<< 01-09-2017 >>

00:12:34*SusWombat joined #nim
00:12:52FromGitter<ephja> yes, the pointer to the element would probably point to something else upon reallocation of the sequence buffer
00:18:09FromGitter<adamrezich> well shoot, should've known that would be too easy. guess I'll have to change my refs to ptrs and make my own allocation system :p
00:23:20FromGitter<ephja> are you implying that the items are references? if so, then you don't need a reference to it since it already is a reference
00:27:10FromGitter<ephja> you can have pointers to the elements as long as you only manipulate the size beforehand
00:27:33FromGitter<ephja> but you might as well store element indices in that case
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01:39:11FromGitter<adamrezich> the items in the seq aren't references, but I wanted to get references to them
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02:25:32thomasrosshi, if I wanted to use a table instead of a sequence, what would the equivalent be here? var clients {.threadvar.}: seq[AsyncSocket]
02:25:50thomasrossIs it possible to make thread variable objects?
02:26:51relaxI kind of hate that so much more of my API is marked "public" so the unit tests can poke a little more. I take it this is just a fact of life?
02:27:40thomasrosswould it be like var clients {.threadvar.}: TableRef[String, AsyncSocket] ?
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03:11:23FromGitter<Varriount> relax: You can use a conditional and forward declarations
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03:50:48relaxVarriount: I'm sorry, I'm not sure what you mean. A parallel forward declaration will give another module visibility into fields that aren't marked public?
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06:04:50FromGitter<Grabli66> Hi. I have a ⏎ type LPDWORD = ptr DWORD; ⏎ var myvar : LPDWORD ⏎ myvar is initialized in winapi function ⏎ How i can convert myvar, that is ptr, to DWORD value? [https://gitter.im/nim-lang/Nim?at=59a8f882ee5c9a4c5f1fbda8]
06:07:43*BitPuffin|osx quit (Remote host closed the connection)
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06:09:32FromGitter<BigEpsilon> let value = myvar[] ?
06:10:59FromGitter<Grabli66> Thanks.
06:26:18FromGitter<Grabli66> May be you know? ⏎ I want to create binding to winapi function ⏎ BOOL WINAPI ReadDirectoryChangesW( ⏎ *In* HANDLE hDirectory, ⏎ *Out* LPVOID lpBuffer, ... [https://gitter.im/nim-lang/Nim?at=59a8fd8aba0f0f6e3805ace5]
06:26:20*solitudesf quit (Remote host closed the connection)
06:29:47FromGitter<Varriount> @Grabli66 I have an old module that uses ReadDirectoryChanges, you might look at that.
06:30:37FromGitter<Grabli66> Yes, i want. Please, give me link to that module
06:31:20FromGitter<Varriount> relax: use a "when defined(unittest)" to present a set of point declarations, otherwise present private versions.
06:33:34Araqvarriount, relax: the unit test can also 'include' the module instead of 'import' it
06:33:48Araqmuch simpler, no 'when's required
06:34:06FromGitter<Varriount> @Grabli66 https://github.com/Varriount/Filemon/blob/master/Nimrod.patch
06:34:38FromGitter<Grabli66> @Varriount Thanks
06:34:53FromGitter<Varriount> Look at the winlean portion of the path file to see what the proper declaration for ReadDirectoryChanges is
06:35:03FromGitter<Varriount> *patch file
06:37:01FromGitter<Varriount> I need to go to bed, but if you post any questions to me, I'll answer them in the morning.
06:37:25FromGitter<Grabli66> Ok
06:46:50*nsf joined #nim
06:53:41FromGitter<Grabli66> How i can allocate new PDWORD? ⏎ type PDWORD = ptr DWORD
06:58:25FromGitter<zacharycarter> https://play.nim-lang.org/?gist=a8a303faa24a4efa152ea209f8fdda46
06:58:28FromGitter<zacharycarter> @Grabli66
07:00:43FromGitter<zacharycarter> not sure if that answers your question or not
07:00:46FromGitter<zacharycarter> but hopefully it does
07:02:11FromGitter<Grabli66> It's strange. In playground it works. But on local machine i got "type mismatch: got (ref PDWORD) but expected 'PDWORD =ptr DWORD'
07:02:52FromGitter<zacharycarter> weird
07:02:56FromGitter<zacharycarter> what version of Nim are you using?
07:03:18FromGitter<Grabli66> Nim Compiler Version 0.17.0 (2017-05-18) [Windows: amd64] ⏎ Copyright (c) 2006-2017 by Andreas Rumpf
07:03:53FromGitter<zacharycarter> I'm not sure how to get the version of the playground :/ but I imagine it's even or newer
07:04:04FromGitter<zacharycarter> probably even
07:06:35FromGitter<Grabli66> var outLen = DWORD.create() ⏎ And it's created PDWORD
07:06:51*andrzejku joined #nim
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07:07:08FromGitter<zacharycarter> Hi andrzejku
07:07:39FromGitter<zacharycarter> cool, glad you figured it out @Grabli66
07:08:34FromGitter<Grabli66> Great. At last it works :)
07:08:43FromGitter<zacharycarter> That's the important thing!
07:09:02andrzejkuthats interesting but why you guys create another language
07:09:34FromGitter<zacharycarter> I smell a troll
07:10:19FromGitter<zacharycarter> There are plenty of articles and now even a book espousing Nim's merits, please consult them if your inquiry is serious andrzejku
07:10:20FromGitter<Grabli66> But. Can i write like in C lang &somevar to pass a pointer of my variable to function?
