<< 31-03-2016 >>

00:00:06Araqthe error message used to be decent for this case.
00:00:15Araqand then we made Nim more expressive :P
00:01:04PMunchWell, that's a good thing :)
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00:05:04krux02Araq, I can't use nimedit on arch: cannot load font: dejavu/DejaVuSansMono, it exists in the folder /usr/share/fonts/TTF/DejaVuSansMono.ttf
00:07:38Araqkrux02: change the config then
00:08:01Araqcheatfate: omg, that bug was so weird :-)
00:08:16Araq generateHeaders(m)
00:08:17Araq generateThreadLocalStorage(m)
00:08:22Araqspot the error.
00:10:17krux02ok didn't see there was a config file
00:10:25krux02to what folder is the font relative to?
00:12:14Araqrelative to the exe iirc, so give it an absolute path
00:14:31cheatfateAraq, looks good :)
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00:17:45cheatfateinteresting i think json module is most popular :)
00:18:13cheatfate17 contributors
00:21:26krux02Araq: doesn't work with absolute path
00:21:31krux02~/Downloads/nimedit-0.94/ ./nimedit
00:21:31krux02cannot load font: /usr/share/fonts/TTF/DejaVuSansMono.ttf
00:21:31krux02█▓▒░arne@arne-thinkpad░▒▓██▓▒░ Do Mär 31 02:19:52
00:21:31krux02~/Downloads/nimedit-0.94/ test -f /usr/share/fonts/TTF/DejaVuSansMono.ttf && echo 'file exits' || echo 'file does not exist'
00:21:31krux02file exits
00:21:33krux02█▓▒░arne@arne-thinkpad░▒▓██▓▒░ Do Mär 31 02:20:58
00:22:33Araqmaybe it can find the file but not read it?
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00:24:45Araqkrux02: sorry I need to sleep now. I can build you a Linux version tomorrow.
00:25:18krux02thanks a lot, I need to sleep, too
00:25:47PMunchUgh, same here
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01:05:56reactormonkAraq, time for some GNU/Windows - pretty sure Stallman is pissed.
01:06:46reactormonkOn another note, you can now debug linux issues with nim on windows (at least if they're not GUI apps)
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11:55:57veganskyglukhov, hi! Are you online?
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13:33:14yglukhovvegansk, hey, i am now
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13:47:52veganskyglukhov, PR allready merged, thank you :-)
13:49:40yglukhovyeah and thank you too =)
13:52:11veganskbtw, why jnim is versionless?
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14:05:10maxcroudHey, guys! I created chat in Telegram. So if you have an Telegram account you can join it. I don't know will this idea be popular, but I hope this can improve environment to solve problems. Here the link to join: https://telegram.me/joinchat/ACtV1AjQcNXlQ-99PxkBsw
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14:10:09Araqhi maxcroud.
14:10:22Araqare you a bot?
14:10:52PMunchPoor spelling for a bot..
14:11:01Araqwhat's the color of grass?
14:11:19ArrrrIn winter
14:11:21maxcroudgreen, but in autumn maybe yellow, red
14:11:33Araqprecise like a bot, hu?
14:11:40maxcroudI'm from Russia. Sorry for my bad English
14:11:49Araqoh well, I will click on the link then.
14:12:56Araq"join group" doesn't work. do I need to 'get' it first?
14:13:25maxcroudSure, you should have telegram account
14:14:46veganskAraq, hi! i created the project for stdlib enhancements. and uint's parses is already there, so if it is undesired changes for stdlib, i can close PR 4013 :-)
14:15:39AraqI cannot follow. your PR is mostly fine. why would it be undesired?
14:15:48veganskmaxcroud, hi. where are you from? i'm from Novosibirsk
14:16:18veganskAraq, ok :-)
14:16:33maxcroudWow, nice to see russian guy) I'm from Staryy Oskol (Belgorodskaya oblast')
14:18:35federico3why telegram?
14:18:41Araqvegansk: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lPV7ov6q-cM&feature=youtu.be&t=134
14:19:13Araq... not sure you understand the reference ...
14:19:20maxcroudfederico3: do you have any other good options?
