<< 29-04-2019 >>

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03:29:32disruptekif i close a channel, i can still read any messages out of it, right? i just cannot add to it?
03:33:24FromGitter<jrfondren> I reckon not
03:33:29disruptekhmm, looks like once it's dead, you can't recv, either.
03:33:29FromGitter<jrfondren> ```code paste, see link``` [https://gitter.im/nim-lang/Nim?at=5cc67089375bac747022163a]
03:34:03disruptekthat would be fine, but the recv looks for the dead mask, which is set when you close it.
03:34:21disruptekso there's no way i can see for a producer to indicate that they are done filling the channel.
03:34:35disrupteki mean, without some oob communication.
03:34:56disruptekmultiple message types, i guess. :-/
03:35:10FromGitter<jrfondren> one message type that's a variant type, and one of the variants is "done"
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04:53:28FromGitter<zetashift> Q
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08:11:24FromGitter<mratsim> @deech @kayabaNerve just != is enough no need to cast to uint to check if different instantiation
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09:24:05PMunchdom96, you here?
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10:46:01PMunchThe new playground I've been setting up seems to work fairly well now :)
10:46:33PMunchAnd it shouldn't be too hard to add the tour functionality we've been talking about to it
10:46:47AraqPMunch, how did you solve the threading problems?
10:46:47PMunchJust need to actually write a tour :P
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10:48:10PMunchBy making the strings into ptr string and putting the address of the main thread strings in there
10:48:25Araqok... lol
10:48:28Araqcould work
10:48:38PMunchIt's a hack, but they won't be collected since they're main scope, and they're only written to before the threads start
10:49:31PMunchI'm not entirely sure if how he was passing the state to the individual threads though is sane..
10:51:53dom96PMunch oooh, yay
10:53:03PMunchI haven't set up certificates for it yet though. Wasn't sure if you had a system in place for that
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10:53:48dom96You don't need to set those up
10:53:54dom96Since we're using cloudflare
10:53:55PMunchBut if you try to go to "index.html" on the server you should see it working :)
10:53:59PMunchAh right
10:54:29PMunchHmm, I should set up index.html as the default as well..
10:56:37PMunchThere, done
11:02:36dom96Awesome job PMunch!
11:02:48dom96I'll point cloudflare to it once I'm home this evening
11:02:58PMunchThanks :)
11:03:28PMunchIt also supports adding ?ix=<id> to load a snippet from ix.io
11:04:35PMunchAnd the editor I'm using is a bit more suited for Nim, and in my testing worked quite a bit better than the old one
11:12:15Zevv!eval echo 42
11:12:15NimBotCompile failed: <no output>
11:14:09PMunchZevv, it's not updated yet
11:14:20PMunchIt's running on a secret server :P
11:14:49PMunchBut that should work once it's back up on the main domain :)
11:17:17livcdand the hole that was used to pwn the old playground is fixed ? lol
11:19:46PMunchWhich hole?
11:19:58PMunchI haven't done all that much with the actual back-end :P
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11:26:39PMunchlivcd, what hole?
11:28:11FromGitter<Vindaar> PMunch: https://irclogs.nim-lang.org/18-01-2019.html#12:52:33
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11:35:53PMunchHmm, it certainly wasn't happy with that..
11:36:06livcdPMunch: dunno dom96 knows
11:39:38PMunchGod damn it.. Now the entire box is locked..
11:39:58FromGitter<Vindaar> :|
11:40:15federico3of course
11:43:29PMunchdom96, do you have any way to restart this machine?
11:53:28xacelol did it print /etc/passwd too?
12:06:23dom96PMunch I do, but not right now
12:07:08PMunchxace, I didn't add that part in. But each script runs it it's own docker container, so printing /etc/passwd shouldn't do much harm
12:08:08xacePMunch: I think the security aspect of this is going to be a problem, as you could potentially inject any harmful code you like...
12:08:22dom96Glad I set up a separate VPS for this :P
12:08:40PMunchHaha, yeah that was a good idea dom96
12:08:50dom96PMunch have a look at what the other playground's use
12:09:09PMunchxace, well with docker containers without any network it's a bit limited what they can do
12:09:18PMunchdom96, other playgrounds?