07:10:29FromGitter<zacharycarter> somevar[] @Grabli66
07:10:33FromGitter<zacharycarter> to deref
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07:10:44FromGitter<Grabli66> Great
07:11:18FromGitter<zacharycarter> you can also add the {.experimental.} pragma to your code and get auto dereferencing - at least I think that's still a thing
07:14:28FromGitter<Grabli66> It's dereferencing. ⏎ But i want pass argument as pointer. For example: ⏎ var mywar : DWORD = 0 ⏎ someProc(ptr myvar) # it's not work [https://gitter.im/nim-lang/Nim?at=59a908d4ba0f0f6e3805dd3f]
07:15:24FromGitter<zacharycarter> you want unsafeaddr
07:15:25FromGitter<zacharycarter> or addr
07:15:58FromGitter<zacharycarter> ```let foo: DWORD = 0 ⏎ someProc(addr foo)``` [https://gitter.im/nim-lang/Nim?at=59a9092ebac826f0546b2cbe]
07:16:29FromGitter<zacharycarter> or foo.addr
07:16:32FromGitter<Grabli66> Thanks. It's what i need.
07:16:36FromGitter<zacharycarter> sure thing
07:18:41FromGitter<BigEpsilon> @Araq, I'm looking at compiler/reorder, trying to identify what is left to be done. I'm in the computeDeps part. Can you give me a hint about what is missing or an example that does not work ? If have difficulty seeing where is the problem. Generic my cause a problem as they contain idents which counted as "uses" but I'm not sure.
07:20:49Araqbigepsilon: the problem is that currently 'type' sections are not merged
07:21:02Araqalternatively you can make the compiler frontend process
07:21:10Araqtype A = B
07:21:14Araqtype B = C
07:21:19Araq A = B
07:21:22Araq B = C
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07:24:25FromGitter<BigEpsilon> Ah ok
07:24:45FromGitter<BigEpsilon> so the dependency calculation is correct
07:24:55FromGitter<BigEpsilon> just need to work on the merge part
07:25:41FromGitter<BigEpsilon> Thanks !
07:32:58FromGitter<BigEpsilon> ouch, that make the compiler crash: https://play.nim-lang.org/?gist=823464343df59c4b3b5bb6e1e5f65a8e
07:33:30FromGitter<BigEpsilon> https://gist.github.com/823464343df59c4b3b5bb6e1e5f65a8e
07:34:13FromGitter<BigEpsilon> I'll open an issue and look into it
07:38:42*PMunch_ joined #nim
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07:40:57PMunch_Hmm, I got disconnected but my old session is still active..
07:41:10PMunch_So PMunch is not just a ghost
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07:41:26*PMunch_ is now known as PMunch
07:41:46PMunchAh, there we go
07:42:26Araqoops, I broke boostrapping, working on it, relax
07:48:12*endragor joined #nim
07:59:31FromGitter<Grabli66> How i can convert array of Utf16Char to nim string?
08:09:43Araqshould have used a WideCString which has a $
08:12:04cremGibt es irgendwelche Artikel über Nim in Deutsch? Sie müssen die beste Art sein, Deutsch zu lernen. Ich kann mir nichts besser ausdenken.
08:15:06FromGitter<Grabli66> I have a ⏎ type WideCharBuffer* = array[1, Utf16Char] ⏎ Winapi function fills it with some data. ⏎ And $ operator does not work for WideCharBuffer ⏎ It's need to convert somehow WideCharBuffer to string. [https://gitter.im/nim-lang/Nim?at=59a9170ab16f264642f43f22]
08:17:16FromGitter<Yardanico> Maybe cast it?
08:17:40FromGitter<Yardanico> But I'm
08:17:47FromGitter<Yardanico> Not sure
08:18:20Araqcrem: glaub ich nicht. aber du kannst einfach hier mit mir Deutsch sprechen um die Sprache zu lernen. How hard can it be?
08:24:12cremGut, dann wenn ich eine Frage über Nim haben werde, werde ich in Deutsch fragen. Ich hatte derselbe in #c++ versucht, aber es ist schwierig zu wählen, ob ich muss ein Englisches oder Deutsches Wort nutzen, z.B. pointer vs Zeiger.
08:25:15FromGitter<Grabli66> @Yardanico it does not want be casted to string :)
08:26:59FromGitter<couven92> crem, dein Deutsch hört sich aber ziemlich gut an. Ich antworte auch gerne auf Deutsch :)
08:28:54*Yardanico joined #nim
08:32:57cremIch brauche einiger Minuten, einen Satz zu bauen. :) Und wenn ich eine Präposition zu wählen brauche, habe ich überhaupt keine Ahnung. (auf? aus? an? um? keine Idee)
08:34:19Yardanicocrem, are you learning Deutsch ? :)
08:34:23Araqauf ~ on
08:34:28Araqaus ~  from
08:34:38Araqan ~ on ?
08:34:58Araqum ~ rarely the thing you need
08:36:46cremThat's mostly easy, when it's about position/direction. But all those "smile at", "call someone", "go to school", "remember about" in German sound completely arbitrary. :)
08:36:55cremYes, I learn Deutsch! :)
08:38:28FromGitter<couven92> crem, aber für Informatik... Ich würde nie Zeiger sagen... Fachsprache, also: Pointer
08:40:30FromGitter<couven92> crem, woher kommst du, was ist deine Muttersprache?
08:41:22cremAus Wießrussland, Muttersprach ist Russisch.
08:42:00cremUnd in Russisch übersetzen wir "Pointer"!
08:43:42cremObwohl es gibt viele Informatische Wörter, die wie auch nicht übersetzen.
08:43:46*Matthias247 joined #nim
08:44:17cremHm.... "Obwohl gibt es ..."? "Obwohl es ... gibt". Not sure about word order.
08:48:43FromGitter<couven92> Obwohl, es gibt...
08:49:19FromGitter<couven92> Ah, geht hier sogar ohne Komma
08:50:16FromGitter<couven92> Aber wäre es: obwohl es gibt viele Wörter, die...
