<< 30-06-2018 >>

00:11:09FromGitter<gogolxdong> How to compile windows version from devel?
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00:54:51FromDiscord<2vg> 32bit ?
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00:55:46FromDiscord<2vg> * gogolxdong:
01:02:19*Organism quit (Quit: Lost terminal)
01:02:49*find0x90 joined #nim
01:06:07FromGitter<gogolxdong> how?and is it possible to build 64bit?
01:06:57FromGitter<gogolxdong> lib/pure/httpClient.nim(1, 2) Error: module names need to be unique per Nimble package; module clashes with /mnt/d/Nim/lib/pure/httpclient.nim
01:07:42FromGitter<gogolxdong> got this before but forget how it was solved.
01:07:42FromGitter<gogolxdong> got this before but forget how it was solved.
01:08:27*find0x90 quit (Quit: find0x90)
01:08:39FromGitter<gogolxdong> have checked there is only the path what I need in $PATH of windows env.
01:16:33FromDiscord<2vg> Yes. It is possible
01:16:33FromDiscord<2vg> However, it is necessary to use MinGW which is not official and not MinGW
01:19:45FromDiscord<2vg> My solution(working on my env):
01:19:45FromDiscord<2vg> Get the 64-bit MinGW compiler from here and setup it.
01:19:45FromDiscord<2vg> https://sourceforge.net/projects/mingw-w64/files/Toolchains%20targetting%20Win32/Personal%20Builds/mingw-builds/installer/
01:19:46FromDiscord<2vg> Just clone Nim, run build.bat and build Nim :)
01:20:21FromDiscord<2vg> Yes. It is possible
01:20:21FromDiscord<2vg> However, it is necessary to use MinGW which is not official
01:21:48FromDiscord<2vg> and... never forget $PATH
01:31:10FromGitter<gogolxdong> Is it 0.18.0 or latest?
01:32:56FromDiscord<2vg> either
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01:36:32FromGitter<gogolxdong> mine is 0.18.0
01:40:16FromDiscord<2vg> working since 0.17.3 on my env
01:44:02FromGitter<gogolxdong> I know, how to switch to latest?
01:44:22FromDiscord<2vg> yep, clone devel branch
01:45:34FromGitter<gogolxdong> it is .
01:46:41FromDiscord<2vg> ... choosenim using ?
01:48:28FromGitter<gogolxdong> yeah, but this is from the build directory.
01:48:59FromGitter<gogolxdong> PS D:\Nim\bin> ./nim.exe -v ⏎ Nim Compiler Version 0.18.0 [Windows: amd64] ⏎ Copyright (c) 2006-2018 by Andreas Rumpf ⏎ ⏎ git hash: 855956bf617f68ac0be3717329e9e1181e5dc0c6 ... [https://gitter.im/nim-lang/Nim?at=5b36e18b3c5abf52b62fdbd3]
01:54:12FromDiscord<2vg> hmm, I do not think that choosenim can do it.
01:54:12FromDiscord<2vg> choosenim seems to try to download MinGW from Nim official.
01:58:35FromGitter<gogolxdong> replaced with gcc-8.1.0 of the above link.
02:04:22FromDiscord<2vg> cool
02:38:34*smt` quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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03:34:45shashlick@gogolxdong: did you figure it out?
03:35:22shashlickping if you have any issues
03:40:14FromGitter<gogolxdong> not yet
04:02:24shashlickSo I git clone the repo, then csources, then build.bat, then Koch boot
04:02:27shashlickWorks every time
04:02:34shashlickWhich step isn't working for you
04:03:37FromGitter<kayabaNerve> @Varriount So I used regular vars and addr. The $ function is still getting segfaults
04:12:08FromGitter<kayabaNerve> And all I can do is make it segfault later rather than earlier, but it always is at the same point despite different addresses being generated.
04:12:37FromGitter<kayabaNerve> https://pastebin.com/arbMHYxxhttps://pastebin.com/0iNuEgQQ ⏎ Just as a summary. And the second doesn't actually work. It just segfaults later...
04:14:17FromGitter<Varriount> @kayabaNerve What a coincidence, I was just about to ask about you
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04:20:19FromGitter<Varriount> @kayabaNerve Can you show me your full code?
04:23:46FromGitter<kayabaNerve> https://github.com/kayabaNerve/Ember
04:24:57FromGitter<kayabaNerve> src/lib/SECP256K1Wrapper.nim ⏎ src/Wallet/PrivateKey.nim ⏎ src/Wallet/PublicKey.nim ⏎ src/Wallet/Address.nim ⏎ src/main.nim [https://gitter.im/nim-lang/Nim?at=5b37061970efc60660a107cd]
04:25:00FromGitter<gogolxdong> build.bat I use build64.bat
04:25:00FromGitter<kayabaNerve> @Varriount
04:25:33FromGitter<kayabaNerve> And I don't think it's issue with some sort of threading because it's too consistent...
04:27:21FromGitter<Varriount> @kayabaNerve https://github.com/kayabaNerve/Ember/blob/master/src/Wallet/PrivateKey.nim#L19
04:27:40FromGitter<Varriount> Is the alloc0 memory ever deallocated?
04:28:37FromGitter<Varriount> This function might be easier: https://nim-lang.org/docs/system.html#unsafeNew,ref.T,Natural
04:28:52FromGitter<kayabaNerve> I didn't even realize I had that. I thought I removed all
04:29:01FromGitter<kayabaNerve> I'll remove it
04:29:54FromGitter<Varriount> Same on line 12
04:29:59FromGitter<kayabaNerve> result = PrivateKey() and L30 addition of addr should be enough, right?
04:30:10FromGitter<kayabaNerve> Yeah. Got that. Just checking PrivateKey() will handle array
04:30:42FromGitter<Varriount> Also, PrivateKey can just be a reference to an array.
