<< 27-11-2020 >>

00:04:50*nixfreak joined #nim
00:13:54FromGitter<ynfle> Why doesn't this (https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=2FBJ) perform a copy to the iterator?
00:23:42*nixfreak quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)
00:27:28FromDiscord<Rika> because non-closure iterators are inlined?
00:27:30FromDiscord<Rika> oh
00:27:40FromDiscord<Rika> yeah nah i think thats right
00:28:24*apahl quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
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00:29:24FromGitter<ynfle> Fails with `{.closure.}`
00:30:19FromDiscord<Rika> are you asking why x isnt copied into the iterator?
00:31:07FromGitter<ynfle> Yes. But also why it fails. Shouldn't it just copy and be done with it?
00:38:56FromGitter<ynfle> Is there a way to make "passing argument "variable name" to a sink parameter produces an implicit copy" an error as opposed to a Hint?
00:46:24FromDiscord<ElegantBeef> Why would it copy it?
00:47:06FromDiscord<ElegantBeef> It's an identical issue to adding to `x.items`
00:47:45FromDiscord<Quibono> sent a code paste, see https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=2FBU
00:47:46FromGitter<ynfle> Right
00:48:04FromDiscord<Rika> that;s pretty idiomatic already quibono, whats wrong
00:48:13FromDiscord<ElegantBeef> iterating over newseq and adding to it
00:48:24FromDiscord<ElegantBeef> oh nvm
00:48:27FromDiscord<ElegantBeef> Yea that's idiomatic
00:48:52FromDiscord<ElegantBeef> Have i ever said i misread a lot? ๐Ÿ˜„
00:49:06FromDiscord<Rika> well i dont remember if you did
00:49:27FromDiscord<Quibono> Lol for some reason I was convinced that wouldn't work in nim, thank you.
00:50:11FromDiscord<Rika> bruh, always try it before determining if it works or not smh
00:51:55FromDiscord<Quibono> I did, just stupidly in a way that made it fail.
00:52:03FromDiscord<Quibono> I appreciate the help.
01:00:00*njoseph quit (Quit: http://quassel-irc.org - Chat comfortably. Anywhere.)
01:00:23*xet7 joined #nim
01:03:07FromDiscord<tinygiant> No luck on the nimble directory with a search. Anyone know if there are any webhook listeners written in nim?
01:11:49FromDiscord<ElegantBeef> @tinygiant https://github.com/search?q=webhooks+language%3Anim
01:12:05FromDiscord<ElegantBeef> They're specific to github, but might help nonetheless
01:12:25FromDiscord<tinygiant> @ElegantBeef I'm looking for one for github anyone, so that works out. Thanks!
01:12:33FromDiscord<tinygiant> (edit) "anyone," => "anyway,"
01:19:29*Tanger joined #nim
01:19:41audiofileso what language has the equivalent of specifying flags in .nims
01:29:35FromDiscord<ElegantBeef> I dont think any languages use their own language as a configuration language
01:31:50FromDiscord<JSGRANT> @ElegantBeef Well ... a lot of Lisps do; They're certianly at least somewhat 'the exception'. I've seen it in Smalltalks as well for a number of things.
01:31:58FromDiscord<ElegantBeef> Well jsgrant is typing, so lisp clearly does
01:32:03FromDiscord<JSGRANT> Ahahahahahah DYING
01:37:02*lritter joined #nim
01:37:09*filpAM quit (Quit: leaving)
01:37:28FromDiscord<JSGRANT> One word; Emacs. โ†ตโ†ตAnother two words; Stumpwm & Nyxt. (Window-Manager & Web-Browser respectively).
01:37:37FromDiscord<JSGRANT> But honestly https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kY-pUxKQMUE
01:38:36FromDiscord<JSGRANT> I have a certain fondness for these enviroments (obviously) even though I'm one-removed from them at this point -- but there is a certain "purity" with everything being s-exps `all the way down` that you start to take for granted.
01:39:33FromDiscord<JSGRANT> Like I think about all the time if Javascript really did end up being a Lisp like intended and how nice it'd be to do web-programming in "one language" instead of having to manager HTML, CSS, and 'other' (ie: PROBABLY Javascript).
01:41:22FromDiscord<JSGRANT> You can sorta-kinda do this in Clojure from the little I've seen / messed around with -- but clearly that's an 'engineering around the problem' solution afaict and not a clean / from scratch like you would sorta-kinda have to of had to evolve from this direction to get there in 'one piece' lol
01:44:56FromDiscord<JSGRANT> And I mean the purity is nice; But (re: that clip) it can be taken a bit too-far -- S-expressions are AMAZING for a lot of data-rich content ... but I'm not convienced they are the `best` for paragraphs and paragraphs of markup. I've seen probably a dozen attempts at making a "markup language" with (((0))) and not much to show for it sadly. Even the Racket community was like 'Nah Dawg' and prefered @syntax instead.
01:47:17FromDiscord<JSGRANT> @ElegantBeef But honestly though; I compare Nim to Lisp a lot "spritually" and I think it's so common for me to go to this well -- because it's a language I really didn't expect to have this kind of "feel" and I'm really pleasantly surprised by it.
01:52:17FromDiscord<JSGRANT> For me, every comparison I've made technically is of very-high praise. lol And socially we've been lucky thusfar in not attracting some of the more 'abrasive characters' -- @disruptek doesn't count (lol); And is actually a sweetheart :^)
01:56:59*Tanger quit (Remote host closed the connection)
02:00:15*audiofile quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)
02:14:53FromDiscord<Rebel> I get worried when I am compiling my code and Nim tells me to do this....
02:15:17FromDiscord<Rebel> `Error: 'task' is of type <lent Task> which cannot be captured as it would violate memory safety, declared here: file.nim(53, 8); using '-d:nimWorkaround14447' helps in some cases`
02:15:46FromDiscord<Rebel> task is coming from `for task in tasks` and is a custom object
02:16:02FromDiscord<Rebel> and the line it's complaining about
02:16:05FromDiscord<Rebel> `keepIf(jobSeq, proc(x: Job): bool = x.TaskId != task.parameters)`
02:17:45*audiofile joined #nim
02:18:00FromDiscord<Rebel> Should I just make a copy/deepcopy of it then?
02:19:23audiofilesounds like deep learning
02:20:12*apahl_ joined #nim
02:21:33FromDiscord<Rebel> Good guess!
