<< 31-08-2019 >>

00:10:00*laaron quit (Remote host closed the connection)
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00:37:30owl_000`echo fmt("Circumference : {here:.2f}, Radius : {r}", 2 * PI * r)` how to move `2 * PI * r` in `{here}`
00:47:06owl_000i fixed it, `echo fmt("Circumference : {2*PI*float(r):.2f}, Radius : {r}")`
01:26:52FromGitter<awr1> hm interesting
01:26:53FromGitter<awr1> https://twitter.com/steveklabnik/status/1167241262531076096
01:27:11FromGitter<awr1> the linux kernel might be getting an optional C+rust build
01:36:30*ng0_ joined #nim
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01:49:43owl_000*victory* today i have completed tut 1. though i skipped some parts. but tut 2 seems just summary and difficult too.
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03:03:51FromGitter<Obround> How do you make a dispatch map with a proc that has an argument running on genrics? I've tried this, but it does not work: ⏎ ⏎ ```code paste, see link``` [https://gitter.im/nim-lang/Nim?at=5d69e3972efeca1df524fbf9]
03:05:07FromGitter<Obround> How do you make a dispatch map with a proc that has an argument running on genrics? I've tried this, but it does not work: ⏎ ⏎ ```code paste, see link``` [https://gitter.im/nim-lang/Nim?at=5d69e3e35b9a174fdf0c6be8]
03:08:22*theelous3 quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
03:23:00FromGitter<awr1> the generic parameter needs to be decided up front, you can't have a table with procs of potentially different signatures
03:28:32FromGitter<awr1> to my knowledge you can't pass generic procs as callbacks
03:29:01FromGitter<awr1> the closest thing you will find in the stdlib is something like https://nim-lang.org/docs/sequtils.html#filter.i%2CopenArray%5BT%5D%2Cproc%28T%29
03:29:27FromGitter<awr1> where the proc intakes generic argument T, but the proc itself is not a generic
03:30:31FromGitter<awr1> you can do something like `var dispatch_map = initOrderedTablestring, factorial[int ().type]()` but that only gets you halfway
03:30:42FromGitter<Obround> Ok...
03:31:21FromGitter<Obround> Hmm...
03:32:36FromGitter<awr1> the only way you could concievably do it IMO is with proc literals
03:32:40FromGitter<awr1> i.e. lambdas
03:32:58*Hideki quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
03:33:50FromGitter<Obround> Ok, thanks :)
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04:24:06owlwNim only for windows gui frame work, it takes little bit longer time to compile than Nigui, much shorter than `ui`. exe size 300-400kb, upx compressed 100kb-200kb. little bit difficult than nigui. but it is whole GUI framework for windows. all common widgets are available. only for windows
04:25:49owlall the examples use many icon(png) files. but a bare bone hello world is around 198kb, upx- 79kb.
04:27:37owlwhy i focus on small exe, because i believe small exe is a feature of nim (which other lacks).
04:28:52FromGitter<gogolxdong> register works , anyone can log on with his own account.
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06:30:28adeohluwai'm back!
06:30:44adeohluwalike a spinal cord
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07:50:39FromGitter<mratsim> @Obround callbacks are concrete types with an address, generics only live in the compiler, so you can only store instantiated generics like @awr1 said
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07:57:36*Vladar joined #nim
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08:49:20livcdgogolxdong hmmmm
08:54:27livcdgogolxdong: I was afraid you already executed my startup idea damn!
08:59:33FromGitter<gogolxdong> haha, then it's for you. :)
08:59:59livcdBut can you explain a bit what it is ? Is this a hobby or part of what you do at your company ?
09:00:06livcdYou were also hiring few months ago if I am not mistaken
09:01:38FromGitter<gogolxdong> It's our company production.
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09:02:21FromGitter<gogolxdong> I was hired two years ago to work at this company.
09:05:35livcdWhat should be the main product?
09:10:16FromGitter<gogolxdong> Two productions by far are both cloud relevant.
09:12:15livcdI still dont know what it is though :D what you are doing
09:12:15FromGitter<gogolxdong> CMP is Cross-Cloud Management Platform and Cloudfast is about cloud interconnection, both in Nim.
