<< 01-12-2019 >>

00:00:01*junland quit (Quit: %ZNC Disconnected%)
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00:04:38FromDiscord_<mratsim> you can cast[string](yourSeqChar)
00:04:53FromDiscord_<mratsim> it has the same representation, the GC will not get lost in translation
00:09:28*smitop joined #nim
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00:11:46minierollsI noticed that "nimble install" compiles a debug version of the project
00:11:53minierollsis there a way to get it to compile a release version instead
00:13:13shashlickNimble install should be creating a -d:release version
00:13:59minierollsinteresting.. when I ran the nimble install version of my project, debugEcho was still printing
00:15:08FromDiscord_<mratsim> debugEcho always print, what it does is not causing issue with func / {.nosideeffect.} tag
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00:16:54minierollsAh I see, I guess I misunderstood some parts of debugEcho
00:16:56minierollsThank you!
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01:34:01disruptek0.0.24 nimph add araq's 🔱
01:34:08disruptekfree releases for everyone!
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01:50:21FromDiscord_<treeform> Wow I got to step up my game with nimby.
01:51:58disrupteknah, come to the dark side. we'll do lockfiles tomorrow.
01:52:49disruptekiirc, most of your nimby opinions are the same as mine. i just wanted more portability to nimble projects.
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03:19:44furrywhat up my nimmas
03:19:50furrythese are real nimma hours
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03:34:48FromDiscord_<yewpad> what's all about this nimby and nimph talk?
03:35:35FromDiscord_<yewpad> nimby is a package manager, gotcha
03:37:51FromDiscord_<yewpad> and nimph is also a package manager? ok, we're gonna have a nim package manager fight pretty soon I think. Making Nimble competition huh
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04:19:37madpropshow can i init a seq and add some values in the same line?
04:20:19nisstyremadprops: let foo : seq[int] = @[1,2,3]
04:28:15*abm quit (Quit: Leaving)
04:55:02FromDiscord_<yewpad> Even simpler: let foo = @[1,2,3]
04:55:14*narimiran joined #nim
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05:54:41FromGitter<bung87> what happened to List Comprehension?
05:55:25narimirannow it is a nimble package
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06:04:59Araqbung87: also try the new sugar.collect macro
06:05:13Araqwhich is our replacement for list comprehensions
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06:08:01FromGitter<bung87> nimble install "https://github.com/nim-lang/graveyard?subdir=lc" ⏎ Downloading https://github.com/nim-lang/graveyard using git (subdir is 'lc') ⏎ ⏎ ```code paste, see link``` [https://gitter.im/nim-lang/Nim?at=5de358c11659720ca8d9d886]
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06:10:29FromGitter<bung87> @Araq ok, I checked it 's list in devel doc.
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07:23:04FromGitter<bung87> (https://files.gitter.im/nim-lang/Nim/Pm7c/Screenshot-2019-12-01-at-3.22.49-PM.png)
07:23:30FromGitter<bung87> am I missing something why 0.18.1
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07:29:42FromDiscord_<Rika> check your path
07:30:08narimirannah, it was a problem on our end, should be fixed now
07:30:16FromDiscord_<Rika> 🤔
07:30:24FromDiscord_<Rika> interesting, what was the issue
07:30:37narimirani half-assed moving `lc` to graveyard :)
07:30:49narimirani forgot it needs `lc.nimble`
07:32:06FromGitter<bung87> seems choosenim not propertly release 0.5.0 , it just release git archives.
07:33:15FromGitter<bung87> (https://files.gitter.im/nim-lang/Nim/aFaw/Screenshot-2019-12-01-at-3.33.04-PM.png)
07:42:35FromGitter<bung87> @narimiran I sent feedback to you
07:44:40sealmovecan I make a NimNode representing a reference type by something like `ident("ref myType")`?
07:44:51sealmoveor do I need to construct it?