12:09:25xaceiirc they include severe limitations to what is allowed, but i'm not familiar with the nim playground, i have just heard mentions of it over the past month(s)
12:09:48dom96PMunch yeah, almost every language has one nowadays
12:09:49dom96Go, Rust, Clojure, Haskell, etc.
12:10:03PMunchAh right
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12:10:37xacei think 1 of the common factors is limit the ammount of time the application is allowed to run and max ram usage... but I dont think that is enough
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12:12:37dom96Guess there are some settings in Docker you might need to set
12:12:47dom96Rust seems to use Docker too
12:13:48dom96Possibly this: https://github.com/integer32llc/rust-playground/blob/master/deployment/ubuntu.md
12:13:49dom96"# Ensure Docker can control the PID limit"
12:14:53PMunchYeah I've found memory and cpu limiting options
12:14:58PMunchDefinitely switching those on
12:15:18PMunchBut the script that is used today should already have a timeout, so it should kill it if it takel too long
12:15:36PMunchDoesn't seem to work too well though
12:16:10PMunchHmm, I see that the Rust playground also pulls the 100 most used crates
12:16:19PMunchThat could be something to consider for the playground as well
12:17:22federico3dom96: you might want to use seccomp
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12:22:32FromGitter<mratsim> @PMunch, yes that would be nice. But some might need devel and some stable. Like the latest complex changes in devel were followed with updates in nimbls which broke Arraymancer on devel :/
12:22:57PMunchAh right, yeah that is an issue
12:28:26FromGitter<mratsim> nimblas*
12:29:04FromGitter<mratsim> Actually I think if we nail that down, that means we have a good package + package manager ecosystem
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12:38:22Araqmratsim: huh? devel does test arraymancer
12:38:28Araqwhat's wrong with it?
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12:39:15FromGitter<mratsim> This: https://github.com/unicredit/nimblas/issues/7
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12:39:33FromGitter<mratsim> devel works but stable does not
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12:39:51FromGitter<mratsim> because nimblas now depends on the new Complex changes
12:40:02FromGitter<mratsim> which are incompatible with 0.19.4.
12:40:19Araqyou mean the generic complex numbers?
12:40:24FromGitter<mratsim> yes
12:40:38*sentreen quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
12:40:41Araqok, one more reason to release 0.20 then
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12:41:05FromGitter<mratsim> so basically we would need to lock version numbers for the playground if we import popular packages
12:41:31FromGitter<mratsim> that's why I said it would be a good test of package management in the Nim ecosystem
12:42:43FromGitter<mratsim> assuming we release 0.20 now, would it still be like a RC for 1.0 or are newruntime/owned refs still too new
12:43:23Araq--newruntime is Nim's new --gc:none for the time being
12:43:55shashlick@dom96 any chance of getting the nocompiler PR merged today?
12:44:10leorize[m]memory corruptions for global doesn't seem too nice :p
12:44:32dom96shashlick: if it works on my machine then yes.
12:44:37dom96Araq: can you test it as well?
12:44:40shashlick@Araq when is 0.20 scheduled?
12:44:47shashlickI fixed that bug
12:44:59shashlickThat you found @dom96
12:45:14Araqshashlick, tomorrow. *cough*
12:45:21shashlickHoping it gets some testing by the community before 0.20 comes out
12:46:13shashlickHopefully 0.20 can wait :)
12:46:33narimiranshashlick: don't worry, i won't let Araq release it tomorrow ;)
12:47:01Araqwe need to work more impulsively. New release? NOW.
12:47:47narimiran^ hmmm, maybe we should also take his commit rights? :D
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12:48:21federico3is there any test tarball with the same layout as a real release?
12:49:15Araqnightlies? federico3
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12:52:55FromGitter<mratsim> On my shopping list of PR to merge before 0.20, there are a couple of nice little PR: https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/pull/11132, https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/pull/11103, probably this once the octal runnableExample is fixed: https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/pull/11107, https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/pull/11026, https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/pull/11011
12:54:18FromGitter<arnetheduck> how much of the std lib has caught up with the new runtime? not only in terms of merely working, but actually being designed to work well with it?
