<< 27-08-2019 >>

00:22:39*owl_000 joined #nim
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01:02:20FromGitter<deech> `nim-mode` still freezes `emacs` for 10s of seconds while waiting for a suggestion from `nimsuggest`. I can confirm that `nimsuggest` is running.
01:02:35FromGitter<deech> This is the most recent version of `nim-mode` from Git.
01:30:44*wildtrees quit (Quit: Leaving)
01:38:54FromGitter<deech> Hmm. Apparently the README for `nim-mode` warns of this as `nimsuggest-mode` is still considered alpha. What does the VSCode Nim plugin use? Apparently it works better.
01:41:20*ng0_ joined #nim
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01:58:02FromDiscord_<Shield> @exelotl I played a bit with your snippet and I'm still amazed that it works, but isn't that wasteful especially on GBA?
02:00:38FromDiscord_<Shield> I tested it with objects bigger than bytes array and it indeed truncates
02:03:28FromDiscord_<Shield> I'm not sure if it's still writing past the array tho
02:04:04FromGitter<iffy> Can I define a generic where the general thing has to conform to a concept? For instance: ⏎ ⏎ ```code paste, see link``` [https://gitter.im/nim-lang/Nim?at=5d648f944b1189084e6e93bf]
02:04:15FromGitter<iffy> I feel like I read about combining generics and concepts somewhere, but now I can't find it
02:54:42*fjellfras joined #nim
02:59:32FromGitter<brentp> does anyone know where this sort alg comes from: https://rosettacode.org/wiki/Sorting_algorithms/Quicksort#Nim ? it has a weird pivot. but it is 3x faster than algorithm.sort. I assume that's because it's avoiding function calls?
03:02:08FromGitter<mratsim> I'm pretty sure most of those stuff were written by def
03:03:57FromGitter<mratsim> mmmh, I wonder why algorithm.sort is a closure ...
03:04:26FromGitter<mratsim> can't help you, I'm not a sort specialist but it seems like in algorithm it's using merge sort and not quicksort?
03:07:37FromGitter<brentp> ok. thanks. yes. docs indicate mergesort.
03:28:23*rockcavera quit (Remote host closed the connection)
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03:56:50FromGitter<Obround> How do you call a `type`'s method in another `type` method? For example, like in python: ⏎ ⏎ ```code paste, see link``` [https://gitter.im/nim-lang/Nim?at=5d64aa02a080d70ab589e3d5]
04:03:27*nsf joined #nim
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04:25:13FromGitter<mratsim> I don't understand, in your example there is no other type
04:27:20FromGitter<mratsim> ```code paste, see link``` ⏎ ⏎ ^ @Obround [https://gitter.im/nim-lang/Nim?at=5d64b128e403470ab6e2ce11]
04:27:54FromGitter<mratsim> pro tip, calling your methods meth might bring the law enforcement to your door ;)
04:29:50owl_000maybe he is trying to say calling other method, in meth_one he called add_x_y()
04:32:21*leorize quit (Quit: WeeChat 2.5)
04:37:19FromGitter<Varriount> @mratsim Have you tried the new runtime at all? How is it?
04:43:15*endragor joined #nim
04:44:52FromGitter<mratsim> I did but it was dead on arrival for me: https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/issues/11882 https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/issues/11844
04:44:57FromGitter<mratsim> didn't retry yet
04:46:38FromGitter<mratsim> next would be implementing the Project Picasso in proper Nim (and not just raw C port) - https://github.com/mratsim/weave/tree/master/e04_channel_based_work_stealing
04:46:51owl_000how to insert value in seq, though i guessed it correctly seq.insert do the work. but where is the documentation. the contents about seq in tut1, nim by example and nim manual are exetremly short. it should be brief.
04:47:46FromGitter<mratsim> I would have a couple of nice self contained data structure to test new runtime with: a generic object pool for channels, tasks, and 2 kinds of queues
04:47:59FromGitter<mratsim> and also those data structure
04:48:22FromGitter<mratsim> and futures, which should only be moved but never copied.
04:48:29FromGitter<mratsim> so also interesting use case
04:49:16FromGitter<mratsim> owl_000, assuming you have a seq @[1, 2, 3] and a value 4, what do you mean by inserting 4 in a seq?
04:49:47FromGitter<mratsim> appending at the end, overwriting an existing value, or inserting in-between 2 values?
04:50:29FromGitter<mratsim> the doc is here: https://nim-lang.org/docs/system.html#system-module-seqs
04:51:21owl_000thanks for the link. insert insert value at given index
04:59:36owl_000as a new nim user i can't find that because it is inside docs>core>system (i have to know it before). i used search in the docs, but the search result is quite irrelevent. there are some rooms for improvement. atleast the search system.
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05:04:25*narimiran_ joined #nim
05:11:06FromGitter<mratsim> The index of all nim proc is here: https://nim-lang.org/docs/theindex.html
05:11:37FromGitter<mratsim> Complain to @narimiran for docs improvement.
05:12:36FromGitter<mratsim> Ideally we should have something like Algolia for search across the whole Nim docs + tutos + forum I think
05:15:20FromDiscord_<DeltaPHC> What would be really handy is if you could list procedures by type
05:15:43FromDiscord_<DeltaPHC> The first param that is
05:16:52FromDiscord_<DeltaPHC> Because Nim uses overloading a lot, and it doesn't help to have a billion things with the same name in the docs
05:19:37owl_000one idea is to display search result catagorically. suppose seq search result can be catagorize in something like this core>system> ... , other>...
05:19:52owl_000tut1>...., nim by example>...
05:21:40FromDiscord_<DeltaPHC> Yeah, something like that. Just some way where you can ask "okay, which procedures can I use with *this* type specifically?"