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08:00:00*gmpreussner quit (Quit: kthxbye)
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08:05:30AraqnewTree(nnkRefTy, ident"myType")
08:07:38FromDiscord_<Rika> anything for unzipping/decompressing any generic zip file in nim? or do i have to use a c library
08:12:47Araq!github zip
08:12:48disbothttps://github.com/juancarlospaco/biblioteca-guarrilla -- 11Simple web to share books, Calibre, Jester, Spectre CSS, No JavaScript, WebP & ZIP to reduce bandwidth 8 5⭐15 0🍴
08:13:43Araqnimble search zip
08:13:53Araq!nimble search zip
08:14:03Araq!search zip
08:14:04disbothttps://github.com/Beamdog/nwsync/issues/1 -- 3Dependency zip - Build issue @11WilliamDraco 7& 29 more...
08:14:30Araqdisbot is weird, so type in 'nimble search zip' for yourself
08:17:25*matic joined #nim
08:21:13maticmratsim: I have not solved it, can you help? https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=23eA
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08:29:33madpropsany tips on how to generate an object/table of a filesystem. For instance if I have a path, I want to gather every file inside it, including directories and their contents, all of it ??
08:29:53madpropsright now im recursively traversing through it and printing stuff along the way
08:30:11madpropsbut since i have to scan files multiple times, it's not very efficient
08:30:35madpropsso im thinking of having the full representation first, and then print using that
08:42:19madpropsoh guess walkdirRec would give me all the paths i need
08:43:00madpropsbut maybe i should turn it into some structure to use later on
08:43:22madpropsor just analyze the strings on the go
08:58:45FromDiscord_<spacepluk> hi 🖖
09:07:08*dwdv joined #nim
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09:49:06FromDiscord_<mratsim> hi
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09:55:58FromDiscord_<Rika> hello
10:12:56matic@mratsim: I have not solved it, can you help? https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=23eA
10:29:48solitudesfmatic, https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=23gX
10:32:07maticsolitudesf: Excellent, thanks. Why does it work this way, can you explain please?
10:35:07FromGitter<bung87> @Araq is it possible to make nim target typescript or build js module ?
10:37:42*Perkol quit (Quit: Leaving)
10:40:26solitudesfmatic, you use size in quote do, so it get injected literally, but there is not size symbol where you instantiate the macro. use --expandMacro for debugging.
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10:43:10maticsolitudesf: Ahh, now I get it. Weird that I didn't notice these things, thanks. Never knew about '--expandMacro', Nim is getting big.
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10:58:17Araqbung87: via .emit and .exportc it should be possible but it's usually best to keep your main in Nim and import from JS/TS what you need
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11:14:48FromGitter<bung87> @Araq using .exportc I have function name without modified, I will check .emit later, I just trying make a tiny js module, write it in Nim to make it more readable and maintainable
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12:18:14Araqclyybber, I fixed the bug, see my pR
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12:19:19FromDiscord_<jbr93> Has anyone been able to get `ui` working on MacOS? I made an issue but there doesn't seem to be a solution
12:20:37Araqjbr93: iirc the examples worked for me on OSX
12:21:01Araqwithout any trouble
12:21:10clyybberAraq: I see, I fixed it the same way I think, except that I didn't call genSink directly
12:21:31clyybberAny reason why we don't use moveOrCopy there?
12:23:06*matic quit (Quit: Leaving)
12:28:02FromDiscord_<jbr93> I'll pull down and try again. This is the issue: https://github.com/nim-lang/ui/issues/11
12:29:07Araqclyybber, dunno, I used the logic for nkCallKinds
12:29:17FromDiscord_<Lantos> @pmunch just watched the video on metaprograming you did at FOSDEM. Nice job do you have a youtube page that you upload to?
12:29:25Araqand promptly got biten by p vs pArg again
12:30:26Araqlibui on OSX does not use gtk3 anyway iirc
12:30:36AraqI've no idea what you're doing
12:31:31clyybberAraq: The problem with unifying pArg and p is that we will still have to have a parameter `behaveLikeParg: bool` or someting like that
12:31:33Araqclyybber, moveOrCopy takes a destination when we move nkConv we don't have a destination ready so we need pArg
12:31:54Araqwe already have the 'isSink' parameter and 'consumed'
12:32:06clyybberYeah, they should be merged in some way, no?
