<< 28-02-2019 >>

00:03:46*rnrwashere quit (Remote host closed the connection)
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00:05:21shashlickyay, Linux binary builds in nightlies are almost working
00:05:31shashlickfew more fixes and we will be good to go
00:05:56ryukopostingcan we get docker containers/upload to docker built into releases pls
00:09:56shashlicknightlies is devel builds so we can post to github releases but might not be easy to docker run
00:10:10shashlickelse every night will be a new push - is that common in the docker world?
00:10:26ryukopostingoooh yeah definitely no pushes to dockerhub for nightlies
00:10:40ryukopostingmaybe in a separate thing, but not the main container lol
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00:25:24shashlickCan you pull containers from other places, like github releases
00:25:42shashlickNo good reason to though
00:29:16*V-X joined #nim
00:30:17FromGitter<coocheenin> ```code paste, see link``` ⏎ ⏎ @shashlick working like a charm on CentOS 6.6 (i686), thank you again. [https://gitter.im/nim-lang/Nim?at=5c772b98e1446a6ebe587095]
00:33:22V-Xhttps://gist.github.com/ImVexed/c07c05120a87ccfbf6240a7f390451dc What would be the best way to solve the issue that `remotesImpl()` is getting generated before the `remote` macro is called?
00:36:42leorizemake it return untyped?
00:37:50V-XNo effect
00:39:40shashlick@coocheenin: awesome πŸ˜„
00:40:26leorizeV-X: what errors did you get?
00:40:42shashlicktestinstall doesn't work on version-0-19 - https://github.com/nim-lang/nightlies/issues/23
00:41:43V-XNot an error, just an order of operations problem. `remote` adds the proc to `remotes` and `remotesImpl` iterates over `remotes` but it is empty when `remotesImpl` fires because server.nim is compiled before server_impl.nim I'm presuming
00:42:26leorizewhat version of Nim are you running?
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00:46:12leorizeI don't think there's anyway around this
00:46:28leorizeThe server module will always be evaluated before any other
00:47:38V-XI was thinking about maybe moving `remotesImpl` into server_impl.nim, it would be messy but it's the only way I can think of under it's current architecture. That being said though if there's a better way to go about this I'd appreciate any input
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00:58:56leorizeV-X: How about storing the unfinished AST in a variable then builds upon it for every remote() call?
01:07:28V-XI'm not quite sure I follow
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01:54:41rayman22201@V-X export remotesImpl and call it in your "when isMain" section
01:55:00*dddddd quit (Remote host closed the connection)
01:57:31rayman22201remotesImpl is going to get called at when "proc handleCall" is defined (when the server module is compiled). That is not what you want. You need to generate the "proc handleCall" in your main.
02:06:48V-XThanks I'll try putting that in and see how it goes
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03:24:49ryukopostingtaking bets on how long the AWS SDK generator macro is gonna be
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03:36:33FromGitter<gogolxdong> Does the latest devel remove the prefix nimcache/ directory?
03:43:18shashlickNimcache is now moved to ~/.cache
03:53:12FromGitter<gogolxdong> for js backend, it used to be the current directory with compiling .nim file.
03:53:32FromGitter<gogolxdong> I found it's gone
03:57:03FromGitter<Varriount> ryukoposting: I have AWS request signing code that you may find useful
03:58:54ryukopostingi got one homie
03:59:20ryukopostingoh wait i read that wrong
03:59:24ryukopostingpls give
04:00:15FromGitter<Varriount> Sure. Note that I had a better (and slightly more optimized) version at one point, however it was accidentally deleted.
04:02:33*nsf joined #nim
04:02:53FromGitter<Varriount> ryukoposting: https://gist.github.com/Varriount/076f406c475b5369301a2fcd7b4527af
04:03:25ryukopostingthis may prove to be extremely helpful
04:03:52FromGitter<Varriount> It's optimized to make as few heap allocations as possible. When I benchmarked it, the main hot path was the cryptography code
04:04:08ryukopostingthat makes sense
04:04:29ryukopostingevery request passes through it, sha isn't exactly fast
04:04:52ryukopostingthanks, this is awesome mate
04:07:07FromGitter<Varriount> ryukoposting: AWS signing is really convoluted.