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10:25:13*owl quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
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13:52:48FromGitter<sheerluck> hi all. I have ```type Dollars* = distinct float``` I cannot ```echo 25.Dollars``` bc I don't have neither `$` nor strVal. How do I write body of proc `$`(x: Dollars): string = ?????
13:53:40narimiranuse `{.borrow.}`? see the examples here: https://nim-lang.github.io/Nim/manual.html#distinct-type-modelling-currencies
13:55:15FromGitter<sheerluck> @narimiran Thank you, it works! ^_^
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14:13:28Zevvyou still here narimiran?
14:13:41narimiranaaaa, thanks for the reminder :) :)
14:13:49Zevvoh no not even that :)
14:14:11ZevvI'm looking for someone to shed some light over a funny API i just figured out, but I'm wondering if it is valid, common or just a hack?
14:14:28Zevvhttp://ix.io/1TUi look at the line peg(...)
14:15:25narimirani've never seen something like that :)
14:15:28Zevvafter some refactoring I found that I lost all typedescs from my code, and this works. It looks kind of funny but it does seem an appropriate construct
14:16:16Zevvthe macro itself just expects an nnkExprColonExpr and picks it apart into identifier and type-describing nimnode
14:16:32disruptekthat's what nim's about; nothing hackish here.
14:16:50disruptekinvent your own semantics given remotely sensible syntax.
14:16:56Zevvwell, then I'll keep it in, I kind of like it. Thanks for the feedback
14:17:15disruptekjust document it. ;-)
14:17:38Zevvyeah you can't tell from the macro signature what is supposed to go in, but it's always like that with macros
14:17:53ZevvI got a ton of new features in npeg, I think I'll drop a 1.0 in the near future.
14:19:00disruptekmakes sense, it's a great contribution.
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14:37:36Zevvstupid question: I have a library consisting of a number of modules. My top level module gets all the documentation and exports a few types that are defined in one of the submodules. How can I still add this type to the generated docs?
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14:47:02disruptekactually, that seems like a great question, especially as you extend it to objects that you may want to document though they are constructed/wrapped by libraries.
14:47:27disruptekdid you try to document the `export` statement?
14:47:35Zevvexactly. And I can't move the type definition to toplevel because it is needed and imported by a lot of modules
14:47:38Zevvoh no let me see
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14:48:10Zevvno luck
14:48:34disruptekthe site of the typedef... you tried documenting it there, right?
14:48:39Zevvwell, nevermind. The module docs are obligatory stuff, I just refer to the README as this will never all fit in here.
14:50:19disruptekfeels like we want a pragma that toggles exposure of exported symbol docs.
14:52:18ZevvWell, if the symbol is explictly exported maybe doc could reduce that is the right thing to do?
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14:54:04disruptekif the modules are perfectly encapsulated, sure.
14:55:32disrupteknot sure we have a way to document, say, a ffi function that we prototype but don't define in our code. adding docs to an export statement could do that.
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14:58:42disruptekalso, you might want to override the docs of a type you are exporting in order to provide better context. maybe a macro could implement this.
14:59:24Zevvprobably no single one best solution here
15:00:10disruptekcould be we need a compiler hook and then everything can work with a similarly simple semantic.
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16:44:42rayman22201A similar problem happened for the docs when os.nim in the stdlib got split into sub modules. I don't know if we ever figured out a fix 😕
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16:57:00adeohluwareturns an error
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16:58:08adeohluwahtmlbeast.nim (282,17) undeclared identifier: addTimer
16:59:55adeohluwahttpbeast.nim (282,17) undeclared identifier: addTimer
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17:03:37Zevvthis dude with the sunglasses on the forum, I don't know what to make of him
17:04:17Zevvadeohluwa: please provide more context. "jester returns an error" is not something we can reproduce to help you
17:04:25narimirandon't ever trust people who wear sunglasses indoors!!
17:04:40narimiran(i'm browsing forum indoors)
17:04:47adeohluwa@Zevv sorry i got disconnected
17:04:48Zevvplease be precesie, ideally provide a complete working piece of code that we can run that shows this error
17:04:48adeohluwahttpbeast.nim (282,17) undeclared identifier: addTimer
17:04:52Zevvadeohluwa: np :)
17:04:55adeohluwagot it
17:05:11Zevvnarimiran: yeah, you're right, it's the *sunglasses* that is my problem
17:05:17narimiran:D :D
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17:05:49adeohluwa@Zevv running the basic hello world example on github using htmlgen
17:06:48adeohluwa@Zevv running the basic hello world example on github using htmlgen
17:06:48Zevvadeohluwa: ok, I just confirmed that that works for me, latest jester and latest nim. What versions are you using?