14:19:51federico3maxcroud: IRC, email, anything widely supported (and possibly usable by Nim)
14:22:21maxcroudemail is not comfortable for chatting, I think. IRC is already here and have small disadvantages such as attachments. I decided that telegram is better and created chat
14:24:32PMunchJust upload "attachments" elsewhere and send a link
14:26:57maxcroudit's not comfortably. that chat has history (I know about irc logs) and you can search through it
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14:31:24cheatfatemaxcroud, its your subjective opinion
14:32:00EastBytewell, unfortunatly telegram channels often end up being used for shitchat
14:32:52maxcroudcheatfate: I said that it is my opinion
14:34:51maxcroudEastByte: channels and chats are different things. Anyhow even IRC can end up without appropriate control
14:35:26maxcroudcan end up being used for shitchat*
14:36:45EastByteokay I agree, it's just that the chats I'm part of are being spamed with media and 'stickers'
14:37:35Araqanybody interested in getting --gc:stack into production quality?
14:38:17ArrrrI'm interested to know what it is about?
14:38:30Araqit's a nice rewarding project, very useful and not too hard at the same time.
14:40:06AraqArrrr: it replace the GC with a bump pointer allocator that can be used as a stack.
14:41:12ArrrrThat sound's strange. Do you need some testers?
14:41:38AraqI need somebody to work on it. I have plenty of other Nim-related enhancements in the pipeline.
14:41:52Araqthe idea is something like:
14:42:09Araq let oldTop = gcstackTop()
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14:42:29Araq foo("bar" & "baz")
14:42:40Araq # perform lots of temporary allocations
14:43:17Araq gcstackSet(oldTop) # free temporary allocations in O(1)
14:44:16ArrrrHas it been done before?
14:44:38Araqyeah. it's called "obstacks" in GCC land.
14:45:18Araqthere are large overlappings with "region based memory management"
14:46:03veganskAraq, this is Novosibirsk. The guitar player is me :-) https://youtu.be/Dnv_QQNlLSs?list=PL84DbFk97pGGfg90QrkWk19VgT9KFZbSk
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14:48:20veganskyes :-)
14:48:26AraqArrrr: it's unsafe if the temporary allocation escapes the lifetime that you explicitly assigned to it via gcstackSet, but we have a workable escape tracking solution too.
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14:49:18ArrrrSounds like the kind of mechanics rustacians would love
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14:49:38Arrrrcool gibson
14:50:00veganskArrrr, thanks :-)
14:51:18AraqArrrr: have a look at lib/system/gc_stack.nim
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15:01:10ArrrrAnd how much work does it need to finish it? I wish i knew how to do it, looks short
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15:51:02AraqArrrr: disable the deepCopy stuff for now
15:51:21Araq- implement newObj, growObj etc properly.
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15:53:39yglukhovAraq: can i weaklink to an extern proc somehow? To check proc existance in runtime?
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16:39:52cheatfatedo we have something like stdout.flush()
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16:57:50ArrrrThere is a "flusFile" in system
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17:30:10cheatfateArrrr, "flushFile" but thank you anyway
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17:35:34filcuchi all, how dynlib works on windows? cause i put the .dll in the same forlder of the executable and i still get could not load myDllName.dll
17:36:23cheatfatefilcuc, what version of compiler u use?
17:37:15filcuccheatfate: 0.13.0
17:38:48cheatfateok, is it possible to dump export table of your dll and also your full pragma for imported function
17:40:26filcuccheatfate: ok solved, i think that it caused by the missing dependencies of my dll (that links other dlls)
17:44:09filcuchowever i see that using something like (mylib.dll|libmylib.dll) as string for the dynlib macro doesn't work on windows
17:44:24filcucif i use only mylib.dll or libmylib.dll it works :|
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17:46:24Araqyglukhov: via the dynlib module, but I wouldn't use it unless there is absolutely no other way.
17:46:42Araqnothing is more annoying than deps that are loaded "on demand"
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17:47:14Araqfilcuc: the | implementation is not tied to Posix so it should work.
17:48:31filcuci get could not load: libDOtherSide.dll|DOtherSide.dll
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17:52:58filcucAraq: i trust you but that's what i'm seeing right now
17:53:19Araqdon't forget the () around the | expression
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18:48:20filcucok i've a "complex" currently i'm getting "The application has requested the Runtime to terminate in an unusual way."
