<< 29-12-2013 >>

00:04:16VarriountI have no idea
00:34:42*Demos joined #nimrod
00:48:27*vendethiel joined #nimrod
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01:10:49*ics quit (Quit: My MacBook Pro has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…)
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01:39:22AraqVarriount: I want to restructure the tests and make the tester write into a database instead of this json stuff. wanna help?
01:40:41*io2 quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
02:15:18*OrionPK quit (Remote host closed the connection)
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02:19:41NimBotAraq/Nimrod devel 6fb04f7 Araq [+0 ±15 -0]: improvements for 'pretty'
02:19:41NimBotAraq/Nimrod devel d6c72fd Araq [+0 ±77 -0]: case consistency: next steps
02:19:41NimBotAraq/Nimrod devel af2a7a4 Araq [+0 ±58 -0]: case consistency: cs:partial bootstraps on windows
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02:45:21NimBotAraq/Nimrod devel 7b81724 Araq [+0 ±6 -0]: case consistency for linux
02:45:21NimBotAraq/Nimrod devel d057cdd Araq [+0 ±4 -0]: case consistency: niminst
02:45:21NimBotAraq/Nimrod devel 8af6e1a Araq [+0 ±1 -0]: todo.txt updated
02:52:42*ics joined #nimrod
02:53:25OrionPKbusy bee
03:00:01*EXetoC quit (Quit: WeeChat 0.4.2)
03:27:57*BitPuffin quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)
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04:02:42*Demos quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)
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04:28:51VarriountAraq, I would love to help.
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07:04:28*Endy joined #nimrod
09:04:48*EXetoC joined #nimrod
09:24:57zielmicha-cloudAre there any Debian packages for Nimrod compiler? It seens that niminst supports it.
09:35:11AraqI think somewhere on nimbuild, but ask dom96
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11:24:44EXetoC~10 hours of debugging, all because of a typo
11:24:51EXetoCI don't like code typos
11:38:58AraqEXetoC: what kind of typo? maybe it's a language issue?
11:39:52*p0nce joined #nimrod
11:50:54EXetoCAraq: if only the compiler could warn about "fmtBgra = GL_BGR" using a really powerful heuristics engine :-)
11:51:25Araquse a TR template with {.error.} :P
11:52:07Araqeverything is possible in nimrod wonderland ...
11:52:08EXetoCgood idea. all that's missing is an implementation
11:52:23Araq.error doesn't require an implementation
11:54:38EXetoCso a TR template with just that? ok that's a start
11:56:17EXetoC{.warning: "This might or might be intended".}
11:57:22Araqtemplate untested{x = GL_BGR}(x: ShittyOpenGlType) {.error.}
11:59:28*gradha joined #nimrod
12:02:16EXetoCI thought you meant a catch-all TR template :p
12:03:20EXetoCI have enumerators for all possible formats, so I don't actually want to disallow referencing it. interesting thought though :p
12:12:42EXetoCor you can just import selectively, yeah? :p
12:30:21gradhaI want to add a switch to specify the config/nimdoc.cfg location for docgen, any name suggestions?
12:33:17Araqwell there is no need for it
12:33:33Araqif you have a nimdoc.cfg in the same directory as your project, that is used instead
12:34:22Araqperhaps it should be project.nimdoc.cfg instead
12:34:31Araqthat would be consistent
12:38:19gradhawould FFI allow creating const TRegEx objects?
12:38:40Araqnah if it does, that's clearly a bug
12:39:03Araqwe know nothing about this blob how could we ever serialize it?
12:42:39gradhaI guess a regex with a negated unicode character (eg. [^©]) won't work because the unichar is treated as individual bytes and the whole negation as a group of two or more bytes without implied sequence
12:43:23Araqnah pcre should support this easily
12:49:11gradhanice, locale depending unless you use a miriad of weird regex engine switches which are presumed to be internal but are external because they could be useful
12:51:05Araq*shrug* that's why I'd like a native nimrod regex implementation
12:52:02Araqthough pcre has a jit these days so it's incredibly cool
12:56:34Araqso ... how can I invalidate my browser cache on android?