04:31:26FromGitter<kayabaNerve> K
04:31:35FromGitter<kayabaNerve> So I changed it the most recent commit
04:31:37FromGitter<kayabaNerve> It compiles
04:31:43FromGitter<kayabaNerve> And previously I had 8 addresses printed
04:31:46FromGitter<kayabaNerve> Now I have 8 to 10
04:31:49FromGitter<kayabaNerve> Nowhere near 100
04:32:01FromGitter<kayabaNerve> So I have better code now
04:32:31FromGitter<kayabaNerve> I have the same issue. ⏎ ⏎ Also, public key started off as a ptr to the object it was. Now it's a full object. I like being able to expand it.
04:40:05*mitai quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
04:44:04FromGitter<Varriount> @kayabaNerve Do you mind if I just do a general review of the library? It will help me understand the logic a bit better.
04:44:53FromGitter<Varriount> Unfortunately, I have little experience with cryptocurrency and blockchain-powered programs.
04:50:30FromGitter<kayabaNerve> Sure
04:51:26FromGitter<kayabaNerve> It could be my misuse of the library, yet I don't think it is. I think I'm doing very simple things with it... @mratsim Would be able to comment.
04:51:55FromGitter<kayabaNerve> All I want in the end is for this to work 100% of the time. It's exceptionally weird since it stops in the middle of the array. Not at 62 or 63. 11.
04:52:18FromGitter<kayabaNerve> To be clear, it's the one here. https://github.com/status-im/nim-secp256k1
05:08:23FromGitter<Varriount> @kayabaNerve Have you heard about https://github.com/status-im/nim-stint ?
05:13:48FromGitter<kayabaNerve> Yeah but it doesn't work without a patched Nim compiler
05:13:50FromGitter<kayabaNerve> Why?
05:14:33FromGitter<kayabaNerve> Also, the BigNumber library I use is much more useful for my needs. ⏎ ⏎ Finally, are you saying my BN code is part of the problem or just suggesting it in case I didn't know?
05:16:31FromGitter<Varriount> Again, I'm going through all the code, as it helps me understand the program as a whole.
05:16:45FromGitter<kayabaNerve> K. Thanks for your help.
05:16:48FromGitter<Varriount> I was suggesting it in case you didn't know.
05:17:12FromGitter<Varriount> By the way, is the latest version of the code in the repo? I can't seem to compile the version I downloaded.
05:17:45FromGitter<kayabaNerve> You need to package the SECP256K1 library with it
05:17:48FromGitter<kayabaNerve> It's in the gitignotre
05:17:59FromGitter<kayabaNerve> I don't have Nimble. My git install is broken
05:18:05FromGitter<kayabaNerve> So I had to manually download it
05:18:29FromGitter<kayabaNerve> Oh. And then that requires the BTC libsecp256k1 library to be downloaded as well. That's the end of the downloading though.
05:18:48FromGitter<kayabaNerve> If you have git, you can clone and just init the submodule
05:21:10FromGitter<Varriount> You also might like https://github.com/cheatfate/nimcrypto
05:21:32FromGitter<Varriount> `fatal error: '../../src/lib/SHA512/SHA512.h' file not found` ?
05:23:33FromGitter<kayabaNerve> https://github.com/kayabaNerve/Ember/blob/master/src/lib/SHA512/SHA512.h
05:23:38FromGitter<kayabaNerve> The file is on Git.
05:23:45FromGitter<kayabaNerve> What file are you compiling?
05:23:59FromGitter<Varriount> Ah, I was in the wrong directory. I was compiling from /src/
05:24:16FromGitter<kayabaNerve> Lol. All good. Thanks for your help.
05:24:35FromGitter<Varriount> When I run it, I get the following stack trace: ⏎ ⏎ ```code paste, see link``` [https://gitter.im/nim-lang/Nim?at=5b37141363042f2df34a4356]
05:24:52FromGitter<kayabaNerve> What Nim v?
05:25:22FromGitter<Varriount> It's a development version. I believe I last updated about 2-3 weeks ago.
05:25:42FromGitter<Varriount> ```code paste, see link``` [https://gitter.im/nim-lang/Nim?at=5b37145663042f2df34a43b3]
05:26:05FromGitter<kayabaNerve> I'm on v18.0 stable
05:27:28FromGitter<kayabaNerve> ```result = $cSHA512(hex)``` ⏎ That's the call to the C function.
05:29:34FromGitter<Varriount> Were these C function wrappers created with C2Nim?
05:36:53FromGitter<Varriount> @kayabaNerve LLDB spits out `Prometheus[4288:66533] detected buffer overflow`
05:38:57FromGitter<kayabaNerve> Nope. I don't have that either :p
05:39:12FromGitter<kayabaNerve> Is this from sha512 or public key?
05:43:22FromGitter<Varriount> sha512
05:43:40FromGitter<Varriount> It seems to be occuring somewhere in the sha512 C file.
05:44:05FromGitter<Varriount> Is there a repository that file originated from?
05:44:15FromGitter<kayabaNerve> Sounds not like Nim but a compiler difference
05:44:23FromGitter<kayabaNerve> What compiler do you use?
05:44:27FromGitter<Varriount> clang.
05:44:33FromGitter<kayabaNerve> And it was some public domain code I modified
05:44:40FromGitter<kayabaNerve> I used GCC. Shouldn't be a difference though
05:45:20FromGitter<Varriount> Well, depending on the code layout and memory, the buffer overflow isn't guaranteed to raise an error.
05:45:50FromGitter<kayabaNerve> Got it.
05:48:26FromGitter<Varriount> @kayabaNerve Are you getting the sha512 digest of the string?
05:48:43FromGitter<Varriount> or the hmac?
