<< 31-08-2017 >>

00:01:12*relax quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
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00:22:39FromGitter<zacharycarter> yeah this is working nicely
00:22:53FromGitter<FridgeSeal> your node + nim solution?
00:23:08FromGitter<zacharycarter> yeah it's not as ideal as pure Nim with c backend but it works
00:23:37FromGitter<zacharycarter> I can orchestrate the entire thing with a single Nim file and it basically just means an extra binary
00:24:34Demos[m]so I got nim code capturing and saving images from Ethernet at 4 gbps
00:24:59Demos[m]needs some more debugging, but it was a pleasure to work with
00:25:31Demos[m]my coworkers are still skeptical
00:26:30FromGitter<zacharycarter> wow awesome!
00:28:29Demos[m]I'm tempted to just low key rewrite our calibration code in nim as well. Right now it's C with a hand rolled makefile
00:28:36Demos[m]which is super annoying
00:29:48FromGitter<zacharycarter> hire me and I'll help push the nim agenda!
00:29:49FromGitter<zacharycarter> :P
00:33:25Demos[m]idk if we're hiring engineers right now?
00:33:28FromGitter<zacharycarter> nimscript config files always screw me up
00:33:49FromGitter<zacharycarter> meh I have a job I'm fine with, but I would like to end up somewhere where I can use nim daily
00:35:17FromGitter<zacharycarter> okay I'm clueless as to how to get nimble to recognize a nimscript file
00:40:00Demos[m]I'm thinking about trying to build a set of nim macros to generate classes that are ABI compatible with C++
00:40:16Demos[m]supporting MSVC will be "fun"
00:40:39Demos[m]huh maybe clang provides a cxxabi for them
00:41:50FromGitter<zacharycarter> can anyone shine some light as to where I need to place a nimscript file / how I need to name it for nimble to recognize it?
00:41:53FromGitter<zacharycarter> here's my directory layout
00:42:37FromGitter<zacharycarter> http://imgur.com/a/OkxzR
00:42:42FromGitter<zacharycarter> nimble tasks produces nothing
00:42:59Demos[m]you can write tasks directly in the nimble file
00:43:10Demos[m]the compiler also has a tasks feature which I think is seperate
00:43:15FromGitter<zacharycarter> ah okay
00:43:19Demos[m]and I forget how to invoke
00:46:07FromGitter<zacharycarter> me too apparently
01:06:57FromGitter<zacharycarter> how do you chain tasks with Nimscript
01:08:07FromGitter<zacharycarter> nm found it
01:19:28*relax joined #nim
01:21:08Elronndthe webpage advertises that "Produces dependency-free binaries". I don't see this as a positive. Is it possible to compile nim's stdlib as a shared lib?
01:31:05FromGitter<zacharycarter> trying to do something like this
01:31:22FromGitter<zacharycarter> ```code paste, see link``` [https://gitter.im/nim-lang/Nim?at=59a766eaba0f0f6e38fec4fd]
01:31:54FromGitter<zacharycarter> obviously this won't work but something similar is what I"m after
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02:09:01Demos[m]Elronnd: you can use nimrtl to compile some of the more ABI dependent things as a shared lib
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03:21:45FromGitter<zacharycarter> heh
03:21:55FromGitter<zacharycarter> lil over 500 http requests in 17 seconds
03:27:56FromGitter<zacharycarter> def overloading the http server
03:28:11FromGitter<zacharycarter> but it's fast!
03:35:57*Serenit0r joined #nim
03:37:48*Crawldragon joined #nim
03:39:12*Serenitor quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
03:40:40CrawldragonCan anyone help me with the irc module?
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03:52:02FromGitter<zacharycarter> q: what am I supposed to do with bodyStream?
03:55:07*BigEpsilon joined #nim
03:55:21FromGitter<Varriount> Crawldungeon: What do you need help with, specifically?
04:11:22*Crawldragon left #nim (#nim)
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04:20:03FromGitter<zacharycarter> I feel like I'm close here...
04:20:17FromGitter<zacharycarter> ```code paste, see link``` [https://gitter.im/nim-lang/Nim?at=59a78e80210ac26920dcab3d]
04:20:49FromGitter<zacharycarter> I get this compile error:
04:21:21FromGitter<zacharycarter> ```code paste, see link``` [https://gitter.im/nim-lang/Nim?at=59a78ec166c1c7c477fc97d5]
04:27:46FromGitter<zacharycarter> nm I got something else working
04:28:24*Ven`` joined #nim
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07:14:45*Yardanico joined #nim
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07:45:48Yardanicohow can I check if it's the end of utf8 string?
07:45:55YardanicoI'm porting editDistance from strutils to unicode version
07:46:15Yardanicoit's pretty easy, but I don't know how to check if it's the last character in string
07:47:03Yardanicooh wait
07:47:06Yardanicoit seems I did it
07:48:14Yardanicohttps://gist.github.com/Yardanico/2dd5d44197ed8c1266f4371025d56de9 is this implementation optimized or not ? :) I think it's not that well optimized, because I create 2 sequences of runes
07:48:25Yardanicobut it works for unicode
07:48:29Yardanicolemme check the performance
07:50:27Yardanicostrutils distance - ~11ns per iteration, unicode distance - ~190ns per iteration
07:52:12YardanicoAraq, is this good enough for unicode module? https://gist.github.com/Yardanico/2dd5d44197ed8c1266f4371025d56de9 or if I want to add similar procedure to "unicode" module - I need to implement it more efficiently?