18:48:53filcucthe thing doesn't happen if i don't include my module
18:49:27filcucso this is caused by the load library caused by dynlib
18:50:01filcuc(however in my main.nim i don't call any functions of my module)
18:50:34filcucso i've a complete empty main function except that i import my module that has some importc, dynlib functions
18:51:12filcucthe weird thing it's that i don't get this error if i compile with "nim cpp"instead of "nim c"
18:53:48filcucthe library i load dynamically export its function with __declspec(dllexport)
18:53:56filcucshould i also add __cdecl ?
18:54:30cheatfatefilcuc, could you dump export table of your dll?
18:54:51filcuci'll try never done that
18:56:36cheatfatefilcuc, the problem is not in nim's code, because nim is just using loadlibrary getprocaddress...
18:57:03cheatfateso if you want to test it write c program and make LoadLibrary and GetProcAddress...
18:57:38filcuccheatfate: sure i'm not arguing that is a nim's fault
18:58:31cheatfateok try to "DUMPBIN.EXE /EXPORTS <yourdll.dll>"
18:58:50cheatfatethen gist result please
18:58:52filcucbut i know that here there're really people who know low level stuff more than me :)
18:59:35*Ven quit (Quit: My MacBook has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…)
19:00:24filcuccheatfate: ok
19:03:50filcuccheatfate: is it a problem if i use objdump since i'm compiling with mingw32 and i don't have vs installed
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19:04:44cheatfatei dont know how to use objdump if you can dump exports table with it than ok
19:05:28filcuccheatfate: otherwise i can use dependency walker
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19:08:48filcuccheatfate: https://gist.githubusercontent.com/filcuc/d3bfe467d15c4056b05adaf3d18efdd8/raw/9df9b5729c5eb9dffb50c14ee6010da04652976f/gistfile1.txt
19:09:38cheatfateso what module?
19:09:57filcuc(the first one)
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19:10:40cheatfatelooks like all good in exports
19:11:22cheatfatetry to add __cdecl
19:11:27cheatfateor __stdcall
19:11:35filcuccheatfate: well actually i've a simple .h file with export "C" and __decltype(dllexport)
19:12:12cheatfatefilcuc, now u must be sure that calling convention in C file are equal with nim's proc declaration
19:13:01filcuccheatfate: on the nim side i'm just using {.importc, dynlib.} nothing more
19:13:40cheatfatefilcuc, its bad you need to declare calling convention
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19:14:24filcuccheatfate: ok i'm try forcing cdecl calling convention
19:15:01cheatfatestdcall would be better
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19:19:45filcuccheatfate: mind to share why? :)
19:20:45cheatfatefilcuc, use google
19:25:25filcuccheatfate: in reality i was wrong: my function are already {.cdecl, importc, dynlib.}
19:25:56filcuccheatfate: so i was already specifing the cdecl calling convention
19:26:04cheatfateand in c too?
19:27:23cheatfateyou need to be sure that your exported function uses same calling convention as imported function
19:28:20filcuccheatfate: omg on the nim side i've {.cdecl, importc, dynlib} and on the dll side __decltype(exportdll) void __cdecl myFunction(...)
19:29:36filcuci'll try to remove leave only one importc just to be sure
19:29:42cheatfatethen you need to do some google/stackoverflow investigation
19:29:50cheatfateabout your error
19:30:29filcuccheatfate: thank you anyway ;)
19:33:21filcuccheatfate: given that maybe some goes wrong due the fact that my .dll export some function with the c calling convenction but itself links some C++ functions
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19:34:39filcucsince by compiling with nim cpp i don't get any error
19:38:12Araqfilcuc: sounds more like a name mangling issue
19:38:31Araqyou need extern "C" in addition to __decltype(exportdll)
19:38:48krux02anyone here uning emacs for nim editing?
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19:39:32filcucAraq: i do that :( https://github.com/filcuc/DOtherSide/blob/NoPtrPtr/lib/include/DOtherSide/DOtherSide.h
19:40:13filcucAraq: and here you can read the export functions https://gist.githubusercontent.com/filcuc/d3bfe467d15c4056b05adaf3d18efdd8/raw/9df9b5729c5eb9dffb50c14ee6010da04652976f/gistfile1.txt
19:40:37krux02I just enable nim-mode, and company-mode, and as soon as I get in a situation where autocompletion could be nice, emacs freezes for a few seconds instead of giving me autocompletion
19:42:24*Arrrr quit (Quit: WeeChat 1.4)
19:44:48AraqError: At least one required implicit or forwarded dependency was not found.
