<< 29-01-2014 >>

00:28:50VarriountDemos: ping
00:28:59DemosVarriount: pong
00:29:27VarriountDemos: Do you know if nimrod can use the visual studio compiler, instead of gcc?
00:30:05Demosit can. cc:vcc. use the visual studio 64-bit native tools command prompt to get it on your path
00:30:16DemosI don't think the compiler can bootstrap using vcc though
00:30:29VarriountDemos: Thanks (it's not listed in help or advanced)
00:30:42Demosit is listed in the FAQ I think
00:30:59VarriountDemos: I'm not bootstrapping. But I need to compile a nimrod executable with windows debug symbols
00:31:07Demosoh geez
00:31:09Demosthat is fun
00:31:35VarriountDemos: I need to make use of the windows debug symbols provided by microsoft as *.pdb files
00:31:45Demosyeah use passl and passc to pass "/Zi" I think you may be able to use "/C7" instead to get the baked into the file
00:32:02DemosI mean mingw will link with the regular old ms libraries
00:32:20VarriountDemos: But gdb can't load pdb files
00:32:30Demosor do you mean you want to generate pdb files?
00:32:36VarriountAnd the window's dlls are stripped
00:32:49Demosright, you need to use the symbol servers
00:32:59VarriountDemos: The program is failing *inside* an api call
00:33:22VarriountAnd gdb can't trace it, because it doesn't have symbol support for pdb files (that I know of)
00:33:41Demoswell you can load up the executable in windbg, and get debug info for windows but not your nimrod executable
00:34:24VarriountDemos: Where do I pass /C7?
00:35:52Demospassc and passl, if using vcc or icl. you should try and get pdbs working first (/Zi) since they are better supported
00:36:37VarriountOh yay. The vcc reports a divide by zero error
00:37:11VarriountIn... excpt.nim?
00:37:47Demosit is a known issue I think... since like vc 7
00:37:59VarriountAnd.. how do I get around it?
00:38:03Demosno idea
00:38:23VarriountWhy must Microsoft make things so hard.
00:38:49DemosI think what is happening is that a preprocessor codepath that is never executed is dividing by zero. I got errors in the floating point identification functions.
00:39:22Demostry using gcc with -gcoff instead of -g
00:39:37VarriountDemos: This wasn't with gcc, this was with vcc
00:40:24DemosI am saying try and generate old style COFF debug symbols
00:41:28Demosand I have gotten debug symbols to work when using the intel c compiler....
00:42:06VarriountDemos: By the way, did you know that winsock spawns background threads for certain procedures?
00:43:46VarriountOh, and that the latest release of the windows sdk doesn't come with a compiler :/
00:44:15Demosno.. it does
00:44:38Demosor wait, the windows SDK download? or the windows kits subdirectory
00:44:40reactormonkVarriount, wanna write some product?
00:44:54VarriountDemos: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-US/windows/desktop/bg162891
00:45:06VarriountThe Windows SDK no longer ships with a complete command-line build environment. You must install a compiler and build environment separately.
00:45:19Demosoh look at that
00:45:28Demosyeah, install VS2013 express for desktop
00:45:35Demosor a higher version if you have access to one
00:45:46VarriountBut I don't wanna! It's huge and unwieldy!
00:46:48Demoswindows is not really designed to be a small system... you are fresh out of luck
00:47:07Demosthe compiler in 2013 is at least a bit faster than the one in 2012
00:47:16VarriountDemos: I don't suppose you could help me debug this? Since you have the tools set up?
00:47:30VarriountIt's for the new async stuff for nimrod's stdlib
00:47:45DemosI am on my OSX partition atm, and I have to finish some work for tomorrow
00:48:09*xenagi joined #nimrod
00:50:09reactormonkVarriount, some carthesian? ^^
00:50:22reactormonkoh, that was on the "express"
00:51:03Varriountreactormonk: What?