02:21:50FromDiscord<Rebel> No not really lol this program has nothing to do with it ๐Ÿ˜›
02:23:29*apahl quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)
02:25:31FromDiscord<Rebel> Am I missing something very obvious??? It worked before adding async to it
02:25:32FromDiscord<Rebel> https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=2FCP
02:26:34*abm quit (Quit: Leaving)
02:27:01FromDiscord<Rebel> Maybe disruptek was right at the end of the day about async lol
03:10:37*junland quit (Quit: %ZNC Disconnected%)
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03:20:09FromDiscord<nikki> @JSGRANT can u accumulate to a global seq-like at compile time in common lisp
03:20:18FromDiscord<nikki> i mean you can just like at init time
03:20:42*junland joined #nim
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03:25:50FromDiscord<nikki> i've written some CL and written macros and stuff, but yeah it's pretty different accumulating compile time constructs in a language with static types i guess
03:28:41*junland joined #nim
03:29:37*junland quit (Remote host closed the connection)
03:29:39FromDiscord<JSGRANT> Yeah, not aware of how you'd do this in Nim; Think you can get close leverging Nimscript probs ... but Common-Lisp in-general has a LOT more late-binding so really it's going to be hard if not impossible to get "to that level" without designing with that intent in the first-place
03:32:32*junland joined #nim
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04:06:01*supakeen quit (Quit: WeeChat 2.9)
04:06:37*supakeen joined #nim
04:28:59FromDiscord<Quibono> sent a code paste, see https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=2FDe
04:36:48*lritter quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
04:37:21*lritter joined #nim
04:45:43*a_chou joined #nim
04:46:06*a_chou quit (Remote host closed the connection)
04:51:06*bung joined #nim
04:54:07disruptekokay, weirdo.
04:54:19*audiofile quit (Quit: Default Quit Message)
04:57:05*thomasross quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
05:02:02FromDiscord<Rika> i dont see whats notable
05:02:21FromDiscord<Rika> cant python `print(aList[2:21])`?
05:03:12disrupteki fricken love that.
05:03:33FromDiscord<InventorMatt> python doesn't have slices like nim does
05:04:01FromDiscord<InventorMatt> you can only use slices when subscripting but they don't exist out of that
05:04:42FromDiscord<Rika> i mean yes but what quibono said didnt specifically mention what they meant
05:05:03FromDiscord<Rika> also i dont know any language that has slices like nim does...
05:05:18disrupteki think maybe it's the echo that's exciting.
05:06:24disruptekquibono likes echo'ing typedescs.
05:06:51disruptekfricken loves it, actually.
05:08:51FromDiscord<Rika> !eval echo seq[2..20]
05:08:54NimBotseq[range 2..20(int)]
05:09:02FromDiscord<Rika> ah i see
05:09:12FromDiscord<Rika> they mean that `seq[2..20]` is a thing
05:09:28FromDiscord<Rika> really odd to echo a typedesc...
05:11:21*waleee-cl quit (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
05:18:01FromDiscord<SirJosh> sent a code paste, see https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=2FDk
05:19:17FromDiscord<SirJosh> ๐Ÿ˜
05:19:18FromDiscord<Rika> yeah
05:19:36FromDiscord<Rika> looks nice
05:20:19FromDiscord<Rika> sent a code paste, see https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=2FDn
05:22:44FromDiscord<SirJosh> converters? seems interesting
05:22:56FromDiscord<Rika> yeah but its not recommended
05:23:02FromDiscord<Rika> it might be what you want though
05:23:15FromDiscord<Rika> it enables implicit value conversion
05:23:15FromDiscord<SirJosh> kek i c what they do
05:23:25FromDiscord<SirJosh> nah that was just a little "minimal repro" if you will
05:23:32FromDiscord<SirJosh> just experimenting with concepts and ill probably do things bigger than that
05:23:41FromDiscord<Rika> okay, just sayin
05:24:11FromDiscord<SirJosh> nah yeah i appreciate the thought m8 ๐Ÿ‘
05:38:43*letto quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)
05:40:37*letto joined #nim
06:01:15*narimiran joined #nim
06:06:25FromDiscord<Rebel> When Nim compiles just fine on your windows machine but yells on Linux and the errors it's giving are actually so wrong it's not even funny and if I attempt to fix those errors to make the compiler happy my code no longer works ๐Ÿ™ƒ
06:06:37FromDiscord<Rebel> (edit) "When Nim compiles just fine on your windows machine but yells on Linux ... and" added "within docker container"
06:08:00FromDiscord<Rebel> Alexa play Danger Zone by Kenny Loggins `-d:danger` `--checks:off` here we go!
06:10:25FromDiscord<Rika> are you sure nothing went wrong when you copied the file into the docker container
06:11:04FromDiscord<Rebel> 75% unless docker is caching it because I make sure to edit the file then restart the docker container so it uses the new file in the build pipeline
06:12:01FromDiscord<Rebel> Rika did you see that person's question about hiding strings within their code? Did you have any alternative solutions?
06:14:49FromDiscord<Rika> not really, that was already stripped right?
06:15:09FromDiscord<Rika> maybe upx?
06:31:26FromDiscord<acek7> hows the nim community been
06:31:41FromDiscord<Rika> its been
06:31:42FromDiscord<Rika> yeah
06:31:43FromDiscord<Rika> good enough
06:31:53FromDiscord<acek7> horny, got it
06:34:50*lritter quit (Quit: Leaving)
06:46:38FromDiscord<Rebel> Upx would get flagged big time lol he should use pezor or amber. Packing has so much entropy. Have you ever messed around with in tree llvm passes?
07:20:06*habamax joined #nim
07:36:02disrupteki have a bad feeling about this.
07:42:40*PMunch joined #nim
07:49:33FromGitter<matrixbot> `Benjamin` Hey guys, what are your thoughts on Fidget? Love it, hate it, or waiting for it to mature more before judging its potential?
07:50:44FromDiscord<ElegantBeef> I like it, it's a nice way to make a GUI
07:51:37*Torro joined #nim
07:53:02FromDiscord<warcrimecommiter1337> pezor looks nice
07:56:19disbotmatrix: 11Nim channels on Matrix can be found at +nim:asra.gr (https://matrix.to/#/+nim:asra.gr)
08:15:28*natrys joined #nim
08:17:02FromDiscord<Rika> @Rebel ~~amber gets minus points for being in go~~ (i am joking)
08:37:53bungin .cfg how to define x=y ?