08:50:54FromGitter<couven92> Was, Moment sry! Obwohl es viele Wörter gibt, die wir übersetzen
08:51:32FromGitter<couven92> Zu lange kein Deutsch mehr geschrieben :P
08:51:46Araq"Obwohl es auch viele informatische Wörter gibt, die wir auch nicht übersetzen"
08:52:01Araq"Obwohl es auch viele informatische Wörter gibt, die wir nicht übersetzen"
08:53:25YardanicoCan I get type implementation from macro by "typedesc"?
08:54:36Yardanicoah, getType then getImpl
08:55:48Yardanicohmm, or not
08:58:36YardanicoE.g. I get "typedesc" argument in my macro, and I want to get fields with their types (of this typedesc)
09:00:34Yardanicoah I got it
09:00:40Yardanicoecho typ.getTypeInst()[1].symbol.getImpl().treeRepr
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10:25:53couven92how do you modify timeouts for nimsuggest in Visual Studio Code?
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10:41:08Yardanicocouven92, what do you mean by timeouts?
10:41:55couven92Yardanico, I though that it used a timeout to nimsuggest... But I thought wrong... I don't get any suggestions or definitions on symbols :(
10:42:09Yardanicocouven92, well it means that nimsuggest is probably crashing
10:42:11Yardanicocheck debug log
10:42:17couven92nothing there
10:42:41Yardanicocouven92, in vscode debug log?
10:42:49couven92yup, nothing there
10:43:02Yardanicois your project closed-source?
10:43:28couven92nope, I'm editing lib/pure/unicode.nim in the main repo!
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10:44:14couven92that's why I though timeouts first... the main repo is pretty big, so it might be that nimsuggest has to chew some extra ms to get an answer
10:44:14Yardanicowell it works for me
10:44:37Yardanicowell nimsuggest works for me on unicode.nim
10:44:46Yardanicobut I haven't opened it as a project folder
10:44:49Yardanicojust as separate file
10:45:22Yardanicohmm it works for me even if I open "Nim" folder
10:45:29Yardanicoand open lib/pure/unicode.nim here
10:45:37Yardanicooh yes
10:45:41Yardaniconimsuggest is crashing :)
10:45:48YardanicoNimsuggest returns unknown port number: SIGSEGV:
10:45:52Yardanico SIGSEGV: Illegal storage access. (Attempt to read from nil?)
10:46:40Yardanicoit's not crashing anymore
10:47:04Yardanicocouven92, can you try to open some empty folder and open "unicode.nim" as a separate file?
10:47:07Yardanicothis might help
10:50:38couven92found a crash
10:54:21couven92It was a timeout issue! :)
10:54:31couven92rejected promise not handled within 1 second
11:09:56Yardanicocouven92, well nimsuggest can crash too :(
11:10:05Yardanicoand there are some memory leaks in it, but no one knows here
11:11:57couven92that's the thing, I haven't experienced nimsuggest to crash on me
11:12:14Yardanicowell yeah, it's a rare thing
11:12:20Yardanicobut a big thing
11:12:27YardanicoE.g. if it crashes - it can restart
11:12:34Yardanicobut memory leaks - it takes ALL ram on a PC
11:12:38Yardanicoso only reboot :)
11:17:50couven92For example now: Visual Studio Code does not give me any suggestions (nothing in the error log). But when I start nimsuggest with --stdin and command `sug lib/pure/unicode.nim:1521:46` I get `sug skVar lastIndex int C:\Users\fra006\Documents\Source\GitHub\nim-lang-Nim\lib\pure\unicode.nim 1514 4 "" 0 Prefix``
11:18:18couven92so it seems that nimsuggest is doing fine, but VS Code is doing a crappy job!
11:27:12Yardanicocouven92, not vscode itself :)
11:27:14Yardaniconim plugin
11:27:27Yardanicobut it's still very good i'd say
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12:36:24FromGitter<zacharycarter> Yardanico: I deployed my Nim code at work yesterday that you were helping me with yesterday morning with all the async / await stuff :D
12:36:41FromGitter<zacharycarter> I'm plugging Nim in in secret, hopefully no one minds :P
12:36:54YardanicoNice! :)
12:37:25FromGitter<zacharycarter> I still wonder if there's not a way to optimize that code further so I don't have to iterate over and yield every result
12:37:47FromGitter<zacharycarter> but I couldn't get asyncdispatch.all(...) working so I gave up and just went with yielding each response
12:38:25ipjkzach: Did you get nimble to work like you wanted to?
12:39:13FromGitter<zacharycarter> in which respect ipjk?
12:39:34Yardanicoif you're bored or you want to help nim - pick random issues on github (which are at least 6 months old), and check if they're still actual :)
12:39:37FromGitter<zacharycarter> I ran into one nimble error yesterday afternoon and just used an alternative solution instead
12:39:46ipjkWhere you tried to get various tasks to chain
12:40:00FromGitter<zacharycarter> ahr ight
12:40:02ipjkmakefile esque
12:40:30FromGitter<zacharycarter> I found this forum post where they were doing something and I copied that, but nothing else, and it doesn't really work well beyond chaining 2 tasks together
12:40:53FromGitter<zacharycarter> https://forum.nim-lang.org/t/2222
12:40:58YardanicoI counted ~13 issues some of which *may* be closed - https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+sort%3Aupdated-desc
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12:50:48relax@Araq thanks, perfect
12:54:37YardanicoAraq, I've left feedback on some old issues, check them if you'll have time
12:59:44FromGitter<Grabli66> Can i overload `=` operator?
13:00:06ipjkpretty sure you can
13:00:23FromGitter<Grabli66> But how?
13:00:48Yardanicocan you give an example of which you want to do?
13:01:14ipjkproc `=`(a: int): ...