07:53:13YardanicoIt's ~20 times slower than strutils version
07:53:51Araqmeh, not good enough
07:54:17YardanicoWell I don't know how this works, I just changed a couple of lines to make it work for unicode
07:59:15Araqyou don't need to know, len --> runeLen, s[i] becomes s.runeAt(i)
07:59:51Yardanicoah, yes, I firsly made it using runeAt
08:04:18*chemist69 joined #nim
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08:08:58Yardanicothis doesn't work for some reason - https://gist.github.com/Yardanico/98ee4930d0a9de70ba4c9fff931ce05f
08:09:05YardanicoShould echo "1", echoes "2" instead
08:09:16*salewski joined #nim
08:10:15Yardanicohmm, probably I'm doing the wrong check " len1 != s"
08:11:20salewskiAraq, I have the feeling that the reason for my "Error: ambiguous identifier" from forum post is
08:11:36salewskithat I have in my connect macro code like
08:11:44salewskilet wt = getType(widget)
08:11:53salewskilet at = getTypeInst(arg)
08:12:08FromGitter<GULPF> @Yardanico isn't that usage of runeAt wrong? it takes a byte offset as argument, not a rune offset
08:12:11salewskilet wts = ($(wt[1].toStrLit)).replace(":ObjectType")
08:12:14Yardanicoah, yes
08:12:25salewskilet ats = $at.toStrLit
08:12:31Yardanicobut then
08:12:42Yardanico"runeAtPos" documentation says "Beware: This can lead to unoptimized code and slow execution! Most problems are solve more efficient by using an iterator or conversion to a seq of Rune."
08:12:47salewskiAll that gave me strings, which I use for type cast.
08:12:52Araqthese inc(s) are also wrong
08:13:04salewskiBut all the strings have no mudule name prefix.
08:13:06Araqyou need to increment by the current rune length
08:13:24salewskiAnd from macros module I can see no way go get a module name prefix.
08:13:27*yeeve__ quit (Quit: Leaving)
08:13:57Araqand yeah, don't use runeAtPos
08:14:28Araqsalewski: what do you then do with 'ats'?
08:15:03salewskiIt is used for type safe casting.
08:15:48salewskiGobject callbacks works with plain pointers, but I try to get type safety at compile time.
08:18:15salewskiAll that is visible in https://github.com/StefanSalewski/gintro/blob/master/gintro/gimpl.nim#L30
08:18:46salewskiI think it is easy for me to reproduce the problem in a small stand alone code,
08:19:09salewskibut from that code it will be not really clear WHY I need that.
08:22:57salewskiI guess it may help to introduce an intermediate type like "type temp = type(wiget)"
08:23:36salewskiI think I tried something like that some months ago...
08:27:40Araqbuilding the ASTs by string concats is bad, please use the AST API
08:28:59salewskiOK, but I think using AST API is much more difficult and much more work.
08:29:15Araqyou can think that, but it's wrong
08:29:35PMunchIt's a bit more work when you've never done it before
08:29:45PMunchSince you have to learn something new
08:30:32Araq if ahl.find(";") > 0:
08:30:32Araq ahl = "(self: " & wts & ";" & ahl.split(";", 1)[1]
08:30:50Araqthat's much more difficult code because it works on the wrong level of abstraction
08:31:07PMunchHave a look at dumpAstGen salewski, it might help with generating code :)
08:31:20Yardanicoor quote do :)
08:31:21AraqPMunch: was that merged?
08:31:22salewskiOK, I will try AST API...
08:31:34PMunchI think so
08:32:26PMunchYup: https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/blob/devel/lib/core/macros.nim#L738
08:33:17PMunchApparently it was even you who merged it
08:34:58FromGitter<Grabli66> Hi. I have: ⏎ type MyInt = distinct int ⏎ What code i need to write, to make this code valid? ⏎ let d : MyInt = 30 [https://gitter.im/nim-lang/Nim?at=59a7ca32614889d475a6552b]
08:35:16salewskiYes, dumpAstGen may make learning easier, I will try...
08:35:31FromGitter<Yardanico> @Grabli66 let d = MyInt(30)
08:35:36FromGitter<Yardanico> or let d = 30.MyInt
08:36:26FromGitter<Grabli66> Yes. But i want ⏎ let d : MyInt = 30 ⏎ Is it possible?
08:36:31FromGitter<Yardanico> converters
08:36:41Yardanicoit is possible, but not very recommended
08:36:54FromGitter<Grabli66> How?
08:37:28FromGitter<Yardanico> ```code paste, see link``` [https://gitter.im/nim-lang/Nim?at=59a7cac8162adb6d2e5199d6]
08:39:23FromGitter<Grabli66> Cool. Thanks. I did not see converters in documentation
08:40:03Araqthat code is backwards, use let d = MyInt(30)
08:40:46Yardanicowell yeah, it's really better to use normal type conversion
08:41:18FromGitter<Grabli66> It will be deprecated?
