<< 27-08-2017 >>

00:02:48*yglukhov quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
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00:08:57dom96The only way that can work is if we introduce a new generics syntax
00:09:11dom96we talked about foo.barBaz[:string]()
00:09:21dom96That may still happen
00:09:44dom96But I believe the problem is that it's ambiguous
00:27:40*nsf quit (Quit: WeeChat 1.9)
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01:20:09*arnetheduck joined #nim
01:32:34*Noctis joined #nim
01:33:53NoctisAnyone know how I may be able to access previous binary installations
01:34:42NoctisI thought I had the nimble issue taken care of... I did not
01:35:54NoctisAnd both nimble and koch are erroring out as not compatible
01:40:07FromGitter<zacharycarter> converters are amazing
01:40:33FromGitter<zacharycarter> no idea Noctis :/
01:43:21FromGitter<zacharycarter> I was having such difficulties going from one math lib to the other
01:43:30FromGitter<zacharycarter> so I just wrote a couple converters to go back and forth for the matrices
01:43:44FromGitter<zacharycarter> now I can pinpoint exactly where the problem lies
01:43:51NoctisReinstalled from scratch, made sure I used the 32bit installer, and no dice (rebooted just for good measure)
01:44:31FromGitter<zacharycarter> are you on windows?
01:44:33NoctisManual install seemed to work, but failed when I tried to install a package
01:45:42NoctisI want to continue working on FRAG on my main pc, maybe youve heard of it ;)
01:45:52FromGitter<zacharycarter> oh haha
01:46:10FromGitter<ephja> Noctis: missing SSL DLL?
01:46:48NoctisNot getting any DLL errors, only the 32/64 bit compatibility error, even when running the .exe's manually from the explorer
01:47:27NoctisLet me see if the DLL is in the bin folder
01:47:56FromGitter<zacharycarter> doesn't sound like a DLL error
01:48:20NoctisIts like it installed a 64 bit version, but I dont see any bug reports
01:48:37FromGitter<zacharycarter> I'd ask dom96 when he wakes up
01:49:07FromGitter<zacharycarter> but IMO a fresh install of Nim / Nimble should take care of it
01:49:22FromGitter<zacharycarter> sounds like it didn't though so I'm not sure :(
01:49:43FromGitter<zacharycarter> I'm on OSX I'll be of no help besides trying things on a VM
01:49:50NoctisTried that thinking maybe it was possibly corrupt, fresh dl and install
01:51:19FromGitter<zacharycarter> I know on osx nimble creates a directory in the users home directory
01:51:30FromGitter<zacharycarter> I'm wondering if a binary got left behind like you suggested earlier
01:51:48FromGitter<zacharycarter> and is still on your path
01:52:14NoctisIt does when it initially runs, when I ran it earlier from a manual build and built the list
01:52:37NoctisThe PATH variable did get added, I removed it when I cleaned everything out for a fresh install
01:53:42FromGitter<zacharycarter> hrm
01:54:23Noctisface in keyboard moment
01:55:01*chemist69 quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
01:56:27NoctisOh well, I can continue working on code in the meantime, zc I did reply to the forum post
01:58:38FromGitter<zacharycarter> oh man Noctis frag is kind of dead unfortunately :/
01:58:53FromGitter<zacharycarter> I have a new project I've been focusing my time on
01:59:00FromGitter<zacharycarter> https://github.com/zacharycarter/zengine
01:59:56FromGitter<zacharycarter> but if you want to play around with frag
02:00:06FromGitter<zacharycarter> it's still in a usable state as far as I am aware
02:00:33FromGitter<zacharycarter> it's just somewhat of a bear to get going with, you have to compile bgfx and link it and everything - which is half the reason I stopped working on it
02:00:38*yglukhov joined #nim
02:00:40NoctisYes it is, somewhat limited (me thinking it was just going to get a big update lol)
02:00:58NoctisThats why I wanted to transition to my main programming rig
02:01:00FromGitter<zacharycarter> it was tough attracting new users because of how complex the project was to get up and running with
02:01:10FromGitter<zacharycarter> gotcha
02:01:16NoctisI wanted a good framework with nim, Ill try zengine then!
02:01:36FromGitter<zacharycarter>  :D
02:01:53FromGitter<zacharycarter> I'm currently working on replacing the math lib in zengine with glm
02:04:06NoctisMy current project which is rather large is in another language, but Im in the process of porting the main core of it to nim for the speed improvement
02:04:31FromGitter<zacharycarter> :) Nim needs more projects!