05:22:01*narimiran_ is now known as narimiran
05:22:36narimiranlike you type `mySeq.` in your editor and then read the provided suggestions? ;)
05:23:01FromDiscord_<DeltaPHC> Well duh. But I'm taking docs
05:23:17FromDiscord_<DeltaPHC> talking*
05:26:57FromDiscord_<DeltaPHC> Sometimes I don't want to rely solely on the IDE to know what I'm doing :P
05:27:31FromDiscord_<DeltaPHC> Like maybe I just want to read and explore and plan
05:35:29owl_000yes. hope to see better documentation, atleast convenient way to find existing docs.
05:39:33narimiranoh, if only you have seen the documentation 9 months ago. what you have now is the deluxe package
05:40:14narimiranand yeah, it always can be better, but imo currently it is 'good enough'
05:40:54owl_000lol, thanks for all the hard work.
05:42:32FromDiscord_<DeltaPHC> Likewise. The current docs are workable, certainly
05:43:22FromDiscord_<DeltaPHC> I mostly just desire proc grouping by first param type
05:45:14FromDiscord_<DeltaPHC> Or maybe a new set of generated pages that lists procs for each type. A page per type. Idk, I'm just throwing out ideas
05:45:37narimiranit would be nice to have, agreed
05:55:03*actuallybatman quit (Quit: leaving)
06:14:47*solitudesf- joined #nim
06:26:01*LargeEpsilon joined #nim
06:41:53Araq"Group by Type" is a feature of the docs
06:45:47*Vladar joined #nim
06:46:57*alexander92 joined #nim
06:49:06alexander92We can have type search similar to hoogle
06:49:30alexander92You can even type (int, int):int
06:49:37alexander92And find out the functions that match
06:50:42alexander92The more cool thing would be to somehow pass input and out and generate a valid sequence of calls that would lead to that type
06:50:49alexander92But probably too niche
06:51:09alexander92Input type*
06:54:43Araqif you don't want to use dot-completion, why would you want a type search?
06:54:56Araqthe argument seemed to be "I wanna read the docs"
06:56:31alexander92Because it's cool lol
06:57:45alexander92Which reminds me, I need to setup code completion in my ide
06:59:53narimiranleorize[m]: i'm noticing that sometimes `*` (search for word under cursor) doesn't work anymore while on the refactor branch :/ Zevv, have you maybe noticed it too?
07:00:00*gmpreussner quit (Quit: kthxbye)
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07:01:20ZevvHm I guess, but not consistently
07:01:52narimiranhere is a way to reproduce one of the wrong behaviours (searching for wrong words):
07:02:48narimiranpick any proc definiton, e.g. `proc hash*(x: float): Hash {.inline.} =` and press `*` while on `x` - it searches for `float`, not for `x`
07:05:01*gmpreussner joined #nim
07:15:19*LargeEpsilon quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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07:35:37FromDiscord_<exelotl> @Shield#9926 yeah it's somewhat wasteful, but the alternative is having a separate static array for each kind of object (also wasteful if you don't use every object in every level), or using malloc, but I really want guarantees about how much memory my game uses
07:37:52Zevv@araq: "You will be able to mark the module as ``{.used.}``". What is the syntax for this then?
07:43:38FromDiscord_<Shield> I guess memory matters more than cache hits in your case, although nothing says that you can't group multiple small actors in one actor, I'm curious to see your end result
07:43:38FromDiscord_<Shield> I'm going over multiple implementations of ECS and I keep going back to simple arrays of components
07:45:28*alexander92 quit (Remote host closed the connection)
07:51:20AraqZevv, inside the module you write
07:51:31Araqas a top level statement
07:51:39Zevvah, right!
07:56:34*noonien joined #nim
07:56:53noonienhello folks!
07:57:13noonieni'm getting a weird error when trying to compile some async code that has unit tests
07:57:37noonieni'm not really sure what's wrong
07:58:17noonienthe file has ~500 lines of code that sadly i cannot share :(
07:58:32noonieni'll try to make a minimal reproducible example
07:58:39noonieni'm running the latest nightly
08:00:40noonieni'm calling a function called `setup` in my unit tests, that's defined outside of the unit tests
08:16:09*floppydh joined #nim
08:17:53Araqthere is a reason why I don't use unittest.nim ;-)
08:18:33Araqunittests is not where I want to have triple nested templates and usually I don't mind templates.
08:25:31noonienhmm, what should i use?
08:27:25Araqwhen isMainModule + doAssert or a testament-like tool
08:29:25noonieni see
08:33:15noonienhmm, what is testament?
08:34:08noonieni can't find any relevant documentation
08:34:13noonienis it a tool in some other language?
08:35:28Zevv"Error: cannot attach a custom pragma to 'core'"
08:35:38Zevvwhen I try the top level {.used.}
08:35:52Zevv('core' is the modules name)
08:37:37Araqtold you it's not yet implemented
08:38:35*leorize joined #nim
08:41:05Zevvoh, I missed that, sorry :/
08:41:37Zevveh, you did? Well, nevermind, thanks!
08:42:15Araqjust give me an hour
08:42:38Zevvno hurries
08:45:45*shomodj joined #nim
08:47:05*ng0_ is now known as ng0
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09:02:12dom96Anyone else think these definitions feel a little flimsy? https://www.reddit.com/r/rust/comments/cw0kyd/is_the_order_of_evaluation_of_function_arguments/ey7nzj1/
09:02:29dom96Also, we might want to specify this in Nim :)
09:02:38Araqwe do.
09:03:30AraqI need to add the exceptions though :-)
09:03:41Araqof which there are two:
09:04:01Araq- templates cannot be used to introduce a different order
09:04:11Araq- named parameters cannot be used to introduce a different order
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09:05:36dom96Can I mark this as high pri? It's a bit of a showstopper for me and I dislike the workarounds I had to use https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/issues/12042
09:06:08Araqdid it for you
09:06:16Araqtbh I thought it was fixed 6 months ago...