13:02:06FromGitter<Grabli66> type Boxed[T] = object of RootObj ⏎ ⏎ ```value: T``` ⏎ ⏎ proc `[]=`T (v : T) = BoxedT (value : v) ... [https://gitter.im/nim-lang/Nim?at=59a95a4e66c1c7c47704a3bc]
13:02:37FromGitter<Yardanico> can you paste code on gist?
13:02:44FromGitter<Yardanico> or paste here with proper backticks?
13:02:50FromGitter<Grabli66> Yes. Just a minute
13:03:28FromGitter<Grabli66> https://play.nim-lang.org/?gist=f18949b7642b9e458962162c5e099a8c
13:04:45Yardanicothis isn't proper Nim syntax
13:04:53FromGitter<Grabli66> I know :)
13:05:04couven92okay, unicode now also got tests for the new strutils procs and I found some errors which I fixed: https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/pull/6301
13:05:06YardanicoI mean you can't make this work
13:05:22Yardanicoyou should firstly declare "b" as a variable
13:06:36Yardanicoah, you want this operator to store your value in a box
13:06:53FromGitter<Grabli66> Yes
13:07:52Yardanicowell I don't know about overloading, but why you can't just write it in this style? https://gist.github.com/anonymous/6325345a50764034bee52a5912b3ac05
13:08:13Yardanicoalso - there are already Option types in nim stdlib (if you really need something like Boxed)
13:08:45FromGitter<Grabli66> Ok
13:09:04Yardanicowell I'm not sure how you can make this overloading work
13:10:01FromGitter<Grabli66> And i dont know. :) It was just an experiment. I learn language
13:10:28couven92Araq, AppVeyor fails? in osenv.nim which is nowhere near the changes I have made? https://ci.appveyor.com/project/dom96/nim/build/228
13:11:16Yardanicocouven92, https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/commit/dcc72ea7a923fad684b0fd72855b3c0fe435db92
13:11:30Yardanicoah wait
13:11:43Yardanicohis commit fixed this issue
13:11:56Yardanicobut I'm not sure why appveyor still failed
13:12:30couven92probably because I haven't merged devel into my branch ye
13:12:49Yardanicoah, yeah
13:13:44*endragor quit (Remote host closed the connection)
13:20:06ipjkCould it be that 'var ... = ...' is impossible to overload?
13:20:20Yardanicoipjk, yes
13:20:26Yardanicoit probably could be
13:20:59ipjkI would also recommend keeping overloading of operators at minimum.
13:21:19ipjkCosidering variable assignment is core language syntax
13:22:12couven92AppVeyor still fails: https://ci.appveyor.com/project/dom96/nim/build/229
13:22:18couven92same error
13:23:16FromGitter<zacharycarter> there was a message from Araq earlier this morning
13:23:27FromGitter<zacharycarter> > **<Araq>** oops, I broke boostrapping, working on it, relax
13:23:33ipjkGrabli66: I'd go with Yardanico's example. It's more verbose but tells you exactly what it does. I like to think of operator overloading as uses in edge-cases. Like vectors, etc.
13:23:37Yardanicozach: he fixed it
13:23:45FromGitter<zacharycarter> oh
13:24:14YardanicoI'll try to port this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3mgGQR6oGxI to Nim :)
13:24:30Yardanicorules are fairly simple
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13:25:00couven92this is the culprit: https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/blame/devel/lib/pure/includes/osenv.nim#L21
13:25:08FromGitter<zacharycarter> I should port my map generator to Nim
13:25:18couven92it should be `when defined(useWinUnicode):`
13:25:53Yardanicoit shouldn't
13:25:59couven92because `Error: undeclared identifier: 'useWinUnicode'`
13:26:01Yardanicoit's a boolean - https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/blob/0345238d6e90cf4daffe301e0c82a6e30741b2e2/lib/windows/winlean.nim#L21
13:26:39couven92oh? AH! AppVeyor fails when this happens in the nimscript tests!
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13:27:01couven92And nimscript cannot include winlean, since nimscript doesn't do importc!
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13:29:01ipjkYardanico: actually, at 7:20, it's quite cool that's kind of how Sweden actually expanded
13:30:51Yardanicoalso I would implement it using sfml (via nim-csfml - wrapper to csfml - C wrapper for C++ sfml) :D
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13:33:59couven92okay... issue filed: https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/issues/6307
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13:36:51MJCaleyhi, i'm having trouble registering to the forum. i can't get the email since my mail server is rejecting it. it looks like the EHLO it's giving is just "mail" instead of a fully qualified domain name. does anyone know who i could talk to about that? maybe open an issue with the website issue tracker?
13:37:20couven92MJCaley, talk to dom96
13:37:45Yardanicohe'll approve you manually :)
13:38:17dom96|wThe NimForum uses Nim's smtp module to send emails
13:38:43dom96|wThe source code for that module is in the Nim repo (just press 't' and type 'smtp')
13:38:50dom96|wThe NimForum source code is also on GitHub
13:38:54dom96|wUnder the nim-lang org
13:39:07dom96|wFeel free to create an issue on the nimforum repo
13:43:32euantordom can also probably create you a user manually if you can't get the emails
13:44:00euantorIt would be nice to add "login with GitHub" to the forums. I also still want to change the way sessions are handled and make some other changes when I get time
13:44:38MJCaleythanks, ya if i could get approved manually that'd be great in the meantime. I used the same username.
13:44:54MJCaleyi don't think it's the forum code that's the problem, just the Postfix config
13:45:42MJCaleymay mail server saw it give a hostname "mail" instead of like "mail.nim-lang.org" and got all whiney
13:46:00*endragor joined #nim
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13:55:21dom96|wMJCaley: I activated your account.
13:55:57dom96|wIndeed, it's possibly an issue with the mail server. Please submit a bug report anyway.