02:05:43NoctisGoing to use the core for another game, pirate themed 4x, should be quite a fun challenge, are you planning any UI support
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02:06:46FromGitter<zacharycarter> yup!
02:06:53FromGitter<zacharycarter> nuklear
02:07:16FromGitter<zacharycarter> in fact it's already wired in I just need to add a thin wrapper layer on top of it
02:07:35ftsfzacharycarter, is glm working again?
02:08:33FromGitter<zacharycarter> ftsf: was it broken?
02:08:36*chemist69 joined #nim
02:08:46FromGitter<zacharycarter> maybe that's why I'm head scratching so much
02:08:47ftsffrom changes in 0.17
02:08:55FromGitter<zacharycarter> oh It appears to be
02:08:59ftsfthe do quote stuff
02:09:21ftsfhttps://github.com/stavenko/nim-glm/issues/26 hmm merged, but still open, maybe it's fixed? *shrug*
02:09:39FromGitter<zacharycarter> seems to be working fine for me
02:09:48FromGitter<zacharycarter> minus the mathematical problems :P
02:11:22FromGitter<zacharycarter> oh I figured out my issue
02:11:24FromGitter<zacharycarter> yay
02:11:46FromGitter<zacharycarter> needed a few transposes
02:11:49FromGitter<zacharycarter> and all is good :)
02:12:16FromGitter<zacharycarter> ftsf: what are you working on these days?
02:12:33ftsfnot much, about to head to japan for a holiday! =)
02:12:34FromGitter<zacharycarter> I'm going to start working on a roguelike I think
02:12:39FromGitter<zacharycarter> oh man
02:12:45FromGitter<zacharycarter> sounds awesome
02:12:49FromGitter<zacharycarter> well deserved break
02:12:54ftsflatest project is Ministry of Synthesis (wave synth puzzle platformer)
02:13:02FromGitter<zacharycarter> I saw this
02:13:11FromGitter<zacharycarter> looked awesome
02:13:22ftsfcheers, it's got some issues, but should be good when it's done
02:13:51FromGitter<zacharycarter> :D
02:14:11ftsforiginally made it for a gamejam, but the version was very flawed, since then i've fixed a lot
02:14:24ftsfhow's zengine going?
02:14:25FromGitter<zacharycarter> nice
02:14:42FromGitter<zacharycarter> I haven't worked on it much since skeletal animation got in, but def-pri-pub has been helping quite a bit
02:14:57FromGitter<zacharycarter> so good I guess
02:15:06ftsfskeletal animation was a huge pain for me to get working in my 3d engine >__<
02:15:13ftsfneed to get back to that at some point
02:15:16FromGitter<ephja> more projects meaning more linear algebra libraries, right? ;)
02:15:18ftsftoo many projects
02:15:38FromGitter<zacharycarter> ephja: this is why I'm getting rid of my own math module in zengine and using glm
02:15:45FromGitter<zacharycarter> ftsf: I know what you mean
02:16:20FromGitter<zacharycarter> I suppose every game dev related library is just a glorified linear algebra library if you think about it
02:16:23FromGitter<zacharycarter> ;)
02:16:29ftsfhoping to connect with some of the tokyo indie game dev scene when i'm over there =)
02:16:39FromGitter<zacharycarter> that'd be awesome
02:16:50ftsfgot one of my games featured in a japanese game mag
02:17:16FromGitter<zacharycarter> oh man
02:17:20FromGitter<zacharycarter> the racing one?
02:17:38FromGitter<zacharycarter> so cool
02:17:49FromGitter<zacharycarter> I need to make an actual game
02:17:54FromGitter<zacharycarter> and not stupid engine stuff
02:17:58ftsfneed to release that on steam but currently waiting on the soundtrack which is taking a while
02:18:05ftsfyeah that's always a challenge
02:18:06FromGitter<zacharycarter> I think I have what I need with zengine
02:18:25ftsfi forced myself to make games instead of engines, and just extend the engine as i go to suit the game
02:18:30ftsfthen it's easier for the next game
02:18:33FromGitter<zacharycarter> yeah
02:18:43FromGitter<zacharycarter> ideas are always a problem for me
02:19:16FromGitter<zacharycarter> I did prototype / come up with some awesome systems for a roguelike
02:19:19ftsfeasy mode: pick two games you like of different genres and mash them up and make a new game.
02:19:35FromGitter<zacharycarter> good idea
02:19:43*sz0 quit (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
02:24:22Noctisideas were never the problem for me, it was the time, and the language/platform target
02:25:28FromGitter<ephja> horror sports?