09:06:29dom96now you've got a nice test case too
09:19:19*shomodj quit (Quit: My MacBook has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…)
09:23:09*alexander92 joined #nim
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09:29:06FromGitter<alehander42> dom96 from this discussion https://feross.org/gcc-ownage/
09:29:08FromGitter<alehander42> is the most amusing
09:29:09FromGitter<alehander42> part
09:41:08AraqZevv, https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/pull/12064
09:43:02Zevvthanks araq. Is there a simple way to test if this is valid in a Nim version so I can add this to my code without breaking for older versions?
09:43:53Araqread the PR
09:44:24Araqwhen defined(nimHasUsed): {.used.}
09:44:32Zevvsweet, thanks
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10:42:15*ng0 quit (Quit: Alexa, when is the end of world?)
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11:05:00FromGitter<francescoalemanno> Hi everyone! I just came across Nim two days ago, at the moment i am a Julia user, but i would like to start experimenting with Nim, currently i must develop a MCMC simulation, in order to do so, i need: a n-dim array library, good support for random ndarray generation (gaussian and discrete), ⏎ ⏎ Do you guys have something to recommend?
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11:05:57alexander92i can recommend you @mratsim
11:09:57lqdev[m]kind of offtopic, but what does an n-dimensional array library provide? I'm not really experienced in scientific fields
11:23:09alexander92disclaimer, my project will probably switch to chronos next month so i am not taking sides
11:24:08alexander92but something like https://github.com/status-im/nim-chronos/commit/e3cb0d1a96e5161a626e1363d4dd3db17ee7f474 is a high priority issue for asyncdispatch imo
11:24:26alexander92it seems impossible to write templates which `await` otherwise
11:24:43alexander92and this is a dealbreaker for some usecases
11:27:06alexander92@yglukhov , i'll try to adapt your implementation to an asyncdispatch PR: i hope that's ok (this feature comes to chronos as a consequence of one of my asyncdispatch feature requests )
11:28:01FromGitter<yglukhov> alexander92
11:28:55FromGitter<yglukhov> thankfully chronos doesn't have multisync :)
11:30:11alexander92hm, multysync sounded like a good idea to me, what's bad about it : )
11:36:08alexander92yes, but that's what multisync is trying to solve
11:37:19*noonien quit (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
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11:48:11FromGitter<yglukhov> Meh, I don't think multisync solves it though :). The functions are still colored. That's bad. Myltisync allows sync io. That's just awfully terrible.
11:49:23FromGitter<yglukhov> I'm not aware of a solution cleaner than in go-lang so far.
11:52:27Zevvor lua coroutines
11:55:32FromDiscord_<exelotl> Lua coroutines are gorgeous
11:55:53FromDiscord_<exelotl> Would use those over async await any day
11:56:00alexander92yglukhov, please, dont change your gitter messages, the change isn't sent to irc :D
11:56:20ZevvI do miss those yes.
11:56:37alexander92yeah, i see what you mean: but i think multisync can be fixed to work with template-await
11:56:52alexander92otherwise, async/await overally has the color problem indeed
11:58:51alexander92but it makes me wonder, why so many modern languages : rust, c#, nim, zig adopted async/await then
11:58:56*laaron quit (Remote host closed the connection)
11:59:37FromGitter<yglukhov> I would gladly vote for removing multsync altogether. I find it plain useless if not harmful. I mean what's the real use case for it? Who would want to run sync code written in async manner?
12:00:50FromGitter<yglukhov> await template would have to be completely untyped for multisync to work. `template awaitT (v: T): T = v`. And I don't like it because it's a road to name collisions.
12:01:03alexander92well, the point is obvious: instead of writing a `x` and `xSync` function, you just write one implementation
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12:02:18FromGitter<yglukhov> I get it, but why run sync code if there's async variant? Wanna block? just do waitFor and that will work better without suspending the rest of the runloop.
12:02:55dom96because async is a huge dependency
12:02:57alexander92i don't get why one should always assume an event loop
12:03:14alexander92or using asynclib at runtime at all
12:03:16dom96if you're running synchronous IO then having an event loop is a big waste of resources
12:04:44FromGitter<yglukhov> "waste of resources" sounds like a concern for a serious application. "synchronous IO" doesn't sound like anything a serious application would even consider. Where am I wrong?
12:05:25FromGitter<yglukhov> I must be missing something obvious here.
12:05:47ZevvYou might choose to to your sync IO in threads
12:07:12dom96alexander92, you're going to switch to chronos because you can't `await` in a template?
12:07:13FromGitter<yglukhov> Well I know how to use sync IO. Question is - why? "sync IO in threads" is not the way you do IO when performance matters, no?
12:07:52alexander92@dom96 actually i implemented locally a patch based on yglukhov's one and it seems to work, that's not the reason, as i said
12:08:00dom96yglukhov: it's not just about performance, what about embedded devices?
12:09:15alexander92yglukhov a lot of "serious" apps don't do so much IO that it matters, so they can just use sync
12:09:23FromGitter<yglukhov> How embedded are we talking about? Raspberry/beaglebone do not care. Arduino - good luck running even sync io :)
12:09:53dom96alexander92, what is the reason then?
12:10:12FromGitter<yglukhov> alexander92: So if it doesn't matter why not use waitFor then?
12:10:51alexander92but why use it, if i can just use a sync call
12:11:06alexander92there is nothing really complicated about multisync
12:12:03*lritter joined #nim
12:12:12dom96multisync is just a quick and easy way to avoid these function "colours"
12:12:33FromDiscord_<Shield> why did coroutine lib and green threads got dropped in favor of async?