12:32:34Araqhere is what all the other code generators do:
12:33:00Araqproc gen(c; n: PNode; dest: T) # dest can be 'nil' or -1 if we don't have a destination to bind the expression to
12:33:30Araqand I don't see why injectdestructors cannot use the same pattern
12:34:24clyybberOk, I'm gonna try that today.
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12:44:02*tane quit (Quit: Leaving)
12:53:39dom961.0.4 missing +x on nimble binary? https://github.com/dom96/choosenim/issues/147
12:53:44dom96CC Araq narimiran
12:56:52FromGitter<bung87> https://github.com/bung87/datetime_parse/blob/63a8f91f4b9342325f0c5d7cf4623ced85a52fc7/src/datetime_parse.nim#L116 does this worth something,? after done it I have no idea now...
12:59:22*endragor joined #nim
13:00:06FromGitter<bung87> (https://files.gitter.im/nim-lang/Nim/EzvX/Screenshot-2019-12-01-at-8.59.53-PM.png)
13:03:37Araqdom96, no idea, everything is automated
13:04:54dom96hrm, it could actually be due to the change in the way choosenim extracts the tarball :/
13:06:14Araqin fact, I wrote a Nim program to automate these things further :P
13:06:38Zevvpfff, don't you automate the writing of your Nim programs?
13:07:42Araqthat's mratsim's task
13:08:03Araqwe'll use his deep learning framework for automated compiler development
13:08:55Zevvyeah, every programmar once came up with this great idea: "if only I had to write the tests and the program wrote itself"
13:09:17Zevvimagine the monstrosities that thing would come up with to satisfy your tests criteria
13:09:34FromGitter<alehander92> i seriously planned simple version of it
13:09:40FromGitter<alehander92> as you can imagine
13:09:48FromGitter<alehander92> with many of the comp sci bad ideas
13:12:38Araq"Test a VM relative jump with an offset larger then 32767 instructions."
13:13:07Zevvwhat about it
13:13:33Araqit inspires me for a new Nim slogan
13:13:51Araq"Nim will eat any shit without complaining"
13:14:00Zevvit should
13:14:38Zevvbut cmon, a vm limited to 32K instructions. even my AppleII could jump further then that
13:15:03Araqit's limited to 32K instructions *per proc*
13:15:11Zevvsee if I care :)
13:15:27AraqI like the fact that we're getting more registers
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13:15:32Araqthe jumps don't concern me
13:15:58ZevvWell, I'm not really *concerned*, but it is just something I ran into, which is just as easily solved.
13:16:51ZevvBut there's a tradeoff to be made. The new room in the instruction could also be used or an additional opcode register, some things could do with a regD I guess
13:17:08Zevvbut if they are all scaled up to 16 bits, adding that will no longer fit
13:20:47*endragor quit (Remote host closed the connection)
13:21:11Araqvery few opcodes have the need for regD, bad tradeoff
13:21:22Araq16 bit register indexes make sense to me
13:22:45Zevvquickly, merge the PR before krux02 sees it then
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13:53:18maticI have a signature: "proc `[]=`*(self: var Memory, address: MemoryRegion, values: openarray[uint8])", then I use "mem[50] = [0x01, 0x02]", it throws a array type mismatch error.
13:54:29maticThen I tried creating a converter that would convert array[int] to array[uint8], but it doesn't get used. Is there an way to implicitly convert array[int] to array[uint8]?
13:57:43FromDiscord_<Rika> cant just append 0x01 with .uint8?
13:58:25maticRika: Is that the only way?
13:59:46maticI'll probably use that, but I already had many occasion where I forgot.
14:00:14FromDiscord_<Rika> overload the []= proc which uses sequtils mapIt or something?
14:00:52maticRight, excellent. Thanks!
14:01:12solitudesfyou should really just annotate the first element with explicit type suffix
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14:03:34maticsolitudesf: I try, but I forget a lot of times.
14:03:44solitudesfcompiler errors gonna remind you
14:10:19FromDiscord_<Rika> now that i read my message again, im surprised you understood what i meant
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14:24:36disruptekAraq: try !help
14:25:11disrupteki would add a nimble package search but it'd be good money after bad.