02:29:43*enthus1ast- joined #nim
02:30:41enthus1ast-can the jsgen somehow emit the "await" keyword?
02:31:51enthus1ast-i'm fighting with the emit pragma but it feels a little wrong
02:32:57enthus1ast-i want to write nim code that uses "await" in nim which utilize use the js promise/await
02:53:41FromGitter<zacharycarter> I was wondering about this the other day enthus1ast-
03:01:03enthus1ast-got anything working?
03:02:47FromGitter<zacharycarter> negative
03:02:57FromGitter<zacharycarter> I think emit is the only way atm
03:03:16FromGitter<zacharycarter> dom96 may be able to offer some guidance tomorrow
03:05:34enthus1ast-for me it is already tomorrow :)
03:06:18enthus1ast-5am here i go sleeping..
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03:10:14FromGitter<zacharycarter> gn!
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08:18:07*Yardanico joined #nim
08:31:32mirananybody maybe interested in a quick code review for a nim beginner?
08:37:54Yardanicomiran, I'm not good at code reviews, but can you still post a link here?
08:38:46mirani'm sure you'll be more than capable for this :) link is coming shortly
08:39:08Yardanicomiran, well I've never done any project in Nim bigger than ~2.5kloc
08:40:25miranthis is Advent of Code Day 1 task: http://adventofcode.com/2016/day/1
08:41:14miranif you're not logged in and haven't solved the first part, you won't see the second part, which is: "How many blocks away is the first location you visit twice?"
08:41:20Yardanicomiran, ok, first one - you don't need to write "var dir = dir" in rotate, it's better to write "result = dir" and then change result
08:42:36miranthanks, thought about that, but 'dir' sounded more meaningful. but i changed it now to result and then implicitly returned it
08:42:40*Matthias247 joined #nim
08:44:47Yardanicomiran, well I don't see other issues with this code. also - did you declare "direction" variable at the start of the file because you wanted to have all variables in one place?
08:44:51*couven92 joined #nim
08:45:26Yardanicobecause you can remove it and then write "let direction = rotate(north, rot)" instead of "direction = rotate(direction, rot)"
08:45:49miranyes, i thought that might be the right way to do it. i'm only experienced in python so i'm not sure where/how to declare variables
08:46:05Yardanicomiran, well it doesn't matter where you declare them
08:46:09Yardanicoyou can do this almost everywhere
08:46:24Yardanicoalso nice that you've used "let" variables in places when you don't need to change them
08:48:12mirani've solved this in python, using complex numbers, which is quite elegant. i was not sure how to do it in nim, so i've chosen enum
08:48:28Yardanicomiran, https://nim-lang.org/docs/complex.html
08:48:51miranis there a better way to "wrap around" an enum (going from west to north, and vice versa)?
08:49:58Yardanicowell you can loop over enum values
08:50:05miranthanks for the link! i wasn't aware of that. i guess i should explore more modules, rather than expect it to be "pre-loaded" like in python
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08:50:17Yardanicobut I don't know if it would be better than your current way
08:50:50Yardanicomiran, well this is because of the efficiency
08:51:07Yardanicofaster compilation / less binary size
08:51:13miranmakes sense!
08:51:22*haha_ joined #nim
08:51:41Yardanicoyou can also ask for a code review on the forum
08:52:23miranwill use that when i manage to write some more serious code. currently i'm just learning the basics
08:53:07miranmaybe if i solve more of these AOC tasks....
08:57:10*ofelas joined #nim
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09:42:40Yardanicocan I export all procedures from the module except one?
09:46:38Yardanicoyay, circleci with cache is fast
09:47:13Yardanico11 seconds to spin up environment, 2 seconds to checkout code, 8 seconds to restore cache, and 2 seconds for tests :)
09:47:53Yardanicofederico3, thanks, your circleci config is very good!
09:58:51*Yardanico quit (Remote host closed the connection)
10:27:09*bjz joined #nim
10:35:36FromGitter<Yardanico> guys
10:35:41FromGitter<Yardanico> we have 2998 threads on the forum!
11:07:24federico3Yardanico thanks!
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12:13:34Yardanicoyay, I found a python range implementation in JS https://github.com/Gothdo/range/blob/master/src/index.js
12:14:01Yardanicoit has lazy evaluation of things like "containS", "len", get one value by index
12:14:42*dddddd joined #nim
12:14:45Yardanicomaybe I should create a separate package for python-like range?
