<< 30-11-2019 >>

00:01:57*Ekho quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
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00:33:16madpropsis it possible to iterate over: (kind: String, stringVal: ".git")(kind: String, stringVal: ".svn") ?
00:34:15disruptekshashlick: demo of nimph https://asciinema.org/a/aoDAm39yjoKenepl15L3AyfzN
00:37:42shashlickNice, hard to tell on the phone tho, will check again at home
00:48:16*lritter quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
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01:15:22*ng0 quit (Quit: Alexa, when is the end of world?)
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01:53:55madpropsthis is confusing: fg8Bit, ## 256-color (not supported, see ``enableTrueColors`` instead.)
01:54:23madpropsif i enable that, how do i use it
01:54:59disruptekgot a link?
01:55:04disruptek!repo terminaltables
01:55:05disbothttps://github.com/xmonader/nim-terminaltables -- 11terminal tables for nim 8 16⭐15 1🍴
01:56:50disrupteksetForegroundColor takes an integer.
01:58:03disruptekyou feel me, mr. props?
01:58:06madpropsaight im gonna try
01:59:03*thomasross quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
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02:01:29madpropsdisruptek: ideally i'd need the code
02:01:38madpropslike ansiForegroundColorCode
02:01:53madpropsbut that doesn't take an int
02:02:18disruptek!repo chroma
02:02:19disbothttps://github.com/treeform/chroma -- 11Everything you want to do with colors, in nim. 8 28⭐15 5🍴
02:03:46disruptekhey, it has 5 cutleries.
02:04:39madpropsdoesn't seem to support ansi codes :(
02:04:56madpropsi can just do it manually
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02:06:30disruptekyou can use chroma to covert anything into an int.
02:06:55madpropsoh yeah i could it for converting red to int etc good idea
02:07:06madpropsbut the ansi escapes im gonna have to input manually
02:08:39disrupteknah, you make the int with chroma and then you pass it to setForegroundColor.
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04:24:05FromGitter<Willyboar> @madprops !repo rainbow
04:24:54FromGitter<Willyboar> !github rainbow
04:24:55disbothttps://github.com/thebigbaron/rainbow -- 11🌈 256-color support for console outputs 8 7⭐15 1🍴 7& 1 more...
04:25:27disrupteklol there's more than one rainbow repo. amazing.
04:25:31disruptek!repos rainbow
04:25:32disbothttps://github.com/thebigbaron/rainbow -- 11🌈 256-color support for console outputs 8 7⭐15 1🍴
04:25:34disbothttps://github.com/ba0f3/cauvong.nim -- 11CαΊ§u Vα»“ng mean Rainbow in Vietnamese 8 0⭐15 0🍴
04:58:36FromDiscord_<yewpad> Can somebody give me instructions how to cross compile from Windows to MacOS (--os:macosx)? I got MinGW and LLVM installed
04:58:51FromDiscord_<yewpad> `nim --opt:speed -x:off -a:off --passL:-s --passL:-static -d:release --cpu:amd64 --os:macosx c skinextractor.nim`
04:58:51FromDiscord_<yewpad> This the command I'm using
04:58:58FromDiscord_<yewpad> Fails with `Error: execution of an external compiler program 'clang.exe -c -w -O3 -I"C:\Program Files\Nim\lib" -ID:\projects\playground\nim\skinextractor -o C:\Users\4zure\nimcache\skinextractor_r\stdlib_strutils.nim.c.o C:\Users\4zure\nimcache\skinextractor_r\stdlib_strutils.nim.c' failed with exit code: 1`
04:59:18FromDiscord_<yewpad> `C:\Users\4zure\nimcache\skinextractor_r\stdlib_strutils.nim.c:10:10: fatal error: 'string.h' file not found`
05:00:52FromDiscord_<yewpad> Sometimes it is 'string.h' that is not being found
05:01:02FromDiscord_<yewpad> Sometimes it is 'stdio.h'
05:04:45*blueberrypie quit (Quit: leaving)
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05:16:38*noonien quit (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
05:24:40FromDiscord_<Rika> yewpad im searching how to do it and people have generally said that its either a pain or that there's this tool
05:25:00FromDiscord_<Rika> anyway maybe this can help https://stackoverflow.com/q/693952
05:52:51FromDiscord_<yewpad> Maybe try compile it with GitHub Actions or so, idk. I gave in already πŸ˜„
05:53:01FromDiscord_<yewpad> it via GitHub Actions*
05:58:10Araqyewpad: for consistent error messages try --parallelBuild:1
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07:47:08ZevvAraq: btw, what is the reason for the VM to use excess offsets instead of two's complement?