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14:16:49FromGitter<couven92> @Yardanico working on editDistance for Unicode now... didn't you have some testcases with Cyrillic literals in them?
14:17:16Yardanicosimplest one
14:17:25YardanicoeditDistance("привет", "превет") should return 1
14:17:36Yardanico"и" - "е"
14:19:11FromGitter<couven92> Okay, I'll use that :)
14:19:24MJCaleythanks for the approval :)
14:20:23MJCaleyi'll fire off an issue too
14:36:48*PMunch quit (Quit: Leaving)
15:01:57*MJCaley quit (Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client)
15:07:08Araqso ... I'm thinking about how an ORM should be done for Nim
15:08:27YardanicoAraq, functional style or complete SQL - Nim objects mapping? For example this https://docs.ponyorm.com/ (ab) uses python generators
15:08:34Yardanicoto provide pythonic ORM
15:08:46Yardanicoselect(c for c in Customer if sum(c.orders.total_price) > 1000)
15:08:52YardanicoCustomer.select(lambda c: sum(c.orders.total_price) > 1000)
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15:09:22Yardanicoor maybe something simple like http://docs.peewee-orm.com/en/latest/peewee/quickstart.html
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15:10:39Araqwell nothing like that
15:10:52FromGitter<ephja> does "simple" imply potentially slow?
15:11:18Yardanicowell pony orm converts your python generator expressions to SQL
15:11:38FromGitter<ephja> sqlalchemy seems to support most things, so it can probably be as fast as possible in most cases. I wonder if the complexity is justified though. some aspects are confusing
15:12:05Araqlet q = select:
15:12:05Araq tableA: (a, b, c, d)
15:12:05Araq tableB: (x, y, z)
15:12:07Araq where a == _ or c == _
15:12:20Araqfor stuff in q(4, "boo"): ...
15:12:21*Trustable joined #nim
15:12:36Araq'select' is a macro that produces an interator
15:12:36Yardanicothat's actually nice
15:13:33Araqhowever, I want to read an SQL description via parsesql and check column, table names are correct and that the typing rules are adhered to
15:13:55FromGitter<ephja> it might have been the joins in sqlalchemy that weren't obvious
15:14:18FromGitter<ephja> do the official libraries only work with strings?
15:14:35Araqactually there is a "raw" accessor too
15:14:46Araqwhich I intend to use
15:14:56FromGitter<ephja> it's a good starting point, because it's simple and often fast enough I'm sure
15:14:58FromGitter<ephja> right
15:15:32AraqI'm not sure how to do the compiletime checking
15:15:33Yardanicowell I don't thing that ORM will be a bottleneck in some language like Nim :)
15:15:57Araqit should be optional
15:16:16Araqthe question is mostly how to feed the 'select' macro the required information
15:18:46Araqalso it needs to support the queries as string literals
15:19:08Araqbecause often you tweak these in the db REPL and then paste them into your program
15:19:23Araqso a Nim'ish syntax is not all that great
15:26:34YardanicoAraq, also maybe a possibility to debug generated queries?
15:26:59YardanicoI mean that macro would echo them
15:27:26Araqsure but the macro does query checking against the schema
15:27:31Araqno need to debug things :P
15:27:45AraqI think this would work:
15:27:56AraqparseStmt(staticExec("ormin", "my.db"))
15:28:17Araqwhere 'ormin' is my helper tool that parses SQL and produces Nim code
15:30:05Araqbut hmmm if I have a tool that can parse SQL I might as well feed it the queries I need
15:30:26Yardanicohmm, it seems that appveyor doesn't offer 90-minute timeout for us anymore?
15:30:35YardanicoBuild execution time has reached the maximum allowed time for your plan (60 minutes).
15:31:16Araqyeah suckers.
15:32:25Yardanicowhy Windows is generally slower at compiling software? not only nim
15:32:38Yardanicoah nvm
15:33:22Yardanicotravis ci has 2hr timeout
15:36:49Araqwe use gcc on windows, not really speedy
15:37:00Araqalso the tester is still not parallel
15:37:03*relax quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)
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15:44:17dom96|wYou should take the approach that SQLAlchemy takes: many layers.
15:44:27dom96|wThe lowest layer abstracts the differences between SQL servers.
15:46:23Yardanicowell yeah, but sqlalchemy it's a bit too big
15:47:50Araqdom96|w: meh, that's lots of work and assumes one just pulled the decision of which DB to use out of one's ass
15:48:13Araqdifferent DBs have different strengths and different features
15:48:35Araqabstract over these differences if you don't care about features or speed
15:48:37dom96|wAraq: So are you just going to support postgresql
15:48:58Araqno, I support the db_* stuff we have
15:49:39Araqthat's 2 layers then I guess, not "many"
15:50:09Yardanicoso sqlite, postgresql, mysql?
15:50:38dom96|wso... you will be doing what I'm suggesting
15:51:03AraqI can bet SQLAlchemy uses more layers and 10x the amount of code
15:51:43dom96|wJust please consider this before implementing.
16:06:30couven92Araq, see: https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/issues/6307
16:08:13*couven92 quit (Quit: Client disconnecting)
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16:13:30Araqcouven92: I fixed that?
16:16:25*gangstacat quit (Quit: Leaving)
16:17:32couven92Ah, okay sorry... I'll close it then :)
16:22:37*dom96|w quit (Quit: My Mac has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…)
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17:30:49krux02is there a solution to this problem: http://ix.io/zx7
17:31:47Yardanicokrux02, AFAIK no, only if you create additonal variable
17:32:01YardanicoI mean
17:32:08YardanicoI don't know if you can modify "data" this way
17:32:30krux02this is AFAIK something that nim really needs to be improved on
17:32:50krux02I hit this problem several times and at some point in tim this really need to be fixed
17:33:24Yardanicois there a way to modify item in "data" sequence inside of a grid? https://gist.github.com/Yardanico/e08a99c0172833ac3576a46e21d9ab14
17:33:53thomasross_is there an equivalent of python's pass keyword?