04:07:30FromGitter<Varriount> Especially if you want to avoid creating tons of temporary strings
04:08:28ryukopostingyeah i was starting work on that
04:08:44ryukopostingwas not exactly the prettiest or the friendliest to the heap lol
04:09:59FromGitter<Varriount> The main way I avoid allocations is through use of toOpenArray, and tuples of string indexes
04:13:28FromGitter<Varriount> ryukoposting: If you find a situation in which it crashes, or gives an incorrect authentication signature, let me know. I'll try fixing it.
04:13:42FromGitter<Varriount> Also, if you have any questions, feel free to ask
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04:48:42FromGitter<slomp> Is it possible to specify `compileToC` in a `nim.cfg` file? ⏎ I'm getting this: ⏎ ⏎ ```nim.cfg(7, 1) Error: invalid command line option: '--compileToC'``` [https://gitter.im/nim-lang/Nim?at=5c776829608c6f373636813a]
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05:09:04leorizeyou can't
05:09:29leorizethere's no way to enforce the backend afaik
05:10:27leorizenimble will let you specify which backend to build your project with
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05:29:51FromGitter<gogolxdong> Anyone knows how to use path tag of svg in Karax?
05:35:41FromGitter<kaushalmodi> I just learn that @timotheecour is blocked from Nim repo :(
05:35:51FromGitter<kaushalmodi> That's very unfortunate for Nim.
05:36:34FromGitter<kaushalmodi> His issues and PR's have helped greatly fine tune Nim in the past many months and fix many *many* inconsistencies and bugs.
05:36:59FromGitter<kaushalmodi> I'm asking Araq and team to revert this decision of theirs.
05:37:50FromGitter<kaushalmodi> I wonder what major mistake he did that outweighed so many contributions by him.
05:38:38FromGitter<kaushalmodi> This is a great project; don't let politics ruin it.
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06:51:02FromGitter<Varriount> @kaushalmodi GitHub has that feature?
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06:55:30FromGitter<timotheecour> indeed; since 14 days ago, I can’t reply to any issue/PR (even ones i created) in nim repo, it shows as "You can't perform this action at this time.” ; and https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/graphs/contributors used to show me as 2nd contributor since 2018, but I was erased from the list of past contributors.
06:57:00FromGitter<gogolxdong> what politics ,racism? :)
07:00:39*krux02 joined #nim
07:03:21*PMunch joined #nim
07:07:32PMunchkaushalmodi, timotheecour, this is really unfortunate. I'm awaiting a response from the Nim team as to why this happened before I will comment much further. But from what I've gotten from timotheecour it looks bad..
07:08:56Zevvwow, that is sad news. I do hope the core team will be open and fair about this
07:10:58Zevverased from the list even
07:13:37*leorize joined #nim
07:13:37PMunchYeah that's rough.. If I were to speculate I'd say it's related to this: https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/pull/10629#issuecomment-463345761. And I get the point, I always try to create concise examples that shows what the bug is, and try to create minimal PRs whenever possible. But just outright banning people for things like this is too harsh. But as I said, I won't reach for the pitchfork and cry for libertΓ© until we have a fuller picture of what's going
07:13:37PMunch on here..
07:15:30AraqI'm very sorry but we saw no other option.
07:25:53PMunchWhat I'm worried about is the communication around this. As I said I can see the point, but did you bring it to his attention? Was he made aware of the possibility of a ban if he didn't increase the quality of his issues? Surely the amount of issues isn't the real problem here, after all a reported bug is better than a hidden one.
07:35:39AraqI talked with him privately. I don't think these discussions belong into the public.
07:47:35PMunchWell it is alarming for the community to see something like this without any explanation. Keeping it secret just sows distrust, makes it seem like there's something to hide.
07:47:53PMunchOr were you referring to the private talks?
07:48:02PMunchI agree that those don't have to be public
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07:54:17Araqyeah, I meant the private talks, they don't belong into the public
07:55:41Araqthe "List of contributors" is beyound our control
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08:00:00*gmpreussner quit (Quit: kthxbye)
08:02:39PMunchYeah I assumed the contributors list was just a GitHub feature and not intentionally done to hide his contributions
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08:34:55PMunchDoes he have any recourse if he want to come back? Or is he just banned indefinitely?
