<< 29-03-2016 >>

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00:31:39PMunchHmm, I'm having some trouble with the parsecsv module
00:33:50PMunchI've got a large csv file which has an index of key->file positions for fast lookup. When I open the file, seek to the position from the cache, and then close the file everything seems to work fine. But as I was benchmarking the performance of the system I'm using this in I get a nil value from the call "s = newFileStream(fileName,fmRead)"
00:34:47PMunchThis is running within a loop where the file is opened, seeked into, then closed (by a close() call to the csv parser). It runs fine for about 1500 runs and then suddenly crashes
00:36:46PMunchOh sorry, my bad. I had a stray execution branch that did not close the stream
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01:59:31Varriount_cheatfate_: You can roll your own sequence, it's not too hard.
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07:31:36yglukhovAraq: hi, we've just updated nim to latest devel and observing a strange error on windows: Error: system module needs 'appendString'. It is reproduced only on some projects. and only on windows.
07:31:41yglukhovany ideas?
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07:49:36Araqyglukhov: working on it, it's a nimscript regression
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10:57:04dom96hello everyone
10:57:25fredrik92dom96, Hey there! :-D
10:57:33dom96hi fredrik92 :)
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11:04:41federico3hi dom96
11:04:54dom96What's been happening guys? How's your Tuesday going so far?
11:05:50fredrik92I'm shooting myself in the leg by arguing with windows batch commands! :P
11:07:20dom96fredrik92: hehe. Funny, I'm arguing with bash :)
11:07:50fredrik92dom96, yeah! Isn't it fun?!?!?
11:08:46dom96fredrik92: totally. Seriously starting to consider just writing a little Nim program and bundling the exe :P
11:09:14fredrik92no shit!
11:10:42federico3 dom96: speaking of which, we don't have a way to distribute Nim application to the end users that does not require installing nim & nimble
11:11:32federico3maybe nimble could build a package that contains only C files and a build script, would that work?
11:11:42dom96federico3: we've got niminst which generates installers/archives
11:12:28dom96federico3: you should add the url of minimize to https://github.com/FedericoCeratto/minimize, I already forgot it :)
11:12:33fredrik92yeah, I'm writing a little build script that automagically searches for nim installation, expands the PATH, then tries to infer the compiler to use, searches for that one and expands its path, then executes the nim compile command...
11:12:37fredrik92Tricky shit!
11:12:48Araqwhat's wrong with niminst?
11:13:12dom96fredrik92: that sounds incredibly complicated, why do you need to do that?
11:13:29fredrik92dom96, automatic build service... :-/
11:13:31federico3dom96: the url of the running instance?
11:14:19fredrik92dom96, Actually not that hard... The main problem is actually getting Batch to play nice with spaces when trying to search for something!
11:14:54dom96federico3: yeah
11:15:01federico3will do
11:16:27fredrik92anyone else have that problem, when you have N (where N >> 30) tabs open in your browser and you don't find the tab you're looking for anymore?
11:16:57cheatfatefredrik92, use history :)
11:17:09dom96fredrik92: cool. Is this for a specific project or are you making a generic build service for Nim projects?
11:18:34fredrik92dom96, right now it's for one specific project that I and PMunch are doing for our university class, but I'm trying to keep in general...
11:19:31dom96fredrik92: ooh, a university project in Nim. Wish I could do that. What's the project?
11:19:35enthus1astdom96: we maybe could have a tool wich nows its compiled size, when it is larger than the compiled size, the additional bytes are interpreted as nim script. Like srlua https://github.com/LuaDist/srlua#
11:20:55dom96enthus1ast: that would be cool!
11:22:38fredrik92dom96, we're playing with databases and trying to dynamically adjust the schema as you insert new data, by structuring data into schemata and sub-schemata
11:22:39enthus1astnim script is a feature of the compiler right?
11:23:23dom96enthus1ast: yeah
11:24:27dom96fredrik92: interesting. Awesome that you're using Nim for it :)
11:24:43PMunchOur university is pretty flexible in the languages we use
11:25:29PMunchPretty neat as it allows you to try different ones without fear of being stuck with one as all our projects are really short
11:25:33fredrik92at least now, in the later part of the studies... We were pretty much stuck with C and Python in the first years
11:25:53federico3there are much worse languages to be stuck with :D
11:26:41fredrik92True! Although I don't really care much for Python... Too bad I have to teach it to the seconds years! :P
11:27:04dom96Funny. I'm a second year ;)
11:27:14dom96They teach us nothing but Java here :(
11:27:33PMunchJava is nice
11:27:38fredrik92dom96, Central Europe?