12:57:03gradhausually you have a "button" which opens extra options, and there's a "refresh"
12:57:26gradhawhere "button" is some physical thingy on your device
12:57:42gradhaalso called the menu button
12:59:43Araqno luck here
12:59:52AraqI have a refresh button in the url bar
13:00:01Araqbut that doesn't seem to refresh
13:00:15Araqand no refresh button in the extra options
13:00:27Araqoh well, I think I improved it
13:00:37Araqit's still unusable on smart phones ...
13:00:50gradhamaybe you have to go to preferences and purge the cache from there, which will lose your cookies, passwords, etc
13:01:09Araqso ... now that linux mint doesn't want to update itself anymore, should I switch to SteamOS?
13:01:37gradhaMat3 surely uses that
13:17:47Araqwell sometimes I use the hardware that I bought
13:17:58Araqand steamOs is excellent for nvidia
13:20:20Araqwell it better would be since it's the only graphics hw they support ...
13:20:54gradhamaybe they have different nvidia versions with incompatible stuff
13:22:54Araqas long as it enforces updates so the system is unusable for hours (steam) I'll be happy
13:23:32Araqworking systems are a threat to economic growth
13:24:03gradhaeconomic growth? dude, the future is austerity
13:38:42*darkf quit (Quit: Leaving)
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15:50:31gradhano inverse of cgi.XMLEncode?
17:02:22VarriountGood morning guys
17:07:19VarriountI'm trying to think of what common situations would be able to take advantage of Window's IOCP api's, and am not comingup with much.
17:07:52VarriountIt doesn't help that my experience with asynchronous networking has been limited to single-threaded frameworks. :/
17:08:32gradhait's not good dom96 can't help you there
17:11:52VarriountAlso, the fsmonitor module api needs some serious re-working. Right now it's essentially a cleaned up wrapper of linux's inotify, which presents implementation challenges for any os that doesn't implement something very similar to inotify
17:12:51*enurlyx joined #nimrod
17:13:49AraqVarriount: is that really important? we can easily declare fsmonitor linux specific and come up with another module for win
17:14:15VarriountBut crossplatform api's... :(
17:14:39OrionPKmove to babel package :P
17:15:24VarriountAnyway, Araq, yesterday you mentioned modifying the tester?
17:17:33AraqVarriount: often you wrap the linux stuff in a nice nimrod layer and then you do the same for windows and the interface looks the same. ;-) usually there is not much to design when you know the basics of abstract data types
17:17:41Araqhi enurlyx
17:18:21Araqand when you have problems with this approach it's a sign it should be kept OS specific
17:18:26VarriountAraq, in this case, the big show stopper is the fact that fsmonitor's main objects use poll() to update and recieve events, which won't work for windows.
17:19:16VarriountLinux's inotify uses a generic file handle which *can* be used with poll, Windows, however, doesn't.
17:19:40dom96Before we do anything with fsmonitor we need a proper asyncio
17:21:02*enurlyx quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
17:21:30Varriountdom96, and by *proper asyncio* you mean..?
17:21:46VarriountIs there a design draft written up or anything?
17:22:23*enurlyx joined #nimrod
17:27:06Araqhe means c#-like async and await
17:27:35Araqwhich are easily done with first class iterators + some macro sugar
17:27:36dom96My current design is loosely based on that of Python's asyncio PEP
17:27:46OrionPKi think he means new asyncio and events modules
17:29:37VarriountWell, I'm of the opinion that it's easier to design complex modules and api's once a specification or design plan is written up. For one thing, it makes it easier for those other than the original designer to see flaws in the proposal, as well as the benefits.
17:37:20OrionPKthat's silly varriount
17:37:40OrionPK"you never get anything done by planning" - Karl Pilkington
17:38:45EXetoCI think I brought up that quote here before :p
17:38:58OrionPKhe's a great man
17:39:45Varriount OrionPK, anecdotes are not solid evidence.