00:52:34reactormonkVarriount, http://dpaste.com/1572542/ <- if you want to write the carthesian product :-)
00:53:23*psquid quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
01:01:42Varriountreactormonk: I have an idea on how to write the procedure, but I don't know if it will have the maximum performance
01:05:56reactormonkVarriount, should do for now
01:14:02*psquid joined #nimrod
01:51:06*DAddYE quit (Remote host closed the connection)
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01:53:00EXetoCsource code filters seems to take a very long time to process
01:55:05VarriountAnyone know how to properly pass a null value to a wrapped C proc?
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02:04:38EXetoCVarriount: as in null pointer? probably nil. pointer as pointer
02:09:26EXetoCincluding a ~120 line css template increases the compile time from 0.6s to 3.4s. that doesn't seem right.
02:10:21EXetoCI might investigate further. I haven't gotten the profiler to output anything other than the prelude text though
02:44:29*brson quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
02:52:47*DAddYE joined #nimrod
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03:02:57shodan45hello #nimrod
03:03:23shodan45I miss anything fun today? :)
03:27:41*aftershave joined #nimrod
03:37:42*aruniiird joined #nimrod
03:41:55Varriountshodan45: Not much. Today's been pretty quiet
04:03:51*aftershave quit (Quit: Computer has gone to sleep.)
04:19:19*renesac quit (Quit: Leaving)
04:21:26*Mordecai joined #nimrod
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05:11:47*Demos quit (Quit: Textual IRC Client: www.textualapp.com)
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08:00:13*zahary joined #nimrod
08:01:25AraqEXetoC: it is a known problem
08:45:27*zahary quit (Quit: Leaving.)
09:36:46*Mat3 joined #nimrod
09:36:50Mat3hi all
09:59:04Araqhi Mat3
10:07:23Mat3hi Araq
10:09:19Mat3I'm think of creating a blog and website
10:16:38Mat3(the website part seem to be an easy task in comparison to blogging)
10:21:17Araqcool, use dom96's blog generator
10:21:48Mat3I'll try it
11:22:15bbodihi Mat3
11:22:19bbodihi Araq
11:22:36Mat3hi bbodi
11:43:35*dmac quit (Quit: Leaving)
12:00:35*Mordecai is now known as psquid
12:36:29*aruniiird quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
13:03:26*Mat3 quit (Quit: Verlassend)
13:53:13*Hat_and_Cloak joined #nimrod
13:55:18*[1]Endy joined #nimrod
14:10:50*Hat_and_Cloak left #nimrod ("Once you know what it is you want to be true, instinct is a very useful device for enabling you to know that it is")
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14:29:56*radsoc joined #nimrod
15:36:47EXetoCAraq: ok
15:49:15*[2]Endy joined #nimrod
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16:08:49*NiiNiiSatoshi is now known as Buryoo
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16:40:23*zahary joined #nimrod
17:10:23NimBotAraq/Nimrod devel f89bb25 EXetoC [+0 ±1 -0]: Punctation -> punctuation.
17:10:23NimBotAraq/Nimrod devel 5b3c34c EXetoC [+0 ±2 -0]: Punctation -> Punctuation; fix remaining typos.
17:10:23NimBotAraq/Nimrod devel 9ac7d24 Simon Hafner [+0 ±3 -0]: Merge pull request #851 from EXetoC/highlite-typo... 2 more lines
17:30:45AraqEXetoC: I think you also need to update nimdoc.cfg
17:34:53reactormonkAraq, he did
17:36:24Araqoh ok
17:50:22*DAddYE quit (Remote host closed the connection)
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18:04:29*zahary quit (Quit: Leaving.)
18:05:54*io2 joined #nimrod
18:09:51*brihat left #nimrod (#nimrod)
18:25:00*DAddYE joined #nimrod
18:28:53*bbodi quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)
18:32:44*ics joined #nimrod
18:32:57reactormonkhttp://dpaste.com/1575553/ <- gives me Error: cannot instantiate: 'T' on product.nim(28, 20) Info: instantiation from here
18:39:58*Icefoz joined #nimrod
18:41:04Araqreactormonk: bug report
18:42:44*zahary joined #nimrod
18:43:35reactormonkAraq, muh
18:54:02reactormonkAraq, any idea of a W/A?