17:07:03adeohluwarunning it on android
17:07:15ZevvWell, there you have some interesting info
17:07:34adeohluwalatest jester
17:07:37adeohluwalatest nim
17:08:44Zevvwell, indeed, in the selectors code I can see this is not supported on android
17:08:47Zevvdon't know *why* though
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17:10:00ZevvI think android support does not get much love these days, and termux is a bit the odd one out, as it is neither android nor linux, but a bit of both
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17:25:54alexander92working with docker is fun ..
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17:27:44alexander92actually in a good sense
17:37:37livcdi dont see any benefit
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17:44:49alexander92a bit easier to run tests in a "cleaned up" env
17:45:10alexander92maybe nix is a better idea for that indeed
17:45:27alexander92but it's not really addressing this actually: only repr
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17:52:37taneare there ways to set a sequence's capacity after construction, i.e. not using newSeqOfCap
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17:56:38FromDiscord_<Shield> recently I've learned about docker cross compilation toolchain, it that easy to playw with? I want to try some android stuff too
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19:18:16lqdev[m]is there a way of running two tasks in parallel using async/await? or do I have to use threads?
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19:23:34FromGitter<awr1> a matter of which i've been perpetually confused w/r/t nim is whether `string` or `seq[byte]` should be used for binary data, b/c i feel like i've seen both
19:24:49FromGitter<awr1> and nim, to my knowledge, doesn't offer easy transitions between the two, requiring a copy-out or pointer-hackery that doesn't come bundled in the stdlib
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19:30:44rayman22201@lqdev[m] async == concurrency, threads == parallelism. They are used for different things. I really need to finish that tutorial I started writing about this...
19:31:15rayman22201@awr1: good question. seq[byte] makes more sense to me semantically, but I also have seen both, so idk...
19:31:22FromGitter<awr1> also unrelated: why does the stdlib have seperate type definitions for ref types? like `TableRef`? what's wrong with just using `ref Table`?
19:46:56*actuallybatman joined #nim
19:49:10disruptekawr1: well, it's buggy, for one thing.
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19:57:18shashlick@Shield look at nightlies
19:57:41shashlickWe use docker for creating Linux as well as arm binaries
19:58:08disruptekwhat's shakin', shashlick?
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20:03:12FromDiscord_<aolko> so guys
20:03:23FromDiscord_<aolko> what about that jetbrains nim plugin?
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20:12:06disrupteksounds like a solid first project for you.
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20:16:34shashlickChilling out @disruptek, long weekend, family visiting, etc
20:16:57disruptekjust in time to go back to work. 😉
20:17:20shashlickMy backlog is out of control
20:17:26shashlickBut eh
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20:18:26disruptekawr1: btw, this is the thread i was ref'ing wrt `ref`: https://forum.nim-lang.org/t/5130
20:23:01shashlickIt's like depth first all the time - enhance nimterop so that I can get nimarchive done so that choosenim can support 7z and xz natively so that we can get rid of the duplicate xz and zip files being posted today
20:23:57FromDiscord_<aolko> yeah right, except i ain't a jetbrains plugin dev 👌
20:24:42disruptekyeah, like sysadmin work. many layers of onion.
20:24:56disruptekit all makes me cry.
20:25:06ZevvWow, once more I find an amazing Nim package I never heard about. We *really* need a proper 'recommended' list.
20:25:21disruptekwhat is it?
20:25:33disruptekah yeah.
20:28:48disruptekanything in the `important packages` list, i guess.
20:31:18Zevvyeah, I was just going from the top of the list to see what else I miss out on
20:31:52FromGitter<awr1> https://github.com/VPashkov/awesome-nim
20:32:40FromGitter<awr1> @disruptek how is ref alias buggy there?
20:33:33disruptekusing `ref Foo` doesn't work while using `type FooRef = ref Foo` does.
20:34:02FromGitter<awr1> is there a minimal example of this not working
20:34:23disrupteki think mratsim said he couldn't seem to reproduce it with a more minimal example.