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14:27:59FromDiscord_<Generic> matic: converting array[int] to array[uint8] is not trivial, because they are quite distinct
14:28:35FromDiscord_<Generic> matic: if you're on a 64-bit system each entry in a array[int] is 8-bytes long while each array[uint8] entry is one byte long
14:28:42FromDiscord_<Generic> you can't just them on top of each other
14:29:15FromDiscord_<Generic> their value range is also different
14:29:26FromDiscord_<jbr93> Araq, I just updated the dependencies and still can't get it to compile. I am running `nim c -r examples/controlgallery.nim` to try. Is that the wrong command?
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15:18:44lqdev[m]leorize: trying out nvim with your nim.nvim plugin, so far it looks quite good
15:20:28disruptekshould there be a way to break from a block and assign an expression value to the block at the same time?
15:27:11FromDiscord_<onelivesleft> does the person who runs `nimble.directory` frequent here? it needs 1.0.4 installed...
15:32:51disrupteksealmove: my use-case is that i have a template that i want to be able to return from, or set a value of the block.
15:34:01disruptekjust wanted to avoid a procedure if there wasn't a semantic reason to have one. i just dunno if it's a limitation of syntax or semantics.
15:34:21sealmovei've considered this problem before
15:34:29sealmovei made a macro for that
15:34:36sealmovebut it didn't work very well so I dropped it
15:35:00federico3onelivesleft: why?
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15:35:55sealmovedisruptek: https://github.com/sealmove/ease
15:36:23sealmoveit's a very bad repo, but what you are describing is the idea of "anonymous" macro in this repo
15:36:27sealmoveit might help
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15:37:43disruptekthanks, i will mull it over. 😊
15:40:13FromDiscord_<onelivesleft> @federico3 because it doesn't have it
15:40:23federico3it's staying on 1.02
15:40:45FromDiscord_<onelivesleft> well, that sucks for anything that depends on 1.0.4 :/
15:41:06federico3there are minor bugfixes in 1.0.4
15:41:26FromDiscord_<onelivesleft> register use got reworked
15:44:43FromDiscord_<onelivesleft> I know because my package works in 1.0.4 but not in 1.0.2
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16:05:38leorizelqdev[m]: \o/
16:09:49disruptekAraq: !package | !packages
16:09:52disruptek!package zip
16:10:32disruptek!package zip
16:11:05FromGitter<Willyboar> !repo zip
16:11:06disbothttps://github.com/juancarlospaco/biblioteca-guarrilla -- 11Simple web to share books, Calibre, Jester, Spectre CSS, No JavaScript, WebP & ZIP to reduce bandwidth 8 5⭐15 0🍴
16:11:15FromGitter<Willyboar> !repos zip
16:11:16disbothttps://github.com/juancarlospaco/biblioteca-guarrilla -- 11Simple web to share books, Calibre, Jester, Spectre CSS, No JavaScript, WebP & ZIP to reduce bandwidth 8 5⭐15 0🍴
16:11:29FromGitter<Willyboar> just one :)
16:12:11disruptekthis is weird.
16:12:43disruptekit works when i message the bot directly, but i get an async error otherwise.
16:14:52disruptek!package zip
16:14:53disbothttps://github.com/nim-lang/zip -- 9zip: 11A wrapper for the zip library
16:15:18disruptekmore async subtleties involving templates. lovely.
16:15:49federico3this is quite spammy. Can it reply in query instead?
16:16:07disruptekyeah, if you /msg it.
16:16:20federico3I mean always
16:16:29disruptekthe whole point is to share the result.
16:17:18*njoseph quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
16:29:54FromDiscord_<Rika> wtf when i searched github i didnt get that repo lmao
16:29:56FromDiscord_<Rika> thanks
16:32:25disruptekyeah; there are some differences in the github search.
16:33:38disruptekthe !package search looks at package names, keywords, the url, the description, etc. -- it should always find something. however, there's no scoring, so the first results "win". i guess i should add a result count.
16:37:17dom96!package dom96
16:37:18disbotno packages match 😢
16:37:51disruptekokay, it doesn't do substring matches or ego searches.