17:39:49EXetoCyeah he should be president
17:40:08Varriount"People should live in glass houses" - John Doe
17:42:20Araqwow I didn't know that quote
17:42:28AraqI could have said that :P
17:42:38*Kristina_ is now known as kristina
17:44:43OrionPK"I could have said that" - Araq
17:46:13EXetoCVarriount: whatever Karl says, makes sense. no discussion
17:46:21EXetoC""I could have said that" - Araq" - OrionPK
17:47:35AraqVarriount: well right now I'm thinking about a data modell for the test results
17:48:31Araqthe storage mechanism / database to use
17:49:42AraqI'd like to have a distributed version control system in the sense that I want a local copy of the database
17:50:11Araqwhich can I upload&merge whenever I feel like it
17:50:58Araqthis means I could simply setup another github project for it but then it all needs to be textfile based or people complain
17:51:50Araqbut I don't want textfile based stuff, I want sql tables so that I query things easily
17:52:52Araqso ... I want a git/sqlite hybrid. any ideas?
17:53:27gradhastore sqlite text dumps in git?
17:54:08Araqcan sqlite dump text?
17:54:52gradhayou type ".dump" and it does magic
17:55:05EXetoCmongo can....... :p
18:01:25Araqmongo can't even free RAM on windows and keeps crashing when you push it
18:01:46AraqI used to be a fan of mongo ... but ... not anymore
18:03:13*BitPuffin joined #nimrod
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18:07:24Araqgradha: ok this works
18:10:02gradhaI don't think dumps are deterministic for diffs, but you can surely try
18:10:25gradhamight be worth running vacuum before the dump
18:12:17*achim quit (Quit: Computer has gone to sleep.)
18:12:35EXetoCBitPuffin: lol
18:16:18*OrionPK quit (Remote host closed the connection)
18:17:09dom96yo BitPuffin
18:18:18dom96Araq: Won't SQL dumps cause many merge conflicts?
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18:19:01Araqdom96: I don't know. according to gradha this might be a problem
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18:20:09Araqhowever the database keeps growing, no deletes are performed
18:20:23Araqso it has a chance of working
18:20:45gradhain that case if .dump mixes stuff a basic select with order by is practically the same
18:22:26VarriountSo, you want a distributed database system?
18:23:02VarriountAraq, http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16032825/method-to-replicate-sqlite-database-across-multiple-servers
18:23:49VarriountAlso, http://www.sqlite.org/whentouse.html
18:27:05VarriountAs much as some of us hate Java, SymmetricDS seems to be what you're looking for, Araq
18:28:10Araqlol nah, I'll try sqlite and github :-)
18:28:41VarriountMkay. But if that fails, then at least you have alternatives available.
18:29:44VarriountTell me, is the output format of the tester hardwired in? Or is there some sort of interface/plugin architecture that allows for multiple output formats?
18:30:12dom96Araq: Make sure to include cpu arch/os information in the database table.
18:30:13OrionPKsomeone needs to write a bangdb lib
18:30:43Araqwell my plan is to have a long INSERT statement in the tester, Varriount :-)
18:33:29dom96OrionPK: Seriously. Make this public so that I can use it already.
18:33:41VarriountOrionPK, I would pay for that.
18:33:47VarriountSeriously. I mean it.
18:34:27Araqdom96: sure and also machine information, branch and git commit
18:35:14VarriountBah, some people need to learn the value of modular architectures.
18:35:27*filwit joined #nimrod
18:35:45filwithey folk :)
18:36:20gradhafilwit: we need more logos, do you have a crown for white background?
18:36:26OrionPKdom96 make it so I dont have to modify nimrod's httpserver library for it to run
18:36:30OrionPKand I will release the source
18:36:56filwitgradha: yeah i can get you a logo for that
18:36:59AraqOrionPK: no make it commercial and make donations instead :-)
18:37:09filwitgradha: what specifically are you needing it for?
18:37:11OrionPKfirst nimrod commercial product
18:37:22dom96yeah, but give it to the Nimrod coders for free :P
18:37:33OrionPKit's not practical to distribute really IMO, because it requires a server
18:37:43gradhafilwit: anything that uses a white background, I guess
18:37:43OrionPKto sell I mean
18:37:53OrionPKobviously you guys will all be able to get it and use it freely
18:38:24filwitgradha: sure. i'll get you a simple image and i'll give you the SVG as well.