12:54:20FromGitter<mratsim> Also in the announcement, the role of 0.20.0 and it's relation to the future 1.0 should be explicit (is it a RC or not).
12:55:02PMunchNote to self, don't forkbomb a machine you don't have physical access to..
12:56:09FromGitter<mratsim> also always edit limits.conf on Linux
12:56:36FromGitter<mratsim> BSDs/Solaris don't suffer from fork bombs by default, I don't know why Linux doesn't use sane anti-forkbomb defaults
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12:56:53shashlickClose to getting arm in nightlies as well
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12:58:32PMunchmratsim, I'll have to look into that
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13:04:33FromGitter<mratsim> Ah I found one of my old comments on Arch forkbombs: https://bugs.archlinux.org/task/25690#comment81982
13:12:44Araqarnetheduck: designed to work well with it!? I don't even know if the current async can work with it
13:14:35shashlickWhat's next in priority for tools? Looking for next thing to work on after nightlies
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13:15:50FromGitter<arnetheduck> `rm -rf lib; mkdir lib; <start hacking>`
13:17:31narimiranshashlick: nimsuggest maybe?
13:18:03Araqshashlick, definitely nimsuggest
13:22:55shashlickMemory leak?
13:25:51FromGitter<mratsim> freezing on unfinished macro code, using 100%CPU, using 2GB of memory ...
13:26:20FromGitter<mratsim> part of the issue is also the VSCode plugin that spawns 1 nimsuggest per file
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13:32:16shashlickOk I'll run thru the nimsuggest defects
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13:33:15FromGitter<mratsim> @PMunch you might want to look into this SO thread if using systemd, though I guess you had a root forkbomb in that case: https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/469950/why-cant-i-crash-my-system-with-a-fork-bomb
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13:41:16thejuI am reading the code of jester and am wondering what is 'bind' in https://github.com/dom96/jester/blob/master/jester.nim#L522
13:43:47PMunchtheju ^
13:44:41thejuPMunch: thanks
13:45:23thejui couldn't locate any references to this bind in the searchable index and neither could my search engine
13:46:45PMunchHmm weird, I got that from googling "nim bind"
13:48:36PMunchThat being said I'm not entirely sure why it's being used there
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14:05:27PMunchOh well, I'm off. Hopefully we can get the playground back up and running today :)
14:06:12PMunchI limited the amount of memory and cpu time each docker instance has, so the simplest of fork bombs should be foiled
14:06:50leorizedom96: I've been using jester's `router` to separate logic into respective modules
14:06:53PMunchBut I should probably set up a pool of docker instances, each limited to a fixed amount of CPU time, and then just queue up extra jobs
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14:07:16leorizebut it appears that I've to export everything in that module for `extend` to properly work :/ Is that a bug?
14:16:06AraqI doubt it, 'extend' is complex shit
14:38:17dom96leorize: Yeah? Does it work well?
14:42:12Araqbtw any competition for system.unown ?
14:42:18leorizedom96: ^ you can see my message above :p
14:42:20AraqI mean the name.
14:42:47Araqit's used to strip ownership away from an expression
14:43:41leorizewouldn't the correct verb be 'disown'?
14:43:52Araqhttps://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/blob/devel/tests/destructor/twidgets_unown.nim#L37 for example usages
14:44:03AraqI don't know if it should be a verb.
14:44:11dom96leorize: oh, didn't notice your other message. Hm, that depends, can you create a small repro code sample?
14:44:19Araqis 'disown' even a word?