16:37:59disruptek!repos dom96/
16:38:00disbothttps://github.com/dom96/jester -- 11A sinatra-like web framework for Nim. 8 853⭐15 84🍴
16:38:00disbothttps://github.com/dom96/nimkernel -- 11A small kernel written in Nim 8 387⭐15 29🍴
16:38:00disbothttps://github.com/dom96/choosenim -- 11 8 207⭐ 20🍴 7& 27 more...
16:38:13dom96I was curious to see which of my packages it would pick
16:38:18dom96I wasn't doing an "ego search"
16:38:52disruptek!package https://github.com/dom96/jester
16:38:52disbothttps://github.com/dom96/jester -- 9jester: 11A sinatra-like web framework for Nim.
16:39:18disrupteki will add an author search. why not.
16:41:16clyybberAraq: I'll rebase the refactor upon your arc devel branch
16:43:21disruptek🎉0.0.25: ego searches for dom96 🧠
16:43:24disruptekreleases for everyone!
16:45:17disruptek!package picheta
16:45:18disbotno packages match 😢
16:45:29disruptekdisbot: stop breaking my balls.
16:45:30disboton it. 👍
16:46:01*Vladar quit (Quit: Leaving)
16:48:20disrupteklol there's no author field in the package file. 🙄
16:48:45disrupteki'll parse it outta the url for ya, dom.
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16:53:55disruptek!package dom96
16:53:55disbothttps://github.com/dom96/nim-opencv -- 9opencv: 11OpenCV wrapper
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17:18:08Zevvpfff, I shall from now on not publicize my AoC solutions on the day itself
17:18:27disruptekoh yeah?
17:20:44FromDiscord_<Rika> okay sorry for being pretty dumb but
17:21:13FromDiscord_<Rika> how do i set up github actions to build a library (nimble init then chose library)
17:21:23FromDiscord_<Rika> i guess the decomposition of this question is more like
17:21:31FromDiscord_<Rika> "how do i build a library"
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18:47:14Araqhmm does the raise statement consume its exception?
18:47:19AraqI guess it does...
18:50:43FromDiscord_<Winton> if you are interested in creating emulator server write me Java => Nim
18:50:58FromDiscord_<Winton> It is for a mmorpg game
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19:44:34FromGitter<deech> domhttps://nim-lang.org/dhttps://nim-lang.org/download/dlls.ziphttps://nim-lang.org/download/dlls.zipownload/dlls.zip
19:45:48FromGitter<deech> Sorry, @dom96 `choosenim` docs say that OpenSSL is a requirement but doesn't link to the DLL but the `nim` home page has pre-packaged them. Should the setup script just grab those and add them to path on Windows?
19:46:09FromGitter<deech> The link to
19:46:15FromGitter<deech> the packaged DLLS: https://nim-lang.org/download/dlls.zip
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19:59:56FromDiscord_<treeform> @Winton you are making a jvm in Nim?
20:03:13FromDiscord_<Winton> Emulator Server
20:04:22FromDiscord_<Winton> The emulator is written in Java smartfoxserver. the idea is that it promises us a lot and is a readable and clean language transcribes the code to Java > nim
20:05:10FromDiscord_<Winton> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/371759389889003532/650789502125604875/unknown.png
20:07:10FromDiscord_<Generic> so you want to translate java to nim?
20:07:15FromDiscord_<Winton> yes
20:07:24FromDiscord_<Winton> code
20:07:46FromDiscord_<Winton> I think the emulator would be faster
20:08:07FromDiscord_<Generic> so the code won't need any manual fix up?
20:08:13FromDiscord_<Winton> would be less line of code and faster
20:08:32FromDiscord_<Winton> @Generic no
20:08:38FromDiscord_<Generic> ah, ok
20:09:02FromDiscord_<Winton> is just pass code to nim and if you can improve ps do it with the code see how it works
20:09:12FromDiscord_<Generic> if yes I would have asked how you want to handle the std library
20:09:38FromDiscord_<Winton> I think it would be an advance to know the potential and share with others so you can visualize what we can achieve with nim
20:10:01FromDiscord_<Generic> you have to keep in mind
20:10:28FromDiscord_<Generic> that the jvm is remarkably fast
20:10:34FromDiscord_<Generic> the reason nim can be faster
20:10:49FromDiscord_<Generic> often lies in the fact that nim e.g. allows value types
20:11:13FromDiscord_<Winton> some friends built this in javascript and others in c #
20:11:44FromDiscord_<Generic> and how were the results?
