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16:01:32Araqllm: parsing overhead of style insensitivity is neglible
16:02:23Araqand IMO it's a bit harder to do bad coding with it; nothing keeps you from USING_ALL_caAAAPS in cs languages either
16:02:59Araqexcept that you have to be consistent in your typos which is annoying if you're not the owner of the code
16:03:59Araqin fact, I chose between "cs with enforced naming scheme" and "si with a much less restricting naming scheme"
16:04:48Araqthe enforced naming scheme never works in practice IMO because of abbrevs and identifiers coming from other sources
16:06:19Araqenforced naming scheme would also imply no '_' as I strongly prefer camelCase ... now who would have liked that? ;-)
16:07:07llmi've changed my naming schema over the last 17 years from everything to everything - i don't mind as long as its consitent
16:08:23Araqafaik all_underscores are easier to read -- there have psychological studies about it
16:08:29Araqunless you're trained!
16:08:33Araqthen camelCase wins
16:10:24llmmy primary work is reading through masses of code - all the while, and yes underscores are easier to read - in every language i need to touch :)
16:11:33llmbut names like this seem to be not so uncommon in business code i_TheFile_write_length .... evil underscore, ungarian, camelcase style...
16:12:10AraqI personally can't stand all_under_scores, it's bad for my reading speed; I don't want to read the single words an identifier consists of in fact
16:12:39AraqI want to do proper lexing instead, I care about tokens, not words
16:13:32llmunderscore helps weak developers building better names - maybe to long but better for understanding, camelcase seems to need to much brain energy
16:13:51Araqand this_thing looks too much like this thing
16:14:09llmunderscores make the name just more technical, camelcase is design itself :)
16:14:41Araqso it hurts my reading speed quite a lot; it's especially bad in C code where this_style abounds
16:15:23Araqanyway my final argument for SI is that an editor can show the names as preferred since the compiler is not picky about it
16:15:48BoscopI prefer hyphen-separated-identifiers
16:17:35Boscop1. only one keystroke instead of two for underscore 2. it's not visually too low, underscore is nearly in the next line 3. it allows for acronyms in identifiers which camelcase doesn't really (e.g. SQLQuery looks weird)
16:18:36llmStructuredQueryLanguageQuery is the way to go :)
16:18:49llmist like LCDDisplay :)
16:19:45llmdo it the microsoft way SqlQuery
16:21:33llmin my delphi times it was hard to read all my lowered types alwasy with first char uppercase when used by some other developers...
16:22:52Araqhyphen-separated-identifiers don't fly for me either
16:23:06AraqI want to be able to write a[i-1]
16:23:13Araqnot a[i - 1]
16:23:51llmfor better readablity a [ i - 1 ]
16:24:12llmor even more spaces ;)
16:24:13AraqI prefer dense code over code full of whitespace
16:24:35Araqwhitespace is only superficial nicer to look at
16:25:03Araqbut doesn't help readablility as it has no meaning
16:25:28Araqwell ok, you need a middle ground
16:25:37Araqcan't get rid of all whitespace either
16:26:23llmfor i prefer most is to the the scope of an variable on first look - members m_, parameters p_ ... , statics s_, globals g_ .... maybe that comes from years of refactoring legacy code
16:29:47AraqmMember and pParameter would work as well?
16:30:15Araqno need for underscores here IMO
16:31:53llmwould work
16:32:06Araqwhat to do with renoX's feature request?
16:32:15llmbut the underscore makes it more clear
16:32:33Araqok ok, enough about it please
16:32:50llmrenoX feature?
16:33:06Araqhe wants --floatChecks:on per default
16:33:18llmeverything is ok - as long as the language is expressive and powerfull, symbols are just names
16:34:57AraqI found the floating point checks more of an annoyance than a help; I really like +-INF :-)
16:35:13AraqI mean in FPC/delphi
16:35:23Araqso I didn't make it the default
16:35:29llmnot per default - maybe you should combine some of those settings in an naughty-child-mode
16:35:51Araqyou can already via pragma {.push.}
16:36:15Araqhe argues the default should be 'on' for consistency with integer types
16:36:25Araqwhich also raise an exception on overflows
16:36:26llmok - ever thought about partical release, debug-code?