08:42:12Araqno, but if you want let d: MyInt = 30 then don't use a 'distinct' type
08:43:15Araqyou cannot have it both ways, "I'm hiding the fact that MyInt is an int" and "MyInt is compatible with ints"
08:43:16FromGitter<Grabli66> But I want borrow some proc from int
08:47:02*salewski quit (Quit: WeeChat 1.4)
08:47:40FromGitter<Grabli66> I want type that has some procedures from int, and can be assigned from int, float, etc. But not int. It has no practical use right now. I just want see possibilities of nim
08:47:59Yardanicowell you can borrow procedures as usual
08:49:54*claudiuinberlin quit (Quit: My MacBook has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…)
08:53:22*nsfw_ joined #nim
08:53:32nsfw_good morning
08:55:33FromGitter<Grabli66> Another noob question. Can i use async proc in thread? Every thread has it's own mainloop?
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08:58:38*Matthias247 joined #nim
09:02:10Yardanicoyes you can
09:02:17Yardanicobut your async procedures need to be gcsafe
09:02:27Yardanicoso no global variables (only raw pointers and channels)
09:07:58*dom96|w joined #nim
09:10:17nsfw_hey how can I add flags to gcc when I compile with nim ? (for example -g)
09:10:32Yardaniconsfw_, --passC:"flags to compiler" --passL:"flags to linker"
09:10:49Yardaniconim c --passC:"-fopenmp" --passL:"-fopenmp" file.nim
09:11:24Yardanicoyou can also put these flags into nim.cfg
09:11:28Yardanicoof your project
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09:19:10Yardanicohow can I create a macro, which will generate "case" statement, to use it like that? let data = genCaseStmt()
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09:27:20FromGitter<Grabli66> Question about javascript target. Can nim compiler generate map file for debuging in browser? Because javascript code that produced nim is not readable, i think.
09:27:53YardanicoI don't think so
09:28:00Yardanicobut I've never really used JS target
09:28:03Yardanicoso maybe it does
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09:38:26YardanicoDoes nimsuggest have some memory leaks?
09:40:35Araqit most certainly has but I don't know where
09:41:06Yardanicobecause it took up all my RAM a few times
09:41:10Araqgrabli66: you get Nim specific lineinfo in the stack traces
09:51:56Yardanicowhat can I do to solve "error expression ... has to be discarded" if I want to store result of case statement in let variable?
09:52:53Yardanicoso my case statement checks if string equals to some of strings, and then makes a call to the procedure (in case statement)
09:53:01Yardanicoand I want to store result of this call in let variable
09:54:52flyxYardanico: make the case statement a case expression.
09:54:59Yardanicoflyx, oh
09:55:19*claudiuinberlin quit (Quit: My MacBook has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…)
09:55:21flyxlet foo = case bla\n of "hurr": "durr"\n of "etc": …
09:55:28Yardanicothere's only nnkCaseStmt kind
09:55:30Yardanicono nnkCaseExpr
09:56:04Yardanicoyeah if I do this manually - it works
09:56:08Yardanicobut it doesn't work if I do it with a macro
09:57:53AraqYardanico: bug report?
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09:58:27YardanicoAraq, well I'll try to make small snippet, most probably I'm doing something wrong
10:00:22FromGitter<ephja> Yardanico: https://gist.github.com/ephja/70375009b9b6de00e3e115e3d7682ec2
10:01:51*dom96|w quit (Quit: My Mac has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…)
10:03:49Yardanicowhat is wrong here? https://gist.github.com/Yardanico/bffc661fd9e777c783c561a71d949199 this is what I'm trying to do
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10:07:21Yardanicooh wait!
10:07:23YardanicoI fixed it
10:07:44YardanicoIt was generating "else: discard"
10:07:54Yardanicoif I change it to else: "someString" it works
10:16:13Yardanicowell error message was a bit dissapointing but it was my fault nonetheless :)
10:26:04*ShalokShalom_ joined #nim
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10:56:57couven92Araq? leftAlign... you said to make it support unicode? No problem, but why? Many of the other related procs in strutils aren't in unicode either?
10:57:52Araqwhich ones? these should all move to unicode.nim
10:58:24couven92i was kinda afraid you'd say that :P
10:59:03couven92should I make a major "we're moving to unicode" PR?
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11:00:40AraqI know you'll enjoy it, so yeah
11:01:07couven92Should we keep the strutils procs?
11:01:27Yardanicowell yeah
11:01:32Yardanicofor another 1-2 years of deprecation :)
11:01:49couven92right, else it would break everyone's code, sorry wasn't thinking
11:05:03FromGitter<BigEpsilon> @Araq, Hi ! I have made a PR to add the support for integer template parameter to c2nim : https://github.com/nim-lang/c2nim/pull/95 . ⏎ Now there is another feature that I want to add but I don't know if it is interesting for you also (so I integrate it to c2nim) or if I make an external tool. ⏎ The feature is to regroup all type definition in one typeSection at the start of the module in order to avoid the
11:05:03FromGitter... problems that arise form the absence of forward declaration for type when translation from c/c++ to nim. ⏎ So do I try to add it to c2nim or I make an external tool (the easiest being a macro) ? [https://gitter.im/nim-lang/Nim?at=59a7ed5fc101bc4e3a764117]
11:12:39Araqc2nim feature please
11:13:29FromGitter<BigEpsilon> ok
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11:49:13FromGitter<zacharycarter> hrm exception handling with async / await with multiple futures seems tircky
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11:50:49Yardanicostore all futures in a sequence, "yield" all futures and iterate over all futures checking if they failed?