08:36:16FromGitter<alehander42> Still this sounds very unfortunate: isn't there any way you guys can't somehow get to a working arrangement
08:58:14*Perkol joined #nim
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09:01:40FromGitter<alehander42> i feel that if you all can agree for him to work on 2-3 bigger things , e.g. (CI , feature1 , fix2) and not go deep into related smaller issues (except if they're really important): keeping bookkeeping/issue area to a minimum, this can work for everyone
09:01:52AraqIt is not a permanent ban, and the arrangement has been communicated with Timothee.
09:02:03PerkolIs there way to embed binary files in nim executables? Aside from using base 64
09:02:42FromGitter<alehander42> so there is an arrangement where you would accept new work from him
09:02:47FromGitter<alehander42> that's good to hear
09:03:14krux02Perkol, there were some experiments to do that, but I would not go for that right now.
09:03:59AraqPerkol, lookup "resource compiler", it's not Nim specific, but it works
09:05:44*noeontheend joined #nim
09:14:06ZevvWhy not just const blob = readfile("blob")?
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09:23:36leorizethe docs are still broken :/
09:25:09PMunchPerkol, there are probably multiple ways to do this, what exactly are you trying to do?
09:26:18narimiranleorize: give me some more time until the end of the day, i cannot work on it before, sorry
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09:27:57leorizeI might have figured out the problem
09:28:24FromGitter<alehander42> btw is nimterop working on devel
09:28:27FromGitter<alehander42> @shashlick
09:28:47leorizenarimiran: https://github.com/onqtam/Nim/commit/67d5f9acfb7b1d079693d0995838dc9c8510ede0#diff-33add683a8c2129be4da4f1a7d8a83c4R66
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09:30:05narimiranif you can fix it before i get my hands on it - please send a PR
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09:37:07FromGitter<alehander42> i get Error: can raise an unlisted exception: ref OverflowError
09:37:12FromGitter<alehander42> in parseutils
09:38:04FromGitter<alehander42> hm it seems i just needed to fix the regex lib, i'll pr
09:39:45PerkolPMunch: to have some image embedded in file. Then extract them in folder for usage
09:41:03PMunchThen a simple const image = readFile("myimage.png") should work
09:41:17PMunchAnd when you want to extract it simply write out the image variable to a file
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10:51:47leorizeAraq: since we now have the --outdir: switch, should I make the --out: switch invalid for nim doc --project?
10:55:11Araqleorize, if it solves the regressions
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11:03:23enowHi, guys I was trying to read something on the online documentation and got several 404s
11:03:31enowi.e. https://nim-lang.github.io/Nim/deques.html
11:03:33enowalso sequtils
11:03:34leorizeI'm fixing it rn
11:03:51enowfrom https://nim-lang.github.io/Nim/lib.html
11:04:04leorizecurrently just read prepend the .html part like this: deques.html -> deques/deques.html
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11:05:23enowleorize: thx
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11:16:32FromGitter<mratsim> so outdir was part of hot code reloading?
11:18:22Araqyeah, for some reason I don't understand
11:18:48Araqbut I needed to merge it asap to prevent it from conflicting with our system.nim refactorings
11:25:17Araqleorize, did alaviss beat you to it? https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/pull/10754 :-)
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11:37:42narimiranAraq: leorize = alaviss :)
11:39:57Araqreally? ok. lol
11:40:28PMunchHmm, was looking at this bug https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/issues/6886 and when compiling the dynlib with -o:./libnimrtl.so it output a file simply named libnimrtl (no file ending)
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11:42:45nc-xPMunch: Thats https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/issues/10747
11:43:25Araqsorry about the regressions, they should all be fixed tonight
11:43:27nc-x(due to some changes in the hot code reloading pr)
11:44:10PMunchAh I see
11:44:22PMunchI thought so since they were talking about --outdir and --out :)
11:44:47Araqit's all related
11:45:03FromGitter<mratsim> "we are all connected"
11:45:26PMunchHow does the hot-code reloading stuff work though when a simple nimrtl thing doesn't
11:45:50PMunchRef. www.reddit.com/r/nim/comments/avp672/how_to_write_a_wrapper_for_a_javascript_library/ do we have a js2nim?