16:36:52Araqdunno what you mean, you can have any mixture of compiler flags that you like
16:37:06Araqand you can override the default setting for certain sections of code
16:41:00Araqin fact, I'd love to have INF for integers too but the hw doesn't support it
16:41:14Araqsaturated arithmetic can be very nice
16:45:04Araqinstead we were given INT_MIN with no positive equivalent; ugly and bug prone ...
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17:32:23llmi would prefer 3 build settings, 1. release, 2. debug, 3. naughty child (maximum checks) ... something like that
17:35:49apriori_rather call it pedantic :P
18:06:52Araq'release' isnt even implemented in the compiler :-)
18:07:21Araqjust edit your config to implement 'pedantic'
18:15:32llmmake it more a standard - put something in the default config
18:18:08Araqyou do it and make a pull request :P
18:30:01llmgood idea - teamleader :)
18:30:17llmim in the south of germany - you?
18:33:28Araqextra points if you also update the docs to mention this switch ;-)
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18:54:38llmhow many points do i need?
18:54:56Araqthere are different types of points
18:55:06Araqrocker points
18:55:28Araq"hell of a guy" points
18:56:02Araqchick points
18:56:21Araqand you don't need them, you get them
18:56:44dom96And what can you do with these "points"?
18:56:47llmwhat is better rocker or chick points
18:57:11Araqchick points obviously :D
18:57:14llmbuy fan articles under shop.nimrod-code.org
18:57:31*dom96 wants a nimrod T-shirt
18:57:40dom96I must have earned enough points for that over the years, right?
18:57:42llmyou can get a "hell of a guy" t-short for some rocker points
18:58:15Araq10 rocker points are 1 "hell of a guy" point
18:58:24Araqand 10 "hell of a guy" points are 1 chick point
18:59:13llmwhat points do you use for yourself? one of the 3 official or special
19:01:08Araqbawcock points?
19:01:12*Araq looked that up
19:07:35Araqdom96: sure you owned a t-shirt
19:08:49Araqbut we have no t-shirts yet
19:10:25dom96Hopefully some day... I want Nimrod mugs too. :P
19:10:37dom96The github ones are quite cool.
19:13:13dom96This is quite interesting: http://geeksta.net/geeklog/exploring-expressions-emotions-github-commit-messages/
19:17:55Araqmost bugfixes for C++ code ...
19:21:02llmthat makes VimL not better - lowest commits, highest anger .... :/
19:24:33dom96I find it hard to believe that PHP is second for expressions of joy.
19:25:02apriori_I find it hard to believe that this stuff is in any way representative..
19:25:15apriori_it actually can only measure "lack of control"
19:25:36apriori_I could yell hours and hours about some langauges - still this won
19:25:41apriori_'t be visible in my commit messages
19:55:27apriori_how do I check for nil?
19:55:44apriori_e.g. for a PFileStream
19:56:07Araqif f != nil:
19:56:21Araqif not isNil(f)
19:56:57Araqif f.isnil.`not` # hm should try this one
20:14:17Araqping zahary
20:18:01Araqany progress?
20:22:03zaharyI didn't managed to work the other night, but today before work did make some progress
20:22:56zaharyI have to change somehow how the slurped files are remembered as the TPassContext is not available in evals.nim
20:23:18apriori_ohm, how do I append an element to a sequence?
20:23:31Araqapriori_: 'add'
20:23:38apriori_Araq: ok, thank you
20:23:52zaharymy plan is to say that the .ast field in each module symbol is used to store auto-generated code that will be appended to the module (the needed include statements in this case)
20:25:28Araqwhy so complicated?
20:25:56Araqjust have another implementation for mSlurp in evals.nim
20:26:44zaharythe implementation is moved there, yes. problem is where do you remember the list of slurped files (I want to remember them in the module symbol)
20:27:08Araqno, not moving the implementation, have 2 implementations :-)
20:27:54zaharyeven this will have the same problem? the implementation is evals.nim won't have a way to add the slurped files to the current module
20:27:55Araqslurp(variable) does not need to affect the rod file's dependencies IMO
20:28:25Araqif we allow for IO in evals.nim we can't reasonably detect the dependencies anyway
20:28:45zaharywhy so? all of this is just needed to create more abstracted macros using slurp
20:28:46zaharyvar template = compileMarkDown
20:28:56zaharycompileMarkDown "somefile.md"
20:30:56Araqand what about 'gorge'? store a hash of the .exe to determine whether it changed?