08:39:03bungI only know define that flag name, dont know how to give it a value
08:43:28*natrys quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
08:44:13Clonkk[m]If you want to define a compile time flag you can use ``-d:x=y``, if you want to overwrite a symbol at compile see https://nim-lang.org/docs/manual.html#implementation-specific-pragmas-compile-time-define-pragmas
08:44:28Clonkk[m]Not sure which you meant
08:46:32*natrys joined #nim
08:46:32bungthat's from command line , how to write that in .cfg
08:47:09FromDiscord<Rika> I believe it's the same?
08:49:52FromDiscord<lqdev> disruptek: horny? my dude it's no nut november
08:52:45bungseems it only work for compiler known flag
09:07:35*hnOsmium0001 quit (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
09:13:21FromDiscord<Rika> Nonstop nut November, mind you
09:33:35FromGitter<sealmove> @PMunch hey buddy, you forgot me :3
09:33:50FromGitter<sealmove> the binaryparse PR
09:35:49PMunch"Expect this to be merged very soon." *facepalm*
09:36:01FromDiscord<ElegantBeef> Pmunch letting us down since i first met him
09:36:13FromDiscord<ElegantBeef> Be he still doesnt remember where i'm from, probably thinks i'm a finn
09:36:27PMunchI'm not even going to try to correct you..
09:36:48PMunchI'm horrible at remember things like that, and I know it
09:36:57PMunchJust be glad everyone here has a name-tag
09:37:12FromDiscord<ElegantBeef> I dont have one, this is just my birthname
09:39:57FromDiscord<Rika> ok Mr. Beef
09:40:21FromDiscord<ElegantBeef> Hey you cant take my insincere joke as sincere
09:41:24PMunchThere @sealmove, all merged and good :)
09:41:32FromGitter<sealmove> thanks :D
09:41:40PMunchWell you have a name-tag, your name is right next to your messages
09:42:31FromGitter<sealmove> name-tag... hum, I don't know how this works
09:43:59FromGitter<sealmove> btw would you like a small refactoring that allows for symbols in arbitrary order. For example `ul` === `lu`? I think it will help for future features.
09:53:59FromDiscord<flywind> !eval 1234567891234567891234'u64 div 1_000_000_000_000'u64
09:54:02NimBotCompile failed: /usercode/in.nim(1, 28) Error: expression '17082782'u64' is of type 'uint64' and has to be used (or discarded)
09:54:20FromDiscord<flywind> !eval echo 1234567891234567891234'u64 div 1_000_000_000_000'u64
09:54:47FromDiscord<shad0w> !eval echo "lol"
10:05:10FromDiscord<flywind> It seems to be intended behaviour.
10:10:51PMunch@sealmove, that would be nice. It would totally ban multi-character things though
10:10:57PMunchBut not sure if that is bad
10:12:18FromGitter<sealmove> Of course, I think this idea makes most sense if all symbols are single-char
10:13:10FromGitter<sealmove> Because then its implementation doesn't really add complexity to the code.
10:14:15PMunchYeah I'm totally for it
10:14:21FromGitter<sealmove> It even subtracts complexity I think, because now we expect optional symbols in specific place.
10:14:45FromGitter<sealmove> now == current code
10:14:59PMunchYeah, adding more optional symbols now would make the code quite messy
10:15:43FromGitter<sealmove> great, i'll work on a PR. not idea when it will be done though. couple of days? a week? two? :P
10:17:40PMunchDon't worry, I'll forget all about it and not merge it for almost two weeks anyways...
10:18:32FromGitter<sealmove> haha, nah, i can always ping you. didn't ping you sooner because i was busy with other stuff anyway,
10:21:16FromDiscord<inv> How to avoid compile-time error for tuple? https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=2FEy
10:22:11FromDiscord<inv> I understand the reason, but not sure about workarond, maybe template would help ...
10:26:36FromDiscord<inv> yep, it works
10:28:42ForumUpdaterBotNew thread by Matkuki: Ambiguous call?, see https://forum.nim-lang.org/t/7161
10:29:35FromDiscord<InventorMatt> it's also possible to do it without the template with a few modifications https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=2FEB
10:32:16FromDiscord<inv> thx! much better
10:33:08*lritter joined #nim
10:33:58FromDiscord<InventorMatt> no problem
10:47:19FromGitter<aivanov-atpco> oi
10:47:30FromGitter<aivanov-atpco> i am @alehander92 (work account :D)
10:48:55Araqsorry, but the last night's discussion was inappropriate
10:49:17FromDiscord<lqdev> @inv yeah tuple fields cannot be indexed at runtime because the fields' sizes aren't the same
10:49:29FromDiscord<lqdev> eg. an int is larger than a uint8
10:49:49FromDiscord<inv> yep, I understand. Inventor made an easy solution
10:50:08FromDiscord<lqdev> yeah that works
10:50:48AraqI know I'm late with the 'mute', but please be more respectful.
10:53:04Araq(I muted disruptek.)
10:53:56FromGitter<aivanov-atpco> our chef discussion?
10:59:52PMunchI'm guessing the async anger
11:00:43PMunchBut yeah, muting him now is a bit late :P
11:02:04*njoseph joined #nim
11:17:31supakeen#nim in general is quite a thing, it's the only channel I do *not* want to keep open at work in case someone looks at my screen :')
11:19:55PMunchHaha, really?
11:20:12PMunchI find it mostly friendly
11:21:51supakeenWell, as long as it isn't about fucking sheep, incest, or other such subjects yes!
11:27:18PMunchWell yeah, of course
11:27:24PMunchWait, are you in the US?
11:28:13PMunchBut how large text to you have in your IRC client for people reading over your shoulder to be an issue?
11:28:16supakeenSo I think I'm safe.
11:30:24FromDiscord<inv> Is it possible to "case" several params at the same time ?
11:30:47FromDiscord<inv> case a,b of 1,2: true else: false
11:30:55FromDiscord<inv> (edit)
11:33:22PMunchUnfortunately not
11:43:00FromDiscord<haxscramper> It will be possible with pattern matching though: `case (a, b) of (1, 2): true else: false`
11:47:15Araqinv: iirc the manual shows how to do that
11:48:34PMunchWait, is this possible?