11:27:42PMunchIt has it's limitations though
11:28:02dom96fredrik92: UK
11:28:25fredrik92PMunch, nice for Android though, right? ;-)...
11:29:17PMunchThat's how I got started using it
11:29:22fredrik92They do Java here in the southern parts of Norway as well, but up north we go down to the core!! :-D
11:31:35dom96Guess I need to think about moving to Norway :)
11:32:22fredrik92Norway's awesome!!!! (I should know, I moved there after growing up in Germany! :P )
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12:34:38bblhttps://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/issues/1019 this has been backed, any timeframe? :P
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12:41:40dom96bbl: it looks difficult to implement so I doubt it will happen any time soon
12:42:00dom96Of course a bigger bounty can always help :0
12:43:41dom96Ugh. DLL load errors result in an exit code of '0'.
12:44:42dom96oh no, it's just my bash script failing :\
12:46:40Araqbbl: why is it needed? use a tuple
12:47:22bblAraq: because I am customed to c++ :D
12:48:41Araqnothing is easier than a typesafe printf. you can use a macro or varargs[T, conv]
13:02:12cheatfate[Error: system module needs 'appendString'] i got this when trying to do "--threads:on"
13:02:43dom96cheatfate: It's a recent regression
13:03:29cheatfateLets speak about [XDeclaredButNotUsed] and methods to avoid it
13:04:28dom96Can you give examples of where you get that warning where you think you shouldn't?
13:05:11cheatfateexamples now sitting in standart library its locks.nim/rlocks.nim
13:05:49cheatfatethey both have "include system/syslocks"
13:07:12cheatfateso when you "import locks" you got [XDeclaredButNotUsed] on rlocks.nim staff, and when you "import rlocks" you got [XDeclearedButNotUsed] on locks.nim staff
13:10:10cheatfatefirst try to patch this was https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/pull/4000 and it failed
13:12:06dom96Can't you simply just switch off the XDeclaredButNotUsed warnings using {.push.} before the 'include'
13:12:11dom96and {.pop.} it after
13:13:10reactormonkdom96, time to shoot the messenger?
13:13:53dom96reactormonk: hrm?
13:14:42reactormonkdom96, not sure if simply silencing the warnings is the right approach.
13:16:13cheatfatedom96, Araq's comment on your proposal: "Meh, is that really the way to fix these warnings? Why not use what's needed and disable what's unused?"
13:17:07cheatfateso the question is how to "disable what's unused"?
13:18:20dom96Another question, can this module be imported instead of included?
13:19:52cheatfatedom96, locks.nim/rlocks.nim its just an example
13:21:06dom96cheatfate: why does it need to be included?
13:22:01cheatfatedom96, i have tryed to replace include with "from syslocks import *" and C code could not be compiled after this change
13:22:52dom96how come? what error did you get?
13:23:44cheatfateAraq, is it possible to use repr on shared memory?
13:24:03cheatfatedom96, wait please
13:27:02cheatfateAraq, i just tried to repr sharedtable object and got SIGSEGV
13:29:06cheatfatedom96, ok its impossible to import syslocks, because all syslocks staff is decleared as private, without [*]
13:29:26dom96cheatfate: then make it public :)
13:30:44cheatfatedom96, hmm its not the way i' searching...
13:31:22cheatfatemodification of other libraries to get my own working without warnings
13:31:58dom96No matter what you're gonna have to make modifications to it.
13:32:12reactormonkcheatfate, stdlib isn't holy, feel free to tinker.
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13:35:54cheatfatereactormonk, i understand this but i want to have more universal method
13:36:49reactormonkcheatfate, you could switch off the warnings before importing.
13:36:52cheatfateyour proposal is to make this particular example to work without warnings, i want to discover method which i can use in other situations... like with tableimpl.nim
13:39:19cheatfatelike in C you can use #define UNUSED(x) (void)x;
13:39:19dom96cheatfate: Maybe you could also import `tableimp`? ;)
13:41:21cheatfateargh, you just joking on me, never mind, forget about [XDeclaredButNotUsed], "Lets the code duplication begins"...