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12:13:35FromGitter<alehander42> we mostly need typescriptdefinitions2nim
12:13:53leorizeAraq: all tests passed :) also, would you like me to add a test for this regression?
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12:14:54FromGitter<alehander42> @PMunch there was a dts2nim project, but its a little bit old and it doesnt have support for newer nim js stuff: i talked with the author after it and she was ok with somebody rewriting it
12:15:40FromGitter<alehander42> but i feel one can mostly export a typescript ast with a small node program + ts parser lib to json and then load it , analyze and export to nim type definitions in a nim program
12:16:19FromGitter<alehander42> it should be all very straightforward .. except for the number thing. but i think for most libs a simple "use floats/integers" flag would be enough for now
12:16:28PMunchDon't answer me, answer the guy on Reddit :P
12:16:54FromGitter<alehander42> well he wouldnt want to wrtie the whole translator :D
12:35:36*Pisuke joined #nim
12:36:00*MyMind quit (Ping timeout: 258 seconds)
12:46:16PMunchStill, it's better to have a reply than feeling ignored :)
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13:22:28shashlick@alehander42 is it a nimterop issue?
13:22:51FromGitter<alehander42> @shashlick just needed to fix the tags for one function in the regex lib
13:23:24shashlickOk cool
13:23:39FromGitter<alehander42> thanks for the treesitter wrap infrastructure: i need to play with their ruby parser in nim and nimterop helped me greatly
13:23:53FromGitter<alehander42> as a starting point
13:24:05FromGitter<alehander42> wrapped*
13:24:28shashlickExcellent - are you using the nimgen or the nimterop wrapper for tree-sitter
13:24:38FromGitter<alehander42> hm i think the nimterop one
13:25:08shashlickCool - happy to hear your feedback on nimterop
13:25:16FromGitter<alehander42> i just copied the cpp related code and added a ruby module
13:25:32FromGitter<alehander42> if i use it directly, i'd be happy to
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13:30:21shashlickhttps://github.com/genotrance/feud/tree/master/wrappers - that's how wrappers typically look like
13:30:28FromGitter<arnetheduck> c++20 list of features looking pretty comprehensive: https://old.reddit.com/r/cpp/comments/au0c4x/201902_kona_iso_c_committee_trip_report_c20/
13:35:02FromGitter<alehander42> btw @shashlick have you played with treesitter grammars themselves
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13:44:46livcdkaushalmodi: are you around ?
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14:29:50leorizenarimiran: I think we should get rid of the HCR docs in system.nim
14:30:36narimiranleorize: yeah, we should. i still haven't managed to look at it in detail, but i guess it is because of some `include`
14:31:05narimiranbtw, everybody, our devel docs work again!! big thanks to leorize!
14:31:19leorizeit was only 2 lines of code :P
14:31:48narimiranbut the *right* two lines :)
14:46:16FromGitter<kaushalmodi> livcd: I'm around on and off, on mobile
14:47:18FromGitter<kaushalmodi> leorize: thanks for the fixes.
14:47:43FromGitter<kaushalmodi> Is there a way to add a test for the extension fix?
14:49:19leorizeyea, there is a way
14:49:47leorizeyou make a custom category in testament :)
14:50:24FromGitter<kaushalmodi> I meant not test just those procs but the --out switch
14:50:48leorizeyea, using a custom category you could call the nim compiler however you like
14:51:21leorizejust build a hello world or something, then check if the file exists
14:51:41FromGitter<kaushalmodi> I don't know how to do that. But given that this functionality broke once, it deserves a test
14:53:30leorizethe --outdir addition sure is buggy
14:55:32leorizefor example, --outdir doesn't work at all :P
14:56:17leorizeI think these bug don't need any tests, they just need careful review
14:56:47FromGitter<kaushalmodi> Can't help but mention @timotheecour when we are talking about --outdir
14:57:31FromGitter<kaushalmodi> He played a critical role in speccing that switch and could have helped in its implementation
14:57:57leorizeI still don't understand how come it was part of hcr
14:58:21FromGitter<kaushalmodi> That whole commit being squashed was a bad idea
14:58:34FromGitter<kaushalmodi> It's a crazy large commit
14:58:46leorizeI think that work needs to be merged more often
14:58:59leorizewell, the original branch is still there I believe
14:59:06leorizethen it's fine to squash it
14:59:18leorizebut at least someone should clean the description of the commit before merge :P
14:59:22FromGitter<kaushalmodi> It could still be merged but not squashed
14:59:44FromGitter<kaushalmodi> And update changelog
14:59:50FromGitter<zah> sorry, outdir was done in a bit of a hurry. I can take a look at the issues today
15:00:20FromGitter<kaushalmodi> Also add tests please
15:00:29FromGitter<kaushalmodi> Search the issues for the outside spec
15:00:35FromGitter<kaushalmodi> Outdir*
15:00:51FromGitter<kaushalmodi> It has a lot of test examples
15:02:31FromGitter<kaushalmodi> Outdir spec: https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/issues/9513
15:03:47FromGitter<kaushalmodi> Arbitrarily closing issues shouldn't be the goal: https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/issues/9513#issuecomment-461448103
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15:04:10FromGitter<zah> outdir is tested as part of the HCR tests (it was added to simplify the test logic there)
15:04:12FromGitter<kaushalmodi> Do we want a stable project or just a 0 issue-count project?