11:51:51*rockcavera joined #nim
11:56:47Araqsure with case statement macros
12:00:53ForumUpdaterBotNew thread by Miran: Advent of Nim 2020 megathread, see https://forum.nim-lang.org/t/7162
12:06:02*supakeen quit (Quit: WeeChat 2.9)
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12:35:24*Vladar joined #nim
12:57:47PMunchOh damn, an AoC leaderboard
13:06:56Araqnarimiran, please backport https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/pull/16161
13:06:56disbotโžฅ fixes #16154; underlying system.add for seq is the real cause; will bโ€ฆ
13:07:16Araqonce it's green of course
13:07:19Araqand merged into devel
13:07:28narimiranof course
13:07:41Araqbut yeah, 4.2 is complete with this final patch
13:10:24Araqwe need a better test for this though
13:10:52*hmmm joined #nim
13:10:55Araqall the previous tests were defeated with a trivial asynchttpserver test program
13:17:32PMunchGot some errors trying --gc:arc on notifishower by the way
13:17:35PMunchFrom the C compiler
13:17:44PMunchSeems to come from the Kiwi module
13:29:02planetis[m]disruptek: sure go ahead and absorb it into jason, i'll allow it cause you're cool.
13:29:35planetis[m]and don't forget to give me compliments, you snitchel
13:34:42PMunchplanetis[m], Ar4q muted disruptek earlier on today
13:41:52FromDiscord<Recruit_main707> what happened
13:46:38FromDiscord<shad0w> conduct voilations ? if i were to guess
13:47:11FromDiscord<shad0w> .
13:47:40PMunchSomething like that
13:47:53FromDiscord<Recruit_main707> He said horny, was that it?
13:48:22PMunchThis was all that Araq said: "sorry, but the last night's discussion was inappropriate" and "I know I'm late with the 'mute', but please be more respectful."
13:48:42PMunchSo something from last night apparently
13:51:41Zoom[m]He attacked async brandishing his vitriolic humour and coarse invectives
13:52:12FromDiscord<aivanov> i need a vocabulary
13:52:19FromDiscord<Recruit_main707> Yeah, Iโ€™ve just scrolled up to that
13:52:35FromDiscord<Recruit_main707> ?
13:52:39FromDiscord<aivanov> is invective a word ๐Ÿ˜„ ๐Ÿ˜„
13:52:58FromDiscord<Recruit_main707> lol XD
13:53:12FromDiscord<Rika> me with 200 iq brain: if convection is a word then invective must be a word too
13:53:17FromDiscord<Rika> (i am not serious)
13:53:17Zoom[m]@aivanov I use a pretty handy fish function to launch a local instance of `dicod` in the background and querying it with `dico`
13:53:32FromDiscord<Rika> cheater
13:53:36FromGitter<aivanov-atpco> <3
13:54:18FromGitter<aivanov-atpco> https://packages.debian.org/stretch/le-dico-de-rene-cougnenc
13:54:19FromGitter<aivanov-atpco> wow
13:55:07ForumUpdaterBotNew thread by HJarausch: Nim quiz? , see https://forum.nim-lang.org/t/7163
13:56:57Zoom[m]My native language is neither Romance nor Germanic so I can't even imagine what not cheating would be for me.
13:57:04*waleee-cl joined #nim
13:58:32Zoom[m]Also, I probably need to use irony punctiation with my jokesยก
14:00:16*hmmm quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)
14:00:53*Vladar quit (Quit: Leaving)
14:01:25Zoom[m]@aivanov-atpco I think that's a wrong package. https://puszcza.gnu.org.ua/software/dico/
14:01:52FromGitter<aivanov-atpco> yes but this name was funny :)
14:01:54FromGitter<aivanov-atpco> thanks
14:02:28FromGitter<aivanov-atpco> what about aspell: i used it for english once before year
14:02:32FromGitter<aivanov-atpco> years*
14:02:42FromDiscord<tomck> sent a code paste, see https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=2FG8
14:02:56FromDiscord<tomck> uh oh, backticks are hard
14:04:12FromDiscord<tomck> (edit) "https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=2FG8" => "https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=2FG9"
14:04:22FromDiscord<Recruit_main707> You will need the sew to be static afaik
14:04:34FromDiscord<Recruit_main707> Seq
14:04:56FromDiscord<Recruit_main707> And then you will be able to iterate over it at ct
14:05:02FromDiscord<tomck> i give up formatting, that post is a dumpster fire
14:05:11FromDiscord<tomck> so, to clarify, i'm in a macro
14:05:13FromDiscord<tomck> and i'm using `quote do`
14:05:41FromDiscord<tomck> sent a code paste, see https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=2FGa
14:06:06FromDiscord<tomck> `bar` is a seq in my macro (it's already compile time, static, whatever)
14:06:39FromDiscord<tomck> how can i expand bar into the context, to get `foo(1, 2, 3)` rather than `foo(@[1, 2, 3])`
14:06:53PMunchTIL invective
14:07:09ForumUpdaterBotNew thread by Hrm: How can I do 'fetch' or 'XMLrequest' thing in JS?, see https://forum.nim-lang.org/t/7164
14:08:50FromDiscord<tomck> (edit) sent a code paste, see https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=2FGb
14:09:52FromDiscord<Recruit_main707> I donโ€™t think you can use quote do for this, you will have to manually create the ast
14:10:45FromDiscord<tomck> hmmm that's a shame, i always end up building the whole thing manually b/c i can't inject into quote do
14:10:58FromDiscord<tomck> alright, thanks, i'll build it all in code
14:11:17*hmmm joined #nim
14:14:38FromDiscord<Quibono> sent a code paste, see https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=2FGe
14:16:38FromDiscord<Recruit_main707> we are happy you are happy
14:16:52FromDiscord<Quibono> Lol thank you.
14:17:12FromDiscord<Quibono> I'm still at the newbie stage where I'm like "THIS LANGUAGE CAN DO WHAT???"
14:18:02FromGitter<aivanov-atpco> so i talked
14:18:08FromGitter<aivanov-atpco> to my guys about nim (office friday)
14:18:18FromGitter<aivanov-atpco> i think i completely forgot some stuff
14:19:23FromGitter<aivanov-atpco> and misexplained other , but i think some got a bit interested ..
14:19:38FromGitter<aivanov-atpco> the lead guy thought not having a flagman project is the big `-`
14:19:58FromGitter<aivanov-atpco> they liked the concepts and z3 stuff iirc
14:20:13FromGitter<aivanov-atpco> and the syntax (and the interop stuff)
14:25:54Zoom[m]Did you talk about GC/ARC/ORC and recent developments in move semantics?