11:51:00Yardanicohmmm no
11:51:11Yardanicoprobably you wouldn't have concurrent requests with this approach
11:51:30FromGitter<zacharycarter> this is what I have right now
11:51:48FromGitter<zacharycarter> ```code paste, see link``` [https://gitter.im/nim-lang/Nim?at=59a7f854ba0f0f6e38011d59]
11:52:09FromGitter<zacharycarter> if any of the getDealerProfile calls fail, the exceptions go uncaught
11:52:49FromGitter<Yardanico> you can check for errors in s[i] callback
11:53:27FromGitter<zacharycarter> thanks
11:53:48FromGitter<zacharycarter> how exactly?
11:54:05FromGitter<zacharycarter> oh I see
11:54:17FromGitter<Yardanico> in callback something like "if s[i].failed: do stuff"
11:54:37FromGitter<Yardanico> but if you want to get full traceback - you need to reraise exception in callback and capture getCurrentExceptionMsg of it
11:55:08FromGitter<zacharycarter> gotcha thanks Daniil
11:55:36FromGitter<zacharycarter> btw I'm constantly impressed by how fast you picked up Nim and became an expert :P
11:56:22Yardanicowell I'm far from being an expert :D
11:56:44YardanicoI just use async stuff a lot (my bot for a social network is async)
11:57:21YardanicoI use nim mostly like a high-level language
11:57:28Yardanicolike Python or Java
11:57:31FromGitter<zacharycarter> right
12:00:22*claudiuinberlin quit (Quit: My MacBook has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…)
12:03:33FromGitter<zacharycarter> hrm that worked when I had no connection to the host name
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12:03:48FromGitter<zacharycarter> but now 404 errors are being thrown and somehow blowing up my excepion handling code
12:05:44dom96|wwhy are you implementing your own `all`?
12:05:49dom96|wDon't we have that in asyncdispatch?
12:06:25FromGitter<zacharycarter> I don't know
12:06:28FromGitter<zacharycarter> I got this example from the forum
12:06:45dom96|wI see :)
12:06:58dom96|wI also only see you handling the errors thrown by `to`
12:07:32FromGitter<zacharycarter> hrm okay I found all ;)
12:07:35FromGitter<zacharycarter> thanks for the protip
12:10:00Yardanicoalso - future "all" from asyncdispatch will fail if at least one of other futures failed to complet
12:10:49FromGitter<zacharycarter> so am I forced to iterate over yields?
12:10:58FromGitter<zacharycarter> err iterate over my futures and yield?
12:11:22Yardanicowell do you want to handle all errors separately?
12:11:53FromGitter<zacharycarter> nope
12:12:34dom96|wjust need to yield the future that `all` returns
12:12:38dom96|wthen check it for errors
12:12:45FromGitter<zacharycarter> gotcha
12:13:07Yardanicohmm, Is it bad or good if I'm echoing GC_getStatistics() and number of stack scans and stack cells is raising?
12:13:26Yardanicodoes it mean I have something like memory leak?
12:13:32*claudiuinberlin quit (Quit: My MacBook has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…)
12:13:49YardanicodumpNumberOfInstances doesn't show names for many "ref" instances
12:14:11FromGitter<zacharycarter> oh so all is an all or nothing thing
12:14:25FromGitter<zacharycarter> I didn't get what you meant yardanico but I do now
12:14:55Yardanicowell it's a question about GC, I've just asked, maybe someone here can give me an advice about it :)
12:15:06Yardaniconot you exactly
12:15:21FromGitter<zacharycarter> err I meant in reference to the asyncdispatch.all thing
12:16:31Yardanicoso imagine you have 10 futures, and 2 of them failed to execute. there still would be only one error in future what you've got from all() call
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12:17:41FromGitter<zacharycarter> yeah
12:17:49FromGitter<zacharycarter> but can I still retrieve the results of the other futures?
12:18:00FromGitter<zacharycarter> oh okay cool
12:20:07FromGitter<zacharycarter> how do I do that exactly
12:20:23FromGitter<zacharycarter> ```code paste, see link``` [https://gitter.im/nim-lang/Nim?at=59a7ff07bc46472974dfe3d7]
12:20:51FromGitter<Yardanico> they all will be in "rest" sequence
12:20:58livcdAhh i am thinking about buying the nim book from Manning
12:21:02livcdthough the price is steep
12:21:14FromGitter<zacharycarter> that's what I figured but they all say they're unfinished
12:21:21FromGitter<zacharycarter> and aren't returning string values when I dump them
12:21:54FromGitter<Yardanico> ah sorry
12:22:01FromGitter<Yardanico> ---If the awaited futures are not ``Future[void]``, the returned future--- ⏎ ⏎ ## will hold the values of all awaited futures in a sequence.
12:22:44FromGitter<Yardanico> so you can "echo fut.read()" and it would echo values of all awaited futures
12:22:50FromGitter<Yardanico> but I'm not 100% sure
12:23:23FromGitter<zacharycarter> gotcha
12:29:47Yardanicohmm, I saw on the forum post about choosing GC for your application (benefits of each GC in Nim)
12:29:52Yardanicocan't find it now :P
12:31:11FromGitter<ephja> how much metaprogramming is too much? :-)
12:31:23Yardanicohmm, I don't know really :)
12:32:00livcdask in #lisp
12:35:35YardanicoAraq, what is better in terms of RAM usage? default GC or mark & sweep GC?
12:36:37couven92do we have contains for openarray?