07:51:44FromGitter<zacharycarter> how to debug a crash with `-d:danger` ? Just apply the flags one by one and see which one causes things to break?
08:00:00*gmpreussner quit (Quit: kthxbye)
08:04:06Araquse -d:release instead of -d:danger?
08:04:38AraqZevv, it was easier to reason about this way and Lua does the same
08:04:39FromGitter<zacharycarter> gotcha
08:05:01*gmpreussner joined #nim
08:05:13AraqNim's VM is heavily inspired by Lua's which is the best design IMO all things considered
08:05:15FromGitter<zacharycarter> for some reason I was thinking that -d:release was no longer to be used
08:06:04AraqI almost never use -d:danger, instead I'm waiting for Nim's codegen and the backend optimizers to catch up
08:06:46FromGitter<zacharycarter> πŸ‘
08:09:56madpropsmade my ls thingy themeable lol https://camo.githubusercontent.com/4dfd56b2b1a65d7b1253dfc33596b16640674d92/687474703a2f2f692e696d6775722e636f6d2f776531377266722e6a7067
08:10:01madpropsoops long link
08:10:25madpropsthe nice thing about it is that it's easy to know past executions because they're separated in blocks
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08:19:33FromGitter<zacharycarter> hmm shashlick / lqdev[m] - I think I will open an issue because cOverride and unions aren't working as advertised in the master branch of nimterop
08:19:38FromGitter<zacharycarter> unless I should be using some other branch
08:20:27FromGitter<zacharycarter> I might be doing something wrong though - so I'd like to verify that this should work before opening the issue
08:21:10FromGitter<zacharycarter> https://gist.github.com/zacharycarter/23f1b8731d1b167a4a28f4a08671a6fd
08:21:34*dddddd quit (Remote host closed the connection)
08:22:14FromGitter<zacharycarter> also - I believe there are some spots where Nimterop should be using an UncheckedArray but instead is doing ptr ptr
08:24:36*endragor quit (Remote host closed the connection)
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08:30:36FromGitter<zacharycarter> in case anyone wants to load gltf models with Nim - https://github.com/zacharycarter/gltf.nim
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09:46:34maticHey guys, is it possible to make an object's field const, so that you can only assign to it at object construction?
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09:50:18FromDiscord_<Rika> dont make it public and make a getter
09:50:57FromDiscord_<Rika> convention for private fields are p{field}, ex: i want a health field private, i use phealth
09:51:06FromDiscord_<Rika> getter will be health of course
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09:51:21Araqno, make the fields private, write a constructor and use the module system
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09:51:42FromDiscord_<Rika> huh? i dont see the difference from what i said
09:51:54FromDiscord_<Rika> other than the getter
09:52:05AraqI replied first in my timeline
09:52:36FromDiscord_<Rika> ah great the bridge is prolly slow lmao
09:53:29FromGitter<alehander92> hmm
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10:06:27matic@Araq: Ok, thanks.
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10:35:00Zevvsealmove: I split the PR; first making one with only the refactoring, if that gets through we can put the register increases in there. Also works on 32 bits now, so that should be fine.
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10:42:58dom96hello all, how's things?
10:43:17Zevvfine here, over there?
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10:54:06*narimiran quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
10:57:11*matic quit (Quit: Leaving)
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11:12:24dom96good good
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11:24:34Zevvlook at us two being social and all
11:31:08FromDiscord_<Rika> here, you can see two developers interacting in their natural habitat
11:32:29ZevvI can assure, for me this was quite the effort already
11:39:29*solitudesf quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
11:45:11FromDiscord_<alehander42> Oy
11:45:17FromDiscord_<alehander42> I can social
11:45:21FromDiscord_<alehander42> Too
11:46:01Zevvthat's *can* vs *want*, right?