18:58:19reactormonkworks with var next: seq[T] = @[]
18:58:21reactormonk next.setLen(x.len)
18:59:20reactormonklib/system.nim(1627, 7) Error: undeclared identifier: 'data'
18:59:32reactormonkrebooting koch
19:00:21reactormonknope, still there
19:03:08Araqoh that is the known newseq in generic bug then
19:03:30reactormonknot too harsh, I only execute that one once
19:06:15Discolodais it planned to embed code into the documentation? like http://hackage.haskell.org/package/base-
19:06:15reactormonk^ this one is a bit of a WTF
19:06:56reactormonkDiscoloda, no plans. You can make them, however.
19:07:44AraqDiscoloda: already implemented, kind of
19:07:56Araqthe docs get links to github
19:08:08reactormonkreally? O.o
19:09:08reactormonkhttp://nimrod-lang.org/hashes.html#102 where?
19:10:01shodan45"I'm stuck in a huge PHP codebase. Please send help."
19:10:13Araqso when will you learn how our release cycle works?
19:10:44reactormonkAraq, also no links in koch web on devel.
19:11:12reactormonkbut that one is kinda hard to link.
19:16:24*filwit joined #nimrod
19:19:24filwitAraq: fixing more compiler bugs in my way, question: ast.nim:1383-1389 (aka: 'lastSon') should "assert n.sonsLen > 0" or return just nil?
19:20:17Araqassert I think
19:20:34Araqotherwise it would already return nil
19:20:55*xtagon joined #nimrod
19:20:56filwitAraq: i don't think it does
19:21:02filwitbut i will check real quick
19:21:06filwitone sec
19:24:45filwitAraq: i get SIGSEGV: (attempt to read from nil?) error without the sonsLen > 0 check in lastSon, though that could be from something else
19:25:02filwitmy real bug is in skipTypes
19:25:43Araqno it is not
19:25:45filwitwhich i changed the while statement to check result != nil, which fixes my problem, but only if lastSon returns nil
19:26:25Araqthe real bug is the incorrect construction of some type
19:27:01filwitlastSon just does: result = n.sons[sonsLen(n) - 1]
19:27:07AraqskipTypes shouldn't be bloated with additional checks
19:27:08filwitso if sonsLen == 0...
19:27:51filwitokay, i see
19:27:53AraqlastSon is undefined, if sonslen ==0, so deal with it
19:29:08Araqthe bug is likely tyTypeDesc is constructed without any child
19:29:22Araqbut it is skipped over nevertheless
19:29:28Araqso fix that
19:29:39AraqtyTypeDesc now needs a dummy son
19:31:09filwitokay, i will look up the stack trace a bit further than skipTypes for a fix, but there should still be an assert in lastSon probably, so we get better errors. Agree?
19:31:34Araq*shrug* fine with me
19:32:06*Araq notices however it won't change the stack trace
19:32:43filwittrue, but it says it's a known problem
19:33:01filwitmakes more sense than if there's just some random compiler crash
19:33:24filwitat least to me, but you're right, not much changes
19:33:38filwiti just wanted to make sure you where okay with that change before making a PR
19:37:27filwitfuckit, you might be right, it almost just makes the stack trace harder to follow with the assert
19:40:49*zahary quit (Quit: Leaving.)