20:31:04Araqbut that's not reliable
20:31:18Araqit could output a random number
20:35:08zaharyI see 2 possible paths there. gorge takes a program and a standard input string
20:35:08zahary1) program timestamp/hash and input hash are used to always cache the output
20:35:09zahary2) we have the caching API we discussed once and it's completely up to the macro to define the caching behavior
20:35:37zaharywhat about names such as staticRead and staticExec instead of slurp and gorge?
20:35:43AraqI like 2)
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20:38:00zaharyI like 2) better too, but would you be so kind to implement the caching API for me :)
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20:39:03zaharywhat about staticExec?
20:40:39Araqmeh, can't I ever have fun ...
20:41:03llmwhat your talking about?
20:41:38Araqllm: compile-time readFile and execProcess and their implications
20:41:49Araqfor the module caching
20:43:00dom96When you say caching, is it caching for .rod files?
20:43:06Araqdom96: yep
20:43:28dom96So how would that work with applications that change their output based on files on the filesystem?
20:43:44Araqit wouldn't :P
20:43:49dom96Like say for example I want to get the current git commit hash of the app i'm building using gorge... :P
20:44:02llmgetting better and better - .rod files remind me of good old pascal .tpu or delphis .dcu
20:44:33Araqllm: yeah but it was MUCH harder to implement for nimrod :-)
20:45:09llmpascal and delphi still are very easy in its features-set and interfacing problems
20:45:44llmthe world is trivial without real templates, generics, macros...
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20:47:18dom96Araq: So I won't be able to do that?
20:47:33Araqdom96: the plan is to have some API so you program the caching mechanism for the advanced stuff
20:47:54apriori_Araq: btw.. I don't think its a good idea to allow to shadow the implicit result variable in a proc
20:47:57apriori_I just made that mistake :P
20:48:00dom96Araq: Ahh, that's good.
20:48:14Araqapriori_: yeah common newbie mistake :P
20:48:32Araqcan't really avoid it as the shallowing is essential for templates
20:48:50Araqbut the compiler could produce a warning
20:49:07apriori_it could whether the implicit result variable was touched at all
20:49:14apriori_when using that implicit reutrn of it
20:49:18apriori_*it could check
20:49:24Araqexcellent idea
20:50:04Araqand 2 lines of code :-)
20:50:14apriori_good :)
20:50:33apriori_the error message could contain a hint for that common mistake
20:50:48Araqit will only be a warning
20:50:53apriori_ohm, yeah
20:51:14apriori_when would it make sense to not touch the result value?
20:51:29apriori_ah, well. just allow it...
20:51:37AraqI bet I have code that does just that :P
20:51:40apriori_some templates could rely on that
20:51:44Araqfor whatever reasons
20:52:03apriori_yeah, the simplest case is a default to nil fallback for a template
20:52:09apriori_or.. "default to init"
20:53:10apriori_didn't wrote much yet.. but so far I like nimrod...
20:53:17apriori_especially when I read about that "marshal" stuff...
20:53:45apriori_an issue which is entirely ignored by e.g. D... there are mediocre library solutions though
20:54:52*filwit joined #nimrod
20:55:10filwithi guys
20:55:25dom96hello filwit
20:57:03filwitI am writing a feature to Aporia where pressing 'return' twice with back-tab automatically (unless you hold shift) like in Word Processors... but i just found out that GTKSourceView automatically goes to the beginning of the line when shift-return is pressed...
20:57:20filwitdamn you, GTKSourceView!
20:57:46filwit*will back-tab**
20:58:23filwitnow I have to start over. :V
20:59:12dom96What are you going to implement instead?
21:00:01filwitsame thing, I just have to do it differently. I got it all working, but it was having odd error and I didn't know why until I tried Shift-return in GEdit
21:00:58filwitthe idea is to have an "automatic indentation" option in settings, to help navigate in and out of proc/body indentation
21:01:09llmdo nimrod suffer from differences between release, debug, what-ever mode when templates are used in library interfaces?