12:13:46dom96honestly, when I implemented async await I didn't even consider green threads
12:13:55FromGitter<yglukhov> dom96: The colors are there and it's worse because there's more colors now.
12:13:55alexander92in a long term, i kinda like one of the zah's proposals: to do the opposite
12:14:10alexander92https://github.com/status-im/nim-chronos/issues/2 a safeasync that *inserts* await where it is needed
12:14:55FromGitter<yglukhov> Multisync adds more colors. You can't call async from sync. You can't call blocking-multisync from async.
12:15:20alexander92i *think* a green thread lib can be written in userspace
12:15:37dom96multisync creates both sync and async procs so that doesn't matter
12:15:50alexander92but it might prove impossible to make it optimal without compiler changes, dunno
12:16:09FromGitter<mratsim> green thread = fiber = coroutine
12:16:45FromGitter<mratsim> std/coro is implemented in userspace. though I'm not sure how it works with exceptions
12:18:12alexander92btw there was a guy asking for ndarray lib/generation , @mratsim do your libs support that
12:18:30FromGitter<yglukhov> dom96: it does, because it allows/encourages sync io. So if you get a sync impl of a db driver which is based on top of multisync sockets, it will be just useless in async app.
12:18:36FromGitter<mratsim> a tensor is an ndarray
12:19:44dom96yglukhov: it encourages both, that is it's point. If you get a sync impl of a db driver then it's not multisync, is it?
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12:22:49FromDiscord_<Shield> is there really no way to add green threads? it's a really attractive feature
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12:24:30FromGitter<mratsim> Those are green threads: https://nim-lang.org/docs/coro.html
12:24:36dom96Of course there is. You can implement anything given the will
12:25:13FromGitter<mratsim> Or you can lift that code that combines ucontext + setjmp/longjmp for even faster speed. less than 100 lines of codes: http://www.1024cores.net/home/lock-free-algorithms/tricks/fibers
12:25:15dom96mratsim: that won't handle IO for you though
12:25:26FromGitter<alehander42> you can also wrap a c green thread library like http://libdill.org/
12:25:36FromDiscord_<Shield> araq said to not use coro lib and stick to async...
12:25:49FromGitter<mratsim> well because coro is unmaintained
12:27:13FromGitter<mratsim> The main advantages of green threads are probably cleaner separation of execution contexts and maybe speed as well.
12:27:33FromGitter<mratsim> but in terms of high-level features, I don't think there is any difference with async
12:28:41dom96async supports exceptions nowadays
12:28:57FromGitter<mratsim> actually regarding speed, I'm not even sure if there is an advantage on platforms with a large number of registers
12:29:08FromDiscord_<Shield> it's definitely speed and the lightweight, most benchmarks talk about running millions of them with ease
12:29:18FromGitter<yglukhov> Right. So what do we have. We write the code in async manner anyway. We have to mess with type duality, because sync-ness is now a part of the driving type. How simple is that? We have to do occasional `when isAsync(v)` in the code. In the end a user can write a sync function using our lib. And his function will not work in async environment (not composable). Oh, and we also get this "efficiency" for the use cases
12:29:18FromGitter... that by definition do not care about this kind of efficiency. And sure, there is nothing really complicated about multisync (c) alexander92 :P
12:29:39FromGitter<mratsim> with AVX512, CPU now have 32 registers 512-bit wide, saving/restoring them is probably super slow
12:30:42disruptekthere's a nim port of golib, too.
12:31:06Zevvmratsim: if you squeeze very hard they might fit all in a L1 cache line
12:31:41dom96yglukhov: it's very simple, you're right that sometimes you need a `when` but the more people use `multisync` the less this will be required.
12:32:18FromGitter<alehander42> @yglukhov i can't understand, why are you surprised that people would be able to write sync functions using such a lib
12:33:06FromGitter<alehander42> those users would've just used a synchronous api otherwise
12:33:21FromGitter<alehander42> why does it matter what would they write
12:34:34FromGitter<alehander42> and as i said, i'd even prefer something like safeasync : https://github.com/status-im/nim-chronos/issues/2 which still can generate a sync version
12:34:57dom96btw what is `awaitne` in chronos?
12:35:37FromGitter<alehander42> which erases the first point (writing in async manner)
12:36:05dom96explicitly writing `await` is a good thing IMO
12:36:25FromGitter<alehander42> the only remaining point: dual types and when isAsync is just a matter of tradeoffs: yes, if you write more "generic" in some sense code, you can use it more different ways, but you sometimes need a bit more complexity: if you dont want, you can still use pure async
12:36:59disruptekpure async?
12:37:09FromGitter<alehander42> async-only implementation, sorry
12:37:42disrupteki think it's the `what color is your function?` argument.
12:38:02FromGitter<mratsim> It's turquoise with a shade of grey
12:38:12FromGitter<alehander42> but i don't get the color is function argument
12:38:32FromGitter<alehander42> we all work with async/await libs: we all suffer from that problem anyway
12:39:11FromGitter<alehander42> no, i mean, i dont get why is it used here, as its still remaining a problem for both asyncdispatch and chronos with or without multisync
12:39:31FromDiscord_<Shield> "Starts main coroutine scheduler loop which exits when all coroutines exit."
12:39:31FromDiscord_<Shield> I think this was my problem with the coro lib, it assumes that you won't be doing anything else besides running the coroutine loop
12:39:38FromGitter<alehander42> if it was really such a problem, people would've designed a actor or green thread library indeed and use that
12:39:51disruptekthey have.
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12:40:00FromGitter<alehander42> i mean, the people in this discussion
12:40:02FromGitter<alehander42> (us)
12:42:04disrupteki think use of async is widely motivated by needs that go beyond its technical merits; support, stdlib inclusion, ease of use, portability, and lack of other impediments like an event loop.