11:46:11FromDiscord_<alehander42> My English amazing
11:46:32FromDiscord_<alehander42> Stop syntax checking i me
11:51:58ng0Rika: I've read this with the most david attenborough voice I can imagine O.o
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12:29:00lqdev[m]oi, everyone
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12:37:28FromDiscord_<Rika> ~~does nim have a cfscrape equivalent?~~
12:38:42FromDiscord_<Rika> rather, what's the most 1:1 module to python's `requests`
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13:27:36shashlick@zacharycarter nimterop still doesn't support nested structs and unions
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13:37:45FromDiscord_<mratsim> @narimiran, As you like my code comments/blog posts here you go: https://github.com/mratsim/weave/tree/master/weave/memory
13:37:45FromDiscord_<mratsim> One-upping Rust, Go, Erlang, Intel TBB, Cilk on memory management for task runtimes πŸ˜‰
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14:09:42livcd3A state-of-the-art Message-Passing based, fast, scalable, ultra-low overhead multithreading runtime
14:09:49livcdthis is too much for me to handle
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14:23:35FromDiscord_<mratsim> I can remove the fast, scalble ultra-low overhead part if you prefer
14:23:49*endragor quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
14:23:56FromDiscord_<mratsim> done
14:25:04FromDiscord_<mratsim> the readme needs rework anyway, when I saw the text blob, I was, huh, it didn't seem that big when i wrote it
14:26:17livcdno it sounded so awesome :-)
14:26:21livcdlike something from an anime
14:26:42FromDiscord_<mratsim> A super duper multithreading runtime :p
14:26:53FromDiscord_<mratsim> then I'll readd it :p
14:44:44FromDiscord_<Rika> haaa i wish i had such intelligence to make something like that lmoa
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15:08:16FromDiscord_<mratsim> everyone their area of specialty πŸ˜‰
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16:17:00disrupteki'm at that tipping point where the code does more things right than it does wrong.
16:17:04disruptekhard to know what to work on.
16:28:54disruptekeither the `nimph fork` feature, or arbitrary version rolling, or lockfiles.
16:30:33disruptekbtw i put a demo screencast up for lazy folks.
16:30:52disruptek!repo disruptek/nimph
16:30:53disbothttps://github.com/disruptek/nimph -- 11a nim package hierarchy manager from the future 8 2⭐15 0🍴
16:31:03AraqI've seen it but the emojis distracted me from the contents
16:31:30Zevvespecially the cutlery, right?
16:32:05Zevvaw, I did it again, sorry man
16:32:06disruptekthey look so different on my screen.
16:32:52disrupteki guess i will make it a toggle and use color instead.
16:33:15disruptekthat's actually a little better than my font, zevv.
16:37:54disruptekit's awesome being able to just go into my dependencies directly, hack the code, bump the version, and get back to work.
17:00:17Zevvthat's rapid disrupting
17:01:44Araqdisruptek, 'nimph fork' because it's easy and then lockfiles
17:02:38disruptekfirst i have to give zevv rainbow output.
17:05:17Zevvtry me
17:06:31Zevvdo the azure CI run times have any value as metrics, or are they jittery?
17:10:40*narimiran quit (Quit: leaving)
17:12:29disrupteki wouldn't put much stock in 'em.
17:17:48Zevvok, thanks
17:18:16Zevvthen my PR might or might not have a performance inpact
17:18:28Zevvbut statistically I guess I'm fine - a few are slower, a few are faster
17:26:35FromDiscord_<mratsim> what was the PR, changing register sizes?
17:26:46disruptek!pull register is:open
17:26:47disbothttps://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/pull/12232 -- 3Virtual async events @11rayman22201 7& 2 more...
17:26:55disruptek!pull vm is:open
17:26:56disbothttps://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/pull/12777 -- 3Increased regBx size from 16 to 24 bits to increase jump range in the VM @11zevv 7& 3 more...
17:27:21FromDiscord_<mratsim> not bad πŸ™‚
17:27:50disrupteki use it all the time. it's amazing.
17:28:11FromDiscord_<mratsim> That sounds like a sketchy MLM ads
17:28:11FromGitter<Willyboar> this bot rocks
17:28:24disruptekyou can just /msg disbot so no one has to be spammed.