19:41:36Araqfilwit: now you know why I am not a fan of enforced "not nil"
19:41:47*XAMPP joined #nimrod
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19:42:04Araqit transforms "sigsev" to "internalError" in my compiler
19:42:15*[2]Endy quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)
19:42:21Araqthat's somewhat nicer for the compiler user
19:42:33Araqbut only somewhat and fucks up my productivity
19:42:37filwitAraq: sorta, though it can help catch nil related bugs earlier if every proc checks not nil
19:42:57filwitthough in this can i agree
19:43:44Araqalso: a crash is much easier to debug than getting wrong results instead
19:43:51filwitsince if you try to access this, you'll either get a (try to access nil?) alert of an assert failure regardless, and the assert failure is harder to trace (goes through two system.nim, etc)
19:44:18Araqso the idea of "safety" needs to be re-thought imho
19:45:00filwitAraq: okay, well i'm kinda at a loss here. I actually fixed my bug, but you said I shouldn't bloat skipTypes with a nil check
19:45:05filwiti'm not sure exactly why
19:45:41Araqwell i told you, so reread
19:47:57Araqwhen I say skipTypes(t, {tyRef}) it means the type 't' has at least 1 child when t.kind == tyRef
19:48:24Araqif it hasn't then that's not skipTypes' problem
19:48:37filwitah, okay
19:48:37Araqbut the tyRef has been constructed incorrectly
19:49:36filwiti'm fixing bugs for my OOP stuff, so it's a bit hard to tell exactly where the node-tree is flawed (since my macros are constructing it)
20:03:24VarriountAnyone in here on a windows machine with a nimrod compiler built from the dev branch?
20:04:59*Icefoz quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
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20:07:23AraqVarriount: yes but I'm busy, sorry
20:26:31VarriountGr. Why is it that I have an unexplainable feeling of irritation towards stackoverflow?
20:33:33*radsoc quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
20:44:12EXetoCVarriount: why? it beats yahoo answers, at least marginally
20:47:35reactormonkVarriount, got my "product.nim" , but it hit at least two compiler bugs :-/
21:00:50*radsoc joined #nimrod
21:04:40*vbtt joined #nimrod
21:28:02*Icefoz quit (Quit: Lost terminal)
21:29:28*BitPuffin joined #nimrod
21:31:21*Mat3 joined #nimrod
21:32:25Araqhi Mat3
21:34:35Mat3hi Araq
21:37:55Mat3I'm asking me why you choose Nimrod as name (he was a person with ... ehm quite negative characteristics in almost all related myths) ?
21:38:02*radsoc quit (Remote host closed the connection)
21:39:02AraqI wanted to name it after the first king of mankind ... turned out he built the tower of babel ... thought "very well, fits"
21:40:25Araqbtw with more resources I would have named it after a god ... :P
21:51:03Mat3if you identify Nimrod with Naram-Sin than yes: It seems he was declared as God
21:56:10Araqdunno, I would have picked some god from stargate, I think
22:00:03*Zuchto quit (Quit: --)
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22:01:27Varriountreactormonk: May I see you implementation?
22:06:12VarriountAraq: As names go, nimrod is pretty good
22:06:48vbttthe only meaning of nimrod I knew was 'dimwit'
22:07:12VarriountIt's not too ambiguous (like c or go)
22:07:22*Zuchto quit (Quit: --)
22:07:23dom96'git' means something similar
22:07:24vbttI didn't know about the other reference until I tried to figure out why this language would be called 'dimwit'
22:07:30dom96(At least in the UK)
22:07:39*Zuchto joined #nimrod
22:07:41Varriountvbtt: Interstingly enough, that definition came up out of reference to king nimrod and his msitakes
22:07:52VarriountSorry, fingers are frozen
22:08:07vbttVarriount:ah i see, didn't know that.
22:08:37vbtti didn't know what 'git' meant.
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22:09:04VarriountHey Araq, is there any way to get a list of modified memory areas before and after a procedure call?
22:09:23vbtti asked my wife what 'nimrod' means to her (born and raised in US) and she said 'someone stupid'
22:12:02vbttstill, 'nimrod' is more, um.. interesting name than 'go' or 'rust'
22:12:18Araqit never occured to me 'nimrod' could be an English word ...
22:12:47*Discoloda quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
22:12:48Varriountvbtt: I forgot to tell you, I read the reddit post linking to your blog post on nimrod
22:13:01vbttVarriount:oh cool. any comments?