18:39:09dom96OrionPK: It is in fact easier to distribute then.
18:39:20dom96Get a VPS and sell accounts.
18:39:20OrionPKno i mean sell
18:39:33OrionPKoh lol
18:39:38OrionPKit's not multi-tennant
18:39:46OrionPKI would need a separate instance for each user
18:39:49dom96Make it multi-tennant then :P
18:40:05OrionPKI'll be accepting pull requests :P
18:40:19fowlnew release of gobolinux is coming
18:40:22OrionPKwithout this hack, though, the application doesnt even run at all
18:41:58AraqVarriount: a plugin system is not the same as modularity and there is no free lunch
18:42:23dom96OrionPK: You could use nginx + scgi instead
18:42:56OrionPKdont use jester?
18:45:56dom96jester supports scgi
18:46:34OrionPKsounds like it'd be a lot more work to set up
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18:47:15Araqfowl: link?
18:47:17*Demos joined #nimrod
18:47:17gradhafilwit: it looks like this now http://imgur.com/vhVto2m
18:48:05OrionPKright now all it needs to run is the binary and a cfg file
18:48:11OrionPKand zlib dll if you're on windows
18:48:26OrionPKi'd hate to add complicated nginx set up on top of that
18:48:27filwitgradha: ahh, i see
18:49:33gradhafowl: are you tuned?
18:50:23gradhawasn't gobolinux this super distro Araq liked but nobody cared to maintain?
18:51:05Araqwell I like it in theory. in practice it never ran on any of my machines
18:51:22Araqoh and I dislike the octal based version number ;-)
18:51:51Araqespecially the leading zero for octal is right from hell
18:52:11dom96OrionPK: fair enough.
18:52:38filwitwhat's unique about gobolinux?
18:52:47filwitbesides rainbows
18:52:59fowlIn GoboLinux you don't need a package database because the filesystem is the database: each program resides in its own directory, such as /Programs/Xorg-Lib/7.4 and /Programs/KDE-Libs/4.2.0.
18:53:10Demosgobolinux looks like it does exactly what windows does to manage programs
18:53:29filwitfowl: interesting..
18:53:47fowleverything is symlinked into a traditional fhs tree and /usr, /bin etc are hidden by a kernel patch
18:54:02filwit^ that kills it then..
18:54:15Demoswow so it even has a virtual store
18:54:30filwitcause then you still need a "package manage" (to manage the syslinks)
18:55:22fowlfilwit, nah you use SymlinkProgram Foo 1.0 to do it, all it does is a recursive ln -s
18:56:17DemosI kinda like being able to just say "python" or "nimrod" and just have that on my path, lets not forget that if you simlink everything into /bin than you are not actually solving any problems
18:56:24filwityeah, but how does it now where to put things? you have to separate your libs from your bins
18:56:40Demosyou are probably ruining the point of shared libraries, but that not really bad
18:57:32DemosI am pretty sure this is how macOS and windows do this
18:58:05Demosimo the reason they do is that package managment is really nice but doing it with non-free software is not really a problem that can be solved
18:58:11filwitidk, i'm really just hoping either Manjaro or Antergos (easy-to-use arch-based distros) gets bigger/better, since Arch's package management really just makes the most sense, IMO
18:58:26DemosI dont understand how arch is hard to use
18:58:38filwitit is for grandmas
18:59:10gradhaDemos: non-free software solves packaging through (app|steam) stores
18:59:43Demosgradha: but they don't solve the problem, steam did but apple's app store failed (the desktop one)
19:00:12*achim quit (Quit: Computer has gone to sleep.)
19:00:16DemosI am not talking about small apps written by one guy here, I am talking about the autodesks and adobes of the world...
19:01:37gradhaDemos: they seem to work fine for binary software distribution, is there any other problem?