14:27:23hmmmhey I'm slogging thru the nim manual, what is the difference between array and openarray
14:27:26Zoom[m]In my experience a lot of people react pretty strongly on GC and don't want to hear anything after. This was one of the reasons I decided to not dive into Nim some 5-6 years ago.
14:28:37Zoom[m]hmmm: The section in the manual is pretty clear, what don't you understand?
14:29:57hmmmwell I'm here: https://nim-lang.org/docs/manual.html#types-array-and-sequence-types and they just appear from nowhere, so what would I use them for
14:30:55Zoom[m]I suggest you Ctrl-F more
14:31:26hmmmah ok now it's clear
14:31:29Zoom[m]Think of it as a type which allows for functions to take an array of any length as an argument.
14:31:35hmmmty zoomie
14:32:12Zoom[m]`it can only be used for parameters` is the important bit
14:34:45hmmmit's kind of like a generic type for the arrays
14:35:10*Perkol joined #nim
14:36:31FromDiscord<tomck> sent a code paste, see https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=2FGl
14:37:36FromDiscord<tomck> When i try the above, it can't find the `==` proc to compare typedesc, is there anythign i need to import here?
14:39:13*Vladar joined #nim
14:42:19hmmmoh the set type is interesting
14:42:27FromDiscord<Idefau> yeah
14:42:45hmmmis there a way to make a powerset?
14:42:54hmmmthe list of all the subsets in a set
14:43:24FromDiscord<Idefau> should be possible
14:43:53FromDiscord<Idefau> https://rosettacode.org/wiki/Power_set#Nim
14:44:44hmmmwowowo this is pretty cool
14:44:52hmmmty idefau
14:45:22FromDiscord<Idefau> np
14:46:18FromDiscord<Idefau> tho i find some rosseta code implementations less idiomatic and more of a direct C port
14:46:32FromDiscord<Idefau> (edit) "tho i find some rosseta code ... implementations" added "nim"
14:48:41Zoom[m]It's rather strange to use hashmap for this
14:49:47Zoom[m]It's just basic combinatoric. Don't we have an iterator for combinations?
14:49:48FromDiscord<Idefau> yea
14:49:54Zoom[m] * It's just basic combinatorics. Don't we have an iterator for combinations?
14:50:10disbotno footnotes for `itertools`. ๐Ÿ™
14:50:31PMunch!repo itertools
14:50:32disbothttps://github.com/narimiran/itertools -- 9itertools: 11Nim rewrite of a very popular Python module of the same name. 15 70โญ 4๐Ÿด
14:50:43narimirani'll never learn how to use these bots
14:50:50FromDiscord<Idefau> it took me less amount of time to search it myself lmfao
14:51:11FromDiscord<SirJosh> the fact that nim has a GC lets me relax because you can be productive :)))
14:51:25Zoom[m]I'm not sure how to implement it for sets with holes, though.
14:52:28*Torro quit (Quit: bye)
14:53:24ForumUpdaterBotNew post on r/nim by miran1: Advent of Nim 2020, see https://nim-lang.org/blog/2020/11/27/advent-of-nim-2020.html
14:54:52FromDiscord<Idefau> man i suck at aoc
14:59:36*lritter quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
15:03:19narimiran3 days to practice
15:07:41ZevvI'm skipping this year I guess
15:07:43Zevvit was fun
15:07:48Zevvwhile it lasted
15:08:06FromDiscord<Idefau> i might practice on the 2018 one
15:08:50FromDiscord<haxscramper> Are all tasks formulated with two-page essays, or there are some kind of 'given input, produce this output'?
15:09:07Zevvthe former
15:09:15Zevvwhich is actually the charm of it
15:09:29Zevvit's a silly story unfolding over the month
15:09:40FromDiscord<Idefau> yea
15:09:45Zevvand you spend half your time extracting unambigious instructions from the prose
15:09:51FromDiscord<haxscramper> ah, so each task is related to previous one&
15:10:02FromDiscord<haxscramper> from story perspective
15:10:12narimiranok, story kinda
15:10:22FromDiscord<Idefau> some tasks are related iirc
15:10:23Zevvif you want to prepare, make sure you can quickly whip up a sparse 2d grid system for all kind of cellular automata
15:10:36FromDiscord<Idefau> lol
15:10:37Zevvprepare search algorithms to find your way through maps
15:10:43narimiranZevv: you know that i won't let you just quit like that?
15:10:43FromDiscord<Idefau> yrah
15:10:46Zevvand make sure you can create a kind of VM
15:11:05FromDiscord<Idefau> i remember i stopped after doing that int machine thing last year
15:11:10Zevvnarimiran: it's getting too repetative. I'll take a peek where it's going, but not sure if I find motivation
15:11:25Zevvthe fun is switching languages each year, but I have nothing on my whish list
15:11:25narimiranjust first 5 task. come on
15:11:33FromDiscord<Idefau> yeah
15:11:52FromDiscord<Idefau> im not the brightest individual
15:11:59FromDiscord<haxscramper> I'm thinking about this, but I'm not good with this kind of fast-small-problem solving. Although when I do I usually use `find -name ".nim" | entr -rc nim r solution.nim` to instantly build & run solution on each save
15:12:03FromDiscord<haxscramper> Might be useful for someone
15:12:10*PMunch quit (Quit: leaving)
15:14:11FromDiscord<Idefau> last year i stopped early because i didnt really knew Nim then and i started doing it in c++ which didnt really motivate me
15:20:16*habamax quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
15:33:44FromGitter<HJarausch_gitlab> Is there a means to invoke an iterator in a *while* loop instead of a *for* loop?
15:37:32FromDiscord<Rika> why?
15:38:34FromDiscord<haxscramper> You can call closure iterators like regular closure functions using `iter()` AFAIK
15:56:21*hmmmmm joined #nim
15:56:47bungError: cannot open file: exitprocs
15:56:51bungwhere it is ?
15:59:20FromDiscord<haxscramper> !eval import std/exitprocs
15:59:23NimBot<no output>
15:59:53FromDiscord<haxscramper> Use `std/` prefix for importing this (and all other) libraries
16:00:15FromDiscord<haxscramper> all other libraries from nim stdlib
16:00:42bunghmm , why this module need prefix, others dont
16:01:25FromDiscord<haxscramper> Most new std modules require this prefix, and AFAIC it is recommended now use `std/` now for everything.