21:01:19dom96filwit: There already is one.
21:01:28dom96filwit: However, it uses gtksourceview's stuff.
21:01:40filwitwhat do you mean?
21:02:07dom96All it does is it indents when pressing enter if the last line is also indented.
21:02:36filwitahh, that's not what I'm talking about
21:02:48Araqllm: it tracks the mode
21:03:05Araqwhen you change from debug to release it's as if the module has been touched
21:03:12filwitsee, i want it to dedent by two spaces (or the defined tab amount) when you press enter and are already on a blank line
21:03:35llmso no mixing of debug and release version possible
21:04:00dom96filwit: Yeah, I know what you mean. But you should reuse the same option in the settings for it I think.
21:04:19filwitdom96: and when you press up/down, the cursor is snaped to the 'end' (only when lines are blank)
21:04:43dom96filwit: I'm not sure what you mean by that.
21:05:01filwitwell let say you have:
21:05:05filwitproc foo =
21:05:09filwit bar()
21:05:22Araqllm: it's the best one can do, think of "when defined(release): ..."
21:05:25filwit# < cursor here
21:05:40filwitthere is one "blank" line after "bar()"
21:05:54filwitthat has two spaces in it
21:06:19filwitso when you press up-arrow, it moves the cursor to the end of the line
21:06:35filwitso it moves the cursor back into proc foo's space
21:07:11Araqfilwit: do you know delphi's editor?
21:07:17filwitwhich works in conjunction with the auto dedent thing for navigating through functions
21:07:20filwitAraq: no
21:07:25filwitnever used it
21:07:34Araqit has the nice property that the cursor is free to navigate everywhere
21:07:59Araqit just moves up as if the above line was long enough
21:08:06dom96filwit: hrm, i'm not sure I like that. You can just press the left-arrow in this case and it will do what you want.
21:08:13llmi've worked in a large c++ project and the main problem was that huge parts of the code were doing costly math, and some modules needs to be debugged - in the end there were a need to refactor all libs down to c interfaces to use some libs as debug others as release build - my hope is that nimrod will define something like an debug<->release module abi
21:09:02dom96filwit: It seems pointless to have two keys which do the same thing. Especially when you might want to go directly up, not have it indented.
21:09:22filwitdom96: what if the cursor is on a line that already has spaces? you'd have to press left multiple times. The point is to move in-n-out of the block bodies automatically
21:09:45filwitbut not everyone is going to want that, and that's why there needs to be another option for it if it's there at all
21:10:11filwitdom96: if you want to go directly up you press shift-up
21:10:12llmthats shows very fast the less-good-for-prototyping features of C/C++, something like that is for example in pascal or delphi nearly not possible - due to its featureset - debug or release seems to be both very fast in this environments
21:11:20dom96filwit: Pressing shift should cause the text to be selected.
21:11:20filwitdom96: my idea comes from word processors (writing lists), basically when you're writing a list item, you press return and it makes a new list, you press return again and if the list item is empty it "exits" the list all together and you can get back to writing paragraphs
21:11:39filwitdom96, you're right I forgot about that
21:12:13Araqllm: in the worst case you need to refactor the nimrod code into DLLs I suppose
21:12:18filwitdom96, I guess there won't be any shift-up thing, it will just automatically indent to the previous block
21:12:24dom96filwit: Sure. Implement it, I might like it when I test it out :)
21:12:56llmAraq, this was for an cutting/abrasion 3d simulation ... - because of this i asked yesterday if its possible to mix debug, release-mode in modules or libraries
21:13:24llmso parts of the code are checked,debugg-able - and others parts are not
21:13:57Araqwell it is possible, but for now you need to edit the code and litter it with push and pop pragmas
21:14:07filwitdom96, the other thing I'm going to try and make tonight is commenting out things, what is your preference on hot-keys?
21:14:28filwitdom96, block-comments**
21:14:50Araqthough module specific settings per configuration file are not hard to do
21:15:00Araq*to implement I mean
21:15:02filwitdom96, I'm use to Visual Studios Ctrl-K-C/U, but I'll make it whatever you prefer
21:16:54Araqso it's "staticRead and staticExec" vs "slurp and gorge". opinions?