20:12:17FromDiscord_<Winton> I think that nim as a new language can be given the opportunity for those who want to try and in the future the games can create their emulator server in nim since it offers better performance and rapid development
20:12:43FromDiscord_<Winton> the result is that the programmer already depends on what I earn c #
20:13:40FromDiscord_<Generic> is this about a specific game?
20:13:54FromDiscord_<Winton> Yes
20:13:54FromDiscord_<Generic> the only game I know which is written in Java is minecraft haha
20:13:55FromDiscord_<Winton> bro
20:33:20ZevvI probably miss something obvious again, but why is this ambigous? http://ix.io/23k9
20:33:48disruptekcannot dispatch on return type.
20:34:44Zevvsure, but it's potentially ambigious at call time, but not when these are defined: what if I wnated to call `parse[int]("42")`
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20:37:50ZevvI have this thing with generics: 99% of the times I type the right thing and stuff just flows as it should go
20:38:13disruptekyou're right, i use this pattern myself.
20:38:30Zevvand every now and then I just bump as a complete moron, and I just *can not* understand what I'm doing wrong
20:38:52Zevvbump into a wall, that is
20:39:07disruptekthere are a lot of issues like that with inheritance because sometimes it just doesn't work, inexplicably.
20:39:20disruptekbut this is the same as parseEnum afaict.
20:39:24Zevvyeah, I learned just not to use inheritence
20:39:51Zevvbut I'm sure I used similar things like his before, so am I just doing something stupid here?
20:40:13disrupteksee also this lil gem: https://github.com/disruptek/jsonconvert/blob/master/jsonconvert.nim
20:40:34clyybberlook at sigmatch.nim, then you'll know why its a bit buggy at times
20:41:05disruptekthen maybe it works for bool, too.
20:41:30Zevvwhat *part* of sigmatch.nim exactly? all of the 2718 lines?
20:41:30disruptekoh, i'm dumb. parseEnum doesn't overload. 🤣
20:41:59disruptekanyway, use the pattern is jsonconvert. just don't, y'know, use jsonconvert.
20:42:15disrupteki mean, people will tell you you're dumb to use that pattern.
20:42:27Zevvyeah but no but yeah but
20:42:36ZevvIs my thing wrong, or is this hitting a buggy part of the compiler?
20:44:01Zevvah right, sure, that explains! That was stupid of me. thanks for pointing that out disruptek
20:45:07clyybberZevv: paramTypesMatchAux modifies its input. Causing bugs like this: https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/issues/12713
20:45:08disbotA few bugs related to static parameters @11Clyybber; snippet at https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=22E4 😏
20:46:06Zevvsure, but my thingy is not explicitly static. So is this worth filing an issue for or is this already covered in one somewhere?
20:47:12clyybberZevv: I think you should report it.
20:47:16disruptekwe had a long discussion of this (which precipitated jsonconvert).
20:47:48Zevvah, so you're on familair grounds
20:48:04disruptekwell, the long and short was "don't do that; it's stupid"
20:48:33Zevvyeah, me being stupid is one of the options I suggested - but now clybber tells me it's worth filing an issue.
20:48:39Zevvif its worth filing an issue, it's not stupid
20:48:51disrupteki would say, file it. then we'll have "it's stupid" in writing.
20:49:13Zevvah that will fit my reputation quite well
20:49:18lqdev[m]leorize: does nim.nvim have linting?
20:53:41disbotError: overloaded 'X' leads to ambiguous calls @11zevv; snippet at https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=23kj 😏
20:54:14Zevvdang, I *do* love the playground integration
20:54:45ZevvIs the smirking face there for all issues, or only for ones I filed?
20:54:55disruptekjust you, my bro.