16:01:38FromDiscord<haxscramper> (edit) removed "now"
16:02:29bungok, sounds good to me
16:03:24ForumUpdaterBotNew thread by JPLRouge: Help C to nim conversion just precision, see https://forum.nim-lang.org/t/7165
16:06:46Zoom[m]I practiced AOC the first year in Rust (in my tempo) and got to day 22 or so, but then it started to take too much time. I remember it being lots of fun, though.
16:17:04narimiranZoom[m]: and imagine how much fun would you have if you didn't use rust :P
16:29:16FromGitter<sealmove> @PMunch are you still here? I had 2 questions written down about binaryparse.
16:30:32PrestigeHe's gone
16:30:50FromGitter<sealmove> Forever or for the day? :3
16:47:41*disruptek left #nim (#nim)
16:54:40*narimiran quit (Quit: leaving)
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17:34:51Zoom[m]narimiran: I very much doubt it. Algorithmic problems are a wonderful fit for a language with an extensive type system and FP facilities. It's real world stuff which hits you with the borrow checker complaints.
17:35:13*Perkol quit (Quit: Leaving)
17:38:44FromDiscord<lqdev> ime rust's extra safety also seems like a good fit for compilers
17:46:55*abm joined #nim
17:47:39ForumUpdaterBotNew thread by Geohuz: Is there any nim based 2d collision detection lib?, see https://forum.nim-lang.org/t/7166
17:51:30*hnOsmium0001 joined #nim
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18:06:38FromDiscord<zetashift> @Zoom[Matrix] I think miran ment it a bit more in jest than serious haha
18:06:59FromDiscord<zetashift> iirc he even used OCaml previous AoC
18:09:32FromDiscord<Idefau> i kinda want to do aoc in lisp
18:09:35Zoom[m]Yeah, of course. Just sharing my POV.
18:10:34FromDiscord<Quibono> AOC in brainfuck?
18:11:11FromDiscord<Idefau> make a brainfuck implementation in nim and do aoc in that
18:11:18Zoom[m]I wish I spent the time I spent reading Nix manuals to learn Guile...
18:11:25FromDiscord<Idefau> same
18:12:17Zoom[m]At least Guix is making steady progress, so I hope I'll switch one day.
18:13:25FromDiscord<Idefau> i used guix for a while i really like it
18:13:27Zoom[m]Better braifuck>Nim transpiler
18:13:53Zoom[m]Or the one working both ways
18:15:35Zoom[m]That could be our "flagman" project which would attract aivanov's colleagues!
18:21:46FromDiscord<For Your Health> I have this problem that has been bugging me for a while in multiple languages. I was hoping to get some thoughts on it. https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=2FHT
18:24:54FromDiscord<haxscramper> @For Your Health I don't have enough brainpower now to fully think it through, but maybe https://nim-lang.org/docs/manual_experimental.html#term-rewriting-macros-examplecolon-hoisting might be useful for you, as well as `{.global.}` pragma for variable declaration. You can just avoid re-running expensive computations and use results
18:25:16FromDiscord<haxscramper> Without introducing any global variables to keep things
18:25:24*Vladar quit (Quit: Leaving)
18:25:41FromDiscord<haxscramper> E.g. some kind of memoization to avoid rerunning expensive parts
18:26:44FromDiscord<For Your Health> In my case as well, the calculation doesn't necessarily need to be extremely expensive. It could just be a small calculation, but maybe the procedure that depends on it is called quite frequently
18:28:16FromDiscord<For Your Health> I can take a look at that link, although I was hoping there exists a solution that doesn't involve crazy macro stuff
18:28:52FromDiscord<haxscramper> hoising is probably overkill
18:29:18FromDiscord<haxscramper> Actually you might just use `var memoTable {.global.}: Table[float32, float32]`
18:30:02FromDiscord<For Your Health> I would have to figure out what that does. Currently I have no idea
18:30:32FromDiscord<haxscramper> Similar to `static` variable declaration in C
18:30:58FromDiscord<haxscramper> `memoTable` is not destroyed between function calls, and you can put new values to it
18:31:40FromDiscord<For Your Health> What if there are multiple objects calling it?
18:32:31FromDiscord<For Your Health> In my example imagine there are multiple `Thing` instances
18:33:17*Vladar joined #nim
18:37:10FromDiscord<For Your Health> This problem has bugged me in every language I've tried. It's not a huge deal since in my case the calculations aren't that expensive usually, but it still bothers me.
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18:42:48FromDiscord<haxscramper> Well, I would go with memoization if computations are more expensive than table lookup.
18:43:11FromDiscord<haxscramper> and if this a performance issue
18:45:50FromDiscord<For Your Health> It's more of an academic problem for me than a serious issue. You can pass in the result of the expensive calculation as an argument to the procedure, and avoid a table lookup while using memoization. It's just that this increases the cognitive load the programmer experiences.
18:46:10*hmmmmm quit (Remote host closed the connection)
18:47:32FromDiscord<For Your Health> It puts the responsibility of memoization in the hands of the caller of the procedure I guess.
18:47:49ForumUpdaterBotNew thread by Moigagoo: Automatically generated JS library wrappers?, see https://forum.nim-lang.org/t/7167
18:49:04*thomasross joined #nim
18:49:31FromDiscord<haxscramper> sent a code paste, see https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=2FI5
18:49:39FromDiscord<haxscramper> Or something similar to this, and memoization is just implementation detail
18:50:17FromDiscord<haxscramper> Or I might've misunderstood you about 'responsibility of memoization'
18:51:08FromDiscord<For Your Health> I was referring to if you decide to pass the expensive calculation as a parameter to the procedure when I said 'responsibility of memoization'
18:51:35FromDiscord<For Your Health> I like your idea, but it is only worth it if the calculation is decently expensive right?
18:52:08FromDiscord<haxscramper> Yes, it is always tradeoff
18:52:12FromDiscord<lqdev> @haxscramper adding `threadvar` to `memoTable`'s pragmas would probably be a good idea
18:52:25FromDiscord<For Your Health> The thing is, it doesn't have to be a tradeoff, if you pass the calculation as an argument
18:52:34FromDiscord<For Your Health> I can write an example
18:53:08FromDiscord<haxscramper> I don't quite understand what do you mean when you say "calculation as an argument" (result of maybe?) so yeah, example would be quite nice.