19:03:24filwitthat is true though, a distro that was more friendly towards installing proprietary software like photoshop/3dsmax might have an easier time to market
19:04:16*achim joined #nimrod
19:04:24Demosyou need to have your apps reviewed by someone, updates take a long time to get out, the package manager has to be more or less nutral or nobody will use it (see mac app store). I like package management, but it is a really hard problem on an existing system with lots of commercial investment
19:04:56filwitDemos: that's why there's the AUR
19:05:07Demosyeah, I really like the aur
19:05:19Demosbut it relies on some community trust
19:05:39Demosthat kind of open script repository would be a total disaster for something like windows
19:05:46filwitso does downloading randome exe's from the internet
19:05:47gradhaDemos: but that conflates the technical problem of package distribution/management with the current politics of what to publish
19:06:17Demosyeah, my point exactly. You can solve the distribution problem but it is not really the problem that needed solving
19:06:45filwitDemos: when you download the Adobe or Autodesk installer, you trust it only because you trust those organizations not to install viruses on your computer (only NSA backdoors and stuff, :P)
19:06:53Araqwell in my not so humble opinion Linux's package management simply doesn't work
19:07:28gradhaDemos: in that case "steam solving the problem" only means you like steam politics/restrictions, but for somebody elase steam won't solve the problem
19:08:14Demosyes. My point was package management is a really hard problem and even if tou solve it technacally you dont get much unless everyone is on board
19:08:33filwitAraq: i would agree if we where talking about Debian or Fedora, but IMO, Arch-like rolling release is the best software center around, sans the GUI front-end/user-ratings/etc
19:09:01Araqwell my linux mint rolling release doesn't update anymore
19:09:19Demospackage hell still happens, I would love to be able to install packages "to this folder" and be able to override the system stuff only in that folder, or soemthing like that.
19:09:24Araqit's broken since months now and I can't be bothered to "repair" it
19:09:29filwityeah, i just looked as Mint Debian... it's very out of date
19:10:43filwitAraq: honestly you should move to Manjaro, it's more stable than Arch, but still has RR and AUR and is up-to-date.. plus it has Nimrod on the official repos man :)
19:11:22Demosarch has nimrod on official repos
19:11:37Araqfilwit: no, I'll try SteamOS next
19:11:42fowlagreed with manjaro
19:11:47fowli installed it and it is good
19:11:58Demosdoes manjaro have the same unmodified packages that arch does?
19:12:07fowlsame repos yes
19:12:21filwitactually i do hope Steam OS eventually has a (officially|community) Desktop edition
19:12:35filwitstill wont beat Manjaro tho
19:12:37Demosit is called any distro with steam installed
19:12:51Demoswhat does manjaro have over arch? I dun get it
19:13:10filwitMajaro has some different packages (kernels, drivers, etc)
19:14:03fowlmanjaro has an installer
19:14:05filwitmajaro is setup with a good pacman gui and installs proprietary video drivers by default, etc
19:14:10fowlwhereas arch said "f the users"
19:14:15filwit^ lol
19:14:38fowlfilwit, pamac hasnt worked for me, ever
19:14:40fowli uninstalled it
19:14:53*achim quit (Quit: Computer has gone to sleep.)
19:15:04filwiti just installed manjaro on my brothers machine, and it works great
19:15:35filwittells you about updates, lets you search and download from the AUR without any problems (actually, there was a problem with pipelight, i think)
19:16:47VarriountOoh, nice -> http://manjaro.org/
19:18:06filwithere's a nice little article about Antergos too: http://worldofgnome.org/antergos-arch-made-easy-installation/
19:18:37filwiti haven't tried Antergos yet, so not sure how it compares to Manjaro, but it's got a really nice installer
19:18:40*achim joined #nimrod
19:19:35dom96Manjaro is nice indeed. But the big advantage that Arch has over it is that it is extremely lightweight, as lightweight as you are willing to make it.
19:19:45VarriountAraq, no! It'll eat you alive!
19:20:32dom96Manjaro is probably filled with a lot of packages which you will most likely never use.
19:20:35filwitdom96: not much of a advantage IMO, unless you're doing something on an old machine, or a kiosk/console/etc
19:21:30DemosI like arch's install process myself. Fact is you install it and you can type pacman -S kde or pacman -S gnome and have a fully featured linux install
19:22:17dom96filwit: I agree heh. Some people are crazy about that though.
