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03:26:29 | FromDiscord_ | <Shield> is something wrong with toBin? I keep getting type mismatch and that it expected biggestInt |
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04:45:05 | FromGitter | <syrusakbary> Hi everyone! |
04:45:19 | FromGitter | <syrusakbary> I think it could be very interesting to add wasm/wasi support for Nim! |
04:45:44 | FromGitter | <syrusakbary> Is anyone working on that? |
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05:33:45 | FromGitter | <awr1> reccomended you use clang wasm backend |
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06:01:45 | rayman22201 | @syrusakbary Also see this recent forum thread. Particularly the last post: https://forum.nim-lang.org/t/4049 |
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07:07:07 | FromGitter | <arnetheduck> typical issue where wasm beats js, and js causes maintenance overhead that adds up: https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/pull/12022 |
07:08:47 | FromGitter | <syrusakbary> Thanks!! |
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07:09:32 | FromGitter | <syrusakbary> There is also a very good use case on targeting WebAssembly+WASI to create a universal wasm binary, that can be run outside of the browser in any operating system or platform |
07:09:38 | FromGitter | <syrusakbary> More info: https://wasmer.io/ |
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07:10:10 | FromGitter | <syrusakbary> I would love to help on making nim to adopt wasm+wasi so the universal binaries can run with Wasmer! |
07:10:27 | FromGitter | <awr1> wasm is becoming the new JVM |
07:10:53 | FromGitter | <syrusakbary> Indeed! Exciting times :) |
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09:15:59 | FromGitter | <mratsim> @awr1: ⏎ ⏎ > @awr1 ⏎ a matter of which i've been perpetually confused w/r/t nim is whether `string` or `seq[byte]` should be used for binary data, b/c i feel like i've seen both ⏎ ... [https://gitter.im/nim-lang/Nim?at=5d6b8c4f0d4b1f5d88962fc0] |
09:16:33 | FromGitter | <mratsim> and use seq\[byte\], alternatively if you have time to kill you can read this RFC: https://github.com/nim-lang/RFCs/issues/32 |
09:22:20 | FromGitter | <awr1> stdlib should have a function to convert |
09:23:05 | FromGitter | <awr1> if `string` is essentially just `distinct seq[byte]` |
09:23:50 | FromGitter | <awr1> also i did read that earlier yesterday |
09:28:06 | FromGitter | <awr1> in terms of binary data it would also be useful if nim had a more proper slice type, e.g. https://github.com/nim-lang/RFCs/issues/12 |
09:35:54 | FromGitter | <awr1> speaking of slices, i don't get what `HSlice[T, U]` is useful for |
09:37:24 | FromGitter | <awr1> versus `Slice[T]` |
09:37:46 | FromGitter | <awr1> why would you want to have the upper and lower bound be disparate types? |
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09:59:10 | lqdev[m] | it's pretty useful as a Pair type |
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11:06:25 | ehmry | there is a PR for Nimble support in Nixpkgs - https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/67878 |
11:11:25 | FromGitter | <mratsim> HSlice was introduce to support BackwardsIndex |
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11:30:29 | enthus1ast | does one has written / aware of a config file parser like apache or nginx? |
11:31:52 | enthus1ast | maybe the yaml module would be a good fit but it seems a little broken lately |
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12:04:22 | Tongir | Hey folks, anybody have any preferable libraries for creating html templates that works with any builds >= 0.20 |
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14:05:27 | federico3 | any voxel rendering engine for Nim? |
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14:18:14 | FromDiscord_ | <exelotl> federico3: I guess writing bindings for stb_voxel_render could be an option? |
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14:23:01 | FromDiscord_ | <exelotl> still leaves a lot of manual work to be done I guess |
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14:48:58 | disruptek | i hate the idea of allowing functions to return `typeof(nil)` -- just one more dubious return value to worry about, and it breaks really simple code. |
14:49:43 | disruptek | what is the reason for supporting this? it was never an issue before, and a tighter spec that hurts (apparently only one developer) seems preferable. |
14:49:47 | lqdev[m] | wait, what |
14:49:54 | lqdev[m] | typeof(nil) even works!??? |
14:50:08 | disruptek | well, as of yesterday. |
14:50:16 | disruptek | https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/pull/12100 |
14:50:31 | lqdev[m] | damn. |
14:50:59 | disruptek | i'm not even sure $typeof(nil) == "typeof(nil)" makes sense. maybe that should be the result of `repr`, but probably not $. and it's clearly very breaking. |