05:49:24FromGitter<kayabaNerve> It's a hex string converted to a byte array
05:49:37FromGitter<kayabaNerve> And then that is Sha512'd
05:49:43FromGitter<kayabaNerve> And I convert the response to a hex string
05:56:22FromGitter<Varriount> @kayabaNerve For your hash, are the letters uppercase or lowercase?
05:57:19FromGitter<kayabaNerve> I do all hex operations in upper case iirc
05:57:47FromGitter<kayabaNerve> But I think my hex library parses undercase too...
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06:03:30*fjvallarino quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
06:05:35FromGitter<Varriount> @kayabaNerve I replaced use of the sha512 file with the sha512 hashing from nimcrypto, the binary runs.
06:05:49FromGitter<Varriount> I get an output of what appear to be hashes.
06:06:02FromGitter<Varriount> Like `EmbBdmBppYJc6kLZjg46rzh1LciXuapbjRnUpF2etEKkA1Jpgwikn3hgaCSTeW`
06:08:04FromGitter<kayabaNerve> That's an address
06:08:11FromGitter<kayabaNerve> How many do you get?
06:08:26FromGitter<kayabaNerve> You should get 100 with no segfaults.
06:08:37FromGitter<kayabaNerve> Maybe an address inequality error 1/2...
06:08:42FromGitter<kayabaNerve> But no segfaults
06:10:09FromGitter<Varriount> I get 501 lines of output.
06:11:40FromGitter<kayabaNerve> Oh. Yeah. Sorry. Made it 500
06:11:49FromGitter<kayabaNerve> So you had a hash issue but nothing else?
06:12:11FromGitter<kayabaNerve> I'll switch to nimcrypto, then Nim devel, then clang
06:12:14FromGitter<kayabaNerve> Thanks @Varriount
06:12:27FromGitter<kayabaNerve> I really appreciate the time you put into it
06:12:45FromGitter<Varriount> nimcrypto is a pretty suite library. Shoutout to @cheatfate !
06:12:50FromGitter<Varriount> *sweet
06:13:04FromGitter<kayabaNerve> Real quick. What's the 501st or 1st line? It should be 500 addresses. Just a blank line? Did I print an error message?
06:13:48FromGitter<Varriount> The first line is `Emb4QENw4SSekBZu9RcPPbXqf779oGyvCKaaqEhKnbBLQqHSqkhXpcaXuykCXu`
06:14:02FromGitter<Varriount> The last is `Emb5a2GkiwrnbywnjvBA3KNgEojN5s8eUfBhknqX26NGC26zWYL4sgNpTc5ttr`
06:16:06FromGitter<kayabaNerve> Only thing I can think of is an error message or it is 500
06:16:11FromGitter<kayabaNerve> Thanks. I appreciate it
06:16:21FromGitter<kayabaNerve> And by error I mean one of the warnings I have.
06:16:49FromGitter<kayabaNerve> Fun fact: you probably have generated more address than me now. What are you going to do with all your places to hold cryptocurrency now?
06:19:19FromGitter<Varriount> *shrug*
06:20:37FromGitter<kayabaNerve> True words. Thanks again for all the help. Really meant a lot you actually downloaded it and looked it over
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06:23:36FromGitter<Varriount> @kayabaNerve By the way, I fiddled around with rewriting some of the minor procedures: https://gist.github.com/Varriount/b7d3b21788335fb082d545328ddf72f2
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06:25:27FromGitter<Varriount> Also, keep in mind that something like ⏎ ⏎ ```while result.len > 61: ⏎ result = result.substr(1, result.len)``` ⏎ ⏎ is very expensive. `substr` creates a new string, so this loop has the possibility of creating lots of intermediate string copies. [https://gitter.im/nim-lang/Nim?at=5b3722577b811a6d63c3a335]
06:26:03FromGitter<Varriount> It's usually more efficient (although not as simple) to modify strings in-place.
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06:42:36FromGitter<kayabaNerve> I plan on using a single substring
06:44:02FromGitter<kayabaNerve> Just didn't want to worry about inclusive/exclusive boundary issues just yet and be debugging errors where I cut off one too few
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07:07:09FromGitter<Varriount> @kayabaNerve Everything in Nim should be inclusive on both ends.
07:09:25*zahary quit (Quit: Leaving.)
07:10:21FromGitter<Varriount> One thing I like a lot is using toOpenArray to operate on slices of strings.
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08:24:04FromGitter<mratsim> @kayabaNerve unfortunately the whole Status Nim team is off until Monday, for Private keys usin secp256k1 you can check: https://github.com/status-im/nim-eth-keys
08:25:05FromGitter<mratsim> there are some tricky part in the signature representation in memory, make sure to use the serialize procs.
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09:06:20Zireael07making my first steps in nim, I managed to run someone's open source attempt at a roguelike which uses a c library
09:06:31Zireael07however the js export of the same doesn't work
09:07:00Zireael07and I will admit the js target was one of the reasons why I tried nim
09:08:34FromGitter<tim-st> nim can only target js if it's pure nim or the stdlib module is supported by js target
09:09:40Zireael07the documentation does mention stdlib limitation, but not the pure nim part
09:10:17Zireael07awww... at least nim looks like a nice way to have better distribution than Python
09:10:22FromGitter<tim-st> If it "uses a c library" it is not pure nim if I understand you correctly
09:11:33FromGitter<tim-st> or do you meant you translated the nim code that uses a c lib to pure nim?