22:13:17VarriountWell, I +1'd it
22:13:24Varriountand read through the comments
22:13:35vbttAraq:but by now you're aware of the english meaning, i assume?
22:13:54Araqvbtt: yeah
22:14:12vbttanyway, i thought it was a joke name of a joke i didn't know.
22:14:19vbtti don't think the name matters, fwiw.
22:15:10AraqI'm playing with the idea to rename it to 'Nim' for version 1 fwiw, lol
22:15:33*Mat3 thinks that is a good idea
22:16:02OrionPKi full support the name 'Nim'
22:16:03vbttactually, i like 'nim' a lot more :)
22:16:15vbtt+ it's short
22:16:35vbtt+ doesn't mean anything to me
22:17:14vbtt+ i can type it with my right hand only
22:17:16OrionPKreminds me of Nimh, as in the secret of
22:17:59Araqshould register that url asap
22:18:34vbtt+ has a more pleasant ring to it than 'nimrod' (which sounds a bit harsh)
22:18:52OrionPKnim is a nice name
22:19:27Araq"nimm" means "take" in german
22:19:42dom96Could be a problem.
22:20:56Araqhe uses .nim, we use .nim since forever
22:21:11Araqso ... he has to find a better name, not us
22:21:42dom96Nim feels a bit short and too close to 'vim' :P
22:22:11Araqanother idea was of mine was hjk09
22:22:23vbtt'rim' also takes 3 letters from 'nimrod'
22:22:46Araqsomething that's produced when you bang your head on the keyboard, Mat3
22:23:28Mat3eh, ok
22:24:29VarriountLet's just keep 'nimrod', after all, the few articles out there reference it as that
22:24:34vbttVarriount: thanks for the +1, btw.
22:25:00vbttVarriount: the old links will just redirect, so it's not a problem.
22:25:28Mat3why not just two names. I mean even C features two of them: 'C' and 'B after'
22:25:45vbtthkj09 is a fun name too. but too many syllables when talking about it (not to mention different language speakers will say it very differently)
22:25:53Mat3get some sleep, ciao
22:25:58Araqwell it will be Nim*
22:26:12*Mat3 quit (Quit: Verlassend)
22:26:16Araq(*formerly known as Nimrod, but then optimized for popularity)
22:26:19OrionPKyou should start a poll
22:26:30OrionPKto rebrand as "nim" to gauge popularity
22:27:06*brihat joined #nimrod
22:27:16Araqor we simply write Nim<small>rod</small> everywhere
22:27:27dom96We will be fighting against all the implementations of the game "nim" when people search for it.
22:28:02Araqnimog then, dom96
22:28:15Araq"nim optimized for google"
22:29:53OrionPKnimrod could still be in the metadata araq
22:29:59vbttthe game a different thing altogether. ppl will look for 'nim programming'
22:29:59OrionPKshow up in search results
22:30:12AraqOrionPK: yeah sure
22:30:15OrionPKit's like KFC is just KFC technically, but everybody knows it was "kentucky fried chicken"
22:30:16VarriountI really hope you guys are joking around
22:30:55AraqVarriount: not really, a rename can help, think of firefox
22:31:19VarriountFirefox had money
22:31:23dom96vbtt: Yep. And they will get results for implementations of the game in different programming languages.
22:31:24Araqbut it should be 'nim' then or at least still start with 'nim'
22:31:58dom96I think we should stick with 'Nimrod'
22:33:02OrionPKnimrod does kinda mean dumb person here
22:33:21Araqwindows vista means windows chicken in Spain, iirc
22:33:48Araqso it's not like an unfortunate name is anything special
22:33:54dom96Like I said: git means stupid person here
22:33:56OrionPKand toyota MR2 meant shitty in france
22:34:28OrionPKgit doesnt mean stupid
22:35:02vbttdom96:good point
22:35:28OrionPKactually I guess it does.. I always think of 'you old git' but i guess that means 'fool'
22:37:11dom96According to wiktionary: (UK, slang, pejorative) A silly, incompetent, stupid, annoying or childish person.