14:44:35Araqit is
14:44:38FromGitter<mratsim> it's the normal word
14:44:52AraqI don't think it means the correct thing
14:45:00federico3https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/disown#examples it does not :)
14:45:09Araqit's not like you "reject" (?) the expression
14:45:11FromGitter<mratsim> unown is a Pokemon apparently
14:45:35dom96disown is indeed correct
14:45:51FromGitter<mratsim> I think we disown someone of their inheritance :P
14:46:02Araqbut I want to *undo* the 'owned' annotation
14:46:09FromGitter<mratsim> aren't owned ref about removing inheritance ;)
14:46:56FromGitter<mratsim> I'm fine with having a pokemon in system.nim
14:47:12*theju quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
14:47:17Araqsee -- this is why need more operator symbols :P
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14:48:23FromGitter<mratsim> don't you dare introduce a lifetime operator
14:49:04Araqthen I could use >>=o.x and people would assume Araq knows Haskell and monads
14:49:51Araqtheirs obj.field ? if I don't 'own' it, it's theirs
14:50:41Araqoh well, unown is fine, we will get rid of it anyway. later.
14:55:44FromGitter<mratsim> Or they assume that you are to do in-place shifts
14:55:50FromGitter<mratsim> trying to do*
14:58:53leorizedom96: here you go: http://ix.io/1Hy1/nim
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15:09:04FromGitter<liquid600pgm> is do notation getting phased out? it's been removed from the manual
15:09:38FromGitter<jrfondren> minor sins against English are OK, or my code would have #then after all the ifs
15:10:27FromGitter<mratsim> removing the do notation would break all kind of things
15:10:49Araqliquid600pgm: I moved to manual_experimental the features that need polish
15:10:59Araqnot the features that will be removed
15:11:20FromGitter<liquid600pgm> aah, makes sense
15:11:21FromGitter<jrfondren> for the playground, just limit CPU and RAM with cgroups. Anything short of 100% and you'll at least be able to administer the server (kill the container, see what broke it and then ask whoever broke it to please stop) rather than get locked out. I had to deal with a modsec bug that caused Apache to consume 100% of CPU on servers and cgroups limited that wonderfully, allowing troubleshooting.
15:11:52FromGitter<jrfondren> if docker doesn't make cgroups convenient for you, you should still be able to apply it from outside to the docker processes.
15:12:22FromGitter<arnetheduck> I get confused by `do` - it uses different symbols for return type/implementation than `proc` so I always have to look it up
15:12:58Araqit uses '->' instead but 'do as anon procs' sux big time
15:14:03FromGitter<arnetheduck> well, yeah, and that's what I always have to look up.. and it breaks parameter lists in a weird way, ie that you pass some parameters with (a, b, c) and suddenly one of them outside the parens
15:14:34disruptek"nim is not a header file generator." -- too funny. %-D
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16:12:22dom96leorize: hrm, that's a tough call
16:12:55dom96It is how generics work too
16:15:30*kapil____ quit (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
16:21:53zestyrdom96: while you're here, can you test this real quick? http://ix.io/1Hyn opening this jester example with nimsuggest then running chk on it, I get a "key already exists: match" error which makes nimsuggest errors unusable when using jester
16:22:05zestyrI'm not sure if it's a nimsuggest or jester error
16:22:11leorize[m]my current solution is to just add an export mark to everything :p
16:22:21zestyrcouldn't find any related github issues
16:22:36dom96zestyr: does Nim compile it?
16:22:43dom96then it's a nimsuggest bug
16:23:00leorizenimsuggest couldn't handle anything within `routes`
16:23:05zestyrI get this though "Hint: Synchronous route `match` has been optimised. Use `{.async.}` to change."
16:23:07zestyrmaybe that's related
16:23:13dom96leorize[m]: yeah, that sucks. We should come up with a better way, not sure what we can do here though :/
16:23:42dom96zestyr: nope. If it compiles then it's definitely a nimsuggest problem
16:23:53dom96or a `nim check` one
16:24:10leorizedom96: in templates you could `bind`, but not in `router` :/
16:24:37zestyr`nim check` doesn't complain either, should I open an issue for this?
16:25:41leorizezestyr: please open in nim-lang/nimsuggest
16:26:19zestyralright, I'll try to come up with a simpler example that doesn't use jester
16:30:30zestyrgot it
16:31:55disrupteki'm thinking about building a clojure-style async lib.
16:34:12disruptekthe channels will be full-featured, more like highland.js streams.
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17:09:28Araqdisruptek, what are "full-featured" channels?