09:12:08Zireael07no, it uses a c library via shared lib loading
09:12:22Zireael07I never implied the project is pure nim
09:12:42Zireael07I just said the documentation doesn't mention the fact that js target can only do pure nim
09:13:48FromGitter<tim-st> ok, yes, but I think there is no way for a js interpreter to allow loading a library without beeing potentially harmful to the user that uses the js code
09:13:57FromGitter<tim-st> so they dont allow it
09:15:05Zireael07yes, I can understand the safety concerns
09:15:17Zireael07but it'd be nicer if docs did mention that limitation
09:15:25FromGitter<tim-st> yes, absolutely
09:16:14*Zireael07 quit (Quit: KVIrc 4.9.2 Aria http://www.kvirc.net/)
09:17:03FromGitter<tim-st> no problem, btw nim supports things like determing the target at compile time (js, gcc,...) and you can write code by hand that should be taken if js is target, but that's maybe too much work
09:43:19FromGitter<bevo009> Could someone tell me why the last assert statement doesn't compile? ⏎ ⏎ ```code paste, see link``` [https://gitter.im/nim-lang/Nim?at=5b3750b789db5e701c9659eb]
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09:46:08FromGitter<mratsim> @Zirael07, if you find a NodeJS wrapper for C dll, you can do Nim JS —> NodeWrapper for DLL —> DLL
09:52:41FromGitter<bevo009> And, is this the correct doc for assert? https://nim-lang.org/docs/system.html#assert.t,bool,string
09:54:31FromGitter<mratsim> a.type is int
09:55:08FromGitter<mratsim> == cannot compare types
09:55:08FromGitter<bevo009> ahh
09:55:18FromGitter<bevo009> thanks!
09:56:19*xet7 quit (Quit: Leaving)
10:08:51livcdwho is the guy behind skyvaultgames ?
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10:40:23FromGitter<Araq> dunno
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11:44:20FromDiscord<2vg> This is the latest preview version of the techempower benchmark results.
11:44:20FromDiscord<2vg> By Araq 's packedjson json test is up to 18th place: 3
11:44:21FromDiscord<2vg> https://www.techempower.com/benchmarks/#section=test&runid=3da523ee-fff1-45d8-9044-7feb532bf9ee&hw=ph&test=json
11:45:08FromDiscord<2vg> But sadly, I feel that further optimization is severe ...
11:45:12FromGitter<Araq> 18th place?
11:45:19FromGitter<Araq> kinda sucks, doesn't it?
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11:47:53FromDiscord<2vg> My http request parser is probably faster so may have to use SIMD any further
11:51:06FromGitter<Araq> so from X-th position to 18th? where was it before?
11:51:46FromDiscord<2vg> 24th -> 18th
11:51:50FromDiscord<2vg> I do not know what is the bottleneck.
11:52:34carterza[m]is there an offtopic channel for nim on discord?
11:53:02CodeVancecarterza[m], #nim-offtopic
11:53:09CodeVanceoh nvm
11:53:38carterza[m]hrm is that how my name shows in here - carterza?
11:53:46carterza[m]I was hoping it'd show as Zachary Carter as I have my nick set
11:54:01carterza[m]oh well
11:54:03miran_it is carterza[m] on IRC
11:54:14carterza[m]hrm okay - thanks
11:54:26carterza[m]I'm on Riot so maybe the setting isn't taking effect
11:55:23*user1101 joined #nim
11:57:04user1101Nim's `concept` is so cool, it allows you to constrain types so elegantly. What language is this inspired from? Or is it Nim's own style?
11:59:29carterza[m]maybe Rust traits?
11:59:31carterza[m]I dunno
12:05:19FromGitter<rayman22201> More likely
12:05:39FromGitter<rayman22201> More likely came from Haskell
12:06:46carterza[m]Ah - never haskelled before
12:07:22FromDiscord<magnusi> concepts do look a bit like Rust traits, though
12:08:53carterza[m]Maybe this - https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Haskell/Classes_and_types#Type_constraints ?
12:09:19carterza[m]I dunno
12:09:32carterza[m]just haphazardly guessing
12:10:31FromGitter<rayman22201> Lol.
12:10:39*dddddd quit (Remote host closed the connection)
12:11:30FromGitter<rayman22201> Yes wa
12:12:03FromGitter<rayman22201> My glitter client is acting up. Sorry for the noise
12:12:04carterza[m]woohoo! what do I win?
12:12:22carterza[m]I'm playing with openbsd and nim
12:12:29carterza[m]or I'm about to start playing w/ them
12:13:20carterza[m]I'm brand new to BSDs though so this is going to be challenging I think
12:14:53carterza[m]also - I'm about 1/2 way into this book - https://www.amazon.com/Code-Language-Computer-Hardware-Software/dp/0735611319 - not having a CS background, I can say it's a phenomenal read
12:14:55carterza[m]very enjoyable
12:15:46FromGitter<rayman22201> Rust type traits also has inspiration from Haskell I believe so the comparison is not surprising.
12:19:13FromGitter<rayman22201> Have fun with openBSD. Nim should work fine there, though the libraries you can use might be a little more limited.
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12:31:39FromDiscord<magnusi> does nim have something like `rustdoc`, that is a unified system for code docs?
12:33:24FromGitter<rayman22201> https://nim-lang.org/docs/docgen.html
12:34:42FromDiscord<magnusi> neat, thanks
12:35:19FromGitter<rayman22201> Np
12:41:38carterza[m]well - this is the article / page that inspired me to look at OpenBSD for web dev
12:42:16carterza[m]I'm thinking about trying to port the Nim playground to it
12:42:17carterza[m]instead of using Docker
12:42:25carterza[m]and going with sandboxing instead of using docker w/ a container
12:47:48FromGitter<rayman22201> Neat!
12:48:12*salewski joined #nim
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12:49:01carterza[m]https://onewheel.com/ - since I can't find offtopic on riot - I just got this delivered on Thursday
12:49:06carterza[m]I've been sick so I haven't had a chance to ride it yet
12:49:10carterza[m]but I'm excited :D
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12:54:06salewskiRuby: if self.respond_to(:special_hit_action) and (new_el = special_hit_action(boxlist, x, y, event.button)):
12:54:16salewskiMathlab: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/10537491/test-method-existence-on-objects
12:54:39salewskiHas Nim something similar to respond_to() ?