21:16:57llmAraq, how does "in the worst case you need to refactor the nimrod code into DLLs I suppose" fits with "well it is possible, but for now you need to edit the code and litter it with push and pop pragmas" - is it or not?
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21:17:43Araqllm: well these are the 2 solutions that I see
21:18:35llmfine, then nimrod supports debug, release mode library and in-module debug/release mixing - wow thats great
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21:26:10filwitAraq: Ya I like staticRead/Exec because they're more descriptive and probably not wildly used
21:26:17llmthat is a great feature if you try to debug an 100 times called function - whichs needs 10mio calls of some different functions - which produces so much content (voxel-like data) that it is no way of logging the data to get faster to the debug-point
21:27:51filwitAraq: that way you're not guessing what's going on with the code, or needing to look up something. If you see staticExec("myprogram") anyone's going to know what it does, but gorge("myprogram")? idk..
21:33:24dom96filwit: I don't have a preference so go ahead with the Visual Studio way. I bet Araq is used to that as well.
21:36:33filwitwhat does the 'end' keyword do btw? I can't find it in the index
21:36:49dom96It's probably just reserved with no purpose.
21:37:05dom96No purpose currently at least
21:37:08filwitah, okay
21:37:23Araqnot true
21:37:30Araqit's used in the templating system
21:38:04dom96Araq: What is it used for?
21:38:11Araq'end if'?
21:38:17dom96oh that.
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21:38:42filwitI thought it might be there and do nothing just to make the Ruby folks feel comfortable :)
21:39:23Araqin fact, my initial design was to allow for indentation, {} and 'end if' syntaxes
21:39:42Araqso that the IDE can show the AST in the style you prefer
21:39:51filwitya I know Ruby has a "variable" syntax style
21:40:06filwitwhat changed you mind?
21:40:21filwityou just found better uses for those things?
21:40:31Araqnothing really, I started with the indendation based syntax as this is the most restrictive to design
21:41:08Araqand now I think I'll use () instead of {} because the expr/stmt distinction is about to be removed anyway
21:41:32Araqthe pragmas are kind of {.ugly.} for this reason
21:41:45Araqso that {} is available
21:42:00dom96something tells me some people will not like this.
21:42:23Araq(and of course I would never use anything else than the indentation based syntax anyway)
21:42:42filwiti'm sure having {} available would increase popularity. I'm fine with any style so long as it works, but I've met some people that wont give a second look unless it looks like C to some degree
21:43:12Araqfilwit: but these are people I don't care about ;-)
21:43:23filwit^ true :)
21:43:28poncehi, I work in c++ maintenance and wouldn't care forced indentation (if it's the debate)
21:45:15Araqponce: kind of, yes ;-)
21:46:24poncecould be a good thing since mixed spaces/tabs tend to creep in
21:47:46filwitwell it would be interesting if the syntax actually supported multiple styles, much like how Nim's case-insensitivity and "_" allows for any combo of camelCase, PascalCase, or classic_case, but it's nothing I'm to concerned with myself
21:48:35filwitthen again, i could see it actually confusing people
21:49:22Araqponce: the compiler forbids tabs
21:49:36filwitbut, you never know, having a language where you can basically "write like you want to" might attract a lot of folks. and Like you said, maybe the IDE could actually parse and display each style based on a user preference
21:49:57filwitanyways, random pointless musings are pointless :)
21:50:18dom96The IDE should first have a proper suggest feature :P
21:50:41Araqyeah, dom96, I try to fix it this weekend
21:50:56dom96Araq: Great. Will you make it run as a service then?
21:51:05filwitis the compiler designed to stay open and accept AST updates "in memory"?
21:51:09Araqugh ...
21:51:18Araqfilwit: that's what dom96 wants
21:51:28Araqbut it requires some changes to the compiler
21:52:03Araqthe "skinnable" syntax has a huge disadvantage when it comes to documentation though
21:52:22filwitwell if that where the case, it would mean that any syntax changes made in the compiler would automatically reflect in the IDE suggest
21:52:23Araqwe can already see it for microsoft's .NET documentation
21:52:38filwitI'm not sure what a "skinnable" syntax is :S
21:52:40Araq"select your language"
21:52:49filwitoh I see
21:53:05dom96We could just make the docgen translate into the different "skins" :P
21:53:06filwityes, it's benefit is debatable
21:53:17*llm quit (Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 12.0/20120420145725])
21:53:34filwitand not really important at this point
21:53:54dom96of course. Many more important things left to be done.