18:55:39FromDiscord<For Your Health> Here is the example https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=2FI8
18:57:51FromDiscord<For Your Health> Although it doesn't have the benefit of remembering the result for other member0 values I suppose
18:58:20FromDiscord<For Your Health> Not automatically at least, the caller could do it
19:00:49FromDiscord<For Your Health> The problem I guess boils down to: abstracting cognitive burden away from the caller results in less efficient code, when maybe there is a way around it.
19:01:52FromDiscord<haxscramper> What I mean is - https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=2FIe and yes, most abstractions are not zero-cost
19:02:41FromDiscord<haxscramper> And actually making computational expenses disappear in the thin air requires quite a lot of consideration and familiarity with concrete problem
19:03:04FromDiscord<haxscramper> Which of course is not applicable for this general example
19:03:51ForumUpdaterBotNew thread by Treeform: Urlly - a new library for URL parsing for C/JS backends. , see https://forum.nim-lang.org/t/7168
19:08:54FromDiscord<For Your Health> It seems like that may be the case unfortunately. That is a really cool example though, thanks for sharing. I'll have to save that somewhere for reference
19:09:22*nixfreak joined #nim
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19:15:24FromDiscord<alehander42> zoom yes a bit
19:15:35FromDiscord<alehander42> but i am not good enough at it ๐Ÿ˜„
19:15:57FromDiscord<alehander42> Araq forgive us for yesterday
19:20:52*bung joined #nim
19:22:26*hmmm joined #nim
19:24:01FromDiscord<Rebel> Sorry for starting the great debate yesterday lol
19:24:22hmmmI missed a great debate? :o
19:24:25FromDiscord<Rebel> Ya boi just wants sleek efficient code and will do whatever works to obtain it ๐Ÿ˜„ even if it means entering the danger zone
19:24:36FromDiscord<Rebel> scroll up to 2:09 PM EST yesterday
19:24:42hmmmlet's see
19:24:56*bung quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
19:26:08hmmmI think my 2:09 is different from yours but I suspect disruptek was involved :p
19:26:42FromDiscord<Rebel> well I put EST so you could trivially convert it to your time zone
19:26:51hmmmnot trivial for me :D
19:27:05FromDiscord<Rebel> I hope you're joking
19:27:17FromDiscord<Rebel> google 2:09 EST to my time zone.....
19:27:42FromDiscord<Rebel> Have you seriously never converted timezones lol if you are in UK it would be 7:09 EST
19:27:45FromDiscord<Rebel> (edit) "EST" => "UTC"
19:28:15hmmmok if 7:09 uk it's 8:09 in rome
19:28:21hmmmthat makes it easier
19:28:46*bung joined #nim
19:30:23hmmmye someone was horny I see
19:33:47FromDiscord<Idefau> i am perpetum horny
19:38:02hmmmwell well well, it seems my nigui input is getting me "value + newline" how should I discard the new line without writing complex stuff
19:39:08FromDiscord<Quibono> @dom96 +1 In support of a nim-beginners channel, I'd appreciate a safer space for me to be an idiot.
19:39:25hmmmas the representative of the idiots I concur
19:39:49FromDiscord<Quibono> We have a representative? ๐Ÿ˜ฎ
19:39:59hmmmyes the biggest one should represent :3
19:40:15FromDiscord<Quibono> Lol those rules seem fair, but how do we determine who is the biggest?
19:40:53hmmmwe read all the questions in the lasts 30 days and the most stupid questions make the biggest idiot :>
19:41:03FromDiscord<Quibono> Hahaha. ๐Ÿ˜‚
19:41:37*bung quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)
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19:42:16FromDiscord<alehander42> ugh
19:42:23FromDiscord<Quibono> Okay, newbie but maybe not stupid question: What's the decision process on using something like threads/async vs Weave?
19:46:22*bung quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
19:48:10Zoom[m]The funny thing is, the whole discussion about #nim-newbies started as someone suggested more should be brought to forum "for posterity", but the whole point of beginner-channels is to not log them! ๐Ÿคฃ
19:48:54FromDiscord<Quibono> Yeah, I'm much more comfortable asking stupid questions on chat than in a forum.
19:49:06hmmmoh yes I might become an historical figure in the near future, wouldn't want to be exposed by my early nim missteps
19:49:08Zoom[m]This channel logs, y'know
19:49:15FromDiscord<Quibono> Yeah
19:49:24FromDiscord<Quibono> But it's different?
19:49:46FromDiscord<Quibono> Forums feel more judgy lol.
19:50:45Zoom[m]Answering your question and trying to channel my inner disruptek: if you need to ask, just use threads over async.
19:51:37FromDiscord<Quibono> Lol, so when does one use Weave?
19:51:40Zoom[m]Read the part about async in Dom's book, better the whole book
19:51:53FromDiscord<Quibono> Lol okay rtfm
19:52:23Zoom[m]And than read "What Color is Your Function?" for balance
19:53:10*bung joined #nim
19:53:45hmmmI'm trying to use a new tech to solve my nim problems, I googled "python how to strip newline", apparently they use: "str2 = str.replace("\n", "")" now I just need to find the nim equivalent
19:53:49FromDiscord<dom96> To be honest I would hope this would be considered a safe space for newbie questions too
19:54:15FromDiscord<dom96> if we're getting 10 questions a minute, like the Python IRC channel seems to get, then we may wish to consider a separate channel ๐Ÿ™‚
19:54:29FromDiscord<dom96> But I don't really have strong opinions here
19:55:01FromDiscord<Quibono> Lol yeah but tbh if the answer to my question is read a 300 page book, no offense to anyone, I'm just not going to learn the answer.
19:56:06FromDiscord<dom96> That's a very good question. Haven't used Weave myself so I'm also curious ๐Ÿ™‚
19:56:13Zoom[m]300 pages is not a lot, considering it's not some specific knowledge applicable once in a blue moon
19:56:49FromDiscord<Quibono> No it's not, but programming is a field that is really abrasive about acquiring knowledge in 'bad' ways/
19:57:16*bung quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
19:57:44Zoom[m]My extremely limited experience with coding tells me the main skill required is being comfortable and proficient in reading and navigating tech literature and documentation.
19:58:59FromDiscord<Quibono> Yeah I agree.