12:55:32FromGitter<Araq> when declared(module.respondTo)
12:56:25salewskiThat is for subtyping, test if a method is available for an object. Is converting some Ruby code to Nim.
12:57:07FromGitter<Araq> huh? 'when declared' has nothing to do with subtyping
12:57:35*donzx quit (Quit: Leaving)
12:57:48salewskiAraq, no not testing if method is defined in Module, test if method is available for object instance.
12:58:03salewskiSame as in that matlab link.
12:59:01salewskiConverting OOP Ruby code to Nim is not easy :-(
12:59:22CodeVancewhen compiles(obj.respond_To(value)): #...
12:59:47salewskiOh yes, that may work.
12:59:47carterza[m]converting any OOP code to Nim isn't easy
12:59:52carterza[m]unless you use OOP in Nim
12:59:58carterza[m]and even then it can be challenging
13:00:16carterza[m]it's not like porting from C
13:00:38salewskiYes indeed!
13:00:46carterza[m]because you're working in reverse in terms of abstraction level
13:00:56carterza[m]now you're going from higher to lower instead of lower to higher
13:01:29FromGitter<Araq> "method is available for object instance" is a weird way of putting it
13:01:55FromGitter<Araq> in Nim the object instance has a type and you know whether the type has this proc/method or not
13:02:18FromGitter<Araq> so the Nim equivalent of your test is actually 'true' or 'false', it's known at compile-time
13:02:32salewskiAraq -- yes, that may be true, but my fist goal is to get it compiling.
13:02:59salewskiI know I will have to rewrite it later to make it fine Nim.
13:03:09CodeVanceI'm making a class macro for nim
13:03:16CodeVanceplaying around with ast
13:06:24Yardanicocarterza[m], offtopic is #nim-offtopic
13:06:42Yardanicocarterza[m], and to use it from matrix look at this guide - https://gist.github.com/fstab/ce805d3001600ac147b79d413668770d
13:06:49carterza[m]thanks bud
13:06:51carterza[m]I remember on gitter it was twitch or something weird
13:06:53carterza[m]but I'm trying to get off gitter
13:06:54Yardanicoyes, it
13:07:03Yardanico#freenode_#nim-offtopic:matrix.org - offtopic channel from matrix
13:07:13carterza[m]I wish my stupid name showed is zachary carter
13:07:15carterza[m]but I'll fix that later
13:07:37*salewski quit (Quit: WeeChat 2.0.1)
13:07:43Yardanicocarterza[m], well, you can change your nickname in IRC (this guide talks about it)
13:08:19CodeVanceI like the new nick
13:08:24carterza[m]okay I'll give it a read in a sec, thanks
13:09:24Yardanicocarterza[m], open a new chat, invite @appservice-irc:matrix.org to it, and say "!nick yournewnickname"
13:09:55*carterza[m] is now known as zacharycarter
13:11:14zacharycarterthank you!
13:11:17zacharycarterboth of you!
13:12:07YardanicoCodeVance, isn't there some implementations of it already? :) or you just want to learn macros
13:13:35CodeVanceBut I want to be able to redefine attributes
13:14:41zacharycarterIf I see a C proc signature like - `char * kutil_urlpartx(struct kreq *req, const char *path, const char *mime, const char *page, ...)` - I'm supposed to use {.varargs.} to bind in Nim I believe. But what about -
13:14:42zacharycarter`void kutil_verrx(const struct kreq *, const char *, const char *, va_list)` ?
13:14:43YardanicoCodeVance, yeah, I saw it
13:15:13Yardanicozacharycarter, what is va_list? there's varargs type in nim too
13:15:20YardanicoTry to use it with c2nim
13:15:34zacharycarterI did
13:15:45zacharycarterit just put va_list there :/
13:16:34CodeVanceisn't that a C macro
13:17:14zacharycarteryeah I believe so
13:17:42*captainbland joined #nim
13:17:56zacharycarterso maybe just
13:18:03zacharycartervarargs[untyped] ?
13:18:09zacharycarterI'll try that
13:18:15Yardanicothis will only work with macro/template
13:18:26Yardanicoor only with a template, i don't remember
13:18:32FromGitter<Araq> ``va_list`` is not a thing
13:18:57FromGitter<Araq> in Nim, it's some opaque compiler magic thing in C (yes, C has these things too!)
13:19:53zacharycarterah okay
13:19:58FromDiscord<2vg> wo, asyncdispatch2 cool
13:20:01FromGitter<Araq> you can probably get far with ``type va_list {.importc, header: "...".} = object`` though
13:20:17FromDiscord<2vg> asyncdispatch < 2 ?
13:20:33zacharycartersweet - thank you much!
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13:32:27federico3ooh, nice! https://nimble.directory/pkg/nimha
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13:46:10*zacharycarter sent a long message: < https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/rrnhtZMWeZszjaQanVRFCNXC >
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13:58:44zacharycarterI'm being stupid
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13:59:12zacharycarterthis is what happens when you take months off from nim
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14:36:22FromGitter<Varriount> Hi zacharycarter!
14:38:04zacharycarterHey Varriount!
14:39:16zacharycarterhow are you?
14:56:28*brainproxy joined #nim
14:59:16FromDiscord<Hel> so i've been trying to make a discord bot with discordnim and i kept getting a zlib1.dll error
14:59:21FromDiscord<Hel> which i resolved
14:59:31FromDiscord<Hel> but now i'm getting this error
14:59:34FromDiscord<Hel> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/371759389889003532/462633293859520523/unknown.png
15:04:44*PMunch joined #nim
15:05:03codevance[m]Hel nim has it's own zlib dll doesn't it?