21:56:44Araqwhat? Urls allow for \\ instead of // ?
21:57:22filwitonly on browsers I think
21:57:41filwitbut I could be wrong about that
21:57:50dom96Araq: What do you mean?
21:58:35Araq http:// # <-- can be \\ too?
21:59:08Araqnah, firefox doesn't support it
21:59:24filwitdom96: do you know if I can cast[gunichar](char)?
21:59:52filwitwithout consequence?
22:00:54dom96That seems like it would cause issues.
22:01:05dom96gunichar is a unicode char.
22:01:11Araqfilwit: what's wrong with a type conversion?
22:01:12dom96I'm not sure how it's represented in gtk though
22:01:25Araqit's an int32
22:01:50filwithmm.. how do I type convert it?
22:01:57Araqif it's an ascii char, you can just do gunichar(ch)
22:03:10dom96filwit: Are you trying to fix https://github.com/nimrod-code/Aporia/issues/4 by any chance?
22:03:22dom96(If not then could you try?)
22:03:46filwiti'm not, but I can get to it
22:04:21filwitI'm trying to get my intelligent-tabs to work
22:05:04dom96I fear it might require quite a bit of work. Gedit provides a way to select the encoding, would be nice to have that too.
22:05:27filwitya I spoke before I looked :)
22:05:48filwitbut I'll try and see what I can do if it's a critical issue
22:06:19dom96Brilliant, thanks :)
22:06:40Araqnimrod's encoding module may be easier to use than the gtk stuff
22:06:48Araqbut lacks an encoding guesser
22:06:59filwitwe have a lot of features that need to be done.. jump to error, source outline, better suggest
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22:07:15Araqyeah! jump to error ftw!
22:07:31filwitunfortunately we can't get it to even scroll on load LOL
22:07:43dom96Go to line works :)
22:07:50dom96Jump to error should be easy.
22:07:59filwitit does? why aren't we using that on load?
22:08:18filwitwe can just get the line the cursor's at and jump to it then
22:08:26dom96Well, I tried using the same code of course.
22:08:44dom96I think the problem is that the sourceview widget is not initialized when the scrolling happens on load.
22:09:02filwitya that would explain it's erratic behaviour
22:09:25dom96As far as I know there is no signal which gets fired when the widget is fully initialized
22:10:05dom96Araq: That wouldn't be very reliable.
22:10:24Araqit's a quite common "idiom" for UI code ...
22:10:25dom96Well first of all we would have to use gtk's timers.
22:10:31filwitdom96, is there a "fully initialized" flag?
22:10:44filwitcause we could just sleep and ping them for completion
22:11:04dom96filwit: Hrm. I'm not aware of such a flag, but maybe it does exist.
22:11:24dom96I think i've actually tried using timers at one point and it did work.
22:11:36filwitk. well I'm going to try and get this tab thing done (cause it's more fun ;) but i'll help with these things after
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22:11:57dom96filwit: It's a real pity we're in a different timezone.
22:12:15filwityou could always stay up to wee hours of the night
22:12:16dom96I should be able to stay up later tomorrow though :)
22:12:40dom96I need my sleep for tomorrow though, got an exam.
22:12:56filwitokay, get rest for that
22:13:15filwitbut tomorrow I should be available to work with you
22:27:01Araqgood night
22:28:52dom96Yeah, me too.
22:28:59dom96See you tomorrow filwit
22:29:01dom96good night
22:29:06filwitbye as well
22:40:51apriori_how do I get a pointer to a value?
22:41:15apriori_ah, addr
22:41:21filwitif it's unmanaged you use: addr(obj)
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22:54:25filwithi Boscop
22:54:30filwitfrom the D forums I see
22:54:43filwitme too
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23:14:58Boscopfilwit, I haven't posted much on the forums though
23:15:37Boscopmost active in the channel, but not recently... busy with other stuff
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