12:37:11Yardanicocouven92, yes
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12:58:22PMunchephja, I've actually given that some thought. I feel like metaprogramming that introduce a DSL is fine, but if you pass something that looks like Nim code the macro should just execute it as Nim code. I think it's Jester which actually replaces return statements with something else, which is super confusing as it means it doesn't work with templates :S
12:59:21AraqPMunch: but by design everything "looks like Nim code"
12:59:39Araqwe do not let you introduce new tokens, for example
13:00:05PMunchThat's true
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13:00:26YardanicoAraq, I'd say nim syntax is VERY flexible: https://github.com/Yardanico/nimpylib/blob/master/examples/example2.nim
13:00:34PMunchBut genui for example doesn't look like Nim code. Or at least not anything with program flow in it
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13:01:38YardanicoI'll (ab)use generics to remove the need for creating objects manually
13:01:50Yardanico*object types
13:02:46AraqPMunch: jester might be bad, never used it too much to have an opinion on it
13:03:15PMunchIt's pretty neat, but the fact that it messes with control flow had me a bit bummed
13:03:33Araqmeta programming is bad when you use it to "patch" Nim to look like your favourite language, like nimpylib
13:04:06Araqor for example to define '+' for strings; Nim uses & instead, accept it, it's done for good reasons.
13:04:24PMunchI actually thought about making a PR changing it to wrapping all the routes in a route block and instead of doing return one should use "break route", and then the route can do the other stuff outside the route instead of replacing return statements.
13:04:26Araqand it's bad when the transformations are not clearly documented.
13:05:19PMunchThat's why I tried to keep genui as 1:1 transformation as possible. To make it really obvious how it converts your code into it's output
13:05:44YardanicoAraq, well python isn't my favourite language, I'm doing nimpylib "for fun"
13:05:56Araqoh, don't get me wrong
13:06:16Araqit's a super cool fun project, just not something I would use in production
13:06:22Yardanicowell yeah :)
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13:07:28AraqPMunch: what I did for karax and I encourage in general is at the end of the macro:
13:07:39Araqwhen defined(debugKaraxDsl): echo repr result
13:07:49Araqwith project specific defines of course
13:08:09Araqin fact, I'd probably make this mandatory in large projects
13:08:29Araqis so nice to produce code listings after specific transformations
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13:08:40Araqall the magic disappears ;-)
13:09:53PMunchOh yeah, I was thinking about doing that for genui as well. Currently it just has a commented out piece of code serving the same purpose :P
13:10:36PMunchDoes Nim have a way to get the most expanded Nim code before it goes off to the C transformation part?
13:11:23Araqno and it's not clear how that feature should work
13:11:55AraqI can make the compiler split out 60_000 lines of Nim code that actually hit the codegen
13:12:03Araqbut that seems stupid
13:12:50PMunchHmm, where does all the "extra" lines come from?
13:13:12Araqwell the compiler is larger than 60K lines
13:13:31AraqI just picked some random largish number
13:14:48PMunchSo let's say I create a small "hello, world" program. In it i include a macro that let's say changes the echo to myEcho, a dummy wrapper function for the regular echo. Would that generate a lot of lines?
13:15:57AraqI don't know how it should work. it could output system.nim after the transformations... see the problem?
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13:16:57PMunchHmm, yeah it would produce a lot of output. But it might still be useful. After all you can just search for your procedure name in the file
13:17:31PMunchIt's not meant for everyday use, just that one of thing where you really can't figure out what the compiler is doing that makes it fail.
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13:22:46Araqactually, we already have macros.expandMacros
13:23:39Araqannotate your code with that to see the results
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13:25:55PMunchHuh, that's nifty
13:30:43couven92How do I get the length of a single Rune without creating a temporary string with the rune in it?
13:36:54PMunchcouven92, https://nim-lang.org/docs/unicode.html#runeLenAt,string,Natural
13:36:59PMunchDoesn't that work?
13:37:10couven92Nope, need a string for that one
13:37:15couven92I have a single Rune value
13:37:37couven92I'm conjuring a runeLen overload into existance right now
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14:01:33Araqcouven92: there is some runeAt thingie that returns the Rune as well as its length iirc
14:03:13couven92Araq, not as far as I can see... Well, I created one now and moved the runeLenAt implementation to a new `proc runeLen(r: Rune): int` instead
14:04:14Araqer actually there is runeAt and runeLenAt
14:04:32Araqno need to patch unicode.nim
14:07:03couven92Araq, but none of those give me the byte length for a single Rune value, they only work when you have a rune in a string
14:08:37Araqand that's what you have?
14:08:44Araqa rune in a string.
14:09:01Araqor are you not working on editDistance anymore?
14:09:36couven92Ah, no... I am porting split, rsplit and strip to unicode
14:10:12couven92I can't do editDistance, I don't understand the maths of it, and I have no idea whats going on there :P
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14:19:46PMunchOoh, editDistance
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14:20:39couven92PMunch, yeah, Araq wants me to implement unicode support for that... I have no idea how, what about you?