20:01:33FromDiscord<Quibono> I kinda want to start working on a monte carlo project/maybe library, so parallelism in Nim is kind of an interesting topic for me at the moment.
20:01:38Zoom[m]I can't speak of Weave - never used it, and the description on GH looks a bit intimidating, but I used Rayon in Rust previously and it provided a much more user-friendly way of utilizing available mulithreading capacities of the CPU than basic primitives.
20:01:54Zoom[m]If it's anything like it, it's a must
20:01:58hmmmhmm it seems I have two options, either strutils and splitlines or re and replace
20:02:41Zoom[m]What are you stripping newline from? And what for?
20:03:21Zoom[m]You need to join lines?
20:03:27hmmmthe line I need to split is from my nigui input textbox, what for is basically a small exercise app :>
20:04:02hmmmI get something like "55 \n" and I don't want the \n
20:04:48*bung joined #nim
20:05:09Zoom[m]You probably want to iterate the input line by line and grow your string/sequence/whatever progressively
20:05:40hmmmnunu it's a small calculator so I process one number at a time :o
20:07:37hmmmthis is magic
20:07:41hmmmty zoomie
20:09:18*bung quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
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20:25:40avassdoes nim not build binaries for musl? I happened to noticed that using choosenim on alpine didn't work very well :)
20:28:08Zoom[m]@haxscramper that example with memoTable is pretty nifty. Do we have a nim cookbook or some wiki?
20:28:45FromDiscord<dom96> avass: choosenim statically links with libc nowadays AFAIK, it should work fine on Alpine
20:29:28avassdom96: hmm maybe I need to take a closer look at that then.
20:31:12FromDiscord<haxscramper> Zoom: there are "nim by example" and "nim days" (link on the 'learn' page https://nim-lang.org/learn.html , along with some others)
20:32:19*bung joined #nim
20:32:20FromDiscord<dom96> avass: relevant issue https://github.com/dom96/choosenim/issues/216
20:32:21disbotโžฅ choosenim does not work on Linux with musl ; snippet at 12https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=2zpU
20:32:29avassdom96: oh actually choosenim works fine, it was nimble that didn't work
20:32:34FromDiscord<haxscramper> But this specific case is more about how to get something like C's `static` (`{.global.}` pragma ) in nim, and so it probably falls under category of 'general programming stuff'
20:32:42FromDiscord<haxscramper> E.g. not really nim-specific
20:33:00FromDiscord<dom96> avass: ahh, when doesn't it work?
20:33:09mipriit's probably nimble's networking that doesn't work, and probably due to an old OpenSSL
20:33:13FromDiscord<dom96> when building something?
20:33:54hmmmoh interesting, var.stripLineEnd modifies the var in place. Why it works like that instead of something classic like var = stripLineEnd(var)
20:34:03avassyeah I get the usual 'file not found' error when trying to use nimble as if it was trying to load libc instead of musl
20:34:03*nixfreak quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
20:34:18avassif that makes sense
20:34:27mipriah, not openssl then.
20:35:14FromDiscord<dom96> Does Nim work?
20:35:30avasslet me check, I don't think I installed openssl so that could also be it
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20:38:39avasschecking ldd both nim and nimble tries to load libc
20:38:55avassso installing openssl didnรคt work and neither nim or nimble works
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20:42:34FromDiscord<dom96> Yeah, I would call that a choosenim bug. Please report it. As a workaround you should be able to force choosenim to build you a Nim compiler + tools via `choosenim \#v1.4.0`
20:43:09avassdom96: great, thanks!
20:44:05avassI'll create and issue of github for it later so it doesn't get lost :)
20:44:19FromDiscord<dom96> thanks ๐Ÿ™‚
20:46:47*bung quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)
20:47:48hmmmzoomie we makin big progress, my seq is populating very nicely
20:50:59*Vladar quit (Quit: Leaving)
20:51:14Zoom[m]<hmmm "oh interesting, var.stripLineEnd"> As Nim is not move-by-default yet, it makes sense to modify a collection in place, if you're changing/removing just the last elemnent, and not making a copy of the whole thing
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20:53:16hmmmpython makes a copy? :o
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21:54:37FromDiscord<haxscramper> @For Your Health On topic of avoiding computation - I also remembered that in some cases you can resort to compile-time evaluation for different things. I have macro for that case - https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=2FJ7 - mostly I use it for `AST -> string`conversion where I need to constantly compute indentation for strings. So this macro unrolls function call and converts it into case statement
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21:55:35FromDiscord<haxscramper> This is of course quite specific use case, but if you can (and with nim you have a lot of capabilities for things like that) move things to compile-time evaluation you basically have zero runtime cost
21:56:05FromDiscord<haxscramper> At the expense of longer computation and increased binary size though, but that is a tadeoff as usual
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21:57:39FromDiscord<haxscramper> Maybe it is worth having something similar on wiki, though examples like this tend to be relatively big (10+ lines at least) so it would be easy to get lost in them, especially if more will be added.
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22:00:30FromDiscord<For Your Health> @haxscramper That's way over my head but looks cool. I'll study it when I get the chance.
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22:30:31ForumUpdaterBotNew thread by R3c: How to evaluate string in Nim's VM at runtime?, see https://forum.nim-lang.org/t/7169
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23:23:01FromDiscord<Daniel> is there a way to connect code with gui, like pascal lazarus?
23:23:15FromDiscord<Daniel> where you can drag and drop gui, rad
23:24:19FromDiscord<Daniel> (edit) "lazarus?" => "lazarus alternative for nim?"
23:24:27FromDiscord<Daniel> (edit) "is" => "Is"
23:24:31FromDiscord<Daniel> (edit) "where" => "Where"
23:26:11FromDiscord<Quibono> Is there a reason SHA1 is in the Stdlib when it seems like SHA2 is the default now?
23:27:43FromDiscord<Rika> because sha1 is still useful?
23:33:48*bung quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)
23:37:42FromDiscord<Quibono> Gotcha.
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23:45:04FromDiscord<Quibono> https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=2FJx This is giving two errors and I understand neither.
23:46:07FromDiscord<Rika> ill check it out
23:46:29FromDiscord<Rika> digest doesnt return a string
23:47:27FromDiscord<Quibono> What does digest return?
23:51:16FromDiscord<Rika> a "MDigest[256]" whatever that is
23:51:55Zevv!last disruptek
23:51:55disbotdisruptek left 12#nim-news 7 hours ago and last spoke 716 hours ago