15:05:43FromDiscord<Hel> yeah that's what i used
15:05:55codevance[m]in the bin folder zlib1.dll
15:06:17FromDiscord<Hel> used that too
15:06:30FromDiscord<Hel> but then i got `could not import: zilb1.dll`
15:08:10*PMunch quit (Client Quit)
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15:42:42codevance[m]Hel drag zlib1.dll to the source folder and the executable folder
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15:55:03FromDiscord<Hel> i did that
15:59:14codevance[m]You on windows right?
16:00:09FromDiscord<Hel> yes
16:00:19FromDiscord<Hel> i mean .dll
16:00:38codevance[m]what discord lib u using?
16:01:10FromDiscord<Hel> discordnim - https://github.com/Krognol/discordnim
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16:46:33zacharycarteropenbsd is pretty straightforward so far
16:46:35zacharycarterand httpd seems nice
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17:26:08FromGitter<ephja> I dunno what problem I had, but I think the failure was more predictable when I used malloc rather than allocShared. now it fails then I free the malloc-ed memory since the memory is referenced after that, but it continues to work when I do the equivalent operations for shared memory
17:28:01zacharycarterI'm getting an error on OpenBSD when trying to install nimble via koch - ```cannot open file compiler/ast```
17:28:05zacharycarterI installed nim from source
17:28:19zacharycarterI've tried with doas
17:31:09FromGitter<ephja> but I'm playing random samples at random intervals and I can hear that something is different when I call deallocShared and then continue to use the memory, compared to when I do the correct thing and not deallocate before the last access. interesting 🤔🤔
17:34:31Yardanicoseems that he migrated to rust :D https://github.com/jackmott/nim_simd/commit/7c4e68ff37d34032b90b2a6f3e9075abca12d551
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17:42:35FromGitter<ephja> a good simd interface will provide a lot of value
17:51:50FromGitter<rayman22201> Anybody know why jackmott gave up on Nim?
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18:23:24Yardanico@rayman22201 well, maybe he didn't
18:27:02*Ven`` quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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18:37:01codevance[m]we are programmers first nimmers second
18:37:45Yardanicocodevance[m], it depends :D
18:38:29codevance[m]no it doesn't
18:39:11codevance[m]If rust was nim I'd be using rust
18:43:09Yardanicocodevance[m], well, if nim was named "rust" and rust was named "nim" I would be using rust, but I don't get the point of this comparasion :)
18:43:38miran_which one would mozilla sponsor? :D
18:43:41*miran_ is now known as miran
18:43:52codevance[m]nim has what I want. rust doesn't. I don't really care what its called.
18:45:49codevance[m]coding in nim is as I'd envision programming should be. So its the lang I'd chose if given a choice. Other people might not have the same requirements or are driven by other factors. So be it/
18:56:44FromGitter<kayabaNerve> Can't compile nimcrypto due to internal error getInt @Varriount
18:57:00*PMunch joined #nim
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19:04:45PMunchAnyone know how to set up UNIX socket communication? I've found how to connect to a socket from federico3's i3-ipc thing, but nothing on how to set up one
19:05:17FromGitter<Varriount> @kayabaNerve You probably need the development version of the compiler
19:06:05FromGitter<kayabaNerve> @Varriount I don't want to use that lol
19:06:08FromGitter<kayabaNerve> I will if I have to
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19:09:39FromGitter<Varriount> Why not? The development version is usually quite stable.
19:10:35Yardanico@kayabaNerve I +1 @Varriount's message - devel doesn't mean "all your programs will break" or "compiler will always crash"
19:10:43codevance[m]compiler is a package
19:11:04Yardanicodevel is usually more stable than older release :D
19:11:37FromGitter<ephja> stable versions matter a lot more post 1.0
19:11:52codevance[m]I want a new "release" of nim. Or at least some way to see the changes from 0.18
19:12:04FromGitter<rayman22201> @codevance[m] I didn't mean to cause a philosophical debate. suppose I should have been more specific. jackmott stopped using Nim for their SIMD project and move to Rust. I want to know what their reasons were for changing. Engineering trade-offs / org issues / community. This is the same reason the community survey is important. This kind of thing is important to for discovering where Nim is weak and or should
19:12:04FromGitter... focus development efforts. Or not focus depending on the answer...
19:14:22FromGitter<rayman22201> Though I completely agree with you, Nim does a lot of things right, and is my favorite language. But that is all my personal bias lol
19:14:50codevance[m]as far as I can tell "nim the language" doesn't have any weaknesses.
19:15:07codevance[m]It does what it says it does
19:15:22codevance[m]the places its weak are the places its not trying to compete in
19:15:59codevance[m]I'd also be interested in jackmott's reason. But often you don't hear back from teams.
19:16:20federico3PMunch: you mean creating it?
19:16:36FromGitter<rayman22201> codevance[m]: What domains is Nim trying to not compete in?
19:17:03PMunchfederico3, yeah I want to create a UNIX socket that some other program can send messages on
19:17:11codevance[m]like I said wherever its weak
19:17:37codevance[m]It's also not trying to be a dynamically typed language.
19:17:39FromGitter<ephja> very few languages are trying to compete with some of Rusts features
19:18:02PMunchcodevance[m], you can always look at the changelog file
19:18:14PMunchIf you want a list of what has changed since the last release
19:18:34codevance[m]SIMD looks like its rust's domain
19:18:43codevance[m]PMunch: the changelog is massive
19:19:01codevance[m]I follow the development. Things get added everyday
19:19:07codevance[m]I wish there was a dev document
19:19:19codevance[m]and also a "diff" for the doc
19:19:21FromGitter<rayman22201> Where Nim is weak is not completely obvious. Especially to new people trying the language. Also, just because Nim is weak in an area doesn't mean it shouldn't try to improve there
19:19:25FromGitter<ephja> in other words, performance. that's what you use SIMD for
19:19:36codevance[m]PMunch: what changelog file?