14:21:33PMunchShouldn't be too hard
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14:23:43Araqcouven92: you do not have to understand it, it's a mechanical transformation
14:24:21Araqsplit, rsplit and strip are all Unicode ready, maybe strip is not
14:25:12couven92Araq, let's see how PMunch fares... I am finishing strip right now... After that I might go back to editDistance :)
14:25:29PMunchWell I'm still at work atm
14:26:23Yardanicocouven92, I've ported editDistance, but in a very inefficient way
14:26:31PMunchBut yeah, with the version already implemented for ASCII it should just be a simple matter of converting it to use Runes instead of characters
14:26:53Yardanicowell if you want speed you should still use byte indexes
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14:28:43couven92Yeah, I'll pick it up... I familiarized myself with unicode.nim now... should probably be able to do it now
14:30:12PMunchYardanico, Yeah with couven92's new runeLen it should be a simple matter of a loop that reads out a runes and jumps that far into the sequence
14:30:26YardanicoPMunch, well I've ported, by my version was ~20 times slower
14:30:41PMunchWowzer, that's not good
14:30:56YardanicoPMunch, this version - https://gist.github.com/Yardanico/2dd5d44197ed8c1266f4371025d56de9
14:31:08Yardanicoit's slow because I take sequence of runes in two strings to a variable
14:32:07FromGitter<ephja> wouldn't it be better if it took two rune sequences?
14:32:45PMunchDepends, if the user has those lying around sure
14:32:48FromGitter<ephja> or iterators, but I dunno if that's feasible atm
14:34:28PMunchYardanico, what data did you test with?
14:34:42FromGitter<ephja> it depends on whether or not it's even worth having two versions
14:34:50YardanicoPMunch, two ascii strings with 6 characters and two unicode strings with 6 unicode characters
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14:35:43PMunchWell, I'm off now. Be home in not too long
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14:36:00FromGitter<ephja> in any case, I'm sure it's possible to reduce repetition for creating both ascii and unicode variations
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14:55:41Yardanicobtw, why not remove stale branches?
14:55:45Yardanicoor they're still useful?
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14:57:38Yardanicothis has no new commits comparing to devel for example - https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/tree/more_concurrency
14:58:06Yardanicoor this - https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/tree/fix-5383
15:07:33AraqI can't remember git's syntax for removing (remote) branches and so they are not touched
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15:11:23FromGitter<BigEpsilon> @Araq, I have a question, I want to implement the feature that I talked about in c2nim, which is an option to regroup all type declarations at the beginning of the file to avoid errors due to forward declaration. However I want to be sure about one point
15:11:47FromGitter<BigEpsilon> My idea is to take only the type declarations at the top level
15:12:06FromGitter<BigEpsilon> ie direct children of the statement list
15:12:25FromGitter<BigEpsilon> and not recurse to lower levels
15:13:01FromGitter<BigEpsilon> (ie type declaration nested in when conditions and such)
15:13:56FromGitter<BigEpsilon> is it the right thing to do or do you think I should take ALL type definitions, even the ones not at the top level ?
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15:14:55Araqonly the top level is the right thing and in fact Nim's upcoming {.reorder: on.} pass does the same
15:15:20FromGitter<BigEpsilon> ok thanks then I'll do that
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15:17:21FromGitter<BigEpsilon> didn't know about the reorder pragma
15:17:37Araqit is new
15:21:19FromGitter<BigEpsilon> hmmm I does it still make sense to implement that feature then ? maybe not
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15:24:40FromGitter<ephja> ```template t: typedesc = ⏎ static: ⏎ if true: int8 else: int16 ⏎ var x: t()``` ⏎ ⏎ this doesn't work with `if`, `case` etc; only with `when`. how could I fix that? [https://gitter.im/nim-lang/Nim?at=59a82a3766c1c7c477ff7097]
15:28:16AraqBigEpsilon: well you need make reorder work with type sections properly then
15:28:23FromGitter<ephja> well, of course it doesn't work with 'static'. it's just something I tried, but it doesn't work without it either
15:28:25Araqcurrently it's not fully implemented
15:28:52Araqephja: It can only work with 'when', types have no runtime representation
15:30:13couven92Araq, here it comes: https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/pull/6301
15:32:14Yardanicowell I think in the future we'll need to create all strutils procedures for unicode :)
15:32:19Yardanicoeven things like "isNumeric"
15:33:16couven92Yardanico, well some of the strutils procs are unicode compatible because they don't deal with length of indivisdual characters
15:33:23Yardanicocouven92, yeah I know
15:33:29Yardanicobut we at least should mark them as such
15:33:53Araqnot 'some', most :P
15:34:02couven92ah, yeah, a unicodeCompatible pragma would be nice! :)
15:34:14Yardanicowell it would strange to have separate modules
15:35:07couven92well that's live! At least unicode only has stuff that deals with unicode! So you will probably always still need thing from strutils
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15:35:47Yardanicowell all unicode procedures can accept usual ascii characters
15:35:54Yardanicoexpect maybe they'll have less performance
15:37:36couven92Yardanico, not really... You'll need a rune value for the unicode procs... Yes, they'll deal fine with ASCII-only strings, but you still get Runes out of that
15:38:02Yardanicocouven92, well string is convertible to seq[Rune]
15:38:05Yardanicoand seq[Rune] to string
15:38:23couven92but still with `$`, right?
15:38:47Yardanicowell this can be done using templates or wrapper procs :)
15:39:03couven92Wll, you still have to conciously do it
15:39:06Yardanicocurrent unicode procedures accept strings
15:39:11Yardanicofor example isTitle
15:39:34Yardanicoand there's isUpper both for string and rune
15:39:51Araqcouven92: ugh, I don't remember telling you to rewrite unicode.nim
15:39:54Yardanicoand they use runeCheck template
15:40:36Yardanicoso we can probably reuse runeCheck for other things too
15:40:47couven92Araq: :D sorry, I didn't actually... I just converted the int arrays to Rune arrays... That makes more sense, right?
