute order, that is
19:26:58narimirani hope not :D
19:27:31leorizeif you looked at the failed tests on 32bit, a lot of them has to do with mixed ordering
19:28:03narimiranwell, toXmlAttributes calls newStringTable, so no order :)
19:28:13dom96shashlick, I also have a `client` task which also works
19:28:27narimiranleorize: yep, i noticed it, but until now i didn't connect the dots
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19:29:35jjidoorder of attributes doesn't matter to XML parser, but it may matter to humans. I would try preserving it.
19:33:12Araqok, I reproduced the regression in a small example
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19:33:51ZevvAraq: is all memory allocs always and only going through os[Try]AllocPages?
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19:35:07Araqquite, sometimes allocShared is mapped to malloc
19:35:16Zevvok, thanks
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19:57:46narimiranleorize, shashlick, Araq: i've fixed four tests which were failing here (https://api.travis-ci.org/v3/job/537897871/log.txt); JS tests remain, as does ttimes.nim
19:58:57narimirangood night everybody
20:00:42Zevvpff Nim starts eating half a megabyte as soon as I need to alloc a tiny weene little bit of memory
20:00:55shashlick@dom96 can you share the nimble file?
20:01:28jjidoZevv how tiny? lol
20:02:06dom96shashlick, https://gist.github.com/dom96/5a86d44218edd56828cdcbe90713e36e
20:03:54Zevvjjido: It starts with 50 bytes. Nim thinks it is a good idea to proactively do some allocation and starts with nimMinHeapPages = 128*4096
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20:09:13*narimiran quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
20:21:37Araqyeah guess what
20:22:12Araqallocating from the OS is super slow so we try to avoid it. Which means we allocate larger blocks
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20:28:13Zevvyeah, I figured that much. I just needed to whine a bit because of my tiny weeny embedded system
20:28:26Zevvtrying to see how far I can push things with the new runtime
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20:38:34Araqleorize, pushed a hotfix but it sucks :-)
20:38:54Araqwill continue investigations tomorrow, good night
20:41:48shashlick@dom96 - just tried your bug.nimble and it works for me on linux, what are you trying on?
20:42:30shashlickwish i had an osx i could ssh into
20:45:03shashlick@dom96 - can you rename your nimblecache and try again?
20:45:46shashlickassuming you were changing the nimble file in between runs
20:48:17*abm quit (Quit: Leaving)
20:50:00shashlicktested on windows and linux at least
20:53:22FromDiscord_<DeltaPHC> Do people have any particular style preference when it comes to proc returns? `result` variable vs. `return` statement vs. implicit return
20:53:39FromGitter<liquid600pgm> result is preferred
20:53:49FromGitter<liquid600pgm> use return only when you need its flow control features
20:54:15FromGitter<liquid600pgm> dunno about implicit return, I try to avoid it
20:54:17shashlicki prefer using result as well - that way proc returns only from one spot
20:54:23FromDiscord_<DeltaPHC> I like the terseness of implicit returns
20:55:12FromDiscord_<DeltaPHC> and it kinda makes sense in regards to how procs are declared with a `=`
20:59:10dom96shashlick, still happening
20:59:54dom96DeltaPHC: implicit returns for short-ish functions, `result` for functions that accumulate data, return for everything else
21:00:13dom96It's very contextual for me so these aren't strict rules
21:01:16FromDiscord_<DeltaPHC> I got used to Rust over the last few months, so implicit returns grew on me. Explicit `return` exists there, but it's not idiomatic when not using it for early return
21:07:17*jjido quit (Quit: My MacBook has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…)
21:12:26Mister_Magisterwhen i use for a in b can i get index somehow?
21:17:54ozMister_Magister: you mean `for i, x in array: ...` ?
21:18:35ozwell, yes.
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22:51:48deechWhy does this output 'false'? 'echo not 1 == 1 - 1'
22:52:26deechSo does this: 'echo 1 == 1 - 1'.
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23:41:23FromGitter<Varriount> Zevv: For heredocs, I am going to use manual parsing. I'll let the generated parser detect the heredoc start, then parse the rest manually.
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