19:19:37FromGitter<rayman22201> but perf is something Nim is supposed to be strong in
19:19:48FromGitter<ephja> yes
19:20:04FromGitter<rayman22201> Therefore SIMD should be something we care about.
19:20:25PMunchcodevance[m], this one: https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/blob/devel/changelog.md
19:21:47codevance[m]PMunch: that's new
19:22:22Yardanicocodevance[m], not really
19:22:39Yardanicocodevance[m], well, it's relatively new, but first version with new changelog.md came with 0.18.0 :)
19:22:45federico3PMunch: it's a call to socket(AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0) (the syscall I mean) to create the socket and then bind()
19:23:00PMunchYeah I know how to do it in C
19:23:01codevance[m]let me put it this way. its not in the release folder
19:23:17PMunchBut for Nim it seems like I basically have to do it in the exact same way
19:23:19federico3PMunch: I'm looking for the call to bind(..) in Nim
19:23:33PMunchWhich means fumbling around with pointers and such
19:23:52FromGitter<rayman22201> Unfortunately I don't think Nim has a high level wrapper for Sockets atm
19:24:20Yardanicohttps://nim-lang.org/docs/net.html ? :)
19:24:25Yardanico"This module implements a high-level cross-platform sockets interface."
19:24:39federico3a 2-3 lines wrapper around bindSocket
19:25:02codevance[m]rayman I'm not sure that Jack Mott is abandoning nim. It seems he's writing a lib for various langs
19:25:12federico3Yardanico: it should belong to posix.nim
19:25:21Yardanicofederico3, but sockets are cross-platform
19:25:28FromGitter<rayman22201> lol. Yeah. I just found net module too. oops
19:25:32FromGitter<rayman22201> need better search
19:25:44federico3Yardanico: not an "unix domain socket" :)
19:25:50Yardanicooh, sorry
19:26:05federico3it's also not net-related, it's local :)
19:26:35PMunchYeah I tried to use net
19:26:54PMunchBut it throws an error on the accept call
19:27:05PMunchSomething about not recognizing the family
19:27:22FromGitter<rayman22201> https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/issues/3320
19:27:24FromGitter<rayman22201> ?
19:27:31federico3PMunch: if you strace it you should see bind(3, {sa_family=AF_UNIX, sun_path="/tmp/somesocket2"}, 18)
19:27:52PMunchOh, dinner is here. I'll look more into it later
19:28:09PMunchYeah I got the bind working
19:28:24*Ven`` quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
19:28:33PMunchBut when you accept a connection the accept call fails
19:28:44federico3PMunch: IMO it's worth submitting a tiny wrapper into posix.nim
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19:44:02FromGitter<rayman22201> :-P Was just about to post it
19:44:18FromGitter<rayman22201> thanks @yrsdi
19:44:24FromGitter<rayman22201> @Yardanico even
19:44:38FromGitter<rayman22201> lol.... bad autocomplete
19:44:38Yardanico@rayman22201 I'm fast at github notifications :D
19:47:17FromGitter<rayman22201> I really want to sell my Mac. I am not happy with the direction OSX has been going and Apple as a company, but all the Mac issues in Nim land make me tempted to keep it around...
19:48:03YardanicoI had no issues with nim on hackintosh :D
19:48:33FromGitter<rayman22201> lol
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20:07:40codevance[m]Can nim devel be used for development
20:10:18FromGitter<ephja> yes. bootstrapping rarely breaks
20:12:28FromGitter<ephja> that's not the only potential issue, but it usually works fine for me, and people often test their libs on recent development versions since we're not at 1.x yet and for various other reasons
20:13:38FromGitter<ephja> use the latest release instead if you want and then try to upgrade if you run into lib incompatibilities or need specific fixes
20:17:58Yardanicocodevance[m], yes of course
20:18:33Yardanicoalso by using devel version you'll potentially find any third-party nim libs which are incompatible with devel and maybe fix them :P
20:19:40codevance[m]So its a forwards first approach
20:20:33codevance[m]ok thanks
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20:26:28FromGitter<rayman22201> IDK if it should be in the std lib but Jack Mott's suggestion to implement CPU feature detection does sound like a good idea...
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20:31:46skrylarthe library selection could be better
20:31:52skrylarbut it does work
20:32:04FromGitter<kayabaNerve> I agree Yardanico. That's not my issue.
20:32:42FromGitter<kayabaNerve> My issue is compiler compatibility and the idea behind it.
20:33:02FromGitter<kayabaNerve> I want a single version. The end. I'll upgrade to the newest stable, but devel is devel.
20:33:16FromGitter<kayabaNerve> It's constantly needing updates to stay updated.
20:33:40skrylarare you using bleeding edge nimble packages?
20:34:02skrylari don't have issues with using only the latest stable, although i pick dependencies carefully
20:36:04codevance[m]kayabaNerve have you tried installing the release version's compiler?
20:37:14FromGitter<kayabaNerve> I'm on 0.18.0
20:37:33FromGitter<kayabaNerve> This package has no dependencies and is mature
20:37:56FromGitter<kayabaNerve> Last commit 8 days ago though
20:38:04FromGitter<kayabaNerve> But is existed for at least a few months
20:42:27skrylarthen whats the problem
20:43:50FromGitter<kayabaNerve> Fair enough.
20:44:09FromGitter<kayabaNerve> It wouldn't be a problem if they also developed on stable
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20:50:42FromGitter<tim-st> when my binary needs `-d:ssl` or other `-d` can I define them in my source code so passing wont be needed?
20:51:14FromGitter<tim-st> if not, what is the idea to disallow it?
20:54:08FromDiscord<Epictek> I have a noob question
20:54:40FromGitter<kayabaNerve> If I already have Nim, to compile the compiler, do I have to all the steps or can I use my existing Koch?