17:28:51FromDiscord_<mratsim> we need a better cross IRC/Discord/Gitter bot πŸ˜‰
17:28:58Zevvmratsim: I closed the earlier one in favour of a few separate PRs. Araq pulled in the refactoring so the others are just tiny
17:29:06FromDiscord_<mratsim> yes i saw
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17:29:20disruptek!pulls is:open author:zevv
17:29:21disbothttps://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/pull/12777 -- 3Increased regBx size from 16 to 24 bits to increase jump range in the VM @11zevv
17:29:21FromDiscord_<mratsim> I wouldn't worry as long as you don't ask the VM to use the int128
17:30:05FromGitter<bung87> is nim possible build a js module ?
17:30:21FromDiscord_<mratsim> in general on x86-64, int32 and int64 are faster than int8 and int16 unless there is so much data that it doesn't fit in L1 cache (64KB)
17:30:46FromDiscord_<mratsim> oh bung87, it's been a long time, nice work on Nim NLP
17:31:00Zevvdisruptek: look what I found: 🌈!
17:31:30disruptekseems like terminal module doesn't set fgDefault correctly; i expected it to set to the default foreground color but it left the color unchanged. am i wrong about how this works?
17:31:37FromGitter<bung87> hah , mratsim long time no see
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17:31:50disruptekZevv: πŸͺ
17:35:47FromGitter<bung87> found when using {.exportc.} it generate a fun in global namespace without modify its name
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17:44:39disruptekZevv: how do you feel about text styles in your terminal?
17:44:57Zevvthere is no such thing,
17:44:58disrupteki mean, do you want a toggle?
17:45:15disruptekoh, you clamp 'em?
17:45:31Zevvright so, just as colors and all other things
17:45:42disruptekokie, cool.
17:45:48Zevvso go wild :)
17:52:00disruptekbut you use emojis... 🀨
17:52:35Zevvonly on my phone, on my desktop they dont render
17:52:49Zevvnot by choice, I just use a crappy font
17:53:29disruptekso to send rainbows you have to use your phone?
17:54:41Zevvno I search the icon in firefox, and cut and paste in my terminal
17:54:47Zevvthe things I do for love
17:55:15disruptekyou're a wildman.
17:55:25Zevvbut then you returned my a pink dinosaur egg with dots on it, so you left me in a state of confusion regarding the state of your relationship
17:55:51Zevvso I now need to cut and pste the pink dinosaur egg in firefox and have google look up the meaning
17:55:53disruptekit was the only way i could think of to get pink on your screen.
17:56:27disrupteki have to run a special VT50 console hooked up to my NAS box just to render text as you might read it.
17:56:44disruptekthe things i do for love...
17:57:05Zevvso proud of you man
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18:09:31maticCan a proc be generated inside a template, with the name from a template string argument? Example: template genProc(name: string) = proc ???() = echo(name)
18:12:02Zevvyes: just use `proc name()`
18:12:33Zevvoh wait: I wasnt reading right, you pass a string.
18:12:49Zevvthere is something for that, but Im on the road, cant look it up
18:14:45maticNo problem, thanks for the hint. I'll keep digging around.
18:21:10FromDiscord_<exelotl> lol I could never figure out how to do that
18:22:45disruptekah, #12779 seems to fix the terminal bug i ran into.
18:22:48disbothttps://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/pull/12779 -- 3nimgrep improvements @11a-mr; snippet at 12https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=23dQ 😏
18:23:27FromGitter<dumjyl> matic: It would be easier to do the opposite: https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=23dR
18:23:56dom96why does disbot include a link to the playground when a PR number is posted?
18:24:45disruptekit pulls in the first snippet of code, which is expected to demonstrate the problem, so that it may be run in the playground for testing.
18:25:11disruptekyeah, i need to write a bayes sniffer. haven't bothered.
18:25:54maticdumjyl: That's exactly what I need, thanks!
18:28:07Zevvyou might get away with using $, even
18:28:13Zevvor repr
18:33:57matic... or maybe that doesn't solve the problem. I'll make an example of what I'm trying to achieve ...
18:37:20maticThe part inside the template I don't know how to achieve
18:40:19FromDiscord_<me2beats> @Kiloneie just subbed to your youtube channel
18:40:20FromDiscord_<me2beats> I hope I'll finally understand the basics of Nim lang without much effort.