13:42:24dom96if there is a good reason that those modules are included then we do need a different solution
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13:43:54cheatfatedom96, i dont know why included "syslocks" but i know "tableimpl" included just to avoid code duplication in almost similar structures
13:45:08dom96cheatfate: which structures in `tableimpl` would be duplicated if it wasn't for the 'include'?
13:45:09cheatfatebut when you want to avoid code duplication too, but you need to replace some staff from "tableimpl" so you creating your own alternatives, than we got some staff to be unused in "tableimpl"
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13:47:55cheatfatedom96, whole `tableimpl` would be duplicated between `tables.nim` and `sharedtables.nim`
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13:48:43dom96I don't understand how it could possibly be duplicated.
13:49:01dom96Are you thinking of copying and pasting the contents of `tableimpl` into both `tables` and `sharedtables`?
13:50:16cheatfateif i will not find any resolution for xdeclaredbutnotused i need to duplicate `tableimpl` in my `concurrenttables`
13:51:11cheatfatejust because i want to have not one lock like in `sharedtables` but 'lock striping'
13:52:04cheatfatedifference between `tables.nim` and `sharedtables.nim` is using exactly one lock... so most of code sits in `tableimpl.nim`
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13:53:51cheatfateouch, i have forgot about using shared-memory in `sharedtables.nim`
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13:54:43cheatfatedom96, sorry for my english
13:56:34dom96cheatfate: No need to be sorry about that :)
13:58:14cheatfateit will be good to have {.unused:"symbol1, symbol2".}
13:58:17veganskawaycheatfate, see https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/pull/4000 again. It uses ``when comiles`` now for conditional compilation
13:59:11dom96veganskaway: would it not be better to use `when defined` instead?
13:59:26dom96or when declared?
14:00:11cheatfateveganskaway, your pr made errors in stdlib_locks
14:07:05cheatfatedom96, so how do you think is it will be easy to implement {.unused:"symbol1, symbol2".}
14:08:04dom96cheatfate: I would say that relatively speaking it would be easy in comparison to other things you could implement in the compiler
14:08:21dom96But overall, i'm not sure.
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15:04:04PMunchWhat's the best way to use the Nim-devel version on an Arch based distro?
15:04:46dom96PMunch: Clone, bootstrap manually and add the directory to your PATH
15:05:43PMunchThat's what I was afraid of..
15:09:59enthus1astPMunch: its not that hard, i was able to do it :)
15:10:08enthus1astBut on debian
15:10:25PMunchNever said it was hard. Just easier to have it installed through the package manager
15:10:31PMunchThat way it keeps up to date
15:10:53couven92I managed to do that with Visual Studio on Windows... probably the most trickiest, since CL is NOT GCC
15:11:00cheatfatePMunch, somebody needs to create package before it can be installed with package manager :)
15:11:57Araqpackage managers keep software up to date? that's news to me.
15:11:58PMunchI know, I was wondering if there was one already :)
15:12:10PMunchAraq, that's part of the point
15:12:24Araqusually they freeze stuff. want a new gedit? make a distro upgrade.
15:12:57PMunchNot with rolling release distros
15:13:08couven92PMunch, didn't you tell me that Arch packages can be configured to automatically git pull to keep themselves up to date?
15:13:19PMunchcouven92, yes they can
15:13:39PMunchBut someone still have to write the package build file. Something which I haven't looked into yet
15:13:52PMunchBut I guess this might be a good a time as any to do it
15:13:54couven92PMunch, do it! :P
15:21:52dom96PMunch: It's easy enough to run `git pull && ./koch boot -d:release` in your local clone.
15:22:19PMunchOf course, but then I would have to manually keep it up to date or write a cronjob to update it
15:22:27couven92dom96, foon't you have to compile koch first
15:22:32dom96Aporia on OS X is now officially beautiful: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nim-lang/Aporia/master/screenshots/osx.png :D
15:22:59dom96PMunch: You'd have to do the same with pacman
15:23:09dom96couven92: Only the first time you clone it
15:24:46PMunchdom96, not quite sure what you mean. If it was installed as a package automatically kept up to date with the github repo then it would show as an update in octopi along with all my other updates
15:24:48Varriount_yglukhov: Hey, I just tried out your minecraft demo, great work!