12:42:06FromGitter<alehander42> 1) neither chronos, or asyncdispatch still solve the stdlib/os syscall problem: they're still inherently sync, and you either need async versions for some of those primitives, or you need a mechanism to offload them in another thread/something
12:43:22FromGitter<mratsim> but arent kqueue/epoll or whatever they are called supposed to address that?
12:43:28FromGitter<alehander42> so i think those are questions that need to be fixed before ridiculing all programs requiring sync IO @yglukhov
12:48:18FromGitter<alehander42> @mratsim well, i guess so: maybe they are already used inside? is it possible to do most io-related or syscall-invoking operations in the stdlib safely/non-blockingly in an event loop?
12:48:57FromGitter<alehander42> i am sorry, i admit i am not well versed at all in this area ^
12:51:11Araq"what color is your function?" is quite silly in a statically typed environment
12:51:37Araqso, uhm, my proc returns 'int' and you needed a string, "wrong colors!"
12:52:39dom96no matter what you use, fibers/async await/whatever, you still need to integrated with the OS and more importantly with external C libs too
12:53:00dom96if the event loop is obvious like in the case of async await it's much easier to do that, than with fibers
12:53:24dom96Go can get away with this since most of its libs are written in Go
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12:53:30dom96but Nim relies a lot on external C libs
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13:02:36FromDiscord_<Shield> wouldn't it still be useful for cases where you're not using C libs
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13:56:34FromGitter<mratsim> I think "what color is your function" is basically Monad without using Monad
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14:00:09FromGitter<mratsim> Seems like Appveyor is broken for all PRs since yesterday
14:01:11narimirani just disabled 'norm' package, so it should be ok from now on
14:03:40alexander92hm, but isn't it maintained
14:03:48alexander92i use it in my web framework
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14:04:09alexander92(which is not maintained currently .. )
14:04:36Araq'norm' broke because it's developed afaict
14:04:37narimirani'll investigate why is it failing, but in the mean time it is disabled so we can better see which PR breaks stuff
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14:12:09clyybberAraq: Some unrelated CI failure on https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/pull/11926
14:12:16clyybberSeems to happen on every PR no?
14:12:35narimiranheh, we were just talking about it :)
14:12:48clyybberOh, I see lol
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14:30:00lqdev[m]https://nim-lang.org/docs/manual.html#importcpp-pragma-importcpp-for-procs I'm just reading through this, shouldn't the first generated code example use `.` instead of `->`?
14:30:20lqdev[m]note how the pointer is dereferenced here
14:30:27lqdev[m]in the first parameter
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15:20:46Araqlqdev[m]: huh? '#.' is correct
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15:21:08Araq„A dot following the hash #. indicates that the call should use C++'s dot or arrow notation.“
15:21:37Araqah well...
15:21:57Araqit could also produce (*x).CppMethod(1, 2, 3)
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15:54:22nc-xAraq: I think he means that in the call to cppMethod, x is being dereferenced. So for a simple CppObj (and not a pointer) why is `->` being generated? (Because objects use `.` in c++, pointers dereferencing uses `->` in objects.)
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16:19:03recanyone have problem with building nim from devel?
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16:21:10narimiranrec: wild guess: try first `nim c -d:danger koch`, and then do `./koch boot`
16:21:48recdid this: `./csources/bin/nim.exe c Nim/koch.nim`
16:22:07leorizeto build Nim you need Nim
16:22:12leorizecopy that nim.exe to Nim/bin
16:23:19recI followed the readme on the Nim github
16:23:46*laaron quit (Remote host closed the connection)
16:24:14narimirani don't see `./csources/bin/nim.exe c Nim/koch.nim` in the readme :P
16:25:26recmy bad, i cloned csources into wrong dir :D
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16:30:57Araqnc-x the example uses pointers
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16:39:16nc-xAraq: no it doesn't.
16:39:51nc-xunless CppObj is a pointer
16:40:52nc-xor unless i am misunderstanding the code because i have never used ffi
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17:05:25FromDiscord_<treeform> Can this get reverted? https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/commit/3cf038027b1df0455f5c6cd2bc47b61377c49761 This patch breaks all exceptions with vc++ causing them to segfault. What is more important some "setTerminate" or entire vc++ backend?
17:05:56FromDiscord_<treeform> more info: https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/issues/11846
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18:01:32FromGitter<mratsim> AFAIK here it's GCC vs VCC backend
18:06:04disruptekwhy does strutils.IdentStartChars include '_'?
18:07:41FromGitter<mratsim> because "const _ = 1" is valid
18:07:45FromGitter<mratsim> I guess
18:09:27disruptekis there any easy way to determine if an identifier clashes with a keyword?
18:09:56disruptekit's a shame validIdentifier doesn't fail for "_foo" or "while", etc.
18:12:08Zevvwhen(compiles) let while = 0:
18:12:56disruptekyeah, i guess i have to build a macro to do that.
18:17:13leorizewell when you backtick quote them they can clash however they like
18:17:23leorizeso validIdentifier is correct
18:17:39disrupteki know, but i don't want to generate code that backticks every single identifier just in case.
18:18:09Zevvhow is backticking tifferent then wrapping it in Xes, for example?
18:18:18Zevv`while` vs XwhileX
18:18:32disruptekit preserves the value "while".
18:18:37Zevvdoes the same happen in the compiler, or is stropping really something different?
18:18:53disruptekthe compiler remaps the symbols, of course.
18:18:55leorizeto be fair you can just `genSym`
18:20:16disruptekhere's the use-case: i want to generate procs with named parameters from arbitrary string inputs, but i want to ensure that the named params are stropped only when necessary.