19:44:48AraqError: Modules with different CPU types were found.
19:44:48AraqWarning: At least one delay-load dependency module was not found.
19:44:54Araqfilcuc ^
19:46:04filcucAraq: it's not that problem, because i've that stuff in my path on my command line
19:46:27filcucAraq: it's just that i don't have the Qt stuff on my globa PATH variable
19:46:50Araqwell if you compile via C++ it loads some C++ dependency.
19:46:57filcucAraq: i'm launching my executable by first setting the PATH=%PATH%;%QTDIR%
19:46:59Araqif you compile via C it doesn't do that.
19:47:22Araqyour DLL depends on some C++ DLL that is loaded when compiling to C++.
19:47:43Araqhence 'nim cpp' works and 'nim c' fails.
19:47:49Araqjust a theory of course.
19:48:34filcucAraq: :| i thought that by using LoadLibrary from my C executable also the dependent dll gets loaded
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19:50:05filcucAraq: i mean..my library has is written in C++ but has a C interface. My nim executable is in C and dynamically call the exported C functions... i don't get (because of my lack of knowledge) what it's wrong
19:50:23filcucAraq: maybe some global initialization/deinitialization in the main function
19:50:29Araqdo you compile with Visual Studio?
19:50:47filcucthe same that compiled the Qt libraries
19:50:55filcucfor not causing mismatch
19:52:13filcucbtw the error i get from microsoft is shown only on exit
19:52:20filcucso when i close the UI
19:52:34filcucand not on start of while using the UI
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19:54:38filcucAraq: i don't get any error if i "nim c main.nim" and i change {.importc} to {.importcpp.} :|
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19:58:10Araqthat's not surprising, importcpp triggers compilation to C++ for the files that require it
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20:57:10filcucAraq: maybe this is similar to my issue http://stackoverflow.com/questions/28810454/mingw-application-terminates-in-unusual-way-after-finishing-once-a-dll-was
21:00:01filcucAraq: is there a way to see the actual command that nim use for invoking the C compiler?
21:01:40gokr1--verbosity:3 does it for me, on Linux at least.
21:06:42filcucgokr1: thanks
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22:10:41federico3Any msgpack user?
22:24:50cheatfateAraq, if you add design like sublime text to your nim-editor, i will buy it :)
22:25:06federico3which module should be used, parseopt or parseopt2?
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23:25:01cheatfateis it possible to pass nil value to parameter a2 of function posix.sigprocmask*(a1: cint, a2, a3: var Sigset): cint ?
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23:32:50federico3how to receive and handle SIGTERM?
23:33:43def-cheatfate: for that the typo would probably have to be ptr Sigset
23:34:58cheatfatedef-, or maybe add support nil value for "var Type"
23:37:01def-cheatfate: sounds strange, var should always have a value
23:37:11def-federico3: signal proc in posix module, like in C
23:39:11federico3http://nim-lang.org/docs/posix.html#signal,cint,proc%28cint%29 this one?
23:40:13federico3there's no documentation there. Other signals, like SIGINT are handled by default: https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/blob/devel/lib/system/excpt.nim#L321
23:41:37cheatfatefederico3, sigaction, sigwait sigtimedwait
23:42:07krux02def-: which editor do you use to write nim code?
23:42:22federico3cheatfate: what about them?
23:42:33def-krux02: vim
23:42:50cheatfatefederico3, you can use them to get SIGTERM signal, different approaches :)
23:42:56def-federico3: well, it's just a posix wrapper, you can read the posix or gnu documentation
23:43:42federico3def-: I know how posix signal works but I was expecting SIGTERM to be handled by default like SIGINT or at least be documented as a typical use case
23:44:06krux02ok thanks, is it good? Currently I try to use the emacs-mode for nim, because it has the most commits, much more as aporia or the vim plugin
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23:44:48def-krux02: no idea, haven't used another editor for a long time
23:45:59krux02I mean do you have on the fly error highlighting, code completion and and a debugger frontend, where you can set breakpoints?
23:47:11krux02I used vim for half a year everyday and my conclusion is, I don't like it.
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23:51:19federico3any way we can raise an exception on SIGTERM, e.g. around here? https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/blob/devel/lib/system/excpt.nim#L318