17:09:57disruptekbatteries-included functional programming-style operations.
17:11:15disruptekthe idea is to have something conceptually simple, but with enough surface that it can be powerfully extended. so you can reach for this tool and then grow your use in complexity as the problem scales.
17:15:53Araqhmm ok
17:16:36Araqdon't laugh ... I need a operator synonym for 'owned' for 0.19.4
17:17:04Araqwhat should it be? ^^ ?
17:17:24Araq`!` ?
17:17:31disruptekone hat probably makes more sense than two. the owner wears the hat?
17:17:50Araqhat is already used for ^1 though
17:17:55Araq(backwards indexing)
17:18:03FromGitter<jrfondren> ! <- emoticon of a guard alerted by your attempt to mess with someone else's property
17:18:31zestyr! universally means "not", probably a bad choice
17:18:57Araqit means "watch out"
17:18:58FromGitter<jrfondren> I wouldn't say universally. It doesn't mean that in Nim. It's the message-passing operator in Erlang
17:19:24disruptek@@, because at-ats pwn in star wars.
17:19:41leorize`^!` :P
17:19:51Araqit is allowed to be ugly btw
17:19:52disruptekhats ahead?
17:20:11FromGitter<jrfondren> prefix []
17:20:11Araq@^@ the weird face operator
17:21:21disruptek?? because... wtf?
17:21:55Araqone problem is that it'll end up in the generated docs :-/
17:22:08Araqunless I hack some workaround into renderer.nim
17:22:48Araqit should be an operator nobody ever used...
17:24:30FromGitter<jrfondren> $ <- duplicating money is against the law
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17:25:06FromGitter<jrfondren> it's a pity that no other currency symbols exist.
17:25:50FromGitter<kaushalmodi> not sure what the discussion is, but https://www.fileformat.info/info/unicode/char/20b9/index.htm
17:26:02disruptekseems like it has to be a ? or : because the others are more frequently used or have special semantics.
17:26:11narimiranowned = $% (if you own something, you pay some percentage of interest :D)
17:26:52FromGitter<jrfondren> discussion is an operator for owned refs, from https://nim-lang.org/araq/ownedrefs.html
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17:27:16narimiranowned = ø :D
17:27:29Araqno non-ascii operators are allowed in Nim
17:28:05zestyrø is part of ascii
17:28:35FromGitter<jrfondren> if it's ASCII then why are you using two bytes for it?
17:29:14zestyrhm? it's 155
17:29:42disrupteknim source is utf-8
17:31:04AraqI'll pick <//>
17:31:05FromGitter<jrfondren> ~bob <- in Unix, refers to bob's home directory, similar to ~/something/in/my/home/directory
17:31:19Araqif you own something, you can put it into a box
17:31:51disruptekfour corners of a box? ::
17:31:52FromGitter<jrfondren> and <> is a diamond and diamonds are semi-precious gems
17:32:17FromGitter<jrfondren> is that <ownedref> or is the whole operator `<//>` ?
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17:33:18Araqjrfondren: the whole operator is <//>
17:34:09FromGitter<jrfondren> <//>thing then. ... was the € the inspiration after all?
17:34:49Araqit's ugly enough that it's unlikely to be used anywhere and I can remember it
17:34:53Araqso it's good enough.
17:35:08Araqwith some luck people won't have to read it... ha ha ha ha
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17:37:42Araqproc newTable*[A, B](initialSize=64): <//>TableRef[A, B]
17:37:59Araqyep, a pure beauty
17:38:54Araqat least it doesn't crash 0.19.4
17:39:44shashlickArm builds are a go - https://github.com/genotrance/nightlies/releases - will push this to nightlies soon
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17:44:02narimiranshashlick: great! btw, don't be surprised if the latest 0.19.5 is red - it is my fault - i've backported something and now some tests are red (and i cannot reproduce it on my machine)
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17:51:46shashlickwell, i'm not able to run koch docs or megatest on arm
17:52:11shashlickkoch docs needs libpcre which isn't setup
17:52:19shashlickand megatest runs into a bug i opened last night
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19:13:49shashlickis it not possible to link to openssl static? like libpcre?