15:25:02PMunchSo when I update the rest of my system new Nim versions would also install
15:25:14dom96PMunch: Pretty sure for Git packages you have to explicitly update each of them
15:25:16yglukhovThanks, still a whole room for improvements =)
15:25:27dom96PMunch: Otherwise things would break pretty often
15:25:34PMunchdom96, not as far as I know.
15:26:02Varriount_yglukhov: What's neat is that I compiled it using -d:release and --passC:"-flto", and it still took under a minute to compile.
15:26:37yglukhov-flto? whats that?
15:26:47Varriount_Link time optimization
15:27:19dom96PMunch: I haven't used Arch in a while so you're probably right.
15:27:25dom96But that sounds very risky to me.
15:27:34yglukhovah cool. how long does it take to compile without flto?
15:27:36cheatfateAraq, now i know why repr() could not repr(sharedtables object), is it possible to update repr.nim so repr can use user-defined reprs for custom types?
15:28:31federico3is anybody using the zmq bindings?
15:28:32PMunchdom96, well the Nim package for arch pulls from https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim#tag=v0.13.0
15:29:12dom96PMunch: yes, but you want HEAD of `devel`.
15:29:18PMunchSo you would obviously get whatever bugs were in a never repo but apart from that it's not all that dangerous
15:31:57PMunchUnless Araq decides to put malicious code in the build scripts of course, but that goes for all packages
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16:29:03yglukhovAraq: after latest "regression fixes", the program compiles but crashes on start on windows: https://gist.github.com/bogdan-voevoda/5aac87c3919cf279dccb :)
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16:34:12PMunchAraq, I created this pull request to solve 3972 (the JSON hashing order bug). Travis is complaining about something but I don't think it's related to my changes, anything I should do to fix it? https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/pull/4009
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16:48:05PMunchAnyone here tried to use nimongo?
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16:54:22PMunchHmm, after I installed Nim from the GitHub repo NimLime doesn't see it
16:54:38PMunchWhen I save a file it just says that it can't find it
16:55:03PMunchIn the settings nim.executable is set to just "nim" and running nim from the terminal works fine
16:56:05PMunchNever mind, it was just my path that wasn't properly updated
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17:08:01fredrik92Do we have something fancy for nim in vim?
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17:30:26federico3fredrik92: yep
17:31:47federico3nim.vim and and nvim-nim
17:33:22fredrik92nim.vim got me an error on startup
17:33:24fredrik92Error detected while processing /c/Users/Fredrik/.vim/bundle/nimrod.vim/ftdetect/nim.vim:
17:33:24fredrik92line 2:
17:33:24fredrik92E492: Not an editor command: ^M
17:34:07fredrik92Yes, I'm using Vim in Windows... :O
17:35:24*yglukhov quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
17:35:46fredrik92This one to be exact:
17:35:47fredrik92VIM - Vi IMproved 7.3 (2010 Aug 15, compiled Mar 19 2011 15:37:04)
17:35:47fredrik92Included patches: 1-138
17:35:47fredrik92Compiled by [email protected]
17:35:47fredrik92Huge version without GUI. Features included (+) or not (-):
17:35:48fredrik92+arabic +autocmd -balloon_eval -browse ++builtin_terms +byte_offset +cindent
17:35:50fredrik92-clientserver -clipboard +cmdline_compl +cmdline_hist +cmdline_info +comments
17:35:52fredrik92+conceal +cryptv +cscope +cursorbind +cursorshape +dialog_con +diff +digraphs
17:35:54fredrik92-dnd -ebcdic +emacs_tags +eval +ex_extra +extra_search +farsi +file_in_path
17:35:56fredrik92+find_in_path +float +folding -footer +fork() +gettext -hangul_input +iconv
17:35:58fredrik92+insert_expand +jumplist +keymap +langmap +libcall +linebreak +lispindent
17:36:00fredrik92+listcmds +localmap -lua +menu +mksession +modify_fname +mouse -mouseshape
17:36:02fredrik92+mouse_dec -mouse_gpm -mouse_jsbterm +mouse_netterm -mouse_sysmouse
17:36:04fredrik92+mouse_xterm +multi_byte +multi_lang -mzscheme +netbeans_intg -osfiletype
17:36:06fredrik92+path_extra -perl +persistent_undo +postscript +printer +profile -python
17:36:08fredrik92-python3 +quickfix +reltime +rightleft -ruby +scrollbind +signs +smartindent
17:36:10fredrik92-sniff +startuptime +statusline -sun_workshop +syntax +tag_binary
17:36:12fredrik92+tag_old_static -tag_any_white -tcl -terminfo +termresponse +textobjects +title
17:36:14fredrik92 -toolbar +user_commands +vertsplit +virtualedit +visual +visualextra +viminfo
17:36:16fredrik92+vreplace +wildignore +wildmenu +windows +writebackup -X11 -xfontset -xim -xsmp
17:36:20fredrik92 -xterm_clipboard -xterm_save
17:36:22fredrik92 system vimrc file: "$VIM/vimrc"
17:36:24fredrik92 user vimrc file: "$HOME/.vimrc"
17:36:26fredrik92 user exrc file: "$HOME/.exrc"
17:36:28fredrik92 fall-back for $VIM: "/usr/share/vim"
17:36:30fredrik92Compilation: gcc -c -I. -Iproto -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -g -O2
17:36:32fredrik92Linking: gcc -o vim.exe -lm -ltermcap -liconv -lintl
17:36:34fredrik92Anyone know what ^M should do?