18:22:01FromGitter<alehander42> there is a list of keywords in the compiler
18:22:20disrupteki figured. :-P
18:23:00FromGitter<alehander42> doc/keywords.txt
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18:24:17disruptekhardcoding them is probably the right solution given these alternatives.
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18:25:25Zevvconst keywords = readFile("doc/keywords.txt").split()
18:25:28disruptekalehander42: thanks for the url
18:26:01disruptekyeah, i'm just gonna include it in my dist so i don't need to worry about trying to find the compiler source. 🙄
18:26:26LyndsySimonI have a fairly small random project I'm considering building - a way to build process flow diagrams in text, and generate graphical output (SVG, most likely). I don't see an easy way to output SVG with Nim in the standard library. Is there somewhere else I should look?
18:26:44LyndsySimonHere's the first draft of the spec I'm working on when I'm frustrated with "real work", if you're interested: https://gitlab.com/lyndsysimon/graffito/blob/primary/draft.md
18:27:33disruptekLyndsySimon: seen this? http://nomnoml.com/
18:27:39Zevvsvg is fairly trivial to generate from scratch, id did this in several projects
18:27:56Zevvjust make some procs for primitives like line, box, text, and youre set
18:28:06LyndsySimonHuh. That URl is blocked where I am (public AP). One sec.
18:28:15disruptekyou can use zevv's npeg to write the parser.
18:28:24LyndsySimonHmm. Yeah, I might just do that then.
18:28:32FromGitter<Vindaar> LyndsySimon: there's https://github.com/bluenote10/NimSvg
18:29:21Zevvoh that would be tricky to parse, i dont think you can get there with a CFG only
18:29:55disruptekwhy is that?
18:30:05LyndsySimonIt's just a very rough draft. I basically sat down and thought how I'd like the language to look.
18:30:08ZevvLyndsySimon: how is this different from things like ditaa?
18:30:16LyndsySimonLots of missing features, and everything subject to change.
18:30:36LyndsySimonIt's mine, lol. It's for personal fulfillment only, basically.
18:30:48Zevvbest reason always :)
18:30:52*leorize quit (Quit: WeeChat 2.5)
18:31:17LyndsySimonditaa, though, is sort of like a "Markdown" for charts as best I can tell. I want this to be more like a compiler for charts.
18:31:22Zevvoh no, its easy to parse, i read the md wrong
18:31:30Zevvtrival, use npeg indeed! :)
18:31:47Zevvyeah, and if it works I'll use the hell out of your tool!
18:31:57LyndsySimonThe output sections are representative, too. I expect to have multiple output options with text being one, but primarily expect to use SVG.
18:32:26Zevvcheck graphviz for inspiration. its great in layouting, but the grammar is sucky
18:32:44LyndsySimonNomnoml looks like the idea of what I'm trying to accomplish.
18:32:54disruptekit's pretty awesome.
18:33:11Zevvid love a tool for creating railway diagrams from text
18:33:47LyndsySimonI'm familiar with lots of diagram types, but not that name.
18:34:00LyndsySimonLike a subway map, or like a "swim lane" diagram?
18:34:10disruptekyou can generate and regenerate your svg on the fly to display object relationships as they change in realtime, and because it's svg, you get the benefits of the web render.
18:34:28ZevvLyndsySimon: https://json.org/
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18:35:29LyndsySimonYeah, I figured it out. I'll have to think about architecture a bit, but at a high level that's just a different set of entity shapes and formatting rules.
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18:35:46LyndsySimonThe relationship definitions aren't any different from a generic flow chart.
18:36:32ZevvI'd love a compact generated graph for representing grammars. I now have this, but I don't particularry like the flow: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/zevv/npeg/master/doc/example-graph.png
18:36:39LyndsySimonI don't know if it's reasonable, but I'd like to allow as little direct modification of the output as possible. The barrier I've encountered to using all the various tools out there is that they include a ton of options to position and configure every possible option.
18:37:18LyndsySimonThe way I see it, there are "rules" for every diagram type. Get those rules right in the output generator, and you shouldn't *have* to muck around with things in your source.
18:37:42Zevvgood philosophe, but then there is users and practice
18:38:03LyndsySimonThe awesome thing about a "personal fulfillment" project is that the only user I have to care about is me :)
18:38:14disruptekZevv: i guess you want force-directed layout, or...?
18:38:22Zevvyeah I started a few projects like that :/
18:38:24LyndsySimonThat said, I'll build in some method of extending it.
18:39:13Zevvdisruptek: not sure actually, Id have to think about that
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18:39:44Zevvgraphviz does proper layouting, but doesnt support branching of edges
18:39:44LyndsySimonSpeaking of "community", how is Nim doing these days? I dove in a while about a year ago I think (when Dom's book came out), but let it languish in my mind while dealing with work. Is the community growing? Any positive or negative signs of commercial adoption ?
18:40:01Zevv"there are dozens of us!"
18:40:30LyndsySimonI'm a Python diehard, and have been for the past decade or so. I'm getting to the point where I'm liking the community less and less, and am at least open to moving to identify with a new one.
18:40:38LyndsySimon*literally* dozens!?
18:40:42disruptekyou can do auto-layout stuff with graphviz, iirc. i know i have a moderate graph modelled somewhere.
18:41:11LyndsySimonIf that's the case, then we're probably doubled in size!
18:41:16ZevvLyndsySimon: no, but that was the answer I got some time ago when I asked something similar :)
18:41:32LyndsySimonSeriously, though. I think Nim has a lot of potential. It feels like Python felt to me circa 2005-ish.
18:41:39LyndsySimonThe community I mean.
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18:42:05LyndsySimonBefore Django rose and ate Ruby.
18:42:26ZevvI just hanag around here because all my other irc channels died out over the last few years but I refuse to use whatsapp or facebook.