17:33:58*thomasross_ is now known as thomasross
17:33:58Yardanicothomasross_, discard
17:34:17thomasrossoh cool, you can just do discard with no arguments?
17:34:21Yardanicothomasross, yes
17:34:26thomasrossawesome, thanks
17:37:09Yardanicoprobably I can solve this by overloading []
17:39:17Yardanicohmm no
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17:40:33YardanicoI'm trying to port this to Nim: https://gist.github.com/Yardanico/4700da43f28f22a1102183877d86ca50
17:40:57Yardanicoafter you get needed value from vector you can change it and it'll be changed in vector too
17:41:01Yardanicobecause it's passed by reference
17:41:18YardanicoAFAIK you can't do "ref int"
17:42:11krux02you can do a reference to an int
17:42:23krux02it's just confusing on how it is named
17:42:27Yardanicoptr ?
17:42:38krux02proc foobar([...]): var int = ...
17:43:02krux02proc foobar(i: var int): var int = i
17:43:15krux02var i = 0; foobar(i) += 1
17:43:56krux02that is a real reference by the way, not like "ref"
17:44:10Yardanicowell I want something like this - https://gist.github.com/Yardanico/7076367b6bef065c813e865b99bbd8b4
17:44:24Yardanicoand maybe I'm doing it in the wrong way
17:44:49*miran quit (Remote host closed the connection)
17:44:50Yardanicobut C++ code has something like this: "auto& person = m_people(x, y);" where m_person is Grid of type Person
17:45:05Yardanicoand if C++ code change "person", it'll be changed in m_people too
17:45:12*thomasross quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
17:45:13krux02welll you can't assign a reference to a variable
17:45:19krux02there you have to use a pointer
17:45:29krux02nim does not support reference variables
17:45:36krux02only in parameters and return values
17:46:47krux02but what you can do, is to declare a local template that expands to an expression
17:52:44Yardanicokrux02, ehm, but how? I've never written code in nim that needed stuff like this, so I don't know
17:56:09krux02Yardanico: template myVal = grid[5, 3]
17:56:32YardanicoDidn't know I can do this, thanks
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18:01:38loc8_Does Nim have a blog aggregator?
18:03:19def-loc8_: yes
18:03:41loc8_Where? Couldn't find it through Google
18:03:54def-Me neither
18:03:58def-But I remember that it exists
18:06:07*krux02 quit (Remote host closed the connection)
18:06:09Yardanicokrux02, yeah, it worked when I changed `[]` to template and did "template myVal: untyped = grid[5, 3]"
18:06:12*gangstacat joined #nim
18:11:01def-loc8_: https://planet.nim-lang.org/
18:11:06def-I think it's not on google
18:11:13loc8_It's definitely not on Google
18:11:26def-It only has my blog and nim blog anyway, apparently
18:11:34def-and my blog not even filtered on nim
18:12:49loc8_Also, why does it have a Haskell post?
18:13:09Yardanicoloc8_, because it doesn't filter articles for nim
18:13:13def-because that's from my blog and I don't only post about Nim, should use this instead: https://hookrace.net/blog/nim/
18:13:24loc8_Oh, got it.
18:14:35def-I use an rss feed on https://www.reddit.com/r/nim/ instead to see new nim articles
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18:15:26Yardanicolol https://www.guitmz.com/linux-cephei-a-nim-virus/#.WagunTB-bmM.reddit
18:17:42Demos[m]I saw that :)
18:18:58*endragor quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
18:19:39dom96federico3 manages this IIRC
18:19:44Demos[m]Hmmmm anyone interested in AR visualization in nim?
18:20:45Demos[m]In particular looking at @zach
18:21:19Yardanicois there's something like "std::move" in C++ for nim?
18:23:35Demos[m]I don't know about move only types tho
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18:38:13Yardanicomy custom range seems to be faster than .., what?
18:39:14Yardanicoah, nvm :)
18:48:10FromGitter<BigEpsilon> Yardanico, about move in nim https://forum.nim-lang.org/t/3111
18:48:58FromGitter<BigEpsilon> But you can still use cpp move if you commit to c++ backend
18:49:53FromGitter<BigEpsilon> I did that for speeding an algorithm, together with using std::vector and std::deque
18:50:05*relax quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
18:50:18FromGitter<BigEpsilon> That whats wonderfull with nim
18:55:18*gangstacat quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
19:03:15Yardanicowow, 2800 closed issues
19:06:18*pilne joined #nim
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19:16:48hiohi, is nim a good language for HIGH SPEED development?
19:16:57Yardanicohio, what do you mean?
19:17:00Yardanicoproductivity ratio?
19:18:03Yardanicowell it may be lower than python productivity ratio, but surely higher than C/C++/some other languages
19:18:22Yardanicoalso you get almost the best productivity ration/program performance ratio :)
19:18:50AraqI never was productive in Python :P
19:19:04hioWhich IDE with full intellisense and debugging can I use for Nim?
19:19:20Yardanicohio, there's no full IDE for nim, use VSCode + nim plugin I'd say
19:19:30Yardanicoit will provide you with autocompletion, go to definiton
19:19:35Yardanicoand GDB for debugging
19:19:43Yardanicobut debugging is rarely needed
19:19:50Yardanicobecause nim checks a lot of things at compile time
19:21:21YardanicoAraq, I've found a couple of some fixed issues again :)
19:21:53AraqYardanico: the number of bugs needs to be kept below 1000 :P
19:22:03YardanicoAraq, well I think we have less than 1000 bugs
19:22:13Yardanicobecause there's stuff like RFC, website issues
19:23:57FromGitter<ephja> 836 seems more optimal
19:24:17Yardanicowhere did you take this number from ? :D
19:25:50hiothose GC numbers on the homepage are probably just from a hello world app or something
19:26:13Yardanicohio, what page are you referring to?