18:40:20FromDiscord_<me2beats> please keep going) I see a lack of such videos
18:41:38*filcuc_ quit (Ping timeout: 268 seconds)
18:42:27FromDiscord_<Kiloneie> I have nothing planned right now, but i should finish up the series sometime.
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18:52:41FromDiscord_<mratsim> @matic, you can't with a template but you can with a macro as long as the name is known at compile time
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18:57:18FromDiscord_<me2beats> @Kiloneie yea sure.
18:57:18FromDiscord_<me2beats> (a bit offtopic), I think it also would be very cool to have a series of tutorials - about how things created on python can be implemented (rewritten) on Nim.
18:57:19FromDiscord_<me2beats> This would be useful not only for me, since I believe many newcomers to Nim are more or less fluent in python
18:59:08FromDiscord_<mratsim> @matic: here is the modified version: https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=23e1
19:01:02FromDiscord_<mratsim> You might also find useful stuff in my x86-64 jit assembler: https://github.com/numforge/laser/blob/master/laser/photon_jit/x86_64/x86_64_base.nim
19:01:03FromDiscord_<mratsim> Example usage here via jitted hello world: https://github.com/numforge/laser/blob/master/examples/ex06_jit_hello_world.nim
19:01:03FromDiscord_<mratsim> and for a Jitted brainfuck interpreter: https://github.com/numforge/laser/blob/master/examples/ex07_jit_brainfuck_vm.nim
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19:12:27maticmratsim: Yes, perfect! Thanks! Also thanks for the examples, I'm trying to reverse engineer an old DOS game.
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19:22:38FromDiscord_<Rika> so i was just looking around in that git repo mratsim sent, and what the hell it has brainfuck benchmarks
19:22:46FromDiscord_<Rika> wait, no, examples
19:28:14FromDiscord_<mratsim> It's a JIT compiler for branfuck πŸ˜‰
19:28:31FromDiscord_<mratsim> I directly generate x86 assembly dynamically at runtime
19:29:20FromDiscord_<mratsim> so I read your brainfuck program and I generate assembly from it, then I execute that assembly
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19:35:06FromDiscord_<Rika> damn.
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21:06:38matic@mratsim: I want to make a small upgrade to your example, can you take a look: https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=23eA
21:07:33maticIt raises an error that it cannot evaluate 'size' at compile-time, but it should be a const value. Isn't it?
21:09:53nisstyreis there a stdlib function to break a string up into chunks of N with the last one being the remainder of string.len / N ?
21:10:09nisstyreor whatever
21:11:58nisstyreto clarify I mean the last chunk would be <= N
21:18:58nisstyrelooks like what I want is sequtils distribute
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21:52:35maticCan anyone look at this and tell me why it doesn't compile: https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=23eA
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22:47:01lqdev[m]matic: https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=23f7
22:47:35lqdev[m]you're inserting a literal `size` into the `when` statement, not the `size` you have in the macro
22:51:16FromGitter<bung87> https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=23f8
22:51:57FromGitter<bung87> @matic seems works after modify it to when `size`
22:58:52FromGitter<zacharycarter> to emulate a static member in a C++ struct, would I just assign a ref / pointer to a single instance of an object - or is there some other more idiomatic way of doing this?
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23:11:31sealmovezacharycarter: "static members" are just namespaced global variables
23:11:58sealmovetry {.global.} ?
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23:20:35FromGitter<zacharycarter> I think the global pragma only works inside a proc
23:21:09FromGitter<zacharycarter> but I think I'm fine - just need to make sure I'm not copying on assignment so I think using a ref object stored in a global var will work
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23:46:42FromDiscord_<mratsim> @matic, I was off, id you fix your issue?
23:49:34FromDiscord_<mratsim> @nisstyre, Iloked into sequtils.distribute, it seems quite complex. This is what I use: https://forum.nim-lang.org/t/5579#34696
23:50:42nisstyremratsim: that looks great, thanks. I'm not too happy with sequtils.distribute because it gives me a sequence of seq[char] and I have to convert them back to strings
23:50:49nisstyreso I'll probably do something like that