20:34:34FromGitter<awr1> the OP in the thread said using the alias didn't fix anything
20:36:59disruptekright, i misremembered.
20:39:10FromGitter<awr1> i'll take your word for it and assume that there is a bug with it, although stylistically i'm still not certain why we have ref aliases everywhere. i can sorta get it if you don't want the root type to be public, but still
20:40:02disrupteki think it's mostly irrelevant now due to changes in the compiler.
20:41:00disruptekthe bug is apparently with a `ref Db` return type; changing it to return `Db` fixed it. i don't understand why; that's why i'm calling it a bug.
20:42:50disruptekhonestly, i can't imagine a scenario that should yield the runtime behavior and yet shouldn't fail during compilation.
20:47:16FromDiscord_<Shield> is there a string and seq library that works with pointers and compatible with the normal string and seq?
20:48:45lqdev[m]rayman22201: I'm talking about two blocking tasks running both at the same task. is that possible?
20:52:41disrupteklqdev[m]: it is with threads.
20:52:44rayman22201async lets you run a non-blocking task while another blocking task is blocked. Threads will let you run two blocking tasks at the same time. Note, that each thread will block when it hits it's own blocking operation.
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20:57:02rayman22201That being said, you can use this: https://nim-lang.github.io/Nim/asyncfutures.html#and%2CFuture%5BT%5D%2CFuture%5BY%5D
20:57:21rayman22201which isn't actually parallel, but simpler and might be good enough
21:03:44lqdev[m]nope, this won't do, I already tried
21:03:49lqdev[m]what about coroutines?
21:04:23lqdev[m]I know they're experimental and such, but all I'm doing is a simple hobby project so it's not a problem
21:04:52rayman22201Don't use them. They are super not supported.
21:04:58rayman22201Use threadpools
21:05:12rayman22201code for coro hasn't been touched in a long time
21:05:42rayman22201Or Yuri's threadpools, which are a bit better than the std lib version: https://github.com/yglukhov/threadpools
21:08:21FromGitter<awr1> if you're pining for the future, idk if you've seen picasso yet
21:08:22lqdev[m]`'readChars' is not GC-safe as it performs an indirect call here [GcUnsafe2]` how can I get around this? I need to pass things around with callbacks. I guess channels?
21:09:39lqdev[m]ah, `They are unstable when used with spawn`
21:09:55rayman22201use FlowVars
21:10:04rayman22201it's like a Future, but for threadpools
21:11:54lqdev[m]okay, I think I know what to do next
21:17:33FromGitter<Obround> how do you run Nim code without creating a new file and running it? Something like python's `exec`?
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21:29:24shashlickNim is compiled, not interpreted so that's not possible
21:30:17shashlickAlso, the nim vm which is used at compile time and could potentially do that isn't available at run time so
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21:48:39Araqhuh? you can import the compiler as a library
21:53:37lqdev[m]hmm, I think I'll have to resort to using normal threads since I need to have a proc with a while true loop that continuously does the blocking operation and reports back when there's an event
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21:57:06rayman22201ah, ok. Regular thread + channels or shared memory with a lock is the way to go for that.
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22:02:38Araqhttps://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/pull/12022 it's green!
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22:48:14FromGitter<awr1> @Obround maybe it's a false memory but I think there is something in the compiler that take nim code as stdin? or something to that effect? i don't *quite* remember
22:50:19FromGitter<awr1> i think the functionality for getting the compiler to work on modules in a "file-less" way is already there, probably for `nim secret`
22:50:33FromGitter<awr1> maybe i'm wrong
22:53:12FromGitter<awr1> i think this stuff will become more concrete once the notion of a REPL in Nim becomes more properly codified, whether it's building upon `nim secret` or leveraging `nimhcr`
22:56:24FromGitter<awr1> right now using nimscript in an app is a cool idea that needs a better interface
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23:17:47*endragor quit (Remote host closed the connection)
23:32:19*wildtrees quit (Quit: Leaving)
23:47:20FromGitter<Obround> Hmm
23:47:36FromGitter<Obround> Can `nim secret` be used from the program?
23:49:40FromGitter<awr1> you can try. but like i said the ability to integrate the compiler into other apps needs work
23:50:30FromGitter<Obround> Ok.
23:55:37*junland quit (Quit: %ZNC Disconnected%)
23:59:22*junland joined #nim