19:22:38filwiteveryone has 1080p/720p displays, 4 cores, and 4+Gbs ram these days, micro managing the system libraries doesn't make much sense when users really just want their computers for function well
19:23:23dom96That's not true.
19:23:33filwitdom96: yeah some people are crazy, and thank god they are too. Arch is good because it's low-level, and at some point someone's got to get their hands dirty, lol
19:23:51dom96I'm still stuck with 2GB of RAM.
19:24:33filwitso they make a good clean base system, and Manjaro just delays packages a smidge and add user-friendly installers/software-centers
19:24:40dom96Because my efforts to upgrade failed.
19:24:50filwit2GB? yeah why?
19:24:59filwitnot a hardware person?
19:25:15gradhahuh, worldofgnome is not a minecraft thingy
19:25:41filwityeah, i actually know the guy that runs it a bit (haven't talked to him in awhile tho)
19:25:44dom96I bought two new 2GB sticks, installed them and memcheck fails with them.
19:25:55filwithe said we can run and article about Nimrod at any time
19:26:16gradhawhere's BitPuffin to write a nimrod article when you need it
19:26:16filwitas long as we take screen-shots of stuff from within Gnome Shell
19:26:22dom96I sent them back they ran a memcheck and it succeeded.
19:26:24*Mordecai joined #nimrod
19:26:39*achim quit (Quit: Computer has gone to sleep.)
19:26:47dom96So I don't know if my motherboard just doesn't like them or what
19:27:01filwitdom96: you bought the wrong kind of ram probably, or they where faulty? that happens a lot
19:27:14VarriountOk.. how do I do this...
19:27:17dom96What's the right kind then?
19:27:20filwitdom96: they have to match your current ram
19:27:29filwitotherwise they will fail
19:27:40dom96lol. How am I suppose to find the exact same RAM that I bought 5 years ago?
19:27:52filwityou can look at your ram by pulling it out, should say PC333 or something
19:28:07*psquid quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
19:28:07filwitno, doesn't need to be exact, just same speed, etc
19:28:41gradhadom96: if you bought a machine more than 5 years ago, you better buy a new machine
19:28:48dom96Yeah. I just don't want to spend another 50 pounds on RAM which will fail again
19:28:59filwitactually, i think some mobos now do mix-match speeds, but idk
19:29:22dom96filwit: I removed my old RAM too and it still fails.
19:29:26filwitholy... 2Gbs of ram cost 50 pounds!?
19:29:33dom96two sticks of 2GB
19:29:44filwitahh.. okay that makes more sense
19:29:54dom96but yeah, DDR2 is extremely expensive too...
19:29:58dom96in comparison to DDR3
19:30:08filwityeah, cause it's legacy :P
19:31:01dom96gradha: I would but money doesn't grow on trees.
19:31:01Demosyour mobo could be dieing... maybe
19:31:09EXetoCI bought some cheap parts a year ago (APU, MB, RAM)
19:31:14Demosoh god
19:31:40Demoswhat is an APU, assuming not an arithmatic processing unit
19:31:49dom96power supply
19:32:07EXetoCbut then again I'm poor. good bang per buck though
19:32:09EXetoCthat's PSU
19:32:14filwitAPU = CPU+GPU on same chip
19:32:18dom96oh lol
19:32:47Demosright, AMD thing
19:32:56dom96I could probably recycle most of the parts from my current PC.
19:33:02Demosprobably not
19:33:07dom96HDD, Graphics Card, maybe the PSU.
19:33:09filwitnah, the new Intel's are the same design, "APU" is just an AMD term
19:33:44EXetoCbut FM2 is already over a year old. Hopefully they'll release some new stuff soon
19:33:50filwitAPU's are better though for one reason: Shared memory
19:34:24EXetoCbetter? I don't know, but I went with fast memory for that reason
19:34:25DemosI thought intel integrated graphics was getting pretty beast
19:34:37filwitmeaning the CPU and GPU have the same memory pools, and can manipulate eachother's memory without needing to pass complex data over a limited pipeline
19:34:49Demosdo you have to code explicitly for the shared mem on AMD chips?