19:26:19hiowhy pretend to beat java and golang, languages who are developed by billion dollar companies who spend decades researching GCs?
19:26:47Yardanicohio, why not if it's true? :)
19:26:53Yardaniconim has no runtime VM
19:27:45Yardanicoalso interesting thing - these people mostly come to IRC, not to gitter
19:29:26AraqI think it's our old troll
19:35:17*claudiuinberlin quit (Quit: My MacBook has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…)
19:35:33FromGitter<ephja> Yardanico: I'm sorry but the formula is proprietary
19:39:30*haha_ quit (Quit: haha_)
19:39:37Araqoh the troll was also active on the forum again
19:41:39*haha_ joined #nim
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20:04:25nsfw_guys, the libcurl page in the doc is 404 - do you know the unbroken url?
20:06:39Yardaniconsfw_, maybe https://github.com/Araq/libcurl ?
20:06:58Yardanicobut I may be wrong and this is not that you're looking for
20:07:44dom96for the record, we're not pretending, the benchmarks are sourced
20:07:48dom96You can run them yourself
20:07:55Yardanicodom96, he has already left :)
20:08:00dom96I know
20:08:16Yardanicowell he's a troll
20:08:21dom96I think you muted him a bit too early
20:08:33Yardanicothis seems to be the same person as before
20:08:34dom96People might say that we just mute anyone that criticises us, which isn't something we want.
20:08:40*dddddd quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
20:08:57dom96this person didn't deserve to be muted IMO
20:10:16PMunchYeah, it should be allowed to criticize. Of course if you had showed him the source and he then continue to whine about then a mute might be in place :P
20:10:19*Trustable quit (Remote host closed the connection)
20:11:21Yardanicodom96, btw, they didn't merge your PR sadly :( https://gitlab.com/gasche/gc-latency-experiment/merge_requests/16
20:11:50dom96They didn't merge anyone's
20:12:01Yardanicooh I see now
20:12:06Yardanicobad guys :D
20:12:16Yardanicowell they actually did
20:12:27Yardanicoruby, php, Dlang, golang
20:12:44Yardanicoand they didn't merge nim, python, erlang, frje (?), eiffel, c
20:12:50*nsfw_ quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
20:13:17dom96feel free to ping them
20:13:55Araqdom96: he PM'ed me afterwards
20:14:03Yardanicome too btw
20:14:18Araqoh interesting, troll or not?
20:14:27Yardanicohe was asking how to compile dom96's "snake"
20:14:57Yardanicowell I explained him how to do it
20:15:07dom96oh, ok
20:15:12Araq"those GC numbers on the homepage are probably just from a hello world app or something" is a troll
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20:16:05dom96yes, but not one that deserves to be muted (yet)
20:16:08Araqhe can easily see it's not even our benchmark
20:16:16dom96but if he was PM'ing multiple people then he did deserve the mute
20:16:33Araq"why pretend to beat java and golang, languages who are developed by billion dollar companies who spend decades researching GCs?" is moreso a troll
20:19:50Yardanicowell maybe he can't understand the fact that nim, being a lot less popular/enterprise backed than go/java, can be actually better at some things
20:21:27Yardanicoisn't that a win if people actually compare compiled language without any runtime VM with interpreted dynamically typed language? (well sometimes it's a bad thing to compare)
20:21:44*dddddd joined #nim
20:23:28Yardanicoah guys
20:23:35Yardanicohio is a known troll
20:23:45Yardanicojust open this https://dri.freedesktop.org/~cbrill/dri-log//index.php?channel=wayland&highlight_names=&date=2017-03-03 and ctrl+f "hio"
20:24:21Yardanicowell not exactly trolling
20:24:24Yardanicobut strange things
20:24:32Yardanicoor again - https://irclogs.jackgrigg.com/irc.freenode.net/buildbot/2015-08-03
20:24:37Yardanico"hio why should i use buildbot instead of quickbuild?"
20:25:27*haha_ quit (Quit: haha_)
20:25:35Yardanicoit's actually surprising that you can search in google by IRC nickname :)
20:27:21dom96We need a Troll Hall of Fame
20:28:31Yardanicodom96, you wouldn't believe that google can find
20:28:43Yardanico[15:25] * dom96 (~dom96@unaffiliated/dom96) has joined #jython [15:25] * dom96 (~dom96@unaffiliated/dom96) has left #jython
20:29:18mahmudovhow cna i echo Port object
20:29:22dom96challenge for you: find the earliest mention of me in IRC logs :)
20:29:34Yardanicomahmudov, yeah, why not?
20:29:44dom96mahmudov: echo(port)?
20:29:49dom96if not then try echo(port.int)
20:29:50mahmudovis it int?
20:30:24mahmudovah dom96
20:30:38mahmudovhow it is a type?
20:31:10Yardanicodom96, http://maddogsoftware.co.uk/
20:31:13mahmudovhttps://nim-lang.org/docs/nativesockets.html ?
20:31:27dom96Yardanico: :P
20:31:42mahmudovPort isnt just a int?
20:32:14mahmudovso i couldnt use intTostr
20:32:26Yardanicodom96, well I'm not finding you in IRC logs, but on the forums
20:32:32Yardanicofrom 2008-2010
20:33:37couven92Araq, for editDistance in unicode, is it okay if I just simply convert the strings to Rune-seqs instead... it just makes it it sooo much easier! :P
20:33:55Yardanicocouven92, well I cheated the same way :D
20:34:14Araqtold you it's not ok, learn how to blindly apply syntactic transformations please
20:34:33Araqyour math grades will thank you.