22:37:43OrionPKyeah, you're right
22:39:06filwitdamn, seems i miss all the good conversations
22:39:18filwiti like the idea of rename to 'Nim', Araq
22:39:25filwitthough idk ultimately
22:40:10filwitNimrod is a common english "stupid" (family friendly) insult
22:40:18dom96However, I must admit that the US has one of our main target audiences so if 'Nimrod' has that kind of meaning, depending on how popular and how strongly people are aware of this, that we should change the name.
22:41:01VarriountBeing someone who lives in the US, although nimrod *is* a word, it is not a *commonly used* word
22:41:08OrionPK"nim" is a good shortening of the name.. maybe call it "Nim" the sub title underneath would be "nimrod programming language" or something
22:41:35VarriountIn fact, I would even go so far as to label it 'archeic'
22:41:41OrionPKit's not archaic
22:42:13filwitthen again, "nimrod" as an subtle insult to all programmers is almost fitting of Araq's at-times cynical attitude towards most other tech :P
22:42:57filwithaha, i'm just joking really
22:43:36filwitwhen i first found Nimrod though, i did think it was intended as "Programming for an Nimrod (and dumb person)"
22:44:23filwit"Programming for any* Nimrod (any* dumb person can do it)"
22:44:37filwitsomething along those lines
22:44:40VarriountWhat about "Nimbus"?
22:45:14filwitNimbus sounds silly
22:45:35filwitonly better thing about "Nim" i like over "Nimrod" really is that it sounds cooler
22:45:42filwitbut honestly, it's just a name
22:45:47AraqI don't like that nobody gets the intended ironic reference to my megalomania
22:46:13Araqso I might as well just change the name ...
22:46:34filwitshould have named it Zeus, Araq
22:46:58filwitor just "King"
22:47:37filwitjk, obviously
22:48:31dom96Somebody create a name submissions + voting website (in nimrod), submit it to HN with a description explaining the situation (asking people to come up with a new name for Nimrod), ????, profit.
22:48:51OrionPKnah it should keep the root of the name
22:49:00OrionPKit's either "nim" or "nimrod"
22:49:03*AndChat|206976 joined #nimrod
22:49:19filwityeah, i really like "Nim"
22:49:57EXetoCunique names ftw
22:50:19filwitjust reverse the name and call it: Dormin
22:50:22VarriountYes, however 'Nim' would be horrible hard to search for.
22:50:34dom96Call it Darwin.
22:50:48OrionPKnim lang or nimrod would still give good result s
22:50:48filwitbad idea
22:50:50VarriountToo many other computing projects named darwin
22:51:09AndChat|206976Ppl would search for 'nim programming language.
22:51:13EXetoCsearchability ftw :>
22:51:18filwitsounds cool, simple, unique
22:51:29filwitmatches the existing file extention
22:51:39*AndChat|206976 is now known as vbtt__
22:51:45VarriountWell, 'nimrod' is way better then some of the other language name's I've seen
22:52:00VarriountOne in particular was called "crack"
22:52:28AraqI'm surprised by this reaction really
22:52:44vbtt__ yeah everyone loves 'nim!
22:52:46AraqI thought people will call me names for even considering a name change ..
22:53:02vbtt__actually I thought you would resist..
22:53:13VarriountAraq: Well, I would be disapointed/scared of a name change, but ultimately, it's up to you
22:53:42AraqVarriount: good :-) somebody has to take this position
22:53:56VarriountI just ask that you not make any hasty decisions, and get all the facts and possible outcomes lined up before choosing a road to follow.
22:54:02vbtt__it's not even at 1.0. Name change is fine.