15:41:09Yardanicomaybe this has less performance? but IDK really
15:41:31couven92Yardanico, no it doesn't because of `type Rune = distinct int32`
15:43:37Yardanicohmmm, would it be possible to implement things like isNumeric without including whole unicode characters DB into nim stdlib?
15:43:39FromGitter<ephja> Araq: it would be like 'when' but for 'case' for exhaustive checks
15:44:21Araqcouven92: the conversions are ok but the rest seems a bit messy
15:45:28couven92Araq, like what? I have more or less copied code from strutils and made slight changes where needed
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15:47:47Araqlike the fact you choose openArray[Rune] for what used to be a set
15:48:25couven92well... since Rune is a int32, you cannot use `set[Rune]` can you?
15:50:19FromGitter<ephja> should the semantic pass preserve nkStmtListType nodes?
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15:50:37couven92and being able to pass in more than one character/Rune is certainly useful and what you'd expect from similar procs and APIs in other languages
15:51:30Araqprobably we want openArray[(Rune, Rune)] to support ranges?
15:51:50couven92Hmm... might be a nice addition
15:52:21couven92anyways... I gotta catch the bus, but I'll stay online on Gitter
15:52:29AraqI think we should have an abstract RuneSet with a macro that construct these for us
15:52:41couven92that WOULD be cool!
15:54:05*couven92 quit (Quit: Client disconnecting)
15:54:24Araqor we do type RuneSet = proc (r: Rune): bool {.nimcall.} and hope for clang/gcc to inline indirect function calls
15:54:39YardanicoAraq, if I want to implement something like isNumeric for unicode module - I'll need to add whole range of numeric values as an array?
15:54:59AraqYardanico: that's what we're discussing
15:55:08YardanicoAraq, ah :)
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15:58:13FromGitter<couven92> What about an @ macro that transforms a set expression to an array (or seq maybe) of Rune?
15:58:56Yardanicowe careful - 3.5k lines
15:59:15FromGitter<couven92> Like @{'0'..'9'}
15:59:37YardanicoIt seems that python toNumeric has (!!) 1300 lines of case statements
15:59:55Yardanicoto return numeric value of unicode character
16:00:00FromGitter<couven92> Not gonna do that!
16:00:22Yardanicowell I think it's not easy to represent them as ranges
16:00:34FromGitter<couven92> Why not?
16:02:14Yardanicoah, yeah, it would be possible, but still will be huge :)
16:02:49YardanicoOh my god, there's so many unicode characters representing digits
16:04:17*Sentreen quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)
16:04:48FromGitter<couven92> Yup
16:05:14FromGitter<couven92> But range do make that easier to handle
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16:05:36FromGitter<couven92> What do you think about my @ idea?
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16:05:51Yardanicowell it's nice
16:06:37Yardanicobut we'll need to make sure it works fast, because Nim would execute this macro on every "unicode" module compilation :)
16:08:05Yardanicowe can write it once
16:08:10Yardanicoand then copy-paste resulting Nim code :D
16:09:24FromGitter<couven92> Like Python? :P
16:09:39Yardanicowho knows, maybe they've written this BY HAND? :D
16:11:41FromGitter<couven92> Actually, no that I'm thinking about it: having a set to seq converter macro would be nice to have anyways, right?
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16:13:25FromGitter<couven92> Set to int would actually also be useful for c ffi bitflags
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16:17:18YardanicoI'm currently changing python-like class macro to automatically produce generic ref objects (without specifying types manually) :D
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16:22:22Yardanicolike described here: https://github.com/Yardanico/nimpylib/issues/3
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16:23:48YardanicoBTW, tomorrow new school year begins in Russia (my last year in school)
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16:40:12Yardaniconsfw_, re-hi
16:43:10nsfw_how are u Yardanico ? am I right as a beginner if I assume that any async proc is in fact relying on another async proc that is 'deeper' (by the use of await) - that I'd say that a given proc is only async because of the call to a deeper async proc that is itself async for the same reasons until one reach the lowest-level
16:43:15Araqha, " Oh my god, there's so many unicode characters representing digits", noticed something? Unicode is out of control
16:45:00Araqevery programming language needs to implement logic for dead natural languages because it's in the spec, it's worse than disabled parking spaces
16:48:24FromGitter<ephja> what is it that you want? simply smaller ranges?
16:48:31FromGitter<ephja> fewer*
16:49:43Araqdigits are 0 to 9, I can use ord(x) - ord('0') to get from a digit to its value
16:50:26Araqeverything more than that is decadent
16:54:13Yardaniconsfw_, well yeah, and if you want to start this chain, you need to use either asyncCheck + runForever or waitFor
16:55:17Yardanicowell, nim async implementation is just a macro (ab) using iterators :)
16:55:29Yardaniconim compiler itself doesn't know about async AFAIK
16:56:18FromGitter<couven92> Araq, what do you think about my idea about the set literal to seq operator? What about using @ for that?
16:56:46Araqthat's even worse than openArray ;-)
16:57:13FromGitter<couven92> ?
16:57:17FromGitter<couven92> Why?
16:57:26Araqcause it's slower
16:57:36FromGitter<couven92> Wasn't that your suggestion?
16:57:48Araqno, it wasn't
16:58:04AraqI proposed openArray of (a, b) range tuples
16:58:14Araqor else a "predicate" approach
16:58:31FromGitter<couven92> And why would a macro be slower?