12:16:22dom96nah, let's not end up like node, with packages containing single functions :)
12:21:18Yardanicodom96, well yeah, I remember there is packages for each (!) ANSI color in npm
12:22:24dom96then again, maybe we should do this too. We'll be able to say that we have 100k packages in no time :D
12:25:15federico3or 256 packages that contains one byte each
12:26:39Yardanicovery easy implementation + lazy evaluation :)
12:26:51Yardanicoand also optimized (e.g. length is computed on range creation)
12:27:06*couven92 joined #nim
12:29:20Yardanicoit can easily use bigints btw
12:31:15Yardanicohmm, wait, it's not fully correct
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12:31:25YardanicoIf I preallocate it, I don't need to "add" to the sequence :D
12:32:28dom96We need a native nim bigints implementation
12:32:48Yardanicodom96, you mean add it to standard library?
12:32:56Yardanicobecause IIRC there's already pure-nim bigints library
12:33:28Yardanicobut it has TODO file: https://github.com/def-/nim-bigints/blob/master/TODO
12:33:47dom96oh right, cool.
12:34:13dom96yeah, seems like it still needs some work
12:34:15dom96but it's a good start
12:34:27dom96Amazingly I didn't yet need them
12:34:39Yardanicobut yeah, it probably would be behind Python in terms of speed :) because python is very optimized for bigints
12:34:53Yardanicoand libraries like GMP probably use SSE/AVX instructions?
12:39:39Yardanicohmm, interesting, does Python store values of range after it was evaluated?
12:40:40FromGitter<Yardanico> Oh, it seems it doesn't
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12:48:06FromGitter<Yardanico> @dom96, well, there's a 3-line package in nimble :)
12:50:47dom96oh? which one?
12:51:06miran"does Python store values of range after it was evaluated?" if i'm understanding the question - if you iterate trough range, the last value is stored
12:51:17Yardanicodom96, https://github.com/nim-lang/packages/pull/570 :)
12:53:33Yardanicowell it doesn't really matter
12:54:09Yardanicooh, I forgot to add index operation for my range
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13:08:16*bjz quit (Quit: My MacBook Pro has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…)
13:10:58miranthere must be a better way to define an argument in a function than this, right?
13:11:01mirankpad: array[3, array[3, char]] | array[5, array[5, char]]
13:11:28miran(nim tutorial says: "The openarray type cannot be nested: multidimensional openarrays are not supported")
13:11:39Yardanicoyour type is not an openarray
13:11:46Yardanicoopenarray can only be in the proc definition
13:11:50Yardanicoit's a simple array
13:12:07YardanicoWell I don't know if there's a better way
13:12:40miranif i want my function to work on 2D arrays of any size - not possible?
13:14:32Yardanicobut it's very optimized
13:14:50Yardanicobut you can create generic array type
13:15:34Yardanicomiran, you should use sequences then
13:15:46Yardanicoarray length must be known at compile-time
13:16:45mirani thought about sequences, but at first this property to declare array length in a function parameter was useful - i have two similar but different functions, depending on the array length
13:17:10mirani guess sequences might be a better way, then inside of now singular function to check for length
13:17:49Yardanicomiran, well if you don't know length of array at compile-time your only option is sequence
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13:18:16mirani have two arrays, one is 3x3, other is 5x5
13:18:41miranthere's a `proc a` which has two versions, one for 3x3, other for 5x5
13:18:41Yardanicomiran, ah
13:18:49Yardanicoyou should use "when" in the procedure
13:19:00Yardanicoto check array length
13:19:08miranand there's a `proc b` which should have only one version that works on both 3x3 and 5x5
13:19:43mirani'll transform the arrays to seq, and try to use 'when'. thanks once again!
13:20:16Yardanicomiran, nonono, you use when with arrays
13:20:47Yardanicowell "if" would probably work too, but I'm not sure
13:21:08dom96type Array5[T] = array[5, T] # Might work?
13:21:33dom96Then you can write: Array5[Array5[char]]
13:21:41dom96And create the same for Array3
13:22:02miranhow to rewrite "kpad: array[3, array[3, char]] | array[5, array[5, char]]"?
13:22:15mirani would like to lose the OR
13:23:01miranjust to make it general, something like: "kpad: array[any, array[any, char]]", or openArray (if it were working on 2D)
13:23:36dom96You can use static[T] for this: https://nim-lang.org/docs/manual.html#special-types-static-t
13:23:52dom96But AFAIK static[T] is still rather buggy
13:24:02*chemist69 quit (Quit: WeeChat 1.9)
13:25:31miranthanks dom96 and Yardanico for the suggestions, i'll see what's doable
13:25:32*Matthias247 quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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13:47:47miranupdate: solved by using seq - it looks to me the most elegant solution
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14:01:34PMunchHmm, with the syntax highlighting from zah/nim.vim it doesn't seem to distinguish brackets
14:01:46PMunchAlthough it looks like it should..