14:51:38 | lqdev[m] | but seriously, what is the point of this |
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14:51:59 | lqdev[m] | even C doesn't have an abomination like this. |
14:52:01 | lqdev[m] | even C. |
14:52:26 | disruptek | i don't know. it seems like a mistake every which way i look at it. i think it's just about wanting to determine the return type of a void proc... or something. |
14:53:40 | lqdev[m] | by me, `nil` is understood to be just null pointer to `ref T`, meaning it does not initially have a type at all |
14:53:56 | disruptek | does this mean you can pass a void proc to a proc that takes a ref as an argument? |
14:54:11 | disruptek | yeah, it should be special and very limited in its use. |
14:54:43 | lqdev[m] | I'd think nil is only allowed in certain cases where its specialization can be inferred (eg. proc params, variables with explicit type) |
14:55:15 | lqdev[m] | s/explicit/known/ |
14:55:18 | Zevv | but what is the intention of this pr 12100 then, what is the *why*? |
14:55:38 | lqdev[m] | ↑ same here |
14:56:06 | lqdev[m] | the author doesn't really highlight it in the PR itself, only the changes |
14:56:17 | disruptek | this is just broken. you really can pass a void proc as a ref. |
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14:58:37 | disruptek | i really hope Araq just didn't take a very close look at this. |
14:59:58 | disruptek | it doesn't even compile some very simple stuff. |
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15:02:10 | disruptek | this doesn't compile: proc foo(): typeof(nil) = discard; echo $foo() |
15:02:49 | disruptek | this doesn't compile, but due to a stdlib error in tables: import json; proc foo(): typeof(nil) = discard; echo $foo() |
15:03:15 | Zevv | but what *is* supposed to compile with this then? what is it trying to do? |
15:05:15 | disruptek | just this: proc foo(): typeof(nil) = discard; echo typeof(foo) |
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15:07:42 | disruptek | you know what's really funny? |
15:08:02 | Zevv | no clue? |
15:08:09 | disruptek | that program doesn't even produce output. |
15:08:22 | disruptek | not even a newline. |
15:08:59 | disruptek | this just proves my age-old mantra: |
15:09:07 | disruptek | write as much code as you want while stoned, |
15:09:10 | disruptek | but only commit sober. |
15:10:41 | Zevv | its interpreted as http://ix.io/1TZw |
15:11:19 | disruptek | oh, you're right. 🙄 |
15:11:28 | Zevv | its funny. I did a *tiny* PR some time ago for insert(s: string, c: char, offset: int) |
15:11:45 | Zevv | it got completely bikeshedded away by a lot of people because everone understands what its supposed to do |
15:12:01 | disruptek | i remember that. |
15:12:04 | Zevv | first I had to rewrite it 5 times, then it didn't get in :) |
15:12:29 | Zevv | and then something cryptic as this: everybody just shrugs like "Wel, I dunno so its probably ok" |
15:13:03 | disruptek | i spent an inordinate amount of time on literate scf, but it's in limbo because it doesn't belong in the compiler. |
15:13:28 | disruptek | which i don't disagree with, but i think i added only one word to the compiler source. |
15:13:43 | Zevv | what's scf? |
15:13:47 | disruptek | source code filter. |
15:13:57 | Zevv | ah right. |
15:14:17 | Zevv | yeah well. I just spend my time on my own code and only fix bugs that bite me personally in nim :/ |
15:14:42 | Zevv | I have to take peoples crap for work 5 days a week, so I don't do these things in my free time anymore |
15:14:43 | disruptek | like most of us. 😉 |
15:14:50 | Zevv | like most of us :) |
15:15:22 | Zevv | imagine guys like dom96, having spent *so* much time |
15:15:26 | Zevv | incredible |
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15:15:50 | disruptek | i did literate because i think it's a good contribution. i have plans for it, but it seems like a good little gift that could get in easily. |
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15:15:59 | Zevv | where's your PR? |
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15:16:55 | disruptek | https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/pull/11848 |
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15:18:00 | Zevv | need to do some cooking and stuff, but will go throught that. cool! |
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15:27:29 | disruptek | this is neat: https://github.com/lumen/lumen -- wasm backend for BEAM |
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16:10:55 | federico3 | exelotl: thanks |
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16:33:39 | lqdev[m] | do you think that 256 fields is a good limit on the amount of object fields? I can't imagine anyone going above that. |
16:35:25 | FromDiscord_ | <Shield> is that a limitation in C? why would Nim have it? |
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16:45:11 | lqdev[m] | I'm asking because I'm writing a VM |