16:58:46Araqnot the macro, the 'seq'
16:59:13FromGitter<couven92> Okay, set literal so inline array then
17:00:13FromGitter<couven92> Hmm... but then using @ for that suddenly doesn't make so much sense anymore
17:00:29AraqI'd look at the generated asm for the predicate solution
17:01:59FromGitter<couven92> Okay... what exactly do you mean by predicates?
17:06:25nsfw_thanks Yar
17:08:25FromGitter<zacharycarter> I'm trying to print json to stdout and I'm getting lots of newlines etc - is there any way to remove these?
17:08:27FromGitter<zacharycarter> [\n {\n \"distance\": 14.89956390866927,\n \"compCode\": \"00GY3DC001\"\n }
17:08:34FromGitter<zacharycarter> ideally I just want parseable json
17:10:46FromGitter<BigEpsilon> @Araq, I'll implement the feature in c2nim first then look at reorder pragma. I think things are more complicated with the pragma.
17:11:26AraqBigEpsilon: you would reimplement the reorder pragma
17:11:35Araqbut sure if you think it's easier
17:12:52*dom96|w quit (Quit: My Mac has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…)
17:13:03FromGitter<BigEpsilon> ok I'll look at it first (the pragma). There may be subtleties that I still don't see.
17:14:17FromGitter<BigEpsilon> alot of variable in c/c++ start or end with and underscore "_". What do you think is the best way to rename them ? I can add that two to c2nim
17:14:38YardanicoAFAIK there's already a way
17:14:55Yardanicomaybe this - https://github.com/nim-lang/c2nim/blob/master/doc/c2nim.rst#mangle-directive
17:15:07Yardanicoand https://github.com/nim-lang/c2nim/blob/master/doc/c2nim.rst#prefix-and-suffix-directives
17:15:55FromGitter<BigEpsilon> ah ok ! how did I not see it :/
17:16:48FromGitter<BigEpsilon> thanks Yardanico
17:17:12Yardanicobut I've never used c2nim for big stuff :)
17:19:18FromGitter<BigEpsilon> I'm trying to use it to make a wrapper for opencv
17:19:19FromGitter<ephja> that would save the most amount of time
17:19:59FromGitter<ephja> the smaller the code the more relative overhead c2nim incurs :p
17:20:03FromGitter<BigEpsilon> but without using the c api, which make it not very easy
17:21:40YardanicoI thought c2nim almost doesn't have overhead
17:21:45Yardanicobecause Nim is compiled to C/C++ itself
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17:23:30FromGitter<ephja> I mean with regards to the time spent generating the bindings
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17:24:13FromGitter<BigEpsilon> My intent is not to provide a wrapper, but a wrapper generator
17:24:36FromGitter<BigEpsilon> so I'm trying to combine c2nim with the python wrapper generator
17:25:04FromGitter<BigEpsilon> Yes I have to commit to C++ in order to use opencv this way
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18:05:30Yardanicocan I use genSym for generating generic params?
18:05:32Yardanicoin type section
18:06:20Yardanicoah, nvm
18:08:04Yardanicoyay it works
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18:08:33Yardanicohttps://gist.github.com/Yardanico/f9e8219d3fdce5b6d2240718dd58fb3a :)
18:08:43Yardanico(macro for creating type with all params being generic)
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18:26:52FromGitter<ephja> is inheritance without 'ref' on the stack?
18:28:02Yardanicoephja: I don't know, but "Ref objects should be used whenever inheritance is used. It isn't strictly necessary, but with non-ref objects assignments such as let person: Person = Student(id: 123) will truncate subclass fields."
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18:43:23FromGitter<ephja> yeah I just want to define common fields once. it should be possible to have object constants with non-ref inheritance
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19:04:55FromGitter<Grabli66> Is there some module to watch directory changes in nim for windows?
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19:30:06AraqGrabli66: I'm afraid not, but there is a nimble package with good COM support
19:31:41FromGitter<Grabli66> Ok. I'am trying to use winapi in nim for watch dir changes :)
19:31:43FromGitter<ephja> were any changes made to 'inject'?
19:38:10Araqephja: no
19:44:07FromGitter<ephja> nevermind. the problem is that this template https://github.com/ephja/nim-glfw/blob/master/src/glfw.nim#L675 breaks (undeclared identifier: handle), if I introduce a generic argument to the function that it resides in 樂
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21:06:53FromGitter<zacharycarter> got my ETL solution deployed today, and it works!
21:06:57FromGitter<zacharycarter> thank goodness for docker
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21:14:24FromGitter<zacharycarter> @dom96: any idea why I'm getting this error - Error: unhandled exception: Unable to query remote tags for https://github.com/unicredit/csvtools. Git returned: fatal: Not a git repository: ../.git/modules/sell-my-car-batch
21:14:39FromGitter<zacharycarter> I have a project included inside another as a submodule
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21:17:45dom96zacharycarter: not sure, report it
21:20:49FromGitter<zacharycarter> alright
21:21:15FromGitter<zacharycarter> thx
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22:02:51FromGitter<zacharycarter> well I don't have nim in prod yet but I ahve it in alpha!
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23:05:47FromGitter<adamrezich> this might be a really dumb question but, is there any way to get a reference to an item in a seq?
23:06:34FromGitter<adamrezich> because if there is, that'd mean the pointer to the item would move on seq resize, right?
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