20:35:11Yardanicodom96, I didn't program at all when I was 12! https://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/76baf3de-ef61-4657-920e-2c1f0a94643c/how-do-i-make-my-program-not-minimize-any-other-programs-when-my-program-runs
20:35:21couven92Araq, ich hab tatsächlich geschafft eine 3 im Mathe-LK im Abi zu bekommen... :(
20:35:21Yardanico(well maybe it's not you)
20:35:42Yardanicoit seems you've been programming since long time
20:35:43Araqcouven92: rate was ich hatte :P
20:35:48Yardanicotop 5% wow
20:36:07*relax joined #nim
20:36:08couven92okay... I juggle with it a little more... :P
20:36:43Araqlen --> runeLen, s[i] --> s.runeAt(i) inc(i) --> inc(i, s.runeLenAt(i))
20:37:00Araqthese 3 rules should suffice
20:37:01YardanicoAraq, didn't work for me last time I've tried
20:37:09YardanicoI'll try again
20:37:17dom96Yardanico: Yep. That's me. If you search for QuickScreenshot you might find what I was developing :)
20:37:22couven92I figured that I could just save and increase an offset with each more-than-one-char Rune... but that doesn't work, since the first row is initialized with the length
20:37:40couven92and I figures just using runeLen on the entire string would still be cheating
20:37:53Araqoh no, runeLen is allowed :P
20:37:57Araqsince it doesn't allocate
20:38:57couven92Araq, but it takes an entire additional pass through the strings!
20:39:06Yardanicocouven92, :D
20:42:54couven92Yeah, okay Araq, if I'm allowed to do runeLen, then it's really easy!
20:42:58*Yardanico quit (Remote host closed the connection)
20:43:02Araqtold ya.
20:44:02Araqin fact, you can do this:
20:44:16Araqtype UString = distinct string
20:44:34Araqproc len*(s: UString): int = runeLen(s)
20:45:00Araqproc `[]`*(a: UString; i: int): Rune = runeAt(a, i)
20:45:09couven92tja... do we want a distinct unicode string type in unicode.nim?
20:45:31Araqwell no, inc(i) cannot be transformed this way lol
20:46:08couven92yeah... but fastRuneAt basically does everything I need it to do, so...
21:06:35PMunchHmm, I'm starting to really like my Vim config now :)
21:06:55*yglukhov quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
21:07:03PMunchIt highlights spaces and tab indentation in a non-obtrusive way which is really nice for Nim
21:07:24PMunchSomething that's bugged me when writing in Vim that I couldn't always easily tell the indent level
21:07:47*yglukhov joined #nim
21:12:22couven92PMunch, I have that as well, here's mine: https://gist.github.com/couven92/f9649c9423a2ba2d34f8d008b448ec52
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21:12:53couven92I also have render whitespace in every other editor on by default... :)
21:13:31PMunchThis is a bit more than render whitespace though
21:13:41PMunchIt only shows the character for indent levels
21:14:11PMunchThat's the plugin (scroll down for images)
21:14:41PMunchAnd then I use a custom "set list" option to show tabs as a slightly heavier line
21:15:19PMunchThat's mine
21:15:42PMunchBut I've done some changes to the plugins (especially the Nim one), and made a custom colour scheme
21:16:19PMunchBrb, watching an episode of dollhouse
21:16:25couven92hmmm... indent guides are nice, yes... We got those in VS Code some time ago, and they've also been in Visual Studio a while now iirc
21:19:21FromGitter<adamrezich> should I be using ints for array indices?
21:20:41FromGitter<adamrezich> awesome
21:23:12*relax quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
21:35:43FromGitter<ephja> Option[Range]
21:35:49FromGitter<ephja> oops
21:40:30dom96So many pro-nim answers here https://www.quora.com/Which-one-is-the-easiest-to-learn-C-Rust-or-Nim?__nsrc__=4&__snid3__=737053822 :)
21:40:38FromGitter<ephja> working with ranges can be tricky: `var x: Option[range[0..b]] = some(0)`
21:51:51*yay joined #nim
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21:53:47dom96ooh, Nim in Action is in the "Bestselling eBooks" list.
21:55:18dom96Hopefully soon I'll get some more granular sales data.
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22:09:06PMunchAnd couven92 the guides are real nice for whitespace dependent languages like Nim. I've also set up a bunch of other neat plugins, like easymotion and vim-multiple-cursors
22:09:26PMunchPlus the buffer setup that allows me to have multiple files open at the same time
22:11:45*endragor quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)
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22:19:08FromGitter<Varriount> dom95
22:20:58FromGitter<ephja> dom96's younger brother?
22:21:44FromGitter<k0pernicus> dom96.dec indeed...
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23:05:32PMunchHaha, dom96 I like your comment on my Aporia PR :P
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23:19:09TheManiacIs there anything I can do about Warning: Cannot prove that 'result' is initialized. This will become a compile time error in the future. [ProveInit] ?
23:19:16*couven92 quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
23:20:02TheManiacI'm creating a ref object type which includes a field that contains a tuple which contains another ref ob
23:21:41*vlad1777d quit (Quit: Leaving)
23:22:39FromGitter<k0pernicus> Nim beginner here: is it possible the compiler advertised you that the 'result' variable points to a pointer, which has not been initialized?
23:27:08*rauss quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
23:28:10FromGitter<ephja> there are bugs that cause false positives to be reported so I wouldn't pay too much attention to those warnings
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23:34:02dom96TheManiac: show us the code
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23:49:45TheManiacNode is a ref object
23:49:53TheManiacwhich I'm pretty sure is the problem
23:50:29TheManiack0pernicus: funny thing is that the warning occurs on `new(result)`
23:53:54dom96yeah... you should be doing: result = Value(kind: vkString, stringVal: value)
23:53:58dom96and the same for all procs
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