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17:30:25 | Zevv | lqdev[m]: i dont think ive ever seen human written code with so many fields, but with generated code you never know what people will make up one day :) |
17:31:02 | lqdev[m] | I mean, I don't think anyone will ever generate code with rod as a target ;) |
17:31:29 | lqdev[m] | it's only supposed to be a small language after all, written specifically for use with Nim so the audience shouldn't be that big. |
17:39:16 | FromGitter | <mratsim> even 32-64 sounds reasonable |
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17:51:54 | disruptek | seems like a strange thing to use to limit the audience. |
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18:10:40 | Zevv | lqdev[m]: what causes the limitation then? Your word size? can't you make that configuratble so you can change it later without too much hassle? |
18:12:23 | lqdev[m] | the limitation is caused by my bytecode representation, it's roughly `[opcPushF|opcPopF] [field ID]`, where each pair of brackets represents 1 byte |
18:13:04 | lqdev[m] | I can increase the limit by changing the second byte to be two bytes making a 16-bit value, but I think 65536 fields is really overkill |
18:19:09 | Zevv | Well if you ever need it you can add [opcPushF2|opcPopF2] [Field ID16] |
18:21:53 | Zevv | oh that would be [opcPushF2|opcPopF2] [Field ID High] [Fild ID Low] of course, with [bytes] |
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18:44:34 | lqdev[m] | I'll see if anyone ever hits that limitation, I highly doubt that, though. |
18:45:24 | lqdev[m] | Nim objects are going to be bound in a hack-ish way where all the public fields of an object are transformed into rod getters and setters |
18:45:35 | lqdev[m] | so it's not gonna be a problem there |
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18:47:01 | lqdev[m] | distuptek: I don't limit the audience in any way, I'm just pointing out the facts (Nim's userbase isn't as big as most of other languages, and rod is probably never going to be used by many people) |
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19:27:49 | shashlick | @lqdev wish you had made rod look more like Nim |
19:28:59 | lqdev[m] | doesn't it already look like Nim enough? |
19:31:30 | shashlick | {} |
19:31:49 | lqdev[m] | aah |
19:31:58 | lqdev[m] | it's mainly because I wanted a simple parser |
19:32:02 | shashlick | -> |
19:32:29 | lqdev[m] | -> is a change I introduced because it looked better with braces |
19:34:10 | shashlick | Any reason why you created a new lang instead of enhancing nimscript |
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19:50:43 | Zevv | because he can! |
20:03:19 | Zevv | is there a stdlib function for finding the position of an item in a seq? Something like `indexof(@["one","two","three"], "two")` returning `1`? |
20:05:16 | lqdev[m] | Zevv: yes, see `system.find` |
20:06:11 | lqdev[m] | shashlick: because I don't want to pull in the source code of the entire Nim compiler into my codebase |
20:06:22 | lqdev[m] | I want something small and simple |
20:06:27 | lqdev[m] | and as Zevv said, because I can. |
20:07:09 | Zevv | lqdev[m]: thanks. I was expecting that in sequtils |
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20:38:59 | shashlick | Well so the question is whether you need the full compiler or just the parser and vm |
20:39:40 | shashlick | And if not, can we get it to that point - getting the vm working at runtime will be awesome |
20:40:16 | disruptek | that would be a big deal. |
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21:03:02 | FromGitter | <mratsim> But it does? |
21:03:16 | FromGitter | <mratsim> isn't there a `import compiler/eval` or something to do that |
21:04:52 | shashlick | Meh you are right, that's what nimble did with nimscript |
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21:05:27 | shashlick | But it did pull in a lot of code and took a while to compile |
21:06:42 | shashlick | Perhaps if it could be reduced but i don't know |
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22:01:29 | FromGitter | <awr1> @lqdev[m] i've seen objects with a large amount of fields in certain arenas |
22:01:35 | FromGitter | <awr1> also @zevv |
22:01:45 | FromGitter | <awr1> for instance as procedure tables |
22:01:47 | FromGitter | <awr1> https://github.com/zeux/volk/blob/master/volk.h#L97 |
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22:20:04 | Zevv | true, true |
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23:14:59 | luis_ | hi all, how is the easiest way of printing a float only up to the second decimal? |
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23:45:14 | shashlick | https://nim-lang.org/docs/strutils.html#formatFloat%2Cfloat%2CFloatFormatMode%2Crange%5B%5D%2CChar |
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23:52:55 | * | Hideki joined #nim |
23:57:08 | * | Hideki quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) |