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15:29:42Yardanicohmm, this range is not that slow!
15:30:07YardanicoI'm able to generate range(0, -10, -2) 41 millions times per second. I mean to generate a sequence, not jsut create an object
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15:31:50Yardanicowait, is there any difference for let vs var? I mean performance-wise
15:43:18dom96Don't think so. But check the generated C code.
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16:26:59PMunchdom96, you sure? I thought that let would make the compiler able to inline things, and not copy strings for example
16:27:17dom96I'm not sure at all :)
16:29:10*PMunch quit (Quit: leaving)
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16:38:28FromGitter<Varriount> "let" will prevent copying of strings, sequences, etc
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17:15:00dom96We need to release 0.17.2 ASAP https://github.com/dom96/nim-in-action-code/pull/3
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17:23:38Araqdom96: we can do it tonight :P
17:26:40*bjz quit (Quit: My MacBook Pro has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…)
17:29:07dom96hah, I dunno
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17:42:07def-pri-pubI'm working on porting a C# Networking Tutorial series I did last year over to Nim
17:42:22def-pri-pubI have no experience using the async functionality in Nim.
17:42:27def-pri-pubDoes this look correct?
17:42:27def-pri-pubgoo.gl/gTDjKBcontent_copyCopy short URL
17:44:00def-pri-pubI ready that I should be using `asyncCheck` instead of the `discard await`, but the asyncCheck wasn't holding out for the timeout. Also, I swear there was one time where the timeout didn't work properly and it took longer than 5 seconds, but still downloaded the webpage.
17:44:28dom96"NOTE: Nim's HttpClient doesn't support SSL at the moment" it does
17:44:43def-pri-pubI had an SSL issue before though when I tried that.
17:44:53dom96no, you shouldn't be doing 'discard asyncProcedure()'
17:45:00dom96'discard await' is fine
17:45:28dom96Report the issue then :)
17:46:20dom96Timeouts are likely still buggy
17:47:46def-pri-pubI was only able to get the issue to repro once, I'm working on it right now.
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19:06:07federico3If I switch from no GC to stack-based the binary size increases by 32k
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19:38:01Vi-Can someone tell me how to target x86? I tried to use --cpu: i386 as a switch but its still using the 64 bit version of cl.exe
19:39:10dom96you need to specify which C compiler to use as well
19:40:18dom96actually, here is an example: https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/blob/devel/config/nim.cfg#L19
19:41:20Vi-well I'm using the visual studio compiler
19:41:57Vi-I read the nim.cfg and from what I see there its already supposed to do the switch?
19:42:24Vi-Its refering to "vccexe.exe" which is in nim's bin folder
19:42:41Vi-@if i386:
19:42:41Vi-vcc.options.always = "--platform:x86 /nologo"
19:42:48Vi-Id assume that already does whats necessary?
19:42:50Vi-apparently not?
19:45:10dom96hrm, not sure.
19:45:16dom96Maybe you're right
19:51:30Vi-I'm getting a bunch of errors now on compling the standard library
19:51:57Vi-I suppose I can work around this by manually pointing it at the correct version of cl.exe but thats just a workaround on my side
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19:58:42FromGitter<Yardanico> You should use another visual studio command line
19:58:52FromGitter<Yardanico> There are x86 and x64 versions
19:59:57Vi-Yes but I was assuming that nim would already handle that for me
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20:37:26FromGitter<Varriount> Vi: Nim doesn't try to do anything special for finding where a compiler and it's files are. It just uses what's in the system's PATH environment variable.
20:37:56FromGitter<Varriount> Or rather, it uses what's in loaded configuration files, which is usually something like 'gcc', 'clang', etc.
20:38:46Vi-Then why does it pass "--platform:x86" to vccexe.exe if it doesnt care about that information at all?
20:40:47FromGitter<Yardanico> Hmm, why we have so many issues with feature/doc requests? Honestly there's a lot of feature requests
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21:00:17FromGitter<Yardanico> I doubt Rust has many issues like this
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21:02:04FromGitter<Yardanico> Well probably it does
21:02:59Vi-Ah well...
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21:16:20FromGitter<Yardanico> Also - is it really possible to allow scoped imports? Because different modules still will be in the global scope in C code
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