22:54:35filwitAraq: i think everyone here understands that a name change isn't a vote and is your thing, we're all just giving our opinions on it
22:54:41AraqVarriount: I have been thinking about this for months fwiw
22:54:56Araqit's not a hasty decision
22:55:17Varriountvbtt: Possibly, possibly not. A name change has the possibility of destroying what little presence we have in "the community" (whatever that is)
22:55:18Araqbut IME decisions don't get any better when you think too long about it
22:55:25*Discoloda joined #nimrod
22:55:36filwitAraq: i've been thinking about a couple logo modifications too, so let me know if you change the name and I'll make a mock up
22:56:10filwitAraq: (just a couple changes to the crown vectors, they look slightly off to me and I would like to fix it up slightly
22:56:14EXetoCok choose one quickly then! bzfdq? ok good
22:56:21filwit^ lol
22:56:41filwitname change process = smake head against keyboard. done
22:56:52filwitsmack* (can't type right now)
22:57:26AraqEXetoC: it's more helpful when you just say you don't like a name change
22:58:29DiscolodaIn American English, however, the term assumed a derogatory meaning, probably because of Bugs Bunny's references to Elmer Fudd as a "poor little Nimrod"
22:59:21filwitDiscoloda: yeah, we've been talking about how "Nimrod" is a petty-insult in english for awhile.
22:59:45*Discoloda slowpoke
22:59:48filwitonly really bad thing i see about the name "Nimrod" is how easy it is to google.
23:00:25filwitchanging to "Nim" and using "nim lang" for search would probably give more google-juice
23:00:32filwitlike EXetoC said
23:01:42filwitanyways, enough about that, my bug is still unfixed >:| back to hunting
23:02:03EXetoCAraq: Nimrod is fine
23:02:45filwitAraq: Nimrod is a horrible horrible name, and if you don't change it, your language will fail horribly. no questions.
23:02:48EXetoCis my fairly rational opinion, but I don't mind sticking lang onto the end
23:02:55EXetoCoh ok
23:03:19Araq"Attached is the PDF issue of Dr. Dobb’s Journal, with your Nimrod article as the cover story." ... uh oh
23:03:40AraqI'm the cover story?!
23:03:48EXetoCthat's neat
23:04:04Discolodawith the "horrible horrible name"
23:04:37*filwit hopes everyone understands he was just joking
23:08:29Araqwhy am I the cover story ... I show how to do pattern matching without unification in 20 lines of nimrod code
23:10:40filwitNimrod is still not a well known language, but recently it's gotten some good press. maybe they're just trying to find new material?
23:11:15filwiteither way, sounds like nothing but a good thing to me
23:11:30Araqnah, it's because I'm a genius :P
23:11:37filwitbtw, isn't your StrangeLoop video suppose to be up by now?
23:11:46filwitthat too, Araq, that too
23:11:57EXetoCfilwit: it is
23:11:59vbttawesome re: dr. dobbs.
23:12:10filwitEXetoC: Great! Link me please!
23:12:33EXetoCif this goes well, will everyone who has submitted at least ~3 patches be famous? maybe I'm hoping too much
23:12:42EXetoCactually, I'm not sure if I'd qualify. let me check
23:13:00EXetoCfilwit: http://www.infoq.com/presentations/nimrod
23:13:14filwitawesome, thanks
23:15:41filwitas great as it is to see Araq give the speech, why does the camera not show the slides while he's talking?
23:15:57filwitkinda odd camera direction
23:16:44EXetoCthere's a separate section for that
23:18:05EXetoCon the right side, and then you have indicators on the seek bar
23:18:12EXetoCpretty neat, huh
23:19:31filwitk, guess that works
23:21:45Discolodawhen will the article be on drdobbs.com ?