19:34:56filwitlimited bus (PCIe)
19:35:08filwitDemos: no
19:35:16Demoscause I think intel integrated chips also have it then... but maybe not
19:35:52filwitDemos: OpenGL/DX are responsible for resource allocation, and they just allocate on the system mem instead of discrete video card
19:36:32Demosmy gut says intel integrated chips do the same thing, but my gut could be wrong
19:36:33Varriountfilwit, how's the honey badger coming along?
19:38:02filwitVarriount: i've been swamped with a project launch for the last month, which is why i havent been around here
19:38:45Varriountfilwit, Well, I hope the project launch went well.
19:38:49filwitVarriount: I'm here now cause this is really the first day I've had to really spend on Nimrod stuff, and I wanted to get something done
19:39:02filwitbut like usual, i'm caught up in chatting on the IRC instead, haha
19:39:20filwitVarriount: it's launching monday actually
19:43:58Araquh oh it's naming time again
19:44:21AraqI need something better than "nimtest"
19:44:23EXetoCyes let's go for a unique project name
19:44:28EXetoCoh, not that
19:46:45Araqhell ya
19:47:56VarriountAraq, might be getting a bit too close to religion there for some people.
19:49:29Araqwell "last will" is not that close to religion
19:49:37*io2 quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)
19:49:45Araqbut sure there is also old and new testament
19:50:30Araqand "testicles" is offensive too I guess
19:50:41VarriountHow about.. "Criterion"?
19:51:01filwityeah that's not bad
19:51:42*jpoirier joined #nimrod
19:51:54filwitfits nimrod
19:52:09filwitAraq: testicles, LOL
19:52:21AraqCriterion doesn't contain "test" and so is too hard to guess what it is
19:52:29*enurlyx quit (Quit: Nettalk6 - www.ntalk.de)
19:52:33Araqsame for the other suggestions
19:52:57Araqwell tbh
19:52:59filwithonestly, who cares of someone associates it with religion? Nimrod is the first king in the bible anyways..
19:53:14AraqI don't get Authentest or Investitest
19:53:35Araqfilwit: yeah, I think it should be "testament"
19:53:39*Varriount_ joined #nimrod
19:53:59Varriount_.ns ghost
19:54:04dom96Araq: what's this for?
19:54:08*Varriount quit (Disconnected by services)
19:54:13BitPuffinEXetoC: why the lulz
19:54:15*Varriount_ is now known as Varriount
19:54:15BitPuffindom96: yo
19:54:23filwit(though i have decided to change my project's name from 'hymn' to 'reign fall')
19:54:24BitPuffingradha: I am here!
19:54:27dom96BitPuffin: yo yo
19:54:29*ics quit (Quit: My MacBook Pro has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…)
19:54:30Araqdom96: tests/tester with slightly more features needs a cooler name
19:54:51dom96Araq: I would just keep it as 'tester'
19:54:54BitPuffindom96: yo yo yo
19:55:01dom96BitPuffin: yo yo yo yo
19:55:14BitPuffindom96: yo yo yo yo yo
19:55:17dom96BitPuffin: penis
19:55:22BitPuffindom96: penis penis
19:55:32EXetoCBitPuffin: no idea
19:55:51BitPuffinEXetoC: then why did you lol me haha
19:57:09dom96Araq: Seriously, just keep it as it is. Less confusion that way.
19:57:10EXetoCBitPuffin: that's a good question
19:57:28dom96BitPuffin: you win this round
19:58:29Araqdom96: but I need a name for a new github project too
19:58:39dom96Araq: testdata
19:59:02Araqbah I'm never allowed to have fun
19:59:04dom96oh btw, you should make nimgrep a babel package :P
19:59:24dom96so that I can just babel install it instead of having to copy binaries around :P
20:05:54*io2 joined #nimrod
20:06:13gradhaAraq: nimrod-filthy-lies
20:06:29filwit^ LOL
20:09:52gradhaAraq: sixty-shades-of-nimrod
20:10:24gradhamake that better sixty-nine-shades-of-nimrod
20:12:17*Mordecai is now known as psquid
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20:42:53*OrionPK quit (Remote host closed the connection)
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20:50:41OrionPKso for string concat, where do things get chunky? adding together 2 long strings vs. 100s of short strings, lets say
20:51:38gradhastrings are mutable, increase a temporary buffer with add or &
20:51:52OrionPKim aware of that
20:52:00OrionPKI'm using .add
20:52:11dom96use the rope, luke.