18:42:54Zevvand people also talk about dogs sometimes, which is nice
18:44:03Zevvjoking aside, the community is pretty open and friendly, lot of very smart people here
18:46:13disrupteki think i have about 20 years of python now, but i'm not writing too many new projects in it.
18:46:52disrupteki just got tired of not having the "headroom" that nim affords, and the performance was just becoming a liability. the interop nim promises makes it a better proposition for the future, imo.
18:47:42FromGitter<awr1> @LyndsySimon fwiw I have seen Nim mentioned on HN more frequently, dunno how useful of a metric that is
18:48:12shashlickSame boat @disruptek
18:48:55shashlickI am too bored to use python and my older projects aren't getting attention anymore
18:49:42disruptekhere's a largish directed graph i made with graphviz iirc: https://www.dropbox.com/s/mxje14sn8xschlg/map.svg?dl=0
18:49:53LyndsySimonI love Python the language. I've definitely run into its limitations, but am generally comfortable within them. The community is the problem. It's just... toxic.
18:50:46shashlickI almost never interacted with the python community
18:50:56shashlickWith Nim, that's been part of the attraction
18:51:10shashlickLike @Zevv I just idle here
18:52:23LyndsySimonI idle here, too, I've just not been summoned back in a long time :)
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18:52:55LyndsySimonI will say, Nim (well, Npeg) syntax looks like gibberish after not using it for a while.
18:53:19LyndsySimonThen again, writing a lexer/parser isn't a typical "get your feet wet" activity I guess.
18:54:37FromGitter<awr1> npeg is a breath of fresh air for me after writing recursive descent parsers
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19:01:57alexander92dsl-s look more strange
19:02:16LyndsySimonHoly crap.
19:02:32LyndsySimonI've never written a lexer/parser, and I've not used Nim in at least a year.
19:03:02LyndsySimonI just wrote the first steps of my parser in five minutes, while responding to stuff on Slack for work, with only three compile errors - all of which were syntax-related because I'm rusty.
19:05:38Zevvdisruptek: how should one view this largish svg?
19:06:08disruptekoh, i think i have a render of it, too.
19:07:27Zevvwell you just killed my notebook
19:07:37Zevvits still figuring how to recover from that
19:07:47disrupteklol my bad. 😉
19:08:04Zevvi'll share at at slack at work tomorrow and see what happens
19:09:01ZevvLyndsySimon: I'd be glad to help you get started if you want to look into npeg
19:09:39Zevvdisruptek: yep, 16G eaten up
19:09:55Zevvfirefox trying to render that svg
19:10:26Zevvlets see what chromium makes of it
19:12:06Zevvfunny, it is'nt even that complex
19:12:15Zevvabout a thousand nodes I guess
19:12:37LyndsySimonYeah, it froze IRCCloud (Electon client) for me on macOS.
19:12:56disruptekjeeze. you guys are on weak boxen.
19:12:57LyndsySimonZevv: Thanks, I'll let you know if I run into any issues or make significant progress.
19:13:01FromGitter<awr1> 1) 74 MB
19:13:07FromGitter<awr1> hmmmm rather not
19:13:07LyndsySimonHere's like five whole minutes of work: https://gitlab.com/lyndsysimon/graffito/blob/nim/src/parser.nim
19:13:47LyndsySimonIt's not *that* weak. Work provides it, so I'm not complaining.
19:13:52Zevvlooks like a good start
19:13:55alexander92disruptek i am opening it
19:14:07alexander92bye, guys if my laptop stops working
19:14:13alexander92it was a nice ride
19:14:25Zevvfirefox totally ate 16G of ram
19:14:41alexander92hm my firefox
19:14:43alexander92just said ".png files are supported but something went wrong."
19:14:50Zevvyou need to download and open manually
19:15:42disruptekgonna be a pretty big let down once you actually open it. 🙄
19:16:10*Senketsu quit (Ping timeout: 258 seconds)
19:19:41disruptekweird thing is, i cannot find the code that actually generated it. it looks like it's python and it might use matplotlib and/or graphtool, but somehow the source is awol.
19:22:44alexander92ok, i think i got to 12 gb ram
19:22:49alexander92but using my other tty
19:22:53alexander92i managed to kill the process
19:23:01Zevvyeah I had to switch to my phone to continue typing here :)
19:23:02alexander92survive another hour
19:23:06alexander92in this scary png world
19:23:22alexander92dont send us fork bombs pls
19:23:40ZevvI once fork bombed nimbot and it went down for 4 months :/
19:23:47disruptekit renders for me in like ~5 seconds in chrome.
19:23:57alexander92hm, i have chromoium
19:24:24disruptekmine is ungoogled-chromium, a custom from-source build. shouldn't really matter though.
19:25:44disruptekit's 530mb for the svg tab on my machine. go figure.
19:30:37rayman22201Lol "Did you hear about the new disruptek exploit?", "Is it a new 0 day, buffer overflow, dos?"... "Nope, just a huge png"
19:31:06disrupteklol it's like 10meg. i don't understand what's going on.
19:31:48disruptekactually, the png is ~36meg. still... why are your browsers consuming gigs and gigs of memory?
19:32:43disruptekit's 20480x20480px though. 😢
19:32:50Zevvgood question. They're probably trying to render at a resultion of 25.000 x 25.000 at 32BPP
19:32:53Zevvthat adds up
19:33:09disruptekrendering the png is only 570mb on my machine.
19:33:19Zevvright, there you have it 20480^2*4
19:34:01disruptek!eval echo 20480*20480*4
19:34:15disruptekhardly 12gig
19:35:23ZevvLyndsySimon: what algorithm do you plan to use for layouting?