23:21:48*brson joined #nimrod
23:23:05EXetoChow come almost no websites do 3d transforms with css? get with the times
23:23:25*vbtt__ quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
23:23:44AraqDiscoloda: 11th of february
23:24:44filwitEXetoC: cause HTML updates slower than everything else (plus not all browsers have supported them until recent months)
23:25:11AraqEXetoC: 3d transforms with css don't work with IE 6 which still has 88% market share
23:25:13filwitEXetoC: mostly likely it's cause there are still a lot of people using IE 9
23:25:17Araq(just kidding)
23:27:39EXetoCbut it's 3d
23:28:04filwitTello almost uses it
23:28:36DiscolodaEXetoC: we will not rest until we make youtube have spinning cube videos
23:36:38EXetoChttp://keithclark.co.uk/labs/css3-fps/ bitchin'
23:36:54EXetoC(crashes my Fx)
23:42:07dom96Araq: Yes, you're a genius with a friend who told you to apply for Emerging Langs, and who spammed their twitter with news of Nimrod :P
23:42:42Araqalright alright, all praise to dom96 the pusher
23:50:01*Demos joined #nimrod
23:50:48BitPuffinEXetoC: buggy as fuck but woa
23:51:34DemosVarriount, ping
23:51:38*xenagi joined #nimrod
23:51:40dom96Araq: I think after Dr Dobbs changing the name will be risky.
23:52:04Demoswowah are we thinking of changeing the name... Demos must read logs
23:52:23BitPuffinnow we are gonna change the name
23:52:36BitPuffinbikeshedding in it's purest form much guys?
23:53:04DemosI don't know yet... I just saw that one message and I am looking through the logs
23:53:31filwitdom96: while i tend to agree, it also could be an opportunity for more press.
23:53:56VarriountDemos: Do you have a windows build of nimrod on hand?
23:54:01DemosI do
23:54:03Demoshence the ping
23:54:16VarriountSorry, I was working on homework
23:54:49BitPuffinVarriount: there is no excuse for that
23:55:01filwitdom96: "Nim 1.0 the new programming language formally know as 'Nimrod'", could be posted a few places and get some views. Then again, it could also confuse a lot of people. Hard to tell really.
23:55:04VarriountAnyway, can you test this gist for me? You should only need proactor.nim and socketsll.nim -> https://gist.github.com/Varriount/5ec6370dd37bb51cd947
23:55:15VarriountDemos: ^
23:55:20*darkf joined #nimrod
23:55:22*io2 quit ()
23:55:30DemosOK let me boot the latest devel
23:55:42BitPuffinfilwit: well at the same time, we could just redirect with the old domain or something
23:55:49Araqdom96: what is a "proactor"?
23:55:51filwitdom96: major product lines always change there brands at certain points when they want to market something "fresh", but it's also true that you want to stick with a brand while it's new.
23:55:52BitPuffinI don't think it should be changed though
23:56:01BitPuffinnot so much because of the branding stuff though
23:56:24Demoswhat compiler do you want me to use
23:56:24dom96Araq: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Proactor_pattern
23:56:31dom96Araq: We've already discussed your distate for the name IIRC
23:56:37filwitBitPuffin: that's true so long as it was switched to something like 'Nim' and not anything else.
23:56:41dom96Araq: I will most likely change it.
23:56:47BitPuffinhowever I guess kind of like filwit is saying it can be good to market it as something fresh rather than saying that it's been evolving for like 10 years :P
23:57:09DemosI think changeing the name would show instability
23:58:01BitPuffinI think compiling my game would show instability
23:58:11BitPuffinunless the bug has been fixed now
23:58:14BitPuffin*ahem* Araq?
23:58:31filwitinstead of 'Nim', you could switch to 'Rod' and try and get popularity by writing a bunch of sexual innuendos o~O
23:59:00Discolodafilwit: lol
23:59:01BitPuffinI mean genetalia
23:59:02filwit"'Rod 1.0', the strongest language"
23:59:04BitPuffinI mean genius
23:59:12DemosI mean Rust is named Rust... which has a somewhat similar probelm
23:59:13BitPuffinRod 1.0: Rock Solid
23:59:19filwit^ hahaha
23:59:41EXetoCBitPuffin: what about nimlang to mean either nimrod or nim, for the sake of searchability
23:59:50BitPuffinRod 1.1: Now even more firm
23:59:54dom96BitPuffin: You could try fixing the bug yourself. Araq has enough on his plate.
23:59:56BitPuffinwow I could keep doing this forever