20:52:17OrionPKthats waht Ive been thinking dom96
20:52:38gradhawhere do these strings come from and why the choice?
20:52:46dom96I think you should do some benchmarks first.
20:52:56EXetoCBitPuffin: so how about those triangles? how many have you got now?
20:52:58OrionPKI'm doing benchmarks on irc familiar right now
20:53:07OrionPKmy raspberry pi is kinda slow rendering large IRC logs
20:53:07dom96I don't think you need ropes for IRC...
20:53:19OrionPKtakes like half a second to render it all
20:53:21dom96hrm, raspberry pi.
20:53:25dom96perhaps that would help.
20:53:39dom96try nimprof
20:53:41Araqropes suck for performance, use strings
20:53:42OrionPKyeah, rbpi has a pretty weak CPU, but I'd still like it to be fast
20:53:59OrionPKaraq done, already using strings ;)
20:54:38Araqtried it a few times with real world code, no benchmarks. ropes always lost
20:54:49OrionPKactually this is where things are slow I suspect
20:54:59OrionPKbecause channel.log gets quite long
20:55:43OrionPKkeep in mind this tmpl stuff works a lot like sourcecode filters, so at compile time that's all changed to "result.add"s
20:55:49Araqbut if you don't know how to deal with mutable strings efficiently (hint: use 'var string' and append to a single buffer) ropes are easier to work with
20:55:54dom96Araq: Are you sure your implementation wasn't wrong? :P
20:56:28OrionPKaraq result is a var string, isn't it?
20:57:08dom96OrionPK: no
20:57:10Araqdom96: well it's the docgen that changed from ropes to strings and got faster
20:57:38dom96Araq: When are ropes faster then? When you can't be bothered to use 'var string'?
20:57:58Araqdom96: yeah
20:58:01OrionPKso doing result.add repeatedly isn't using a single buffer..
20:58:38AraqOrionPK: result.add does use the single buffer
20:59:48OrionPKit might be more to do with the functions being called from within the logview procedure
20:59:57OrionPKhtmlencode or detectlinks or something
21:00:38Araqand yes, before you ask, the docgen still uses ropes, I never merged it into master
21:02:13gradhawhy didn't you merge it?
21:03:44OrionPKok, im gonna try disabling link detection
21:04:16Araqgradha: the code got messier and the docgen is fast enough
21:05:17*OrionPK quit (Remote host closed the connection)
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21:09:14OrionPKnope :p
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21:36:32BitPuffindom96: Dota!!=!!=!=!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?"!="?!=)#?!=(€?%=(!
21:36:37*OrionPK quit (Remote host closed the connection)
21:36:53dom96BitPuffin: yesssssssshshhshhshhshahsdhahsdhashdhasd]
21:36:57BitPuffinEXetoC: I gats triangleshles
21:37:02BitPuffindom96: VNUG NAO
21:37:53BitPuffindom96: reboot?
21:38:43*OrionPK joined #nimrod
21:39:05OrionPKaraq you were right, ropes are slower :P
21:39:07BitPuffinAraq: wanna join?
21:39:16BitPuffinOrionPK: than?
21:39:19AraqBitPuffin: ok
21:39:37BitPuffinOrionPK: probably depends on the size of the strings
21:39:59OrionPKprobably depends on your face
21:40:07BitPuffinprobably depends on your mom
21:40:35BitPuffinAraq: is that sarcasm or fo real? :D
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23:05:36gradhagood night, honey badgers
23:05:42*gradha quit (Quit: bbl, need to watch http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dEf4PJZXBxA again)
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