15:04:35leorizeclosing low-quality issues should be a goal tho...
15:06:04narimiran@kaushalmodi you don't know the full story and i won't be discussing it in public, even though the current situation probably paints me in negative light. EOD from me.
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15:08:09FromGitter<slomp> I noticed that if I use `cc = vcc` in a `nim.cfg` file, the `cc` assignment has to happen before any other compiler flag listing, otherwise `cl.exe` can't be found. ⏎ ⏎ This works: ⏎ ⏎ ```code paste, see link``` [https://gitter.im/nim-lang/Nim?at=5c77f958212d0c1e1aadeb14]
15:09:42FromGitter<Varriount> What's HCR?
15:10:20leorizeHot code reloading
15:10:20FromGitter<kaushalmodi> narimiran: I don't know the full story but I was silently observing at least 3-4 issues that I was interested in that krux02 blatantly closed, that were opened by @timotheecour , and he had to fight to have them kept open.
15:10:56FromGitter<kaushalmodi> And those issues were valuable, and not low quality for me.
15:11:52FromGitter<kaushalmodi> But I'll also stop speaking on this topic with a feeling that whatever is happening here feels like a mistake
15:17:41FromGitter<arnetheduck> fwiw I've been surprised by how some issues are being cut short lately as well.
15:22:29shashlickI need some help with nightlies
15:23:04shashlickgiven I'm building 32-bit images in a 64-bit VM, I need to run tests also inside the docker container
15:23:20shashlickreally old Linux, so running into PCRE issues
15:23:30shashlickI'm building from scratch to get libpcre.so.1 in place
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15:23:49shashlickbut build fails with errors
15:23:56shashlickany C/C++ experts, please provide guidance
15:24:18leorizewhat errors are you having?
15:27:02shashlickHBB sets LDFLAGS to `-L/hbb_exe/lib -static-libstdc++` by default so I've tried removing -static-libstdc++ but it still fails on 64-bit
15:27:21shashlickI'm just guessing so some real guidance will be worthwhile
15:27:28leorizedoes the errors change when you remove -static-libstdc++?
15:27:34shashlickalternative is knowing how to run Travis in 32-bit mod3e
15:29:59leorizeshashlick: do you get the same errors without -static-libstdc++?
15:30:19shashlickI'm setting up to run through that case on travis
15:30:25shashlickdon't have my home machine accessible
15:30:34shashlickit's a pain not having a linux machine handy when on the move
15:31:15leorizeinstall linux on whatever you are using ;)
15:31:40shashlickI had a nice server but it got relocated and am still waiting for it to be setup
15:31:52krux02shashlick, it seems like you miss the flag -fPIC to build the shared library (position independent code)
15:32:35shashlickbut it gets picked up by configure
15:33:32shashlickso I'll just try adding -fPIC to LDFLAGS and try again
15:34:33leorizeit won't work
15:34:58leorize-static-libstdc++ is the culprit
15:35:13FromGitter<mratsim> I agree with @kaushalmodi and @arnetheduck, issues seem to be strongarmed into closing lately.