19:37:10disruptekmaybe svg isn't such a great output format after all. 😁
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19:39:38FromGitter<dom96> Zevv: you fork bombed the playground, not NimBot. NimBot is invincible :P
19:40:07Zevvif you can't eval you're dead to me
19:40:58*nsf quit (Quit: WeeChat 2.5)
19:43:57disruptekcome to think of it, why doesn't the compiler automagically strop identifiers that match keywords?
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19:48:31disruptekseems like there's code to do this but it's not working.
19:48:43Zevvlet let = true?
19:49:35disruptekimagine that you built that statement in ast and wanted to render it as source.
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20:16:35Zevvwhy would you even want to do such a thing, disgusting!
20:17:17FromGitter<awr1> so like PL/1?
20:17:26FromGitter<awr1> *PL/I
20:17:43FromGitter<awr1> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PL/I#Goals_and_principles
20:17:57disrupteki admit that this openapi effort has proven to be more challenging than i expected, and for all the wrong reasons.
20:20:25disruptekthere's a large repo of openapi inputs available for testing, and i thought they'd be well-validated and well-formed, but i was wrong.
20:20:51Zevvwell, that's a better reason then Nim not being up to the task, is it
20:21:34disruptekso instead of building your api as a 1:1 nim-types-to-the-web-and-back, i keep regressing to the mean, which is json in this case.
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20:35:09disrupteknim's auto-stropping looks like an easily-fixed bug, so i guess that's one positive to the experience. ;-)
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20:46:27FromGitter<iffy> I have a concept `Transport` defined in onefile.nim: ⏎ ⏎ ```type ⏎ Transport* = concept t ⏎ t.send(string)``` [https://gitter.im/nim-lang/Nim?at=5d6596a3be3a8a311af9f731]
20:47:20FromGitter<iffy> Then I have a thing in test_onefile.nim that implements/adheres to `Transport` ⏎ ⏎ ```code paste, see link``` [https://gitter.im/nim-lang/Nim?at=5d6596d835f914538d97e6cf]
20:47:49FromGitter<iffy> When I run my tests without `--threads:on`, it works fine. But if I add `--threads:on` it complains thus:
20:48:07FromGitter<iffy> ```code paste, see link``` [https://gitter.im/nim-lang/Nim?at=5d6597079b381b084f05cf71]
20:48:42FromGitter<iffy> Why does this have anything to do with threads?
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21:02:19lqdev[m]@iffy --threads:on enables the channels module, which is imported by system and thus imported in every module
21:02:31lqdev[m]sounds like a bug
21:02:42lqdev[m]that error, I mean
21:03:01FromGitter<iffy> Am I conflicting with something else named `Transport`?
21:03:21FromGitter<iffy> (let me answer my own question :) )
21:03:30*Senketsu quit (Quit: WeeChat 2.5)
21:03:55FromGitter<iffy> Nope, not a name conflict
21:11:32*ng0 quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
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21:17:51FromGitter<awr1> i'm lazy and can't figure this out
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21:18:17FromGitter<awr1> how do you stringify a given type's implentation
21:18:26FromGitter<awr1> it's like getTypeImpl() in macros right
21:19:14FromGitter<mratsim> myType.getTypeImpl().toStrLit()
21:20:35FromGitter<mratsim> @iffy, I think it's a concept bug, raise it on the tracker
21:20:42rayman22201@iffy looks like a concept bug. The name conflict is the send proc. The compiler is using the send proc from channels and not your impl
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21:21:02rayman22201@mratsim beat me to it
21:23:31*Senketsu joined #nim
21:23:46FromGitter<awr1> thanks
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21:30:06*Jesin quit (Quit: Leaving)
21:30:33FromGitter<awr1> i'm not getting why CI is breaking here
21:30:34FromGitter<awr1> https://travis-ci.org/nim-lang/Nim/builds/577494623?utm_source=github_status&utm_medium=notification
21:31:09FromGitter<arnetheduck> bad news btw, we'll continue bothering ya'all with nim stuff as we checked off a milestone on the ethereum foundation grants with Nimbus and our libp2p effort (https://libp2p.io/) - https://blog.ethereum.org/2019/08/26/announcing-ethereum-foundation-and-co-funded-grants/
21:33:35*solitudesf- quit (Ping timeout: 268 seconds)
21:33:59FromGitter<arnetheduck> in case you want to say you've interacted with the blockchain, you can now also try a friendly game of king-of-the-hill using nim as a smart contract language for a future wasm-based ethereum version: https://jacqueswww.github.io/kingplay/king.html
21:35:21disruptekyou're blowing my mind right now.
21:36:51FromGitter<arnetheduck> do let @jacqueswww know as he did all the hard work ;)
21:40:22*absolutejam quit (Ping timeout: 268 seconds)
21:41:17rayman22201Looks like the biggest single project grant pay out. Nice! Congratulations indeed 🎉
21:41:37FromGitter<awr1> congrats!
21:41:46rayman22201I guess Nim is working out alright for Status 😛
21:55:30*Jesin joined #nim
22:07:09FromDiscord_<treeform> I like seeing big $ and nim together.
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22:29:42*shomodj quit (Quit: My MacBook has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…)
22:39:14FromGitter<zetashift> @arnetheduck so 2 nim project's are getting grants?
22:41:49*Lullius[m] left #nim ("User left")
22:43:21disruptekis it possible to make nim generate the same C output if given identical nim input? ie. no random symbols? because then tests could be accelerated by ccache...
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22:45:00FromGitter<mratsim> mangling is deterministic
22:45:35disruptekhmm, maybe it's me, then.
22:47:12FromGitter<mratsim> and I don't think the generated C code includes the time of generation or something non-deterministic but it should be easy to check
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22:54:45*Kaivo quit (Quit: WeeChat 2.5)
22:55:17disrupteki rebuilt the compiler after setting the CC env and i guess that fixed it.
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