20:55:28FromGitter<tim-st> just recompile koch, takes 30 seconds
20:55:30FromDiscord<Epictek> I want to write a wrapper around a web API that I can use with both the JS backend and the standard C backend, Is this possible? Just wanting to be able to write the code once
20:56:05shashlicktim-st: you can use nim.cfg or appname.cfg for the -d:ssl
20:56:25shashlickThere used to be a define pragma, hoping araq brings it back
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20:56:29FromGitter<tim-st> shashlick: thx, but then it's global? for all projects?
20:56:48shashlickNo keep it in the app local directory
20:56:56shashlickWith just that one line
20:57:11FromGitter<tim-st> ok, thanks! pragma would be better though, only passl is available for c compiler
20:57:41shashlickYep I've requested araq a few days ago for nimpcre which needs the same
20:57:49FromGitter<tim-st> nice
20:58:03FromGitter<tim-st> Epictek: I don't think that's a noob question
20:58:55shashlickEpictek: should be possible, I've never done it and have no examples but should be feasible
21:00:04FromGitter<tim-st> for example using ssl like "https.." always requires `-d:ssl`, if I dont set it, it doesnt work. So I dont understand why it isnt set by default
21:01:01FromGitter<tim-st> ok, maybe this can be done when the pragma exists
21:01:36FromGitter<tim-st> This even motivated me to use python again for network
21:01:47FromGitter<tim-st> the `requests` package works just as I want it
21:03:13FromDiscord<Epictek> shashlick: yeah I'm strugling to find any example with karax. Best I found was nimforum
21:03:19FromDiscord<Epictek> shashlick: yeah I'm strugling to find any examples with karax. Best I found was nimforum
21:05:00shashlickAre you not able to set nim.cfg?
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21:05:22shashlickThis way you have an option to depend on the huge ssl lib
21:06:01FromDiscord<Epictek> Yeah I thought the point of Nim was to only include what is actually needed...
21:06:28jmotthello. first time hear, I heard people were talking about the nim_simd github repo and just hoppped in, in case anyone had any questions
21:06:34jmottfirst time here*
21:06:55shashlickEpictek have you tried just generating js and c and see if it works?
21:07:09shashlickWelcome jmott
21:08:28FromGitter<kayabaNerve> I can't recompile Koch. Can't open `os`.
21:11:20FromDiscord<Epictek> shashlick: well I'm strugling to figure out what libary I should use to make requests with JS, httpclient only works with C. Karax has kajax but there doesn't seem to be a libary that just lets me reuse the same http code for the both C and JS.
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21:13:29FromGitter<ephja> does nimLoadLibrary leak 32 bytes or is a false positive even with the suppression file for valgrind? :p
21:14:50PMunchfederico3, agreed
21:14:53FromGitter<ephja> so many entries for libpulse..
21:15:58PMunchephja, nimLoadLibrary?
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21:17:33FromGitter<ephja> for dynamic linking. it shows a leak in dlopen. who cares about 32 bytes though but I'm just messing around with valgrind again
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21:19:08PMunchYeah but what is nimLoadLibrary?
21:19:16PMunchI can't find it in the dynload module
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21:24:57FromGitter<kayabaNerve> Any idea how to compile Nim devel when I have this error? `koch.nim(24, 3) Error: cannot open 'os'`
21:25:46FromGitter<ephja> PMunch: system/cgprocs.nim
21:26:29FromGitter<ephja> I don't see any calls to nimUnloadLibrary
21:30:25*dgwana quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
21:39:01FromGitter<rayman22201> Hi @jmott. I think the convo over your library has died for now, but thanks for showing up. :-)
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22:07:43codevance[m]Why does autocomplete just die
22:09:41Yardanicocodevance[m], because nimsuggest uses compiler for autocompletion, and on the code which results in a compiler crash nimsuggest will crash too
22:09:59Yardanicoand also there may be some memory leaks in the nimsuggest
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22:10:38codevance[m]Is there a fix yet?
22:10:39codevance[m]I'm using vscode
22:10:51Yardanicocodevance[m], well, if nimsuggest hangs - kill it
22:10:55Yardanicootherwise - you can reload vscode :P
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22:11:46codevance[m]Yeah. But it'd be amazing to not haveta do such
22:13:12codevance[m]oh well
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22:35:26zacharycarteranyone have any idea why I'd be getting this error on OpenBSD when building nimble via ./koch nim after installing Nim from source?
22:36:03zacharycarter```cannot open file compiler/ast```
22:37:03FromGitter<Araq> what's "installing Nim from source"?
22:40:16*zacharycarter sent a long message: < https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/kwkTpeOvlMmoxBCeRDCnrBab >
22:42:41zacharycarterI'll try w/ choosenim
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22:44:37zacharycarterno bsd support doh
22:47:35zacharycartergoing to try this again
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22:58:47zacharycarterthose are the errors I get when running ./koch tools or ./koch nimble
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23:05:42dvnhaving a curious problem after installing nix via guix package manager
23:06:11dvnwhen i try to run "nim c" on anything i get the following error:
23:06:12dvnError: invocation of external compiler program failed. No such file or directory
23:06:14dvnAdditional info: Could not find command: '/gnu/st'. OS error: No such file or directory 2
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23:08:04dvnnix is truncating the path there, because with guix, gcc is located in /gnu/store/<hash>-gcc/bin/gcc
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23:12:02dvnthis is a problem with the guix package definition, not nim, however i'm wondering if i'm correct in my assumption that nim does not want to be fed the full path to the gcc compiler, and instead just wants to run the command without path (just "gcc")
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23:20:09FromGitter<Araq> nim doesnt care
23:21:09dvnso is the path just getting truncated in the error message then?
23:21:40dvni cannot get nim to show me the full path even with the --listfullpaths flag
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23:22:05dvner.. tired... sorry. you were not respoinding to me
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23:54:27codevance[m]Is there some way to limit using