15:35:14leorizethe static version of libstdc++ is not meant to be used when building dynamic libraries
15:36:44shashlickokay so should I remove -static-libstdc++ and add -fPIC as well
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15:42:57FromGitter<Varriount> Anyone know of a way to set the capacity of an existing string, without modifying the length?
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15:43:54Araqthere is only let oldLen = s.len; setLen(s, cap); setLen(s, oldLen)
15:43:58Araqsucks, I know
15:45:33FromGitter<alehander42> +0.5 for @mratsim @kaushalmodi i kinda like that the team focuses on important issues, but maybe the closing thing happens a bit too radically sometimes imo
15:46:49Araqwell there is a learning process involved here :P
15:47:50AraqI keep rapping their knuckles
15:48:31Araq(no idea if I got the English right)
15:50:02ldleworkmfw evidence of the rapping culture is right in front of me
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16:38:32shashlickleorize: didn't work with LDFLAGS = -L/hbb_exe/lib -fPIC
16:38:46leorizewhat's the error?
16:39:04shashlicksame thing
16:39:20shashlick`/opt/rh/devtoolset-7/root/usr/libexec/gcc/x86_64-redhat-linux/7/ld: /hbb_exe/lib/libstdc++.a(new_op.o): relocation R_X86_64_32 against symbol `_ZNSt9bad_allocD1Ev' can not be used when making a shared object; recompile with -fPIC`
16:39:51leorizetry adding -Bdynamic to ldflags
16:40:03leorizethat should discourage gcc from using static libstdc++
16:41:24shashlickokay will try
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16:44:03shashlickokay looks like this works on 32-bit at least, not on 64-bit
16:44:25shashlickso an option is to get out of the container and run tests normally in travis for 64-bit
16:44:33shashlickof course, megatest is failing on devel right now
16:45:09shashlickmegatest:processing: tests/misc/tsizeof3.nim
16:45:10shashlick-[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 48, 57]
16:45:11shashlick+[0, 0, 48, 57]
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16:54:44Araqshashlick: what do you mean, it fails on devel?
16:54:48Araqit's green on devel
16:55:57shashlickit is failing with that output on nightlies within the docker image
16:56:59narimiranshashlick: that's on 32-bit?
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16:59:52shashlickhere's the job - https://travis-ci.org/genotrance/nightlies/jobs/499888258
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17:01:43narimiranyeah, it is because array size is dependent of sizeof(int). we can change the test to print only last few elements
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17:02:46Araqthe tests are green for 32 bits (though I still need to finish appveyor support to prove it)
17:04:35shashlickwhere do we run 32-bit tests in linux
17:05:41Araqtravis doesn't support it so I setup appveyor to do it
17:05:50Araqbut appveyor dies with a mysterious error
17:06:02Araqand I haven't taken a deeper look at it
17:06:24*rnrwashere quit (Remote host closed the connection)
17:06:50Araq(but hey, you don't have to debug these "declarative" configs, always remember that.)
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17:16:31shashlicktravis workers now take 7 minutes to start
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18:16:45shashlicknarimiran: will you fix tsizeof3.nim? we won't have linux binaries for devel 32-bit until that works
18:17:18narimiranshashlick: ok, i'll change it to print just the last two elements
18:18:13shashlicki guess you could also when 32-bit - len = 4 if you want to be perfect
18:22:17narimiranshashlick: pushed
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18:26:25shashlickcool thanks!
18:27:35*neceve quit (Quit: https://quassel-irc.org - Chat comfortably. Anywhere.)