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19:25:07FromGitter<bluenote10> Is there a way to test if a `NimNode` has a type? In other words, the check should return true if and only if `n.getTypeInst()` would work. Or is it somehow possible to handle the "node has no type" error in a try/catch?
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19:30:31FromGitter<mratsim> I think I handled that by checking if it's Sym
19:30:35FromGitter<jrfondren> ```code paste, see link``` [https://gitter.im/nim-lang/Nim?at=5cc750db8790b0307e226f02]
19:30:59FromGitter<mratsim> and all symbols have a type
19:31:38FromGitter<jrfondren> from compiler/vm.nim. I reckon it's not possible to handle the error, but those are the tests.
19:32:08FromGitter<mratsim> you would be surprised at what "when compiles" can do :P
19:32:12FromGitter<bluenote10> In my case it can be any node kind (arbitrary expressions), so I cannot test for nnkSym
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19:34:02FromGitter<mratsim> Not sure of your exact use case but this might help: https://github.com/numforge/loop-fusion/blob/master/loopfusion.nim#L20-L72
19:34:59FromGitter<bluenote10> haha I didn't even consider `compiles`, but I get the "node has no type" from even with the check `when compiles(n.getTypeInst): echo n.getTypeInst.treeRepr`
19:36:26FromGitter<mratsim> I think loop-fusion is the library where I fought the most with getTypInst and generics :P
19:36:34FromGitter<mratsim> in macros
19:36:43FromGitter<mratsim> and consequently raised the most bugs
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19:38:42FromGitter<bluenote10> most likely there is some trick to solve it, can sometimes just take a few hours to find it... a `hasType(n: NimNode): bool` would be nice
19:40:07FromGitter<mratsim> Probably should be named "isTyped".
19:40:29FromGitter<mratsim> I use hasType like that: https://github.com/mratsim/Arraymancer/blob/master/src/private/ast_utils.nim#L20-L22
19:43:34FromGitter<mratsim> @Araq, I'm pretty sure macros.owner didn't exist before, and it somehow was backported in 0.19.4? https://nim-lang.org/docs/macros.html#owner%2CNimNode
19:47:09FromGitter<mratsim> seems like it sneaked in in 0.19.2 backports
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20:21:09salewskiwhen a, b, c are refs or pointers, is there a better way than echo cast[int](a) for debugging?
20:25:07salewskiprintf("%p %p %p", a, b, c)
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20:29:06Araqmratsim: Maybe. narimiran will investigate :P
20:29:27Araqsalewski, toHex(cast[int](...) maybe
20:29:53shashlicklooks like log2() is missing on android arm so nim cannot build
20:33:03salewskiAraq, I want to save me typing the cast three times for 3 pointers. I guess repr(a) may work. Or I have to define my own proc...
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20:41:14FromGitter<mratsim> @shashlick, strange, fastLog2 is using gcc/clang builtins and have a fallback using de Bruijn multiplication
20:42:10shashlickdockcross does have an older NDK - r16
20:42:24shashlicki made a custom log2() for now
20:42:29shashlickbut now stuck on __ctype_get_mb_cur_max
20:42:43shashlickam going to ditch android arm for now, android-arm64 is working
20:45:23Zevvshashlick: what's your issue with arm 32 bits?
20:48:30shashlicklog2() was missing, so made my own
20:49:49shashlickthen ctype_get_mb_cur_max was missing, so added -landroid_support
20:50:21shashlickthen complained about operator new(unsigned int) so added -lstdc++
20:50:40shashlicknow asking for dladdr but -ldl doesn't work since it's not available
20:51:02shashlicki have to build with -static since I need to run it with qemu and /system/bin/linker isn't present
20:53:08*slugm quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
20:54:25shashlickokay, android-arm is out
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21:53:02dom96PMunch: I power cycled the VPS
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21:58:58shashlick@dom96: pretty please 😄 </nag>
22:06:14dom96shashlick, Merged. I squashed it, hope you don't mind
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22:16:04Zevvshashlick: nice!
22:19:13shashlickThat's perfect @dom96, thanks a bunch!
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