17:36:44fredrik92Is that CTRL+M?
17:41:30elroodfredrik92, ^M is windows' line ending carriage return. you could also have a look at something like pastebin.vim ;)
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17:45:07fredrik92elrood, will do... ! ;)
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17:48:27fredrik92elrood, but why does Vim complain that ^M is not an editor command?
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17:55:26fredrik92ah, windows-like line endings in the git checked out file
17:55:35fredrik92... -.-
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17:58:43elroodfredrik92, yup, looks like vim chokes on those. i'd recommend reading up on git's autocrlf and safecrlf options, and maybe updating your vim while you're at it anyways. 7.3 from 2010 seems quite dated
17:59:55fredrik92elrood, good point! but normally I want to have windows-style checkouts
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18:04:15elroodactually, unless you are working with abominations like wordpad LF line endings should universially be usable, CRLF is pretty much redundant in my experience, but that's your choice of course. to fix the line endings a :set ff=unix and :w on the offending file should suffice
18:06:30fredrik92elrood, thx, that's what I am doing now... or, actually i disabled git autocrlf locally for the nim.vim git repo
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18:27:01cheatfateVarriount_, are you here?
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18:35:00fredrik92mat4, hi there! :-)
18:36:06mat4hi fredrik92
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19:37:12Araqyglukhov: argh, can you fix it please?
19:38:11yglukhovAraq: sorry, i dont have windows. This crash is from my colleague
19:44:10Araqany test program for me?
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20:06:35yglukhovAraq: will do tomorrow.
20:07:15Araqbtw I made plenty of progress on the noforwarding front
20:07:29Araqsoon it should be ready for public testing ...
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20:08:04Araqhowever I still have no idea of whether we can avoid a .nofoward language split ... :-/
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20:08:49yglukhovthats great news! .noforward is used somewhere in system?
20:09:30Araqno, currently the compiler special cases sfSystemModule internally
20:10:07yglukhovhrm, so whats the case to use .noforward then if cyclics will work?
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20:12:29Araqbackwards compatibility
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20:15:35yglukhovwell, if thats the only concern, deprecation process was invented just for that?
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20:30:50flyxwhere are tests for the stdlib located in the Nim repo?
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20:37:39Araqyglukhov: no, my other concern is that it's turning Nim too much into a language where macros are 2nd class citizens
20:38:05Araqused 'proc' keyword? get some nice forwarding behaviour.
20:38:16Araqwrapped it in a template? good luck with that.
20:38:58Araqflyx: mostly in a 'when isMainModule' at the bottom of the module
20:39:18Araqmore complex tests go into tests/stdlib
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20:40:32yglukhovhmm. well before the cyclics support there was no city to begin with, right?
20:42:22yglukhovwell i don't know, maybe you should ask the community, but imho the tope-level restriction is as sane as it could possibly get. i would not expect more.
20:43:22flyxI added YAML to docutils/highlite, it works when using it in RST input, I could add a test for it before making a PR, but I wonder if it's worth the hazzle
20:44:35Araqflyx: I think so. test case should check the full HTML output. This way the doc gen gets rudimentary testing. finally.
20:47:09flyxAraq: heh, okay, will do that
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23:35:44Varriountcheatfate: Here.
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