18:28:35ryukopostinglook what i made https://i.imgur.com/9gMrCOR.png
18:30:07narimiranhow? :)
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18:32:27ryukopostingmoose is an IRC bot, it has a simple little web frontend where you can add a pixel art drawing to it, and you can tell it to draw that pixel art in whatever IRC chat it's connected to
18:33:47narimiranryukoposting: while you're here and before i forget: could you maybe tone down the red/pink tint on your site? :) after being on it, it burns my retina and everything else becomes blue :D
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18:36:24ryukopostingwhat kind of screen do you have lol
18:37:21narimiranhaha, the one that makes #FFF2F7 visibly red :D
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18:37:52ryukopostingweird, it's most definitely kind of a light salmon color on my displays
18:38:01ryukopostingwill fix though
18:38:20narimirangah, it is because of my redshift
18:38:37narimiranwithout it, it is slightly tinted (noticeable, but nothing much)
18:39:14narimiranbut with redshift, the tint is much more pronounced
18:39:31narimiransorry for the (semi) false alarm
18:39:57ryukopostingi've been meaning to lighten the background and darken the links a bit anyway
18:40:07ryukopostingif nothing else, you reminded me I wanted to take care of that lol
18:44:15ryukopostinggot some old high-end IPS display for 75ish bucks off of ebay, best puchase ever. I'm guessing the seller had no idea what this thing once sold for, because this thing is ridiculous
18:44:34ryukopostingit can do picture-in-picture, like wtf
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18:45:16ryukopostingwhat it also means is that when I see my website, I usually see it in very accurate color and I never really get a perspective for what it looks like on a normal display lol
18:45:29narimiranlast month i switched from IPS to VA, and i cannot believe how much better IPS was
18:46:16narimirani knew about TN <-> IPS difference, but i thought VA would be "almost IPS"
18:47:01ryukopostingI still keep my old TN around as a secondary display, putting it vertical made the viewing angle even more garbage lol
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18:51:36ryukopostingalright, made some teensy changes in the css, it's a barely perceptible difference unless you put them side-by-side but I think the links are easier to read
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19:44:36shashlickyay, linux binary builds finally pass
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20:19:58ryukopostingwait so who gave me this slick AWS signing code last night
20:21:36ryukopostingi don't know how to use this pls help
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21:26:45shashlickhow can you tell the size on a docker image?
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21:35:26dom96hm, did one of you buy nim.dev?
21:40:28FromGitter<MatiasPeco> Hi, i' m a programming novice and i'm trying to learn some nim. I have creared a sequence of objects, and i would like to generate a json array of object
21:41:20ryukopostinghttps://nim-lang.org/docs/marshal.html ?
21:42:17FromGitter<MatiasPeco> Can anybody give me some tips? I' ve seen the documentation on json module but all the examples are with simpler objects are already defined strings
21:43:05dom96ryukoposting: marshal shouldn't be suggested if the goal is to generate JSON
21:43:11ryukopostingoooh my bad
21:43:12dom96its format isn't quite idiomatic JSON
21:43:40dom96MatiasPeco: what do your objects look like? Can you show us what you've got so far?
21:48:34FromGitter<MatiasPeco> Simple type with four fields, but the usual user type with name and age will do as an example
21:49:07FromGitter<MatiasPeco> My difficulty is with what to do when i have a sequence of them
21:50:00FromGitter<MatiasPeco> Unfortunately i am on mobile now, so i don' t have the code or an editor
21:50:34FromGitter<SolitudeSF> this thing could probably help you https://github.com/LemonBoy/jstin
21:50:53dom96You should be able to just do: %yourListOfObjects
21:55:49FromGitter<MatiasPeco> I will try again with the simple %mySeqofObjects it was my first attempt but it did not work. Perhaps the error was elsewhere
21:58:28dom96Pastebin your code and post a link here
21:58:33dom96or on the forum if nobody answers
21:58:38dom96when you're back to your PC
21:59:17FromGitter<MatiasPeco> Thanks to all for the support. I hope to continue the learning since it is really providing some nice experience
22:01:24FromGitter<MatiasPeco> I'm on windows, but the setup was really easy, i could make a small program in vscode, include some library and run it on a different computer without issues
22:01:56ryukopostingone of my favorite things about nim when i was starting was the portability
22:02:16ryukopostingeven most scripting languages are a real pain when it comes to that stuff
22:02:47FromGitter<MatiasPeco> Difficulties were about learning and few examples around, but set up and tooling was easy
22:03:23shashlickhttps://github.com/genotrance/nightlies/releases <= has linux 32-bit and 64-bit binaries posted
22:03:28shashlickwill appreciate any testing
22:03:58shashlickam looking into trying it out in various distros using docker but that will take some time
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22:07:11ryukopostingtesting it out linux_x64 on Devuan ascii right now
22:24:31ryukopostingshashlick running it through its paces, seems fine to me. Were there optimizations to macros or something? looks ever so slightly faster in macro-heavy files
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22:33:41shashlicknot really ryukoposting
22:33:49shashlickjust built with holy build box
22:34:24shashlickok I'm going to push this to master
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