20:55:06Zevvagain you make me feel so special
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21:12:29Araqclyybber: https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=23kq leaks memory with --gc:arc
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21:23:05clyybberAraq: The exception doesn't get destroyed
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21:32:10Araqright but it's not obvious why not, the generated code looks correct
21:35:55clyybberHmm, can you send the generated code? My PC is currently busy cloning
21:37:51disrupteks'cuse me?
21:38:27clyybbercloning my drive containing my bootloader that is
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21:54:54dom96deech: choosenim already checks for openssl dlls and downloads them if they don't exist. If that didn't happen for you then something went wrong.
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22:06:08dom96Why does this function exist? https://nim-lang.org/docs/io.html#readLines%2Cstring
22:06:39dom96or rather why does it have a default `n`
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22:06:58dom96meh, I'm reporting this as an issue
22:07:24disruptekfair question.
22:08:39disbothttps://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/issues/12788 -- 3Default value for `readLines` shouldn't be 1 @11dom96; snippet at 12https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=23kD 😏
22:12:05federico3https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5l54EUN3fds Nim for Python programmers video
22:15:33HotbeesThat function also confused me doing the exact same thing
22:15:51clyybberdom96: Will you make a PR?
22:16:21Araqdom96: terrible, how did that get past our review...
22:16:56disrupteki believe it's fixed in nim-2.0.
22:17:15HotbeesI'm new to the language so I just assumed it had some reasoning to it and ended up using the lines iterator
22:17:20HotbeesGlad to see I was wrong
22:19:21Araqwell "Available at compile time." is the key aspect for this proc
22:19:34AraqI think shashlick added it :P
22:23:06shashlickDidn't look familiar but that doesn't mean much these days
22:23:38disbothttps://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/pull/10819 -- 6Compiler plugin for implementing incremental computation in user space @11cooldome
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22:25:39dom96Araq, don't assign blame without evidence :)
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22:26:11disbotCompiler plugin for implementing incremental computation in user space @11cooldome
22:26:33dom96You did catch it, but it seems cooldome resolved the comments on you and it was forgotten :(
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22:31:43Araqclyybber: ah I found it
22:32:08Araqthe exception handler itself is in a try block or something so the exception is pushed twice and popped once
22:34:46dom96It's fun seeing everyone's solutions https://forum.nim-lang.org/t/5588
22:34:57clyybberAraq: Ha nice!
22:38:41Araqand my patch doesn't work... time to sleep
22:38:45lqdev[m]dom96: you found the same bug, lmao
22:38:53Araqclyybber: what about the default fields?
22:38:57lqdev[m]but I didn't take the time to report it properly
22:39:34dom96lqdev[m], nice. Report anything you find :)
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23:12:25FromGitter<TensorTom> @dom96 possibility of integrating nimble to https://help.github.com/en/github/managing-packages-with-github-packages/about-github-packages ?
23:12:48FromGitter<TensorTom> would be cool
23:13:18dom96Sure, would be nice. If you want to help out with that effort please do
23:14:44FromGitter<TensorTom> I think someone would have to contact github about it first
23:15:55clyybberAraq: Theres one thing left, that is to initialize all declared variables. The framework is there though, since we already do it for result
23:17:16clyybberAnd maybe the transformation should be done in injectdestructors rather than transf
23:25:23FromDiscord_<exelotl> lol everyone's aoc solutions are so much fancier than mine
23:26:38FromDiscord_<Generic> I currently can't attach destructor to a ref object (with newruntime)
23:26:45FromDiscord_<Generic> is this intended behaviour?
23:27:06dom96TensorTom: why can't that someone be you? We're a community driven project :)
23:28:45clyybberGeneric: Yes it is.
23:29:19FromDiscord_<Generic> ok, I wasn't sure because of https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/blob/devel/doc/destructors.rst#owned-refs
23:29:57clyybberGeneric: Yeah, its visualizes how they work internally
23:29:58disruptekyou don't need to talk to github; just implement it.
23:30:26clyybberGeneric: You can implement your own refs though if you want. Just use an object that wraps a pointer (and if you want a refcount)
23:30:34FromDiscord_<Generic> I see, thanks for the answer
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